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CiviCRM JIRA issue archive (CRM project)

  • CRM-1 Implement Business Object Logic for Contact and ContactIndividual
  • CRM-2 CRM Project One Pager
  • CRM-3 Draft External API Documentation for v1.0
  • CRM-4 Project Use Cases
  • CRM-5 Functional Requirements (First Draft)
  • CRM-6 Generate More User Narratives
  • CRM-7 Engage CivicSpace/Drupal Engineers to assist in Permissioning Implementation
  • CRM-8 Notes Functionality - Add/Edit/Browse Notes for a Contact
  • CRM-9 Advanced Search
  • CRM-10 Contact Relationships Functionality (/crm/contact/view/rels)
  • CRM-11 Batch Actions for Contact Selector(s)
  • CRM-12 Write installation guide for CiviCRM
  • CRM-13 Prepare demo installation of CiviCRM
  • CRM-14 Tagging Contacts (assigning/removing categorization)
  • CRM-15 Contact Groups tab functionality (/crm/contact/view/groups)
  • CRM-16 Create mailing list for issue tracking notifications
  • CRM-17 Edit Relationship Types (for domain)
  • CRM-18 Import Contacts Wizard
  • CRM-19 Administer Categories (for domain)
  • CRM-20 Browse Contacts - Group and Category Searching
  • CRM-21 Administer Location Types
  • CRM-22 Saved Searches
  • CRM-23 Drupal User to Contact Connector (Hook_User) and Domain ID Resolution
  • CRM-24 Manage CiviCRM Groups
  • CRM-25 Custom Data (Admin)
  • CRM-26 Complete Documentation
  • CRM-27 Complete Documentation
  • CRM-28 Complete Documentation
  • CRM-29 Test cases using maxQ
  • CRM-30 Custom Data - Contact Edit/View Form and Import Implementations
  • CRM-31 "Contacts" link not working on a database without example data
  • CRM-32 Tag all the localisable strings
  • CRM-33 Error Output For elements that are grouped on one line
  • CRM-34 problem with view contact tabs
  • CRM-35 View and Edit Contact Relationship - Delete Function Needed + Other Minor Bugs
  • CRM-36 Check for matching of state and country not done
  • CRM-37 Duplicate record entry is not checked
  • CRM-38 'Go' button from the pager is broken
  • CRM-39 Edit Contact: Error adding location data if contact was created without any locations
  • CRM-40 email validation is too restrictive
  • CRM-41 search with non-ASCII characters doesn't work
  • CRM-42 Tag Contact - Update action doesn't set completed status (no user feedback on save)
  • CRM-43 Contact Notes - Delete action is missing
  • CRM-44 setting character_set_* to utf8
  • CRM-45 suspicious EALPHA constants in packages/Validate.php
  • CRM-46 cannot create an address with only setting the Country field
  • CRM-47 once edited, fields cannot be set back to empty values
  • CRM-48 Demo user on sandbox (5/13) does not have permission to manage groups
  • CRM-49 Add group stores incorrect "added by" information
  • CRM-50 Import function needs to handle multiple phone number
  • CRM-51 Import does not provide user information on which records imported and which did not
  • CRM-52 Prevent unintentional batch actions
  • CRM-53 Contact Summary (view) - Group and Relationship Summaries
  • CRM-54 User Access - Permissioning for Menu Actions and View/Edit Contacts
  • CRM-55 Wipe out static class variables containing localisable strings
  • CRM-56 New Individual generates error "State New York does not belong to"
  • CRM-57 Tags should be called Flags
  • CRM-58 Edit Relationship: Cannot update directionality (e.g. change 'Parent of' to 'Child of')
  • CRM-59 Search By Group: Filter on membership status = In
  • CRM-60 Search Results: Print and Export Buttons should not trigger a selected task
  • CRM-61 Generate (Sample) Contact Data: Primary Location flag bug + misc tweaks
  • CRM-62 Load Test by Recordset Size: datasets, script and performance report
  • CRM-63 Contact Relationships - Past and Disabled Relationships
  • CRM-64 Deletion of saved search happens without any confirmation
  • CRM-65 'Select Date' not freezing when viewing custom data for contacts
  • CRM-66 Remove email, phone, im records when data is deleted and update is_primary
  • CRM-67 Date Validations not wrking for view/Custom Data
  • CRM-68 Privacy in communication preferences does not update when blanked out.
  • CRM-69 i18n for civicrm.module file
  • CRM-70 Individual's Date of Birth input and save values incorrect
  • CRM-71 problem in quick search
  • CRM-72 Custom Data Admin and Contact Edit Form - Various Bugs and Modifications
  • CRM-73 Generalize the existing Javascript function - checkSelectedBox() and implement for Tags
  • CRM-74 group name with only blank spaces is saved
  • CRM-75 Search Result with a single record shows "All 1 records" for radio button
  • CRM-76 Adding members to group fails for a certain flow.
  • CRM-77 Edit LocationTypes creates a new location type instead of update
  • CRM-78 Create framework for Unique keys
  • CRM-79 Issue regarding Basic Search and Advanced Search...
  • CRM-80 Migrating CRM code from PHP5 to PHP4
  • CRM-81 Primary location for I/H/O
  • CRM-82 Remove Members from Group should remember group ID.
  • CRM-83 Add Members to Group - different behaviour for Basic/Advanced search.
  • CRM-84 bug in action dropdown for search
  • CRM-85 Bug in search pager
  • CRM-86 Missing label on radio buttons
  • CRM-87 Print screen formating
  • CRM-88 add to group and cancel buttons no functional
  • CRM-89 primary label in contact view screen disapears when collapsed
  • CRM-90 Group Name blanked out in the search form when context = SMOG.
  • CRM-91 Incorrect selection of contacts during Manage Groups.
  • CRM-92 research the UTF-8 requirement on data import/export
  • CRM-93 string truncation for display happening mid-character
  • CRM-94 Caching issue in contacts search
  • CRM-95 email generation generates invalid emails
  • CRM-96 SMOG contact not carried forward to Advanced Search Criteria
  • CRM-97 search for Contact having two location types lists two results for same CID
  • CRM-98 Activity History
  • CRM-99 Sandbox Testing
  • CRM-100 User Preferences
  • CRM-101 Improve Name Matching Algorithm for Contact Search
  • CRM-102 User Sharing (Drupal Profile replacement)
  • CRM-103 for Admin/ update modes, only ruled elements can be updated and not the other elements
  • CRM-104 Demographic data only editable with multiple locations
  • CRM-105 "Transgender" should be two fields: MTF and FTM
  • CRM-106 year-only relationships start/end dates
  • CRM-107 search form's elements misalignment
  • CRM-108 static arrays in various classes need to be able to call ts()
  • CRM-109 Date of Birth must Be Complete
  • CRM-110 Incorrect navigation in Add Individual Form
  • CRM-111 Cannot create new contacts
  • CRM-112 CRM_Core_Action::* contain translatable strings
  • CRM-113 getQILL methods localisation
  • CRM-114 Duplicate entry (New) for Admin Relationship Type breaks down the page
  • CRM-115 Import's "Matching CiviCRM Field" drop-down contain rubbish
  • CRM-116 Add/Update of Contact Notes is broken...
  • CRM-117 cannot import non-US-ASCII CSV files
  • CRM-118 contact?s gender doesn?t get saved
  • CRM-119 A - Z widget in Browse
  • CRM-120 CiviCRM fails to start when running off empty database (no GeneratedData loaded)
  • CRM-121 clean up the radio buttons? values case
  • CRM-122 Need to force reload on group membership page, probably others
  • CRM-123 contact (and other pages?) displays raw enums (db keys)
  • CRM-124 Implement 'Native' Local Task (Secondary Menu) Navigation
  • CRM-125 the Save and New buttons don?t do the ?New? part
  • CRM-126 Send Email to Contact - Integrate with History; Support for Single Contact Send
  • CRM-127 Relationship types broken in sandbox
  • CRM-128 dropdown boxes for custom groups
  • CRM-129 use drupal_set_message() for 'no ersults' message after search
  • CRM-130 cancel and reset buttons
  • CRM-131 u8se Drupal's collapsible form_group() functionality for consistency
  • CRM-132 CiviCRM Drupal Module Breaks User Page
  • CRM-133 cannot search on street name
  • CRM-134 cannot search on street name
  • CRM-135 Problem with adding note
  • CRM-136 Record and Manage Activities - Meetings (Phase 2)
  • CRM-137 Missing file in PHP4 tarball
  • CRM-138 Activities - Phase 1 (simple meeting and phone call entry)
  • CRM-139 Advanced Search Layout Spillover
  • CRM-140 Recently viewed do not show duplicate entries
  • CRM-141 field matching issues
  • CRM-142 error deleting contact
  • CRM-143 Improving UI on New Call Scheduled Time
  • CRM-144 PHP ts() extractor break when there?s a function call in count parameter
  • CRM-145 internationalise the Activities' date/time drop-downs
  • CRM-146 Group tab in contact screen does not allow user to drill down into groups
  • CRM-147 Add links for groups
  • CRM-148 Activity "Send Email" should allow for multiple email addresses.
  • CRM-149 Cannot uncheck checkbox 'Primary location for this contact' once it's set
  • CRM-150 phone number validation is too restrictive/should be dropped
  • CRM-151 fieldsets with erroneous fields should be uncollapsed
  • CRM-152 internationalise (?) the order of address fields
  • CRM-153 contacts added with clicking "Save and New" don't make the Recently Viewed list
  • CRM-154 Validation of start date and end date required while creating a relationship in Contacts
  • CRM-155 Duplicate values in drop down list of Relationship type
  • CRM-156 Import Contact: some values do not get inserted into the database
  • CRM-157 A header warning displayes on send email form page
  • CRM-158 cannot delete contact (if there is activity for that contact)
  • CRM-159 Log Mtg/ Log Call should default to status=completed
  • CRM-160 UI bug.. see screenshot
  • CRM-161 UI bug.. see screenshot
  • CRM-162 Can't create user shareing field
  • CRM-163 Allow choice editable/noneditable field for both drupal registration/ profile
  • CRM-164 Tabbing through screens skips drop downs and radios
  • CRM-165 Duplicate Relationship..
  • CRM-166 Incorrect status message when adding Relationship
  • CRM-167 Incorrect Summary message displayed in Import Contacts
  • CRM-168 problem in deleting contacts
  • CRM-169 User Framework - Name registration does not have any validations
  • CRM-170 Bug in storing the contacts during Import Contact
  • CRM-171 Log Phone Call- foreign key constraint error
  • CRM-172 Navigation screenflow bug
  • CRM-173 Custom Data - Validate Custom Option Values and Implement Show Hide Logic
  • CRM-174 Custom Data - Display Separate tabs for Groups and Specify Title for Inline Groups
  • CRM-175 ?You can %1? sentences in Import/Form/Summary template are not localisable
  • CRM-176 Integration of Ajax framework
  • CRM-177 Block User from Deleting Their Own Contact Record
  • CRM-178 PHP5 to PHP4 converter fails on inherited class constants
  • CRM-179 Variable displayed as text rather than calculated
  • CRM-180 View and Edit Custom Data Groups: Configurable Display Default
  • CRM-181 problem resetting the search results while adding new relationship for a contact
  • CRM-182 standalone Installation of civiCRM in Drupal/civispace
  • CRM-183 activity deletion inconsistency
  • CRM-184 Add household, save returned error in demo
  • CRM-185 Activity History - Store Date AND Time and Carry Forward Scheduled Date-Time for Mtgs and Calls
  • CRM-186 Send email from Individual contact record error
  • CRM-187 Viewing a contact's custom data only shows values of type contact
  • CRM-188 Import to Custom Fields
  • CRM-189 MaxQ Tests: Remove DB Password
  • CRM-190 Convertor.php Improvements (remove relative paths, dependencies...)
  • CRM-191 Import - Support Multiple Locations, Phone Numbers, etc. and Implement Additional Duplicate Record Handling Options
  • CRM-192 after viewing Activity History?s item we should return to Activity History
  • CRM-193 Support group selection for import
  • CRM-194 Syntax Error during import
  • CRM-195 Edit custom data adds extraneous rows to the database
  • CRM-196 crmDate Function - Support for Optional Time Display
  • CRM-197 GenCode.php - Write Boolean Columns in Schema as tinyint in Contacts.sql
  • CRM-198 creating a new Note causes foreign key error
  • CRM-199 create Confluence page on how to localise CiviCRM
  • CRM-200 Smarty error in Admin Profile Page
  • CRM-201 Send Email to Contacts - Doesn't Reset Form State on Cancel
  • CRM-202 No contact fields are displayed
  • CRM-203 CLONE -No contact fields are displayed
  • CRM-204 Microformats support
  • CRM-205 LDAP integration research
  • CRM-206 Apache/PHP/CiviCRM bundle research
  • CRM-207 Schedule a meeting error
  • CRM-208 Import New/missing data for duplicate records
  • CRM-209 Import "company" information
  • CRM-210 Import Organizations and Households
  • CRM-211 Import and assign to group and assign to group via import
  • CRM-212 Allow CiviCRM Profile to use custom data fields (currently only core civicrm flds are supported)
  • CRM-213 Verify Contact APIs and Test Scripts for CivicSpace Integration
  • CRM-214 Implement Group APIs for CivicSpace MassMailer Integration
  • CRM-215 Search Results Breadcrumb - Dynamic URL Based on UserContext
  • CRM-216 New search (i.e. click Search button) Should Reset Filter Letter (AtoZ) to Null
  • CRM-217 Check for Duplicate Contacts from Add/Edit Form
  • CRM-218 Change All DB Table Prefixes from crm to civicrm
  • CRM-219 Drupal Multi-site Installation Support
  • CRM-220 Map Contacts w/ Google Maps - Fix or Suppress from UI
  • CRM-221 CiviCRM Profile (User Framework) - User 1 Data Appears During New Account Registration
  • CRM-222 Location Types Admin - support for is_default property
  • CRM-223 Delete Contact API
  • CRM-224 CiviCRM Profile - User Framework Fields Required Property Not Enforced
  • CRM-225 Don't assign default value to varaibles passed by reference
  • CRM-226 Implement crm_get_class_properties API (for CivicSpace Integration)
  • CRM-227 Create test cases, matrix for Import of Individual contacts
  • CRM-228 Safari display issues
  • CRM-229 Import file size
  • CRM-230 File import -- storeable field mappings
  • CRM-231 log contact info edits
  • CRM-232 Import sets Birthdate to 1904 when it should be NULL
  • CRM-233 Duplicate custom fields are being allowed for CiviCRM profile
  • CRM-234 Custom Fields not updated for CiviCRM profile
  • CRM-235 parse error
  • CRM-236 Editing First Name in CiviCRM profile group updates database incorrectly
  • CRM-237 Advanced Search - Search on Address Fields Broken + Criteria Doesn't Collapse
  • CRM-238 Integration with Helpdesk software
  • CRM-239 Batch Synch of Drupal Users to CiviCRM Contacts
  • CRM-240 Expose middle_name property for individual contact object
  • CRM-241 cannot select email
  • CRM-242 Import - Handling of Larger Files
  • CRM-243 crm_get_contact does not match docs
  • CRM-244 distmaker should create directories
  • CRM-245 errors when runnign distmaker with d4
  • CRM-246 Method to add text to drop down fields
  • CRM-247 Nested groups?
  • CRM-248 Tag criteria for search not working
  • CRM-249 Contacts.mysql40.sql files uses invalid comment delimiter
  • CRM-250 Cannot redeclare clone()
  • CRM-251 crm_ uf_field leftover
  • CRM-252 Implement Official Google Maps API - Replacing Current Implementation
  • CRM-253 Saving import mappings
  • CRM-254 Create Donation Pages
  • CRM-255 Figure out i18n for tokens in mailer message composition
  • CRM-256 Groups and Subscribing - Additional Tasks for CivicSpace MassMailer Integration
  • CRM-257 Developer Documentation for the CiviCRM Code Framework
  • CRM-258 vCard - Export Contact as vCard
  • CRM-259 Group Membership is shown incorrectly
  • CRM-260 Modify GenerateContactData.php for adding entries to group and subscription table
  • CRM-261 Zend Optimizer - Install and Test Compatibility with CiviCRM Trunk
  • CRM-262 Import - Modify Duplicate Handling Options
  • CRM-263 Advanced Search link layout bug w/ bluemarine template
  • CRM-264 Fixed part of permission name in Drupal not localised
  • CRM-265 Sending out an email to multiple contacts should use BCC field instead of To: field
  • CRM-266 can't add 'saved search'
  • CRM-267 Population of lat/long for Contact Locations
  • CRM-268 activities' hours get zero-ed
  • CRM-269 Activity History?s selector is not displayed
  • CRM-270 Importing used wrong fields with missing data column
  • CRM-271 Problem importing 1,650 record, ~350K Yahoo addressbook CSV file
  • CRM-272 crm_get_contact does not contain email
  • CRM-273 Search: Name criteria should match against email address as well as display_name
  • CRM-274 Eliminate group_type enum from civicrm_group table/class
  • CRM-275 Explicit Opt-Out and Opt-In for Smart Groups and Group Status Filter
  • CRM-276 CiviCRM Profile - Visibility Settings Not Implemented
  • CRM-277 Activities - Support Custom Activity Types and Modify Phonecall and Meeting Target to Allow Link to Other Classees
  • CRM-278 Complete Documentation
  • CRM-279 Complete Documentation
  • CRM-280 %%cid%% not substituted for actual cids in menu links (tabs)
  • CRM-281 Bulk Tag Assignment
  • CRM-282 Date of birth doesn?t get saved
  • CRM-284 no emails send to bug asignees, bug reporters and crm-issues on comments by anonymous users
  • CRM-285 Jira?s hook to Subversion commits not working
  • CRM-286 smarty error
  • CRM-287 php5 only function in php4 version
  • CRM-288 error whan adding contact to groups
  • CRM-289 Advanced Search - Custom Data Criteria missing from QILL display
  • CRM-290 Edit Relationship - Duplicates error thrown when it should not be
  • CRM-291 add relationship for Household/Organization not working..
  • CRM-292 Import Contacts: A non-recoverable error has occurred when importing contacts with Fill choosen as duplicate handling
  • CRM-293 New custom field import key breaks hierselect
  • CRM-294 User Permission: User with view contacts only can edit custom data of any contact viewed
  • CRM-295 Import Max File Size not working
  • CRM-296 custom_option_data_type and custom_option_html_type JavaScript methods in Common.js use English field names
  • CRM-297 Fields? labels allow for unescaped HTML
  • CRM-298 crm_get_group_contacts returns every record duble
  • CRM-299 Not able to Custom Data in User Record
  • CRM-300 edit location type not working..
  • CRM-301 Add contact to organization action fatal error
  • CRM-302 User assigned to single group can only view the ontacts
  • CRM-303 Smart Groups - Show Members (SMOG) is Broken
  • CRM-304 Cannot delete contacts...
  • CRM-305 Cannot delete contacts...
  • CRM-306 New individual duplicates existing record
  • CRM-307 adding contacts to new group fails
  • CRM-308 Cannot edit a relationship details in admin
  • CRM-309 hierselector populated with not-localised string
  • CRM-310 Boolean (?Yes or No?) custom fields are not settable
  • CRM-311 Can?t edit custom fields? parameters
  • CRM-312 Custom Data Fields? parameters persist in the session too long
  • CRM-313 Custom Data Field?s Default Value availability inconsistency
  • CRM-314 Error while adding new contact
  • CRM-315 error when adding data for new profile
  • CRM-316 Custom Data Groups and Fields and Profile Groups and Fields - Default Weight to Next Available Value
  • CRM-317 Translations status page for
  • CRM-318 Add or Edit Contact: Show and Hide Arrays are not set properly after submit with error or duplicate check
  • CRM-319 Money custom fields? values get rounded to six-digit numbers
  • CRM-320 ?Yes or No? fields should allow localised default values
  • CRM-321 Organisation name is being snipped after 64 characters
  • CRM-322 More elastic Custom Fields? edition
  • CRM-323 Custom checkbox fields ? multiple default ?checked? values
  • CRM-324 Valid Date Formats for Import
  • CRM-325 Do not Display Disabled Custom Field Multiple Choice Options
  • CRM-326 Advanced Search - Custom Checkbox Search is Broken for PHP4
  • CRM-327 crm_get_group_contacts does not work for smart groups ...
  • CRM-328 Cannot create custom data field in Mambo Civicrm
  • CRM-329 creating Custom Fields with similar names throws a non-recoverable error
  • CRM-330 In Mambo admin: Cannot add custom fields
  • CRM-331 ?Yes or No? custom field: invalid field label triggers Multiple Choice Options
  • CRM-332 Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference in /etc/apache2/htdocs/drupal/modules/civicrm/CRM/Utils/String.php on line 112
  • CRM-333 unable to run DrupalUsers Script
  • CRM-334 Location mapping broken when Country != United States
  • CRM-335 Displaying links to contacts after successful imports?
  • CRM-336 Editing Multiple Choice Options: default gets dropped after other field?s edit
  • CRM-337 import field matching should look past first dash in column names
  • CRM-338 Import?s Preview and Summary steps? counts differ
  • CRM-339 dates do not get imported into Custom Fields
  • CRM-340 states and countries do not get imported into Custom Fields
  • CRM-341 Custom Fields: Cannot create default value for Radio
  • CRM-342 notes imported to Contact?s Note tab come as ?Array?
  • CRM-343 Edit Custom Data link does not work
  • CRM-344 can not delete open activity
  • CRM-345 fields' contents trimming on import
  • CRM-346 Profile Listings Error When Filtering on Custom Field Checkbox Value(s)
  • CRM-347 Exported data has additional column containing "Smart" word for every record.
  • CRM-348 Advanced Search fails, reporting SQL syntax error
  • CRM-349 view profile listsing permission on user profiles page
  • CRM-350 Date of Birth as importable field
  • CRM-351 viewing " Details " of activity history gives error
  • CRM-352 all the tabs for custom groups getsthe focus even if one of them get clicked
  • CRM-353 All Tabbed Custom Group, after Edit Action gets redirected to GID=1
  • CRM-354 new find contacts action: email list
  • CRM-355 Remaining mailer components
  • CRM-356 error logging in
  • CRM-357 Get rid of "weights"
  • CRM-358 weight field not shown for many custom data field types
  • CRM-359 registration error
  • CRM-360 Import - Download Error Records URL Not Populated
  • CRM-361 empty CIVICRM_GOOGLE_MAP_API_KEY should not display the "Map this Address" link
  • CRM-362 vCard - Create Contact from vCard
  • CRM-363 parse error
  • CRM-364 unable to view records
  • CRM-365 can not scroll in the groups window field
  • CRM-366 Custom Fields having same name shlould be allowed if they are in different Custom Groups
  • CRM-367 New Hampshire's abbr is NH not NV
  • CRM-368 hanging loop on registration
  • CRM-369 crm_get_contact() returns state_province_id but not state_province
  • CRM-370 Can't Re-add a Removed Contact to a Group Using the Add Contacts to Group Task
  • CRM-371 Import - Duplicate Rows with Multiple Locations Throw Fatal Error if Dupe Handling is Fill
  • CRM-372 crm_get_groups() returns deleted groups
  • CRM-373 email - nonrecoverable error
  • CRM-374 crmURL() Function - URL encoded query string
  • CRM-375 User Registration Match Behavior is Wrong - Should Create Link if Match Found
  • CRM-376 Import - Insert Related Contact Entities and Create Relationships (Employer, Spouse, etc.)
  • CRM-377 Export - Include All Contact Properties in CSV Output
  • CRM-378 Date Picker Widget
  • CRM-379 Custom Checkbox and Radio Fields - Configure Options Per Line
  • CRM-380 Optimize Queries for Profile Listings - Custom Values
  • CRM-381 Analyze and Document the Number of Queries Required for Each CiviCRM URL
  • CRM-382 Integrate CiviCRM Profile Add Contact and Search Contacts Features
  • CRM-383 User registration with Profile fields and massmailer_rolelists enabled causes loop
  • CRM-384 No match is found for contact when performing an e-mail search to add a contact to a Group with CiviCRM
  • CRM-385 Email senders and recepients include unnecessary quotation marks.
  • CRM-386 Missing question mark in "Delete" dialogue.
  • CRM-387 Process for adding tags to existing contact somewhat cumbersome.
  • CRM-388 Tags and job title not easy to find in Contact Summary
  • CRM-389 supplemental_address_2 not visible in Contact Summary view
  • CRM-390 "Database Error..." when creating new account with IM Screen Name configured in CiviCRM Profile with " Key to Match Contacts?" set to Yes
  • CRM-391 Advanced serach and Custom data fields
  • CRM-392 Smarty class is redefined if you are using the smarty theme engine already
  • CRM-393 loggin in via LDAP causes error
  • CRM-394 Supplemental Address fields not included in export
  • CRM-395 mambo post install error message
  • CRM-396 Activity Type description displays incorrectly on Schedule an Activity page.
  • CRM-397 Error when inserting an individual
  • CRM-398 Activity History section of Advanced Search should include dropdown list of existing activity types.
  • CRM-399 Duplicate key issue with Custom Data Group
  • CRM-400 "Delete Contacts" from Actions drop down gives Error.
  • CRM-401 Problems with custom fields and advanced searches
  • CRM-402 QILL - Display Labels not Option Values for all Search Criteria
  • CRM-403 Advanced Search should allow date ranges for custom fields
  • CRM-404 Cannot import only email addresses
  • CRM-405 Implement access control permissions for Contact Actions drop-down
  • CRM-406 profile issues
  • CRM-407 Special character (international) distorted during e-mail
  • CRM-408 advanced search does not accept Canadian-style postal codes
  • CRM-409 Can't make custom field groups display inline
  • CRM-410 Errors when importing fields besides names
  • CRM-411 emails sent as 7bit, US-ASCII
  • CRM-412 More prefix options needed
  • CRM-413 custom data break profile listings
  • CRM-414 Constraint error when creating database
  • CRM-415 When filling in CiviCRM Profile, Field Help could be filled with corresponding Custom field's Field Help, if available
  • CRM-416 Pseudoconstant defaults not populated when editing CiviCRM Profile in Drupal's user account section
  • CRM-417 Parse error when going to /user in version drupal php4 towards 1.2 release
  • CRM-418 Editing Drupal users who signed up before enabling CiviCRM does not create contacts
  • CRM-419 Inline Custom Field Groups - Edit and Display with Primary Contact Info
  • CRM-420 SQL error when adding a select option containing single quotes
  • CRM-421 Checkbox field preview not sorted properly, looks awfull
  • CRM-422 Change Individual.Prefix, Suffix and Gender to Dynamic Configurable Values Sets
  • CRM-423 Advanced search using date field in custom data does not filter users in search results when different date settings are used (All users are returned)
  • CRM-424 Browse Notes: add 'created by' contact display name
  • CRM-425 Delete contact button on View Contact page
  • CRM-426 Synchronize Drupal Users from Admin Menu
  • CRM-427 Backup Database (Create Domain Dump) from Admin Menu
  • CRM-428 Group-based Permissions are not Checking Removed Status
  • CRM-429 Allow Deletion of Custom Fields, Profiles and Configurable Enum Options
  • CRM-430 Option Label and Option Value in Custom Fields not escaped
  • CRM-431 Problem with entering gender and birth date.
  • CRM-432 contact import fails when zip code is blank
  • CRM-433 Admin Navigation - Replace Tabs with Control Panel Interface
  • CRM-434 Groups - Allow Destructive Delete
  • CRM-435 Add tag/group selection into New Individual/Org/Household page
  • CRM-436 Add "create new household" checkbox to Add Individual page
  • CRM-438 Custom Data Groups wil not save
  • CRM-439 GenCode.php and XML Schema Files - Schema Versioning
  • CRM-440 Database Upgrade Script (v1.1 to v1.2)
  • CRM-441 Tag and Group Assignment During Contact Add/Edit
  • CRM-442 Link individual contacts to households or organizations for communications purposes
  • CRM-443 Postal code validation is USA only - valid Candian postcodes are rejecxted
  • CRM-444 Create Related Contact and Relationship Within Add/Edit Contact Form (e.g. Employer relationship)
  • CRM-445 CiviCRM Profile - Support for Tags and Groups
  • CRM-446 CiviCRM Profile - Standalone Signup / Input Form
  • CRM-447 Send an Email throws error
  • CRM-448 Data not saved by crm_create_contact
  • CRM-449 crm_update_contact() causes PHP error if no phone object to exist for the contact
  • CRM-450 crm_update_contact() does not save postal_code
  • CRM-451 crm_update_contact() does not return correct values
  • CRM-452 Clean up custom fields view for radio and checkbox types
  • CRM-453 Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/mthart/public_html/modules/civicrm/packages/DB/DataObject.php on line 1466
  • CRM-454 Allow deletion of unwanted default relationships
  • CRM-455 crm_update_contact() allows duplicated primary email to be saved
  • CRM-456 Advanced Search: checkboxes
  • CRM-457 Add hook support for CiviCRM
  • CRM-458 Optimize require_once in php4 ..
  • CRM-459 Editing Notes displays wrong person in header and title
  • CRM-460 Add search api
  • CRM-461 Non-recoverable error upon send e-mail to contact without name data
  • CRM-462 Mass edit specififed field(s) across many selected users
  • CRM-463 Add Relationship api
  • CRM-464 Missing file in SVN?
  • CRM-465 Existing Contact Address Data Values are Being Cleared Erroneously When Matching New User Reg Form is Submitted
  • CRM-466 Replace Saved Search Interface and Terminology with Smart Groups
  • CRM-467 Migrate lists to
  • CRM-468 Set up sandbox/demo infrastructure on new machine
  • CRM-469 Set up Jira and Conflunence separate instances on new machine and migrate data
  • CRM-470 Get separate Jira and Confluence licenses for CiviCRM project
  • CRM-471 Shift DNSes to ns* servers
  • CRM-472 Move FAQ to new machine
  • CRM-473 Set up distmaker on new machine
  • CRM-474 Set up CiviMail on new machine
  • CRM-475 Install mailing list archive indexing and search tool
  • CRM-476 Provide LDAP authentication for Confluence and Jira, possibly also main Drupal site (Mailman's excluded)
  • CRM-477 Profile Weights are Ignored
  • CRM-478 Import Error Downloads - Data Columns Offset
  • CRM-479 display_name not regenerated on prefix/suffix changes
  • CRM-481 Dummy data script should create a custom activity for the demo
  • CRM-482 Add "Skype" and "Jabber" to the reserved IM Services
  • CRM-483 Profile Enhancements - Preview and Multiple Locations, Phones, etc.
  • CRM-484 Add Preview to CiviCRM Profile
  • CRM-485 Add location type fields to Profile
  • CRM-486 Expose Organization fields in Profile functionality
  • CRM-487 Implement Custom Field / Group / Option API
  • CRM-488 deleting a prefix/postfix should not delete the associated contacts
  • CRM-489 Foreign key contstraint issues in SQL
  • CRM-490 advanced search does not return contacts with no activity hiistory
  • CRM-491 crm_update_contact() returns object's old values
  • CRM-492 the vCard name field of the location type is not editable
  • CRM-493 Bulk assign contacts to tags during import
  • CRM-494 Errors when deleting records using the new delete button
  • CRM-495 Wrong Abbreviation - Mississippi - civicrm_state_province
  • CRM-496 Custom Data - Extend Activity, Phonecall, Meeting, Group and Contribution Classes
  • CRM-497 Export Contacts - Include Contact ID
  • CRM-498 Location API implementation
  • CRM-499 CiviDonate - Implement functions to add/edit/view/browse for ContributionType, ContributionMode and PaymentInstrument tables ...
  • CRM-500 Import - Fatal error: Call to undefined method CRM_Core_Error::fields()
  • CRM-501 Import Contacts - Support Match and Update Via Contact ID
  • CRM-502 CiviDonate - Import Contributions
  • CRM-503 Receive "The email address could not be subscribed. Creating a CiviCRM contact failed" when using a plus sign in email address.
  • CRM-504 options_per_line defaults set by upgrade script prevent edits to text and date custom fields
  • CRM-505 Configuration for Non-US Address Formats + Country Availability Limit
  • CRM-506 Fix joomla related issues
  • CRM-507 Tag API implementation
  • CRM-508 Incorrect email addresses causes the "Synchronize users-to-contacts- to error out.
  • CRM-509 Fix custom properties bug reported by Allie Micka
  • CRM-510 duplicate months in birthday field
  • CRM-511 Cannot delete a contact
  • CRM-512 When importing data with errors, "Download Errors" file is unreadable
  • CRM-513 Modify civicrm_custom_option for custom field usage
  • CRM-514 crm_get_contact() returns junk instead of error
  • CRM-515 Version/ updating/ logging CiviCRM installations
  • CRM-516 Import Problems in Mambo Environment
  • CRM-517 Import of csv fails
  • CRM-518 Export Enhancements
  • CRM-519 Multiple Errors on a new Install
  • CRM-520 crm_create_contact api does not work for custom fields ...
  • CRM-521 Unable to populate custom fields using the API
  • CRM-522 Phone and Fax mutually exclusive?
  • CRM-523 validation and error handling in API
  • CRM-524 Add Yahoo! Maps API alongside Google! Maps
  • CRM-525 Record Activity for Contacts - New Batch Task
  • CRM-526 Upgrade all PEAR and related packages to their latest version
  • CRM-527 Start creating unit test case for web features ...
  • CRM-528 can't delete custom data groups or fields
  • CRM-529 Allow user to log emails without sending
  • CRM-531 crm_update_contact() does not update custom fields
  • CRM-532 Standalone profile form for MAMBO/Joomla
  • CRM-533 CiviCRM halts module listing in CivicSpace Trunk
  • CRM-534 Deletion of CustomGroups and CustomFields fails
  • CRM-535 CRM inserts <img> tag into drupal $title variable
  • CRM-536 Textarea in Profile group breaks Standalone Form page
  • CRM-537 View Contact Pages Insert an <img> Tag in the Page Title (Contact-type Icon)
  • CRM-538 Creating New profile field with a mathching weight results in a fatal database error
  • CRM-539 Add a "clear" button to the advanced search
  • CRM-540 Fix import bug reported by joshua on crm-dev list
  • CRM-541 Incorrect emails are retrieved by CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::apiQuery()
  • CRM-542 Administer CiviCRM?s main parts labels not i14ed
  • CRM-543 Stand-alone HTML for profiles wrongly encoded (recoded?)
  • CRM-544 Move Duplicate Contact Matching Rules from Profile Scope (UF_FIELD.is_match) into Separate Class and Datastore
  • CRM-545 Profile Modifications to Support Linking UF_GROUP instances to Different Modules and Object Instances (e.g. Contribution Pages)
  • CRM-546 Import field mapping and export field mapping
  • CRM-547 custom multi-select fields
  • CRM-548 boolean searches in advanced search
  • CRM-549 CiviReport
  • CRM-550 At least one international character (é) crashes CiviCRM when entered in contact name
  • CRM-551 Import croaks on Preview when number of elements in line is greater than mapped fields
  • CRM-552 Error when accessing to view/edit contacts (CRM Integrated with CivicSpace)
  • CRM-553 civicrm hook: Docs and value for objectName inconsistent
  • CRM-554 Individual Prefix Form Is Textfield, Doesn't Save Values
  • CRM-555 Parse error when submiting Constituent Information with drupal 4.5.3
  • CRM-556 Export produces a sql error
  • CRM-557 Import should recover from failed contact creation for relationship ...
  • CRM-558 Add api for profile creation
  • CRM-559 Cannot create Number Custom Fields as Select Boxes
  • CRM-560 When Installing CIVICRM on Drupal 4.6.3 I get a Failed to Open Stream
  • CRM-561 Custom date fields could offer more customization
  • CRM-562 crm_get_group_contacts returns all contacts in all groups
  • CRM-563 Import Contacts Preview - Simplify UI for Importing into New and/or Existing Groups
  • CRM-564 CiviContribute - Find Contributions (contribution search)
  • CRM-565 Contact Import - Gender Import is Broken
  • CRM-566 Custom field preview displays entire webpage twice
  • CRM-567 database error
  • CRM-568 Importing to group fails
  • CRM-569 Import Privacy and Communication Preferences
  • CRM-570 Perform actions on related objects
  • CRM-571 Database Error Code: Unknown column '' in 'on clause', 1054
  • CRM-572 crm_add_group_contacts() should return error if $group is not a Group object
  • CRM-573 Leading Zeros Truncated in Zip Codes for Generated Data
  • CRM-574 Calendar icons don't work
  • CRM-578 CiviCRM Shortcuts Block - Hide New Group if no Edit Groups Permission
  • CRM-579 Include Drupal ACL roles as CiviCRM groups.
  • CRM-580 display of location for custom activities should be optional
  • CRM-581 You have an error in your SQL syntax
  • CRM-582 All export of group memberships
  • CRM-583 Searching inconsistency related to "exact or partial name"
  • CRM-584 Implement Sub-menus in Menu.php and Move CiviContribute into Main CiviCRM Menu Block
  • CRM-585 CiviContribute - Add/Edit Contributions
  • CRM-586 Moderation queue for new contacts entered thru standalone form
  • CRM-587 Non-recoverable error when viewing user profile
  • CRM-588 Get group contacts does not return contacts for smart groups
  • CRM-589 Add 'Remember Me' feature
  • CRM-590 odd user name causes errors
  • CRM-591 permissions for specific groups not working
  • CRM-592 Installation configuration error
  • CRM-593 CiviContribute i18n
  • CRM-594 user with smart group access gets fatal error accessing member of group
  • CRM-595 Contact Summary - Need Links to View (details) for Activity History and Relationships
  • CRM-596 SQL join error on Export
  • CRM-597 Profile - Move Standalone Form Action to UF_Group (Row) Level
  • CRM-598 Integrate Yahoo and Google Mapping Configuration
  • CRM-599 Create db upgrade script from 1.2 to 1.3
  • CRM-600 vCard on Mac
  • CRM-601 Create diagnostic script
  • CRM-602 CiviContribute
  • CRM-603 CiviContribute provinces
  • CRM-604 Organization home_url / home_URL property
  • CRM-605 Record Activity for selected Contacts addsequentialpages() error
  • CRM-606 Creating new profile field with weight that another field already has causes crash
  • CRM-607 Export Problems from Advanced Search - Searchable Numeric Flds Throw SQL Error & Not all Rows Exported
  • CRM-608 Expanding Search Path/URL
  • CRM-609 Validation for custom fields in Import
  • CRM-610 Zero Is a Valid Value for Money, Integer and Number Custom Field Data Types
  • CRM-611 Print Selected Contacts - Prints ALL
  • CRM-612 Import i18n: matching fields? column empty in the Preview step
  • CRM-613 Postal Code Suffix (Zip+4) - Expose in Contact Export, Import, and Profile
  • CRM-614 Profile Search Broken for State_Province and Country Searches
  • CRM-615 Compatibility with PHP 5.1 and MySQL 5.0
  • CRM-616 Contribute: Accepted Credit Cards - New DB Table and Admin UI
  • CRM-617 Upgrade civicrm_backup.mysql for 1.3
  • CRM-618 Import With Mapped Contact ID - Do Not Enforce Required Fields
  • CRM-619 Selecting contact from search result gives error
  • CRM-620 Adding relationship where start date exists but no day number is specified gives database error
  • CRM-621 New Contact :: PHP issues
  • CRM-622 Screen resolution too big
  • CRM-623 Create a README file with links to the documentation.
  • CRM-624 revision 4068 does not install in civicspace
  • CRM-625 two Receipt FROM labels
  • CRM-626 last create contrib page bug
  • CRM-627 name parameter is not used by crm_create_group
  • CRM-628 configure online contributions page layout
  • CRM-629 CiviContribute - Configure Online Contribution Pages -
  • CRM-630 Import field matching
  • CRM-631 Profile Listings Searches on and Displays Incorrect Location Data
  • CRM-632 Import Contacts and Contributions - Support for Multiple Option Values
  • CRM-633 Internet Explorer hangs on Import and Export screens
  • CRM-634 Mozilla Firefox not remembering logged in session
  • CRM-635 send mailing fails when include group and exclude groups are same
  • CRM-636 Advanced Search - Custom field search not working ( field belongs to custom group used for contribution )
  • CRM-637 Advanced Search - unselect option for radio custom fields not working
  • CRM-638 Joomla: Synchronise Users to contacts error caused by incorrect table prefix
  • CRM-639 Ability to export US state 2-letter abbreviations
  • CRM-640 Make Views of Contacts possible in Drupal Nodes
  • CRM-641 Provide Map links for non-primary addresses in Contact Summary
  • CRM-642 Suppress Map link on contact selector when lat/long not present
  • CRM-643 New 'Search by Range' Property for Custom Date, Integer, Money and Number Fields
  • CRM-644 Custom Date Fields - Additional Configurability and Integrate Calendar Date-Picker
  • CRM-645 Need function to look up existing custom field object
  • CRM-646 Drupal "My Account" page error
  • CRM-647 Some basic patches to get CiviMail to work
  • CRM-648 Upgrade documentation error
  • CRM-649 Make CRM compatible with Drupal 4.7
  • CRM-650 money_format() not universally available
  • CRM-651 Including a required custom field in contribution profile throws a fatal error
  • CRM-652 implementation of profile api's
  • CRM-653 Allow import of lat/long (geocoding) fields
  • CRM-654 Configure rows and cols for custom Note fields
  • CRM-655 Import - Assign Tag(s) to Contacts
  • CRM-656 Filter Profile Listings by Group Membership
  • CRM-657 CiviCRM Profile error
  • CRM-658 Inclusion of textarea (note) custom data field in Profile breaks Standalone Page output
  • CRM-659 Add Searchable Property to Profile Fields
  • CRM-660 Profile - Listings with or without Search
  • CRM-661 Profile - Post_URL Option
  • CRM-662 Profile front-end search not working properly with Joomla
  • CRM-663 Profile Listings - State Sort Causes Fatal Error & Only 10 Rows Per Page
  • CRM-664 Duplicate Matching Not Catching Duplicate Contacts in Profile Create
  • CRM-665 Profile Field Values Missing in Either Update or View Modes
  • CRM-666 Services_PayPal::getType(Services/PayPal/Type/Struct.php) [function.getType]: failed to open stream
  • CRM-667 Contributions - Create/Update Forces Non-required Amount Fields to Zero (should be NULL)
  • CRM-668 Continue button should be save button in Create Groups
  • CRM-669 Recently viewed contacts shows up on online contributions page
  • CRM-670 Backup Data doesn?t backup everything it should
  • CRM-671 Neither Update or Fill Import options fill data in checkboxes or select fields
  • CRM-672 restructure config file setup to sync with CS install .
  • CRM-673 Import of custom field option values...
  • CRM-674 Import Bugs - Sort Name Clobbered and Custom Option Values Need Validation
  • CRM-675 Import Contributions - Match Contributions to Contacts in DB Using Matching Rules
  • CRM-676 Comment field in Contribution schema.
  • CRM-677 Profile - User Registration Doesn't Display Field Validation Errors (Drupal)
  • CRM-678 enable bin/ to use db args such as -P<PORT>
  • CRM-679 Profile - Fields Should Inherit Custom Field Defaults
  • CRM-680 Profile - User Registration Submit Creates Duplicate CiviCRM Contact Records Under Certain Conditions
  • CRM-681 Unchecking Group Item in Profile Does Not Remove Contact From Group
  • CRM-682 Generating mysql 4.0 file on PHP 5.1 takes a long time
  • CRM-683 Profile - Phones with type (fax, mobile...) don't display or display wrong value. Mix of location_types causes problems as well
  • CRM-684 Auto-correct URL syntax at time of entry - enforce absolute URLs
  • CRM-685 Clean up custom fields view for radio and checkbox types for Activities
  • CRM-686 Integrate Contribution Search with Advanced (Contact) Search and Search on Custom Contribution Fields
  • CRM-687 error in "Relationship type"
  • CRM-688 Error in viewing profiles in certain groups
  • CRM-689 Profile Forms - Update Mode for Logged-in Users
  • CRM-690 Profile - Support for Contact_Organization and Contact_Household Fields and Include SORT_NAME in Listings Selectors
  • CRM-691 Custom Field Options - Auto assign next avail weight as in other screens
  • CRM-692 Profile Fields - Validate visibility setting if In Selector is true
  • CRM-693 View Custom Data Values - Cleanup extraneous layout code
  • CRM-694 Data Import Problem
  • CRM-695 Send E-mail to non-local addresses fails, except for superuser
  • CRM-696 1.2->1.3 upgrade issue: Error on drupal user/{user}/edit
  • CRM-697 Profile Header (Title) Should be Suppressed if NO Fields Are Visisble
  • CRM-698 Profile - User Account Update Reported Erroneous Duplicate Contact Record
  • CRM-699 broken display of letters containing 0x81 in their UTF-8 representation
  • CRM-700 Add Domain Editing support to CiviCRM Administer
  • CRM-701 When Drupal admin changes a user email - it should also update the primary email for the associated CiviCRM contact
  • CRM-702 Import Activity History
  • CRM-703 Fix_Address API - Retrieves and updates geocoding (lat/long) for an address using the configured geo-coding method
  • CRM-704 Joomla - Research and Implement Component Upgrade Method
  • CRM-705 Import - Support for Alternate Date Field Formats
  • CRM-706 Civicontribute transaction page does not respect CIVICONTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_CURRENCY
  • CRM-707 Calling crm_create_contact without specifying location_type_id causes unrecoverable error.
  • CRM-708 Profile - Preview of Required Custom Fields Doesn't Display Required Mark
  • CRM-709 Joomla Front-end Profiles - Do NOT Display Private Fields
  • CRM-710 Profile - Allow Customization of Field Labels
  • CRM-711 Profile - Support for Contribution Data Elements (CiviContribute Online Contribution Pages)
  • CRM-712 crm_contact_create does not recognize compound fields with the new location-dependent Profiles
  • CRM-713 Drupal Access Control - Giving Access to Profiles and Online Contribution Pages also forces display of CiviCRM link in Drupal Navigation Menu
  • CRM-714 Admin Duplicate Matching - Prevent Duplicate Fields in the Saved Rule
  • CRM-715 Integrate PHP4 Yahoo Geo-coding Patch into our Distribution
  • CRM-716 SQL Script to Create Additional Domain(s) in an Existing CiviCRM DB
  • CRM-717 Previewing some of the custom fields gives database error
  • CRM-718 Even if Custom Data Field disabled, It is shown in Profile field
  • CRM-719 civicrm/contact/view/cd does not show correct values for multiple options
  • CRM-720 CiviMail can't process multiple jobs
  • CRM-721 CRM does not call Drupal civicrm_post hook when adding Individuals to Groups via API
  • CRM-722 CSS - Review and Enhance all CiviCRM-distributed CSS Files - removing obsolete and duplicate declarations
  • CRM-723 Name not showing in civicrm contact summary when used in profile
  • CRM-724 CiviContribute Premiums - Schema / Administer Premiums / Display and Select Premiums for Online Contributions
  • CRM-725 Drop Middle Name and Prefix and Suffix from To: when sending e-mail to contacts
  • CRM-726 Custom Data APIs for Group, Activity, Contribution
  • CRM-727 civicrm_acl and related tables not created during upgrade 1.2 - 1.3
  • CRM-728 CiviContribute - Schema for Recurring Contributions
  • CRM-729 Civimail: display bug in deliveries report
  • CRM-730 Send Email to Contacts - Implement Configurable RETURN-PATH and set REPLY-TO
  • CRM-731 State and Country fields not imported from CSV
  • CRM-732 CRM_Utils_Hook_Drupal::pre calls drupal hook_civicrm_pre with the wrong parameters
  • CRM-733 CiviMail: Mail send fails without error when header/footer disabled
  • CRM-734 CRM Contribute does not call drupal hooks when a contribution is "added" in the UI
  • CRM-735 Insert and Update Contact from Profile - Values Not Set Properly When Using Pre-configured CivicSpace Profiles
  • CRM-736 Find and Merge Duplicates function
  • CRM-737 Need a "Not" function for advanced search criteria
  • CRM-738 Registering a user in Drupal prints the strings "<p>email</p>" and "<pre>1</pre>" to the browser
  • CRM-739 Fix inconsistency in how permission for Send Email to Contacts is implemented (view individual page vs. search results actions)
  • CRM-740 access denied on mac clients
  • CRM-741 vCards creation broken in Joomla
  • CRM-742 Deleting contact causes Fatal error: Class 'CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Forward' not found
  • CRM-743 Do Not Email field is not included in User Account and User Registration Profile Edit Forms
  • CRM-744 potential bug in crm_update_contact
  • CRM-745 Null CIVICRM_PROVINCE_LIMIT causes fatal error in CiviContribute Page
  • CRM-746 Import - MapField (step 2) breaks if Relationship Type is defined with 'all contacts' as one of the contact types
  • CRM-747 CIviContribute - Fatal error (session cleared side-effect) on back button after sucessful contribution
  • CRM-748 play nice with multisite
  • CRM-749 VERP_SEPARATOR replacement (and re-subscribe bug?)
  • CRM-750 Create "Project" or "Campaign", comprised of multi-step tasks
  • CRM-751 Invoking an external module function for Activity History Details (the Callback property) doesn't work
  • CRM-752 SMTP Mail - Support for server authentication for "built-in" Send Email to Contact(s)
  • CRM-753 Email fields do not display in drupal "my account"
  • CRM-754 Send Email to Contacts - Problems with contacts and locations with NULL email addresses
  • CRM-755 geo_code_1/2 cannot be retrieved using search
  • CRM-756 Import - Validation of Custom Field option values should be case-insensitive
  • CRM-757 APIs - Modify crm_get_contact to use search API
  • CRM-758 Location - Add optional NAME property for locations
  • CRM-759 CiviContribute Premiums: Add (Offline) / Edit Contributions
  • CRM-760 CiviContribute - Export Contributions: Add Premiums and MIssing Contribution Properties
  • CRM-761 Export - Tags and Groups as comma-separated lists
  • CRM-762 CIviContribute - Pass in contribution custom field name/value pairs via URL to set values for online contributions
  • CRM-763 IM fields on user registration don't "take"
  • CRM-764 State not saving using API or Profiles
  • CRM-765 Inconsistent links of contact Notes page
  • CRM-766 Dupe Matching Rule for Custom Field not allowing import of contact
  • CRM-767 switch CRM_Utils_Mail to use Mail_Mime
  • CRM-768 Send Email to Contacts - Should respect DO NOT EMAIL flag
  • CRM-769 Expose is_opt_out contact property for Edit/Display in Profile and for Display-only in Contact View
  • CRM-770 Default Country should also be set on profile forms - in registration etc.
  • CRM-771 Relationship type between contacts of type "All contacts" not working
  • CRM-772 Bug in standalone profiles and required fields in profiles CiviCRM 1.3
  • CRM-773 access to the preferred_mail_format setting
  • CRM-774 3 Civicontribute custom form enhancements
  • CRM-775 Contact Import - Gender import update case is broken
  • CRM-776 "Division by Zero" in a fresh install
  • CRM-777 civicrm_subscription_history is being updated (as ?Admin?) much too often
  • CRM-778 Create Location API should accept the same parameters for state_province and country as create contact API
  • CRM-779 civicrm-version.txt reads 1.3.4543 Drupal PHP4 module for drupal (4.6.5)
  • CRM-780 DB Upgrade script from 1.3 -> 1.4
  • CRM-781 Custom Option Values: Delete and Update
  • CRM-782 Add Links to Navigate between CMS User and CiviCRM Contact Screens
  • CRM-783 Warning: _get_plugin_filepath(): open_basedir restriction in effect.
  • CRM-784 Reset Parameter / Incorrect output
  • CRM-785 Adding a note could potentially trigger a failure in crm_create_contact
  • CRM-786 Implement "Remove Tags" as an action task ....
  • CRM-787 Note field in params for crm_create_contact also get added to civicrm_address table.
  • CRM-788 update smart groups -> "Name already exists in database"
  • CRM-789 Configuration: All civicrm.settings.php directory and URL values should handle values with AND without trailing forward-slash
  • CRM-790 Administration: Configure Option Groups and Option Values
  • CRM-791 Profile gives error if it contains group/tag field
  • CRM-792 Make backdate configurable and put values in DB.
  • CRM-793 Relationships: Extend with custom data AND create Note API AND provide UI for entering/editing a Relationship note
  • CRM-794 Separate DDL, Data and Sample Templates into CRM and Component-specific Files to Allow Selective Component Installs
  • CRM-795 custom data fields are not displayed when made is_searchable + search by range
  • CRM-796 Increasing the transparancy of the forwarding process using the {action.forward} token
  • CRM-797 Including groups in Profile with NO public group throws a core error
  • CRM-798 Custom Contribution Fields not Working in Advanced Search AND Remove Them from Profile/View and Edit
  • CRM-799 Please also make the backup script a standalone script ...
  • CRM-800 Profile: clicking group?s name throws a fatal error
  • CRM-801 Profile?s search doesn?t work
  • CRM-802 Group(s) field information is not saved to database when placed on the registration form
  • CRM-803 Profiles : Support is_primary criteria for location and phone fields (for search and listings)
  • CRM-804 Configurable Basic and Advanced Search Selectors (via Profile)
  • CRM-805 On profile save: Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in Form.php
  • CRM-806 Way To Indicate Primary Contact for an Org
  • CRM-807 Multi-Page Select
  • CRM-808 Profile - Various Bugs
  • CRM-809 Create tpl files for the preapp wizard
  • CRM-810 CRM_Core_DAO::objectExists() broken by MySQL liberal collation rules
  • CRM-811 Problem with import of custom data type state selection
  • CRM-812 settings file missing explanation for CIVICRM_IMAGE_UPLOADURL variable
  • CRM-813 Site URLs section of the settings file is inconsistent.
  • CRM-814 Ability to define same relation twice, but with different dates
  • CRM-815 Two Contacts Are Created When Creating A User Via Drupal
  • CRM-816 Searching for empty fields
  • CRM-817 Duplicate from name/email in receipt. set in both settings file and contribution page
  • CRM-818 Profiles : Automatically assign new contact to a specific CiviCRM group
  • CRM-819 Profiles : Form Display Label s/b empty if Field Label is NULL (uf_field.label)
  • CRM-820 Profiles : profle/create URL currently loads search form w/ Add Contact Information title
  • CRM-821 Y2K Issue With Export Of Contact Data
  • CRM-822 crm_fetch_contact is returning the wrong value type (object instead of assoc. array)
  • CRM-823 Recursive Smartgroups leads to blank page
  • CRM-824 Searchcreteria "Privacy"
  • CRM-825 Error on adding contact object to group through API
  • CRM-826 Searching by display_name gives weird search results
  • CRM-827 Adding custom activity to user
  • CRM-828 Home URL field causes error on registration page
  • CRM-829 Warning when viewing a users information (civicrm/contact/view&reset=1&cid=2)
  • CRM-830 Error in Contact Import while importing relationships
  • CRM-831 Search Results in Adv Search and Contribution search for Contributions do not match
  • CRM-832 can't give civicrm admin privileges to non-user 1 Drupal users.
