Status: Done/Fixed
Resolution: Fixed/Completed
Affects Version/s: 4.2.0
Fix Version/s: 4.2.0
Component/s: None
A goal of the CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::getItem() approach to configuration is to allow downstream to specify settings as .php files which can be easily transferred between different CiviCRM instances. Specifically, it allows one to use statements like:
define('settinggroup.settingname', 'settingvalue');
This works if the value is a scalar. However, if the value is an array (like with 'mailing_backend'), then it fails.
Proposal: Update getItems() to also read settings from a global array, e.g.
$civicrm_setting['settinggroup']['settingname'] = 'settingvalue';
(I can fix this very quickly – but I wanted to make sure there wasn't some big design consideration.)
As an example use-case, it would be helpful to unit-test email applications by replacing the normal email handler (SMTP, sendmail, etc) with a mock (in-memory) handler. This could be done by allowing the unit-test to modify the 'mailing_backend' option (for the duration of the test).
(The patches here are very simple - I'm making a ticket to get a second-opinion on the design.)