  • CRM-833 Adding custom activity to user
  • CRM-834 UF Match not functioning in Drupal 4.7
  • CRM-835 CiviContribute - Customizable Receipt Text is not being included in receipts
  • CRM-836 Profile APIs - Allow access to Profile HTML by profile ID
  • CRM-837 Upload and attach arbitrary files to contact records
  • CRM-838 Use of false on mysql 4.0 generates db error
  • CRM-839 civinode_util_group_contacts dies with an "unrecoverable error" when permissions are insufficient
  • CRM-840 Making the new GroupContact pre and post hooks more logical (and less error prone)
  • CRM-841 Make it possible to install a "fatal" handler for user framework code.
  • CRM-842 Searching on Receipt Sent=null should only return entries with contributions and unsent receipts
  • CRM-843 CiviMail: extend with HTML To Text Drupal module
  • CRM-844 Performance Issue: Dynamic JS For Calendar Should Use Browser Cache
  • CRM-846 CSV-Import breaks
  • CRM-847 crm_uf_get_profile_fields no longer returns 'title' information for fields.
  • CRM-848 in Registration, Country drop-down, please move United States to the top of the list
  • CRM-849 Registration: email that is sent has a sender of "Nobody". this should be "QuestBridge Registration"
  • CRM-850 Registration: email has username/password in the clear
  • CRM-851 need to explain what the red asterisks mean in the app
  • CRM-852 not sure if we need both the error message on top (when required fields are empty) and in the body
  • CRM-853 drop-downs don't work in certain conditions
  • CRM-854 Income Details strangeness
  • CRM-855 need to fix the bolding in Household Info
  • CRM-856 saving on "Household Info" brought me back to "Personal Info"
  • CRM-857 sql error recieved when searching as a user with view privileges on a specific group with default search criteria
  • CRM-858 "HIgh School Information" and"Other School Information"
  • CRM-859 Cannot delete profiles
  • CRM-860 after the database flush this morning, when i logged into my account, my name, birthdate, etc. from Reg were not pre-filled
  • CRM-861 please remove the 'transgender' option for Gender in Personal Info section
  • CRM-862 Guardian Detail Date of Birth
  • CRM-863 contacts from NH listed as from NV in search results
  • CRM-864 Show members for Smart Group doesn't work in some cases
  • CRM-865 Drupal users created by the admin (admin/user/create) under Drupal 4.7 do not get initialized in civicrm_uf_match
  • CRM-866 'Household Income' link is active
  • CRM-867 'Add another source of Income' can't be cancelled
  • CRM-868 'Other School Info' required when i try to submit application
  • CRM-869 Birthdate is a req'd field on registration doesn't work
  • CRM-870 Birthdate doesn't require all fields
  • CRM-871 Household Info should require other household info if primary is 'less than 5 yrs'
  • CRM-872 Quest Preapplication : Allow users with contact permissions to view and/or edit the applications
  • CRM-873 Contact View and Edit Screens can be customized by contact sub-types
  • CRM-874 Set contact_sub_type for each registering student to 'Student'
  • CRM-875 civicrm/js/lang/calendar-lang.php should set Cache-Control
  • CRM-876 Can't restart application from where you last left off
  • CRM-877 Birthdate year shouldn't go back to early 1900s
  • CRM-878 crm_group_contacts returns contacts in triplicate
  • CRM-879 Gender selection isn't populated on Drupal user profile edit form
  • CRM-880 Multiple groups gives repeated contacts rather than distinct contacts
  • CRM-881 Location api needs to be made more consistent
  • CRM-882 Phone numbers not displaying in Profile
  • CRM-883 Change in crm_get_group_contacts behavior on error
  • CRM-884 crm_get_group_contacts does not respect 'view all contacts' permission
  • CRM-885 Add "Last Changed" Information To UF Profile Objects
  • CRM-886 Drupal User With 'view all contacts' permission is not allowed to view group contacts
  • CRM-887 Issue with utf8 / drupal / civicrm sessions
  • CRM-888 Import Activity History : Should not require activity_id
  • CRM-889 Import Activity History : activity_date import seems broken
  • CRM-890 Allow custom titles for print contact list
  • CRM-891 Quest Component can define some fields for inclusion in a Profile
  • CRM-892 Add relationship search to advanced search
  • CRM-893 Drupal 4.7, user reg: profile fields not redisplayed if a required field left empty
  • CRM-894 Need an access type that allows for API access but locks the user out of CiviCRM UI
  • CRM-895 New Custom Field Type: File
  • CRM-896 New api call: crm_create_contact_from_profile( ... )
  • CRM-897 Add new api call crm_get_property_values
  • CRM-898 Delete Contact if extended by a component (e.g. Quest Student)
  • CRM-899 Duplicate contacts in search and profile search listings
  • CRM-900 Profile group search has no effect when profile limited to a group
  • CRM-901 Import Duplicate Matching Rule first_name AND last_name AND email is checking only email and last_name
  • CRM-902 CivicContritube: CIVICRM_PAYMENT_TEST_KEY is out of Sync in Test-drive
  • CRM-903 CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve should also take the type of variable to be retrieved
  • CRM-904 All independent queries should go through a centralized interface ...
  • CRM-905 Cannot import fields from 2nd custom data group
  • CRM-906 crm_contact_search fails when params have certain values in them
  • CRM-907 Inconsistent handling of "primary" contact in interface (javascript issue and showHide problem)
  • CRM-908 Create PayPal API Profile: Save fails in IE
  • CRM-909 Logging Infrastructure - Track record inserts, updates and deletes
  • CRM-910 Rename and Delete Saved Import/Export Mappings
  • CRM-911 Notes - add Subject field
  • CRM-912 Joomla - Implement navigation breadcrumbs
  • CRM-913 match parameter is obsolete in profile fields ...
  • CRM-914 Use new smarty {edit} plugin to conditionally hide description blocks in view mode
  • CRM-915 Permissions check needs to go out of getContactGroup
  • CRM-916 Supporting Hierarchy Of Groups (i.e., Groups of Groups)
  • CRM-917 CiviMail: make "Reply-To: optional on initial mailings
  • CRM-918 Quest - Component can define a set of fields which extend Advanced Search Form, Profile-driven Search and Underlying Queries
  • CRM-919 searchable unsubscribe and opt-out activities
  • CRM-920 Advanced Search: "Do Not Emai" appears twice
  • CRM-921 CiviMail: send invite message to unsubsribed or opt-out members
  • CRM-922 GetContact API needs to return contact ID as contact_id for use by other APIs
  • CRM-923 Getting "Query was empty" error when trying to load either "civicrm_data.mysql" or "civic_generated.mysql"
  • CRM-924 resourceBase trailingslash URL incorrect on Windows
  • CRM-925 Move settings file values into the UI
  • CRM-926 Activity History Import Wizard (page 2) fails to display "Load saved field mapping"
  • CRM-927 Export Contact, Select Different Mapping does not show all the mapped fields (if more than 10 fields)
  • CRM-928 set up demos and sandboxes on civicrm2
  • CRM-929 Add Captcha capability to CiviCRM forms ..
  • CRM-930 Integrate with PDFLib's PPS Server ..
  • CRM-931 Standalone User Profile Form gives Smarty error
  • CRM-932 Opt-out missing from Mailing Header/Footer Selection
  • CRM-933 Custom field in duplicate matching causes SQL error on some imports
  • CRM-934 Duplicate contacts in Smart Groups
  • CRM-935 Upgraded from 1.3 to 1.4 (drupal) and now I'm locked out of CiviCRM
  • CRM-936 Implement relationship post hook with create/edit/delete op
  • CRM-937 Advanced search fails when search by range is enabled for integet data
  • CRM-938 Adding contacts to household does not restrict the household search to the value specified in the 'name' field
  • CRM-939 error in deleting all contact records
  • CRM-940 Create structured output for quest student
  • CRM-941 Null values for fee and net_amount for manually entered CiviContribute contributions are not being accepted
  • CRM-942 Cannot import data into custom made Radio buttons
  • CRM-943 trailing slashes in config file formatted incorrectly on Windoze
  • CRM-944 Profile should describe user group affliations irrrespective of whether the user has permissions on that group ..
  • CRM-945 Premium SKU field should NOT be required
  • CRM-946 Export Contacts Allows Selection of email fields but omits email from output
  • CRM-947 Components can add actions to search selector via hook
  • CRM-948 Import and other Controllers: Compatibility fixes for modified wizardHeader.tpl
  • CRM-949 problem is updating custom checkbox fields in profile
  • CRM-950 Can't log into the Demo on this website using "demo" for the user name and password
  • CRM-951 Export - Component defined fields (e.g. Student) must be exposed in contact-type drop-down for Selected field export
  • CRM-952 Export - Primary export should NOT include custom fields
  • CRM-953 Add valid dates to addresses (and possibly phone numbers) for a household/individuals.
  • CRM-954 Allow maintaing historical relationships.
  • CRM-955 Add date of death for deceased individuals.
  • CRM-956 Maintain historical names (and genders) for individuals.
  • CRM-957 Advanced Search Prblem for Custom Data-Multiple Select
  • CRM-958 Advanced Search Prblem for Custom Data-Number-Text
  • CRM-959 Bug in Exporting Contact
  • CRM-960 Quest: PHP script to assign contact (student) records to a group based on their application status
  • CRM-961 Documentation: Add documentation for Contribution APIs
  • CRM-962 Import - Prevent timeouts by sending an In Progress page or updating a progress bar in the client browser periodically during import processing
  • CRM-963 support for transaction processor ???
  • CRM-964 append LC_MESSAGES to Smarty compile dir
  • CRM-965 Export - Update Saved Mapping not setting contact_type column AND reset task portion of form when done
  • CRM-966 crm_contact_get_groups does not check for smart groups?
  • CRM-967 Multi-select type of profile data gives "Array" after saving
  • CRM-968 Export relies on fixed location ids and location types
  • CRM-969 Import - Analyze and improve performance bottlenecks using Quest import update test case
  • CRM-970 Delete Contact - must also delete any associated task status records
  • CRM-971 Cancelation of standalone profile goes back to edit all profiles
  • CRM-972 strange error
  • CRM-973 Documentation: Add doc for Note APIs
  • CRM-974 Duplicate Matching - Allow NULL dupe match rule and fix code so that NULL match rule means we bypass all dupe checking
  • CRM-975 Civicrm shows mysql-error when trying to see 'detail' of emails in contact history
  • CRM-976 Search Builder - User Interface
  • CRM-977 open section/close section - no 'plus/minus' image and doesnt work anyway
  • CRM-978 Preferred Communication Method : Change from DB ENUM to configurable option values
  • CRM-979 Individual (contact) Demographics - Add deceased date to schema, edit and view screens
  • CRM-980 Tag API - implement crm_get_tag API
  • CRM-981 Quest Preapplication: Delete Duplicated Organization (School) and Relationship Records
  • CRM-982 Quest Preapplication: Correct Form Logic Which is Creating Duplicated Organization (School) and Relationship Records
  • CRM-983 Implement APIs for File Class
  • CRM-984 Multi-select custom data shows values not lables in drupal user record [Ref: CRM-967]
  • CRM-986 Trailing slash is not accepted in URLs
  • CRM-987 Gender in vcards would be nice
  • CRM-988 is opt out confirmation email should offer an undo functionality
  • CRM-989 custom profile fields should inherit custom data field property (search by range)
  • CRM-990 Activity history search API does not honor the 'entity_id' parameter
  • CRM-991 Make the CiviMail information on sent mailings avaliable as Activity History
  • CRM-992 CiviMail mailing_job scheduled date on immediate sends not set
  • CRM-993 Admin user should be able to "re-send" civimail message to new group
  • CRM-994 fix php5 to php4 convertor for php5.1
  • CRM-995 upgrade script 1.4 to 1.5
  • CRM-996 Duplicate links on "Administer CiviCRM" page
  • CRM-997 Automatic recognition of 'special character' recognition
  • CRM-998 UI Contact Creation/Update should only save updated values, like API
  • CRM-999 Create install file for drupal
  • CRM-1000 CiviMember - Implement Schema
  • CRM-1001 View contact doesn't work
  • CRM-1002 Gender-specific greetings
  • CRM-1003 Import records and add a NEW tag
  • CRM-1004 Performance Tuning : Drop Domain ID from queries for single domain cases
  • CRM-1005 Optionally automatically assign each user to a household and synching of address changes of households/household members
  • CRM-1006 CRM Profile to include "Contact" and/or "Private Msg" Functionality
  • CRM-1007 CiviMail: {domain.address} truncates first character of address
  • CRM-1008 Custom Checkbox and Multi-select Fields - Store and Handle Leading and Trailing Delimiter (Ctrl A)
  • CRM-1009 force detection of Mac file endings
  • CRM-1010 Task : Create PDF for Mailing Labels
  • CRM-1011 Design and implement Dashboard page and Implement Activity APIs
  • CRM-1012 CiviMember - Implement APIs
  • CRM-1013 CiviMember - Admin Configuration Menus and Screens
  • CRM-1014 CiviMail should replace only clickable URLs
  • CRM-1015 CiviMember - Component, Menus, Sample Data and Dashboard
  • CRM-1016 crm_get_locations returns an error if a contact has no location records
  • CRM-1017 Text does not wrap on CiviMail report page
  • CRM-1018 Civimail message report not accurate
  • CRM-1019 Civimail displays incomplete 'domain' info
  • CRM-1020 Advanced search ALL fields
  • CRM-1021 CiviMail time zones
  • CRM-1022 FetchContact API Test is broken
  • CRM-1023 CiviMember - Add/Edit/View Contact Membership
  • CRM-1024 Activity Custom Field Values - Not Displayed in View Mode
  • CRM-1025 research and resolve the open_basedir issues
  • CRM-1026 CiviCRM uses bashisms in the shell scripts
  • CRM-1027 CiviMember - Extend Online Contribution Page Configuration (Admin) for Self-Service Membership Signup and Renewal
  • CRM-1028 xml declaration not at start of external entity
  • CRM-1029 Contributions are Duplicated in Selector Display if Contact Also Has Note Record(s)
  • CRM-1030 CiviMail: add mail delivery batch limit
  • CRM-1031 Contribution Search - Total Amount and Avg Amount in Search Results are Incorrect
  • CRM-1032 make sure PHP's memory_limit it set to a sane minimal value
  • CRM-1033 CiviMember - Online Contribution Page Wizard Modifications (civicrm/contribute/transact)
  • CRM-1034 error while exporting location name
  • CRM-1035 sandbox scripts do not clear PHP 4 directories properly
  • CRM-1036 Add gid and tid parameters to new contact creation ...
  • CRM-1037 Enable access to Import for non-administrators
  • CRM-1038 Better Clarity and COntrol on AND and OR for Advanced search
  • CRM-1039 CiviMember - Business Rules for Setting Membership Start and End Dates, and Membership Status
  • CRM-1040 errors with civiCRM and user.module in Drupal 4.7.2
  • CRM-1041 Contact search fails for multiple select custom fields
  • CRM-1042 Implement DOM Event Handling Model - Eliminate Element Attribute Event Handling Instances
  • CRM-1043 fix "edit groups" permission
  • CRM-1044 CiviMember - Implement Search Functionality
  • CRM-1045 typos in UK province names
  • CRM-1046 Hotmail users don't receive CiviMail
  • CRM-1047 Generated path incorrect in Windows XP
  • CRM-1048 Import includes tag fields
  • CRM-1049 State/Province not synced with country
  • CRM-1050 "non-recoverable error" when editing non-existent Drupal user
  • CRM-1051 Logging of DB Changes - Additional Functionality
  • CRM-1052 XHTML Compliance Issues - Non-framework Changes
  • CRM-1053 XHTML Compliance Issues - Framework Changes
  • CRM-1054 Invalid URL returned in import_duplicates.csv
  • CRM-1055 bizarre #-#-#-#-# text sequences
  • CRM-1056 Import - Refactor / Rewrite Code
  • CRM-1057 Timestamp should be an option in custom fields
  • CRM-1058 Cron looking for non-existant table
  • CRM-1059 Profile search form should respect Options Per Line for checkboxes
  • CRM-1060 CiviCRM Import Hangs on Step 1 (Fails to progress to step 2)
  • CRM-1061 My Account Using Organization Profile Fields - Transforms the Record into an Individual Type Contact
  • CRM-1062 CiviMember - Command-line Script Which Updates Membership Statuses
  • CRM-1063 Can't add a new contact
  • CRM-1064 MySQL issue - Illegal mix of collations
  • CRM-1065 Simple Hook To Allow Adding Arbitrary Links Into the Contact Summary (Basic.tpl) Template
  • CRM-1066 County Name is Wrong
  • CRM-1067 County Name is Wrong - (continued)
  • CRM-1068 CiviContribute does not record a contribution in certain cases
  • CRM-1069 Import Assumes USA
  • CRM-1070 Error in providing a note about an organization
  • CRM-1071 Profile Admin using illegal character in directory/filename
  • CRM-1072 Profile - Disabled Profiles are Still Displayed (and it's fields are aggregated when no gid is passed)
  • CRM-1073 civicrm/profile/create should ALWAYS create a new user
  • CRM-1074 Error when creating a new individual
  • CRM-1075 Rallying against validation
  • CRM-1076 Fix civicrm backup to be friendlier to windows install
  • CRM-1077 Add print to default profile .tpl
  • CRM-1078 CiviMail: add domain_id to email addresses
  • CRM-1079 Incorrect validation of URLs in website field
  • CRM-1080 PHP gettext throws notice: Undefined variable: data
  • CRM-1081 CLONE -CiviCRM Import Hangs on Step 1 (Fails to progress to step 2)
  • CRM-1082 rename mambo to joomla ....
  • CRM-1083 rename 'qs' to 'query' in CiviCRM menus to make it compatible with Drupal 4.8 changes ....
  • CRM-1084 Omitting Phone Type on contact form creates crash
  • CRM-1085 Profile Settings Page Has Spelling Error
  • CRM-1086 SavedSearch.php throws a syntax error at line 126
  • CRM-1087 All relationships get deleted with crm_delete_relationship()
  • CRM-1088 Specify configured language using lang attribute
  • CRM-1089 College Match Form Sections 1 thru 7 (excluding Section 2 - Additional Info)
  • CRM-1090 Make config.settings.php autoconfigure on Drupal
  • CRM-1091 College Match Application - Essays Sections
  • CRM-1092 Issue Similar to CRM-1086 Crashes CRM On Advanced Search
  • CRM-1093 Unable to run civicrm_generated.mysql query
  • CRM-1094 View/Print Application
  • CRM-1095 College Match - Section 2 Additional Information
  • CRM-1096 auto responder non-recoverable error when disabled
  • CRM-1097 Upgrade Google Maps API to v2
  • CRM-1098 CiviContribute changes export data depending on checkboxes or "export all"
  • CRM-1099 College Match - Section 10 Extracurricular
  • CRM-1100 College Match - Section 13-14 College Match Ranking and Forwarding
  • CRM-1101 College Match - Section 12 Recommendations
  • CRM-1102 Contact Search and Listings Doesn't Create a Hyperlink for Home URL
  • CRM-1103 "access denied" running civimail queue
  • CRM-1104 College Match - Section 8 High School and Other School Information
  • CRM-1105 College Match - Section 9c Testing Information
  • CRM-1106 College Match - Merge Duplicate High School Records in Preapplication Data
  • CRM-1107 College Match - Get Contact by Hash API
  • CRM-1108 College Match - Recommenders First-time Login Form
  • CRM-1109 Mixed Character Set in Sandbox>Advanced Search>Location
  • CRM-1110 work with postgres
  • CRM-1111 Allow Administrators to configure the maximum number of locations.
  • CRM-1112 VCF w/ Entourage OS X
  • CRM-1113 College Match - Counselor Recommendation and Teacher Recommendation
  • CRM-1114 Fatal error in civicrm_menu() when enabling module under Drupal 4.7
  • CRM-1115 Organisation Login
  • CRM-1116 Allow additional options for custom groups besides tab and inline
  • CRM-1117 civimail delivers to <""@localhost>
  • CRM-1118 Country field data is not displayed in contact record or CMS user profiles
  • CRM-1119 smarty error
  • CRM-1120 CLONE -Data Import Problem
  • CRM-1121 Editing option value for checkbox field fails to update custom_values if multiple values selected
  • CRM-1122 Trying to add new individual (or member of a group)
  • CRM-1123 Add new field "description" to civicrm_relationship
  • CRM-1124 export CVS wizard - select more fields
  • CRM-1125 false positives for read-only custom textfields
  • CRM-1126 crm_get_relationships does not return relationships of "a" side
  • CRM-1127 CiviMail: {} substituted with 'Array'
  • CRM-1128 College Match - Handle Upload and Link for Photo (files) in CM App
  • CRM-1129 Add contribution_page and goal_amount to civicontribute...
  • CRM-1130 Add a new hook for profile creation/edit. also add a sample module to send out email when a profile is created
  • CRM-1131 Search button located over text in IE
  • CRM-1132 Edit Domain Information
  • CRM-1133 DB constraint error
  • CRM-1134 Could not get the display property
  • CRM-1135 IE display problem for Profile Group creation
  • CRM-1136 Expected ')'
  • CRM-1137 MYSql 5 error - Immediately after installation
  • CRM-1138 Track URLs and token replacement in the URL path don't mix
  • CRM-1139 Activity History Display Should Not Draw A Callback Link If the Callback Is Not Defined
  • CRM-1140 CiviMail: r6389 (CRM-1127 fix) blanks text and HTML bodies
  • CRM-1141 standalone profile retrieves data instead of empty form
  • CRM-1142 Updatedb needs to include custom field table changes
  • CRM-1143 CRM_Contact_Form_Task_Record calls non-existent CRM_Core_BAO_Meeting
  • CRM-1144 Sort order not respected by Print and causes Export to crash
  • CRM-1145 Search by Task Status
  • CRM-1146 Profile search results page: display search fields collapsed
  • CRM-1147 Inconsistent Duplicate Matching Behavior for Organizations (Import vs. Manual Add)
  • CRM-1148 Support PayPal API Signature for CiviContribute
  • CRM-1149 An image uploaded as a custom file should be displayed inline (thumbnail) in all screens
  • CRM-1150 civicrm_entity_tag entries not deleted when contact deleted
  • CRM-1151 rev 6642 reports every open tracking URL in Click Through Summary
  • CRM-1152 Search - False Positives on Multiple Value Custom Fields
  • CRM-1153 Advanced Search: custom fieldset display should respect collapse_display
  • CRM-1154 CiviContribute Thermometer - Move title from settings into DB
  • CRM-1155 Profile - Primary Location Data not displaying in selector and detail page.
  • CRM-1156 Profile - Should Allow MIx of Individual, Org and Household fields for Search and Listings
  • CRM-1157 Allow profiles to edit other contacts given the right permission
  • CRM-1158 View Contact link in bread crumb is missing contact id (cid)- causes fatal error
  • CRM-1159 Search by Scheduled Activities; Search by Modified Date and Modified By; Collapse Advanced Search Fieldsets When Not Populated
  • CRM-1160 v1.5's Joomla config issues
  • CRM-1161 On create profile page, clicking the cancel button leads to a meaningless page
  • CRM-1162 table drawing error when groups are disabled
  • CRM-1163 Users without Drupal permission to manage civicrm groups can disable or enable newly disabled civicrm groups
  • CRM-1164 Manage Group blows up if you are deleting a group that is used in profile
  • CRM-1165 Create new membership fails
  • CRM-1166 CiviMail: re-sending a (possibly changed) mailing
  • CRM-1167 CiviMail: composing mailing body on-screen
  • CRM-1168 CiviMail: add AJaX-ish token selector for message creation
  • CRM-1169 CiviMail: show a preview of the mailing message
  • CRM-1170 CiviMail: cancel a mailing from the report screen
  • CRM-1171 CiviMail: sending the test mailing to any email address
  • CRM-1172 CiviMail: sending the test mailing to a group
  • CRM-1173 CiviMail: mailing header/footer should not be required
  • CRM-1174 CiviMail: allow the required tokens to be in header/footer
  • CRM-1175 CiviMail: reverse the order of the report screen entries
  • CRM-1176 Profile search hangover from previous search
  • CRM-1177 Custom Data - Link Custom Field Groups to Dynamically Defined Classes (Contact Sub-types, Activity Types, etc.)
  • CRM-1178 CiviMail: Upgrade AMaViS to current upstream
  • CRM-1179 Import (update) date into custom date field ignores incoming date value
  • CRM-1180 Upgrade PEAR / Smarty to the latest releases
  • CRM-1181 migrating configurable enums to a single table
  • CRM-1182 Allow admins to set Default values for Profile fields.
  • CRM-1183 yes/no custom field is not displayed correctly in profile
  • CRM-1184 crm_get_relationships - relationship_type_name does not work.
  • CRM-1186 Have to login twice
  • CRM-1187 CiviMember - Add/Edit Membership Types Form - Field Validations Need Adjusting
  • CRM-1188 locale specific templates_c directory does not exist.
  • CRM-1189 Custom Checkbox Fields - Populated Value Not Checked in Edit Mode
  • CRM-1190 View Contact - Contributions Section: Summary array not populated
  • CRM-1191 Premium information not shown on contribution search result
  • CRM-1192 Sorting by premium
  • CRM-1193 Have to login twice
  • CRM-1194 Clarify Data Requirements for Google Maps 2.0 and Update PHP and TPL's Accordingly
  • CRM-1195 College Match - Get Export Working for quest_student and student_summary columns - and Search for selected columns
  • CRM-1196 Search Builder: Export Bugs
  • CRM-1197 Search Builder: Allow Different Record Types in Separate Criteria Sets (clauses) and Fix Operator Display in QILL
  • CRM-1198 CiviMember - Dashboard membershipSummary array is no longer being populated
  • CRM-1199 CiviMail - href functionality for opt-out, subscribe
  • CRM-1200 mailing address validation/verification
  • CRM-1201 Dateselection doesn't work properly
  • CRM-1202 SQL error in civicrm_generated.mysql
  • CRM-1203 Group Search - Incorrect member status displayed for static group members
  • CRM-1204 Query for queue fails if $where is empty due to duplicate AND's
  • CRM-1205 Error occurs on viewing CiviMail queue.
  • CRM-1206 Profile Search does not give exact result for multiple values
  • CRM-1207 All CRM URLs should be Clean URLs
  • CRM-1208 File upload for Personal Statement essay
  • CRM-1209 Public ContributionPage API--requires exposing methods currently limited to form input
  • CRM-1210 Upgrade for Yahoo Maps 3.0
  • CRM-1211 Mapping - Google Resolution Fix and IE6 Display Problem
  • CRM-1212 College Match - Get Export XML command-line script working with new Quest schema and multiple applications
  • CRM-1213 College Match - Batch Update via Profile
  • CRM-1214 Personal Statement essay doesn't remember essay option
  • CRM-1216 Search Builder doesn't provide options, Select Fields for export has no field list
  • CRM-1217 view contacts in $group should allow access to /civicrm and dashboard
  • CRM-1218 College Match - Command-line Script to Populate Financial Need and Academic Performance Indexes
  • CRM-1219 New install of 1.5, insert fails with foreign key constraint
  • CRM-1220 College Match - Implement Quest-required Advanced Search Fields
  • CRM-1221 Data migration for quest v1.6
  • CRM-1222 Profile captcha
  • CRM-1223 View Relationship: Note field displays bogus data
  • CRM-1224 Google Map not displaying in IE 6
  • CRM-1225 Set limits on the number of mails that can be sent from a given site in a given period
  • CRM-1226 Advanced Search - Search by Activity Type (activity_history) Query needs Distinct...
  • CRM-1227 malformed query for civicrm/contact/add
  • CRM-1228 State/province list for NL incomplete
  • CRM-1229 Implement Ajax-based Hierarchical Select for Country -> State/Province Selection
  • CRM-1230 civicontribute date format errors
  • CRM-1231 civicontribute does not seem to handle household and organization record
  • CRM-1232 import option is not available to non-administrators
  • CRM-1233 Unexpected results from AND search of Groups
  • CRM-1234 Geocoding using Ziptable fails/throws errors
  • CRM-1235 Profile - Form validation errors in My Account cause the Profile fields to disappear
  • CRM-1236 Civicontribute contribution_type error
  • CRM-1237 College Match - New Permissions for Partner Supplement
  • CRM-1238 Organizations becoming Individuals during import
  • CRM-1239 Multi Select Search Does not work as expected
  • CRM-1240 Implement payment interface for paypal web payments standard
  • CRM-1241 Add support for google geocoder ..
  • CRM-1242 Profile - Fields should NOT inherit REQUIRED property of custom fields
  • CRM-1243 CiviMember - Membership form can be extended with custom fields
  • CRM-1244 CiviContribute - Test flag to mark contributions made in PREVIEW (test-drive) mode
  • CRM-1245 Query relationships
  • CRM-1246 Current employer field added Individual contact edit form
  • CRM-1247 Admin control panel icon for Preferred Communication Options
  • CRM-1248 Research Micro-Format Markup...
  • CRM-1249 CivContribute - Contributions In Honor of...
  • CRM-1250 Redirect URLs don't work in stand alone profiles
  • CRM-1251 Country not memorised if no Zip code
  • CRM-1252 Stand Alone Profile Display
  • CRM-1253 Column headers do not appear when you select a search view
  • CRM-1254 Custom Data Group Names - Must not begin with a number
  • CRM-1255 Search View preference not retained for smart groups
  • CRM-1256 Search view does not display primary phone number
  • CRM-1257 CiviContribute view details does not work
  • CRM-1258 CiviMail should track unique opens
  • CRM-1259 Importing relationships in v1.5 fails
  • CRM-1260 CiviMail reporting page format adjustment
  • CRM-1261 Table: civicrm_state_province is missing the UK region "Berkshire"
  • CRM-1262 abbreviation used in export and mailing labels
  • CRM-1263 CiviMail: breaks when a contact is added multiple times to a group
  • CRM-1264 CiviCRM importing field matching has trouble matching civicrm exports.
  • CRM-1265 group to add members to missing
  • CRM-1266 Drupal user profile view and edit screens contain different information
  • CRM-1267 Upgrade header files for all code ..
  • CRM-1268 Submit and Cancel buttons don't use correct redirects when user edits profile
  • CRM-1269 move the tarball build process to civicrm2
  • CRM-1270 upgrade packages/ and clear out the packages/ vs. PEAR/ directories situation
  • CRM-1271 Update the state/province list
  • CRM-1272 Misplaced () in last page of contribution page creation wizard
  • CRM-1273 Money fields should begin with ? or $ to save confusion
  • CRM-1274 Monetary field input - strip out non-significant characters prior to validating
  • CRM-1275 upgrade script 1.5 to 1.6
  • CRM-1276 multiple instances of entity tags are possible with a single entity -> tag
  • CRM-1277 Ranged searches don't work (at least on custom values)
  • CRM-1278 Email sending library doesn't add date header
  • CRM-1279 Search performance slow with many contacts
  • CRM-1280 Search results display duplicates when the contacts have multiple tags
  • CRM-1281 Smart Group searching performance is poor
  • CRM-1282 crm_update_location() deletes absent passed parameter values
  • CRM-1283 location names are not displayed properly, and are not populated in the edit form
  • CRM-1284 add location_name to contact data model and crm_create_contact() API function
  • CRM-1285 CiviMember - Import Members
  • CRM-1286 Tag Contacts Task - Allow Assignment or Removal of Multiple Tags (instead of only one at a time)
  • CRM-1287 Search builder not using operator for tags?
  • CRM-1288 Import - Location Name Does Not Import
  • CRM-1289 Foreign keys in the database should generally be set to "CASCADE DELETE"
  • CRM-1290 Hotmail users get mail from Drupal but not CiviMail!?
  • CRM-1291 Move CiviCRM Configuration Settings into DB and Provide Admin Interface
  • CRM-1292 customizing form HTML elements?
  • CRM-1293 Drupal civiCRM causes warnings on modules screen even if civicrm module not enabled
  • CRM-1294 Main page of Civicrm shows nonrecoverable error
  • CRM-1295 Opt-Out Type not shown in dropdown in CiviMail Settings
  • CRM-1296 CiviContribute doesn't import contributions for organizations
  • CRM-1297 CiviContribute - Batch Update Via Profile for Contributions
  • CRM-1298 CiviMail not processing HTML files correctly
  • CRM-1299 JOIN and WHERE conditions need optimization
  • CRM-1301 CiviContribute sets times for receive_dates on contributions
  • CRM-1302 Error after processing membership payment using CiviMember in Joomla
  • CRM-1303 CiviMail sent mailings table sorting
  • CRM-1304 Profile - Edit link option for Selector and Map link option in Contact View
  • CRM-1305 Custom Data Groups - Slashes or special characters should be transformed in custom data group names
  • CRM-1306 CiviMail: add delete mailing option
  • CRM-1307 CiviMember - Membership Signup ONLY Fails with PayPal Express + Issues with Single Member Type on Contribution Page WITH Required Member Signup (Selects Incorrect Fee)
  • CRM-1308 ACL Permissioning System Phase 1 - Access by Contact Group
  • CRM-1309 civicrm_search() API conflicts with Drupal hook_search()
  • CRM-1310 TMF - Create Schema for Application and Nomination Data
  • CRM-1311 TMF - Nominator Forms and Controller
  • CRM-1312 Profile - Multiple Custom Field Checkboxes Values are not Saved Properly from a Profile in a Contribution Page
  • CRM-1313 multiple choice options' value validation inconsistency
  • CRM-1314 CiviMail: AMaViS-filter only incoming mail
  • CRM-1315 Importing relationships in v1.5
  • CRM-1316 TMF - APIs for Locker
  • CRM-1317 TMF - Prescreen Form and Controller
  • CRM-1318 CiviMail: limit the body size passed to the SOAP interface on bounces
  • CRM-1320 Upgrade CiviCRM for Drupal 5.0
  • CRM-1321 Use AJAX to simplify View/Edit/Browse screen of all simple tables ..
  • CRM-1322 Use AJAX to optimize load of advanced search
  • CRM-1323 Add Unique Indexes to Tables as Needed to Enforce Data Integrity Rules
  • CRM-1324 Move statusBounce to CRM_Core_Error
  • CRM-1325 Email on_hold/hold_date/reset_date functionality: UI, effects, events
  • CRM-1326 TMF - Implement County Support in Addresses
  • CRM-1327 PDF labels do not follow CIVICRM_ADDRESS_FORMAT
  • CRM-1329 Profile Edit - Display logged in user record
  • CRM-1330 getMembershipDetail function in api/Group.php not working
  • CRM-1331 Search Builder fails to correctly assemble searches on currency fields
  • CRM-1332 Import with update erases phone numbers
  • CRM-1333 civicrm_pre hook does not allow changing parameters on create or edit
  • CRM-1334 Need more detailed summary after sending e-mail: 1 failure allegedly due to 'Do not e-mail' flag, can't find whom
  • CRM-1335 CiviMail - Verify / Fix Unsubscribe Functionality
  • CRM-1336 Custom Data (Admin) - Validation is Incorrect for Money >> Select Field Values
  • CRM-1337 Search - Contacts by Source and Contributions by Source
  • CRM-1338 Contact View and Edit - Add Source and External ID
  • CRM-1339 undefined function in GenCode.php
  • CRM-1340 Check Joomla's database prefix and adapt to it
  • CRM-1341 subscribe confirmation address is missing the domain_id
  • CRM-1342 Separate language packs from main distribution ..
  • CRM-1343 Implement delete function for custom field file attachments
  • CRM-1344 Online Contributions - Custom Data Not Saved / Custom Data Should NOT be Retrieved in setDefaults
  • CRM-1345 Online Contribution Pages - Support for Free Memberships and In-kind Contributions
  • CRM-1346 Online Contribution Pages - Include Profile Fields (Custom Page Elements) in Confirm, Thank-you and Receipt Output
  • CRM-1347 CiviMail: unsub confirmation lacks the group name if it contains parentheses
  • CRM-1348 error after final submit of contribution process
  • CRM-1349 CiviContribute with PayPal Signature and 3rd Party API Access
  • CRM-1350 Add / Edit Membership Type - Member Organization Search Button Should NOT Trigger Form Validation
  • CRM-1351 Allow creation of new tags on the fly
  • CRM-1352 Import fails with certain extended characters in CSV files
  • CRM-1353 Profiles should respect domain id settings!
  • CRM-1354 "Save and New Contribution" in addition to "Save" and "Save and New" after contact creation
  • CRM-1355 foreign key error on running civicrm_generated.mysql
  • CRM-1356 Add Indexes for All Columns Storing Option Values
  • CRM-1357 Implement ACL Support for Custom Groups
  • CRM-1358 Implement ACL Support for Profiles
  • CRM-1359 merge our hierselect changes to current upstream
  • CRM-1360 Contribution Notes - Move to civicrm_note table
  • CRM-1361 Compatibility Fix for Drupal 4.6.10
  • CRM-1362 Sort order of Mailing Labels appears random. Change ordering to display_name
  • CRM-1363 Mailing Labels: Blank entries on first page
  • CRM-1364 Mailing labels - wrap text if wider than label
  • CRM-1365 A non-recoverable error
  • CRM-1366 All users are shown a link to ">> View Contact Record"
  • CRM-1367 CiviMail doesn't date emails
  • CRM-1368 Address info not visible in My Account/View when location_type = Primary is used in Profile Fields
  • CRM-1369 Allow users with View Contact permission to Send Emails and Create Mailing Labels
  • CRM-1370 Profile adds duplicate/redundant location record if we keep the spaces in the location type name.
  • CRM-1371 CiviMail reports use group names, should use group titles
  • CRM-1372 Add Hooks for Synch Contacts to Users Actions
  • CRM-1374 CiviContribute - Contributions Summary View Details link doesn't set contribution start date properly and causes Export failures on search results
  • CRM-1375 Display different registration profiles if ctype is specified in the request
  • CRM-1376 CiviContribute - Contribution Search Needs to Use New Contribute Status ID's
  • CRM-1377 Rewrite the CiviMail installation instructions
  • CRM-1378 Mailing Labels - Allow User to Configure Using State_Province Abbreviation OR Full Name
  • CRM-1379 Import - Prevent PHP Timeouts for Large Imports
  • CRM-1380 Keep history for relationships, names, postions, etc.
  • CRM-1381 Advanced Search > Relationships
  • CRM-1382 membership renewal reminder w/ email templates
  • CRM-1383 Activities (few working days in a row)
  • CRM-1384 Can't sync Drupal users to Civicrm Contacts
  • CRM-1385 new contact fails (missing required attribute)
  • CRM-1386 CiviMail: upgrade AMaViS to the current upstream
  • CRM-1387 localisation engine not re-initialised on $config->lcMessages change
  • CRM-1388 'Date Added' not shown for Removed Group listing in Contact View
  • CRM-1389 Search Builder - Contributions Dates ignored, search results incorrect
  • CRM-1390 Include dojo and calendar js/css files selectively ...
  • CRM-1391 Civicontribute: Search by cumulative gift total
  • CRM-1392 base the current version checking on new domain
  • CRM-1393 Send Email to Contacts - Use Pre-built Message Templates
  • CRM-1394 Search Builder - NOT IN Operator Does Not Work for Tags
  • CRM-1395 Profile custom data : inappropriate behavior
  • CRM-1396 Search Builder: tags search not working
  • CRM-1397 Contribution, Membership Import results wrong date
  • CRM-1398 When Organization contact makes Contribution it get converted in to Individual contact
  • CRM-1399 CiviContribute - Contribution status cleanup ...
  • CRM-1400 Tags search not working for '!=' conditions
  • CRM-1401 CiviMember: weights of membership types ignored in "New Membership" form
  • CRM-1402 strong warnings should "look" important
  • CRM-1403 CiviMember - Error Calculating Fixed Period Membership End Date
  • CRM-1404 Implement Mouseover Help Blocks for Pages with Lengthy Inline Help
  • CRM-1405 import - update of note field
  • CRM-1406 Link to Drupal Access Control from CiviCRM Access Control broken in Drupal 5
  • CRM-1407 Custom Data Fields applied to actions
  • CRM-1408 Test 1.5 to 1.6 Upgrades
  • CRM-1409 New look for CiviCRM 1.6 (css improvements)
  • CRM-1410 CiviContribute - Recurring Contributions Using PayPal Standard with IPN and Subscription
  • CRM-1411 Ajax tab bar disappears in some circumstances
  • CRM-1412 Error when canceling CiviMail mailing after test message sent successfully
  • CRM-1413 CiviMember: error when unautorized user clicks Membership tab
  • CRM-1414 Display Nickname on contact view
  • CRM-1415 APIs - Upgrade older APIs from using objects to using arrays
  • CRM-1416 Individual Search w/ contrib data
  • CRM-1417 Quest - Prepare Data and Testing Script for CPS Load Testing
  • CRM-1418 Newly created organization data not available via search
  • CRM-1419 Google mapping breaks when a city has a single quote in name
  • CRM-1420 Allow google geocoding for countries outside the Unites States
  • CRM-1421 Track who first enters contact
  • CRM-1422 Track undeliverable mail / CC implementation
  • CRM-1423 Move Quest to the
  • CRM-1424 Fix CiviCRM to work with Suhosin patch from hardened-php
  • CRM-1425 External Identifier support for field matching on imports
  • CRM-1426 default country is not in fact default
  • CRM-1427 some pages attempt to load a missing dojo js file
  • CRM-1428 Error message upon import that 12 records have invalid data or formatting
  • CRM-1429 Add additional currency types
  • CRM-1430 CiviContribute - Store Label Associated with Contribution Amount and Fix Default Setting
  • CRM-1431 cannot disable civicontribute or civimember
  • CRM-1432 Design the schema for CiviEvent phase 1
  • CRM-1433 vCard location names restrict length too much
  • CRM-1434 Import does not map full country name to the ISO "short country name"
  • CRM-1435 Synchronize joomla users to records uses case sensitive email addresses and only attempts matches to primary address
  • CRM-1436 1.5->1.6 db update script for mysql 4 fails
  • CRM-1437 CiviEvent - Manage Events
  • CRM-1438 List Sent emails
  • CRM-1439 Google geocode error when processing accented characters
  • CRM-1440 missing province of south africa: north west
  • CRM-1441 Rename Scheduled Activities to Scheduled Tasks
  • CRM-1442 static /tmp dir in GenCode causes problems if not writable
  • CRM-1443 Opt-Out Tracking on Civicontribute Form
  • CRM-1444 DBARGS not implemented properly
  • CRM-1445 CiviEvent - Online Event Regustration
  • CRM-1446 CiviEvent - Dashboard & Menus
  • CRM-1447 CiviEvent - Find Participants
  • CRM-1448 CiviEvent - Task (bulk operations) for Find Participants
  • CRM-1449 CiviEvent - Task (bulk operations) for Find Participants (Export+ Print)
  • CRM-1450 CiviEvent - Import Participants
  • CRM-1451 CiviEvent - Offline Event Registration
  • CRM-1452 CiviEvent - Access Control
  • CRM-1453 Profile - Used For Should be Enforced for Profiles
  • CRM-1454 Profiles - Conditional Support for Updating Existing Contact Records WITHOUT User Authentication
  • CRM-1455 CiviMail: safeguard against multiple is_primary email addresses
  • CRM-1456 Missing line in file for Drupal
  • CRM-1457 Accept monthly contribution payments with CiviContribute and PayPal
  • CRM-1458 CiviMail: throws failed foreign key constraint when attempting to send without header and footer
  • CRM-1459 CiviMember Payment Processor Error Order Total
  • CRM-1460 Search Notes field in Advanced Search
  • CRM-1461 scrollbars are gone on contact view pages
  • CRM-1462 Missing profile values in view mode
  • CRM-1463 CRM_Utils_String::munge()'s limit causing trouble with long group names
  • CRM-1464 Can't change membership type
  • CRM-1465 AMaViS sometimes does not call the proper actions
  • CRM-1466 Import / Contacts gets wrong max upload file size (doesn't use singleton CRM_Core_Config object)
  • CRM-1467 incorrect cid field in "View Contact URL" in Import_Duplicates.csv
  • CRM-1468 attempting to delete a contact results in a non-recoverable error
  • CRM-1469 crm_get_relationships() api call returns all relationships when requesting a relationship type that returns no results
  • CRM-1470 CIVICRM_PAYMENT_USERNAME is not set error .
  • CRM-1471 Activity History tab - Details Link is Broken
  • CRM-1472 View Contact - Custom Field Tabs Display BOTH Collapsed and Uncollapsed Div's On Load
  • CRM-1473 Add index to received_date
  • CRM-1474 Expenditure tracking
  • CRM-1475 Admin Profile Selector - Redundant instances of Used For values
  • CRM-1476 Error: dojo is not defined in Contribution pages (logged in user)
  • CRM-1477 CiviContribute - Contact Email Address not Saved, Email not Sent to Contributor
  • CRM-1478 MySQL upgrade script fails to ignore constraints
  • CRM-1479 Source field doesn't show for contribution listings
  • CRM-1480 CiviMember - put date ranges in Global Settings
  • CRM-1481 Fatal Error when first enabled
  • CRM-1482 crm_get_contact returns contact without contact_type_object
  • CRM-1483 Household name included in mailing labels but not in address configuration.
  • CRM-1484 Search View error
  • CRM-1485 In Jooma! 1.0.12 Tooltips mouseover produces this error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting '(' in .../civicrm/extern/ajax.php on line 60
  • CRM-1486 Interface doesn't scale properly for some (non-table) Drupal themes
  • CRM-1487 CiviContribute - Add Transaction ID to Searchable Fields
  • CRM-1488 Expose create date for CiviCRM contacts
  • CRM-1489 Record Activity for Contacts - pulldown only shows custom Activity Types
  • CRM-1490 Saved Searches not working with MySQL 4.0
  • CRM-1491 Bad directory paths ...
  • CRM-1492 Google geocoding is broken
  • CRM-1493 Tab content cut off without scrollbars
  • CRM-1494 deep link to user map
  • CRM-1495 SOAP server returns html for subscribe request from unknown email address
  • CRM-1496 Add support for multiple currencies
  • CRM-1497 Allow exposure of registration status
  • CRM-1498 Error while deleting Individuals
  • CRM-1499 Search view field sorters broken on 1.6 demo
  • CRM-1500 Incorrect help emssage on payment processor settings page
  • CRM-1501 CiviEvent - Custom Data for Event and Participant
  • CRM-1502 Email Domain rule too restrictive
  • CRM-1503 I want ot Add more than one set of Rows to To custom data groups
  • CRM-1504 Mailing Labels - Allow Formatting of Name Line for Labels
  • CRM-1505 Updating Smart Group with Search Builder results in listing all contacts on Group Membership page
  • CRM-1506 Tasks in Search Results Should be Sorted Alphabetically
  • CRM-1507 Profile, Export and Import - Field Selects Should be Grouped and Sorted Logically
  • CRM-1508 Search - Increase Performance by Separating Name and Email Criteria and Wildcard String Tail Only
  • CRM-1509 User Dashboard
  • CRM-1510 CiviContribute - Show In Honor Of Contributions in Honoree Contact's Contributions Tab
  • CRM-1511 SMTP Password not being retrieved from settings file
  • CRM-1512 Non-monetary contribution and member sign-up pages should NOT require a payment processor
  • CRM-1513 Smart Group Export Produces Too Many Records
  • CRM-1514 Import Indivual Prefix fails when label is changed to include a period at the end (Dr -> Dr.)
  • CRM-1515 Integrate Dojo Grid widget (dojo 1.0)
  • CRM-1517 CiviCRM Link from Contact to CMS User Should be Deleted When User is Deleted
  • CRM-1518 Add CiviMail to the demo
  • CRM-1519 Create a simple way to copy a profile.
  • CRM-1520 Unhelpful error message if you try to delete a membership type which has associated contacts
  • CRM-1521 Attmpting to delete a Contribution Page for which there are actual contributions in the database generates an FK SQL error message.
  • CRM-1522 Toggle to hide disabled forms in selectors?
  • CRM-1523 Drupal Multi-site profile view failure
  • CRM-1524 CiviContribute - Leave Payment Instrument NULL for Online Contributions if Execute Real-time Payment is FALSE
  • CRM-1525 Filtering for privacy settings is confusing
  • CRM-1526 error when uploading file within standalone form
  • CRM-1527 Custom Fields - Option to Store Multiple Values for a Given Field
  • CRM-1528 CiviMail entry in Activity History is confusing
  • CRM-1529 Maintain unique instances of each form instance in the session when the same CiviCRM URL is opened in multiple browser windows.
  • CRM-1530 Custom Template Directory - Supports Alternative / Customized Versions of Core CiviCRM Screens
  • CRM-1531 missing semi colon
  • CRM-1532 State-Province Field Value is NOT Being Saved on Submit of Online Contribution Using PayPal Pro
  • CRM-1533 Support Separate Billing Name and Address with PayPal Pro
  • CRM-1534 Profile - Include View-only Fields in Edit Mode
  • CRM-1535 CiviCRM ACL breaks counting smartgroups as anonymous Drupal user
  • CRM-1536 Alert about security updates should be on by default.
  • CRM-1537 Joomla CiviContribute pages do not display profile
  • CRM-1538 Can't export search builder results
  • CRM-1539 number (float) custom fields are limited to six significant digits, e.g. 398423000000
  • CRM-1540 HIgh School and Other School Pages - Rework Forms and Processing Flow
  • CRM-1541 Updated gender labels not consistent in profile
  • CRM-1542 Safari css - window collapsed on create contacts
  • CRM-1543 After changing default location, fields linked to that location do not show in profile
  • CRM-1544 Safari does not display truetype fronts in Catchpa
  • CRM-1545 CiviCRM admin sees all groups in profile preview
  • CRM-1546 TMF - Selection Phase Schema Changes, Search and Profile Features
  • CRM-1547 civimail.cronjob.php locking patch
  • CRM-1548 captcha is broken - always gives "please enter the correct text" error
  • CRM-1549 Profile Not Displaying in CiviContribute
  • CRM-1550 Sync Joomla Users to Contacts creates Contact with Email as Name, ignores Joomla name field
  • CRM-1551 display bug on the "other activity page"
  • CRM-1552 Find Contacts: need to search twice
  • CRM-1553 CPS 07: Recommendations - Form and Processing
  • CRM-1554 Civicontribute batch update via profile "Copy values" javascript not working
  • CRM-1555 Missing translation string in Dashboard
  • CRM-1556 Test the activity history reporting
  • CRM-1557 Test the "no groups" group & descibe proper procedure in documentation
  • CRM-1558 CiviMail default templat missing {} on a token
  • CRM-1559 Smart Group Addition of Selected records getting all results
  • CRM-1560 CPS 07: College Prep Scholarship Section
  • CRM-1561 Contribution Page is Buggy
  • CRM-1562 unrecognized tag 'ts' (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 583)
  • CRM-1563 Wrong ts()-tagging for new contact (sub-)types
  • CRM-1564 CiviCRM Profile Listings Can Include a Link to the CMS User's My Account Page
  • CRM-1565 Implement authenticate for joomla soap client
  • CRM-1566 Make the start date of year configurable from the administrative dashboard
  • CRM-1567 Problem with deleting or editing created user
  • CRM-1568 Error when creating Drupal user with no email address
  • CRM-1569 Optimize CiviContribute main page query
  • CRM-1570 Problems with Activity data when upgrading German-Version CiviCRM 1.4
  • CRM-1571 Template engine bug after profile field addition or saving
  • CRM-1572 CPS Task Status Setting (controller) needs fixing
  • CRM-1573 Add one-click "Request contact to update his/her information"
  • CRM-1574 Make the Joomla! Upgrade easier by including commented lines in file
  • CRM-1575 memory limit always 24MB in civicrm.settings.php
  • CRM-1576 Getting summary information from import is memory intensive
  • CRM-1577 Unexpected PHP error Notices
  • CRM-1578 Profiles - Automatically Include IM Service Provider Field when IM Screen Name Field is Included in a Profile
  • CRM-1579 Resource URL should try to find modules in sites/all for Drupal ...
  • CRM-1580 Profiles - Validate Visibility When Profile Field is set to be Searchable
  • CRM-1581 SortByCharacter
  • CRM-1582 CPS - Cleanup 2006 Data and Migrate to 1.7 Schema
  • CRM-1583 Add hook to allow external modules to add tabs to the contact page.
  • CRM-1584 problem with GroupContact.php
  • CRM-1585 Custom forms should not rely so heavilly on tables
  • CRM-1586 Import - Modify Parser to Match Custom Field Data on Either the Label OR the Value
  • CRM-1587 In honor is mandatory if enabled
  • CRM-1588 Table formatting error in Premiums section
  • CRM-1589 PayPal IPN creates extra contact
  • CRM-1590 payment instrument
  • CRM-1591 CiviCRM - New Install - Admin Menu & Display Issues
  • CRM-1592 Fatal Error When Enabling Components
  • CRM-1593 Summary of Installation Problems - Drupal 5.1
  • CRM-1594 Associate PHP Code with Custom Data Group
  • CRM-1595 TMF - Implement XML Output Functionality
  • CRM-1596 Contributions - Fix Search on Custom Contribution Fields
  • CRM-1599 foreign key error updating contribution (after updating to civi1.6)
  • CRM-1600 incorrect file paths and names for premium images in Joomla
  • CRM-1601 Import of contributions including custom fields fails
  • CRM-1602 Honor field does not export with other contribution information
  • CRM-1603 Paypal IPN change for multicurrency
  • CRM-1604 Multiple-option checkbox fields should be checked by default, but are not
  • CRM-1606 Notes under Advanced Search
  • CRM-1607 Custom Data - Modify Data Model to Remove Limitations, Increase Retrieval Efficiency and Portability
  • CRM-1608 CiviEvent - Publish iCal Feed for Upcoming Public Events
  • CRM-1613 Add Custom data for Find Member and Find Participant
  • CRM-1620 Cutom Field - Type = File : When Field is Required it Requires a New Upload Even if One Exists
  • CRM-1621 A non-recoverable error - Reconsider?
  • CRM-1622 Import Contribution - Match on Contact ID Fails
  • CRM-1623 CiviEvent - Implement APIs
  • CRM-1624 offline/imported contributions annot update membership status
  • CRM-1625 Display Pictures in profile listings similar to profile view etc
  • CRM-1626 Allow profiles to define specific templates per profile id
  • CRM-1627 crm_update_location is buggy if cntact has multiple locations
  • CRM-1628 I want to add an image to Profile page
  • CRM-1629 Smart Group Export Produces Too Few Records
  • CRM-1630 give valid names for all indexes/constraints etc. also drop mysql4.0 support
  • CRM-1631 Deleting groups with FK gives unhelpful error
  • CRM-1632 Implement Google Checkout payment gateway
  • CRM-1633 Option to Create a Drupal User from a Profile
  • CRM-1634 Fatal error in activating CiviCRM Module
  • CRM-1635 The i18n mechanism in trunk is broken
  • CRM-1636 Pager doesn't work in AJAX pages like the content page.
  • CRM-1637 User registration form is attempting to submit on first view
  • CRM-1638 Catering for Montenegro independence
  • CRM-1639 Preferred mail format ignored
  • CRM-1640 Fatal error: civicrm_initialize, when enabling CiviCRM Module Drupal 5.1
  • CRM-1641 The search builder NOT IN queries are not working
  • CRM-1642 Add a working Authenticated ACL role
  • CRM-1645 CiviMember - Problems with Assigning Relationship Type to a Membership Type
  • CRM-1646 CiviMember Contribution Pages
  • CRM-1647 Website Payments Standards do not get statused to Complete and do not get Transaction ID
  • CRM-1648 Split the POT files into civicrm-core, civicrm-common and civicrm-modules
  • CRM-1649 Missing {ts}-taggings in civicrm_add_domain.tpl
  • CRM-1650 PEAR error when emailing a contact
  • CRM-1651 Activate the google maps
  • CRM-1654 1.5 to 1.6 upgrade script errant semicolon
  • CRM-1655 Custom Fields - hyper link field
  • CRM-1656 Create v2 of CiviCRM api. Simple and more primitive, expose REST interface
  • CRM-1657 CiviMember - Reimplement Extending Memberships to Related Contacts
  • CRM-1658 TMF - Reader Scoring Form
  • CRM-1659 "My Account" throws error if authenticated user does not have any civicrm permissions
  • CRM-1661 crm_get_note returns an error if there are no notes
  • CRM-1662 Eliminate hard coded white space in New Individual block (Add.tpl)
  • CRM-1663 Google Mapping
  • CRM-1664 allow admins to specify maxlength for text fields (built-in and custom fields)
  • CRM-1665 Clean templates_c on Administer CiviCRM changes
  • CRM-1666 CiviMail Reporting on group member email settings
  • CRM-1667 Delete Contribution Page - Contributions Exist Error Displayed for ALL Cases
  • CRM-1668 CiviMail - Integrate Dojo WYSIWYG Editor and Support Re-usable Message Templates
  • CRM-1669 Joomla logs me out but I can still get search results
  • CRM-1670 Create activty history record for all (online, offline and API) inputs
  • CRM-1671 Localisation of currency in Drupal
  • CRM-1672 CiviMember - Receipt Totals and Thankyou Page Problems with PayPal Website Standard
  • CRM-1673 Drupal integration
  • CRM-1674 allow for dynamic option of either an individual or organization contact during drupal user creation
  • CRM-1675 Contact Dashboard (for authenticated user) breaks when they are a member of a group
  • CRM-1676 Error on Event Sign-up Page
  • CRM-1677 Standalone form for profile with CiviEvent fields throws an error
  • CRM-1678 Last line of civicrm_upgradedb_v1.6_v1.7_41.mysql needs fixin
  • CRM-1679 contact Dashboard permissions
  • CRM-1680 links on civimail report page give blank screen
  • CRM-1681 "Batch update participants via profile" issues in CiviEvent
  • CRM-1682 CiviEvent dashboard gives error invalid argument supplied for foreach() in DashBoard.php on line 60.
  • CRM-1683 confirmation emails weird for civievent
  • CRM-1684 1.7 sql update script missing thankyou_title column for civicrm_event_page table.
  • CRM-1685 New Relationship and New Membership Type - State column in selector is not populated
  • CRM-1686 $civicrm_root value not honored when pointing to /sites/all/modules/ in Drupal 5.1; Broken Image Elements
  • CRM-1687 Unexpected Behaviour assigning relationship type to memberships
  • CRM-1688 CiviMember: Test flag to mark memberships made in PREVIEW (test-drive) mode
  • CRM-1689 For joomla, in the profile settings allow a relative link for cancel and return links
  • CRM-1690 Replicate email address of CiviContribute in both Billing and Primary location
  • CRM-1691 Sort doesn't flow from Find screen to Print screen
  • CRM-1692 Partial searches require "%"
  • CRM-1693 Make the custom data that extend relationships, activities, etc. searchable
  • CRM-1694 Email tokens are not replaced when sending an email to contact(s)
  • CRM-1695 Missing Comma in civicrm_upgradedb_v1.6_v1.7_41.mysql
  • CRM-1696 Memory Leak in UpdateMembershipRecord script
  • CRM-1697 Print Task from Basic and Advanced Search Outputs ALL Rows When SELECTED RECORDS Radio is Checked
  • CRM-1698 ACL protected profile hits user with nasty traceback
  • CRM-1699 Access control breach in "My Contact Dashboard"
  • CRM-1700 Wierd behaviour on "My Contact Dashboard" screen
  • CRM-1701 Add a config option to set which fields should appear in the address form (and in which sequence)
  • CRM-1702 Configuration - If PROVINCE_LIMIT is Empty then State-Province Select Should be Empty
  • CRM-1703 Administer ACLs - Delete functions for ACL Role and Entity-Role not Working
  • CRM-1704 Profile - GID Context Lost in Edit Flow
  • CRM-1705 The lock file should be created where write access is guaranteed
  • CRM-1706 After upgrading to civicrm 1.7, civicrm fields do now show up on drupal user/register page
  • CRM-1707 Fatal error: Call to undefined function crm_contact_search()
  • CRM-1708 Anon users can't view event maps
  • CRM-1709 The crm_create_location API call should convert everything to arrays
  • CRM-1710 civievent allows event end time to be before event start time.
  • CRM-1711 confirm from and confirm reply are required fields but not starred on the form
  • CRM-1712 Search speed improvement code
  • CRM-1713 Manage Premiums - Use Default Image Stores Incorrect Image URL
  • CRM-1714 member dashboard - errors wih group subscribe / unsubscribe
  • CRM-1715 path errors in civimail.cronjob.php and UpdateMembershipRecords.php Joomla versions
  • CRM-1716 QuickForm Validation error when adding event using New Event Wizard
  • CRM-1717 SOAP server returns error for email subscription-request from an email addr that is shared by more than one contact.
  • CRM-1718 Advanced Search - Change Log Search is Broken
  • CRM-1719 Filter Text and Textarea Input Fields
  • CRM-1720 non-recoverable error trying to make smart group in 1.7 alpha demo
  • CRM-1721 CiviEvent - Delete Event Fixes
  • CRM-1722 File Fields in Event Registration and Online Contribution Pages do not Work
  • CRM-1723 import fails, but message says rows were imported successfully.
  • CRM-1724 Add a field for IM primary and one for IM home and only one shows up.
  • CRM-1725 Duplicate contacts in search results
  • CRM-1726 Badly formed CSV file crashes CiviCRM import
  • CRM-1727 Move the help pop info to the page for global settings -->Resource URLs
  • CRM-1728 Import of relationships into existing contacts fail with Update or Fill
  • CRM-1729 CiviContribute : Custom Contribution Field in Profile - Value Not Saved
  • CRM-1730 CiviContribute : Delete Contribution Does NOT Delete Related Custom Field Data
  • CRM-1731 Once a start date is selected, can the end date be defaulted to the same day?
  • CRM-1732 Contribution status remains 'Pending'
  • CRM-1733 Safari not displaying contact summary information correctly
  • CRM-1734 Usability issues with multiple emails/phones/locations
  • CRM-1735 Cannot remove an additional location
  • CRM-1736 When submit profile, communication prefs get re-set
  • CRM-1737 [preferred_communication_method] and [do_not_trade] not implemented in API
  • CRM-1738 API does not seem to update [is_primary] for locations/phones/emails
  • CRM-1739 click through tracking still seems to be broken
  • CRM-1740 Possible End Date Calculation Errors
  • CRM-1741 Unhandled CiviMail error
  • CRM-1742 Better handling of URLs in contact edit screen
  • CRM-1743 When a logged in Drupal user goes to register for an event, only some of the profile fields are pre-filled.
  • CRM-1744 Implement table sortable plugin across all selectors
  • CRM-1745 create New Contribution Page, title of form is wrong for adding new pages
  • CRM-1746 Disabling contribution amounts section doesn't disable recurring payments.
  • CRM-1747 Make status field editable in the Edit Contribution Form
  • CRM-1748 1.5 -> 1.6 upgrade script causes mysql syntax error
  • CRM-1749 Contact syncronization fails if email has an _ and there is another email equal but the _ character
  • CRM-1750 Paypal standard info doesn't get updated in contribution record.
  • CRM-1751 Drupal 4.7.6 and CiviCRM 1.7 User synchronization bug
  • CRM-1752 Drupal 4.7 and CiviCRM 1.7 New user registration / user synchronization problem: Fatal error: Cannot use [] for reading in civicrm/CRM/Core/BAO/Location.php on line 254
  • CRM-1753 CiviEvent - Remove Event Location Type Field and Automatically Assign Default Location Type
  • CRM-1754 CiviEvent - Delete Event Doesn't Delete Location and Associated Records
  • CRM-1755 New Smart Group form titled 'Array'
  • CRM-1756 Can't update Smart Groups
  • CRM-1757 Typo in 1.5-1.6 database upgrade script
  • CRM-1758 Setting Default value for Radio
  • CRM-1759 Foreign key constraint fails when not using headers or footers
  • CRM-1760 CiviContribute - Contributions Summary on Dashboard Should Only Count Completed Contributions
  • CRM-1761 CiviContribute - Find Contributions : Change Status Field from Radio to Checkbox
  • CRM-1762 Profile query string results in
  • CRM-1763 Link Organization Contacts to Individual Contacts (more strongly than via "Relationships" )
  • CRM-1764 CiviContribute - Add Premium to Contribution Page has Invalid Status Msg
  • CRM-1765 membershipID not properly set in sendMail
  • CRM-1766 Premium is not Saved to DB for Online Membership Signup Case
  • CRM-1767 Contribution Amount Display - Amount is Duplicated for Membership Fee and for Other Amounts
  • CRM-1768 event on-line registration configuration confusion
  • CRM-1769 Make sure all our scripts require authentication
  • CRM-1770 Import fails due to unknown error caused by duplicate matching rule
  • CRM-1771 Reduce number of back and forths needed to do things
  • CRM-1772 UpdateMembershipRecord.php doesn't get valid DSN
  • CRM-1773 Useability / menu items / administer civicrm
  • CRM-1774 Joomla 1.0.12, CiviCRM 1.7.beta.9101... Online Registration screen is blank
  • CRM-1775 Tracked Opens # not showing up on CiviMail report page & no forwards tracked
  • CRM-1776 CiviContribute Test Drive submits live transactions
  • CRM-1777 Event registration not being created for fee event and "Could not find an entry for contributionID in GET" error
  • CRM-1778 Profile Settings - Move Advanced Settings into a Collapsed Fieldset
  • CRM-1779 Import - Disable Form Submit Buttons Once Processing Has Started
  • CRM-1780 Send Email to Contacts - Does Not Work
  • CRM-1781 Synchronize users to contacts gives non-recoverable error in Demo 1.7
  • CRM-1782 Smarty error appears on CiviMail mail report after a 'Retry'.
  • CRM-1783 CiviMail: unsubscription counter counts multiple unsubs by the same contact
  • CRM-1784 Export of Notes for Contact and Contributions
  • CRM-1785 re-subscription confirmation can be received without update in CiviCRM
  • CRM-1786 Billing Location Incorrectly Set as Primary for New Event Registration / New Contact
  • CRM-1787 Event fee label not always appropriate on the event information page.
  • CRM-1788 Export Contact - Remove Contribution Fields from Selector
  • CRM-1789 Delete Contact - Redirects to Incorrect URL
  • CRM-1790 Activity History View Details for Event Registration - Page and Done Button Problems
  • CRM-1791 Event Registration with PayPal Std - Confirmation Email Not Sent and Participant_Payment Record Not Created
  • CRM-1792 Activity History - Add Test Flag and Display next to Activity Type on Selectors and View Pages
  • CRM-1793 Event Registration (with PayPal Std) - Extraneous Contact Record is Created
  • CRM-1794 A group with related mailing events cannot be deleted
  • CRM-1795 Ability to export custom data groups, profiles, and other meta data.
  • CRM-1796 CiviMail should recognise more than just the first email address of the primary location
  • CRM-1797 Subscribing to a group via CiviMail should be only able for groups with public visibility
  • CRM-1798 Improve group membership display list
  • CRM-1799 CiviMail should have a re-subscribe action
  • CRM-1800 CiviEvent Wizard going step 3->2->3
  • CRM-1801 UpdateMembershipRecord - Membership Log Values not Set Correctly and Reminder Date not Cleared
  • CRM-1802 Tokens not Working in Message Templates for HTML Version and Subject
  • CRM-1803 CiviCRM page on Drupal site doesn't mention 5.x compatibility
  • CRM-1804 Conditional profile elements.
  • CRM-1805 Creating an event that does not allow for online registration fails with an error about confirmation email.
  • CRM-1806 Using the previous and continue buttons while creating an event creates duplicate events. If the event has a participate limit, CiviEvent crashes.
  • CRM-1807 Add the ability to specify option extra cost items for event registrations.
  • CRM-1808 Losing Address, City and Postal Code Data from Contacts
  • CRM-1809 CRM/Core/BAO/CustomField.php on line 912
  • CRM-1810 Search Builder - Export with Multiple AND Criteria Thows Fatal Error (unsupported operand types)
  • CRM-1811 Email History Records - Replace Tokens Before Saving to the DB
  • CRM-1812 Membership Custom Elements Location
  • CRM-1813 A logged in user's event registration form is not pre-filled.
  • CRM-1815 Collapsible Sections in Administer Menu
  • CRM-1816 crash when recreating a user
  • CRM-1817 Error when sending mail to contacts
  • CRM-1818 Problem while configuring Event
  • CRM-1819 login fails on IE7, works fine on Firefox
  • CRM-1820 Cancel from profile edit fails with syntax error
  • CRM-1821 Fix PHP Notices for Joomla Installs
  • CRM-1822 Contribution Queries - Multiple Notes Causes Duplicate Rows in Search Results
  • CRM-1823 Add Check-in/badge printing functionality to CiviEvent.
  • CRM-1824 Problem deleting contacts
  • CRM-1825 Event Registration - Duplicate Activity History Records Created
  • CRM-1826 Free Memberships not allowed in 1.7
  • CRM-1827 Content-Length needed for google checkout
  • CRM-1828 options_per_line in preview does not work
  • CRM-1829 Drop CiviMail from the PHP 4 tarballs
  • CRM-1830 Expose static data to profiles
  • CRM-1831 Relative dates based custom groups
  • CRM-1832 Search by total donated
  • CRM-1833 Exposure of groups in ACL
  • CRM-1834 Ability to disable "delete" button
  • CRM-1835 Ticketing Functionality
  • CRM-1836 CiviEvent APIs - Reimplement as Version2 APIs and Add Event Search API
  • CRM-1837 Parse error in civicrm.module line 432
  • CRM-1838 File custom field for Organizations does not appear on View/Edit User Account profile
  • CRM-1839 "Select Date/Time" form field does not support all options provided by the javascript calendar
  • CRM-1840 Custom Fields Not Working
  • CRM-1841 Custom Field Values Missing from from Activity History Details View
  • CRM-1842 Record Activity for Contacts (Batch Mode) - Custom Fields are Not Available
  • CRM-1843 Files cannot be uploaded via a profile form with a file upload field
  • CRM-1844 New Event Wizard form input boxes not algined in MSIE 7
  • CRM-1845 New event wizard calendar widget fills in end date instead of start date
  • CRM-1846 Changing event type in new event wizard causes page to reload and entered data to be lost
  • CRM-1847 Step 4 of new event wizard doesn't display any options in MSIE7
  • CRM-1848 Add group id # to the name in managed group list
  • CRM-1849 CrivCRM crashes while creating a new user if a custom field is used as part of duplicate checking.
  • CRM-1850 CiviCRM crashes adding registered drupal user to CiviEvent.
  • CRM-1851 Export page for CiviEvent participants has module name. :-)
  • CRM-1852 Premium Radio Buttons are Missing on Online Contribution Page when Membership Block has a Single Membership Type
  • CRM-1853 event_level field comment too long
  • CRM-1854 multiple targed contact for one source contact
  • CRM-1855 Creating mailing labels returns blank page with IE7
  • CRM-1856 crm_get_contribution fails when searching by receive_date
  • CRM-1857 For Contribution Profile, cancelled transaction prevents future transactions (PayPal Std)
  • CRM-1858 Re-implement Contribution API in v2
  • CRM-1859 Clean up weight code
  • CRM-1860 Add custom field type = "Link"
  • CRM-1861 Delete a location from contact edit screen
  • CRM-1862 CiviReport - create sample reports using eclipse BIRT
  • CRM-1863 CiviEvent - Add a option to hide location on Event Info Page
  • CRM-1864 CiviEvent - Participant records are not created by Online Event Registration (Paypal Standard)
  • CRM-1865 Admin Message Template Link Should NOT Be Conditional on Enabling CiviMember Component
  • CRM-1866 Joomla civicrm.xml param changes
  • CRM-1867 Search on relationship fails
  • CRM-1868 Search engine fails on certain first name queries
  • CRM-1869 function simplexml_load_string doesnt exist in php4
  • CRM-1870 Fatal error: Call to undefined function: ()
  • CRM-1871 Please file an issue with the backtrace
  • CRM-1872 Group(s) column in Export Contacts includes past groups
  • CRM-1873 Permission Access to Event iCal Listings
  • CRM-1874 No way to turn off "DO NOT SEND BULK EMAIL" for a contact.
  • CRM-1875 crm_get_activity_history does not include data from custom activity fields
  • CRM-1876 Bad null test in CRM_Contact_BAO_GroupContact::getGroupContacts() for offset and row count makes it impossible to supply 0 for offset.
  • CRM-1877 Custom Data Group configuration
  • CRM-1878 option selected records only ignored when creating smart group
  • CRM-1879 Sort URLs Incorrect On Selector Columns on Contact Activities and Contributions Tabs
  • CRM-1880 Make amount labels on contribution pages optional
  • CRM-1881 Introduce free option in CiviContribute
  • CRM-1882 Create RSS 2.0 and GDATA Calendar Feed for Public Events
  • CRM-1883 Add task: "Send email to contacts" to all subsidary search screens
  • CRM-1884 Add start date and end date for event registration
  • CRM-1885 Activity API: crm_create_activity searches for unexistant php file to validate activity type
  • CRM-1886 search builder returns incorrect count
  • CRM-1887 Saving after editing an individual returns
  • CRM-1888 export mailing label, syntax error
  • CRM-1889 Add Ability to alter the default search profile
  • CRM-1890 1.6 -> 1.7 upgrade script chokes on UTF-8
  • CRM-1891 Disabling or Deleting a Profile Should Give Warnings and then Delete Links to Other Entitiies (Contribution Pages, Events, User Registration...)
  • CRM-1892 Address - country only search
  • CRM-1893 Contact Address is Not Saved When Only the Country Field is Populated
  • CRM-1894 Irrecoverable Error "Could not find valid Key" when using Find Contacts with empty values
  • CRM-1895 Membership Status Rules - End Event Should be OPTIONAL
  • CRM-1896 Membership Custom Field Values not Saved on Update
  • CRM-1897 Profiles - Allow Selected Membership Fields to be Added to Online Contribution Pages (via Profiles)
  • CRM-1898 CiviMember custom fields are not included in the API
  • CRM-1899 Membership status not maintained consistently with "Employer of" relationships
  • CRM-1900 State-province Table Abbreviation Values are Not Valid for Many Records and No Work-around for Profile View
  • CRM-1901 Provide more information about membership source when it is the result of a relationship
  • CRM-1902 Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]:
  • CRM-1903 Cannot see any custom field groups when creating new Profile
  • CRM-1904 This is continued from CRM-1902... Please help!
  • CRM-1905 Profile - Add Field Drop-downs Should Include Custom Fields Regardless of "access all custom data" permission
  • CRM-1906 Custom fields won't show up in profile when used for Drupal user registration
  • CRM-1907 Explicitly Added Contacts Not Showing in Smart Groups Listings
  • CRM-1908 Preserve existing menu links when upgrading in Joomla!
  • CRM-1909 direct call to ajax.php bypasses ACLs, authentication
  • CRM-1910 Other Amounts on membership contribution is required
  • CRM-1911 XML Parsing Error at 41:59. Error 4: not well-formed (invalid token)
  • CRM-1912 On the profile settings screen, the save and cancel redirects are required to be full urls. It would be better to allow relative urls.
  • CRM-1913 Version check before mapping/geocoding is allowed to be enabled
  • CRM-1914 Batch Geo-coding Options: Command-line Script and Option to Geocode During Import
  • CRM-1915 Manage Groups access shows with only access CiviCRM access control
  • CRM-1917 Option to Use Household Address for Individuals
  • CRM-1918 civicontribute test warning message is misleading
  • CRM-1919 CiviContribute "Require Membership Signup" does not work
  • CRM-1920 "website" contact field should add http:// if necessary
  • CRM-1921 Implement Hcalendar Microformat for Event Info Output AND Fix/Reimplement Hcard Microformat for Contact Summary and Listings
  • CRM-1922 Find Participants - Search by Event Type and Participant Role
  • CRM-1923 Improve Component Architecture and Interfaces - Including making component list in Component.php dynamic
  • CRM-1924 Membership status after import is not calculated
  • CRM-1925 crm_update_contact API function does not build display_name properly
  • CRM-1926 Import of contribution with unmatched Contribution Type will report success incorrectly
  • CRM-1927 Export of contributions will not include contributions with status "Cancelled" or empty
  • CRM-1928 Date format of contribution export is not compatible with date format for import
  • CRM-1929 Not possible to uncancel a contribution
  • CRM-1930 crm_search_count does not do group search correctly
  • CRM-1931 Custom field import incorrectly validates against labels rather than values
  • CRM-1932 Alphanumeric select fields with integer-like keys get turned into INTs
  • CRM-1933 Import - Header Mapping Does Not Work for Gender and Other ID Fields
  • CRM-1934 CiviCRM ajax does not respect ACL's
  • CRM-1935 Improve change log behavior
  • CRM-1936 Import Contributions, Memberships, Participants - Allow Matching on External ID Regardless of Duplicate Matching Rules
  • CRM-1937 Force SSL is not Working for Online Event Registration
  • CRM-1938 Generate Receipts for Manually Entered (offline) Contributions
  • CRM-1939 Add Year-to-Date Total to the Contact-level Contribution Totals Display
  • CRM-1940 Previous and Next Navigation between Contacts within a Search Result Set
  • CRM-1941 Profile - Option to Generate Email Notifications When A Profile Create or Edit Form is Submitted
  • CRM-1942 Profile - Support for Entering "Employer" Organization within an Individual Profile Form
  • CRM-1943 Site and User Level UI Configuration options (phase 1)
  • CRM-1944 Import Participants - Provide Option to UPDATE Existing Participant Records
  • CRM-1945 No radio boxes for selecting a premium in civicontribute in PHP4
  • CRM-1946 Search Panes in Adv. Search break if clicked too soon, also slow because all get preloaded
  • CRM-1947 CiviContribute Custom Page default checkbox doesn't work
  • CRM-1948 Irrecoverable Error "Could not find valid Key" when using Civicontribue contribution page as anonymous user
  • CRM-1949 Upgrade dojo to 0.4.3
  • CRM-1950 Improve user friendliness for Jooma! by providing contextual help on installation
  • CRM-1951 Importing contacts results in internal server error
  • CRM-1952 CiviMail uses wrong server's time for 'Send Immediately'
  • CRM-1953 API crm_get_membership_types() and crm_get_membership_statuses() should not have required parameters
  • CRM-1954 Add Source and External ID Fields to Organization and Household Edit Forms
  • CRM-1955 Enable multiple payment processors in CiviCRM transactions ...
  • CRM-1956 CiviCRM profiles duplicating entries when "Should we update the contact on a duplicate match?" checked.
  • CRM-1957 CRM_Utils_Hook_Drupal doesn't wrap
  • CRM-1958 New Payment Processor for Civicontribute
  • CRM-1959 running cron scripts with error_reporting = E_ALL|E_STRICT causes thousands of errors
  • CRM-1960 Default Setting for Custom Files Path Should not be Below Temporary Files
  • CRM-1961 hooks are not firing on submission of contribution pages
  • CRM-1962 When using 'copy profile' the created profile incorrectly inherits 'used for' civievent and/or civicontribute from the original.
  • CRM-1963 Export Primary Fields - Organization Name Column is Mis-labeled as Current Employer and Current Employer Data is Not Exported
  • CRM-1964 Import Fill / Update for Organizations or Households - Match to Internal Contact ID Doesn't Work
  • CRM-1965 Print selected contacts, redirect
  • CRM-1966 SQL errors on certain group names?
  • CRM-1967 Internal and/or External Contact ID is Not Displayed When Change Log is Empty
  • CRM-1968 Contribution pages create new memberships without log entry
  • CRM-1969 Advanced search export produces too many records
  • CRM-1970 Minor changes to administrative interface
  • CRM-1971 Allow creation of a list of common event locations
  • CRM-1972 Test mailing code should use the same path as real mailing
  • CRM-1973 Batch update via profile allows deletion of email
  • CRM-1974 Mixed Profiles gives error in create/edit mode
  • CRM-1975 Sample config missing CIVICRM_UPLOADDIR definition
  • CRM-1976 country not committed
  • CRM-1977 New Payment Processor for Civicontribute
  • CRM-1978 CiviCase component
  • CRM-1979 Database schema for CiviCase
  • CRM-1980 CiviCase user interface
  • CRM-1981 CiviCase Specification
  • CRM-1982 Option to Create a Joomla User from a Profile
  • CRM-1983 On Civievent main page add id numbers
  • CRM-1984 membership processing - problems when importing data.
  • CRM-1985 Cannot edit more than one Additional Location
  • CRM-1986 Update of Contact Locations Fail with Duplicate Key Fatal Error When Location Types are Swapped
  • CRM-1987 Give an admin user the ability to process credit cards on behalf of user in new contribution page
  • CRM-1988 create task "Add to Event" in search task list
  • CRM-1989 Out of memory error at upload step of mailing
  • CRM-1990 On step 4 of 4 on new event wizard change "custom fields" to "profile" or "custom profile"
  • CRM-1991 Add a cancel button to the event registration screens
  • CRM-1992 results of search with wildcard relationship match include phantom entries
  • CRM-1993 import of contacts fails (but doesn't say so) when a relationship is specified using email address that exists twice
  • CRM-1994 Options Per Line Setting Not Working for Participant Fields in Profile / Event Reg Forms
  • CRM-1995 Event/Configure/Event Settings and Information has incorrect link
  • CRM-1996 Changes to values in custom profile fields on event registration are not propagated after going back to first page.
  • CRM-1997 event registration page does is not reset properly when the user is logged-in
  • CRM-1998 Facility needed for searching for unfulfilled contribution premiums
  • CRM-1999 Smart Groups not working when selecting membership types
  • CRM-2000 Edit Event Participant - Cleanup Redundant Jscript Includes
  • CRM-2001 Modify Forms and Functions to Use New Dedupe Rules
  • CRM-2002 Build upgrade script from v1.7 -> v1.8
  • CRM-2003 See all emails for contact in edit view
  • CRM-2004 Regions for country list
  • CRM-2005 Timezones for locations
  • CRM-2006 CiviCase business logic
  • CRM-2007 PayPal Std and Google Checkout - Custom Membership and Participant Fields in Online Contribution Pages and Event Registration Pages Are NOT Saved
  • CRM-2008 Move Edit Domain Info to CiviMail Section of Admin and Cleanup the Form
  • CRM-2009 recurring billing for Authorize.Net
  • CRM-2010 Editing contact with 'edit contacts' but not also 'add contacts' is a fatal error
  • CRM-2011 Encoding problem in contextual help loaded using Ajax
  • CRM-2012 pass profile ID to hooks
  • CRM-2013 Clean up all admin page code that extends CRM_Core_Page_Basic
  • CRM-2014 deleting organizations that have membership types results in strange membership type state
  • CRM-2015 CiviEvent Profile Standalone Form produces non-recoverable error
  • CRM-2016 List membership types that an organization is associated with under Membership tab
  • CRM-2017 CiviMail Receipt Message contains "array" instead of variable value
  • CRM-2018 Delete Contact Must Remove Foreign Key Reference - Modified ID - in Membership Log Table
  • CRM-2019 Create Mailing Labels Returns Blank Page
  • CRM-2020 Add "Create CMS user" capability to joomla!
  • CRM-2021 Saving location data - Configure Event -Event Location
  • CRM-2022 Load db tables only on a as needed basis ...
  • CRM-2023 Participant Unique Names and Input Param for civicrm_get_participant API Are Incorrect / Inconsistent
  • CRM-2024 Checkbox custom field can not be unset
  • CRM-2025 html2text (used by CiviMail) should strip <head> and <style> elements
  • CRM-2026 Missing data after import without error
  • CRM-2027 Number of Locations (Address Setting) Doesn't Work for Values Greater Than Two
  • CRM-2028 Flexibility with Date Selection
  • CRM-2029 Users with restricted access, defined by search builder group assignments, can't access basic CiviCRM pages
  • CRM-2030 Confirmation step of Delete of Import/Export Mappings does not give informative message
  • CRM-2031 click through URLs in CiviMail are displayed correctly if link text contains "http:"
  • CRM-2032 Changing the 'name' of the Mailing Name input box would improve browser AutoComplete behaviour
  • CRM-2033 Actions menu items fail with error from "/group/search/advanced/" pages
  • CRM-2034 crm_fetch_contact (and hence crm_contact_search) does not return consistent arrays
  • CRM-2035 CiviMail: unsubscribe message shouldn't suggest a re-subscribe action to non-public groups
  • CRM-2036 Test mail is sent if the user selects 'previous' at mailing step 4
  • CRM-2037 Can't delete membership if it has a required custom field
  • CRM-2038 Membership summary page counting of direct and related members
  • CRM-2039 Import of Related Contacts - Improve Error Handling and Summary Statistics
  • CRM-2040 CiviMail - Send Mailing Step 3 Form Fixes
  • CRM-2041 Saving a Component with Default TRUE Should Un-set Default for Other Instances
  • CRM-2042 Google maps driving directions wigit gets incomplete address through CiviCRM
  • CRM-2043 Parse error in domainDump.php and test_with_parse_error.php
  • CRM-2044 MySQL syntax erro --- to use near ') AND ( 1 ) ORDER BY contact_a.sort_name' at line 5, 1064
  • CRM-2045 Make sure under https all images are also loaded via https ..
  • CRM-2046 Suppress Register Link on Event Info Page when Navigating from Contact Dashboard
  • CRM-2047 Wrong behaviour after "Use household address" is unchecked
  • CRM-2048 CiviEvent registration does not go to right page when user enters CC info in paypal standard
  • CRM-2049 Cancel Contribution UI Fix
  • CRM-2050 Participant Edit Form - Invalid Field Rendering for Event Fee(s) When Event is Free
  • CRM-2051 When using Yes/ No Custom field and Search Builder Field != 1, does not return null records
  • CRM-2052 date/time selection in event configuration enters hour but not minutes
  • CRM-2053 After applying the fix for version 1.8, unrestricted users receive an unrecoverable error
  • CRM-2054 Participant Get and Participant Search v2 APIs - Can't Search by Participant ID
  • CRM-2055 Product Description should be sent to payment processor as part of fields ..
  • CRM-2056 profile fields are not populated in ReceiptMessage.tpl
  • CRM-2057 Added functionality to 'add new membership'. Reduce membership select menu size by first selecting organization then appropriate membership type.
  • CRM-2058 crm_get_contribution does not include any information on products
  • CRM-2059 Cancelled Total Missing from Contact Contribution Totals Table
  • CRM-2060 Participant Search API (v2) - rowCount and offset not implemented
  • CRM-2061 dojo's don't display correctly in IE 6
  • CRM-2062 Receive Date is Missing on Contribution Thank-you Page and Receipt
  • CRM-2063 Contributions not executed in real time try to require empty payment processor
  • CRM-2064 Translation issue
  • CRM-2065 Google Maps link displayed permission denied
  • CRM-2066 No tekst in group popup search block in FF
  • CRM-2067 Mailing labels: skip contacts without locations of the given type
  • CRM-2068 Rolling memberships get fixed start set to January 1st
  • CRM-2069 Make Fixed Membership Types Require the Duration Unit Be Expressed in Year(s)
  • CRM-2070 Feature to Create a Drupal User from a Profile assumes CiviCRM tables are in the same database as the Drupal ones
  • CRM-2071 Changing the locale makes most of the tabs disappear
  • CRM-2072 Dedupe rules are not created on DB upgrade
  • CRM-2073 Add "print" button/function to contact details
  • CRM-2074 Participant fields in profile do not carry over to confirming email or registration record
  • CRM-2075 Billing location incorrectly set for new individual contacts CiviCRM 1.7
  • CRM-2076 Google Checkout :CIVICRM_CONTRIBUTE_PAYMENT_KEY is not set
  • CRM-2077 require a file type field in a profile
  • CRM-2078 Deleting an ACL could potentially cause an FK error
  • CRM-2079 Append Breadcrumb Function Does Not Work for Joomla!
  • CRM-2080 CiviMail Public Archive Listings
  • CRM-2081 Translations not shown
  • CRM-2082 Model Component-Profile similar to that of Component-Search
  • CRM-2083 Membership Renewal Should Match on Both Type and Live/Test Flag
  • CRM-2084 Participant fields in profile not displaying data properly on search results' page
  • CRM-2085 Advanced Search - Contributions - Date Selector broken
  • CRM-2086 Bug when deleting a relationship type
  • CRM-2087 Map this Address (Google Maps) - Problems Using IE 7
  • CRM-2088 Link to Contact on Maps Should Go to Profile if Map is Invoked from a Profile
  • CRM-2089 Filter is required in civicrm_option_value
  • CRM-2090 Make date ranges adjustable by the user
  • CRM-2091 Only one Gender option of each weight displays in contact edit
  • CRM-2092 PayPal Standard CiviContribute non-recoverable error
  • CRM-2093 CiviEvent/CiviMember Email Subject Parameters
  • CRM-2094 Admin Screen: Selecting the 'Empty' Payment Processor Throws an Error
  • CRM-2095 Membership Renewal Should Set the Source to the Renewing Contribution on Current Renewals
  • CRM-2096 Import progress bar on Windows "undefined"
  • CRM-2097 Import of data reported successful but records missing
  • CRM-2098 The i18n mechanism for 'My Contact Dashboard' page is broken
  • CRM-2099 Profile/standalone form errors in 1.7 & 1.8: data moves from 1 contact to another
  • CRM-2100 Contribution Profile element values are not reflected in online contribution.
  • CRM-2101 CiviMail: add the ability to queue emails directly to Postfix's spool
  • CRM-2102 Provide an easier interface for changing weights in selectors
  • CRM-2103 Custom Data criteria for Smart Group isn't saved
  • CRM-2104 Dubplicate contribution on failed validation of required fields
  • CRM-2105 Allow setting default greeting type
  • CRM-2106 Event sort-by date displays alphabetically not chronologically
  • CRM-2107 Check and potentially fix Google geocoding integration for international addresses
  • CRM-2108 CiviEvent Payment Page does not add user to group
  • CRM-2109 Advanced Search Address Field and Custom Field menus do not open
  • CRM-2110 OpenIDs are not displayed under Location on the contact summary page (contact/view)
  • CRM-2111 In the Contact Edit page (Edit.tpl/Edit.php), first and last name are not filled in by default
  • CRM-2112 Redo Reports for BIRT 2.2
  • CRM-2113 adding set_time_limit(0) to import parser
  • CRM-2114 If a contact has multiple notes, the contribution is added multiple times
  • CRM-2115 Source does not show up on Print screen
  • CRM-2116 Additional locations created automatically from create new contact form
  • CRM-2117 Custom Templates - Displaying signup email within profile
  • CRM-2118 Improving update method
  • CRM-2119 Change & to &amp; in menu links in civicrm.xml files
  • CRM-2120 CiviMail: Add the ability to spool mail to a table instead of sending
  • CRM-2121 Support Custom Data for Components in Batch Update Via Profile
  • CRM-2122 JIRA Client license for CiviCRM
  • CRM-2123 dateQueryBuilder - DATE issue with mysql 5.0
  • CRM-2124 Profile Update on Duplicate Match Should be Fill
  • CRM-2125 CiviCRM is missing the 18 Hong Kong districts
  • CRM-2126 Membership Reminder Date NOT set properly
  • CRM-2127 no continue button for registering for a free event
  • CRM-2128 Update to display with civicrm related modules
  • CRM-2129 calculate person's age on view screen ...
  • CRM-2130 Updates to country table - changes to Serbia & Montenegro
  • CRM-2131 Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man missing from the country list
  • CRM-2132 Flushing cache & session tables via script
  • CRM-2133 Empty OR's in SQL, when a certain user provile views an individual record
  • CRM-2134 Upload component - Failed in Joomla 1.0.12
  • CRM-2135 Country, state/province selection does not work correct
  • CRM-2136 Click and Pledge - New Payment Processor for CiviContribute.
  • CRM-2137 Slow and useless queries being caused by contact creation
  • CRM-2138 SSL pages use non-https action in submit form
  • CRM-2139 with php 4 you can't save Global >> Address Settings
  • CRM-2140 Event Location and Contact Information - Add URL (website) field
  • CRM-2141 imap2mail cron error
  • CRM-2143 Preferred Communication Method Field in Profile PREVIEW Shows DB Value Instead of Label
  • CRM-2144 CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution :: checkDuplicate() sometimes fails badly
  • CRM-2145 Unecessary call to CRM_Member_BAO_Membership::getContributionPageId sometimes fails
  • CRM-2146 Import Contacts - Erroneous Summary Messages After Import
  • CRM-2147 does not check for duplicate invoice IDs, so we should before we submit
  • CRM-2148 CiviCRM does not work with Joomla 1.0.13
  • CRM-2149 CiviMail: Report screen does not display Delivery Summary values
  • CRM-2150 Fixed Membershps - End Date Calculation Incorrect
  • CRM-2151 Profile View should have similar behavior to profile edit
  • CRM-2152 Default values for date fields do not take configurable date format into consideration
  • CRM-2153 Tell a Friend functionality for Online Contributions and Event Registration
  • CRM-2154 Make displaying help text in user interface optional/configurable
  • CRM-2155 Implement "Insert token" select
  • CRM-2156 Filter Mailing Recipients Based on Status from a Prior Mailing
  • CRM-2157 Implement record locking on both interface and API level
  • CRM-2158 Existing Contact Name is Changed to the Name Used for Billing
  • CRM-2159 Add Premium: Invalid form rule requires Period Type for non-subscription premiums
  • CRM-2160 Contact Dashboard is broken
  • CRM-2161 editing a profile that is used on a contribution page removes it from the contribution page
  • CRM-2162 Making activities, date and time error
  • CRM-2163 Returning to Search after View or Edit Membership OR View or Edit Participant - Search Criteria are Lost
  • CRM-2164 in a custom field - data type = alphanumeric, input field type = Multi-Select - special characters rejected
  • CRM-2165 Joomla root admin menu goes nowhere
  • CRM-2166 Create v2 API's
  • CRM-2167 Integrate CiviWidget - Online Contribution
  • CRM-2168 Allow Exact Name Search - Find Contacts and Find Target Contacts for Relationships
  • CRM-2169 Civimail Domain Settings - Create and Use Domain-level Email Name and Address as FROM for System Actions and as Default FROM for CiviMail Mailings
  • CRM-2170 Organization import skips rows with duplicate emails ignoring duplicate match settings
  • CRM-2171 Advanced Search - Excluding Inactive Relationships
  • CRM-2172 Custom fields of type date do not fall under preferences' date format setting
  • CRM-2173 Automated CiviCRM Installer for Drupal / PHP5
  • CRM-2174 All possible states and provinces shown when registering online for an event
  • CRM-2175 Required upload fails in safari3 beta
  • CRM-2176 Recover from bad settings a bit more gracefully ..
  • CRM-2177 _crm_update_contact does not call hooks
  • CRM-2178 crm_get_contact() returns only <= 2 locations
  • CRM-2179 crm_get_contact() fails to find organization if email specified
  • CRM-2180 Edit/Create contact without "Country" enabled generates error
  • CRM-2181 Cannot set State/Province when editing a contact, even after setting Country
  • CRM-2182 USPS Address Standardization fails when using the USPS production server
  • CRM-2183 Advanced & profile search forms should use text not textarea for note fields and default to like
  • CRM-2184 Custom data not exported with PRIMARY contact fields
  • CRM-2185 Custom Fields not displayed or exported after initial transaction is completed
  • CRM-2186 Headers and data fields not aligned in csv file
  • CRM-2187 crm_update_contact_membership does not create an entry in activity history
  • CRM-2188 CiviEvent Register Now link - Fatal Error
  • CRM-2189 CiviEvent Register for Free event hangs with Unresponsive Script error
  • CRM-2190 Event Fee not correct shown
  • CRM-2191 crm_create_custom_value should update existing value
  • CRM-2192 Invalid XML in RSS feed
  • CRM-2193 CLONE -Deleting groups with FK gives unhelpful error
  • CRM-2194 Force on Contribution Search Loses Search Criteria
  • CRM-2195 Profile View - Back to Listings Link Loses Search Criteria
  • CRM-2196 Double-quotes in Custom Field Title Breaks Hierselect
  • CRM-2197 No Hebrew characters in PDF labels
  • CRM-2198 Updating "Yes or No" custom fields with API fails
  • CRM-2199 Custom group title not shown in confirmation email message
  • CRM-2200 Fix the calendar-lang.php file's caching
  • CRM-2201 Fatal error: Class 'CRM_Core_BAO_UFField' not found in modules/civicrm/CRM/Core/BAO/UFGroup.php on line 503
  • CRM-2202 dashboard view of participations for a user shows only event end time, not full start and end dates
  • CRM-2203 Cannot choose 'Location' in Export
  • CRM-2204 Cannot add Additional Location
  • CRM-2205 Billing Address Missing from Email Receipt for Event Registration
  • CRM-2206 Syncronize Users gives Unrecoverable Error
  • CRM-2207 Smarty error: problem creating directory on PHP4 with safe mode on
  • CRM-2208 Personal data disclosed to the internet
  • CRM-2209 WAMP automated install conf error in civicrm.settings.php
  • CRM-2210 Make CiviCRM compatible with Drupal cache
  • CRM-2211 Mailing Labels: UFPDF does not display properly right-to-left (sub-)strings
  • CRM-2212 crm_update_contact is not updating custom field
  • CRM-2213 Preview Profile causes unrecoverable error when CAPTCHA enabled
  • CRM-2214 Change contacts type (individual to organization)
  • CRM-2215 Custom FILE fields are displayed but don't work in Online Contribution and Event Registration Pages
  • CRM-2216 Cannot see check boxes in Site Preferences
  • CRM-2217 Synchronize Users = unrecoverable error 24
  • CRM-2218 CRM_Core_Error: handle in manage premiums
  • CRM-2219 Implement Import UPDATE for Contributions and Memberships
  • CRM-2220 CiviMail should respect ACL groups ...
  • CRM-2221 CiviMailing Fails with duplicate entry error before sending
  • CRM-2222 Current Employer column doesn't work in Profile listings
  • CRM-2223 Find Contacts: collapse search form on results page
  • CRM-2224 CiviEvent Browse all events
  • CRM-2225 Current Employer does not show up in listings for individual
  • CRM-2226 Organziation Memberships should attach to employer organization rather than individual
  • CRM-2227 View sended mail in design
  • CRM-2228 Automated installer doesn't detect zero tables in Drupal database
  • CRM-2229 Profile Standalone Form and Preview - Include User Registration elements if enabled
  • CRM-2230 CiviReport - Contribution Drill Down and Details Reports Including Honoree and Recurring Contribution Information
  • CRM-2231 Importing of records does not get past page 1 in Joomla! 1.5.
  • CRM-2232 Unable to update information in profiles (via "My Account" forms in Drupal) - comes up with error "An ac count already exists with the same information."
  • CRM-2233 Unsubscribe and Opt out
  • CRM-2234 Optimize token replacement
  • CRM-2235 Permissioning issue with Edit link on profile search listing
  • CRM-2236 Domain Form / Create New Event fails if country is hidden in address preferences ..
  • CRM-2237 Admin - Submit Credit Card Contribution - Forces TEST-DRIVE Mode
  • CRM-2238 Joomla menu query does not work with 1.5
  • CRM-2239 One-step Membership Renewal with Contribution Record and Receipting
  • CRM-2240 CRM-1586 changes break custom data handling in API
  • CRM-2241 Custom Profile : User Registration : Custom Email Field Help text is still displayed
  • CRM-2242 Warning message is shown while creating Smart Group (Advanced Search)
  • CRM-2243 Import into Joomla! fails and causes system to log out.
  • CRM-2244 editing existing contact with external ID set throws duplicate error
  • CRM-2245 civicrm_add_domain.mysql broken due to being unique
  • CRM-2246 Swedish currency
  • CRM-2247 Directory separator issues in calendar popup under windows
  • CRM-2248 Directory separator issues in URL resource location under windows
  • CRM-2249 Import Participant: note import fails
  • CRM-2250 Event Type drop down showing incorrect Event Types
  • CRM-2251 New event fails with STRICT_TRANS_TABLE enabled in mysql ..
  • CRM-2252 Civicrm 1.8 does not print the postal code suffix on a mailing label
  • CRM-2253 Optimize db access and calls to crm_fetch_contact
  • CRM-2254 "synchronize users to contacts" will time out for many users and contacts
  • CRM-2255 non-recoverable error when trying to update event address
  • CRM-2256 CiviMail: HTTP counterparts to subscribe and confirm actions
  • CRM-2257 Create new contribution fails if STRICT_TRANS_MODE enabled in mysql
  • CRM-2259 Profile Notificaion on Submit - Use Domain Email Address as FROM
  • CRM-2260 Make civicrm_currency table complete
  • CRM-2261 Token replacement should only retrieve tokens that are used in the mailing
  • CRM-2262 Add hungarian currency
  • CRM-2263 Implement Group Type Property to Allow Users to Filter Groups by Usage
  • CRM-2264 Manage Groups - Pager and Search
  • CRM-2265 Send Mailing - Display Recipient Count Info on all Steps After Recipients are Set
  • CRM-2266 Browse Sent Mailings - Pager and Search
  • CRM-2267 New Event Registration for a contact does not account for PriceSets ...
  • CRM-2268 Add a "send test email" button to SMTP setting page
  • CRM-2269 Simple access control for sub / unsub / optout / resub
  • CRM-2270 Component Export Improvements
  • CRM-2271 Send Mailing - Modify Wizard Steps to Simplify and Reduce Form Sizes
  • CRM-2272 Problem: new user automatic information via email
  • CRM-2273 Import ignores trailing periods in csv
  • CRM-2274 CiviMember Import- behaves differently than CiviCRM imports
  • CRM-2275 Include Reports in civicrm distribution
  • CRM-2276 Profile with only email field sets display name of existing user to email address
  • CRM-2277 Profile Preview Warnings with Checkbox Fileds
  • CRM-2278 Civicrm Database Error Code: Lost connection to MySQL server during query, 2013
  • CRM-2279 Relationships - Allow View and Edit of is_active Flag
  • CRM-2280 Use database locking scheme on a per job basis rather than flock on civimail.cronjob.php
  • CRM-2281 Automated installer for Drupal incorrectly renames database name via javascript
  • CRM-2285 Delete Mailing - Foreign Key Error
  • CRM-2286 Re-send mailing should set body_text and body_html in the "upload" screen
  • CRM-2287 if country is first address field, address fields are not saved
  • CRM-2288 Move profile and custom data to a different area on administration page and add short cut for profile
  • CRM-2289 Advanced Search - Including Contact ID in Profile Search Results Fails
  • CRM-2290 Hide access control menu item in joomla
  • CRM-2291 Search Builder - Including a Custom Field in the Search Builder Causes other Criteria to be Ignored
  • CRM-2292 Search Builder - Remove NOT IN and NOT LIKE Operators from Interface Until they are Fixed
  • CRM-2293 Localisation: data in civicrm_data.fr_CA.sql is not correctly espaced
  • CRM-2294 SQL Upgrade Script for 1.8 to 1.9
  • CRM-2295 Many "SELECT * FROM tbl_name" queries are run every time a contact is updated
  • CRM-2296 database index suggestions
  • CRM-2297 Upgrade amavisd-new to 2.5.2
  • CRM-2298 Unable to bulk add contacts to past event
  • CRM-2299 Eliminate Retry (Mailings Have One Live Job), Modify Recipient Uniqueness Test to Use Job, Mailing Report Fixes
  • CRM-2300 CiviMail: Handling of the test email address
  • CRM-2301 Allow for Activity Type in profile listings
  • CRM-2302 Add PayJunction payment processor
  • CRM-2303 Contribution Page Membership Block Should Exclude Disabled Membership Types
  • CRM-2304 Add Type to CiviContribute Honoree Information (In honor of vs. In memory of)
  • CRM-2305 Configure Available Recurring Contribution Frequency Choices
  • CRM-2306 Manage Events - Pager and Search
  • CRM-2307 Manage Contribution Pages - Pager and Search
  • CRM-2308 Foreign Key Error Deleting Message Template if it is Referenced by a Mailing
  • CRM-2309 Contact view broken in Safari
  • CRM-2310 CiviMail: {action.*subscribeUrl} tokens replaced by empty strings over SMTP
  • CRM-2311 Weirdness from the WYSIWIG editor in the mail sending wizard.
  • CRM-2312 editing existing contact with external ID set throws duplicate error
  • CRM-2313 CiviMember - Can't turn off status hold
  • CRM-2314 Update Template Checkbox Should be Hidden When No Message Template is Selected
  • CRM-2315 Required Tokens not Enforced for Compose Method
  • CRM-2316 Warning When Email Address for Test Mailing Doesn't Exist in the DB
  • CRM-2317 A comma in a Household name breaks "Use Household Address" for a contact
  • CRM-2318 Action Tokens Not Evaluated Properly in HTML Message for Compose Method
  • CRM-2319 HTML Message is Lost When Returning to Create Content from Test Step in Send Mailing Wizard
  • CRM-2320 AMaViS upgrade
  • CRM-2321 URLs with Query Strings are NOT Tracked in HTML Messages
  • CRM-2322 Mailing Header and Mailing Footer are NOT Included in Mailings
  • CRM-2323 Search should return individuals + (households where individuals are members of households)
  • CRM-2324 Current build of joomla! 1.5 breaks civicrm
  • CRM-2325 Joomla Admin Menu Styles are Distorted by CiviCRM CSS
  • CRM-2326 CiviEvent still counts 'Cancelled' and 'No-shows' in the Total Participants
  • CRM-2327 Upgrade all dojo widgets (v0.4 to v0.9)
  • CRM-2328 Duplicates in profile listings where contact has multiple phone records of same location_id and phone_type
  • CRM-2329 Do not allow member signup if no membership types present,
  • CRM-2330 Upgrade PayPal to use new NVP API rather than the SOAP API
  • CRM-2331 Invalid date error when entering date in a field with year part excluded
  • CRM-2332 Track and Report on Contributions, Memberships and Event Registrations Resulting from Mailing Click-thru's
  • CRM-2333 Verify and/or Fix CiviMail Token Behaviors
  • CRM-2334 Contact Merge of Event and Contribution Data
  • CRM-2335 Tagging contacts from search by Event Name tags all contacts in database
  • CRM-2336 Feedback for CiviCRM 1.9.beta.11750.
  • CRM-2337 Event Registration with PayPal Pro - Should Bypass Billing Field Validation if PayPal Express Button is Clicked
  • CRM-2338 Different resubscribe message for different mailings
  • CRM-2339 Offline contributions not secure https
  • CRM-2340 Date format dd/mm/yyyy for civicrm contact import (patch)
  • CRM-2341 Contribute Page: Empty credit card field yields error
  • CRM-2342 Contribute pages do not check for required payment fields until transaction request
  • CRM-2343 CiviMail: break early if there are no valid targets for a mailing
  • CRM-2344 CiviCRM does not support email notifications when activities are due.
  • CRM-2345 Smart groups made from searches on event participants don't work in joomla
  • CRM-2346 CiviContribute custom data profile for membership purchase missing profile for authenticated users
  • CRM-2347 Documentation has misleading credit statement
  • CRM-2348 If PayPal Express in the Processor - Contribution Pages and Event Reg Pages Should NOT Include Credit Card and Billing Info Blocks
  • CRM-2349 spelling errors in state_province table
  • CRM-2350 import breaks on provinces when country is not selected in "available state/provinces" field in localization settings
  • CRM-2351 make civimail(1.9) work on 2.0
  • CRM-2352 Clean up activity-case code
  • CRM-2353 Enable custom fields for Activities
  • CRM-2354 After adding/editing an activity, submit takes you to "Summary" tab instead of "Activities" tab
  • CRM-2355 Errus
  • CRM-2356 Event Registration turns to TEST transaction after clicking Map This Location
  • CRM-2357 non-recoverable error when updating civimail domain information
  • CRM-2358 Bad HTML in CRM/Tag/Form/Tag.tpl
  • CRM-2359 ACL rule makes (non mailing) group usable for mailings
  • CRM-2360 Framework for custom search forms with developer-defined queries
  • CRM-2361 Merging with 2 different locations of 'Primary location for this contact'
  • CRM-2362 After updating to CiviCRM 1.9.11960. the opt out links (via mail to:) do not work if you click them btu copy paste does work?
  • CRM-2363 We have reported user having getting both the text and html (code) in their emails.
  • CRM-2364 Trackable URL option clobbers img src in mailing header.
  • CRM-2365 Multi-Site Installation Directory Requirement
  • CRM-2366 PayPal Overwrites Custom Profile Address Info
  • CRM-2367 CiviMail http unsubscribe (etc) requests direct to Joomla admin login
  • CRM-2368 Control "from" address when sending contact emails
  • CRM-2369 Sending email to contact using message template only sends text version.
  • CRM-2370 Modify PremiumsProduct to use Weight Property
  • CRM-2371 Dedupe: Upgrade the code to work with 2.0 schema
  • CRM-2372 Dedupe: Moving parts of the engine from PHP to MySQL
  • CRM-2373 CiviContribute GoogleIPN.php getallheaders() error when running PHP as CGI
  • CRM-2374 XML changes needed for install with Joomla! 1.5 RC3
  • CRM-2375 Import Contact does not work with Joomla
  • CRM-2376 Payment Instrument not exported
  • CRM-2377 Group and Tag Assignments are Removed When Editing a Contact IF Site Preferences are Set to Exclude Groups and Tags from the Edit Form
  • CRM-2378 Broken link for Profile fields in view mode
  • CRM-2379 Deleting email address fails when corresponding row exists in mail queue
  • CRM-2380 Fix import to account for new custom group/field structure
  • CRM-2381 Fix api's and upgrade unit tests for new custom group/field/value/option structure
  • CRM-2382 Move SMTP Password from settings file into the database - editable via Administrator SMTP Settings page
  • CRM-2383 Redirect all pages in civicrm/admin path to https if Force SSL is enabled
  • CRM-2384 Map (group of) Contacts is Broken
  • CRM-2385 CiviCRM appears to bypass hook_user invocation when changing a Drupal user's e-mail account
  • CRM-2386 Log all fatal / abnormal messages to a log file ....
  • CRM-2387 Optimize civicrm search by restricting the BIG query to only relevant contact ids ..
  • CRM-2388 Use date comparison operators when comparing dates in PHP
  • CRM-2389 Record referring friend's contact ID in contributions and event registrations
  • CRM-2390 Membership signup option during event registration
  • CRM-2391 Field 'resubscribe_id' doesn't have a default value, 1364
  • CRM-2392 Custom Fields in Profile Search don't have wildcards built-in
  • CRM-2393 Custom Data field type that generates a relationship and allows relationship data to be exported
  • CRM-2394 Implement token replacement for contact fields for core Send Email to Contact(s)
  • CRM-2395 Pay Later for Contributions, Memberships and Event Registration
  • CRM-2396 Synchronize users in joomla correctly assigns user name instead of email
  • CRM-2397 Fix Custom Fields and Data, Event Fees, Contribution Data and Activity Data in Sample / Generated Data for 2.0
  • CRM-2398 Link to CiviMail Guide on CiviMail Admin Settings page is broken
  • CRM-2399 Done button does results in an error on a Map page linked from a Profile Listing
  • CRM-2400 CSV Import strips trailing period from Organization Name
  • CRM-2401 Access Control
  • CRM-2402 Enable print functionality on civicrm pages ...
  • CRM-2403 Error on submission of 'Member Signup and Renewal' form
  • CRM-2404 CiviMember dashboard shows wrong counts and bad date values
  • CRM-2405 Fix Import for schema changes
  • CRM-2406 Remove ts('CiviMail') in some of the CRM/Mailing/Menu.php items
  • CRM-2407 Resubscribe id is needed in sending a mail ...
  • CRM-2408 Activity User Interface Cleanup
  • CRM-2409 Contacts are automatically added to ALL groups on creation
  • CRM-2410 Import Progress bar does not work in Joomla
  • CRM-2411 CiviMail - Email Generation
  • CRM-2412 Import Contacts - Fix for New Schema and Codebase Structure
  • CRM-2413 Fix authentication for new joomla passwd hash scheme
  • CRM-2414 Cannot uncheck 'contact is deceased'
  • CRM-2415 pre-hook doesn't abort save operation when it should
  • CRM-2416 Credit Card Field Validation is Bypassed if Membership Block Enabled
  • CRM-2417 CiviEvent iCal and RSS Feeds are Broken
  • CRM-2418 Add iCal Download Link for Event to Info, Thank-you pages and to Confirmation Email
  • CRM-2419 Event End Date Should Be Optional
  • CRM-2420 Configure the Participant Role Assigned for an Event
  • CRM-2421 One-step Event Registration with Contribution Record and Confirmation/Receipt
  • CRM-2422 Streamlined event registration for free events (skip confirmation step)
  • CRM-2423 Advanced Search - Activities and Cases
  • CRM-2424 Display Listings of Event Participants
  • CRM-2425 Fix Advanced Search: Activities for schema changes
  • CRM-2426 Prevent Participants from Registering More than Once for the Same Event (Online Registration)
  • CRM-2427 Enable facebook integration with CiviCRM
  • CRM-2428 entity_table and entity_id should not be required uf_join fields
  • CRM-2429 Allow users to override profile search form
  • CRM-2430 Access Control for Events
  • CRM-2431 Currency
  • CRM-2433 A string missing from the POT/PO files
  • CRM-2434 makeCurrentEmployerRelationship() function is broken
  • CRM-2435 Checking 'Primary location for this contact' does not switch the primary location indicator
  • CRM-2436 Fix for Custom Profile View
  • CRM-2437 Profile - Search on Address Fields is Broken
  • CRM-2438 Non recoverable error occurs when creating organic groups with OGsynch module enabled. OG does not replicate as a CiviCRM group
  • CRM-2439 Events, not having end date, should be listed as Current Event
  • CRM-2440 Search on "special" charactres don't work
  • CRM-2441 Time behaves odd in civiEvent
  • CRM-2442 Minimum "Other Contribution Amount" is not being enforced if it is set to 0.00
  • CRM-2446 display_name build incorrectly on profile changes
  • CRM-2450 Incorrect USPS credential results in data loss when updating contact
  • CRM-2451 Error Details:
  • CRM-2452 Cannot Delete Payment Processors
  • CRM-2453 Add drupal role support to CiviCRM groups and Membership types
  • CRM-2454 Optimize UpdateMembershipRecord.php.txt
  • CRM-2455 Modify Existing CiviReports to Work with 2.0 Schema
  • CRM-2456 Fix Activity Import for schema changes
  • CRM-2457 Do not allow users to assign Access Control group type to Smart Groups
  • CRM-2458 Possible bug in DomainDump.php causing "malformed header from script" apache 500 error
  • CRM-2459 Default contribution amount is ignored
  • CRM-2460 Min and max amounts are ignored for contribution forms
  • CRM-2461 Smart ACL
  • CRM-2462 CC billing info fields not flagged as required
  • CRM-2463 Can't turn off Duplicate matching for profiles
  • CRM-2464 unable to remove start or end date of relationship.
  • CRM-2465 Use phpids for intrusion detection and to log / prevent scripting attacks
  • CRM-2466 Profile search makes too many repeated db queries ...
  • CRM-2467 CRM_Utils_String::IsUtf8() regular expression causes segfault on most PHP installations with some input strings
  • CRM-2468 Add "Date created" to Change Log
  • CRM-2469 civimail.cronjob.php processes only one job at a time ...
  • CRM-2470 Can't export a name that is literally "Null"
  • CRM-2471 Autolinking of Civi Contact and Drupal User not working
  • CRM-2472 Obsolete civicontribute thermometer ...
  • CRM-2473 Multiple "User Registration" profiles only add to one group
  • CRM-2474 Allow Selection of multiple Premiums
  • CRM-2475 Dedupe: upgrade to use API 2
  • CRM-2476 Improve API 2 calls
  • CRM-2477 Space inserted into link using wysywig editor and cound not be fixed
  • CRM-2478 Allow custom fields to select existing option groups
  • CRM-2479 Add 'id' element for smarty in HTML quickform
  • CRM-2480 Add validate hook so modules can define their own form-level validation function
  • CRM-2488 Generalize recurring processor code ..
  • CRM-2489 Add a wysiwyg to civievent 'complete description'
  • CRM-2490 Upgrade State-Country dojo widget to v1.0
  • CRM-2491 Fix Standalone CiviCRM mode in 2.0
  • CRM-2492 Port CRM_Core_BAO_CustomValue::getContactValues() to the new schema
  • CRM-2493 API 2: Location API not working
  • CRM-2494 send mail uses a fixed domain id of 1
  • CRM-2495 bypass index.tpl as main entry point ..
  • CRM-2496 Upgrade OpenID library to 2.0
  • CRM-2497 Fix ACL and Permissions for Standalone version
  • CRM-2498 Add profiles to user registration page for Standalone
  • CRM-2499 Hook CiviMail cronjob to Drupal's cronjob infrastructure
  • CRM-2500 Resource URLs wrong if CiviCRM installed in Drupal's sites/<sitename>/modules/civicrm
  • CRM-2501 "register now" link
  • CRM-2502 CiviMail reply-to feature does not work ...
  • CRM-2503 CiviMember - Separate Membership Payment mode - validation of contribution amounts is incorrect
  • CRM-2504 Option Values are not calculated correctly
  • CRM-2505 The "Search Views" dropdown in the Advanced Search of the Find Contacts menu is not affected by permissions
  • CRM-2506 Membership API: crm_create_contact_membership fails to get related contactIDs
  • CRM-2507 Profile listings
  • CRM-2508 CiviEvent have problems handling multiple people with same name
  • CRM-2509 Tokens in message template used by CiviMember reminder does not return values
  • CRM-2510 Typo in Admin Settings - SMTP Configuration SMTP Port help text en_GB
  • CRM-2511 Minimum contribution validation incorrect on membership and contribution pages
  • CRM-2512 Membership cost is not clearly presented on contribution pages with separate transactions
  • CRM-2513 HTML tags in Online Contribution Page Title Cause PayPal Error - Page Not Found
  • CRM-2514 Custom Date Fields and Contribution Search Irregularities
  • CRM-2515 Attempting to Delete an Option Value Record Causes Fatal DB Error from UpdateRecords function
  • CRM-2516 Option Value's VALUE is Missing from Option Value Selector
  • CRM-2517 Missing Custom Option
  • CRM-2518 Custom Data not showing in VIEW / EDIT mode
  • CRM-2519 have to create a profile field multiple times before it saves
  • CRM-2520 Profile Edit mode doesn't load logged in contact data in Joomla front-end
  • CRM-2521 UpdateMembershipRecord creates supurfluos activity records
  • CRM-2522 contact save error
  • CRM-2523 Extend the version check mechanism to report some statistical info
  • CRM-2524 Error in civicrm_initialize()
  • CRM-2525 Fix Joomla notices for CiviCRM v2.0
  • CRM-2526 Dojo Tooltip (help rollover) Problems
  • CRM-2527 CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroup::getTree() returns the same tree, no matter what are the params
  • CRM-2528 Disabled components are not removed from menus
  • CRM-2529 Profile Search Form -- Implicit wildcards missing from custom fields
  • CRM-2530 Create a Form to update the values for civicrm_domain.config_backend
  • CRM-2531 Fix Generated data for Membership/ Participant/Domain/Events
  • CRM-2532 Activity Search (advanced search pane) Improvements
  • CRM-2533 Fix all copy actions - ( broken due to custom data schema changes )
  • CRM-2534 Payment fields should be bypassed/not required if selected registration option has $0 fee
  • CRM-2535 Custom Data of type Link should prompt http://
  • CRM-2536 Upgrade script from 1.9 -> 2.0 ( Sections )
  • CRM-2537 Upgrade script from 1.9 -> 2.0 ( Rest of the tables )
  • CRM-2538 Problem with Event-Registration when using Google-Checkout
  • CRM-2539 Incorrect Data in Profile Listing
  • CRM-2540 Fix import for CiviContribute / CiviMember
  • CRM-2541 ACL Code Crashes CiviCRM For Some UF Group ACLs
  • CRM-2542 API 2: Contact API enhancements
  • CRM-2543 The 'Date Removed' date in a contact's group membership page is sometimes incorrect
  • CRM-2544 Custom fields' previews don't consider defaults
  • CRM-2545 Find contacts / find members searches get mixed up
  • CRM-2546 If there are no profiles setup that are linked to the user account, there will be no link on the drupal user page to "View Contact Record"
  • CRM-2547 Issue with drupal module + google maps.
  • CRM-2548 Conflicting id name on various pages
  • CRM-2549 Conflicting id name on various pages
  • CRM-2550 Editing Contact Record via Profile Form Sets Birth Date to NULL
  • CRM-2551 Provide friendly message rather than fatal error when user attempts to register for an event prior to register start date or after register end date
  • CRM-2552 Website Payments Pro with Contributions tab results in invalid data error
  • CRM-2553 importing notes field - contact_id set to entity_id by default
  • CRM-2554 Synchronize users to contacts fails
  • CRM-2555 UpdateMembershipRecord script does not report details for what members were sent renewal notices
  • CRM-2556 Can't delete custom groups
  • CRM-2557 Display Pictures in profile listings similar to profile view in Joomla frontend
  • CRM-2558 Error: 'dojo' is undefined
  • CRM-2559 Show-hide fails when viewing Custom Data for Contact in TAB mode
  • CRM-2560 Search Builder operator != not working for tags or groups
  • CRM-2561 Advanced Search Event Name and Type Auotcompete Overwrites User Input
  • CRM-2562 Quotes not applied to query money amount in Find Contribution
  • CRM-2563 Temporary 'Do not Send' option
  • CRM-2564 "Insert/Edit image" button is missing from CiviMail's WYSIWYG HTML message editor
  • CRM-2565 Message preview generates error
  • CRM-2566 Duplicate contribution error for Online Event Registration with Authorize.Net
  • CRM-2567 Profile update notifications: small errors in URLs included in e-mail
  • CRM-2568 Non-recoverable error on Step 4 send test mailing in Civimail
  • CRM-2569 User with ACL edit rights on a group cannot see pending members of the group
  • CRM-2570 CRM/Event/Page/EventInfo.php has custom stuff commented out ..
  • CRM-2571 iCal Time/Date is Incorrect
  • CRM-2572 A PEAR error/warning on subscription confirmation
  • CRM-2573 Paid Event can be configured without a Payment Processor for sites using offline registration only
  • CRM-2574 VERP email addresses are often too long (> 64 characters) violating RFC and thus being rejected
  • CRM-2575 CiviEvent is exporting iCal with GMT based on unreliable server settings
  • CRM-2576 CiviCRM should alter file extensions for any unkown-type uploads
  • CRM-2577 Price set data not included in participant export
  • CRM-2578 Custom Data type Date for Participants throws error while saving
  • CRM-2579 Relationships created by Use Household Address, Add to Household and Add to Organization are DISABLED when created
  • CRM-2580 Activity Selector - Source, Target and Assigned Contact Columns Should Use Sort Name so Sorting is Correctly Done
  • CRM-2581 Changing household address, doesn't affect the address of individuals sharing it
  • CRM-2582 Main Joomla template should omit the pageTitle element if it is not defined for that page
  • CRM-2583 Select message template dojo comboBox not working
  • CRM-2584 Create the 2.0 POT/PO/MO files
  • CRM-2585 Problem importing records into Organization
  • CRM-2586 Not possible to Edit or Cancel Event Registration when Maximum Number of Participans is reached
  • CRM-2587 Search Builder - broken for Custom data (Multiple Choice)
  • CRM-2588 Copying Event fails to copy Price Set Information
  • CRM-2589 Searchable custom fields within a given range doesn't work!
  • CRM-2590 Standardize token naming convention
  • CRM-2591 Custom field values entered for an Activity are not saved
  • CRM-2592 CiviEvents error with Moneris payment processor
  • CRM-2593 Event level defaults are not set correctly when you copy an Event
  • CRM-2594 Wrong calculation of memberhsip status
  • CRM-2595 Final dot in name is stripped by import
  • CRM-2596 Fatal error when deleting a Location Type
  • CRM-2597 Importing Individuals and Groups
  • CRM-2598 Custom Data of type date/integer/money gives error
  • CRM-2599 Date formatting bug
  • CRM-2600 Representation of Swedish Currency is not right.
  • CRM-2601 Renewal reminder message options not showing
  • CRM-2602 Profile Search, Edit and View - Fatal Error when County field included in Profile
  • CRM-2603 First use: "Cannot execute DROP TABLE IF EXISTS civicrm_relationship: DB Error: constraint violation"
  • CRM-2604 Duplicate check fails and throws errors if there is no content in a duplicate check field.
  • CRM-2605 Contact Search block autofills far too aggressively, seriously inhibiting usefulness.
  • CRM-2606 Error Price Set Calculation
  • CRM-2607 CiviMember Membership Types don't respect Domain IDs
  • CRM-2608 'Synchronize Users to Contacts' -Fails and gives DB error first time
  • CRM-2609 Errors when adding/modifying Price Options
  • CRM-2610 Permissioning for Viewing Component-related Activities
  • CRM-2611 Support for IMAP SSL/TLS Connections
  • CRM-2612 Doc link from CiviCRM to Confluence broken due to sessionid
  • CRM-2613 Is Deceased, Memberships and Mailings
  • CRM-2614 Hierarchical Select for Contact Type -> Field Allows Users to Pick Fields that do not Belong to the Selected Type
  • CRM-2615 Fix data listed under contact/contribute and contact/events tab when having permissions Access CiviContribute and Access CiviEvent
  • CRM-2616 Quick Search in CiviCRM Home Dashboard does not submit the search request
  • CRM-2617 Add Contacts to Group fatal error if all X records radio option is checked
  • CRM-2618 Manage Groups selector includes empty rows for groups that user does not have permission for
  • CRM-2619 Contact search gives fatal error when logged in user has limited access to contacts via ACLs
  • CRM-2620 Weight not updated in profile settings after being copied
  • CRM-2621 Dojo comboBox does not work in Windows IE 7
  • CRM-2622 Contact Search Widget additional [View Contact] button control
  • CRM-2623 Attempting to Delete Custom Field of Type FILE from a Profile Throws Fatal Error
  • CRM-2624 Household Member of Relationships imported as Inactive
  • CRM-2625 Exclude Contribution-related Activity Records from Activity Listings if User does NOT have access CiviContribute Permission
  • CRM-2626 Add / Edit Activity Form: Case select field should not be included if contact has no cases created
  • CRM-2627 Display of Google Maps Fails on IE 7 - Stack Overflow"
  • CRM-2628 Address, phone and email info is empty in search results selector for many sample contact records
  • CRM-2629 Provide member summary for previous months
  • CRM-2630 Contact name overwritten by custom field title in receipt
  • CRM-2631 CiviContribute API: Class 'CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant' not found
  • CRM-2632 Geocode lookups don't always refresh on address change
  • CRM-2633 Membership start date should precede membership finish date
  • CRM-2634 Cannot execute INSERT INTO civicrm_custom_group: DB Error: syntax error
  • CRM-2635 API: crm_create_group() requires odd format for group_type parameter
  • CRM-2636 Smart Subscription for CiviMail
  • CRM-2637 Custom fields missing from View Relationship screen
  • CRM-2638 After submitting advanced search form, in the result page, Ajax based fields are not filled proper defaults
  • CRM-2639 Edit Individual Contact : if address fields are populated they should be retained if Use Household Address -> Create New Household is selected
  • CRM-2640 Numeric states/provinces are problematic.
  • CRM-2641 Contact Summary : Map this Address link missing location (lid) parameter
  • CRM-2642 Renew Membership - Renewal Date entered on form is Ignored
  • CRM-2643 API documentation link broken
  • CRM-2644 One-step renewal with live credit card transaction?
  • CRM-2645 Renew Membership : Send Receipt is TRUE and hidden when by default. Postprocess sends receipt regardless of state of record_contribution checkbox.
  • CRM-2646 Create / Edit Membership : End Date should be calculated from Start Date if one has been entered
  • CRM-2647 Upgrade procedur fails for joomla ...
  • CRM-2648 Allow individual to have first + last OR email OR OpenID as minimal requirements
  • CRM-2649 Saving an email address (or just name) gives invalid state error message ...
  • CRM-2650 After upgrading a 1.9 Drupal site to 2.0 - all CiviCRM menu and block links are non-clean URLS
  • CRM-2651 Create Mailing Labels : Default behavior should be to SKIP contacts with Do Not Mail privacy option
  • CRM-2652 Date fields not consistant throughout application
  • CRM-2653 CiviCRM does not accept country and generates error
  • CRM-2654 CiviEvent ICal is not compatible with new Drupal Calendar 2.x Module wich is under development
  • CRM-2655 Empty location data fails validation if "number of locations" > 2
  • CRM-2656 Sending email to 20 contacts registers 20 activity records in sender's activity log
  • CRM-2657 Created a new Event and when I went back to look at the event got "showBlocks array item not in .tpl=id_location_2_show" error.
  • CRM-2658 Opt-out sometimes causes a warning to be displayed
  • CRM-2659 The Localization admin screen is not localised
  • CRM-2660 Upgrade AMaViS to current upstream
  • CRM-2661 Allow Pay-later Paid Events without a Payment Processor
  • CRM-2662 Resource URL is guessed incorrectly for standalone out of the box
  • CRM-2663 Import Contacts : When existing records are Updated the Tag and Add to Group functions don't work
  • CRM-2664 new DOMDocument () call is failing
  • CRM-2665 2.0 Upgrade Issues
  • CRM-2666 Click-through Summary Success Rate figures always report 0%
  • CRM-2667 Error when creating a new organisation
  • CRM-2668 Import Participants - MIssing Field Error is Incomplete
  • CRM-2669 Add access key(s) to the most often used actions
  • CRM-2670 Contact APIs - crm_update_contact() error
  • CRM-2671 Premiums section incorrectly appears in Record Offline Contribution
  • CRM-2672 inactive checkbox when adding new custom field doesn't work
  • CRM-2673 Submit Credit Card Contribution page lacks additional information sections
  • CRM-2674 Install Settings - Resource URLs in CiviCRM-Drupal on Apache/Windows
  • CRM-2675 View / Edit Membership Record and View / Edit Participant Record : Display associated payment(s)
  • CRM-2676 Allow repeated custom field names if they are in different groups
  • CRM-2677 Empty drop-down box appears for custom data used for 'Contacts'
  • CRM-2678 Custom data display builder uses the same logic to build both view and form dates for tab-displayed custom groups
  • CRM-2679 CiviCRM Profile for a link type field has incorrect display when visibility is "Public User Pages"
  • CRM-2680 Event fields don't display in selector for profile search
  • CRM-2681 Preserve Search results selection across multiple result pages
  • CRM-2682 Eliminate use of userFrameworkVersion
  • CRM-2683 Add paging support for Contact Select (dojo select)
  • CRM-2684 Disabling a custom field generates a non-recoverable error
  • CRM-2685 Billing name overwrites existing contact name
  • CRM-2686 CiviCRM overlaps with right navigation area in Drupal
  • CRM-2687 Import in custom date fields does not function correctly
  • CRM-2688 Bad performance on Event overview -> timeout
  • CRM-2689 Sample Data Fixes - Memberships and Event Registrations
  • CRM-2690 Duplicate contact records created by Online Contribution and Event Registration
  • CRM-2691 Identify and Remove all Deprecated Non-functioning APIs from the Repository
  • CRM-2692 Campaign module CiviCRM
  • CRM-2693 Error in event module
  • CRM-2694 Mailing status stays running with 5xx error from local machine
  • CRM-2695 Eliminate footer from all public pages ...
  • CRM-2696 Edit Custom Fields : Erroneous form validation error occurs when saving an existing custom field - "Option Type is a required field"
  • CRM-2697 addParticipant is not called properly in event registration, accesses a protected variable.
  • CRM-2698 CiviCRM Profile Administer - Preview Error
  • CRM-2699 Clean up Custom Field form ..
  • CRM-2700 Add Kosovo to the country list
  • CRM-2701 Make sure civicrm_country and civicrm_state_province is synced with ISO 3166
  • CRM-2702 Record Renewal Payment not working
  • CRM-2703 Request that Pay later option can trigger an e-mail with payment instructions (which can serve as an invoice too)
  • CRM-2704 warning: urlencode() expects parameter 1 to be string, on enrolment
  • CRM-2705 Can't delete enrolment and re-enrol
  • CRM-2706 Pending event confirmation and receipt - should get sent after contribution status is set to completede
  • CRM-2707 Add Search-results style drop down to CiviMail Report lists
  • CRM-2708 Add / Edit Event Registration : Empty fieldset is displayed on the form - "Registration Confirmation and Receipt" - if contact doesn't have an email address
  • CRM-2709 Introduce default timezone setting in Global Settings and offer timezone'd dates in different places
  • CRM-2710 Unsubscribe/Opt-out URLs point to backend in Joomla install
  • CRM-2711 iCal improvements
  • CRM-2712 Event Summary only shows events with confirmed enrolments
  • CRM-2713 Pending registrations not showing in one screen
  • CRM-2714 Update Pending Status should be limiited to online payments only ...
  • CRM-2715 Multiple phone numbers from event registrations
  • CRM-2716 Errror: when you clear state_province for an event
  • CRM-2717 editing contacts uncheck doesn't hide the items when viewing
  • CRM-2718 If "Pay later option" is checked, hide Billing Name and Address fields as well as Credit Card info fields
  • CRM-2719 Modifying Public Group(s) memberships for a contact in Profile Edit OR My Account inadvertantly removes any group memberships for User Admin groups
  • CRM-2720 Joomla install success upgrade link > 1.9
  • CRM-2721 CAPTCHA in CiviContribute Pages
  • CRM-2722 Update Pending Status : If you enter the same transaction ID in multiple rows - a fatal error is thrown
  • CRM-2723 Remove references to DAO_CustomValue from code base
  • CRM-2724 Edit Individual - Use Household Address : Display select household address in "Shared Household Address" fieldset when the household is selected and Handle Modify Cases Better
  • CRM-2725 Allow customers to return to pending orders to pay
  • CRM-2726 Activity history doesn't show emails correctly
  • CRM-2727
  • CRM-2728 upgade v2.0 is_primary email, phone, im, address
  • CRM-2729 Changing Localization from EN -> DE adds a "Land"-field to the Adress
  • CRM-2730 Email is_primary changes after upgrade
  • CRM-2731 Make CiviCRM compatible with Joomla 1.5
  • CRM-2732 False FK constraints to civicrm_option_value in civicrm_activity and civicrm_case table
  • CRM-2733 Avoid using translated strings in conditional logic in PHP code ..
  • CRM-2734 Avoid using translated strings in conditional logic in PHP code ..
  • CRM-2735 Optimize queries issued from event dashboard ..
  • CRM-2736 Batch Update via Profile for Participant Records : Form does not load existing custom field values into grid
  • CRM-2737 Membership Import : Doesn't allow import of Join Date and doesn't handle Start Date properly
  • CRM-2738 Contributions - Batch Upate via Profile : Date fields are set to 0000-00-00 when a value is not entered
  • CRM-2739 Merging the current user's contact causes many errors
  • CRM-2740 dupe matching should not be performed on fields that are null
  • CRM-2741 Creating new contribution page throws error when no membership type present
  • CRM-2742 Table already exists, 1050 error when creating new custom data group, after renaming the old group
  • CRM-2743 Updating primary email address in civicrm does not update email address in drupal
  • CRM-2744 Cannot create a field called id in v2.0 custom fields
  • CRM-2745 Incorrect email receipt using PayPal Standard
  • CRM-2746 PayPal Standard does not return to thank you page in case of new account flow ..
  • CRM-2747 Static URLs for Batch Update Via Profile for a given event
  • CRM-2748 Export results are not as expected
  • CRM-2749 very small formatting tidy up - create /edit custom fields page
  • CRM-2750 Alphanumeric text converts number to integer, cutting off at 2147483647
  • CRM-2751 PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_REQUIRE_ONCE in drupal/sites/all/modules/civicrm/api/crm.php on line 48
  • CRM-2752 Batch Update via Profile for Participant Records : Should freeze or hide custom fields in the grid if they don't apply to a particular row
  • CRM-2754 Provide member summary for previous months
  • CRM-2755 Sync user to contact does not split the name up properly in Joomla
  • CRM-2756 Joomla default uf settings are not valid ...
  • CRM-2757 get rid of api/crm.php
  • CRM-2758 Allow different custom templates for different Event Info / Registration and for Online Contribution Pages
  • CRM-2759 Submit live credit card transaction for memberships and events
  • CRM-2760 Creating Custom field adds "Option per lines" after special input
  • CRM-2761 Profile field help is not populated properly from custom field in joomla
  • CRM-2762 Deleting a contribution does not call any civicrm hook functions
  • CRM-2763 Multi-select and checkbox values are cleared out from "Tab" custom groups when contact is saved
  • CRM-2764 testUpdateUFField in api/CreateUFGroup broken
  • CRM-2765 testGetGroupContactsWithEmptyParams in api-v2/GroupContactGet.php broken
  • CRM-2766 testParticipantCreateEventIdOnly in api-v2/ParticipantCreate.php broken
  • CRM-2767 testParticipantDelete and testParticipantDeleteMissingID in api-v2/ParticipantDelete.php broken
  • CRM-2768 Installer misdetecting PHP version in OSX
  • CRM-2769 Most tests in in api-v2/ParticipantGet.php
  • CRM-2770 Column orders are rearranged in export if "Internal Contact ID" is included and is not first column
  • CRM-2771 Error in Search Builder using Contribution Note
  • CRM-2772 Search on demographics
  • CRM-2773 Prepend event name to contribution record for offline event registration
  • CRM-2774 Tell a Friend - Access denied in Joomla
  • CRM-2775 Joomla! install message url is to a non existant location
  • CRM-2776 Error in Batch Contribution update via profile
  • CRM-2777 Unable to delete Contribution Note
  • CRM-2778 Unable to delete Note on contribution status
  • CRM-2779 Contribution Import doesn't recognise contribution types
  • CRM-2780 Allow user to choose between "smtp or sendmail" for sending email
  • CRM-2781 Component Exports : Select Fields to Export and Save / Load Export Mappings. All Exports: Option to select Saved Mapping in step 2.
  • CRM-2782 Monetary settings mechanism (lcMonetary) needs review
  • CRM-2783 Page Title is misplaced and not readable on many screens under Joomla
  • CRM-2784 Doing a force on advanced search with any component field enabled could potentially give u the wrong results
  • CRM-2785 Manage Events : City and State are values are missing in selector
  • CRM-2786 Link to Participant Listings for Joomla should be to front-end
  • CRM-2787 Add Save / Cancel button to the top of the custom data form ..
  • CRM-2788 Creating new organic group fails
  • CRM-2789 Current Employer in Add/Edit Individual should work like "Use Household Address" - e.g. you can use a comboBox to find existing an organization, or create new organization as needed.
  • CRM-2790 missing ; line 47 cmr.php for ver 2.0 beta 3
  • CRM-2791 Ran in civi sync users and got this
  • CRM-2792 Event overview not customized to international dates
  • CRM-2793 Using %E in complete date
  • CRM-2794 Tags show in search screen even when not used and turned off
  • CRM-2795 Greeting still in english after localisation
  • CRM-2796 Contact Dashboard : Contribution status value is missing
  • CRM-2797 option_group left join should include domainID restriction
  • CRM-2798 Custom fields can't be edited by a user without "access all custom data" permission
  • CRM-2803 Event Receipt : iCalendar link goes to Joomla admin site instead of front end
  • CRM-2804 View Contact Dashboard should not require access CiviCRM permission or permission to view the contact
  • CRM-2805 Upgrade breaks for custom fields of type 'File'
  • CRM-2806 Registration Date is incorrect in Offline Email Receipts
  • CRM-2807 Joomla backend - font size is too small be be readable
  • CRM-2808 Mechanism to override ts() for multi-lingual civicrm sites
  • CRM-2809 Include a global CSV-seperator
  • CRM-2810 Custom separator on import
  • CRM-2811 Make state optional in geocoding script
  • CRM-2812 Lifetime membership can be inadvertently overrided by presence of end date
  • CRM-2813 incorrect include in mailer.php
  • CRM-2814 CiviMail - Step 3 - text and / or html
  • CRM-2815 hook_civicrm_post function called with 'edit' operation when creating a new Individual
  • CRM-2816 Deprecate CiviCRM backup ...
  • CRM-2817 standalone code not part of distribution ...
  • CRM-2818 Broken Query When Selecting "View Details..."
  • CRM-2819 Remove the word "only" from the Test transactions checkbox labels - contribution, membership and participant search forms
  • CRM-2820 Update the joomla email address when civicrm email is updated
  • CRM-2824 Creating a user with through the drupal interface without selecting an organic group fails
  • CRM-2825 Including first/middle/last name in a profile with paypal checkout gives form errors ..
  • CRM-2826 Force a hard rollback whenever we trip on a fatal error ..
  • CRM-2827 Profile Listings - Allow fields with Public visibility to be included in selectors (i.e. as a listing column)
  • CRM-2828 CiviCRM Home (user dashboard) should show only SCHEDULED activiites AND should show activities for ALL contacts if user is CiviCRM Admin a
  • CRM-2829 website field
  • CRM-2830 Priceset with value 0 crashes operation in CiviCRM
  • CRM-2831 'Download Ical' shows on screen even when turned off in event
  • CRM-2832 Not possible to turn off credit cards or online payment methodes
  • CRM-2833 No note field in event registration
  • CRM-2834 Status 'pending' registrations do not show up in Event Summary Count
  • CRM-2835 Backup error
  • CRM-2836 Rename not-fully-defined mailings in the Browse Mailings table
  • CRM-2837 CiviCRM ACL Cache does not get truncated on group
  • CRM-2838 Custom tables should be called civicrm_value_* in upgrade process ...
  • CRM-2839 Importing list with only emails (for adding to a group) is giving Errors: Required fields not found for Individual : first_name
  • CRM-2840 Syntax error in CRM/ACL/BAO/ACL.php
  • CRM-2841 civicrm_og_sync does not appear in Drupal module list (2.0 Release)
  • CRM-2842 Contact Information is displayed incorrectly with PayPal Standard/Google Checkout as Payment Proceesor
  • CRM-2843 Honoree and Premium information is not included in email receipt for PayPal Standard/ Google Checkout
  • CRM-2844 Add MD5/SHA1 hashes generation to the tarball builder/uploader
  • CRM-2845 Event start and end date months are set to January regardless
  • CRM-2846 Allow user to control contribution Receive Date for offline one-step Membership and Event Registration
  • CRM-2847 Enable the creation of (regular) Groups from the 'More Actions' dropdown in Advanced Search
  • CRM-2848 Bad count reported in import and add to existing group
  • CRM-2849 Submit Credit Card Contribution page gives error
  • CRM-2850 missing require in registration page for CustomOption
  • CRM-2851 civicrm_contact_search() ignores $params values
  • CRM-2852 Tell a friend after event registration redirects to dashboard
  • CRM-2853 For recurring contributions on contact dashboard page, the wrong payment processor (and hence cancel URL) is selected.
  • CRM-2854 CiviMail : Select Recipients gives a fatal errror (invalid query) if a Smart Group is selected for mailing recipients
  • CRM-2855 subscription cancellation URLs are difficult to generalise for new payment gateways
  • CRM-2856 Contact Matching with Email (only) configuration fails for profile
  • CRM-2857 Malformed data
  • CRM-2858 Bad link
  • CRM-2859 Find Members : Add Join Date to search form
  • CRM-2860 Quick Search (Dojo comboBox) - Allow Search by First Name Without Wildcard
  • CRM-2861 Allow Double-opt-in Mailing List Subscription from a Profile
  • CRM-2862 Synchronise with existing organic groups when enabling civicrm_og_sync.module
  • CRM-2863 includeCounty does not exist in Config settings
  • CRM-2864 Make search and address editing consistent
  • CRM-2865 civicrm.settings.php.sample is not longer used so it can be deleted.
  • CRM-2866 Format issue - event search
  • CRM-2867 Custom data displays empty value in select list as "-select-"
  • CRM-2868 Field size for Latitude or longitude
  • CRM-2869 New Permission for view all activities
  • CRM-2870 Custom Search for Activities
  • CRM-2871 Custom Search Component registration should be part of Administer Interface
  • CRM-2872 White screen with PHP code displayed when contact is deleted
  • CRM-2873 CiviMail Integration with Ninjitsu Newsletter Module
  • CRM-2874 expand extent of default map, for more geographic context
  • CRM-2875 deleteEvent not translateable
  • CRM-2876 Display / modification of incorrect user
  • CRM-2877 Provide a way to administratively configure the Participant Statuses which are counted against maximum participants and displayed in Dashboard and fix inconsistencies in linked search
  • CRM-2878 Suppress Inapplicable fields in Payment Processor Definitions
  • CRM-2879 Amount granted appears in amount requested
  • CRM-2880 Event Info Form : Textarea fields not defining and using cols and rows properties from xml schema file
  • CRM-2881 Configure Event : Location - Use for Bulk Mailings checkbox should be suppressed on this form
  • CRM-2882 CiviMail - Allow Preview of Email Subject
  • CRM-2883 Profile Mapping : userContext not set properly AND map mutliple contacts is missing a Done button
  • CRM-2884 remove unused paymentProcessor function in Core/SelectValues.php
  • CRM-2885 Import completes without warning but doesn't import records where data to be imported uses "Yes" or "No" instead of "1" or "0" for fields of CiviCRM type "Yes or No"
  • CRM-2886 Add support for Drupal 6
  • CRM-2887 Can't delete a contact - set as creator for a note
  • CRM-2888 email field appears twice with contribution forms that have Drupal account registration
  • CRM-2889 Event Search : Return event types other than the ones requested if event doesn't have an end date
  • CRM-2890 Ensure PHP version is 5.x or greater ...
  • CRM-2891 renamed? event types can't be found
  • CRM-2892 Custom Searches and Smart Groups for Mailings
  • CRM-2893 Allow contribution pages with separate Membership payments to categorize transactions into different Contribution types
  • CRM-2894 Manage Contribution Pages
  • CRM-2895 Title not munged in create group api creation ...
  • CRM-2896 Grant : Amount Requested (orig currency) and Amount Granted columns in schema should be NOT REQUIRED
  • CRM-2897 Advanced Search : Membership, Contribution and Participant searches return test transactions when Find Test is FALSE
  • CRM-2898 civicrm_custom_field_create returns an incorrect error message the field "label" is missing from fieldParams.
  • CRM-2899 Explicitly check DB for MyISAM based tables
  • CRM-2900 mktime does not send in right paramters in online membership page
  • CRM-2901 Attempt to detect when someone has not enabled session support in Joomla 1.0.x
  • CRM-2902 Trap SMTP errors and attempt to return a better error message
  • CRM-2903 CiviContribute : Add Create and Manage Contribution Pages link to the Dashboard
  • CRM-2904 Boolean (Yes/No) strings not translated on inline custom fields
  • CRM-2905 Create Smart Group based on Membership type not working
  • CRM-2906 Footer incorrect on 2.0.1 stable?
  • CRM-2907 CiviEvent Dashboard - Show Participants displayed count doesn't match count you get on Find Participants after clicking the link
  • CRM-2908 Link to event registrtion page is incorrect on the 'Event information and Settings' page
  • CRM-2909 anonymous users cannot register more than once on the same browser
  • CRM-2910 Add Membership : Membership type is not defined for status message (postProcess)
  • CRM-2911 Search builder: "contacts where internal contact id > X" does not work
  • CRM-2912 Upgrade procedure should check for custom fields name before starting the upgrade
  • CRM-2913 Event Information Page link (URL) at bottom of the Event's 'Event Information and Settings' screen displays incorrect URL
  • CRM-2914 2.0 update routine destroys activity history records
  • CRM-2915 contents of civicrm_custom_field.help_pre aren't displayed
  • CRM-2916 CiviEvent Participants Listings show and export duplicates and quadruplicates
  • CRM-2917 Upgrade does not deal with is_primary for address/email/phone/im properly
  • CRM-2918 2.0 migration queries will only migrate 1 contribution/membership/etc. per contact
  • CRM-2919 2.0 migration script only migrates some membership ah records
  • CRM-2920 Location data is lost when using online Contrubution / Event pages
  • CRM-2921 Event Registration fails for anonymous user registration
  • CRM-2922 Manage Events : Allow users who do not have administer CiviCRM permission to create and manage events and import participants
  • CRM-2923 Custom group problem: checking extends_entity_column_value against NULL causes problems
  • CRM-2924 fieldset html element cannot be styled via css
  • CRM-2925 Empty location data fails validation if # of locations > 1 and location type names changed
  • CRM-2926 Clarify "Import Summary" (currently backward & vague)
  • CRM-2927 Add 'Edit Own' ACL permission
  • CRM-2928 Error on contribution import matching off custom field in drupal/2.0
  • CRM-2929 Contact with associated Note created by API cannot be deleted
  • CRM-2930 In 2.0 Upgrade, the domain_id value should be driven from the PHP code
  • CRM-2931 links can't be followed in help pop up bubbles
  • CRM-2932 civicrm_custom_field_delete generates non-recoverable error in certain circumstances
  • CRM-2933 civicrm_option_value.value is text, so can't use MAX()
  • CRM-2934 pending subscription link on user dashboard actually unsubscribes
  • CRM-2935 Problem when using Pay Standard and cancelling the transaction half-way through Paypal
  • CRM-2936 css doesn't work on Macs for <ul><li> formatting
  • CRM-2937 Deselecting "Communication Preferences" does not stop it from being displayed
  • CRM-2938 No method to update contacts in API
  • CRM-2939 Add County to existing state-country Ajax widget
  • CRM-2940 calling CRM_Core_BAO_CustomValue::updateValue($contactId, $cfId, $value) results in a fatal error
  • CRM-2941 civicrm_error cannot be used with v1 APIs
  • CRM-2942 possibly removing LOWER from email queries
  • CRM-2943 rewrite all occurances of WHERE LOWER(field) LIKE "string"
  • CRM-2944 add id to custom data template
  • CRM-2945 Hide "Mailing list" option in Group Settings, if CiviMail is disabled
  • CRM-2946 Fix advmultiselect QuickForm package (broken due to upgrade of pear packages)
  • CRM-2947 civicrm_tag_get is missing from the v2 API
  • CRM-2948 Docs for v2 API are incomplete
  • CRM-2949 Name of contact type not always translated
  • CRM-2950 conditional display of Fee Levels block in event fees configuration is not correct when page reloaded
  • CRM-2951 CiviMail and unsubscribing from Smart Groups
  • CRM-2952 column width of membership status on contribution pages with member sign-up is too small
  • CRM-2953 Incorrect behavior with Pay Later 0ption, using Paypal Express
  • CRM-2954 Upgrade dojo library to v1.1
  • CRM-2955 Searching for a contact by email does not take advantage of new schema
  • CRM-2956 SELECT * FROM civicrm_component being run over and over again
  • CRM-2957 Component Dashboards and Search Forms : Move help text into help tooltips and provide clear admin links for common configure actions
  • CRM-2958 Quick Search and Basic Search - Configurable options to include email address in Name search, and to search by first or last name without wildcard
  • CRM-2959 Reply-to does not check for content-type of email message
  • CRM-2960 Error message for inaccessible custom profiles should mention permissions problems
  • CRM-2961 Upgrade Script : 2.0 to 2.1
  • CRM-2962 civicrm_contact_add() fails on update of custom data
  • CRM-2963 Permissioning Relationships Between Contacts
  • CRM-2964 Online Contribution / Membership Signup on Behalf of an Organization
  • CRM-2965 We dont need API URL. We should use Site URL instead to invoke the paypal API
  • CRM-2966 Money ammount showing 100.00 instead of just 100
  • CRM-2967 Reimport data for upgrade almost impossible
  • CRM-2968 Improved access to Current Employer value for contacts
  • CRM-2969 Batch Update page does not load the default values
  • CRM-2970 Offline Membership Signup and Offline Event Registration WITH Payment Recorded: Include Membership Type or Event Name in Source of Contribution Record and Include Transaction ID Field
  • CRM-2971 Pass Existing Membership ID into Online Contribution Pages for Self-service Membership Renewals
  • CRM-2972 CiviEvent Dashboard -- loads slow (bad queries being generated)
  • CRM-2973 Add Contact to Event from Search is Missing Payment and Confirmation Options
  • CRM-2974 Batch Update via Profile Should Follow Options Per Line Setting for Custom Fields (radio / checkbox)
  • CRM-2975 When editing ACL, page title does not reflect current ACL being edited
  • CRM-2976 Profile Fields - Allow a Field to be Searchable with Visibilty set to Public User Pages
  • CRM-2977 Profile View Page - Clickable Fields (Public User Pages and Listings visibiltiy) with Multiple Values Should Have Separate Links for Each Value
  • CRM-2978 CiviMail sends mail to contacts with same email address
  • CRM-2979 Exported primary contacts fields are not assigned (matched) correctly during import
  • CRM-2980 Importing individual contacts with "For Duplicate Contacts: Update" empty fields in the CSV file does not update database fields to empty value
  • CRM-2981 Anonymous user event registration fails sporadically ...
  • CRM-2982 Custom Groups with Long Titles -- Null in "name" field
  • CRM-2983 Event Price Set Fields - Provide a way to get event-level counts for each price field
  • CRM-2984 Include contribution information in Participant and Member export
  • CRM-2985 Print icon causes fatal error when clicked on transaction related pages (Event Registration and Online Contribution Pages)
  • CRM-2986 Remove "Print Page" icon from onlne contribution / membership signup pages and from event registration pages
  • CRM-2987 Note "Created by" Contact Wrong
  • CRM-2988 Merge "Record Offiline Contribution" and "Submit Credit card" forms
  • CRM-2989 registering as an anonymous user for event throws "oops you've already registered..." error
  • CRM-2990 Assign a valid filename to the mailing labels pdf ..
  • CRM-2991 Printer-Friendly link on Contrib Page Thank You broken
  • CRM-2992 dupe check functions should return matched contacts in array instead of in strings
  • CRM-2993 _civicrm_contact_add should not fire hooks
  • CRM-2994 CiviMail generates bad URLs if CiviCRM Resource URL is relative
  • CRM-2995 Merging Duplicate Record Leaves Data Behind
  • CRM-2997 API: strange civicrm_group_add() required $params
  • CRM-2998 crash when trying to define an event
  • CRM-2999 Grant View Page : All date fields are displayed as 0th, 0 12:00 AM
  • CRM-3000 Prevent reloads of new contribution, event registration, new membership, new relationship forms by Implementing dojo method to add custom fields to the form
  • CRM-3001 On Advanced Search, showing Object Id #123 instead of group name in checkboxes
  • CRM-3002 Allow CiviCRM admin to select from a supported list of Rich Text Editors for use in CiviMail Compose Mailing
  • CRM-3003 When recording new activity, error messages can become inescapable
  • CRM-3004 Merge Task/Record.php and CRM/Activity/Form/Activity.php
  • CRM-3005 api/v2/CustomGroup.php function civicrm_custom_group_create(...) requires CRM_Utils_String::munge which is not included
  • CRM-3006 When we are adding a group of contacts to Event from found Contacts list A non-recoverable error is occurring:
  • CRM-3007 ACL design does not fulfil simple requirements
  • CRM-3008 New Custom Data and Input Field Type
  • CRM-3009 Shorten (or alias) long (un-,re-)subscribe URLs so that they're shorten than 65 characters
  • CRM-3010 contribution page with separate membership and contribution payments will create a zero $0 contribution record
  • CRM-3011 Custom fields for memberships and contributions do not appear on contribution page profiles for anonymous users
  • CRM-3012 Status column on Group members selector shows Smart for contacts that have been added explicitly - should show Added
  • CRM-3013 Include 'Save & New' button on Add Custom Field and Add Profile Field forms and Add Profile Group / Add Custom Data Group should go to new field after save
  • CRM-3014 Add user interface to allow activities to connect to multiple contacts
  • CRM-3015 CiviCRM does not correctly use drupal's hook_user
  • CRM-3016 Add a list of groups to the unsubscribe URL
  • CRM-3017 Should CiviCRM use drupal_add_css and drupal_add_js
  • CRM-3018 Upgrade process doesn't ensure lower case format for custom group tables / columns.
  • CRM-3019 Product Description should be sent to payment processor as part of fields
  • CRM-3024 Recurring contributions: sql error in civicrm 2.0.1 when using authnet gateway
  • CRM-3025 Saving online registration form resets the Pay Later value to false
  • CRM-3026 Cannot modify the primary location using civicrm_contact_add()
  • CRM-3027 Online Membership, Membership Data not updated, using pay later
  • CRM-3028 Online Membership Contribution Fails when pay later option is selected
  • CRM-3029 Additional operators for Search Builder - IS NULL, IS NOT NULL
  • CRM-3030 Find Members - Batch Update via Profile functionality
  • CRM-3031 CRM_Contact_BAO_GroupNesting::hasParentGroups() makes too many queries
  • CRM-3032 civicrm_option_value does not allow much room for storing custom search path
  • CRM-3033 Save and Preview button should also appear at the bottom of the contribution widget form
  • CRM-3034 Batch Update bug causing Household Sort_Name and Display_Name to empty
  • CRM-3035 Contribution Widget : In Joomla the widget button links to back-end instead of front-end contribution page
  • CRM-3036 Add Custom Greeting Field to the Individual, Household, and Organization Contact Edit Screens
  • CRM-3037 Profiles : Add a group type column and implement form rules to provide better control over which types of profile fields can be combined and reduce database queries
  • CRM-3038 CiviMember Import incorrectly requires Contact ID field / does not handle contact matching on contact ID
  • CRM-3039 CiviMail message are being truncated after 64K.
  • CRM-3040 og_sync using same acl_role_id in civicrm_entity_acl_role
  • CRM-3041 Membership signup results in creating a complete membership, even if pay later option is selected.
  • CRM-3042 Instructor Profile for CiviEvent
  • CRM-3043 Gateway for Google Checkout shouldn't require register_globals
  • CRM-3044 Create new individual, organization or household contact using a pop-up dialog
  • CRM-3045 Google Checkout support should handle refunded contributions
  • CRM-3046 Record fee and net amounts for Google Checkout contributions
  • CRM-3047 Allow a way to administeratively change the textareas in the CiviCRM to the admin-selected editor.
  • CRM-3048 2.0 activity upgrade Step 4 fails with SQL syntax error due to unescaped quotes
  • CRM-3049 Send Mailing : Ability to Save a Mailing prior to sending or scheduling it and finish it later
  • CRM-3050 CiviMail : Send Test Mailing - Provide a separate Send Test Mailing button which returns a status to the user and stays on the Test Mailing page
  • CRM-3051 Upgrade 2.0, drop loc_block_id from civicrm_group_contact
  • CRM-3052 Upgrade 2.1 drop loc_block_id/location_id from civicrm_group_contact
  • CRM-3053 Optimize hierarchical select js code generation
  • CRM-3054 Quick Contact Search : Clicking "Go" button should go directly to contact view if there is a single exact match on the search string - even if no contact is selected from the dropdown
  • CRM-3055 Add custom field type Rich Text Editor
  • CRM-3056 Add multi-select option for Country /State - Province in Custom Data.
  • CRM-3057 Edit Custom Data Group and Edit Profile Group : minor usability fixes
  • CRM-3058 Sort alphabetically the "used for" when creating a custom group
  • CRM-3059 Allow for CiviMail welcome email to be group-specific
  • CRM-3060 turn off browsers saving credit card info
  • CRM-3061 Incorrect error on view source over https
  • CRM-3062 CiviMail sending halts when invalid e-mail address confronted
  • CRM-3063 CiviMail unsubscribe link should be optional
  • CRM-3064 Using Profile with no fields in CiviEvent
  • CRM-3065 CiviMail draft (unsent) mailings should have Edit option rather than Resend
  • CRM-3066 Mailing label text doesn't wrap for long names
  • CRM-3067 Mailing labels generated in RTF or other open format to enable editing
  • CRM-3068 Google mapping ignores Supplemental Address fields
  • CRM-3069 2.0 Upgrade : Date preferences for "mailing" date type are wrong - causes CiviMail schedule date selector to not show HOURS selector
  • CRM-3070 Grants : Create separate classes / templates for viewing and editing a Grant
  • CRM-3071 Confirm step of contribution displays irrelevant message at the top of the page for pay later option.
  • CRM-3072 Implement a Profile element which combines Country and State / Province and limits state / province based on selected country
  • CRM-3073 Merging duplicate records is merging location data even when it is not checked
  • CRM-3074 Trying to add contact with first name and last name only results in form validation warning
  • CRM-3075 missing CRLF on CiviEvent reg confirmation email for some custom profile elements
  • CRM-3076 List the events per date (or offer the choice)
  • CRM-3077 CLONE -'Download Ical' shows on screen even when turned off in event
  • CRM-3078 Order the activities by reverse dates
  • CRM-3079 Advanced search has incorrect name for group: object id # 52
  • CRM-3080 payment info not deleted when CiviEvent registrants deleted
  • CRM-3082 Make CRM_Contact_BAO_Group::getMember() work with smart groups
  • CRM-3083 Skipping locations on merge makes the merged contact retain duplicate email/IM/phone numbers
  • CRM-3084 Search user code path before CiviCRM code path. Allow user to add a new directory setting for new code path
  • CRM-3085 Date value missing after upgrade, specially for records which were there in 'activity' table before upgrade.
  • CRM-3086 Option to Register Multiple Participants During Online Event Registration
  • CRM-3087 Patch QuickForm (or our code) so it supports non-default date formats
  • CRM-3088 Support date based discounts for events.
  • CRM-3089 Template content replacement not functioning in Send Email and CiviMail in Joomla
  • CRM-3090 Date class formatting doesn't work for "birth" class
  • CRM-3091 custom data edits result in default (zero/no) entries for non-entered data
  • CRM-3092 Add summary function to custom search inteface
  • CRM-3093 Offline Participant Registration : Retrieve default confirmation email message from online confirmation email as configured for the event
  • CRM-3094 Profile : Changing order (weight) of profile using the up / down arrows in the selector causes a fatal error
  • CRM-3095 Profiles in Contribution Pages and Events - Profiles can disappear if the weight of the profile is not either 1 or 2
  • CRM-3096 Offline Event Registration should use the same template for receipt and confirmation as online event registration so that all event info and price set info will be included
  • CRM-3097 Advanced Search - Postal code range searching is missing
  • CRM-3098 Differentiate Pending-Pay Later transactions from Pending transactions due to aborted or not yet completed payment processor transactions
  • CRM-3099 Batch Update by Profile -> Copy values to all rows does not support multiple checkbox fields
  • CRM-3100 Notices raised on civicontribute about Undefined index: contribution_amount_low contribution_amount_high in /home/civic/public_html/osmnew/administrator/components/com_civicrm/civicrm/CRM/Contribute/Form/Search.php on line 335
  • CRM-3101 Add cache for saved searches
  • CRM-3102 Cannot link to household with duplicate name
  • CRM-3103 Contact Matching does not properly match dates
  • CRM-3104 Replace CAPTCHA with reCAPTCHA
  • CRM-3105 Dedupe result screen improvements
  • CRM-3106 CiviMail 2 error when using smart group selecting contacts with email addresses
  • CRM-3107 CiviCRM installer for Drupal assumes CiviCRM is being installed on the default site
  • CRM-3108 Special characters in email addresses stall CiviMailing
  • CRM-3109 Creating a CiviEvent with a online registration page and no input on "send confirmation" mail is troublesome
  • CRM-3110 Import's hierselector doesn't add side drop-downs for default values
  • CRM-3111 Contact updating on import doesn't work
  • CRM-3112 AJAX import fails silently and does not let the user know about the fatal error
  • CRM-3113 Rework CRM/Contact/Page/View/Tabbed to comply with new component architecture
  • CRM-3114 Rework Advanced Search to comply with new component architecture
  • CRM-3115 civicrm/CRM/Contact/Form/Edit.php does not include contact_id when firing pre_hook
  • CRM-3116 Missing require_once in CRM/Core/BAO/UFGroup.php
  • CRM-3117 file name for civicrm_og_sync has a .txt extension instead of a .info extension
  • CRM-3118 String not translatable
  • CRM-3119 Expose group functions to the REST API.
  • CRM-3120 Civicrm unaccessible when the contact linked to the drupal account is deleted
  • CRM-3121 Editing a contact with more than one address record throws fatal error
  • CRM-3122 Import - Add Contacts to Group Reports Erroneous Results
  • CRM-3123 Import - Summary counts (import results) are incorrect when related contacts are imported and tagging behavior is inconsistent with "add to group" behavior
  • CRM-3124 Permission Control on Export
  • CRM-3125 civiccontribute/manage contribution pages is raising notice Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/civic/public_html/osmnew/administrator/components/com_civicrm/civicrm/packages/HTML/Common.php on line 168
  • CRM-3126 Ok, if I limit the profile to the group "Administrator", it works
  • CRM-3127 Contact Match rule set to first+last+city rejects imports that only match on first+last
  • CRM-3128 Custom Search Smart Groups Export incorrectly
  • CRM-3129 Add ability to run a custom search page directly from custom search listing
  • CRM-3130 Propagate address info entered on CiviCRM forms to Paypal Standard
  • CRM-3131 Activity API Does not properly check required fields
  • CRM-3132 import contact - relationship not created
  • CRM-3133 CiviMail: Wrap long lines in the generated emails
  • CRM-3134 Patch to make REST API more generalized
  • CRM-3135 REST API responses send wrong Content-Type header
  • CRM-3136 When adding duplicate group with the API error not handled properly
  • CRM-3137 Javascript Events are not working for Wysiwyg Editors in
  • CRM-3138 php errors on reg page for non-cost event
  • CRM-3139 "Map this Location" error when special characters are used in Event Titles
  • CRM-3140 Add service provider for IM name to import functionality
  • CRM-3141 Causes Problems with Custom Fields Too
  • CRM-3142 url_api_test_default, url_api_default are not set in civicrm_payment_processor_type table
  • CRM-3143 Allow month/day only birthdays
  • CRM-3144 Support for CJK characters in PDF labels
  • CRM-3145 Provide migration assistance?
  • CRM-3146 Import with No Duplicate Check for Individuals with 'Employee of' relationship created Organisations despite them already being in database
  • CRM-3147 civicrm_root error on civiccrm v2 & Drupal 5.7
  • CRM-3148 Updated documentation for CRM_Core_BAO_CustomValueTable::getEntityValues
  • CRM-3149 Dedupe Merge - Handle location block elements (address, phone, email, IM...) as separate enities in the merge process
  • CRM-3150 Create Relationship - Find Target Contact combo-box doesn't submit correct search criteria on exact matching contact
  • CRM-3151 civicrm_contact_membership_create doesn't properly create memberships for related contact
  • CRM-3152 Date conversion from import format is buggy ...
  • CRM-3153 SpamAssassin rule HELO_LOCALHOST and CiviMail
  • CRM-3154 extern/soap.php and PHP version 5.2.2
  • CRM-3155 "Synchronize Users to Contacts" does not complete for large installations
  • CRM-3156 Changing Shared Address from Individual's details in Profile or Edit Form
  • CRM-3157 Country field export not 'localized' and special characters not handled properly
  • CRM-3158 Basic Search - Usability and Navigation Improvements
  • CRM-3159 Make participantListing extensible similar to custom search
  • CRM-3160 Add 'Merge' option for Contact Matching during Edit
  • CRM-3161 Find & Merge Contacts removes data without warning.
  • CRM-3162 Allow adding comment while forwarding mail, modify subject and sender accordingly.
  • CRM-3163 Dedupe: add UI for limiting the runs to a given group
  • CRM-3164 Standardise on names across tabs/search
  • CRM-3165 Import Contact : Add 'employee of' relationship with existing Individual contact, Organisations not created/Imorted.
  • CRM-3166 Country code for the united kingdom is GB
  • CRM-3167 CiviCRM sometimes unsets $_SESSION during hook_user
  • CRM-3168 Contribute API does not return contribution data
  • CRM-3169 Obsolete domain id concept from CiviCRM
  • CRM-3170 dijit.byId("html_message") undefined for CiviMail Step3 in Joomla
  • CRM-3171 ACLs don't work for User Account display/edit
  • CRM-3172 Existing userrecords are overwritten when adding a new user
  • CRM-3173 Map Event link redirects back to event info page if event is full
  • CRM-3174 improved descriptions for Manage Event options
  • CRM-3175 Bind event pricing options to memberships
  • CRM-3176 Create hook for setdefault values for all forms ...
  • CRM-3177 Allow Pay-later Paid Contributions without a Payment Processor
  • CRM-3178 "We could not find a contact id" Joomla 1.5.x non legacy
  • CRM-3179 Add Google Chart( Bar chart ) to CiviContribution Section to Display Monthly and Yearly contribution
  • CRM-3180 Cleanup Component Selector / tpl's
  • CRM-3181 Allow civimail to accept multiple emails while sending test mail.
  • CRM-3182 Fix Copy Event with Discounts
  • CRM-3183 Credit Card Expiration Month Validation
  • CRM-3184 Upgrade CMSUser::createJoomlaUser for Joomla v1.5 ..
  • CRM-3185 Cannot Export multiple Primary phone types
  • CRM-3186 Member search selects option value=0 for custom field even if it is not the default value
  • CRM-3187 Allow attachments on CiviMail
  • CRM-3188 Exporting a smart group of contacts not restricted by users' ACLs
  • CRM-3189 Allowed to Login option removed from OpenID field in location data
  • CRM-3190 Allow checkbox / multi-select to use the OR operator instead of default AND
  • CRM-3191 Collect contact information during joomla registration ..
  • CRM-3192 Administer CiviCRM: Links not appearing for translated groups
  • CRM-3193 Incorrect heading for administration page: Administer CiviCRM | Global Settings | Drupal Integration Settings
  • CRM-3194 Add CiviCRM to Drupal Admin Menu Module
  • CRM-3195 Multiple names printed per one address in the mailing labeler
  • CRM-3196 searching on a location type for an address does not work
  • CRM-3197 Event Participant Remains "Under Review"
  • CRM-3198 Organic Group creation failing,
  • CRM-3199 add 'use as mailing list' to process of creating Smart and Standard Groups from 'more actions' menu
  • CRM-3200 Send test mailing showing list of all groups - should only show those that have been set to 'mailing list'
  • CRM-3201 Mailing Label Format : Include contact name by default in the label formatting
  • CRM-3202 Extend Group description field
  • CRM-3203 Warn user when resource URL is relative
  • CRM-3204 Rename the type of field "text" into quantity/number into price set
  • CRM-3205 XML error in RSS feeds
  • CRM-3206 Fatal error on custom field type file on event registration
  • CRM-3207 Create custom search for contacts in Groups A,B,C but not in Groups X,Y,Z
  • CRM-3208 CiviContribute for auth users limits Profile fields to current user's type (Individual)
  • CRM-3209 Allow price set fields to have same price ..
  • CRM-3210 PledgeBank: Schema Design and Menu creation
  • CRM-3211 Import with No Duplicate Check for Individuals created Organisations too
  • CRM-3212 Implement PledgeBank for CiviCRM module
  • CRM-3213 Custom Searches : Add menu link and listings page for users
  • CRM-3214 PledgeBank: Implement Dashboard screen
  • CRM-3215 PledgeBank: Implement Find Pledge Signers screen
  • CRM-3216 Custom Field duplicate name check behavior
  • CRM-3217 Increase column lengths for custom field labels, multiple choice option labels, price set titles and price set field labels
  • CRM-3218 Provide Admin link to existing function which Update Base Directory Path and Base URL for a site
  • CRM-3219 Use separate permission for event info page
  • CRM-3220 Expose RSS feed as an HTML page also
  • CRM-3221 Dedupe Merge: Option to add email, phone, IM, OpenID information rather than overwrite and inform user of merge behavior for address data
  • CRM-3222 Multiple Participant Registration : Figure out a better way to handle deletion of primary participant
  • CRM-3223 Missing requires
  • CRM-3224 Capture credit card holder name directly
  • CRM-3225 Adding support for the Drupal Devel module
  • CRM-3226 Some image files are not displayed as intended in custom field groups
  • CRM-3227 Allow batch printing of thank you receipts as a PDF document
  • CRM-3228 Membership Types : Allow edit of Relationship Type field for existing membership types
  • CRM-3229 PledgeBank: Implement New Pledge wizard for adding pledges
  • CRM-3230 PledgeBank: Set up public sandbox for the project
  • CRM-3231 PledgeBank: Implement Manage Pledges screen
  • CRM-3232 PledgeBank: Implement public pledge page
  • CRM-3233 PledgeBank: Implement module preferences administrative screen
  • CRM-3234 change address to household retain old data
  • CRM-3235 Contact Matching still broken
  • CRM-3236 Add listing-box-tall class to civicrm.css
  • CRM-3237 Better UI workflow for non-empty custom group delete
  • CRM-3238 Add safe_file_extension list to db via upgrade script 2.0 -> 2.1, if not already present
  • CRM-3239 Permit captcha in online contribution and event pages
  • CRM-3240 CRM_Profile_Form user email check should ignore anonymous users
  • CRM-3241 CRM_Core_BAO_UFGroup::formatFields refers to uninitialized variable $fields
  • CRM-3242 CRM_Core_BAO_UFGroup::formatFields should not use uninitialized $primaryEmail
  • CRM-3243 CiviPledge - Schema, Create Component, and Menu Items
  • CRM-3244 CiviPledge - Pledge Tab with Selectors and Create/Edit Pledge Form
  • CRM-3245 CiviContribute Import : Clarify user interface for Insert vs. Update mode and require unique reference (matching field) for Update mode
  • CRM-3246 Check for https should send cookie information to replicate user behavior ..
  • CRM-3247 Import Phone using update overwrites wrong data
  • CRM-3248 Allow control of phone_type options through interface
  • CRM-3249 Export custom fields "appears" to allow mixed contact type data
  • CRM-3250 Import with upgrade does not import phone unless preexisting data
  • CRM-3251 Add list-unsubscribe header to CiviMail messages
  • CRM-3252 rename html file uploads filenames to prevent xss scripting
  • CRM-3253 CiviEvent create failed at step 2
  • CRM-3254 Automatic Installer for Standalone Version of CiviCRM
  • CRM-3255 Manage Groups Page: Add filter for enabled/disabled
  • CRM-3256 Nav bar lost when using search views
  • CRM-3257 Store the contact ID in the session for anonymous users
  • CRM-3258 Motivation Code Tracking for Contribute
  • CRM-3259 Sorting contributions by received date should be chronological
  • CRM-3260 Add ability to give gift memberships
  • CRM-3261 Relationship "Employee of" can not be renamed
  • CRM-3262 Profile form uses default country when a country is set
  • CRM-3263 CiviCRM edit form does not restrict sate to country in FF and Safari
  • CRM-3264 Profile form does not restrict states by country
  • CRM-3265 Send Mailing - Preview (step 4) and Mailing Report - View Complete Message should include header and footer content
  • CRM-3266 State field missing from domain.address token
  • CRM-3267 Edit Groups Permission - Extend the scope of this permission to cover adding and removing group members as well as editing smart group criteria
  • CRM-3268 Implement CiviCRM CheckableTree widget for group
  • CRM-3269 CiviPledge - Record or Submit Pledge Payment (by Admin)
  • CRM-3270 CiviPledge : Update Pledge and Pledge Payment Statuses / Generate Pledge Reminder Emails
  • CRM-3271 translated string doesn't show
  • CRM-3272 string is not present in translation file
  • CRM-3273 Avoid using the variable name 'name' in smarty templates ..
  • CRM-3274 CiviPledge : Dashboard
  • CRM-3275 Add ability to 'include' contacts who have privacy settings
  • CRM-3276 Search nickname field in addition to sort_name/display_name
  • CRM-3277 Switching language for a non-admin user denies access to most of CiviCRM
  • CRM-3278 Missing HTML Content while going back to step 3 from step 4.
  • CRM-3279 Joomla front end profile image not viewable
  • CRM-3280 Including group by clause in a count query throws off pager (in profile and other areas)
  • CRM-3281 Correction of Disticts of Bahamas and Governorates of Bahrain
  • CRM-3282 Link event title to event information page in event tab
  • CRM-3283 Add "grant report received" in the selector
  • CRM-3284 Add a "stored label" On a Price Sets
  • CRM-3285 Deleting Honoree's Contact Record Deletes the Entire Contribution
  • CRM-3286 Create contry and state/province POT files from the db definition
  • CRM-3287 Make the format sent to money_format() parametrised
  • CRM-3288 Add two columns "total" and "registration date" on the participant page
  • CRM-3289 Make case subject unique across all of the contacts
  • CRM-3290 Provide un-select option to custom Yes/No
  • CRM-3291 New Individual, New Organization, New Family titles not translated
  • CRM-3292 "Two locations cannot have same location type" error when first changed to match the below ...
  • CRM-3293 Offline Membership Signup: Fix formRule for "Fixed" memberships
  • CRM-3294 Add a hook to allow modules to customize CiviCRM Home (q=civicrm/dashboard)
  • CRM-3295 CiviPledge - Self-service Pledges and Online Pledge Payments
  • CRM-3296 Build HRD module and implement dashboard / acl hooks
  • CRM-3297 Drupal anonynous users can't access CiviCRM
  • CRM-3298 Drupal non-admin users get error message 'We could not find a contact id.'
  • CRM-3299 Module description for 2.1
  • CRM-3300 PHP notices in contribution and membership code
  • CRM-3301 Contact Checksum token not converted in text email format
  • CRM-3302 Drop the civicrm_add_domain template and roll its contents into civicrm_data
  • CRM-3303 Bring back the localised civicrm_data.mysql files
  • CRM-3304 New Contact Form - Note Subject field is missing
  • CRM-3305 "Return to Search Results" no longer in breadcrumbs
  • CRM-3306 Custom State/Province fields cannot be saved
  • CRM-3307 Location API can only be used for one location per contact
  • CRM-3308 Missing require_once for custom field options
  • CRM-3309 Add 'Event Type' to event listing selector for event tab
  • CRM-3310 Import Function Date Processing Improvement Understand 01/01/2008 and 1/1/2008 are the same
  • CRM-3311 Inactive option group values should still be searchable
  • CRM-3312 Create redirect records when merging
  • CRM-3313 Changing default value for custom field does not change default in DB table
  • CRM-3314 Activity adding screen available from "Record Activity for contacts" task is invalid
  • CRM-3315 No participantView is an island (added links in the template)
  • CRM-3316 definition of CIVICRM_UF_BASEURL causes problems on local network installation
  • CRM-3317 Financial transaction create should update record if there is another FT for same contribution_id
  • CRM-3318 Build framework to process incoming mail (for HRD) and store in activity table
  • CRM-3319 Event api not correctly retrieving custom fields
  • CRM-3320 Modify defaults on record merging to reduce the chance of data loss
  • CRM-3321 Improvement to v2 relationship API: eliminate need for contact object
  • CRM-3322 custom page elements are reset when I make changes to profiles
  • CRM-3323 constraint violation when deleting some relationship types
  • CRM-3324 Records in civicrm_log are not deleted when a contact is deleted.
  • CRM-3325 The HTML comments indicate the wrong .tpl file for the confirm group delete page.
  • CRM-3326 Add activity tag and case tag fields to trunk and make them conditional for hrd
  • CRM-3327 If more than one custom fields of type = file is included in a custom data group - a fatal error is thrown when saving the form
  • CRM-3328 Membership signup does not send complete receipt in IPN / Pay Later mode
  • CRM-3329 Exporting/Smartgrouping contacts with a custom field returns all contacts
  • CRM-3330 Calculate total event fee as reg form is completed
  • CRM-3331 Replace UFPDF with TCPDF
  • CRM-3332 Send Accounting Code to PayPal Interface
  • CRM-3333 Relationships Search > Conflicting fuzziness rules
  • CRM-3334 API v2 function civicrm_location_delete returns Fatal error
  • CRM-3335 Add is_selectable column to civicrm_tag
  • CRM-3336 Implement internal name column for relationships so that the labels can be changed without affecting code operations
  • CRM-3337 Use Participant Custom Data Fields based on event name
  • CRM-3338 Allow employee to inherit address from organization
  • CRM-3339 Add attachment functionality to "Send email to contacts"
  • CRM-3340 Contact Import - Update does not work
  • CRM-3341 CiviPledge - Add support for custom fields for Pledges
  • CRM-3342 Allow attaching multiple contacts to cases
  • CRM-3343 CiviCRM should rebuild menus when directory and path config settings change
  • CRM-3344 admin > settings > directories should validate directories before saving bad values into the db
  • CRM-3345 CSS issues
  • CRM-3346 Allow civicrm.css to be overridden/customized in the same manner template files can be customized
  • CRM-3347 Don't exclude dojo from Profile screens and remove includeDojo, includeCommon, includeCalendar flags if not needed
  • CRM-3348 Improve file handling, eliminate redundant code to determine mime_type from file upload in all files
  • CRM-3349 Localizable properties currently stored in domain.config_backend should be moved to their own tables / columns to support multi-language configurations
  • CRM-3350 Email check not done while making an online Contribution as an authenticated Drupal user
  • CRM-3351 Drupal's hook_node_info is called on all page views
  • CRM-3352 intermittent key error on Drupal registration page due to typo in civicrm.module
  • CRM-3353 CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::updateUFName() should only run user_save() if the email has actually changed
  • CRM-3354 civicrm_create_contact does not recognize date format
  • CRM-3355 Replace date picker with dojotoolkit date picker ..
  • CRM-3356 Split Manage Events: Online Registration into smaller subsections using dojo's pane widget
  • CRM-3357 Make sure the JQuery data picker is internationalised
  • CRM-3358 Upgrade Touchstone for 2.1
  • CRM-3359 Warning message when clicking on User >> Pledges tab
  • CRM-3360 Allow users to set date of first payment for recurring contributions and self-service pledges
  • CRM-3361 CiviContribute Dashboard - Integrate Chart View into Dashboard template and make it the default view
  • CRM-3362 member signup page does not create CMS user if free member
  • CRM-3363 All 'wysiwyg' fields should be suffixed with a '_html'
  • CRM-3364 Display bugs in standalone
  • CRM-3365 Clicking on the link to create additional ACL roles from the ACL management page takes you to the option group list page
  • CRM-3366 Creating ACL roles is very unintuitive
  • CRM-3367 Logout link missing from menu in standalone
  • CRM-3368 Empty select fields (e.g. State, Country...) do not display properly when part of a profile within an online contribution or event registration confirmation page
  • CRM-3369 New Price Set - On save should redirect to add price set field. Also add a Save and New button to Price Field form
  • CRM-3370 Standalone user registration flow and ACLs
  • CRM-3371 Inherited memberships also created inherited contributions
  • CRM-3372 Civicontribure Billing Address information Does not autofill when billing checkbox is checked and using a household address.
  • CRM-3373 Display price set pre/post help on edit/display forms
  • CRM-3374 Event view missing event field
  • CRM-3375 Add eWay Payment Processor to CiviCRM
  • CRM-3376 Contact Primary location gets wiped out when using locations through a profile
  • CRM-3377 Custom field "reuse an existing set" ignores default setting
  • CRM-3378 Unable to use profile on joomla1.5
  • CRM-3379 Login problem with REST interface
  • CRM-3380 New menu structure should encode which urls should be under SSL
  • CRM-3381 Export includes past groups for PRIMARY fields
  • CRM-3382 Allow edit of all pledge fields while pledge status is Pending
  • CRM-3383 Include links to edit grant types and case types in Admin menu option lists
  • CRM-3384 "url-tracking parser" truncates url's that contain "unorthodox" characters, like commas
  • CRM-3385 Custom data (Multichoice options) should support hierarchy
  • CRM-3386 Link to a "true" participant list from Event Manager
  • CRM-3387 New ACL Role: Database Error Code: The target table civicrm_option_value_en_US of the INSERT is not insertable-into, 1471
  • CRM-3388 Participant Role selection via Profile in Event Registration is ignored
  • CRM-3389 Import does not recognize a field named "last_name" as mapping to the Last Name field
  • CRM-3390 Error during batch update process, if only custom data included in profile
  • CRM-3391 Merge event and event_page tables
  • CRM-3392 CiviCRM breaks Drupal Administer by Module page
  • CRM-3393 Abbreviations can be numeric in state province table, avoid using is_numeric / constrain the range
  • CRM-3394 Deleting custom field gives fatal error - Can't DROP 'INDEX...'; check that column/key exists, 1091
  • CRM-3395 recurring contribution gives db error on subsequent transactions ..
  • CRM-3396 Widget about is requred in contribution page creation process when widget is not enabled
  • CRM-3397 Profile: Add tag(s) to new contacts
  • CRM-3398 Add 'Address Name' field in civicrm_address
  • CRM-3399 Export Pledges and Pledge Payments
  • CRM-3400 When a profile is set inactive via Edit form, civicrm_uf_join entries remain
  • CRM-3401 Restricted access contacts are visible on "Latest Transactions" table on main screen for unprivileged users
  • CRM-3402 Display Name options for Custom Searches
  • CRM-3403 Cannot Edit Event Registrations made in 1.9
  • CRM-3404 Demographics and tags fall under location information
  • CRM-3405 profile search intermixes location type and country/state province queries with is_primary ..
  • CRM-3406 UpdateMembershipRecord Script - smtp error ..
  • CRM-3407 Implement permissioned task options for components
  • CRM-3408 In CRM/Core/COnfig.php the reference to Joomla user table has a hard coded prefix
  • CRM-3409 Improving Database performance on custom fields
  • CRM-3410 Matching logic on custom fields
  • CRM-3411 Have Event tab sort by event date DESC
  • CRM-3412 backend "New Event Registration" process spits out php warnings
  • CRM-3413 CiviCRM blocks break when Drupal block cache is turned on
  • CRM-3414 Fix unwanted db entries for checkbox/multi-select Custom Data
  • CRM-3415 Can't unselect a custom state field
  • CRM-3416 No state field on Domain Information admin page
  • CRM-3417 FreeTagging and suggested terms
  • CRM-3418 Script Authentication should reject blocked users
  • CRM-3419 Admin setting to show/hide OpenID and IM fields
  • CRM-3420 Use JS to only show "Custom Greeting" field if the Customized Greeting is selected
  • CRM-3421 Blocks show on all pages with Block caching turned on
  • CRM-3422 The Joomla Package still includes a 1.0 style tool bar file which is being ignored
  • CRM-3423 Allow admin to disable STMP (outbound email) functionality
  • CRM-3424 Internal contact id should support operators other than =
  • CRM-3425 Make HMTL event listing view in CiviEvent more flexible
  • CRM-3426 duplicate ts() function in i18nstrings module for drupal 6
  • CRM-3427 non-recoverable error when renewing membership due to file upload field
  • CRM-3428 Payment Express Payment Processor Support
  • CRM-3429 Extend Version Check feature to report anonymous statistics on installation environment and usage of CiviCRM features
  • CRM-3430 Code changes for upgrade to Drupal 6 API
  • CRM-3431 Text change in Event Thank you screen when using payment processor set to notify
  • CRM-3432 Move generic payment processor notify functions into baseIPN
  • CRM-3433 Update EventAggregate Custom search
  • CRM-3434 Properly re-indent template files
  • CRM-3435 Ad Palestinian governorates to civicrm_state_province
  • CRM-3436 Batch Update Via Profile - Copy rows
  • CRM-3437 Import custom data of types multi-select country/state province
  • CRM-3438 Current Employer and Use Household Address - combine Create New and Select Existing interfaces
  • CRM-3439 Tell a Friend FROM Email should be set to primary participant email in multi-participant scenario
  • CRM-3440 contribution_type_id not getting set with PayPal IPN for recurring payments
  • CRM-3441 italian provinces list correction & update
  • CRM-3442 Civimail and Previous button loses ALL html message
  • CRM-3443 When I click on Advance search by group options are Objects
  • CRM-3444 civicrm.config.php resolves symlinks when it should not
  • CRM-3445 Joomla entivorment check needs to be updated to 1.5 style in some files
  • CRM-3446 Error on submitting amounts over $1000 to Payment Express using Payment Express payment gateway
  • CRM-3447 Category Titles not displayed on user/n
  • CRM-3448 Add group descriptions to groups in profiles
  • CRM-3449 stand alone profile forms don't fire hook_civicrm_postProcess()
  • CRM-3450 CRM_Profile_Form_Edit and CRM_Profile_Form_Dynamic have very lax validation for email fields
  • CRM-3451 url() error in civicrm.module
  • CRM-3452 CRM/Core/Menu.php can't find CRM_Core_Permission::checkMenuItem
  • CRM-3453 Misspelled session variable name pastContributionId in ./CRM/Contribute/Form/ContributionBase.php
  • CRM-3454 civicrm_admin_menu called from uninitialized path
  • CRM-3455 drupal/civicrm.module::civicrm_block('list',...) returns wrong format
  • CRM-3456 Reduce size of group_name / path fields in civicrm_cache to prevent mysql errors in some versions
  • CRM-3457 Plugin for the additional payment processor as Click and Pledge - Please review
  • CRM-3458 Search Builder gives incorrect results with IS_NULL operator
  • CRM-3459 Batch Record Activities for Contacts
  • CRM-3460 Seach by Custom Activity Fields
  • CRM-3461 Custom Fields not Merged
  • CRM-3462 Using the Save and Continue later option is not saving the content in the HTML box if the Save occurs at Step 3 or at Step 4
  • CRM-3463 2.1 demo site: /civicrm/mailing/subscribe returns "Could not find valid Key"
  • CRM-3464 Fatal error when exporting from CiviMember
  • CRM-3465 Hide "Save and Preview" button when Contribution Widget check box is not enabled
  • CRM-3466 Error when accessing control access when localisation are set to fr_fr on sandbox
  • CRM-3467 Add reCAPTCHA support and the ability to send in a post process DESTINATION to the Mailing List Subscribe form
  • CRM-3468 Parse error when you change localization
  • CRM-3469 Deleting a Price Field in a Price Set causes an error 2.1 alpha3 / Joomla 1.5.6
  • CRM-3470 Search builder on Email is not null
  • CRM-3471 PayPal Standard (civievent) - Page not found error
  • CRM-3472 Searchable value in CiviCRM Profile is not saved [CiviCRM 2.1 alpha 3/Joomla 1.5.6]
  • CRM-3473 No place to change the 'In Selector' value in CiviCRM Profile [CiviCRM 2.1 alpha 3/Joomla 1.5.6]
  • CRM-3474 Not possible to Change the value of 'Searchable' after a field have been created [CiviCRM 2.1 alpha 3/Joomla 1.5.6]
  • CRM-3475 Groups do not show up on Dashboard [CiviCRM 2.1 Alpha 3, Joomla 1.5.6]
  • CRM-3476 coma's in amount requested field not processed correctly
  • CRM-3477 Batch update does not allow resetting values to a null / empty string ..
  • CRM-3478 Sending email functionality should check proper settings depending on whether smtp/sendmail is chosen.
  • CRM-3479 Improvements / Fixes for Cases & Activities
  • CRM-3480 Merge the concepts of 'Profiles' and 'Custom Fields.'
  • CRM-3481 Revise 'Membership Organization' field
  • CRM-3482 adding callto:// link button to phone numbers in contact listings, edit and view with country prefix, to do phone calls with voip software with a click
  • CRM-3483 Household address leaves data in Contact Address if that Field in Household address has no data
  • CRM-3484 CiviMail trackable URLs do not correctly handle uppercase HREF parameters
  • CRM-3485 Update hook documentation with new hooks specification
  • CRM-3486 Resource URL not set correctly on install
  • CRM-3487 profile forms should not be collapsible
  • CRM-3488 Data inaccuracies in Export
  • CRM-3489 All graphics are stripped on civicrm
  • CRM-3490 Allow creation of Custom fields during Profile creation
  • CRM-3491 Make all links relative to allow connecting from different addresses
  • CRM-3492 CiviMail should not "url track" css urls in a link tag
  • CRM-3493 Contact searches should search ALL e-mail addresses instead of just those flagged as Primary
  • CRM-3494 Record billing name and address for each contribution record
  • CRM-3495 ACL Roles are usually redundant with "Access Control" Group type.
  • CRM-3496 Multilingual install option not available in J1.5
  • CRM-3497 Edit > Address block layout messed up
  • CRM-3498 Duplicate Matching Improvements
  • CRM-3499 Remove Joomla Component Menu (replace with our new navigation menu bar)
  • CRM-3500 Dynamially generate Multiple-Choice options via PHP
  • CRM-3501 Accesskeys popup displays in frontend pages
  • CRM-3502 After CRM-3404 fix can no longer add additional locations
  • CRM-3503 Creating profile to search locations for contacts uses primary instead of specified fields
  • CRM-3504 Can't edit profiles
  • CRM-3505 error when exporting from civimember
  • CRM-3506 Mailer preferences should be stored under civicrm_preferences
  • CRM-3507 Allow HTML Emails for all emails sent out via CiviCRM
  • CRM-3508 Contribution goal widget - wysiwyg
  • CRM-3509 unneeded lines in civicrm.php for Joomla
  • CRM-3510 'View only' custom fields leave empty <dt> row on forms
  • CRM-3511 Implement Personal Campaign Pages
  • CRM-3512 Create schema tables and schema modifications
  • CRM-3513 Implement Contribution Page setup wizard modification
  • CRM-3514 Implement PCP public creation and display page
  • CRM-3515 Implement public Contribution Page modifications
  • CRM-3516 Implement contact dashboard element ("My personal campaign pages")
  • CRM-3517 Append the name of Group in Adv Search and Groups Tab for contacts so that one can discern which are Parents and which are Child
  • CRM-3518 Difficulties with non-ascii text import
  • CRM-3519 Fatal Error: Class 'CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Location' not found
  • CRM-3520 Standalone installation should expose less code to the web
  • CRM-3521 CiviMail APIs
  • CRM-3522 Allow Edit action for reserved option values
  • CRM-3523 Use for Bulk Mailings: optional, always or never for preferred emails?
  • CRM-3524 Allow changing "no thank you" text for contribution membership signup options
  • CRM-3525 Add filter to import/export mapping screen
  • CRM-3526 Record merge ability from search results
  • CRM-3527 Register Participant for Event : Record Payment field values should be retained when form rule error occurs during form submit
  • CRM-3528 Map Event Location - link on map points to test-drive registration instead of live registration
  • CRM-3529 Map contact or event location - Google maps overlay should offer the ability to get directions TO the event or contact address FROM a user-entered address
  • CRM-3530 Running bin/UpdateMembershipRecord.php creating scheduled meeting activity
  • CRM-3531 Payment Processor fee config
  • CRM-3532 Current Employer: Improvements
  • CRM-3533 Custom Fields Not Updating with API
  • CRM-3535 Erroneous: Please enter a valid No Of People (whole number) in event registration
  • CRM-3536 Install script assumes
  • CRM-3537 No obvious way for the user to edit a profile at /user
  • CRM-3538 Unused functions offer gaping hole for SQL Injection vulnerability
  • CRM-3539 Fix Send Email to Contacts ...
  • CRM-3540 Using URL query parameters to filter a profile listing does not work
  • CRM-3541 Allow XML definition of Custom group / field data and related tables
  • CRM-3542 CiviCRM (still) does not correctly use drupal's hook_user
  • CRM-3543 civicrm 2.0 - civicrm_create_contact does not recognize date format. Ref
  • CRM-3544 Using on-hold with a location type results in a fatal error in search builder
  • CRM-3545 Proximity search for events
  • CRM-3546 Visibility control for event participant statuses
  • CRM-3547 Naming control for participant statuses
  • CRM-3548 Viewing multi-lingual fields
  • CRM-3549 Create relationship > view/update controls
  • CRM-3550 ACL menu options visible in Joomla installs
  • CRM-3551 "From Email Address Options" admin page
  • CRM-3552 Allow admin to set default "from email address" and use the FROM Email Address options for CiviMail mailings
  • CRM-3553 Rename the activity type for a CiviMail mailing to "Bulk Email"
  • CRM-3554 Tweak export functionality to export all the values for the specified location
  • CRM-3555 Hide flag icons if the user is lacking the 'translate CiviCRM' permission
  • CRM-3556 Allow front-end collecting and editing of multi-lingual names
  • CRM-3557 Improve usability of "Send Mail to Contacts" form and add support for CC and BCC
  • CRM-3558 missing 'require' statement
  • CRM-3559 More than 1 tinyMCE in a form does NOT save content
  • CRM-3560 Usability Improvement: Allow displayed value for custom fields in Search Builder
  • CRM-3561 Get rid of explicit component list from CRM_Core_Menu
  • CRM-3562 Implement PCP administration screen
  • CRM-3563 Implement PCP public layout template example
  • CRM-3564 Auto-build all POT files
  • CRM-3565 Error when trying to delete Price Field Option
  • CRM-3566 Usability Improvement: organizing dropdown select boxes that list fields
  • CRM-3567 Issue using Drupal admin interface to create user, with required CiviCRM fields
  • CRM-3568 "Your activity is a bit suspicious, hence aborting" error when valid html is entered for message template
  • CRM-3569 Activity import says errors in data source but still imports records
  • CRM-3570 CiviMember insists on selecting an Admin only status at import
  • CRM-3571 New Activity: Add Contact widget errrors
  • CRM-3572 In Joomla clicking Done from Map Contacts page exits to Joomla Administrator control panel
  • CRM-3573 CiviCase - Schema Modifications
  • CRM-3574 CiviCase - Create the component
  • CRM-3575 CiviCase - Custom fields for cases
  • CRM-3576 Cannot associate Individuals with correct household when 2 or more households have the same last name.
  • CRM-3577 Not possible to import with date format DD/MM/YY
  • CRM-3578 hook_user does unnecessary loading on $op == 'insert'
  • CRM-3579 Email field does not display and error report upon sort
  • CRM-3580 Invoke.php(184) : eval()'d code on line 1 - Cannot execute using backquotes in Safe Mode
  • CRM-3581 Deleting a previously deleted location deletes all addresses in the database
  • CRM-3582 Extra '?' in Google Geocode query causes batch update query failure
  • CRM-3583 Make "Administer CiviCRM" section component specific and pluggable
  • CRM-3584 Clean up setContext() functions use in Tab.php component classes
  • CRM-3585 URL Permissions for Joomla Front-End Dashboard
  • CRM-3586 DashBoard controls fail
  • CRM-3587 Profile in Joomla 1.5 custom module not redirecting properly
  • CRM-3588 DPS/Payment Express: Unsuccessful transactions being mis-handled as successful
  • CRM-3589 Profile fields listing - provide link to navigate quickly to the settings for that profile
  • CRM-3590 Add Tag ID to Administer Tags listing
  • CRM-3591 Send email to contacts (and maybe otehr forms too) fail if maxattachents is undefined (or set to null)
  • CRM-3592 Pass an 'action' variable
  • CRM-3593 civicrm_event.max_participants should default NULL to match program logic
  • CRM-3594 civicrm/event/manage?reset=1 should sort by date
  • CRM-3595 UI Improvement: "Use for Bulk Mailings" should be a radio, not a checkbox
  • CRM-3596 Free Event Registration - Confirmation Email not being sent (Offline)
  • CRM-3597 PHP 30 sec limit reached when submitting a Message Template
  • CRM-3598 Allow CiviMail to send to a group filtered by a search (custom or standard)
  • CRM-3599 Add 2 new fields to mailing object: created_id and sent_id
  • CRM-3600 Local navigation tabs show up for disabled Profiles in Drupal My Account edit mode
  • CRM-3601 Profiles with Contact field(s) only are being suppressed in Drupal User Registration
  • CRM-3602 CiviCase - Searchable custom fields for Activities and Relationships
  • CRM-3603 mailing list subscriptions pages do not respect Mailing list or Visibility settings, when addressed directly with 'gid='
  • CRM-3604 Cannot deselect all options in a custom alphanumeric checkbox field
  • CRM-3605 Custom search with "SQL OR" does not paranthesize the where clause properly ..
  • CRM-3606 Add Missing Contact Tokens for CiviMail (Step 3)
  • CRM-3607 Additional Participant should respect max participant condition
  • CRM-3608 Don't allow creation of mix profiles
  • CRM-3609 Brussels is missing from the Belgian province list
  • CRM-3610 Smart group membership does not appear under individual "group" contact tab view
  • CRM-3611 Implement honour roll JavaScript widget
  • CRM-3612 Adapt CiviContribute widget to display PCP data
  • CRM-3613 Rich text editor in CiviMail should accept url tokens as the link target for links
  • CRM-3614 Usability Improvement: Do not create a secondary window within the main browser window
  • CRM-3615 Usability Improvement: Rich Text fields have only a tiny area for data input
  • CRM-3616 Port the CiviMail return channel handling to PHP
  • CRM-3617 View Case - Activity selector getTotalCount is missing a case parameter - so pager is incorrect
  • CRM-3618 Export - some sample contact records are not exported for unknown reasons
  • CRM-3619 organization display_name set to empty string by civicrm_contact_add()
  • CRM-3620 Editing existing meeting activity replaces previous selected "with contacts" with author ("added by"). Saving creates a new activity. Found in Beta 6 only.
  • CRM-3621 2.0.6 upgrade Step 6 fails with SQL syntax error due to unescaped quotes
  • CRM-3622 Odd behaviour on Summary Edit with display of multiple locations
  • CRM-3623 CiviMember renew credit card action has a very wide page format that requires horizontal scrolling
  • CRM-3624 Send Email: To email is not correctly build
  • CRM-3625 Profiles are not accessible to Contribute Pages after upgrade from 2.06->2.1b6. Screenshots and db sent to developer Sep 26/08.
  • CRM-3626 Upgrade Drupal Sites to 2.1, Step 15 refers to Access Control Settings. It is now called Permissions.
  • CRM-3627 Relationship API: civicrm_relationship_create not creating associated memberships
  • CRM-3628 Unable to create new membership type
  • CRM-3629 Contribution confirm page has incorrect button name for pay-later transactions
  • CRM-3630 remove page refresh on offline contibution
  • CRM-3631 Allow administrators the option to hide all organization or household related things
  • CRM-3632 Allow CiviCRM to be setup to use denormalized organizations instead of the full-blown organization cotnact type
  • CRM-3633 When batch updating custom fields, allow multi-value fields to be added to or removed from rather than updated
  • CRM-3634 Find Participants -- dependent dropdowns
  • CRM-3635 Custom Search : Find Totals for Events
  • CRM-3636 When clicking Send Email and after typing and sending the email I get a core dump type error Database Error Code: Unknown column '' in 'field list', 1054
  • CRM-3637 Opt-outs land in the INBOX but then get put into JUNK after runnning the imap2soap script
  • CRM-3638 CiviCRM does not handle tokens embedded in URLs without Track Clickthroughs enabled
  • CRM-3639 Embedded "Track Clickthrough" URLs are incorrect
  • CRM-3640 Breadcumb missing from standalone
  • CRM-3641 Allow optional/required UF account creation through profile
  • CRM-3642 Online pledge fails with fatal error - is not of the type Integer
  • CRM-3643 CiviMail: Save & Continue should remember the proper step to return to
  • CRM-3644 group_type separator not set by API
  • CRM-3645 Keep session user data fresher
  • CRM-3646 Profile - GID Context Lost on anonymous/no cookied search
  • CRM-3647 Profile fields options - relabel Home URL as Website for consistency
  • CRM-3648 CiviCRM doesn't document nor check a requirement
  • CRM-3649 mailing list subscriptions pages do not apply form rules for previous subscription when addressed directly with 'gid='
  • CRM-3650 Entity-escaping in textarea fields happens for UTF8 strings
  • CRM-3651 Contribution statuses need to be filtered so that pledge statuses are not available to assign to contribution records
  • CRM-3652 Advanced search duplicates relationship selection options
  • CRM-3653 HRD: "Case Subject" field is unavailable on Activity adding/editing screen
  • CRM-3654 HRD: When editing case, contacts attached to the case are displayed as numbers (ids), instead of names
  • CRM-3655 HRD: Ajax fields fail on activity adding screen on negative form validation
  • CRM-3656 HRD: Implement fixes to "Latest Transactions" Dashboard component
  • CRM-3657 HRD: Implement custom templates for issues mentioned in descriptions
  • CRM-3658 Virus in file ''
  • CRM-3659 Event API: 'returnFirst' for civicrm_event_get does not work
  • CRM-3660 Event API: civicrm_event_search does not support 'sort', 'offset', 'rowCount'
  • CRM-3661 CiviCase component dashboard (home page)
  • CRM-3662 CiviCRM Installer URL
  • CRM-3663 The same strings found in different PO files
  • CRM-3664 Hard-coded forward slashes in install/index.php
  • CRM-3665 Control of sending email doesn't work for batch "Add Contacts to Event"
  • CRM-3666 install script gives error when civicrm db non-existant
  • CRM-3667 Find Cases
  • CRM-3668 When a user error happens in CiviContribute, an unexpected php error shows up
  • CRM-3669 Batch Update Participant via Profile -> Participant Status -> Registration Date is NULL
  • CRM-3670 Case Configuration - XML Design
  • CRM-3671 Location abbreviation shouldn't be shown
  • CRM-3672 Canceling a running mailing job in CiviMail has no effect
  • CRM-3673 CiviCase - Design XML Structure for Case Review Output
  • CRM-3674 action.forward allows user to access the form, but no confirmation and no forwarded message is sent.
  • CRM-3675 Forward token only works if logged in to Drupal
  • CRM-3676 Several mail tokens are not being replaced.
  • CRM-3677 Usability: Too many buttons to complete the CiviMail process
  • CRM-3678 standalone install fails if there's a session cookie from a previous install
  • CRM-3679 unsuccessful login attempt creates contact record
  • CRM-3680 wehn installing standalone via HTTPS, the redirect after install goes to the HTTP address and fails
  • CRM-3681 Only admins are able to see or do anything per default
  • CRM-3682 Allow a prefix or regex for OpenIDs that are allowed to log in.
  • CRM-3683 Label for NO BULK Emails (User Opt Out) flag should be consistent in edit, display and advanced search
  • CRM-3684 State Country selector fails in Joomla 1.5 front end
  • CRM-3685 No Transaction ID field offered when completing payment for event (backend)
  • CRM-3686 Allow "batch updating" during import
  • CRM-3687 Save Import reports for future reference.
  • CRM-3688 Usability: date ranges in CiviEvent
  • CRM-3689 smarty template plugin function crmDate.php does not accept formatting argument.
  • CRM-3690 add new validation rule for 'money' formats that can be negative
  • CRM-3691 change keyboard and query behaviour of country/state selectors to improve usability
  • CRM-3692 Navigation missing for "Draft and Unscheduled Mailings"
  • CRM-3693 Creating new household from the 'Use Household Address' doesn't work
  • CRM-3694 Current Employer disappears after re-edit of the field Current Employer when editing a contact if Demographics section is hidden via Site Preferences setting
  • CRM-3695 Add the language selector block for multi-lang installs to the Joomla blocks
  • CRM-3696 Can't have twice the same tag on a single contact
  • CRM-3697 Drupal Views integration not working with current CVS of Views 2
  • CRM-3698 DB_ERROR constant defined by both Drupal 6 and CiviCRM
  • CRM-3699 "Test" value in import participant Matching CiviCRM Field options
  • CRM-3700 Upgrades: check db consistency if possible
  • CRM-3701 fatal error with custom Money fields
  • CRM-3702 Duplicate Matching: Create flag for "This is not a duplicate"
  • CRM-3703 Duplicate Matching: Allow admins to specify a sort order for matches (beyond threshold)
  • CRM-3704 Export should include a field for the rendered greeting
  • CRM-3705 Profile Listing and Search giving Array error for custom multiselect
  • CRM-3706 Add Views2 Support to CiviCRM
  • CRM-3707 Custom Reports: Price Set Export has zeros in all columns
  • CRM-3708 View Change Log link on the bottom of contact view pages should be hidden with the Change Log is disabled in Site Preferences
  • CRM-3709 Add unique index on civicrm_option_value for option_group_id + name
  • CRM-3710 Improve handling of wide tables and forms in 3 column drupal themes by allowing user to hide right sidebar and display CiviCRM page element overflows
  • CRM-3711 Ability to CiviMail all the contacts from a search result
  • CRM-3712 Make the CiviMail token replacement process hookable
  • CRM-3713 Field labels defined in a Profile field are being over-ridden with the default field label for some built-in fields including Participant Status and Participant Role
  • CRM-3714 iCalendar Feed link returns iCalendar code in browser window
  • CRM-3715 Add access to participant list and map details from CiviEvent admin page
  • CRM-3716 CIVICRM_UF_BASEURL not used consistently
  • CRM-3717 CiviEvent - When using PayPal express I get an error 10400 message which means "Order total is missing"
  • CRM-3718 Duplicate key error thrown when updating checkbox custom data: createProfileContact() -> formatCustomField()
  • CRM-3719 CiviCase - New/Open Case + Change Case Type/Status: Activity type actions
  • CRM-3720 civicrm_custom_field_create( ) parameter problems
  • CRM-3721 Sample data for CiviCase development
  • CRM-3722 Populate timeline activities and relationships (case roles) from XML case configuration files
  • CRM-3723 Generate XML output for Case Reviews based on selected Named Activity Set
  • CRM-3724 Membership using status reserved for Admin
  • CRM-3725 View Case Screen
  • CRM-3726 The rest interface works without cookies and serves json
  • CRM-3727 View change log link still present after disabling
  • CRM-3728 Allow price set custom export to deal with multiple registration for a contact id ...
  • CRM-3729 Smart group searches are unreliable when lots of data entry activity is going on
  • CRM-3730 Use NULL rather than 0 as default for date fields in the schema
  • CRM-3731 Unable to add contacts, even though permission is granted.
  • CRM-3732 CiviMail email attachments disappear if there is a form validation error
  • CRM-3733 Usability: CiviMail subject field changes when you select a template further down the form.
  • CRM-3734 Token insert improvements
  • CRM-3735 Custom Groups: Multi-select "used for" subcategories
  • CRM-3736 API contact search doesn't work with return tags
  • CRM-3737 Import Participants giving errors on fields that are not matched or imported.
  • CRM-3738 Clean up references to CRM_Utils_Error
  • CRM-3739 CiviEvent RSS feeds are admin-side in Joomla
  • CRM-3740 Profile - International Country Not Selected on Profile Edit
  • CRM-3741 API issue - custom fields in group
  • CRM-3742 Option to display attached images inline
  • CRM-3743 New / Edit Activity in a Case
  • CRM-3744 returnProperties argument does nothing in CRM_Contact_BAO_Group::getGroups
  • CRM-3745 Pay Later option (when paid) doesn't update "pending" status
  • CRM-3746 Email Wysiwyg Instructions
  • CRM-3747 Search improvements
  • CRM-3748 WYSIWYG Show/Hide Options
  • CRM-3749 profiles created in 2.0.4 break upon upgrade to 2.1
  • CRM-3750 Standalone ACL intermittent errors, appears to be cache-related
  • CRM-3751 CiviMail: Do not default subject field to mailing name
  • CRM-3752 CiviMail: Archived mailings
  • CRM-3753 Cannot uncheck On Behalf Of option for Contribution pages
  • CRM-3754 Can't unselect a stock state field
  • CRM-3755 Contribution API Search Query
  • CRM-3756 Profiles with / char in name don't render in Drupal
  • CRM-3757 New Event Wizard Step 4 : Hide online registration fields when online registration is not enabled
  • CRM-3758 CiviCRM non-recoverable error when completing donation with email address used before
  • CRM-3759 CRM_Utils_Type is missing DATETIME
  • CRM-3760 Initial support for CiviEvent in Drupal Views2
  • CRM-3761 Dojo on contact import blocks certain errors
  • CRM-3762 User can't add contacts
  • CRM-3763 Provide URL parameter which limits the groups exposed in a profile create / edit form to a single group AND include group descriptions when available
  • CRM-3764 Display the legal name and the SIC Code in contact view
  • CRM-3765 js-error popup using IE7
  • CRM-3766 Country/State fails in Firefox 3 (demo site)
  • CRM-3767 billing information absent / incorrect on membership contribution confirmation pages
  • CRM-3768 CiviCase : Move-to-trash feature for Cases and Activities
  • CRM-3769 Attempted to add new individual - received "non-recoverable error". Just installed CiviCRM (latest) on Joomla 1.5 (Legacy Mode)
  • CRM-3770 Entering 0.00 in amount_other field is accepted
  • CRM-3771 Upgrade to 2.0 deletes civicrm_group_contact.location_id but it remains in schema
  • CRM-3772 Upgrade to 2.0 adds region_id to civicrm_country but does not populate it
  • CRM-3773 Tag table cells with field name id
  • CRM-3774 CiviCase - Detect and provide an interface to view prior revisions of an activity
  • CRM-3775 CiviMail does not record activities when sending mailings through cron
  • CRM-3776 Upgrade to 2.0 fails if longer than 35 chars
  • CRM-3777 Schedule follow-up activity when adding or editing an activity AND provide link to "Prompted by" activity when viewing a follow-up activity
  • CRM-3778 Include cases and case activities in dedupe merge process
  • CRM-3779 Add a Timeline (a set of scheduled activities) to a case
  • CRM-3780 Let the import of contact be more permissive
  • CRM-3781 Memberships charges are set to recurring if an additional recurring contribution is selected
  • CRM-3782 Contribution pages with CMS user sign-up and 'On Behalf Of' incorrectly link CMS user to the Organization rather than Individual
  • CRM-3783 send 'My Contacts / Organizations' dashboard title through translation function
  • CRM-3784 Contribution forms with separate membership payment do not handle recurring, with empty additional_amount correctly
  • CRM-3785 No unselect available for optional additional contribution on membership contribution pages
  • CRM-3786 'Save and send email' on global settings -> outbound mail does not save
  • CRM-3787 Add option for full country name in address field, in addition to two-letter code
  • CRM-3788 Provide option to force 'On Behalf Of' contributions and force 'Create CMS User' in Profiles
  • CRM-3789 Misleading presentation of recurring + membership amounts on contribution confirmation pages
  • CRM-3790 Contacts are still created from payment processor rejected contribution transactions
  • CRM-3791 Enable Notes Subject to be imported
  • CRM-3792 Create Current Employer should trigger creation of inherited memberships and removing current employer should disable the relationship and delete the inherited membership
  • CRM-3793 uf_match not created on profile visit (Joomla)
  • CRM-3794 Deleting recurring contributions for a contact still leaves an entry in civicrm_contribute_recur and fatal error when viewing user dashboard
  • CRM-3795 'Bcc' fields on the contribution pages behave like 'Cc'
  • CRM-3796 Upgrade to 2.1 doesn't fill the values for civicrm_participant.fee_amount
  • CRM-3797 Provide feature/script for upgrading from v2.1.1 -> v2.1.2
  • CRM-3798 "on hold" does not prevent sending email
  • CRM-3799 Passwords not sent to new users when they register for a Drupal account during Membership Signup
  • CRM-3800 civicrm_participant_search does not include event_type, participant_status and participant_role in result
  • CRM-3801 Billing information is missing in email reciept
  • CRM-3802 Simplify CiviMail-generated addresses and add the optional localpart+ prefix
  • CRM-3803 HierSelect country state selector error on contribution forms with organization sign up
  • CRM-3804 GenCode.php contains some minor unix-only code
  • CRM-3805 Fix activity type functionality to use new category table
  • CRM-3806 Urls that are displayed in help text should be absolute
  • CRM-3807 It should not be possible to disable reserved option values
  • CRM-3808 Grants are holding the contact from being deleted
  • CRM-3809 PCP should be shown when accessed by administrator from PCP admin/approval screen
  • CRM-3810 Allow buildAmount in contribution and event pages to use hooks to modify fee amount / label
  • CRM-3811 Include billing name and address associated with each contribution in contribution export
  • CRM-3812 Clean up AJAX menu usage
  • CRM-3813 Registration Screen (include profiles) profiles cant share same field
  • CRM-3814 Fatal Error on Import with External Identifier
  • CRM-3815 when xxx_add fails because of a dupe_check, return the xxx_id.
  • CRM-3816 Joining on Behalf of Oganization doesn't work
  • CRM-3817 Reminder date not set after membership import
  • CRM-3819 CiviPledge does allow recording of overdue payments
  • CRM-3820 Script to update the employer field
  • CRM-3821 whois button close to url edit and view of contacts details
  • CRM-3822 Displays the country in the relationships tab
  • CRM-3823 REST accessible api to fetch the relationships of a contact
  • CRM-3824 Offer to merge when detecting a duplicate on the edit
  • CRM-3825 The autocomplete feature on the search block doesn't take into account the settings for include the nick name
  • CRM-3826 CiviCase - Design and implement audit / report output based on named activity sets in case configuration files
  • CRM-3827 CiviCase - Record Activities for a Case via Email
  • CRM-3828 CiviCase - Document the configuration and upgrade process for sites using Cases prior to 2.2
  • CRM-3829 CiviCase - Integrate core activities forms and pages with CiviCase activity codebase
  • CRM-3830 uploaded files with long names get extra characters when downloaded
  • CRM-3831 Contribution pages could use hierarchical country->state ajaxy selectors
  • CRM-3832 rest API: no more key needed
  • CRM-3833 Currently in Joomla hooks can't be used because there is no invocation of civicrm plugins that someone might create. This code will invoke civicrm plugins
  • CRM-3834 'Delete' from Draft and Unscheduled Mailings page takes you to mailing home page
  • CRM-3835 CiviMail: Editor screen could benefit from some UI love
  • CRM-3836 Drupal Views2 missing civicrm_href()
  • CRM-3837 Dedupe should create indices for rules referring non-indexed columns
  • CRM-3838 civipledge: not able to edit payment start date after pledge created
  • CRM-3839 CiviPledge: info and changes made on edit pg. not the same on view pg & pledge payment pg.
  • CRM-3840 Hierarchical tag: done
  • CRM-3841 Problems with discount rate specified in CiviEVENTS
  • CRM-3842 Not able to edit overdue pledge record
  • CRM-3843 CiviMember - Memberships extended to related contacts should not be editable or renewable
  • CRM-3844 Drupal Views 2 integration sql bug, seperate database issue?
  • CRM-3845 Contact Tabs hook : allow removing AND adding tabs
  • CRM-3846 Introduce civicrm_site_key constant to verify for all bin and extern scripts
  • CRM-3847 Eliminate Activity Type CATEGORIES
  • CRM-3848 Dont retrieve contactID details when cid is passed in for contribution pages.
  • CRM-3849 Import - Preferred Communication Method field doesn't accept multiple value list in the same format as we export
  • CRM-3850 Profile field preview - options per line setting for checkboxes is ignored
  • CRM-3851 New email account settings schema
  • CRM-3852 Unify contact's "Cases" tab with "Find cases" selector
  • CRM-3853 Allow checksum functionality for Contribute pages
  • CRM-3854 Add the ability to define per-country address formats
  • CRM-3855 CRM/Contact/Form/Merge.tpl has unclosed div, breaks page layout big time
  • CRM-3856 Internationalise strings in JavaScript files
  • CRM-3857 Search results detail page hotlinks -- tags, checkboxes, multiselects should hotlink separately
  • CRM-3858 Crash in online registration test run
  • CRM-3859 On the rest interface, the json does have a xml mime type
  • CRM-3860 Create an API key for each contact to access api
  • CRM-3861 API should throw error when data is saved to a custom field that the user does not have access to
  • CRM-3862 Import Members - add logic to populate the Reminder Date column based on end date and membership type settings
  • CRM-3863 Payment instruments that should be set as reserved are deletable.
  • CRM-3864 CiviCase: Add component id to admin interface for creating and editing Activity Types
  • CRM-3865 Smart Group creation broken for Custom Search
  • CRM-3866 Cannot Send Bulk Email via List of Event Attendees
  • CRM-3867 Integrate pChart library with CiviCRM
  • CRM-3868 Simplify CiviMail Processor: drop backward compatibility
  • CRM-3869 New email account settings schema UI
  • CRM-3870 Merging Contacts fails with Database Error
  • CRM-3871 When two contacts have the same openid, login using that openid fails
  • CRM-3872 Simple DateTime Views2 filters call an undefined function civicrm_format_date()
  • CRM-3873 AJAX call conflict in relationship creation ...
  • CRM-3874 Implement soft-credit functionality building on PCP infrastructure
  • CRM-3875 world visible credit card log a security concern
  • CRM-3876 CiviMail: Add the ability to re-use search-originated mailings
  • CRM-3877 Cannot select new user for test drive event registration
  • CRM-3878 Error: advanced search with conditions on relationship (active) and membership at the same time
  • CRM-3879 Import fails for any more than a hand full of contacts
  • CRM-3880 Pledges round payments to whole dollars
  • CRM-3881 Add field profile
  • CRM-3882 Primary Email is not displayed in profile selector
  • CRM-3883 Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in ...civicrm/CRM/Member/Import/Parser/Membership.php on line 450 Call Stack
  • CRM-3884 Update AMaViS for CiviCRM 2.2 changes
  • CRM-3885 Same as #3877 unsesolved also with different browser
  • CRM-3886 CiviCRM Events views should allow fields to display HTML
  • CRM-3887 Aggregate Contribution Custom Search throws MySQL errors if you use commas in the minimum or maximum
  • CRM-3888 Schema changes for soft credit / PCP implementation
  • CRM-3889 Modify existing PCP code to use modified schema
  • CRM-3890 Back-office entry of soft credits
  • CRM-3891 Soft credit records viewing
  • CRM-3892 Double-opt-in not working. Should have the option to single-opt-in or confirm-opt-in anyway
  • CRM-3893 strings not translated in administer civicrm
  • CRM-3894 Upgrade process for v2.1 -> v2.2
  • CRM-3895 Incorrect acitivity type assigned during free membership sign up
  • CRM-3896 Modify Date - Time selector MINUTES part to expose all 60 minutes
  • CRM-3897 Implement new "Actions" widget
  • CRM-3898 when editing a profile, Advanced options get erased if not dropped down
  • CRM-3899 driving directions retrieved from multiple contact map have erroneous destination
  • CRM-3900 work with postgres (requested again)
  • CRM-3901 duplicate entries in civicrm_contribution_product for a given contribution_id
  • CRM-3902 Profile-created organisations are not being checked for duplicates
  • CRM-3903 CiviMail: Allow replies to go directly to the reply address
  • CRM-3904 fields misaligned in address form in IE6
  • CRM-3905 Custom field multiple choice options - If a strings is entered for Value it is saved as 0.00
  • CRM-3906 Hook for page output to enable extra variables to be added to a template
  • CRM-3907 Event Registration Test-drive: Bypass check for existing registration from this contact
  • CRM-3908 The login link in the Joomla profile Create Account is pointing to the administrator
  • CRM-3909 Add a way to export "another e-mail" e-mails from contacts
  • CRM-3910 Basic search for e-mail addresses ignores e-mail addresses that are listed in the "another e-mail" field for a contact
  • CRM-3911 Smarty help file Error on trying to e-mail participant
  • CRM-3912 Fix 2.1 -> 2.2 upgrade process for multilingual sites
  • CRM-3913 Activity API should return target data
  • CRM-3914 civicrm event links don't show in views for users with only 'view event info' permission
  • CRM-3915 Editing a price set field displays error message
  • CRM-3916 Price Sets not recorded properly and cannot be edited when Pay Later is selected for an event
  • CRM-3917 Remove solicitor_id from civicrm_contribution table
  • CRM-3918 Double opt-in via list subscription from profile is not working
  • CRM-3919 Installer fails PHP versions prior to 5.2.1
  • CRM-3920 Custom data option list errors
  • CRM-3921 Improvement to current employer mailing labels functionality: multline format and help text
  • CRM-3922 Add support for attachments to the New / Edit Grant form (CiviGrant)
  • CRM-3923 Add separate field in contribution record for Check Number (no uniqueness constraint)
  • CRM-3924 Add upload as an action for all CiviCRM forms
  • CRM-3925 Drupal accounts created by profile in contribution page erroneously associated with Org contact
  • CRM-3926 CiviCRM First User Setup / Fatal error: No XML parser was found in /usr/home/ian/civicrm/packages/Auth/Yadis/XML.php on line 366
  • CRM-3927 Create new case not working in IE7
  • CRM-3928 Provide ability to search/distinguish "primary" membership entity
  • CRM-3929 CiviMail Processor: Make the IMAP folder names for processed emails configurable
  • CRM-3930 Add css ID wrapper to profiles for profile-specific styling
  • CRM-3931 Price Sets do not show default values in edit mode for an event registration
  • CRM-3932 Expose recurring contrib details on contrib view
  • CRM-3933 Broken merge in REST.php
  • CRM-3934 Data loss on edit > save contribution
  • CRM-3935 Use for Bulk Mailing checkbox for non-primary address with one email
  • CRM-3936 Add an extra participant offered also for those already registered
  • CRM-3937 Improvements/Security patch to REST.php
  • CRM-3938 Import participant with Event ID not working
  • CRM-3939 Profile Search not working for phone and email searches
  • CRM-3940 Profiles with smart group restriction -- search detail view does not list groups
  • CRM-3941 %link moniker for localisable links in ts calls
  • CRM-3942 Membership form with optional/additional donation doesn't work if no additional donation is made
  • CRM-3943 User friendly terminology for checkbox and multi-select AND vs. OR search queries
  • CRM-3944 hook_civicrm_adminSettings
  • CRM-3945 Ability to set artibrary search profile as the default search profile
  • CRM-3946 Custom checkbox fields - required property should NOT require that ALL options are checked
  • CRM-3947 Provide donor disclosure policy information in PCP examples
  • CRM-3948 Allow PCP administrator to enable/disable image uploading for newly created PCPs
  • CRM-3949 Fix upgrade process to gracefully exit especially for intra versions, even if no upgrade process to execute
  • CRM-3950 Participant listings: Make the columns configurable
  • CRM-3951 Smart Group created with incorrect search criteria
  • CRM-3952 Remove 'Access CiviCRM' permission requirment for Editing Contacts via Profile
  • CRM-3953 CiviMail: Compose Message - Save Mailing as New Template checkbox should revert to Update Template when user returns to this form (Previous) after testing the mailing
  • CRM-3954 Upgrade to 2.0 doesn't update civicrm_custom_value when migrating meeting, phonecall
  • CRM-3955 Make activity types management (component assigning) more consistent and less CiviCase specific
  • CRM-3956 Profile Search: Public User Pages behavior
  • CRM-3957 Non-Recoverable Error Using Special Group- During Find Contacts
  • CRM-3958 title attribute for start and end dates on event information page doesn't use localised date format
  • CRM-3959 Link from registration "Thank You" page to "Event Information" page
  • CRM-3960 Make pledge drill down selector's look consistent with CiviCase drill down selector
  • CRM-3961 Deleting pledge payment (contribution) makes pledge inconsistent?
  • CRM-3962 Internal contact ID displays in search listing but not in profile view
  • CRM-3964 CiviEvent converts times to am on save if lowercase am/pm (%p) is used
  • CRM-3965 time related event discount not defaulting to the default
  • CRM-3966 In Joomla with the option to register enabled, the link to login (in the text) is to the live site not livesite/index.php?option=com_user&view=login
  • CRM-3967 Failed Import of Multi-select custom field ending on a comma (the separator)
  • CRM-3968 Import Contributions : Support for Soft Credits and for Pledge Payments
  • CRM-3969 Implement hooks on copy
  • CRM-3970 Checkbox's default value is CHECKED
  • CRM-3971 FCK Editor bug using send email to contacts
  • CRM-3972 CiviMember Renewal - add error trap for misconfigured status rules
  • CRM-3973 Joomla - Activation Email is not send for users created via Profiles
  • CRM-3974 Introduce new, table based contact import
  • CRM-3975 CiviMail should have the option of not sending duplicate emails
  • CRM-3976 Cleanup "buildClause" in Query.php
  • CRM-3978 Improvements to Contribution Widget
  • CRM-3979 Unit test of api/Membership.php is needed
  • CRM-3980 Saving an Import Mapping at Step 2 and then stepping back to Step 2 later causes the Mapping to be saved a second time but with same name
  • CRM-3981 Dedupe creates multiple primary address/phone/emails
  • CRM-3982 Current employer lost on quick edit/save
  • CRM-3983 Preview Activity - Missing required field check for Subject - CiviCRM 2.1.4
  • CRM-3984 UpdateMembershipRecord script assumes Pending, Canceled status
  • CRM-3985 PCP : Edit links should go directly to the page where supporters can modify their PCP content and layout
  • CRM-3986 PCP : Disabled and "Not Approved" PCP rows should use disabled css class
  • CRM-3987 CiviContribute Contribution Summary using wrong date range for current year if FY not starting in January
  • CRM-3988 Integrate additional views functionality
  • CRM-3989 PCP : Notify admin when a PCP is created or updated
  • CRM-3990 PCP : Notify supporter when their PCP status is changed by site admin
  • CRM-3991 profiles in event/contribution pages can change order when profile settings are edited
  • CRM-3992 CiviEvent - Add Map on Event Info page
  • CRM-3993 There should be a CiviMail token that always resolves to the email address we're sending to
  • CRM-3994 Provide easier access to the list of participants
  • CRM-3995 Relationship tables integration for Views 2
  • CRM-3996 PCP : Send notfication email to supporter when they initially create a Personal Campaign Page
  • CRM-3997 Implement OAuth for Standalone API authentication
  • CRM-3998 Standalone installations should expose a minimum of code to the web server
  • CRM-3999 Can't Create new Tags: "Name already exists in Database."
  • CRM-4000 Profiles : Notify on Submit - If this is configured in the profile settings it should be triggered in all profile settings (including User Registration, Contributions etc.)
  • CRM-4001 Import doesn't work on standalone
  • CRM-4002 CiviMailProcessor.php runs into race condition on catchall accounts with a lot of traffic
  • CRM-4003 Address Name for Events do not display on event info page
  • CRM-4004 civicrm_activity_create() fails
  • CRM-4005 Check for multiple event registrations for a contact not working
  • CRM-4006 Function name conf_init() in civicrm.config.php collides with function in Drupal
  • CRM-4007 API v2 is generally broken for multi-value custom fields
  • CRM-4008 Database error after upgrade to 2.2 Unknown column 'skipBreadcrumb' in 'field list', 1054
  • CRM-4009 Date and Version info are wrong in Joomla version
  • CRM-4010 CiviCase - Configure and display Case Resource contacts used for all cases
  • CRM-4011 Upgrade eZ Components to 2008.2
  • CRM-4012 Membership/ Participant Import generated Error file is incorrect
  • CRM-4013 Upgrade from 2.2.alpha1 to 2.2.alpha2 fails due to missing option_group
  • CRM-4014 PCP : Enable creation of Personal Campaign Pages by authenticated users for Standalone installs
  • CRM-4015 CiviCRM OG Sync creates new role assignments
  • CRM-4016 Advanced Search - Country and State/Province dropdowns should use jQuery widget
  • CRM-4017 Domain info no longer retrievable via API
  • CRM-4018 Standalone OpenID login should be more user-friendly
  • CRM-4019 Drupal and Standalone Installer - Add success page with next steps
  • CRM-4020 Confluence is down
  • CRM-4021 Extend strings extractor to grab the value of docURL tooltip parameter
  • CRM-4022 Implement docURL macro
  • CRM-4023 Rework all the template documentation links to use docURL macro
  • CRM-4024 Contact Import using External Identifier is broken for update mode
  • CRM-4025 Civi Profile cannot be hidden at user edit page on Drupal
  • CRM-4026 CiviMailProcessor doesn't run due to protocol values confusion in MailStore
  • CRM-4027 Membership Signup On Behalf Of Should Log Activity Under Individual
  • CRM-4028 Better Documentation and Listings for Individuals in the case of Membership Signup On Behalf Of
  • CRM-4029 Use of tabbed browsing results in form confusion
  • CRM-4030 Non recoverable error
  • CRM-4031 CiviMailProcessor: make Mailidir polling work in batches
  • CRM-4032 reinstall on Drupal site results in a "non-recoverable"error
  • CRM-4033 CiviContribute import of Pledge Payment
  • CRM-4034 Unit test api/v2/ContactAddWithCustomData.test fails because of problem in CRM_Core_BAO_CustomFields::getFields()
  • CRM-4035 Unit test api/v2/ActivityGetContact.test fails because of problem in CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::getContactActivity()
  • CRM-4036 CMSUSer creation option should respect CMS user settings
  • CRM-4037 CiviMailProcessor: IMAP store should move the messages to subfolders of Inbox
  • CRM-4038 Monetary amount multiplied by 100 whenever membership data is saved
  • CRM-4039 not able to set up a personal campaign page
  • CRM-4040 Restructure joomla installer to make it more efficient (hopefully)
  • CRM-4041 Multiple Languages Support - Default language for the newly logged-in user set to the default language set in the admin
  • CRM-4042 Searching and Emailing to a Set of Members gives all the members in the email in IE7
  • CRM-4043 Show Continue button for Online pages if Pay Later is selected ( PayPal Express )
  • CRM-4044 Problem with "=" and "+" in weblink custom field
  • CRM-4045 Contribution Page
  • CRM-4046 Profile bug with captcha enabled
  • CRM-4047 Edit Event Page: Start and End Date cannot be set properly
  • CRM-4048 Rename 'Public User Pages and Listings' Profile Visibility option to 'Public Pages with Links', remove it from Groups Visibility options (not used)
  • CRM-4049 Profile - Links for Public Pages and LIstings fields don't work properly if the field is NOT marked Searchable
  • CRM-4050 Option to use current date as default
  • CRM-4051 CiviMail - Address display format not respected when domain.address token is used in HTML message body - line breaks are missing
  • CRM-4052 Mail Accounts leaves blank server field
  • CRM-4053 Incorrectly set up e-mail causes white screen
  • CRM-4054 CiviMail - Modify Send Mailing form buttons to clarify functionality on Schedule and Send page
  • CRM-4055 Find-as-you-type in country fields does not consider localized coutrny names
  • CRM-4056 Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException' with message 'No such property name 'subType'.'
  • CRM-4057 event full should disregard max particpants if 0 or null
  • CRM-4058 unknown function in Advanced search event type selection
  • CRM-4059 Location Name for CiviEvent not displaying in ManageEvent Screen
  • CRM-4060 Event confirmation code could be 'tightened'
  • CRM-4061 Migrate all dojo widget / code to jquery
  • CRM-4062 Formatted Custom fields import for related contacts does not work
  • CRM-4063 Improve the navigation system & usability
  • CRM-4064 CRM-3775 fix needs more work
  • CRM-4065 Contributions where Contributors can Select a Contribution Type
  • CRM-4066 Custom Fields - Radio button preview missing the 'unselect' link
  • CRM-4067 Find Contributions : Send Email to Contacts Task - Emails are duplicated in recipient list of the contact appears more than once in resultset
  • CRM-4068 CiviCase - Fix notices and warnings in Joomla
  • CRM-4069 Sort out $lcMessages setting
  • CRM-4070 Change the structure of administrator's documentation to follow admin menu
  • CRM-4071 Implement uninstall feature for joomla and drupal ..
  • CRM-4072 doing import on demo, (organization, update clicked) at the Preview (step 3 of 4) stage got the error listed in descritption
  • CRM-4073 Redirect to front page for joomla in case of session expiry ..
  • CRM-4074 Duplicate price field names should be checked within set, not across all sets
  • CRM-4075 Add "Create PCP" option to Joomla Menu Manager
  • CRM-4076 Accessing Contribution Page from an Inactive PCP should not throw fatal error
  • CRM-4077 CiviMail: add information about the mailing that triggered an unsubscribe
  • CRM-4078 Profile search with smart group intermittently returns no results for anon without view all contacts permission
  • CRM-4079 Disabled Option Groups still appear in Forms
  • CRM-4080 User can edit contacts just with "view All Groups" permission
  • CRM-4081 Preview Fixes
  • CRM-4082 Multilingual upgrades broken on sites with just one language
  • CRM-4083 Profile Advanced Settings: all checkboxes reset to off after saving with Advanced Settings collapsed
  • CRM-4084 Custom Fields - Improvements to Multiple Records Functionality
  • CRM-4085 Default sort order on CiviMail summary page
  • CRM-4086 CiviCase - Send a Copy of Activity action should be logged in the case
  • CRM-4087 Add Contacts to Group Task : Misplaced <script> tag causes display errors in some Drupal themes
  • CRM-4088 text disappears on civimember screen
  • CRM-4089 Add Delete functionality for Multi-value/ Tabbed Custom Data
  • CRM-4090 Set default for Price set field is broken
  • CRM-4091 Custom File field with Event doesn't seem to work
  • CRM-4092 CiviMail & FCK - text disappears when hitting previous if reusing mailing
  • CRM-4093 iCal Feed Summary field contains title, not summary
  • CRM-4094 allow custom options to be modifed via a hook ..
  • CRM-4095 imap mailprocessor only works at the first run (before the civi-folders are created)
  • CRM-4096 Add email templates (and adjust notifications) for new Jira workflow
  • CRM-4097 Create Custom search to list multiple values in contact custom groups
  • CRM-4098 PCP : Bugs in display and recording of honor roll preferences entered by users in contribution page
  • CRM-4099 After upgrade CiviCRM from 2.1 to 2.2beta - not show stored/save new information stored on custom fields for events. Actually show nothing
  • CRM-4100 Issue creating Contribution Page when no profiles exist
  • CRM-4101 Link to "create Payment Processors" from the Create Contribution "Amounts (step 2 of 9)" Page
  • CRM-4102 SQL import: 'Download Errors' link not working
  • CRM-4103 Import: cannot import contacts with 'US' country
  • CRM-4104 Ensure that custom search entries in option value table are updated with new beta ..
  • CRM-4105 create hook to allow additional tasks in contact search ..
  • CRM-4106 {ts}-tag xml/templates/civicrm_uf.tpl
  • CRM-4107 Sending acknowledge e-mail after receiving payment (updating in the contribution section) crashes
  • CRM-4108 Permission on joomla 1.59
  • CRM-4109 CiviContribute area doesn't include button for Personal Contribution Pages
  • CRM-4110 Contribution Page search does not differentiate empty search results from no page exist condition.
  • CRM-4111 Import Contacts: Contact Matching on External Identifie for Fill mode is broken
  • CRM-4112 CiviMail - Send Test Mailing to a Smart Group fails
  • CRM-4113 crash backtrace if session has timed out
  • CRM-4114 Alternative Joomla! Distribution - for servers without native PHP zip functionality
  • CRM-4115 Add the l10n repo to FishEye
  • CRM-4116 Import error report doesn't use the Import / Export Field Separator as set in Global settings > Localization
  • CRM-4117 CiviMail jobs don't show up in Scheduled and Sent list when there are many jobs already in there
  • CRM-4118 CiviMail should have an optional auto-archiving feature
  • CRM-4119 Cannot Send Bulk Email via Find Members
  • CRM-4120 Schema: Change default_discount_id to default_discount_fee_id in civicrm_event
  • CRM-4121 In CiviCase the Add New Role function on Manage Case doesn't always work
  • CRM-4122 Participant role in a profile for an event should use the event default
  • CRM-4123 Profile Settings : Used For = Profile should be checked by default for a new profile
  • CRM-4124 Fuzzy dedupe rule being used on all contact edit/inserts
  • CRM-4125 default dedupe rule with no fields causes error on contact edit/insert
  • CRM-4126 Multilingual installation get DB error when add/Edit Dedupe rule
  • CRM-4127 Make more user friendly the entry of phone number
  • CRM-4128 Implement component discovery mechanism and make components self registrable
  • CRM-4129 Support destination= parameter in requests to forms - user is directed back to destination after form postProcess completes
  • CRM-4130 Enable Copy Price Set
  • CRM-4131 Profile - Include contact display name in page title when viewing a contact via a profile
  • CRM-4132 Online Contribution - Honoree section allows you to select in honor off without entering honoree information and doesn't include an unselect
  • CRM-4133 Can't change weight for custom field multiple choice options when all originally created with same weight
  • CRM-4134 Unable to apply User edits
  • CRM-4135 CiviCASE db error in search builder
  • CRM-4136 form layout clashes with Drupal core CSS
  • CRM-4137 Drupal 6.6 Installtion
  • CRM-4138 Direct Debit instead of Credit Card
  • CRM-4139 CiviEvent - Free event registration multiple notices in Joomla on Thank-you page
  • CRM-4140 Include link to Create a Personal Campaign Page on the Tell-a-Friend Thank-you page
  • CRM-4141 Profile Search - Group search not working as expected
  • CRM-4142 GoogleIPN.php fails to process contributions on localized sites
  • CRM-4143 Tell a Friend - (via value appended to FROM email address should be derived from CiviCRM site domain
  • CRM-4144 Create PCP by Anonymous User - Provide appropriate messaging on the screen and in email messages
  • CRM-4145 CiviCRM Profile "weight" setting ineffective
  • CRM-4146 Joomla front-end PCP and Contribution Page Issues
  • CRM-4147 Configuration Checklist linked from the installations
  • CRM-4148 Contact Import - Update/Fill mode improvements
  • CRM-4149 ReCAPTCHA in CiviContribute form produces invalid HTML
  • CRM-4150 Store and Display TEXT and HTML Versions of Sent Emails
  • CRM-4151 UF match created to Organization from membership contribution on behalf of Org with profile account registration option
  • CRM-4152 Views 2 integration - Filters are broken for views of CiviCRM objects
  • CRM-4153 Make Profile Double-opt process configurable
  • CRM-4154 click through also on images
  • CRM-4155 The default values for the tracking are a privacy issue
  • CRM-4156 Implement tab interface for contribution page wizard
  • CRM-4157 Update of membership data fails with mysql syntax error
  • CRM-4158 CiviMail 2.2b2
  • CRM-4159 Incorrect country assigned on import
  • CRM-4160 CiviMail: click-through tracking breaks when contact/email deleted
  • CRM-4161 Phone number type
  • CRM-4162 'Synchronize Users to Contacts' function doesn't handle national characters properly in Joomla environment
  • CRM-4163 Dynamic Email Body
  • CRM-4164 Typo in New Event Wizard Online Registration (step 4 of 5)
  • CRM-4165 Record an activity when we send membership renewal reminder emails
  • CRM-4166 Elavon / Nova community contributed processor
  • CRM-4167 Allow event to have multiple registrations from same email address and allow additional participants to be added without email addresses
  • CRM-4168 Header and footers in civimail are double utf8 encoded
  • CRM-4169 CiviCRM adds surplus javascript to Drupal user profile pages
  • CRM-4170 Separate the permissions for profile forms and profile listings
  • CRM-4171 Edit Participant - freeze event select field when there is an associated payment for that participant record
  • CRM-4172 Event locations need tidyup on upgrade to 2.2
  • CRM-4173 Include simple sample case types with configuration files in the codebase distribution to allow users to explore CiviCase
  • CRM-4174 PayPalImpl.php line 385 - urlencode() error for passing an array instead of a string
  • CRM-4175 Remove 'make online pledges' permission
  • CRM-4176 Mailing Report breadcrumb: error = "is not of the type Integer"
  • CRM-4177 Improve options for displaying your own content in hook_dashboard
  • CRM-4178 new column in the Membership Types summary box that shows Relationships
  • CRM-4179 Fix warning on CiviCRM Group Roles-List Association Rules page and fix invalid insert query for CiviCRM Member Roles add rule funtion
  • CRM-4180 Reserved relationship aren't editable anymore
  • CRM-4181 Advanced search & ajax widget always displays all the states, even if they are disabled
  • CRM-4182 Implement hook for event discounting
  • CRM-4183 Recurring Contribution should send email receipt on signup and end of subscription
  • CRM-4184 The mailing actions (sub/unsub/resub/reply) dont set the charset as utf-8
  • CRM-4185 Contact Edit form - fix spacing for current employer address display and tighten layout in Name and Greeting block
  • CRM-4186 Contribution widgets do not honour default currency
  • CRM-4187 Multi-lang popups aren't saved when using a non-default language
  • CRM-4188 Profile Search tpl doesn't include intro/outro text fields
  • CRM-4189 Search on custom field of type DATE does not work
  • CRM-4190 Find Latest Activities custom search - UI glitch in actions drop-down
  • CRM-4191 Multi-level membership inheritance causes bin/UpdateMembershipRecord to produce duplicate membeships
  • CRM-4192 Recurring Contribution User Dashboard Modification
  • CRM-4193 Bug in Current Employer creation using profile
  • CRM-4194 Improved contact search configurability: match ANY / ALL keywords
  • CRM-4195 Contribution and partcipant payment record missing on re-registration by participant with existing Pending registration
  • CRM-4196 Append explanatory string - (multiple participants) to Contribution amount_level when contribution is paying for multiple participants
  • CRM-4197 View Participant : Fee amount is missing this page (when price sets aren't used)
  • CRM-4198 Activity Types should indicate whether they are online or offline
  • CRM-4199 Enable recommended CiviCRM permissions for anonymous and authenticated roles during CiviCRM install on Drupal
  • CRM-4200 Creates confilct with other Drupal module
  • CRM-4202 Additional CiviCRM Views 2 Integration
  • CRM-4203 UF Match issue: duplicate Drupal user emails
  • CRM-4204 Multilingual: Contacts without a prefix/suffix get Dr/Jr in their display names
  • CRM-4205 The phrase "Bar or Pie Chart..." don't get translated
  • CRM-4206 Improve Google Checkout flow by altering the API request
  • CRM-4207 Accept LASER credit/debit cards
  • CRM-4208 Editing Event Participants for Paid Events Requires Event Fee to be Selected
  • CRM-4209 API bug with civicrm_contact_add: location fields are ignored
  • CRM-4210 hook_civicrm_customFieldOptions should be passed $form
  • CRM-4211 Event fee should be a text string in edit mode ..
  • CRM-4212 Event Registration with email only in a multi-language environment doesn't populate the sort_name / display_name fields
  • CRM-4213 Memberships types with relationship type = 'Spouse of' generate hundreds of rows in membership table
  • CRM-4214 Add Open ID Selector for Standalone login page
  • CRM-4215 Unable to unassociate Include Profile with a contribution Page
  • CRM-4216 Country -> State/Provence field filter mismatch.
  • CRM-4217 The watchdog function in drupal 6 already includes the translation of a message.
  • CRM-4218 CLONE -CiviMail - Step 3 - text and / or html
  • CRM-4219 (Regression) Cannot add more than one "phone" field to Profile form
  • CRM-4220 Custom data field options - improve yes/no type
  • CRM-4221 Country-type custom field shows as a number in Views 2
  • CRM-4222 CaseType configuration: <ActivityType><status> not working
  • CRM-4223 CaseType configuration: <ActivityType><reference-activity> not working - scheduling always based off of Open Case
  • CRM-4224 Don't show the state in the contact lists when disabled from the edit field
  • CRM-4225 Accept SWITCH and SOLO cards
  • CRM-4226 UpdateMembershipRecord.php.txt typo
  • CRM-4227 When searching for a contact that doesn't exist via the REST API, you get back an error
  • CRM-4228 Problem with SWITCH and SOLO card validation
  • CRM-4229 Unable to rename State/Provence field
  • CRM-4230 Error when creating a new custom field
  • CRM-4231 Duplicate membership records are added for memberships inherited through "Spouse of" (relationship type)
  • CRM-4232 When using the primary location shortcut fields (street_address, phone, etc.) in the contact_add API method, those values don't actually get added to the new contact
  • CRM-4233 email and phone can't be used in the location_add REST API call
  • CRM-4234 Drupal path prefix for multilingual sites should be retained throughout CiviCRM.
  • CRM-4235 smtp test uses wrong button naming convention
  • CRM-4236 CiviMail from contact search results - forgets details when resuming a save-and-continue-later mailing
  • CRM-4237 Duplicate contact checking not done on membership contribution page
  • CRM-4238 Image Upload for Rich Text Editor
  • CRM-4239 The bin/UpdateAddress.php script doesn't accept the key parameter
  • CRM-4240 OG sync module should create CiviCRM groups for exisiting OGs during install
  • CRM-4241 Problems with "Thank You" screen when registering multiple participants
  • CRM-4242 mailto: links convert to trackable URLs (and break)
  • CRM-4243 CLONE -Creates confilct with other Drupal module
  • CRM-4244 ICAL UID Field needs changes
  • CRM-4245 test code for create individual with phone doesn't set phone on contact
  • CRM-4246 CiviMail: cannot cancel a running mailing
  • CRM-4247 Payment Processor API triggered creation of contacts and contributions ...
  • CRM-4248 Event confirmation email : garbage data in event fee section and field values missing for Primary address fields in associated profile
  • CRM-4249 Duplicate registration check fails for additional participant
  • CRM-4250 Outbound Email Settings - Send Test Email should use default FROM email address and display the FROM and TO addresses it uses
  • CRM-4251 After editing participant, a record is added in civicrm_note in stead of updated
  • CRM-4252 Ajax drop down boxes not repecting permissions
  • CRM-4253 Error in MySQL Syntax when merging contacts
  • CRM-4254 CiviContribute Bar and Pie Chart images give ERROR 404.
  • CRM-4255 Activities get overwritten in specific circumstances
  • CRM-4256 civicrm_price_set_entity table refers to 'civicrm_event_page'
  • CRM-4257 upgrade requires additional db update
  • CRM-4258 We need to delete duplicate tags for the same contact id from civicrm_entity_tag
  • CRM-4259 profile edit form with checksum does not work in 2.2
  • CRM-4260 Custom file upload does not work in contribution view/edit mode
  • CRM-4261 Attachment / multi-part support broken in 2.2
  • CRM-4262 Error with relationshiptype configuration not reported in API Relationship
  • CRM-4263 CiviContribute - Credit or Debit Card Information rename
  • CRM-4264 Hook to allow modification of membership fees
  • CRM-4265 API key is not checked when authenticating for API access in standalone
  • CRM-4266 Nothing but the truth
  • CRM-4267 View integration module not passing custom data of entity types other than contacts to Views 2
  • CRM-4268 When attempting to remove a contact from a group, you receive an error
  • CRM-4269 Reintroduce summary contribution info which got lost in some upgrade ...
  • CRM-4270 Issue with add all contacts in search results (filtered with sortByCharacter)
  • CRM-4271 Assign the contact if to the edit profile template so the custom template is easier to customise
  • CRM-4272 Event Price Sets do not permit Prices of 0.
  • CRM-4273 Expose upcoming civicrm events in a Drupal block that administers can expose as needed
  • CRM-4274 CiviMember Import Members - Matching CiviCRM Field Dropdown has "Test" - should be "Website?"
  • CRM-4275 Correct handling for custom boolean fields in Views integration
  • CRM-4276 Allow payment using Pay Later mode for Pledge Payments
  • CRM-4277 civicrm views module - event link rendering incorrectly
  • CRM-4278 Open Case -> Save results in fatal error
  • CRM-4279 Display Name not updating properly through civicrm_contact_add
  • CRM-4280 'Blank' address after civicrm_location_update
  • CRM-4281 Option to disallow manually adding/removing Smart Group members
  • CRM-4282 receiving error when registering for an event
  • CRM-4283 Add a note on the profile fields
  • CRM-4284 Cannot use my html header for saved mailing header
  • CRM-4285 civicrm_member_roles doesn't support multiple memberships per user
  • CRM-4286 CiviEvent with slash (/) in Event Name causes Page Not Found in PayPal
  • CRM-4287 Contact search for email address (& other details) shows only primary detail matches as results
  • CRM-4288 CiviCRM alters Drupal user's email address to use primary email
  • CRM-4289 Price set field options - allow default setting
  • CRM-4290 When you archive a sent mailing, it still gets listed under Scheduled & Sent Mailings
  • CRM-4291 When you go to the next page from the first page of mailings in CiviMail, it reverses the sort order
  • CRM-4292 When you archive a mailing in CiviMail on a page N (where N > 1), you get taken back to page 1 when after it refreshes
  • CRM-4293 When there is more than page of mailings in CiviMail, clicking next to see the second page gives you a "no sent or scheduled" message instead
  • CRM-4294 Activities' options checked by default in advanced search
  • CRM-4295 Event Registration for multiple participants - missing close div tag in Additional Participant template
  • CRM-4296 CiviGroup Roles Sync, does not sync
  • CRM-4297 Online membership renewal - renewal block doesn't check for latest instance of a membership
  • CRM-4298 Unit test BAO/Member/Membership.test fails
  • CRM-4299 some strings are not run through translation
  • CRM-4300 Payment provider code should be in one folder
  • CRM-4301 When centering text in the HTML editor, it centers all text, not just the highlighted text
  • CRM-4302 tests/BAO/Core/CustomOption.test fails because of error in test
  • CRM-4303 Add proxy support
  • CRM-4304 Incorrect help text
  • CRM-4305 civicrm views module handler error on participant source and fee level.
  • CRM-4306 Cannot implement a particular template to a profile used in Drupal account Register Form
  • CRM-4307 Cannot implement a particular custom template file to a profile used in Civievet register form
  • CRM-4308 Rewrite Price Set calculation js function
  • CRM-4309 redirection to SSL fails badly when SSL certificate is not set correctly ..
  • CRM-4310 civicrm_contact_memberships_get() throws an exception when a contact has no relationships
  • CRM-4311 Updated Patch to Fix Relationship from Drupal Users to CiviCRM Contact
  • CRM-4312 Implement new date / time plugin
  • CRM-4313 Contact print view couldn't display images in IE7
  • CRM-4314 Drupal: load civicrm.css using drupal_add_css()
  • CRM-4315 CiviGrant has disappeared from 2.3 sandbox
  • CRM-4316 Fix USPS error message and do not invoke url if no userID
  • CRM-4317 Subversion revision number somewhere in the code
  • CRM-4318 CiviCRM websit e bug
  • CRM-4319 CiviEvent: Waitlisting
  • CRM-4320 CiviEvent: Participation confirmation screen
  • CRM-4321 CiviEvent: Migrate participant statuts types and add new ones
  • CRM-4322 CiviEvent: Event table changes
  • CRM-4323 CiviEvent: Batch participant status change screen
  • CRM-4324 CiviEvent: Participant expiration and waitlist cronjobs
  • CRM-4325 Cross-CiviCRM dedupe audit
  • CRM-4326 CiviEvent: Participant approval
  • CRM-4327 - has placed the 'registered_by_id' field in the contribution array
  • CRM-4328 Multiple records - a one way street
  • CRM-4329 Clarify help text when adding a custom field - underneath "is searchable" option
  • CRM-4330 joomla 1.5.10 unable to find installer files using civicrm.xml structure
  • CRM-4331 white-space: nowrap causes display problems
  • CRM-4332 Export - Allow export of current membership type and membership status
  • CRM-4333 Error when creating a "Bar or Pie Chart..." with contribution in the future.
  • CRM-4334 New / Edit Custom Field - Search by Range option is not being shown for Date fields
  • CRM-4335 Relationship search auto-suggest doesn't work if the target contact type for the selected relationship type is ' any contact type '
  • CRM-4336 Control "from" address when sending contact emails
  • CRM-4337 Submit button disappears in Drupal Registration. Recaptcha Library HTML issue
  • CRM-4338 Default location working incorrectly
  • CRM-4339 New Event Registration (back-office) : Custom field data missing on participant receipts when custom group is assigned "by event name"
  • CRM-4340 Develop new HTML markup and CSS standards for forms and other pages
  • CRM-4341 Bug in displaying edit link in profiles when contacts and groups are under ACL control
  • CRM-4342 Scheduled amount of pledge payment is a string instead of a float
  • CRM-4343 Funny profile behaviour for profiles without Last and First names
  • CRM-4344 Transparent border in buttons images
  • CRM-4345 Add registered_by_id to Participant API
  • CRM-4346 Contact print IE mixed content error when using SSL
  • CRM-4347 The tag field in a profile isn't hierarchical
  • CRM-4348 Allow event registration notification email to multiple emails
  • CRM-4349 Add CCK integration
  • CRM-4350 Bug in "Record Activity for Contacts" for group members.
  • CRM-4351 Firefox having problems with contact record print view
  • CRM-4352 Select / unselect the checkboxes in search that are between the two checboxes.
  • CRM-4353 Add memberships to Drupal Views2 integration
  • CRM-4354 Notice with API CustomGroup, function civicrm_custom_group_create
  • CRM-4355 Tokens in Mailing Labels
  • CRM-4356 Access right illogical on the view profile
  • CRM-4357 reference to non-existant civicrm_event field in Drupal Views2 integration
  • CRM-4358 Adding tokens to labels does not have any effect
  • CRM-4359 Employer of/Organisation name field upon Individuals import is not populated with values
  • CRM-4360 Accept import of abbreviations of gender
  • CRM-4361 CiviEvent overwrites e-mail with blank in multiple participant registration
  • CRM-4362 Civievent multiple participants pay later enrolments not confirming correctly
  • CRM-4363 Profiles with Mixed Record Types : Incorrect error messages when accessing for Profile search. Need to suppress invalid field-level options for mixed profiles.
  • CRM-4364 check username availability using jquery when profile is enabled for CMS user account registration
  • CRM-4365 Add missing Print tpl for CiviCase Search
  • CRM-4366 Incorrect User Registration URL when CMS User option is enabled for profile
  • CRM-4367 email2activity does not handle rtf and doc attachments
  • CRM-4368 Add overlay during AJAX events for Offline Event Registration
  • CRM-4369 Upgrade to v2.2 fails due to unused option group
  • CRM-4370 Fix public participant listing
  • CRM-4371 State-Country jQuery widget does not show up on civicrm profile search page
  • CRM-4372 State Province label is displayed incorrectly for state-country jquery widget in profile
  • CRM-4373 Build Custom Search to enable full text search accross different tables
  • CRM-4374 Implement Change Case Start Date activity type
  • CRM-4375 Import Activity - 'Missing Required field' error.
  • CRM-4376 Extend Email2Activity to also process mails from civicrm_mail_settings
  • CRM-4377 CiviEvent: Other profile option for additional participants
  • CRM-4378 "Save and New" button when adding options to multi-select field
  • CRM-4379 Edit existing activity in a case: if Actual Date is entered AND Status is still Scheduled prompt user for confirmation
  • CRM-4380 CRM/Core/Component.php should load only active components
  • CRM-4381 Create CiviCRM -> CCK interface for PHP needs ...
  • CRM-4382 Add contact reference as custom fields
  • CRM-4383 CiviCRM 2.2.2 and views 2.5: linking between drupal id and civicrm id
  • CRM-4384 views2 add address name field
  • CRM-4385 Merging multivalue custom fields doesn't merge, it replaces
  • CRM-4386 If hierarchical tags are enabled, tasks from advanced search is broken
  • CRM-4387 Deleting lots of contact(s) introduces a memory bug ..
  • CRM-4388 Copying contribution page where database table "civicrm_membership_block" field "is_separate_payment" is NULL results in value of "1"?
  • CRM-4389 Need unselect for Gender radio
  • CRM-4390 Large TinyMCE JS file being loaded even when TinyMCE is not Selected as WYSIWYG
  • CRM-4391 recaptcha does not work in 2.2.2
  • CRM-4392 Custom Field Defaults not shown in custom group and custom field PREVIEWS and not set in Profiles
  • CRM-4393 Erroneous formating on email notifications on profile submission
  • CRM-4394 I18n: Reassign Australian Antarctic Territory
  • CRM-4395 Contrib confirm should confirm related participations and memberships (and vide versa)
  • CRM-4396 errors encountered on 2.2.x demo when applying an action to srchbldr foundset
  • CRM-4397 Add civicrm_address fields to default Views drupal module integration
  • CRM-4398 Send Email to Contacts - Allow CC and BCC
  • CRM-4399 Recently Viewed listing : Record any recently viewed object (not just contacts) and move display to block in left sidebar
  • CRM-4400 Import activity using external ID as key does not work with households
  • CRM-4401 Page for Google Map of event location shows breadcrumb to public
  • CRM-4402 Import uses absolute filesystem path instead of relative path
  • CRM-4403 When logged in to front end, CiviEvent assumes I am registering myself for an event
  • CRM-4404 Joomla Menu Manager (front-end menu configuration) fails in multi-language sites
  • CRM-4405 User Dashboard creates link incorrectly to "Change Recurring Contribution"
  • CRM-4406 Fix broken FAQ link in tools header frame (jira, wiki ....)
  • CRM-4407 Implement new horizontal menu and re-organize menu hierarchy
  • CRM-4408 CiviCRM Home : Advanced Search link in Quick Search box is not defined
  • CRM-4409 "New Mailing" wizard does not respect default header or footer
  • CRM-4410 When entering Access Control Settings "Manage ACL" if you forget a field you get a really confusing error message
  • CRM-4411 Action links in Mailing selector get disappeared if we change locale other than English
  • CRM-4412 "Visibility select" on new profile field form does not follow locale settings
  • CRM-4413 Replace Shortcuts Block a drop-down for "Create new ...." - user selects the type of record they want to create. Move Contact Dashboard link to separate block.
  • CRM-4414 Ability to select contact from autocomplete list OR create a new contact when adding a contribution, pledge, participant, membership, case or grant
  • CRM-4415 HTTPS is not set up on this machine
  • CRM-4416 CRM_Core_BAO_CMSUser::userExists always fails with "Unknown user framework"
  • CRM-4417 Value shows as 'Array' for second participant
  • CRM-4418 Add permissioning for Delete action
  • CRM-4419 Doesn't import properly from google doc csv
  • CRM-4420 Imported Date in Custom Field Error
  • CRM-4421 Advanced search: all group_contact records being retrieved but not used
  • CRM-4422 Custom searches don't handle tags correctly
  • CRM-4423 Import overwrites primary location of contact if use update with Id
  • CRM-4424 Related contact doesn't get updated in Import if matched with Contact Id or External ID
  • CRM-4425 CiviMember refusing a valid date
  • CRM-4426 Record activity for contacts fails when using custom search
  • CRM-4427 Views2 mis-handles date/timzones
  • CRM-4428 Event Creation Wizard - Step 3: Paid Event radio is set to 'no', but div#event-fees is not being hidden
  • CRM-4429 Not all rows importing on demo site
  • CRM-4430 Importing csv file of only email addresses erases name of existing + updated contact, replaces name with email address
  • CRM-4431 UnSubscribeURL, OptOutURL doesn't work in Joomla 1.5.x
  • CRM-4432 Better use of mailing label real estate
  • CRM-4433 Membership renewal without completion of actual transaction when payment processor is of notify type
  • CRM-4434 implement hooks for CiviMail
  • CRM-4435 Activity detail entry form does not appear when adding activities to members of a group
  • CRM-4436 Back end registration should default to the contribution type configured for that event
  • CRM-4437 API in 2.2 branch does not conform to new standard
  • CRM-4438 CiviCase bug fixes / Improvements
  • CRM-4439 Smart Group memberships to do not update
  • CRM-4440 Allow hooks to control defaultCurrency ..
  • CRM-4441 Add additional contact related fields to Open Case
  • CRM-4442 Improvements to Case Activity View screen
  • CRM-4443 CiviCRM Home: Quick search form action is incorrect (posts to New Individual instead of Find Contacts)
  • CRM-4444 Add multi currency support to CiviCRM
  • CRM-4445 Implement inline confirmation for enable/disable actions
  • CRM-4446 Online event registration : Display name is replaced with email address if name fields are not collected in a profile
  • CRM-4447 Error: https not setup on this machine
  • CRM-4448 Display problem on the ajax when you choose a type of activity with a textarea custom field
  • CRM-4449 internal server error due to paypal standard change action
  • CRM-4450 Drupal Date API Integration
  • CRM-4451 Default CiviEvent Drupal Calendar
  • CRM-4452 CiviMail Processor: Delete old processed emails
  • CRM-4453 Participant record does not have a fee_currency field ..
  • CRM-4454 Price set radio option with amount as 0 causes One of parameters (value: ) is not of the type Integer error
  • CRM-4455 Unknown Error on Contact Import
  • CRM-4456 Delete option for first Multiple Custom Data field not working
  • CRM-4457 Mailing List Subscriptions - subscribe to group error
  • CRM-4458 Broken link in CiviMail help text
  • CRM-4459 No indication that mails have been sent
  • CRM-4460 Extend FROM EMAIL setting to components
  • CRM-4461 Add a new custom data type advanced multi-select
  • CRM-4462 Add contact - matching contact message and link can cause users to lose their input
  • CRM-4463 AdditionalParticipants.tpl custom template is not being loaded for a specific Event
  • CRM-4464 CiviEvent: Event Templates
  • CRM-4465 Autocalculation of price does not include price set that don't display amount
  • CRM-4466 CiviPledge payment import can't process overdue payments
  • CRM-4467 Allow contribution and event fields to set custom values via the URL ...
  • CRM-4468 Import process should respect start and end offsets for custom date field.
  • CRM-4469 Option to Collapse Custom Data groups in the Adv Search Custom Fields section
  • CRM-4470 Fatal error: Call to undefined function sys_get_temp_dir() in /path/to/civicrm/packages/ezc/Mail/src/parser/parser.php on line 257
  • CRM-4471 Step 5 - layout order
  • CRM-4472 Middle name seems to be getting break when use in Individual strict contact matching rule.
  • CRM-4473 Print with firefox truncate tables
  • CRM-4474 Monaco (iso: MC) is missing from country-list
  • CRM-4475 CiviCase Improvements
  • CRM-4476 Option value description should be rich text editable
  • CRM-4477 Not able to send receipt if the event is free
  • CRM-4478 Add Priority field to Activity form
  • CRM-4479 Add "Check for Duplicates" button to New Case for New Client form.
  • CRM-4480 Assign Case Role for activity type
  • CRM-4481 Case Dashboard fixes
  • CRM-4482 Create an activity whenever Case Role is added or modified.
  • CRM-4483 Use Employer Address option when entering contact address.
  • CRM-4484 Ability to send compressed csv to client when exporting
  • CRM-4485 Add Activity Assignee to Activity selector
  • CRM-4486 PDF generation: Upgrade DejaVu fonts to the current version
  • CRM-4487 Export more Records in Custom Search
  • CRM-4488 Duplicate Records in contribution search while exporting contacts , upgraded CiviCRM 1.9 ->2.2
  • CRM-4489 Profile search disregarding "edit link" setting
  • CRM-4490 CiviEvent- unit price & total price on receipt not showing
  • CRM-4491 populate activity subject when using the 'schedule a follow-up' feature in activites.
  • CRM-4492 Pledges not entering well
  • CRM-4493 Allow admins to track where contributions / event registrations are coming from via tracking codes
  • CRM-4494 Deleting many contacts under a given tag deletes all contacts in database
  • CRM-4495 2.22 to 2.23 Upgrade causes one know error on my system when running an export
  • CRM-4496 Create new module for CiviCRM CCK Sync
  • CRM-4497 Redesign Contact View and Contact Edit screens
  • CRM-4498 Prepare contact edit screen mockup and put under public review
  • CRM-4499 Prepare contact view screen mockup and put under public review
  • CRM-4500 Unable to search for soft credits
  • CRM-4501 PayPal gateway should check for SuccessWithWarning
  • CRM-4502 Invalid Return-Path results in failed reply forwarding
  • CRM-4503 View Case Activity should support multiple assignee contacts
  • CRM-4504 Standalone first user registration page does not close the <style> tag properly
  • CRM-4505 Export function not consistent with Advanced Search results
  • CRM-4506 Dojo includes on https pages throws unauthenticated error
  • CRM-4507 Highlight tabs that contain data, or grey out tabs that do not contain data in an individual, household or organization record
  • CRM-4508 When assigning a soft credit, determine which contact to choose from multiple same names
  • CRM-4509 Trigger email copy of activity when Assignee is added or changed
  • CRM-4510 Add "Case Manager" flag to case roles configuration.
  • CRM-4511 New import mechanism does not fully support UTF-8
  • CRM-4512 Contact Import - Missing Required Fields.
  • CRM-4513 CiviCRM not passing parameter ?reset=1 to admin_menu module, admin_menu not processing properly
  • CRM-4514 Allow search optimization settings to be configurable from admin forms. Also allow default profile to be set
  • CRM-4515 Activity subject should NOT be mandatory
  • CRM-4516 Access key not specified for Save buttons
  • CRM-4517 Access key Help should be operating system and browser specific
  • CRM-4518 Fix the broken activity view links
  • CRM-4519 Suppress option to delete in Custom group in Tab if there is NO data
  • CRM-4520 Allow events to have multiple sessions
  • CRM-4521 Improve EmailProcessor for inbound emails to my personal inbox
  • CRM-4522 Add support for discount via hooks
  • CRM-4523 Confirmation of pending payment incorrectly alters membership join date
  • CRM-4524 Fix broken api's due to new API Standard
  • CRM-4525 Create a log entry when a case activity is deleted.
  • CRM-4526 Allow to add new Case Role as per contact type of client.
  • CRM-4528 Enable Joomla / Standalone to use the mighty power of hooks
  • CRM-4529 More warnings for case activities with mismatched date/status combinations
  • CRM-4530 Do not allow to edit email activity case
  • CRM-4531 CiviEvent: Replace New Event Wizard with Tab Interface
  • CRM-4532 Add a new custom field of HTML type - "Select - Auto-complete"
  • CRM-4533 Get rid of the logic that does NOT allow revisioning of prepopulated activity
  • CRM-4534 Missing State-province
  • CRM-4535 Global option to modify all multi-lingual entries in a contact's data by default
  • CRM-4536 drupal views does not sort civicrm events by date properly
  • CRM-4537 Localised JS calendar breaks on "-including translations
  • CRM-4538 Primary location does not update unless there is info in address field
  • CRM-4539 User format preference ignored when sending email
  • CRM-4540 Deceased contacts are shown in the "Assign Contact" select list
  • CRM-4541 Can create multiple pending registrations for one event
  • CRM-4542 bin/* scripts do not fire hooks
  • CRM-4543 Deleting a case activity that represents a change in a case level field leaves the case record out of sync with the "case story"
  • CRM-4544 Fixed another issue with JOINing CiviCRM Contact to Drupal User object
  • CRM-4545 CRM_Member_BAO_Membership::getContactMembership does not return latest membership
  • CRM-4546 Offline contribution form : implement select contact or create new contact interface for Soft Credit and Honoree
  • CRM-4547 Minimum accuracy level for geocoding
  • CRM-4548 Disabled event disappears from Manage Event page
  • CRM-4549 Full-text search drop down shouldn't show options for components that are not enabled
  • CRM-4550 ACL - able to edit (and so delete) data without permission
  • CRM-4551 label 5164 broken
  • CRM-4552 Tags - able to edit (and so delete) data without permission
  • CRM-4553 Table in cases section of full-text search output does not include any columns to distinguish two cases for the same contact
  • CRM-4554 UpdateMembershipRecord.php error with custom PHP directory: Cannot redeclare class
  • CRM-4555 Renewing existing membership with Pay Later incorrectly sets membership status to Current AND extends membership end date
  • CRM-4556 Renew existing membership with Pay Later - maintain existing status until payment is recorded
  • CRM-4557 Save Relationship and Cancel buttons not visible in Relationship Edit screen on IE6 or IE7
  • CRM-4558 CiviEvent: Email is sent to all partcipant records in database
  • CRM-4559 small misspelling in batch.tpl
  • CRM-4560 Form elements lose chosen value if membership is saved with form errors
  • CRM-4561 Profiles : Allow user to select a location type (Home, Work, etc.) when filling in address information
  • CRM-4562 Profile - "Update contact on a duplicate match?" help has incorrect information
  • CRM-4563 Problems with Google Mapping/geocoding under Joomla
  • CRM-4564 Custom fields table; unselect link -- layout
  • CRM-4565 Sorting order in Groups section when adding a new individual record
  • CRM-4566 Configurable Option to Hide the Household and / or Organization Contact Types
  • CRM-4567 Send Email to Contacts - Layout and Usability Improvements
  • CRM-4568 fix broken membership signup / renew.
  • CRM-4569 CiviCase : String and pattern-based redaction for Case Details report
  • CRM-4570 CiviCase : Printable Case Details Report
  • CRM-4571 exported custom data columns header wrong and no data
  • CRM-4572 Address Sharing for Contacts: replace Use Household Address with the ability to share addresses between any contact types
  • CRM-4573 PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function formatAddress() in <civi_root>/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Utils/Mail/Incoming.php on line 40
  • CRM-4574 PHP Notice: Undefined variable: action in <civi_root>/sites/all/modules/civicrm/bin/EmailProcessor.php on line 125
  • CRM-4575 Greeting and Addressee improvements : customizable greeting for emails; customizable greeting and addressee for postal communications
  • CRM-4576 Listing the events in chronological order in events searh/Dashboards
  • CRM-4577 Make phpdoc script more inteligent about where it puts the output
  • CRM-4578 Multiple status fields for CiViEvent
  • CRM-4579 Incorrect custom data value is set if default value is not specified.
  • CRM-4580 deafult path in calendar conflict with calendar module
  • CRM-4581 Anonymous online contributions should check for duplicate contacts and send alert to admin if possible dupe(s) are detected
  • CRM-4582 Do not show value separator for custom field in profile view mode.
  • CRM-4583 Price sets should not allow special chars in label field
  • CRM-4584 Contribution receipts - Premium is showing on receipt when no premium has been selected
  • CRM-4585 Contribution hangs between contribution page and Paypal
  • CRM-4586 Deleting CiviContribute Campaign Pages and Premiums
  • CRM-4587 Three Province Names Incorrect
  • CRM-4588 Views2 handlers for date arguments
  • CRM-4589 Views 2 date arguments update (related to CRM-4588)
  • CRM-4590 Choosing Resolved as the case status on the open case form does not populate the end date
  • CRM-4591 Activty Report ignore some records
  • CRM-4592 Profile Search: Session expires causing error
  • CRM-4593 Print to PDF through search result actions
  • CRM-4594 Total amount on contribution tab of contact view includes canceled and pending transactions
  • CRM-4595 ClickAndPledge: return and cancel url are broken
  • CRM-4596 UI Improvements for Case Activity selector
  • CRM-4597 Advanced Search : Add Preferred Communications Method to search fields
  • CRM-4598 Implement jQuery expandable textarea for Email Message - Text format field
  • CRM-4599 Hook to add or modify contents of the Contact Summary screen
  • CRM-4600 Hook for custom greetings
  • CRM-4601 Integer Radio field with value 0 breaks Advanced Search
  • CRM-4602 Implement to Contact Add/Edit Interface
  • CRM-4603 Implement new Contact Summary UI
  • CRM-4604 Implement Floating table headers across all selectors
  • CRM-4605 Implement new design to contact edit screen
  • CRM-4606 Implement new design to contact view screen
  • CRM-4607 Would like to offer new feature for sending Snail Mails using an interface just like the Send Mail interface
  • CRM-4608 Event registration url redirects to administrator back end
  • CRM-4609 Create a new permission called "Administer multiple organizations"
  • CRM-4610 Allow connecting Organization contacts to Groups for multi-org support
  • CRM-4611 Sites in multi-site need the ability to specify the org/group pair that they represent
  • CRM-4612 Create a lookup function that returns which group/org pairs a user is responsible for
  • CRM-4613 Add a new requirement that all new contacts *must* be added to a group
  • CRM-4614 Add a new requirement that all new groups *must* have a parent group
  • CRM-4615 Add multi-org token resolution features to CiviMail
  • CRM-4616 phone type drupal view handler is missing / broken
  • CRM-4617 Hook to modify shortcuts dropdown menu (create new ...)
  • CRM-4618 Clean up formRule method in Builder.php
  • CRM-4619 TinyMCE: make image urls non relative
  • CRM-4620 Drupal - jQuery compatibility fix not updated in 2.2 branch as fixed in trunk rev 18661
  • CRM-4621 Add support for person registering other people and relationship between registering person and additional participants
  • CRM-4622 Adding a Discount Code option
  • CRM-4623 'Unknown' bounces have no threshold for setting "On Hold" status for e-mail
  • CRM-4624 Full text search incomplete
  • CRM-4625 Advanced Search - Reset or Ignore data when pane is closed
  • CRM-4626 multiselect views filters do not make default filter type selection
  • CRM-4627 String is too long
  • CRM-4628 Country and State views filters show codes in dropdown instead of names
  • CRM-4629 CiviCRM jQuery object conflicts with Drupal jquery object on user registration form
  • CRM-4630 js calendar doesn't work in Drupal screens
  • CRM-4631 Non-US-ASCII From: names can cause email validation error
  • CRM-4632 view only profile filed shows label only in drupal reg form (and as a standard field when previewing the profile)
  • CRM-4633 Add Do Not SMS communication preference option
  • CRM-4634 broken login link on personal contribution page
  • CRM-4635 When editing a contact that has no location data, the default location type is not set
  • CRM-4636 Create PCP page throws warning when no image uploaded
  • CRM-4637 Profile Search API
  • CRM-4638 iCal url is not valid
  • CRM-4639 CiviContribute when you do a search then an action on the search is Profile Update and then choose match selection from top to the rest
  • CRM-4640 Remove $ from Event TPL
  • CRM-4641 Smarty Error : While Send Email to Contacts through Find Contribution.
  • CRM-4642 resource url with a different domain doesn't work
  • CRM-4643 CRM\Upgrade\Incremental\sql\2.3.alpha1.mysql.tpl contains typo for UserandAdminOnly
  • CRM-4644 Template Alerts based on permissions
  • CRM-4645 Use mysqli_real_escape_string() instead of add_slashes()
  • CRM-4646 Make activity grid on Manage Case more intitutive
  • CRM-4647 Bulk Delete CiviMail Drafts & Mailings
  • CRM-4648 UpdateAddress.php requires State to function
  • CRM-4649 CiviEvent Test-drive results into a "Sorry. A non-recoverable error has occurred."/is not of type String
  • CRM-4650 Handle long group names better in search forms
  • CRM-4651 fix broken profile view mode
  • CRM-4652 Map this location on confirm page loses form data
  • CRM-4653 Enable support for multiple frontend sites (drupal/standalone/joomla) to access one CiviCRM with a unified contact base
  • CRM-4654 Add multisite support to standalone by mimicking Drupal's sites/default, sites/hostname directory layout
  • CRM-4655 Improve import update address fields granularity (currently updating one address field wipes all others)
  • CRM-4656 Mail subjects are too short (60 char max)
  • CRM-4657 Billing is set as a primary When participant is registered for a event
  • CRM-4658 resource url with a different domain - no tabs showing on contact record
  • CRM-4659 New Individual - groups should be sorted by name
  • CRM-4660 Standalone Form HTML for Profiles has relative URL
  • CRM-4661 "Other Amount" contribution field causing an error
  • CRM-4662 Non monatary transactions on contribution page.
  • CRM-4663 Reported By field on a followup activity is incorrect when editing an activity and scheduling a followup
  • CRM-4664 civicrm_data.mysql tries to insert a name into civicrm_option_value that is longer than 64 characters
  • CRM-4665 Call a CiviCRM hook when the database schema changes
  • CRM-4666 tinymce.php - set remove_script_host : false
  • CRM-4667 Event Reg. - Paypal Standard - 500 Internal Server Error -
  • CRM-4668 Check permissioning in civicrm/profile/edit for all CMS's
  • CRM-4669 Include CMS user account in profiles -- dup emails
  • CRM-4670 CiviCase - Problems with Recent Items
  • CRM-4671 Add 'message' field to personal contribution page (pcp) contributions
  • CRM-4672 civicrm conflicts with phpids drupal module
  • CRM-4673 contacts export - saved field mapping does not persist 4th column selection
  • CRM-4674 Export does not maintain alphabetical name sort
  • CRM-4675 FCKeditor changes urls to relative within CiviMail
  • CRM-4676 Profile settings, user account, help text (Joomla)
  • CRM-4677 Required field(s) in custom data are not marked with an asterick in create/edit relationship
  • CRM-4678 Can not remove header or footer from Civimail e-mail once it has been selected even if you then go back and select none....
  • CRM-4679 Auto-complete enum value for civicrm_custom_field data column not included in any incremental upgrade tpl file
  • CRM-4680 css class being output in the html when an activity is completed also include the overdue class
  • CRM-4681 CRM_Case_BAO_Case::getCaseActivity is matching on the label instead of the name when deciding what class to output
  • CRM-4682 Registering the initial admin user in multisite standalone does not give the proper permissions
  • CRM-4683 menu administration
  • CRM-4684 Civimail pulls in the Default Header even if you do not choose it.
  • CRM-4685 civicrm\CRM\Utils\System\joomla.php contains Joomla 1.0.x code that will not run natively in 1.5.
  • CRM-4686 Add Member Provinces/States of Country Netherlands Antilles
  • CRM-4687 Eliminate the Activity Due Date field for case activities
  • CRM-4688 Incremental upgrade for 2.2.7 fails with syntax error
  • CRM-4689 civicrm_group_roles does not reflect recent change to civicrm_contact_get (it now returns an array)
  • CRM-4690 Add payment processor for Realex
  • CRM-4691 reports improvements / fixes
  • CRM-4692 Ensure that all sql queries escape the user parameters sent via the URL
  • CRM-4693 TinyMCE ships with config to enable some features which are disabled
  • CRM-4694 Custom data of type money should follow monetary settings
  • CRM-4695 CiviMail Links in Test Mailings Not Consistent
  • CRM-4696 Custom fields not working with Relationship API
  • CRM-4697 Add new fields created_id, created_date and domain_id
  • CRM-4698 Improvements to Contact reference custom field
  • CRM-4699 FullText.php broken in latest 2.2.x
  • CRM-4700 User feedback indicates default number of activities listed on case activity grid is too small
  • CRM-4701 Facility to limit country and state dropdowns per instance
  • CRM-4702 API civicrm_location_update / civicrm_location_add
  • CRM-4703 IE8 Compatibility
  • CRM-4704 CRM_Contribute_BAO_PCP::add either creates a pcp page or block depending on the presence of MAX_FILE_SIZE
  • CRM-4705 Multiple contacts sharing an email address
  • CRM-4706 Sorry. A non-recoverable error has occurred. Could not find valid Key
  • CRM-4707 logintobban incompatibility - no drupal account is created after civicrm signup through profile with 'Account creation required'
  • CRM-4708 Specifying multiple groups in fliters gives wrong aggregate statistics for contacts part of more than one group
  • CRM-4709 Joomla Menu Manager - create CiviCRM front-end menus is broken when CiviCRM is in a separate DB
  • CRM-4710 Table alias in civireport for civicrm_case is a reserved word in SQL
  • CRM-4711 Ability to search for contributions by currency
  • CRM-4712 Contributions show in wrong currency on contribition view and edit screens (always uses default currency)
  • CRM-4713 Allow email address to be collected within contribution profiles
  • CRM-4714 Fix and improve inactive reports for 2.3
  • CRM-4715 Missing {ts} in "Manage Events" & "New Event" buttons
  • CRM-4716 Event registration error: Call to a member function fetch() on a non-object in CustomGroup.php
  • CRM-4717 editLink debug echo left in Profile/Selector/Listings.php
  • CRM-4718 Turn on output flltering by default ..
  • CRM-4719 Upgrade script : Should throw a fatal error if version number in database is GREATER than version in the downloaded codebase
  • CRM-4720 Missing {ts} in "Activity Types Options"
  • CRM-4721 Translation troubles in "New activity"
  • CRM-4722 trxn_result_code not stored in the financial_trxn table
  • CRM-4723 Ability for payment processors to store additional data about financial transactions
  • CRM-4724 Ensure that financial details related to a contribution details are available in hook_civicrm_post
  • CRM-4725 Import : Appears to complete succesfully, but no records imported if DB user has insufficient permissions to create temp tables
  • CRM-4726 Dupe contact message has incorrect contact type for organizations and individuals
  • CRM-4727 Add an md5 checksum to CiviCRM.log to make it harder to guess
  • CRM-4728 Upgrading to CiviCRM 2.2.7 brings Permission Denied on CiviReport, due to stale ACL cache
  • CRM-4729 Fields being populated with "null" on "select existing organization"
  • CRM-4730 Path for Domain Information should be under civicrm/admin to be consistent with other admin functions
  • CRM-4731 .css lost when directory path altered for shared SSL (Drupal)
  • CRM-4732 Fields for select box export as labels instead of values
  • CRM-4733 crmAPI to call the api from the template
  • CRM-4734 Navigation links don't work if not using clean urls
  • CRM-4735 Default location/phone type not honored
  • CRM-4736 Clicking on a case activity in the history block gives the "regular" activity view
  • CRM-4737 Organization created during OnBehalf of signup has the location type set to 'Main' instead of default
  • CRM-4738 Make "hidden" action links on manage case screen less hidden
  • CRM-4739 Current employer can no longer be set on the fly when creating new individual (change between 2.2 and 2.3?)
  • CRM-4740 Event Information pages should use the Event Title as the Page Title
  • CRM-4741 When emailing a set of recipients with duplicated e-mail addresses, CiviMail reports that it is sending to each record, but it actually only sends to the de-duped set
  • CRM-4742 name vs label mismatch causing "manager" role not to display properly on Find Cases results page
  • CRM-4743 import of csv file with "not" as fieldname gives DB error
  • CRM-4744 Custom Data Field - Participant > Event Type
  • CRM-4745 Fix Pager in Activity tab and CiviCRM dashboard
  • CRM-4746 Fix CiviCRM 2.2 -> 3.0 Upgrade
  • CRM-4747 Validation error when saving an HTML message Template in FCK editor
  • CRM-4748 Horizontal navigation menu disappears when you map a contact's location
  • CRM-4749 Stand alone form creates red "*" on line below field name
  • CRM-4750 Suggest increasing the default "additional addresses" for contacts limit to 2
  • CRM-4751 Allow views based on participants to use custom contact fields
  • CRM-4752 Eliminate civicrm_financial_trxn table
  • CRM-4753 Fields 'uneditable' after Profile is copied
  • CRM-4754 Backport CRM-4530 to 2.2 (Do not allow to edit email activity case)
  • CRM-4755 CiviCRM menu item shows in Drupal navigation unconditionally (ignores access CiviCRM permission)
  • CRM-4756 Allow filing existing Inbound Email activities onto a case
  • CRM-4757 Contact display_name and sort_name not populated from email-only anonymous user online contribution OR membership signup
  • CRM-4758 Test membership notifications with UpdateMembershipRecord.php
  • CRM-4759 Add Membership record to CivicRM contact views
  • CRM-4760 Date API Date argument set-up form changed
  • CRM-4761 Contact summary tabs do not show up in IE8
  • CRM-4762 civicrm_data.*.mysql files
  • CRM-4763 Membership notifications with UpdateMembershipRecord.php and reminder_date of 0000-00-00
  • CRM-4764 Any one permission on report instances does not work
  • CRM-4765 Edit Participant form - do not disable entire screen while loading
  • CRM-4766 CiviMailProcessor script does not respect configured VERP separator
  • CRM-4767 Bad bounce pattern-matching
  • CRM-4768 Error when importing date of death
  • CRM-4769 missing department in civicrm_data.*.mysql
  • CRM-4770 Unnecessary restrictions for custom data field values
  • CRM-4771 Email and Inbound Email activity types only display the first recipient (target) in the table on a contact's activity tab
  • CRM-4772 CiviMailProcessor silently fails when there are too many messages in an IMAP inbox
  • CRM-4773 Integrate report instances with navigation menu and add Reports menu to default navigation set
  • CRM-4774 php version incompatibility
  • CRM-4775 Full text search doesn't seem to search email addresses for Inbound Email activities
  • CRM-4776 Make contact token select more user friendly
  • CRM-4777 Upcoming events block with garbled output when no upcoming events available
  • CRM-4778 CiviCRM_Group_Roles patch to remove role only when appropriate
  • CRM-4779 Unrecoverable error on customFieldDelete in ContactAddWithCustomData.test
  • CRM-4780 Edit Option in price options does not work
  • CRM-4781 Custom date field does not show fields 'prior' and 'after' years
  • CRM-4782 A set of tests result in critical errors preventing the suite from executing
  • CRM-4783 Multilingual upgrade fail when upgrade from 2.2.6 TO 3.0.alpha1
  • CRM-4784 Create the wireframe wiki pages for testing activities
  • CRM-4785 Set up website with test reports
  • CRM-4786 Migrate all the relevant existing tests from SimpleTest to phpUnit
  • CRM-4787 Move hard-coded off-line receipt subjects from PHP files into templates so users can adjust as needed
  • CRM-4788 fix notices from joomla install
  • CRM-4789 CiviMail cron jobs create files in root directory
  • CRM-4790 CiviEvent: Unable to de-select a selected profile
  • CRM-4791 Editing a contact loads up extremely slow on firefox 3.x
  • CRM-4792 Organization created during OnBehalf of signup has no phone_type_id
  • CRM-4793 Event Participant Exports Show wrong Results
  • CRM-4794 Fatal payment processor errors should redirect back to Registration form (currently redirects to Event Info page)
  • CRM-4795 participant.fee_level text truncated at 255 characters
  • CRM-4796 Configure events tabs - detect if user changed form data and warn if they navigate away without saving
  • CRM-4797 Offline event registration form - layout fixes
  • CRM-4798 Filter out recently added items when component is disabled
  • CRM-4799 Advanced Search by country doesn't work with non-English locales
  • CRM-4800 Add backward compatibilty for Contact and Location api's
  • CRM-4801 New CiviCRM drop-down menu breaks when Lightbox 2 enabled in Drupal
  • CRM-4802 CiviContribute - Recurring Contributions Using PayPal Pro
  • CRM-4803 Allow re-writing the subject line on Inbound Email activities when filing on case via the File on Case button.
  • CRM-4804 improve on CustomQuery Option group error message
  • CRM-4805 Provide access to array of field labels and values for customizing Profile View
  • CRM-4806 Include/Exclude Groups or Tags does not work as specified
  • CRM-4807 Profile Dynamic.php does not call page hook ...
  • CRM-4808 Migrated tests are not included in fail/pass report
  • CRM-4809 Prepare the HOWTO on writing PHPUnit tests
  • CRM-4810 CiviReport report page help includes an HTML tag(s) that stop rendering of pages in IE8
  • CRM-4811 Make AllTests.php require civicrm.settings.php from configurable location
  • CRM-4812 Fix due_date_time schema changes in xml files for TestActivity
  • CRM-4813 Fix unique constraint for domain id
  • CRM-4814 CiviMail Processor - Contacts not opted-out after Bounce
  • CRM-4815 the expected value separator character is not being included when the value "list" is inserted during Participant import
  • CRM-4816 is_default in civicrm_option_value not honored for option group of encounter medium
  • CRM-4817 CiviMail Processor has error processing some multi-part MIME messages
  • CRM-4818 Tabs not visible on CiviCRM Contact record page
  • CRM-4819 Register Now for an already registered user
  • CRM-4820 Already Registered and Event Full messages shown simultaneously
  • CRM-4821 Profile field visibility setting is not respected in Joomla front-end when viewing a contact via Profile
  • CRM-4822 Profiles : Limit Listings to Group setting does not restrict view access to contacts NOT in the group
  • CRM-4823 Improve date and warnings behavior on case activities
  • CRM-4824 LYBUNT report returns incorrect values under certain common circumstances
  • CRM-4825 Choosing New Activity from the Contact navigation menu across the top results in a blank screen
  • CRM-4826 Clicking in a contact multiple selection box displays some popup text "Undefined"
  • CRM-4827 Better error handling for long running queries in exported CSV
  • CRM-4828 Ability to set report defaults before running a report
  • CRM-4829 Consistent visual layout for forms
  • CRM-4830 Overlay issues with Pie charts
  • CRM-4831 Constituent Report (Detail) is missing Export to CSV
  • CRM-4832 Split exported CSV into 65k chunks
  • CRM-4833 Overlay issues with Bar charts
  • CRM-4834 Allow CiviCRM users to add arbrary filters to reports
  • CRM-4835 Disambiguate between calendar and fiscal year
  • CRM-4836 Joomla menu option dropdown queries
  • CRM-4837 Error On updating civievent participants.
  • CRM-4838 Create a separate template for CRM_Core_I18n_SchemaStructure generation
  • CRM-4839 Some empty Select Option in ACL Rule For Event
  • CRM-4840 Add address to Drupal Views based on users
  • CRM-4841 Event Title being changed to "Tell a Friend"
  • CRM-4842 Mailing records are deleted when creator or schedulor contact is deleted or merged
  • CRM-4843 Group name / nav header is missing in standalone
  • CRM-4844 Provide hook to filter the list of available contacts in a given Contact Reference custom field
  • CRM-4845 CiviMailProcessor should help you find the message it gets stuck on
  • CRM-4846 Multilingual CiviCRM 2.2 sites fail to upgrade to 2.2.7
  • CRM-4847 Subsequent ajaxy disable/enable selector actions require page reload
  • CRM-4848 Remove column "name" reference to civicrm_loc_block table in
  • CRM-4849 Multisite features should only be enabled via settings file ...
  • CRM-4850 Show Domain Address form fields regardless of whether CiviMail is enabled or not
  • CRM-4851 Joomla: Configuration Checklist > Payment Processors -- kicks back to checklist on page reload
  • CRM-4852 Implement script that will allow user to update greeting for contact(s)
  • CRM-4853 Register Now link should not be shown for a registered participant with event settings to "Do not allow multiple registrations for same email"
  • CRM-4854 After deleting an Event participant - general participant list is displayed instead of event specific one
  • CRM-4855 Register Now link should be suppressed for logged in users who are already registered
  • CRM-4856 User in waiting list is not getting register even if registration space is available
  • CRM-4857 Relationship tests should either clean up after themselves or load clean database before every start
  • CRM-4858 Standalone template uses invalid value for "clear" attribute - may cause display problems in some browsers
  • CRM-4859 Multiple participants - show who paid for a registration on participant record
  • CRM-4860 Adopt Neutral Color Scheme by default for CiviCRM screens
  • CRM-4861 Deleting membership doesn't delete contribution - but it says it does
  • CRM-4862 TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor broken on all pages
  • CRM-4863 Cannot view summary bar
  • CRM-4864 Immediately after login, the top menu hangs down too far in standalone (screenshot attached)
  • CRM-4865 The tabs in the contact view screen are wider than their container in standalone (screenshot attached)
  • CRM-4866 New Pledge is missing from the contributions menu
  • CRM-4867 Standalone deadlocks in CRM_Utils_System::checkURL , prevents saving "Force Secure URLs"
  • CRM-4868 CiviCRM Html e-mail function doesn't work as it should
  • CRM-4869 Custom Group - can assign to Event Name or Event Role but not event type
  • CRM-4870 Next Scheduled Activity in case selector get disappeared if we delete that activity
  • CRM-4871 Batch Register participant to an event results in only last contact being added added to event
  • CRM-4872 Typo: "RelationShip"
  • CRM-4873 Soft Credit show in wrong currency in contribution tab (always uses default currency)
  • CRM-4874 Country and State is missing in Vcard
  • CRM-4875 Migrate Merge Contact feature to new location format
  • CRM-4876 Allow Reports to support smart groups as well
  • CRM-4877 help popup cutoff at edge of window
  • CRM-4878 Omitting trailing slash in google checkout site url throws fatal error
  • CRM-4879 SQL error
  • CRM-4880 Allow individual tests turn foreign_key_checks on and off for their own purposes
  • CRM-4881 Get this error on importing contacts (yes even on the demo site ( -:)
  • CRM-4882 Draft & Unscheduled Mailings listings reports total mailings
  • CRM-4883 calls to domain_get in the API sometimes fail because CRM/Core/OptionGroup.php isn't required and may not be loaded
  • CRM-4884 Unselect link at Find Cases (civicrm/case/search&reset=1) seems to have lost its styling
  • CRM-4885 Upgrade process from 2.2.x to 3.0 incorrectly handles due_date_time/activity_date_time conversion
  • CRM-4886 Ability to overwrite certain fields for any account through CiviEvent
  • CRM-4887 Breadcrumb missing CiviCRM Profile in Profile Settings/Preview
  • CRM-4888 relationships option group options
  • CRM-4889 Enable 'export csv' from the "Merge labels for contacts with the same address" option so can send file to print house to use to print labels
  • CRM-4890 Email copy of assigned activity still says "Actual Date"
  • CRM-4891 profile order doesn't change reliably
  • CRM-4892 JanRain OpenID library depends on deprecated (and, in PHP 5.3, removed) behavior
  • CRM-4893 Custom Date field improvements
  • CRM-4894 Prepare CRM_Core_Error::testingError
  • CRM-4895 Database Error Code: Unknown column 'allow_same_participant_emails' in 'field list', 1054
  • CRM-4896 Give end-users easy access to personal campaign pages (PCP) they create
  • CRM-4897 Give admin ability to edit all PCP (personal campaign page) emails
  • CRM-4898 Greater admin control over PCP (personal campaign page) creation steps/pages
  • CRM-4899 Views2 patch, Grous, Tags, and fixes
  • CRM-4900 Country name spelled wrong
  • CRM-4901 Multisite module: hide site parent group from users without administer Multiple Organizations permission
  • CRM-4902 Check LOCK TABLE privilege for install script ...
  • CRM-4903 "Cancel" button in Joomla front-end shows a search page
  • CRM-4904 Joomla Menu manager "Change Type" doesn't work for CiviCRM menu items
  • CRM-4905 Custom Activity Search end date isn't inclusive
  • CRM-4906 Make the relevant civicrm_address fields localisable
  • CRM-4907 Event's Regular Fees' Fee Labels are re-created (rather than edited) on changes
  • CRM-4908 Drupal my account profile view has edit link visible when edit permission not present
  • CRM-4909 using Find Participants for event , I get the error message listed below
  • CRM-4910 Redaction regexes seem to get lowercased before being applied
  • CRM-4911 Error when create new organization
  • CRM-4912 Object fields contain the string "null" rather than N for a NULL value.
  • CRM-4913 civicrm_group_contact_remove() creates Past Group association when contact was never a member of group
  • CRM-4914 Country names in address blocks should be spelled out
  • CRM-4915 js error when calling calendar etc on non-standard directory structure
  • CRM-4916 3.0 alpha broken link - view events in past
  • CRM-4917 Find contacts box not searching well on first name
  • CRM-4918 Create / update Activity : TokenInput widget is completely broken (incorrect contacts set for target and assignee)
  • CRM-4919 Rename "Standalone Profile" form to HTML Form Snippet to prevent confusion
  • CRM-4920 Send Email to Contacts (batch task) does not exclude DECEASED contacts (but says that it is doing so).
  • CRM-4921 Register Multiple Participants transaction ID
  • CRM-4922 When only one record is found, the choice is between The found record and Selected records only
  • CRM-4923 Get API tests coverage to 40% before 3.0 stable is out
  • CRM-4924 Allow People to determine which roles count towards event full status
  • CRM-4925 Test suite execution time exceeds 12 minutes and needs to be faster
  • CRM-4926 Add smart group cache to custom search
  • CRM-4927 Include postal greeting as a display column
  • CRM-4928 Edit profile field: javascript user messages are not localised
  • CRM-4929 Search builder for Pledge recognising > as =
  • CRM-4930 Activity form "type-based extension" feature doesn't support custom paths
  • CRM-4931 Dedupe merge fails to merge soft credits
  • CRM-4932 Increase job_title field size to 256 characters
  • CRM-4933 Profile field sort order
  • CRM-4934 image not display in my civimail .... mail in joomla
  • CRM-4935 deleting contact record of an activity creator cascade deletes associated activities
  • CRM-4936 Creating an activity in standalone mode doesn't trigger activityTypeFile to insert extra content once type is chosen.
  • CRM-4937 When Upgrading to 3 alpha's site key which is found in the civicrm.settings.php is replaced with a Null value
  • CRM-4938 CIVI 3.0 Alpha Cronjob Fatal Error
  • CRM-4939 False Error when Profile Adds contacts to Group
  • CRM-4940 Success message not displayed on Profile redirect URL
  • CRM-4941 Restricting profile by Group can disable one or all Drupal user/XXX pages on a site
  • CRM-4942 Cannot create new contact
  • CRM-4943 Screen falls apart after a choosing a contact
  • CRM-4944 Event Dashboard has blank fields when there are lots of events
  • CRM-4945 Adding new contribution should redirect to contact summary page
  • CRM-4946 Adding new relationship shows duplicate types
  • CRM-4947 Participant listing front end config link has been html-ised and adds tags to data
  • CRM-4948 New CRMApi smarty option generates warning
  • CRM-4949 make migrating to a new host / server / directory location a bit less painful ...
  • CRM-4950 Contact Search AJAX recommendation displays backslash on contacts with apostrophes
  • CRM-4952 CiviContribute - Recurring And Cancellation Contributions Using PayPal Pro
  • CRM-4953 Fix all failing/error tests
  • CRM-4954 Saved import field mapping lost for related organization Website
  • CRM-4955 Contact import silently aborts if related organisation Yes or No field has value Yes
  • CRM-4956 Edit permissioned contact via Dashboard returns user to wrong screen
  • CRM-4957 Payment process skipped if last Additional participant selects a zero amount
  • CRM-4958 Multi-org: full-text search requires "view all contacts" permission
  • CRM-4959 Remove access control options from Joomla
  • CRM-4960 CiviContribute/CiviMember?: We no longer have access to the TABs (e.g. MEMBERSHIP & GROUP). Powered by CiviCRM 2.1.4
  • CRM-4961 A NULL value for civicrm_domain.version should throw a fatal error during upgrade as the success message is misleading
  • CRM-4962 Need IDs to be available from Registration form to Post Process Hook
  • CRM-4963 Tell a Friend on contribution page use receipt_from_email
  • CRM-4964 Contribution Widget not working
  • CRM-4965 Cannot delete payment processors
  • CRM-4966 Custom data file uploads are not saved when "Save Matching Contact" is clicked after dupe warning
  • CRM-4967 Need to encrypt SMTP password
  • CRM-4968 Activities tab : With contact column is empty when target is the currently viewed contact record
  • CRM-4969 A hook_civicrm_paymentProcessor hook for modifying behavior of payment processors
  • CRM-4970 Contact SubType Project: Add table for contact subtype and modify civicrm_contact schema
  • CRM-4971 WYSIWYG Editor windows : Height and Width Attributes are not being set properly
  • CRM-4972 Use proper CSS syntax for border radius for cross-browser compatibility
  • CRM-4973 mail_to_household_id and employer_id arent available on the api / search
  • CRM-4974 Separate Edit and View tpl / php for Activities
  • CRM-4975 Allow contacts and custom data to extend subtypes
  • CRM-4976 CiviEvent Event Templates incorrect "add one" link
  • CRM-4977 Error messages when deleting extra profile fields
  • CRM-4978 Allow negative amounts for price set fields / options
  • CRM-4979 Administrator role doesn't have delete permissions set by default
  • CRM-4980 Problem with integer radio custom field with 0 value
  • CRM-4981 Delete/disable confirmation dialogues should check the delete requirements before asking the user for confirmation
  • CRM-4982 Creating a smart group of certain type yields only one row result on view screen
  • CRM-4983 CiviMail Compose HTML Message: Message text disappears on form errors (TinyMCE). Unable to create clickable action links in either editor.
  • CRM-4984 Find Contacts - basic search for email address comes up null
  • CRM-4985 Upgrade ignores saved searchs
  • CRM-4986 No reporting of DBMS errors in CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_Group::from()
  • CRM-4987 Meaningless activity records generated for inherited memberships whenever UpdateMembershipRecord script is run
  • CRM-4988 Sometimes API civicrm_contact_get() does not return custom data fields.
  • CRM-4989 Contact's contribution totals/averages shouldn't cover pending contributions
  • CRM-4990 civicrm_handler_field_email::render_link() not defined, breaks views that have CiviCRM Email fields
  • CRM-4991 Search results : toggleSelect checkbox not working correctly AND All Records radio button not working properly in Safari (and Chrome?)
  • CRM-4992 Unable to create new smart group from find contacts results using Safari (v 4.0.3) browser
  • CRM-4993 TinyMCE editor makes all image URLs relative, thus breaking them when sending emails
  • CRM-4994 Error when adding a CiviCRM Groups: Title filter to my view
  • CRM-4995 Denied access to contact after editing contact
  • CRM-4996 CiviCRM css file is NOT included in Drupal My Account view and edit profile pages
  • CRM-4997 Deleting Parent tag causes database error
  • CRM-4998 Setup a Personal Campaign Page - Account Information step is not working in Drupal OR Joomla with default Supporter profile
  • CRM-4999 Views2 add mailings
  • CRM-5000 New Case : Cancel button throws fatal error if you cancel after loading the New Individual pop-up window
  • CRM-5001 Membership and contribution profile fields are not handled properly when "on behalf of organization" feature is used
  • CRM-5002 file.php error msg displayed when civicrm database is moved could be more helpful
  • CRM-5003 Fix fails and errors in api_v2_ContributionTest
  • CRM-5004 Fix fails and errors in api_v2_CustomGroupTest
  • CRM-5005 Fix fails and errors in api_v2_DomainTest
  • CRM-5006 Fix fails and errors in api_v2_EntityTagTest
  • CRM-5007 Fix fails and errors in api_v2_EventTest
  • CRM-5008 Fix fails and errors in api_v2_GroupContactTest
  • CRM-5009 Fix fails and errors in api_v2_GroupNestingTest
  • CRM-5010 Fix fails and errors in api_v2_GroupOrganizationTest
  • CRM-5011 Fix fails and errors in api_v2_LocationTest
  • CRM-5012 Fix fails and errors in api_v2_MembershipContactTest
  • CRM-5013 Fix fails and errors in api_v2_MembershipStatusTest
  • CRM-5014 Fix fails and errors in api_v2_MembershipTypeTest
  • CRM-5015 Fix fails and errors in api_v2_NoteTest
  • CRM-5016 Fix fails and errors in api_v2_ParticipantTest
  • CRM-5017 Fix fails and errors in api_v2_RelationshipTest
  • CRM-5018 Fix fails and errors in api_v2_RelationshipTypeTest
  • CRM-5019 Fix fails and errors in api_v2_TagTest
  • CRM-5020 Fix fails and errors in api_v2_UFGroupTest
  • CRM-5021 Pop up menus appear below collapsed field sets
  • CRM-5022 Error reports stay on screen after navigating away from original display URL
  • CRM-5023 Updating billing address fails or file not found in specific case.
  • CRM-5024 Maximum size of mail attachments
  • CRM-5025 Wrong vCard Export on communication fields
  • CRM-5026 Dedupe should be aware of different location types
  • CRM-5027 Drop-down menu does not follow language changes
  • CRM-5028 Add membership_owner_id field to Membership detail report
  • CRM-5029 No Month Input for CiviContribute Page
  • CRM-5030 Fix breadcrumb url of all component for standalone context
  • CRM-5031 Multilingualise CiviMail fields
  • CRM-5032 Running Mailing should be display under 'Scheduled and Sent Mailings'.
  • CRM-5033 INSTALLATION: mysql "DROP FOREIGN KEY' Not Found issue when upgrading
  • CRM-5034 Install/Reinstall fails due to files/civicrm/upload/Config.IDS.ini not being deleted
  • CRM-5035 Online Event Registration Configuration Page Not Visible in IE7
  • CRM-5036 Dedupe Optimization
  • CRM-5037 Make CiviCRM compatiable with PHP 5.3
  • CRM-5038 Smart group cache is not rebuilt when contact custom data is updated from a TAB
  • CRM-5039 Events don't always limit registrations to "max participants" setting
  • CRM-5040 Provinces/states show as their values for U.S. or Canada, but as their keys for China or Japan
  • CRM-5041 Activity date and status alerts should be consistent for both regular activities and case activities
  • CRM-5042 Smtp error for Online Contribution page if onbehalf is enabled.
  • CRM-5043 Message templates - missing the link to access tokens dialog
  • CRM-5044 CiviCase Dashboard UPCOMING ACTIVITIES section should EXCLUDE Closed cases
  • CRM-5045 Label on manage case screen for the QA Audit / Redacted report could be improved
  • CRM-5046 Cache contacts' language preferences and use them in CiviMail mailings
  • CRM-5047 SQL API Error in civicrm_group_roles module for Drupal
  • CRM-5048 Add three new Italian provinces
  • CRM-5049 Membership Sign-Up is not working for Anonymous Users
  • CRM-5050 Screen and Print case reports are not sorted properly
  • CRM-5051 Ensure that is_primary is set to TRUE whenever we create a phone, email, IM, openID record IF it is the only record for that contact
  • CRM-5052 Search filters link on Manage Case are easy to miss
  • CRM-5053 Attempting to Create Group with Duplicate Name Throws SQL Error
  • CRM-5054 Option values with underscores and numeric beginnings for custom select fields display multi-valued values when viewed, but work fine when edited, but only when one option value is without the underscore
  • CRM-5055 Allow custom template for civicrm-profile edit form in Drupal 'My Account'
  • CRM-5056 Client phone should be more visible.
  • CRM-5057 Event registration on behalf of someone else while logged in
  • CRM-5058 Tokens included in message template subect doesn't get replaced
  • CRM-5059 Administer ACL Screen in Spanish
  • CRM-5060 Fix fails and errors in api_v2_ConstantTest
  • CRM-5061 Fix fails and errors in api_v2_ActivityTest
  • CRM-5062 Fix fails and errors in CRM_Contact_BAO_ContactTest
  • CRM-5063 Fix fails and errors in CRM_Core_BAO_AddressTest
  • CRM-5064 Fix fails and errors in CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroupTest
  • CRM-5066 Fix fails and errors in CRM_Core_BAO_CustomValueTableSetGetTest
  • CRM-5067 Fix fails and errors in CRM_Core_BAO_CustomValueTest
  • CRM-5068 Fix fails and errors in CRM_Core_BAO_IMTest
  • CRM-5069 Fix fails and errors in CRM_Core_BAO_LocationTest
  • CRM-5070 Fix fails and errors in CRM_Core_BAO_PhoneTest
  • CRM-5071 Fix fails and errors in CRM_Event_BAO_ParticipantTest
  • CRM-5072 Fix fails and errors in CRM_Member_BAO_MembershipTest
  • CRM-5073 Fix fails and errors in CRM_Utils_SunlightTest
  • CRM-5074 "Set Filters" heading on CiviReport page when there are no filters
  • CRM-5075 Fix untranslated strings in Javascript functions
  • CRM-5076 Country error when submitting a contirbution/membership form for US
  • CRM-5077 ajax-based dropdown suggestions add SQL escaped apostrophes in 3.0
  • CRM-5078 is null when you create a list of options for a custom select field
  • CRM-5079 Exporting OpenIDs with a location type generates invalid SQL and fails
  • CRM-5080 When assigning a case activity, if the email sending fails, it still files the sent email on the case.
  • CRM-5081 Some case activities record the seconds, but some don't, leading to mismatched sorting in the case activities grid
  • CRM-5082 Spacing of the expansion triangles on contact tags tab is off
  • CRM-5083 Refactor CiviCRM CSS files
  • CRM-5084 Refactor templates and markup for front-end Contribution and PCP forms and pages
  • CRM-5085 Fix issues with
  • CRM-5086 cannot import .CSV file into contacts
  • CRM-5087 civicrm_aontact relationships breaking in non civicrm_contact views
  • CRM-5088 CiviEvent: Unavailable SMTP should block batch participant status change
  • CRM-5089 Add Not Null and is Null to Views2 integration
  • CRM-5090 Spelling error: contacats
  • CRM-5091 Dedupe merge is inconsistent when Delete Contacts permission is not allowed
  • CRM-5092 Pager is broken for profile listing
  • CRM-5093 GSOC Upcoming Events extension for Joomla
  • CRM-5094 Incorrect formrule is show for External Identifier for logged in users
  • CRM-5095 Extend price set for contributions
  • CRM-5096 Allow Export for Related Contacts
  • CRM-5097 add new google map control ui
  • CRM-5098 Civicontribute - Offline credit card contribution
  • CRM-5100 Allow relationships to be created between specific contact sub-types.
  • CRM-5101 Allow extending profile for a specific sub-type
  • CRM-5102 Typo in phpdoc for ts() function
  • CRM-5103 Implement contact subtype
  • CRM-5104 Add ACL Support for CiviReports, Autocomplete contact search widget, and Full-text search
  • CRM-5105 Implement a plugin to give alert on unsaved changes in a form
  • CRM-5106 Make displayed data for autocomplete contact search widget configurable (can include email, phone, etc. in addition to contact name)
  • CRM-5107 Dutch translation incomplete compared to 2.2.x
  • CRM-5108 Card Type's drop-down has an untranslated '- select -'
  • CRM-5109 CiviMail: Make it obvious that {action.optOutUrl} fulfils {action.optOut} requirement
  • CRM-5110 Upgrade packages to latest non-revolutionary versions
  • CRM-5111 Returning from multilingual to single-language site broken
  • CRM-5112 drupal user creation for PCP : does not support when 'Require e-mail verification when a visitor creates an account' option is uncheked in drupal's user setting.
  • CRM-5113 Goal: API tests code coverage at 80%, BAO tests code coverage at 50%
  • CRM-5114 Introduce FK checks in tests
  • CRM-5115 CiviMail: replies to deleted mailings and from deleted contacts are not being handled correctly
  • CRM-5116 lat/long should be set to NULL when an address is saved
  • CRM-5117 Custom Multi-select fields not appear for events
  • CRM-5118 New contact pop-up forms in back-end should use FUZZY instead of STRICT dupe matching rule
  • CRM-5119 Some CiviCRM navigation menu items are not properly permissioned
  • CRM-5120 Improving Ease of Contribution Searches
  • CRM-5121 Improving navigation when reviewing participant lists
  • CRM-5122 Improving listing of event and contribution
  • CRM-5123 In event fee page 10 empty fields for fee options listed may be incresed as per requirement
  • CRM-5124 Allow the import/export mappings to reflect fields that belong to a specific sub-type
  • CRM-5125 Allow import of a file related to one contact sub-type only
  • CRM-5126 Allow searches to filter by subtypes
  • CRM-5127 Add "create new .." menu entries for all sub-types (under the main contact type)
  • CRM-5128 Allow overriding of the edit / view screens by contact subtype
  • CRM-5129 ContributionProcessor.php does not support recurring contributions for PayPal
  • CRM-5130 Ability to use Drupal's watchdog for for CiviCRM error messages
  • CRM-5131 Google's OpenID system breaks some assumptions in CiviCRM standalone
  • CRM-5132 jquery undefined
  • CRM-5133 Display all events that have not ended
  • CRM-5134 CiviCRM Profile should allow creation of new contacts without dupe check
  • CRM-5135 civicrm_cck.module autocomplete validation error
  • CRM-5136 USPS lookup failure resets existing address data to NULL
  • CRM-5137 PEAR files missing from Joomla component
  • CRM-5138 civicrm_cck.module contact reference bug
  • CRM-5139 External Identifier field always NULL when included as a Views field
  • CRM-5140 Show duplicate contact view links if duplicates are found while adding contacts using dialog profile and allow user to Save Matching Contact
  • CRM-5141 Expose Contribution Custom Data for CiviReport
  • CRM-5142 Fatal error on merge duplicate contacts (query looking for non-existent is_billing column in civicrm_openid table)
  • CRM-5143 Support multiple types within an object for custom group
  • CRM-5144 Create a mock-like way to bypass permission requirements in tests
  • CRM-5145 profile search menu item is broken in joomla
  • CRM-5146 Event registration Confirm, Thank-you and Receipt don't respect configured time format for End Time when event starts and ends on the same day
  • CRM-5147 3.0 Beta5 Standalone version "Shortcut Icon" link moves from top to bottom
  • CRM-5148 Allow View Only profile fields to be included in profile search forms
  • CRM-5149 "Save and Send Test Email" button is missing
  • CRM-5150 Set defaults for Hour drop-down doesn't work if input format is set for 24 hour clock
  • CRM-5151 Custom data with required fields gives error when new individual created via quick add new individual block
  • CRM-5152 Drilling down on case dashboard cells shows wrong number of cases when showing My Cases
  • CRM-5153 Case activity created with hour=12pm and status completed gives a warning after 12 pm
  • CRM-5154 Import Fails if dedupe is matched with location fields
  • CRM-5155 CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::getSoftContributionTotals() returns formatted currency string (should return float)
  • CRM-5156 Can't save new contact if matching contact is found
  • CRM-5157 Refreshing the page on an activity form that has custom fields keeps the type but makes the custom fields disappear
  • CRM-5158 Improvements in civicrm installer for windows
  • CRM-5159 No Error Handling if duplicate Invoice ID is entered
  • CRM-5160 Radio buttons for custom fields in Contribution forms do not have a css id or class
  • CRM-5161 Highlight required fields in import
  • CRM-5162 Encrypt sensitive information in config (passwords and api keys)
  • CRM-5163 Reconfigure bin directory, log and ini files. Add .htaccess support as needed
  • CRM-5164 Rearrange default order of CiviCRM Blocks
  • CRM-5165 Inconsistent count shown when search restricted by alphabetical pager
  • CRM-5166 Broken link in "Upgrade Successful" message
  • CRM-5167 Joomla menus are behind CiviCRM menu area
  • CRM-5168 Database Upgrade Issue from 2.2.6 to 3.0
  • CRM-5169 Remove invalid pledge payment statuses from Contribution form when recording a pledge payment
  • CRM-5170 In Addresses and Mailing Label Addresses, CiviContribute renders country as the ISO code and not country name.
  • CRM-5171 Live status report for Import part 1 (preprocessing/validating)
  • CRM-5172 CLONE -Error when create new organization (PHP 5.3 related issue)
  • CRM-5173 NULL values for civicrm_participant.status_id for existing entries results in constraint violation error for upgrade from 2.2.x -> 3.0.0
  • CRM-5174 Privious values for custom data does not reflected for form rule while adding/editing membeship for any user.
  • CRM-5175 Customize Navigation menu does not work in Joomla
  • CRM-5176 File on Case feature on activities broken
  • CRM-5177 Merge code should check for the existence of the contact id
  • CRM-5178 Mailing Label code calls hooks for tokens, but does not apply them to the label
  • CRM-5179 Full-text search queries cause system to crawl with larger datasets
  • CRM-5180 target_contact_name missing from CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity line 689?
  • CRM-5181 Register Participant - Time select shows AM instead of PM for Registration Date / Time if the hour is between 12 noon and 1 PM
  • CRM-5182 Email processor doesn't handle read-receipts
  • CRM-5183 Participant Status dropdown on new / edit event registration uses status Name instead of Label
  • CRM-5184 Update participant status : should provide option to NOT send notification of status changes
  • CRM-5185 Event end dates not localized on contact dashboard, and cancel, expire and approved notification emails
  • CRM-5186 Can't Access Dashboard after 3.0 Upgrade
  • CRM-5187 misses strings in .hlp files, generates outdated headers in .pot files
  • CRM-5188 Recent items block (drupal) should not show if empty
  • CRM-5189 CiviContribute confirm page button "continue" instead of "make contribution"
  • CRM-5190 Case activity created with hour=12am and status scheduled fails to give a warning
  • CRM-5191 Delete custom field: DB Error Code: Error on rename of... (errno: 152),
  • CRM-5192 Full text Search block does not work outside of CiviCRM
  • CRM-5193 Upgraderequires login, but login fails before upgrade.
  • CRM-5194 Include database details on the upgrade screen
  • CRM-5195 Allow the resource URL to be overridden from the config file.
  • CRM-5196 URL Template for MyOpenID is missing terminal slash
  • CRM-5197 Check the need of Validate_XX packages and drop if possible
  • CRM-5198 CMS account creation fails for free event registration.
  • CRM-5199 CRM-4734 broken for New Email and Search Settings links
  • CRM-5200 Contact's Cases tab has become linked to the session setting on the dashboard "Show ALL Cases with Upcoming Activities"
  • CRM-5201 Dedupe checks for Organizations causes an error when updating any Organization records
  • CRM-5202 Plain text version of mailing displays domain.address token wrapped in html tags
  • CRM-5203 2.2.x -> 3.0.x Joomla upgrade error "Fatal Error /PEAR.php & DB Error"
  • CRM-5204 During Geocoding if Google returns an error it triggers a PHP errorq
  • CRM-5205 Help text for from email address in CiviMail is confusing
  • CRM-5206 Alert user if they're entering an offline contribution and the contact has outstanding pledge payments
  • CRM-5207 Creating New Individual via quick add block fails if after adding you try to add a phone number
  • CRM-5208 Fix spelling of supplements in this issue tracker
  • CRM-5209 Price Set Fee Values don't show up on Event Info page
  • CRM-5210 Test and potentially integrate the patch to store PO strings in memory
  • CRM-5211 Profile VIEW erroneously includes link to contact view screen for logged in front-end Joomla users
  • CRM-5212 Defaults wrongly set for additional profile (bottom)
  • CRM-5213 Incorrect profile results
  • CRM-5214 security bug when editing own contact record
  • CRM-5215 Localization page error (mysql user privilege error)
  • CRM-5216 setup your new user record - page not shown on windows (2/3)
  • CRM-5217 Add links to contact on the activity view
  • CRM-5218 Interface to allow Add/Update/Enable/Disable subtypes
  • CRM-5219 Better credit card type matching (switch/maestro)
  • CRM-5220 Online event registration with Additional Participants: fatal error if participant statuses are localized
  • CRM-5221 Print PDF Letter for Contacts task - page orientation is 'landscape' but should be 'portrait' for letters
  • CRM-5222 Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in CRM/Contact/Form/Search.php on line 243
  • CRM-5223 Fix fails and errors in api_v2_ContactTest
  • CRM-5224 UK 'State/province' list contains mixture of counties and large towns
  • CRM-5225 "One Address should be marked as primary" error, though default address shows as Primary
  • CRM-5226 Upgrade FCKEditor to CKEditor
  • CRM-5227 Ability to order countries in country select dropdown
  • CRM-5228 Profile editing using Civimail and Checksum does not work on Joomla with 3.0 stable
  • CRM-5229 Ability to override error messages
  • CRM-5230 Refactor View Contribution, View Partiicpant and other component view forms to eliminate extraneous functions and allow direct access
  • CRM-5231 Export Members and Membership Detail Report - include membership owner (primary member) display name in exports and report
  • CRM-5232 Recent Items listing does not include VIEWED contributions, participants, memberships, and grants
  • CRM-5233 Add state country widget to proximity search
  • CRM-5234 Having to type "enter" on the search box in the menu once you have selected a name is counter intuitive
  • CRM-5235 Seek a new contact on the send mail is broken slow (on ie.)
  • CRM-5236 Profile embedded in Drupal user registration page should use strict matching
  • CRM-5237 Membership import fails when we match email address for contact matching.
  • CRM-5238 CLONE -Database Upgrade Issue from 2.2.6 to 3.0
  • CRM-5239 CiviMail: {domain.address} in text footer includes HTML tags
  • CRM-5240 Quality assurance testing tasks for 3.1
  • CRM-5241 Custom CSS Resource URL not added by drupal module
  • CRM-5242 fix broken support for custom css.
  • CRM-5243 Adding contact to group from contact summary -> Edit -> Tags and Groups doesn't work
  • CRM-5244 Multi-domain installs cannot have different Return Path set
  • CRM-5245 Errors in 3.0.1 accessing and editing custom data fields
  • CRM-5246 Patch HTML_Quickform to add optgroup support for select dropdowns
  • CRM-5247 Note in form for editing an ACL for a profile is incorrect
  • CRM-5248 Creating an OG causes an error during syncing to CiviCRM groups
  • CRM-5249 HookTokens in PDFLetter
  • CRM-5250 Multiple tabs opened of "Multiple Choice Options" admin page overwrites existing choice records
  • CRM-5251 Profile: state/province abbreviation shown where name should be
  • CRM-5252 Country Data Import Hangs
  • CRM-5253 Add pager support to Contribution Aggregate custom search
  • CRM-5254 CiviEvent Dashboard - Event Summary table shows events farthest in the future first and may not show current and upcoming events
  • CRM-5255 Joomla module conflict causes Fatal Error with JSON classes when importing data
  • CRM-5256 Allow subtype relationships to work with export
  • CRM-5257 Extend custom groups to support multiple types
  • CRM-5258 Allow custom group settings to be changed if there are no values
  • CRM-5259 Fix Relationship Report to consider subtypes
  • CRM-5260 Autocomplete To/CC/BCC boxes on emails have help text indicating you can type an email, but it only finds names
  • CRM-5261 Include Merge link(s) on Edit Contact form when duplicates are detected
  • CRM-5262 Importing of contacts does not working with Central Europen UTF-8 character set
  • CRM-5263 Provide an option to choose whether state/province is displayed as full name or an abbreviation
  • CRM-5264 Introduce per country address format defaults
  • CRM-5265 Drupal 'Website Profile' link broken after upgrade to CiviCRM 3.0
  • CRM-5266 More robust Event Search API
  • CRM-5267 CSS for action pop-up (.panel and #panel) should be prefixed with crm-container to prevent conficts with other element styles
  • CRM-5268 Disable / enable action does not reload row in Manage ACLs
  • CRM-5269 Can't send email to non-primary email address
  • CRM-5270 Multilingual CiviCRM 2.2.8 → 3.0.alpha1 upgrade broken
  • CRM-5271 Duplicate rows when exporting event participants
  • CRM-5272 Load additional CSS file (css/extras.css) to store local modifications
  • CRM-5273 Provide a way to edit extras.css through user interface
  • CRM-5274 apache/php continues running even after the browser had terminated the connection - resulting in 'send an email' going to wrong result set
  • CRM-5275 fix getOptionLabel in CRM/Core/BAO/CustomOption.php
  • CRM-5276 Views integration should deal with option group values for custom fields
  • CRM-5277 need to require CRM/Utils/Money.php before use in getSoftContributionList()
  • CRM-5278 Updating an existing contact and setting prefix to an empty string results in error at CRM/Utils/Array.php on line 54
  • CRM-5279 Disable / enable action is broken due to selector plugin
  • CRM-5280 Add a contact to a group via Profile Settings "Add to Group" function removes them from any other groups that they currently belong to
  • CRM-5281 Patching CiviTests for CiviContribute civicrm_contribution_add updates
  • CRM-5282 Upgrade for Drupal 7
  • CRM-5283 switching 'mailto' off in Views email field creates fatal error = patch supplied
  • CRM-5284 Editing profiles increases the weight
  • CRM-5285 spelling mistake
  • CRM-5286 Add ability to select civicrm_relationship field contact_id_b as a View argument
  • CRM-5287 Name of city in Israel should be the International ( English ) name.
  • CRM-5288 Add menu items for Price Sets in Contribution
  • CRM-5289 Improve user interface for registering additional participants for an event
  • CRM-5290 "Inbound Email" acitivity type is missing in upgrade to 3.0
  • CRM-5291 Write tests for MembershipContributionLink API
  • CRM-5292 Implement missing methods in api_v2_ContributionTest (marked as incomplete)
  • CRM-5293 Implement missing methods in api_v2_EventTest (marked as incomplete)
  • CRM-5294 Implement missing methods in api_v2_MembershipStatusTest (marked as incomplete)
  • CRM-5295 Increase coverage on api_v2_CustomGroupTest
  • CRM-5296 Increase coverage on api_v2_GroupTest
  • CRM-5297 Increase coverage on api_v2_GroupOrganizationTest
  • CRM-5298 Increase coverage on api_v2_MembershipContactTest
  • CRM-5299 Increase coverage on api_v2_ParticipantTest
  • CRM-5300 Increase coverage on api_v2_RelationshipTest (method civicrm_contact_relationship_get)
  • CRM-5301 Implement missing methods in api_v2_TagTest (marked as incomplete)
  • CRM-5302 Merging contacts does not preserve PCPs
  • CRM-5303 Searchbox displays all contacts, independently of ACLs
  • CRM-5304 Usability issue when adding new offline registration from "Create New" menu
  • CRM-5305 Contact type and subtype icons - provide defaults using css classes and allow admins to specify their own icons for subtypes
  • CRM-5306 CiviEvent Manage Event pages does not fire postProcess hook ...
  • CRM-5307 Remove backslashes added to cc field
  • CRM-5308 Fix upgrade for 3.0 to 3.1
  • CRM-5309 Creating a Drupal account can delete contact information
  • CRM-5310 Month value not displayed when editing custom date field
  • CRM-5311 convert CRM/Contribute/Form/Contribution/Main.tpl - use divs, add classes
  • CRM-5312 Custom field not available when importing with restricted access
  • CRM-5313 Migrate the Line Items to store participant id instead of contribution id
  • CRM-5314 Extend the list of date formats in CRM_Core_SelectValues::getDatePluginInputFormats
  • CRM-5315 Limit Recent Items block in UI
  • CRM-5316 Implement an ajax duplicate check when creating a new contact
  • CRM-5317 Modify price set functionality to use civicrm_option_value.value instead of name.
  • CRM-5318 Ajax search doesn't properly discard the cache
  • CRM-5319 Fax not displaying value in profile edit form
  • CRM-5320 Import Contacts - shows "Importing..." message on Preview
  • CRM-5321 FCKeditor changes non-Latin characters to their entities by default
  • CRM-5322 Default safe file extensions
  • CRM-5323 Contact search is breaks if you enter space
  • CRM-5324 Add Phone column to Membership Detail report
  • CRM-5325 Proxied SSL connections not being detected correctly
  • CRM-5326 Importing empty gender field causes PHP error
  • CRM-5327 Load the jquery plugins on demand
  • CRM-5328 Let the import contact process use the date formats in localization
  • CRM-5329 Merge duplicate contacts causes loss of Pledges
  • CRM-5330 CiviCRM cannot be used by a user that was deleted then recreated in Joomla
  • CRM-5331 Merge duplicate contacts gives no control over merging of Grants
  • CRM-5332 Constituent Report doesn't filter according to selected group
  • CRM-5333 Indexing in activity_target and activity_assignment tables are not as per fresh installation of 3.0
  • CRM-5334 Consider creating text email parts from the HTML part
  • CRM-5335 First Data / Global Gateway Payment Processor
  • CRM-5336 Navigation menu should NOT include Access Control menu item for Joomla installs
  • CRM-5337 Test coverage for Data Generation Functions
  • CRM-5338 Test coverage for Contact Sub Type (BAO Test)
  • CRM-5339 Test coverage for Contact Creation and Update (api and BAO)
  • CRM-5340 Test coverage for Search
  • CRM-5341 Test coverage for Custom Value
  • CRM-5342 Test coverage for Relationship
  • CRM-5343 Fix bin/ContributionProcessor.php to consider fee amounts for Google Checkout transactions
  • CRM-5344 Profile Email Notify -- list truncated
  • CRM-5345 ContributionProcessor.php processes PayPal payment transactions as contributions.
  • CRM-5346 Editing Search Builder Query for Smart Groups
  • CRM-5347 Email Activity VIEW does not show the recipient, cc or bcc email addresses that the email was sent to
  • CRM-5348 New Pledge entry miscalculates installments value (no display of decimal point for dollars/cents)
  • CRM-5349 Horizontal menu has urls for Joomla front-end, not back end.
  • CRM-5350 Multilingual CiviCRM 3.0.1 → 3.0.2 upgrade broken
  • CRM-5351 More bulk actions for Find Members results (like Find Contacts)
  • CRM-5352 civicrm_activities_get_contact() returns "Invalid Data" error when no activities exist for contact
  • CRM-5353 Should be able to search and mass-update the "on hold" status of contacts
  • CRM-5354 Hierarchical Custom Fields - Input, Display and Search
  • CRM-5355 Event receipts display empty line items
  • CRM-5356 Display "Registration is closed for this event" message on event info page if we are outside of valid registration dates
  • CRM-5357 Date refactoring broke Relationship API (unit test detected)
  • CRM-5358 CiviEvent Participant View and CiviMember Membership View: Printer-friendly page is BLANK when printed
  • CRM-5359 Prevent potential loss of associated contribution data when a Pledges, Memberships, or Participant Registrations are merged
  • CRM-5360 Anonymous users who click "please login first" link on contribution pages, event registration or profiles should be redirected back to that page after logging in
  • CRM-5361 Prevent css conflicts with some Joomla templates by changing the id of the main CiviCRM content table from content to crm-content
  • CRM-5362 Duplicate contact merge does not merge view-only custom data fields
  • CRM-5363 After performing a duplicate contact merge you have to start the "Find and Merge Duplicate Contacts" admin process again
  • CRM-5364 Contribution page not prefilled when using a link with contact checksum
  • CRM-5365 Improve CiviContribute search API to allow searching for "is NULL"
  • CRM-5366 Deleting a Group creates and empty item in the Recent Items array
  • CRM-5367 Drupal CiviCRM Integration Module Throws "Missing Argument for civicrm_help" on All CiviCRM Pages
  • CRM-5368 Create New Contact Dialog breaks in Safari if there are any form errors
  • CRM-5369 Deactivating a Select custom field and then reactiving doesn't let you re-use the existing select options
  • CRM-5370 Joomla Installer failing with fatal SQL error on insert of msg_template data
  • CRM-5371 Working on two events simultaneously corrupts the records
  • CRM-5372 Fix fails in CRM_Member_BAO_MembershipTest
  • CRM-5373 Fix fails in CRM_Member_BAO_MembershipStatusTest
  • CRM-5374 Fix fails in CRM_Member_BAO_MembershipLogTest
  • CRM-5375 Fix fails in CRM_Event_BAO_ParticipantTest
  • CRM-5376 Fix fails in CRM_Core_BAO_EmailTest
  • CRM-5377 Fix fails in CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroupTest
  • CRM-5378 Fix fails in CRM_Contact_BAO_ContactType_RelationshipTest
  • CRM-5379 Fix fails in CRM_Contact_BAO_ContactType_CustomValueTest
  • CRM-5380 Fix fails in CRM_Contact_BAO_ContactType_ContactTest
  • CRM-5381 Fix fails in CRM_Contact_BAO_ContactTest
  • CRM-5382 Fix fails in CRM_Activity_BAO_ActivityTest
  • CRM-5383 Implement missing method (testGetTwoSeriesCompliance) in api_v2_LocationTest
  • CRM-5384 Stack trace when mail processor has an error includes passwords in plain text
  • CRM-5385 Fix contact selection jquery and url in relationship create
  • CRM-5386 Links in PCP Notification emails (supporter and admin) do not go to correct site URLs (frontend vs. admin URLs)
  • CRM-5387 Email address input verification is too weak
  • CRM-5388 Spelling mistakes within prefixes and suffixes
  • CRM-5389 Fix for CRM-25074 in rev25074 breaks api_v2_ContactTest::testUpdateIndividualWithAll
  • CRM-5390 Profile HTML Snippet code is missing required jQuery statements and scripts as well as Calendar scripts (3.0 only)
  • CRM-5391 Anonymous user can not access Event info page via a URL alias
  • CRM-5392 Copying protected (Reserved) CiviCRM Profile does not enable Settings link
  • CRM-5393 check or handle custom field names with reserved mysql words
  • CRM-5394 Creating new CiviCRM Profile: No option of CiviEvent for "Used For"
  • CRM-5395 Groups: Need new attribute: Locked/Unlocked
  • CRM-5396 Some Joomla links not properly formatted for front-end and there are front-end permission problems for civicrm/event/confirm path
  • CRM-5397 Add item to Navigation menu: Administer --> Option Lists --> Manage Option Lists
  • CRM-5398 Smarty related error: Call to undefined function module_exists() @ Navigation.php
  • CRM-5399 bin/EmailProcessor.php stores in the wrong directory
  • CRM-5400 Profile with only the email "erases" the display/sort name
  • CRM-5401 civimail.cronjob stops with fatal error
  • CRM-5402 Cli friendly batch jobs (no more wget or curl)
  • CRM-5403 Correct inconsistent behaviors in how additional participant statuses are updated when primary participant status is updated
  • CRM-5404 might be a typo in the Honor options of a contribution form.
  • CRM-5405 Drupal functions not accessible from Smarty template
  • CRM-5406 Expose the FKClassName to the dao $_fields array
  • CRM-5407 Automate creating a test object and its FK dependencies in a generic manner
  • CRM-5408 Email Processor doesn't honor content-disposition for .txt attachments
  • CRM-5409 BAO payment add is allowing day ofthe wrong type
  • CRM-5410 getPrimaryLocationType() returns primary location type based on email address, not address
  • CRM-5411 Increasing the odds of long-running procedures completing successfully
  • CRM-5412 All civicrm drupal modules should return if civicrm can't be initialized
  • CRM-5413 Choosing a CiviCRM menu item in a Joomla installation with default template causes selected item to grey out
  • CRM-5414 If selecting a Dashboard page while not logged in (Joomla) error message is generated.
  • CRM-5415 Rework CRM_Contact_BAO_ContactType tests
  • CRM-5416 Datepicker breaks in IE 6-7
  • CRM-5417 Get Access Denied in multi-org set up for users in the ACL Manager Group for any of the orgs
  • CRM-5418 Multisite module: aclWhereClause allows no groups when site group has no children
  • CRM-5419 Views built in civievent do not sort by start_date properly
  • CRM-5420 GO button on activities tab table doesn't work
  • CRM-5421 CSV Export not working for reports
  • CRM-5422 Fix getValues method should return null if no params are supplied
  • CRM-5423 Dashboard Revamp
  • CRM-5424 Allow users to edit (some or all) contacts, but not "add contacts"
  • CRM-5425 Clicking Pay Later does not then show the Address/Notes field
  • CRM-5426 TinyMCE does not load if you have multiple rich text custom fields.
  • CRM-5427 Unable to make donation from country which does not have state/province information
  • CRM-5428 Search builder: PHP-side lowercasing sometimes breaks for non-US-ASCII characters
  • CRM-5429 non-recoverable error on all new contribution pages
  • CRM-5430 The inbound emails aren't displayed like the mass or normal email (sent)
  • CRM-5431 CiviMailProcessor.php Fails for GMAIL IMAP due to change in google imap response
  • CRM-5432 Fix deletion of the Recent items
  • CRM-5433 Double quotes in field label causes Javascript errors
  • CRM-5434 CiviCRM installer fails with auto_increment_increment != 1
  • CRM-5435 Implement missing foreign key for pcp_block.supporter_profile_id and fix onDelete for contribution_soft.pcp_id
  • CRM-5436 Zero dollar event fees do not get saved in early-bird discount fee table
  • CRM-5437 Possible civicrm_participant_status_type upgrade issue
  • CRM-5438 Multi-org: Manage Groups lists all groups and requires administer CiviCRM permission
  • CRM-5439 Year selector for relationship start and end dates
  • CRM-5440 Advanced Search by Event Registration Fails
  • CRM-5441 Custom fields aren't saved when creating a new contribution
  • CRM-5442 Set up all the necessary infrastructure for PHPUnit Selenium tests
  • CRM-5443 Profile preview: add JS calendar date picker
  • CRM-5444 Profile form validation in Drupal User Registration - form values are alternately returned from multiple submits
  • CRM-5445 Clicking on the subject of a result in Activity Custom Search is broken
  • CRM-5446 Update POT generation scripts to work with 3.1
  • CRM-5447 Realex payment process should strip all whitespace out of credit card number
  • CRM-5448 concurrent contact merge / de-dupe operations fail silently
  • CRM-5449 error on Front End Profile Create
  • CRM-5450 Street Address Parsing (Walk-list / Canvassing Support)
  • CRM-5451 When custom field groups are created, creator id is foreign key subject to cascade delete, creating risk of data loss
  • CRM-5452 Event templates - don't make fields compulsory
  • CRM-5453 Web Service URL containing trailing whitespace causes non-recoverable error
  • CRM-5454 InvoiceID should be regenerated on submission of Main.php
  • CRM-5455 Update created_id with main contact id on contact merge.
  • CRM-5456 Menu does not get localised properly
  • CRM-5457 "New relationship" contact autocomplete returns search results that are too long
  • CRM-5458 USPS Address Standardization returns errors when using the USPS production server
  • CRM-5459 Added hook_civicrm_searchTasks() to contributions and memberships
  • CRM-5460 civiReport error on clicking Donor Report summary
  • CRM-5461 Record an Activity record when the Print PDF Letter for Contacts task is executed
  • CRM-5462 Fix contribution type validation during import contribution.
  • CRM-5463 To minimize upgrade conflicts, handle all v3.0.3 upgrade schema changes once again in v3.1.alpha3
  • CRM-5464 Activity custom search doesn't properly handle blank date on input form
  • CRM-5465 Event Location: State/Province Will Not Save
  • CRM-5466 CiviMail: non-US-ASCII From: names can cause email validation error
  • CRM-5467 Enter and Display Contact Image (photo or icon) in built-in Contact Edit and View screens
  • CRM-5468 Country-state ajax widget and new date widget don't work in Profile Preview
  • CRM-5469 Display alert on non-public pages when Debug is enabled
  • CRM-5470 Bug with multiple Memberships for one contact
  • CRM-5471 CiviMailProcessor: Handle soft bounces with only Return-Path set
  • CRM-5472 Multi-org: ACL failure / leakage in CiviEvent
  • CRM-5473 Multi-org: ACL failure / leakage in CiviMember
  • CRM-5474 Default country is not set for the profile included on contribution page
  • CRM-5475 Inconsistent behaviour of participant print buttons
  • CRM-5476 Inconsistent behaviour of participant edit buttons
  • CRM-5477 Email2Activity.php cron job has link to Lobo's system
  • CRM-5478 Implement Open Flash Chart in CiviCRM
  • CRM-5479 Select contact auto-complete - should throw formRule error if user replaces an existing contact name by typing in another value
  • CRM-5480 Autocomplete custom fields should not require access CiviCRM permission (so they can be used in profile forms like other multiple choice custom fields)
  • CRM-5481 Remove obsolete paths for ajax/country and ajax/state in Core/xml/Menu/Contact.xml
  • CRM-5482 Profile HTML Snippet code should use profile/create path for form action instead of profile/edit
  • CRM-5483 Autocomplete select custom field displays VALUE instead of LABEL in edit mode
  • CRM-5484 Membership Summary report seems to be broken
  • CRM-5485 Multi-lingual build-out to do list for CiviContribute
  • CRM-5486 PCP field label misalignment
  • CRM-5487 Membershiop Type "Save and New" button only saves
  • CRM-5488 Activity Import - activity dates not accepted in format(s) listed on import screen
  • CRM-5489 CiviMail: Sending a test email should not turn off exception handling and should handle errors intelligently
  • CRM-5490 contributions tab does not show contributiosn with NULL contribution_type_id
  • CRM-5491 ACL or Drupal permission to allow certain roles to choose between the "From email addresses"
  • CRM-5492 Allow a module to add custom fields to demographics data easily
  • CRM-5493 Drupal's locale language switch doesn't change CiviCRM's locale
  • CRM-5494 Add Link to "Use Profile-Create Mode" to Profile listings action menu
  • CRM-5495 New Case auto-inserted activities have timestamp = 00:00:00 rather than current time
  • CRM-5496 Add Case Summary, Case Time Spent, Demographics and Log reports to core distribution
  • CRM-5497 CRM/Contribute/Form/Contribution/Confirm.tpl - possible unbalanced <div> element
  • CRM-5498 CRM/Contribute/Form/Contribution/Thankyou.tpl - missing </div> elements
  • CRM-5499 Create new mail alter hook
  • CRM-5500 Use joomla class functions to add css / js to top of html text
  • CRM-5501 Add links to use profiles in edit, view and search modes from profile listings page
  • CRM-5502 Ensure Comm Preferences esp OptOut can be seen and options set in Merge contacts
  • CRM-5503 Upgrade to 3.1.beta1 fails on multilingual sites
  • CRM-5504 Consider using a saner SQL query splitter
  • CRM-5505 Handle missing is_primary for location blocks.
  • CRM-5506 Include UNSELECT option when radio button custom fields are used in Batch Update via Profile
  • CRM-5507 Multiple instance custom fields don't allow you to add more records when attached to a contact subtype
  • CRM-5508 More accurate labelling of custom data fields that cannot be Inline or Tab
  • CRM-5509 If sqlImport.errors is not writable, old import errors will be provided to the user
  • CRM-5510 New Contribution (standalone) - is_email_receipt field stays hidden even thought contributor is eligible to receive emails
  • CRM-5511 Separate Membership Payment option not working properly
  • CRM-5512 New Contact autocomplete gives form error even if you select a Contact.
  • CRM-5513 Relationship report broken for Sort Name Filter
  • CRM-5514 Sub Type issues
  • CRM-5515 Navigation customize items can NOT be viewed with Internet Explorer after disabling any report item
  • CRM-5516 Editing a contact while using hook_civicrm_customFieldOptions causes silent data destruction
  • CRM-5517 Add contact merge to drop down action menu
  • CRM-5518 Problems with Custom Group as tab and ACL permission - Tab not shown
  • CRM-5519 Online Contribution fail to store contact email address.
  • CRM-5520 Activity Import fails to validate Contact ID.
  • CRM-5521 Can't set Contact Subtype from Batch Update Via Profile
  • CRM-5522 Activity event registration with the wrong "Added by"
  • CRM-5523 Can not remove seperator in navigation menu
  • CRM-5524 populating advmultiselect field with hooks
  • CRM-5525 Replace (or remove) dojo functions for groupTree display in Find Contacts (basic)
  • CRM-5526 Fatal error on price set delete.
  • CRM-5527 Fatal error on price set delete.
  • CRM-5528 Allow custom groups to extend participants of a specific Event Type
  • CRM-5529 long subject with utf8 char beaks the email in outlook
  • CRM-5530 Unsubscribe from Group via Profile in My Account does not work
  • CRM-5531 Faster CSS loading
  • CRM-5532 The job title field isn't available in the related contacts
  • CRM-5533 Change new search to edit search criteria in profiles to more accuratley reflect function of form
  • CRM-5534 Include Activity Type filter in Manage Case Case Activities search filters
  • CRM-5535 Include links to view the activities in the Activity Report
  • CRM-5536 Additional Payment Processor - Payflow Pro
  • CRM-5537 "more" dropdown on eg memberships, dashboard causes all dropdowns to display
  • CRM-5538 Spurious/Duplicate contact creation on drupal registration
  • CRM-5539 Integrate with drupal rules module
  • CRM-5540 Menu item: Manage > Access Control
  • CRM-5541 CRM/Dedup/Merger.php does not merge all main and other custom field array keys
  • CRM-5542 Activity Search improvements
  • CRM-5543 Typo in resulting in Views handler error
  • CRM-5544 Can't change order of custom data groups
  • CRM-5545 Report instance navigation problems
  • CRM-5546 Domainize price-sets, from-email and grant-types
  • CRM-5547 Implement of Hook alterPaymentProcessorParams() for Express checkout
  • CRM-5548 Implement contact adding webtest
  • CRM-5549 Report instance does not respect Multi Site installation
  • CRM-5550 Implement contribution adding webtest
  • CRM-5551 Inherited memberships not created for anonymous users
  • CRM-5552 New membership doesn't apply sensible defaults for start/end dates
  • CRM-5553 Implement civicrm_engage module which distributes Powerbase Phonebank and Walklist reports along w/ organizing custom data set and profiles
  • CRM-5554 Civicrm should check for a false return value on calling setlocale()
  • CRM-5555 updateUFName() fails when triggered by ContributionProcessor.php
  • CRM-5556 Indices on civicrm_email could be better
  • CRM-5557 Price set fields are not properly build in IE.
  • CRM-5558 packages/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/jquery.tinymce.js not found
  • CRM-5559 Multiple participants and 'Pay Later' - and the Contribution record updating process is broken.
  • CRM-5560 Dashboard breaks if there's an HTTP password
  • CRM-5561 usability: give feedback when a user clicks a tab
  • CRM-5562 Selection in search window remains after reload
  • CRM-5563 EmailProcessor polls non-default mail accounts
  • CRM-5564 Negative price set options break total fee javascript code
  • CRM-5565 Invalid markup - single quotes in navigation
  • CRM-5566 Re-defined Date Structure Breaks Date validation in Event Module
  • CRM-5567 CiviMail: reply events get forwarded with wrong From: address
  • CRM-5568 Implement event adding webtest
  • CRM-5569 Implement mailing adding webtest
  • CRM-5570 Implement participation adding webtest
  • CRM-5571 Implement activity adding webtest
  • CRM-5572 Implement group adding webtest
  • CRM-5573 Implement tag adding webtest
  • CRM-5574 Windows install on IIS fails because of path and $_SERVER differences. 3.1 beta2
  • CRM-5575 Editing Contact Type may cause it to become inactive
  • CRM-5576 hook_civicrm_pre does not fire on creation of membership objects
  • CRM-5577 Delete Contacts - Associated notes are not deleted for contact when contact is deleted.
  • CRM-5578 Some autocomplete contact boxes don't honor the search settings
  • CRM-5579 Help text for autocomplete search settings is awkward
  • CRM-5580 Text that appears underneath current employer on new individual form stays there even if you clear the field
  • CRM-5581 CRM_Event_BAO_Participant::fixEventLevel causes leading character to be stripped from amount_level in Contribution selector
  • CRM-5582 Fee details for additional participants missing from email confirmation when registration is confirmed from edit participant form
  • CRM-5583 Date of Birth provides range of years relative to current value instead of current year
  • CRM-5584 Cron reporting
  • CRM-5585 The fields of the profile used as search default have to be public
  • CRM-5586 Event location mapping includes "Home" descriptor
  • CRM-5587 Views2 support for New fields in 3.1
  • CRM-5588 Import Fails unless Contact Type Includes Underscores rather than Spaces
  • CRM-5589 Advanced Search by Event Type does not work
  • CRM-5590 Fix broken HTML on advanced date preferences
  • CRM-5591 Pay Later Instructions
  • CRM-5592 Sort participant reports by participant name
  • CRM-5593 "Update Report" button migrates
  • CRM-5594 Incremental upgrade for 3.1 beta2 tries to insert invalid datetime
  • CRM-5595 Multilingual CiviCRM Upgrade to 3.1.beta3 broken
  • CRM-5596 Event templates allow input into custom fields, but this input ignored on new event creation
  • CRM-5597 Incorrect Login Link in Personal Campaign Page Email
  • CRM-5598 Merge two cases for the same contact into a single case
  • CRM-5599 Recording activities in a case that are NOT with the client.
  • CRM-5600 Implement a config hook ..
  • CRM-5601 Date picker not showing at all in Birth Date
  • CRM-5602 Dashlet settings lost during upgrade from beta2 to beta3
  • CRM-5603 Multiple Payment processors hits wrong processor when debited from user record
  • CRM-5604 activity not deleted on contact delete
  • CRM-5605 hook_civicrm_custom not called on custom data record delete
  • CRM-5606 Custom Data Int Field not sortable by drupal views
  • CRM-5607 Addressee, Email and Postal Greetings import - improve the error messages and make sure all import error messages are localized
  • CRM-5608 Custom fields that are set to be updated only by php hook are updated with default values when contact is edited in CRM Core
  • CRM-5609 Batch update broken for contacts
  • CRM-5610 CiviCRM.log improvements
  • CRM-5611 Contact Edit: Custom Data improvements
  • CRM-5612 Multiple tab - Session issues
  • CRM-5613 Improve custom data support in CiviReport framework
  • CRM-5614 Improve activity report to support custom data
  • CRM-5615 Fatal Error Generated When Calling civicrm_event_get()
  • CRM-5616 Yes or No field in profile: No value lost on profile edit form
  • CRM-5617 Custom group tab missing for contact subtype
  • CRM-5618 Going from Contact View to Sorted Activity List Loses Contact View
  • CRM-5619 Search Builder ignores custom data groups which allow multiple records
  • CRM-5620 Home -> Drupal Menu broken after upgrade to beta4
  • CRM-5621 Contacts are not added automatically to Smart Groups
  • CRM-5622 malformed error message causing fatal error in contact.php
  • CRM-5623 Update front-end Event templates to use new markup / css conventions: Includes price sets, event registration, event Info
  • CRM-5624 AJAX search does not obey wildcard search configuration parameter
  • CRM-5625 civicrm views uses the value of a Select for field display rather than the label.
  • CRM-5626 Broken Link of 'User Record' on Summary Tab
  • CRM-5627 Missing State-province (Haiti)
  • CRM-5628 Missing State-province (Haiti)
  • CRM-5629 Fee Level field of the Participant Search doesn't seem to have any affect when Price Sets are used.
  • CRM-5630 Date Format mm/dd/yyyy not working during import for contacts
  • CRM-5631 Fix Month calculation for Relative Dates in Report
  • CRM-5632 Fix broken contact import for update/fill mode.
  • CRM-5633 Improve memcache support in CiviCRM
  • CRM-5634 Use of any contact greeting field in mixed profile causes DB error
  • CRM-5635 Contact Summary Optimization
  • CRM-5636 UpdateMembershipRecord.php can fail on deceased members
  • CRM-5637 Custom Profile for Organization forces user to choose custom field for use with Subtypes only
  • CRM-5638 More invalid markup/javascript in navigation
  • CRM-5639 Missing </div> in new EventInfo.tpl
  • CRM-5640 Unnecessary quotes added to email addresses in CiviMail mailings
  • CRM-5641 Transaction boundary problems produce inapporpriate commits
  • CRM-5642 Fix price set with premiums
  • CRM-5643 Multi-site activity leakage
  • CRM-5644 CLONE -Delete Contacts - Associated notes are not deleted for contact when contact is deleted.
  • CRM-5645 Drop leftover import temporary tables on upgrades
  • CRM-5646 Problem with relationship API if all contacttypes
  • CRM-5647 jquery.autocomplete.css refererences missing file indicator.gif
  • CRM-5648 Export Grants from Find Grants page
  • CRM-5649 javascript error in internet explorer 7 leaves new event fields unloaded
  • CRM-5650 Crash While Creating a Personal Campaign Page
  • CRM-5651 View Grant page - correct markup issues and field alignment
  • CRM-5652 SOLR Integration
  • CRM-5653 Price Sets display improperly on event registration pages
  • CRM-5654 Personal Fund-raising Pages can be edited by anonymous users
  • CRM-5655 Stored Country is ignored and default country is used when editing a Profile
  • CRM-5656 Standalone core ACLs for 'Anyone' should include 'view event info'
  • CRM-5657 Price set descriptions repeated for each entry in list
  • CRM-5658 Implement improved float clearing method
  • CRM-5659 CiviMail, TinyMCE - selecting a template does not replace html_message content
  • CRM-5660 Price set display improvements on the event info page
  • CRM-5661 State/Country select code cleanup/fixes.
  • CRM-5662 Optimize Relationship Report SQL Query
  • CRM-5663 Template Cleanup for Custom Group & Profile
  • CRM-5664 "Allow multiple registrations from the same email address?" is not respected
  • CRM-5665 Shows blank upgrade screen after upgrading
  • CRM-5666 Limit CiviCase Access for some users to 'My Cases' and 'My Activities'
  • CRM-5667 Fix potential XSS vulnerabilities related to adjacent fields
  • CRM-5668 Scrolling issues on batch update page
  • CRM-5669 PayPal Payflow Pro Support
  • CRM-5670 UK civicrm_state_province codes: drop x prefixes, add missing
  • CRM-5671 Upgrade procedure should use only SQL and not PHP functions
  • CRM-5672 Email activity type show incorrect action links in activity selector
  • CRM-5673 Contact trash and restore
  • CRM-5674 Dialog for creating/configuring a custom data group hides the display style selection (tab vs. inline)
  • CRM-5675 Send Email contact fields (To, CC, BCC) do not respect ACLs
  • CRM-5676 Participant View throws a fatal error rather than status bounce when attempting to access a non-existent participant record
  • CRM-5677 Dashboard does not follow language changes
  • CRM-5678 Additional participant's email is missing on Thankyou page for unpaid events
  • CRM-5679 Update Directory Path and URL should auto-fix trailing slashes
  • CRM-5680 Tell a Friend Emails from PCPs Have Incorrect ID in Link
  • CRM-5681 Creating a Personal Campaign Page with a Deleted Contact's Email Causes Error
  • CRM-5682 Autofill doesn't work on Multisite for non multi-site permissioned users
  • CRM-5683 Be able to filter reports by "is not one of" for multi-select lists
  • CRM-5684 Allow admin to modify message template used for Membership Renewal Reminders
  • CRM-5685 Duplicate submit buttons when editing a profile in Drupal My Account
  • CRM-5686 Cannot programatically alter "PHP" custom fields
  • CRM-5687 Show large map not working in Joomla
  • CRM-5688 CiviCRM is no longer E_NOTICE compliant
  • CRM-5689 Upgrade procedure added an extra '.' to most of my individual prefixes
  • CRM-5690 Base monetary locale on system support
  • CRM-5691 Multilingual profiles should retain localised custom data entries
  • CRM-5692 Consider additional multilingualisations
  • CRM-5693 Default Greetings not set when importing new contacts - v3.1 beta 5
  • CRM-5694 Help icon describing html vs plain text is in an odd place on the email form
  • CRM-5695 Provide configuration setting to disable email notifications to Activity Assignees
  • CRM-5696 Warning: array_key_exists():The second argument should be either an array or an object in /XXXXXX/civicrm/CRM/Core/DAO.php on line 327
  • CRM-5697 Improve error message given to users trying to contribute with cookies disabled (current error is 'Could not find valid Key')
  • CRM-5698 Allow changing the custom group from a particular subtype to Any on edit action
  • CRM-5699 Cannot redeclare _pear_call_destructors()
  • CRM-5700 Profile Fields won't be shown if already included in the profile.
  • CRM-5701 Profile edit form: error message (e.g. for Required Field) appears twice
  • CRM-5702 Repeated Date Formatting and Missing reminder_date in renewMembership
  • CRM-5703 Views exposed filter - any contact type - always available
  • CRM-5704 spinnerDefault.png missing for time widget
  • CRM-5705 Edit/delete button is visible on activity view page for Inbound Emails
  • CRM-5706 Some comments at top of files are incorrect, apparently due to cloning files
  • CRM-5707 Need ability to set hidden price options in price sets
  • CRM-5708 Preview of Event Fees on Event Registration Lacks Decimal Point: $10.00 looks like $1000
  • CRM-5709 Contribution Type filter should be included in Donor Summary and Donor Detail reports
  • CRM-5710 Access Key clean up
  • CRM-5711 Upgrade to 3.1 breaks custom data for a subtype
  • CRM-5712 Help icons misaligned in Chrome
  • CRM-5713 Exclude Test data from civireport
  • CRM-5714 Support file upload from drupal my account / user reg
  • CRM-5715 Creating a report instance with the title "Activity Custom Data (Invoice list)" makes IDS think it's an attack
  • CRM-5716 Default footer in CiviReport has trailing slash in wrong place
  • CRM-5717 Fatal error when printing mailing labels
  • CRM-5718 Migrate flash based CiviContribute widget to javascript
  • CRM-5719 Switch from UFPDF to TCPDF
  • CRM-5720 If two contacts are participants of the same event, merged contact duplicates the events
  • CRM-5721 Search Builder
  • CRM-5722 Error after install and make settings-localisation
  • CRM-5723 Error saving settings-addresses
  • CRM-5724 Add participant count for price set at field level
  • CRM-5725 Recently View - improvements
  • CRM-5726 Search Context Menu - Improvement
  • CRM-5727 Calender not working in Batch Update via Profile
  • CRM-5728 Custom Data for contact subtype should be loaded with page reload
  • CRM-5729 End date is not calculated properly while renewing the membership which is not current
  • CRM-5730 Pledge status not updated when Contribution to Pledge made
  • CRM-5731 CiviReport fails on 'previous month' during month of January
  • CRM-5732 Make repeated data for all $rows always available in csv file
  • CRM-5733 Email activity type show incorrect action links in activity selector
  • CRM-5734 Token Hooks in CiviMail and Membership Reminder Emails
  • CRM-5735 ReCaptcha causes IE warning when using SSL (HTTPS)
  • CRM-5736 Fix Foreign key constraint on change of custom group "Extends"
  • CRM-5737 Profile field: Field label not prepopulated when field first selected (in Chrome browser)
  • CRM-5738 Implement output encoding via Smarty to minimize cross site scripting
  • CRM-5739 Pre-populate user details in CiviEvent registration form from CiviMail .. similar to CiviContribute capabilities of CRM-3853.
  • CRM-5740 Problem with thousands in price sets
  • CRM-5741 Jquery calendar pop-up conflict with Drupal Date module date pop-up
  • CRM-5742 Drupal OG membership does not replicate to CiviCRM group
  • CRM-5743 CiviMail: header validation error in CiviCRM 3.0.4 and 3.1.1
  • CRM-5744 CiviMail: do not disable errors on test mailings
  • CRM-5745 Contact field: Initials
  • CRM-5746 Expose all membership parameters (including end date) to Membership Reminder message templates
  • CRM-5747 CiviReport and Event Search show Fee for Amount, not actual contribution
  • CRM-5748 Event Information Screens are not formatting correctly with 3.3.1
  • CRM-5749 Anonymous registration for 0.00 option in price set causes no name or email address to show in the 'find participants' screen
  • CRM-5750 Component Batch Update grids should include additional read-only columns as configured in Search Settings: Autocomplete Contact Search
  • CRM-5751 CiviEvent Participant Listing Help Text indicates url pattern without explaining id replacement
  • CRM-5752 Update option group fields to is_reserved for contribution_status
  • CRM-5753 Modify date century rules.
  • CRM-5754 Allow views event fields to link to event registration page
  • CRM-5755 ICAL link confuses users
  • CRM-5756 memory leak in import
  • CRM-5757 Direct access to unfiltered Case Report from Manage Case screen
  • CRM-5758 Implement new business rules for handling cases when two contacts are merged
  • CRM-5759 Existing Org ID is being filled in but not details
  • CRM-5760 Assign case to a different client
  • CRM-5761 File non-case activities to a case AND copy or move activities from one case to another
  • CRM-5762 Error reporting during geocoding
  • CRM-5763 Pledged but no paid report - only shows Pending pledges
  • CRM-5764 Importing contacts fails
  • CRM-5765 Moving to a new server still assumes old directory structure
  • CRM-5766 Allow "admin-only" price set fields
  • CRM-5767 Safe file extension in uppercase refused
  • CRM-5768 Unable to change import mapping from a relationship
  • CRM-5769 EmailProcessor.php script - fix handling of multipart/alternative content type
  • CRM-5770 Record and display related cases
  • CRM-5771 Manage/add/edit event shouldn't expect "administer CiviCRM" permission
  • CRM-5772 Fix failing tests
  • CRM-5773 quick disable/enable relationship from list doesn't call hook
  • CRM-5774 Date as a required field on activity no longer working
  • CRM-5775 custom autocomplete select field in tab creates error
  • CRM-5776 Renaming Grant Type
  • CRM-5777 Email addresses not saved during Event Registration when Allow multiple registrations from the same email address is enabled
  • CRM-5778 New Employer not saved when updating Individual contact record
  • CRM-5779 Log views of contact, case and activity records for audit trail
  • CRM-5780 Fatal error on live backend event registration
  • CRM-5781 CRM_ACL_BAO_Cache::resetCache( ) does not reset static caching
  • CRM-5782 CRM_Case_XMLProcessor_Process::isActivityPresent doesn't check is_deleted
  • CRM-5783 CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::getActivities and activities reports don't check is_deleted
  • CRM-5784 CRM_Core_BAO_CustomValueTable::setValues doesn't let you set ContactReference values
  • CRM-5785 Full text search on All types stops at 10 results with no indication there might be more.
  • CRM-5786 Redaction based on regular expressions needs to assign distinct redaction codes to distinct matching strings
  • CRM-5787 Case statuses need status classes for Open and Close operations and admins should be able to view and edit case statuses. Case end date should be cleared for any status that does not belong to the 'Closed' status class.
  • CRM-5788 ContactReference fields in reports should display the display_name value, not the contact_id
  • CRM-5789 Error on PCP contribute
  • CRM-5790 Extend report date filters to include periods ending today
  • CRM-5791 Birth Date Search Using Profile Not Working
  • CRM-5792 Results from search using profile cannot be added to events
  • CRM-5793 Performance: combine is_primary indexes into existing indexes.
  • CRM-5794 Performance: Indexes on varchar fields should be limited in length
  • CRM-5795 Incorrect membership end date with manual renewal
  • CRM-5796 wrong URL rendering with a 'URL with trailing space'
  • CRM-5797 Error on: Setup a Personal Campaign Page - Account Information
  • CRM-5798 Private data displayed to subsequent PCP page creator
  • CRM-5799 Pledge payment actions initiated from Pledge Dashboard redirect to Contribution Dashboard after submit
  • CRM-5800 Some command line scripts don't check POST vars to required parameters
  • CRM-5801 Cannot save valid "Null" data
  • CRM-5802 Improve E_WARNING compliance
  • CRM-5803 Activity Search with support for Export (including custom fields) and Batch Update via Profile
  • CRM-5804 "Account creation required" is not working for a profile exposed to the front-end in joomla
  • CRM-5805 Get custom field ID given field label and optional group title
  • CRM-5807 ACL changes for custom groups do not take effect immediately
  • CRM-5808 Do not set default values from GET params if not valid
  • CRM-5809 Joomla user account creation issues
  • CRM-5810 CiviSMTP E-Mail throttling limited by single connection from CiviCRM
  • CRM-5811 Upgrade engine improvements for php files / methods
  • CRM-5812 Unable to search for event by name using wildcards
  • CRM-5813 During delete of price set option OR field - list of related Events and / or Contribution pages not displayed with status message due to mistake in variable naming
  • CRM-5814 error when creating a new organization
  • CRM-5815 CiviMail mailings not accessible if civimail group is deleted
  • CRM-5816 database out of memory error for LYBUNT, SYBUNT reports - use temp table for more efficient query
  • CRM-5817 GenCode.php can/should create civicrm-version.txt
  • CRM-5818 drush integration
  • CRM-5819 Add ts() to translate DataSource form description
  • CRM-5820 Where form is on behalf of organisation and it is compulsory field should be marked as compulsory
  • CRM-5821 Save Image Locally is not prompting a save dialogue
  • CRM-5822 Next/Last should appear at bottom of report results
  • CRM-5823 Search Builder Contribution Date Searches Fail
  • CRM-5824 Upgrade script (3.1.3) should check for NULL values for activity type name column and fix if present
  • CRM-5825 javascript issues with SSL enabled
  • CRM-5826 Add ts() to translate a string in Contact Form
  • CRM-5827 Status for upgrade script
  • CRM-5828 IE6 missing fields on screen
  • CRM-5829 Contact merge not displaying custom checkbox field values - displays nothing or 'Array'
  • CRM-5830 Drupal CiviCRM upgrade script based on drush
  • CRM-5831 Allow users to configure Email Signature(s)
  • CRM-5832 Profiles with custom fields for subtypes not working in events
  • CRM-5833 CiviReport contact reports extended to filter by Tag
  • CRM-5834 Add description to CiviReport "Relationship Report"
  • CRM-5835 click on cancel button in profile form -> error "Could not find valid value for gid"
  • CRM-5836 CiviCRM+Drupal not sending Confirmation Email upon User Registration
  • CRM-5837 Can't update a Relationship CiviReport to filter on Relationship Type
  • CRM-5838 Hook for adjusting template variables in the form process
  • CRM-5839 Civicrm profile on Drupal registration page breaks the registr process
  • CRM-5840 CiviCRM pages loading the wrong copy of Drupal style.css when a theme color is selected IF date pop-up module enabled
  • CRM-5841 eWay - improvement - allow it to cope if open_basedir is set without error
  • CRM-5842 Membership Renewal Activity is not delete when you delete membership record
  • CRM-5843 eWAY Payment Processor fails when a naked ampersand is input
  • CRM-5844 Users Allowed tto Edit Other Users Via Dashboard
  • CRM-5845 Relationship fields fail to display in IE7 under Joomla - see screen shot
  • CRM-5846 Profile form submit in My Account redirects to random page rather than reloading with "The changes have been saved." status
  • CRM-5847 updateConfigBackend shouldn't be needed most of the time (with drupal at least)
  • CRM-5848 Export Grants - ALL grants are exported rather than just selected grants from search result set
  • CRM-5849 french localization -> error by clicking cancel button in profile form
  • CRM-5850 Permission to edit related contact does not give permission to view via profile
  • CRM-5851 Importing custom fields doesn't translate label as value
  • CRM-5852 In Safari, for Drupal install, 'CiviCRM Home' (configure your dashboard) is stuck 'loading'.
  • CRM-5853 "Using multiple from emails" permissions for civimail
  • CRM-5854 "Lookup mapping info during import?" has no effect
  • CRM-5855 Search Builder incorrectly returning no entries.
  • CRM-5856 Upgrade: address is_primary cleanup
  • CRM-5857 Generalize the message templating system to support multiple receipts for a workflow
  • CRM-5858 civicrm_event_search should NOT return event templates
  • CRM-5859 Column header not sortable
  • CRM-5860 CiviEvent Dashboard - "There are no active Events to display.
  • CRM-5861 Improve relationship report to support custom data
  • CRM-5862 Improve site move procedure
  • CRM-5863 Joomla: Profiles cannot updated anonymously
  • CRM-5864 Prefix .section class used on public-facing pages with crm- to prevent conflicts with CMS theme classes
  • CRM-5865 Centralise event acls / permissioning
  • CRM-5866 Google Maps broken in IE6
  • CRM-5867 Emails to case activity assignees and send copy recipients should include the case ID in the details section
  • CRM-5868 Error message contains blank info when try to add relationship for a contact type with no results
  • CRM-5869 Include checkbox to copy billing address to a profile address on Event Registration and Contribution pages
  • CRM-5870 Option to redact emailed copies of any case activity (sent to assignees or to other contacts with case roles)
  • CRM-5871 Prevent editing of 'special' case activity types : Change Case Status, Change Case Start Date, Change Case Type
  • CRM-5872 Deleting/renaming "Bulk Email" activity type causes CRM_Core_Error in getActivities output
  • CRM-5873 Allow 'Email Contribution Receipts ' to be sent from contact dashboard
  • CRM-5874 Add Proximity Search option to Profile Searches
  • CRM-5875 No duplicate matching on anonymous event registration with Pay Later
  • CRM-5876 Copy and create contact records
  • CRM-5877 Setting Boolean to 0 with CustomValueTable::setValues gives error: not of the type Timestamp
  • CRM-5878 Use drupal_add_js / drupal_add_css for all jQ files to improve performance ..
  • CRM-5879 amount_other with a value of 0 results in incorrect amount
  • CRM-5880 make mailing label class fields public to prevent PHP error
  • CRM-5881 Optimize Activity Tab: getActivity query
  • CRM-5882 "Order total is missing" error when using PayPal Pro API
  • CRM-5883 Website should allow multiple entries and be categorizable
  • CRM-5884 Advanced search for Contacts with Email on_hold=1, and batch update them
  • CRM-5885 Advanced Search : Ability to search on custom activity fields which extend a specific activity type is missing
  • CRM-5886 How do you know what addresses were not parsed on import or after running script
  • CRM-5887 Copy Event - should redirect to Configure Event page after copying an event
  • CRM-5888 Export select fields yields array_merge errors
  • CRM-5889 Search builder 'forgets' operator when retrieved via Manage Groups
  • CRM-5890 Validate smarty compile path.
  • CRM-5891 More CSS classes and IDs in forms
  • CRM-5892 calendar field inaccessible once cleared
  • CRM-5893 calendar field inaccessible to manual text entry
  • CRM-5894 Create Relationships - Usability Improvements
  • CRM-5895 Board of Election Addresses must be Read-only
  • CRM-5896 Create a hook to alter option values
  • CRM-5897 Implement improved multiple-select widget for Groups and Tags selection in Advanced Search and Contact Edit forms
  • CRM-5898 Contact Actions ribbon - quick access to commonly used tasks when viewing a contact
  • CRM-5899 Quick view of contact summary from search results
  • CRM-5900 Allow CiviReports to filter by Tag
  • CRM-5901 Basic Contact Search - update form layout using layout guidelines (section div styling) and prevent horizontal overflow problems
  • CRM-5902 Activity report -- restrict to current logged in user
  • CRM-5903 Minor tweaks in CRM/Core/Payment/eWAY.php
  • CRM-5904 Add {ts} to translate a string in Summary.tpl
  • CRM-5905 Adding contact to group via Profile: if CiviMail disabled, contact should be Added without double-optin. If CiviMail enabled, double-optin is used unless disabled in settings file
  • CRM-5906 Walk list in CiviEngage SHOULD NOT EXCLUDE contacts who don't have phone numbers and SHOULD EXCLUDE contacts who don't have addresses
  • CRM-5907 better translatable string
  • CRM-5908 translate preferred_mail_format in Summary.tpl
  • CRM-5909 profile edit should treat a "checksum" user as a logged in user
  • CRM-5910 Update Directory Path and URL requires site name
  • CRM-5911 Firefox gives "Warning: contains unauthenticated content" on SSL enabled contribution pages and event registration pages
  • CRM-5912 Summarize case activities on the manage case screen (a.k.a. custom fields for cases)
  • CRM-5913 hyphen in path affects install scripte
  • CRM-5914 Contribution page with a Profile that includes a Group(s) field is unable to send email when 'Donate on behalf of an organization' is enabled and used
  • CRM-5915 profile acl permission affects other profiles on drupal_user_registration screen
  • CRM-5916 Facilitate filing of inbound emails which are replies to case-originated emails by including hashed Case ID in email subject
  • CRM-5917 "Validation failed" when forward mail in "civicrm/mailing/forward"
  • CRM-5919 Menu translations are not properly escaped
  • CRM-5920 Memory leak in message templates sending
  • CRM-5921 UpdateGreeting script - Handle setting values for contacts who do not have greetings and addressee values set
  • CRM-5922 Contacts created/updated via Profiles should have Greeting and Addressee values set if relevant fields are present in the Profile
  • CRM-5923 Add links to contact and participant records from participant reports
  • CRM-5924 Manage Groups: search for groups based on custom data
  • CRM-5925 Replace fatal error with graceful skip & useful message on sync users to contacts
  • CRM-5926 Print list doesn't work when you set a profile on the basic search
  • CRM-5927 Date format for Custom Data (advanced date format) not respected.
  • CRM-5928 Linefeeds in POT/PO files break on Windows
  • CRM-5929 templates/CRM/common/CMSUser.tpl improperly checks username availability in Drupal 6.16
  • CRM-5930 User context needs to be set when linking to records from Full Text Search
  • CRM-5931 Option to Allow multiple Clients for a single Case
  • CRM-5932 CRM_Utils_Mail::send interface has been changed without proper documentation
  • CRM-5933 Contribution flash widget is broken in joomla
  • CRM-5934 Fatal error when emailing form Custom Search - csid empty
  • CRM-5935 Enable credit card surcharge on CC payments
  • CRM-5936 Re-implement 'create new' select as a drop-down menu
  • CRM-5937 Make the quick contact search (auto-complete) available in a Drupal block
  • CRM-5938 CiviCase dashboard elements available as Dashlets on the home page
  • CRM-5939 Expose CiviCRM page titles via crm-container rather than using Drupal themes' title block
  • CRM-5940 Contact Summary and tabs - readability improvements
  • CRM-5941 Form markup and styling improvements
  • CRM-5942 Help pop-up improvements
  • CRM-5943 Custom icons based on contact type for google maps
  • CRM-5944 Job Title field in Advanced Search
  • CRM-5945 Cannot edit negative Contribution amount
  • CRM-5946 On a mailing with sendmail, the envelope address is the from, not the return-path
  • CRM-5947 I think foreign key is pointing to the wrong table
  • CRM-5948 Dedupe creates duplicate relationships
  • CRM-5949 Profile: warn the user when two different fields clobber each other
  • CRM-5950 Membership detail report filtering error
  • CRM-5951 Page titles do not run through custom translate function.
  • CRM-5952 My Account page cannot be accessed if CiviCRM profile limits listings to specific group
  • CRM-5953 Activities tab unnecessary slow
  • CRM-5954 Searching uses unnecessary DISTINCT
  • CRM-5955 Event dashboard hides "Manage Event", "Configure" options even if "edit all events" permission is present
  • CRM-5956 Not possible to search for relationships for subtypes - Advanced Search and Search Builder
  • CRM-5957 CiviMail don't contain "precedence:bulk" headers
  • CRM-5958 The hook alterMailParams is not called from CiviMail
  • CRM-5959 Checksum not working on Joomla
  • CRM-5960 Batch update via profile on Date input field
  • CRM-5961 Extending Address records with custom fields
  • CRM-5962 Tagging for Cases and Activities
  • CRM-5963 Add the mandatory tokens in the default footer
  • CRM-5964 Offer the default mail function as a mail option
  • CRM-5965 Auto-Submitted header should be added
  • CRM-5966 Clicking view details link from CiviContribute Dashboard Contribution Summary populates Find Contribution from and to date fields w/ invalid data (date AND timestamp)
  • CRM-5967 Provide option to use the configured FROM email address for the event if it exists when sending email confirmation / receipts from the backoffice event registration form
  • CRM-5968 "Other amount" option on donation pages is accepted with empty value
  • CRM-5969 Empty address field set in submitted profile overwrites existing address data when updating an existing (matched) contact
  • CRM-5970 Financial transaction and CiviAccount
  • CRM-5971 Revive WYSIWYG HTML editor for user-driven message templates
  • CRM-5972 Ability to log activities with participant search results
  • CRM-5973 Advanced Search Breaks Multi-Org Siloing
  • CRM-5974 Localization mismatches for spelling of word Organization
  • CRM-5975 Swap order of Ok and Cancel buttons on Enable / Disable pop-up to match other CiviCRM forms
  • CRM-5976 Include the Make PDF Letter form submit in the postProcess hook
  • CRM-5977 Improve usability of CiviMail configuration screens & integrate with core configuration checklist
  • CRM-5978 CiviGrant result lists / exports show incorrect Grant Type
  • CRM-5979 deleting civicrm_contribution rec doesn't delete associated civicrm_line_item
  • CRM-5980 Integrate multi-contact selector field into New Case screen
  • CRM-5981 Unable to open contact in a new tab or window from a search list
  • CRM-5982 When adding new phone record for a contact and it's the ONLY phone record, getting ERROR
  • CRM-5983 Opening a different contact's cases tab in a new browser tab while creating a new case causes new case to go missing
  • CRM-5984 JavaScript "invalid property id" in flexigrid.js
  • CRM-5985 Allow ability to disable IDS
  • CRM-5986 File Download Names have md5 added to filename
  • CRM-5987 Import custom data date fields only works in American (core fields import fine)
  • CRM-5988 From email address select on Send Email form should include all emails of logged in contact + domain from email
  • CRM-5989 Improved button text in online contribution pages
  • CRM-5990 Allow form buttons to be themed by injected spans with specific class names around each button
  • CRM-5991 Implement ACL for creation/editing of headers/footers in CiviMail
  • CRM-5992 Change Log search criteria ignored when creating group from search
  • CRM-5993 Bypass the 'Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?' Pup-up
  • CRM-5994 Modify the 'Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?' Pop-up
  • CRM-5995 Registering for a paid event as anonymous but with a contact's email address changes another contact with the same first name.
  • CRM-5996 Mailing report paging incorrectly
  • CRM-5997 Remove FAQ on defunct CivicSpace on Demand
  • CRM-5998 Warnings from crypt.php at install time and with some mailings
  • CRM-5999 Extend CRM-5760 solution to allow extending the list of clients in "multiclient"
  • CRM-6000 civicrm_og_sync isn't adding new GroupContacts as OG members
  • CRM-6001 Multi-Org segregation failures: Duplicate checking & import
  • CRM-6002 Missing Province "La Rioja" in province/state select of Argentina
  • CRM-6003 Multi-Org: implement ACL for admin operations on profiles
  • CRM-6004 Add support for help_pre in addition to help_post for profile fields
  • CRM-6005 Contacts showing up as "Removed" from Group when they're actually a current member
  • CRM-6006 Duplicates in recipient list when sending email to members of static group
  • CRM-6007 Thank You page creates extra </div>
  • CRM-6008 Check for missing 'Pending' membership status during upgrade to 3.1.4 and insert if not there
  • CRM-6009 File On Case button for inbound emails now always warns about navigating away from the page
  • CRM-6010 Search builder issues
  • CRM-6011 Add client-side form validation rule for the required Subject and To: fields in Send Email form
  • CRM-6012 Cannot select contact with autocomplete on add/edit activity in IE
  • CRM-6013 REST API allows for deletion of the operator's contact
  • CRM-6014 REST API seems to return random (?) contact after civicrm_contact_add creation
  • CRM-6015 Add API for querying custom groups
  • CRM-6016 New Relationship missing </div>
  • CRM-6017 Custom integer field fails in 'search in range' and in Export
  • CRM-6018 hideCalendar function causing incorrect display of date values
  • CRM-6019 could not create new contact when changed UI to Simplified Chinese
  • CRM-6020 "Beijing China" displayed as "11 China" in the Address display GUI
  • CRM-6021 $_mapperRelatedContactImProvider not defined as protect
  • CRM-6022 api civicrm_activity_type_delete not following the proper convention
  • CRM-6023 County field (in Address section) not working
  • CRM-6024 Pending from incomplete transaction - status should NOT be COUNTED by default since that blocks people from re-trying their registration
  • CRM-6025 Mailing Labels Print Contact With No Physical Address
  • CRM-6026 Cannot specify start and rollover dates for a "fixed" membership type if duration is NOT 'years'
  • CRM-6027 Browser Functionality Disabled, Cannot Right Click to Open Search Result in a New Tab
  • CRM-6028 Once You Right Click a Search Result, Then Click the More Link, You cannot Close the "more" Menu
  • CRM-6029 Missing closing div in templates/CRM/Contact/Page/View/Relationship.tpl
  • CRM-6030 CiviMailProcessor.php could not acquire lock - lock is per-db-server not per-site
  • CRM-6031 Empty relationships created when importing contacts
  • CRM-6032 Cannot Sort Mailing Labels by Postal Code
  • CRM-6033 Cannot add search results to an organization.
  • CRM-6034 Allow options to be changed without reboot to memcache server
  • CRM-6035 CiviMail did not record activity for more than 1000 recipients
  • CRM-6036 Error on displaying data for core field 'State'. Numbers (codes) displayed instead of string names. It happens on view profile, export contacts and printing labels.
  • CRM-6037 Incorrect Bounce Type on SMTP connection error
  • CRM-6038 content input issues (cannot input any dates, eg date of birth, events dates, etc) & civicrm display issues
  • CRM-6039 ContributionProcessor.php does not populate first_name and last_name for Google Checkout
  • CRM-6040 Add API function to process transaction
  • CRM-6041 Jquery calendar pop-up conflict with Drupal Date module date pop-up on /user/%/edit
  • CRM-6042 Pull Moneris out of CiviCRM 3.1+
  • CRM-6043 CiviGrant breadcrumb trail issue
  • CRM-6044 Custom Data does not load while editing Contact
  • CRM-6045 PayJunction Test URL has changed
  • CRM-6046 Search/find contacts - 'select fields for export' - 'Fields to Include in Export File' if you select 'Individual' no secondary dropdown box is shown
  • CRM-6047 VCard download - birth date not exported correctly
  • CRM-6048 Scheduler function in CiviMail does not allow a mailing to be scheduled for a day/time other than "now"
  • CRM-6049 use gettext contexts for specific translations
  • CRM-6050 Invalid SQL syntax when trying to send an email
  • CRM-6051 Update UF form settings - missing field is required
  • CRM-6052 Can't modify exisitng participation record
  • CRM-6053 Contact tabs: hide count parens
  • CRM-6054 Implement token hook for other mail messages
  • CRM-6055 add ts() for request error messages
  • CRM-6056 print pdf of contributions does not include membership data
  • CRM-6057 use right key for link class in ACL listing
  • CRM-6058 javascript internationalized strings must be escaped
  • CRM-6059 When contact's display_name is an email address, RFC822::_validateAtom() fails
  • CRM-6060 Improve Payment Express handling of failed event transationc
  • CRM-6061 Merge action (from Find Contacts) - fatal error
  • CRM-6062 Minimum contribution error message
  • CRM-6063 Add states for Andorra
  • CRM-6064 Date format in csv is not able to convert to a useable date format
  • CRM-6065 Assign case role (Manage Case screen) doesn't work on some case role rows
  • CRM-6066 Contact name has been lost in page titles for forms in contact/view context
  • CRM-6067 Custom date fields don't display formatting options in Views interface
  • CRM-6068 "Include email" search config not working
  • CRM-6069 Choosing a tag in proximity custom search gives an error
  • CRM-6070 civicrm_contact.is_deleted missing from incremental upgrade files
  • CRM-6071 Note view doesn't have line break
  • CRM-6072 Add a link to Contact Reference custom filed
  • CRM-6073 Add a title/name field for CiviGrant
  • CRM-6074 Fulltext search gives DataTables warning and has bugs in sorting and limit
  • CRM-6075 Cannot enter activities for contacts: error not correctable
  • CRM-6076 Enabled activities not available in drop-down list unless newly created or edited.
  • CRM-6077 Batch Update Via Profile: allow profiles for type "contacts" and "individuals" to be used
  • CRM-6078 Case configuration file matches on label_b_a instead of name_b_a for case roles
  • CRM-6079 Start and End date calculations for Fixed membership with rollover date are incorrect
  • CRM-6080 Sort activities in case listing by date as default
  • CRM-6081 Profiles should not reveal contact name if permission denied
  • CRM-6082 Primary Email and Primary Phone Number at Different Locations (ie. Home and Work) causes duplicate Profile listings
  • CRM-6083 UFMatch dedupe matching contact to wrong domain and ignoring CIVICRM_UNIQ_EMAIL_PER_SITE
  • CRM-6084 Screenshot
  • CRM-6085 Multiple choice values for custom fields (select, radio, etc.) are not saving the 'value' column when creating new custom field
  • CRM-6086 Inconsistent handling of case type causing fatal error when creating new case
  • CRM-6087 Radio button custom fields should not show unselect if field is required
  • CRM-6088 unqualified reference to openid column causing fatal error when saving new individual
  • CRM-6089 Allow Contribution Receipts to be e-mailed as well as PDFd and change them to use html template
  • CRM-6090 contributions api misnamed (?)
  • CRM-6091 Case roles (relationship types) where either or both contact types are a subtype of Individual should be supported
  • CRM-6092 Add contact group status in views filter ( Drupal )
  • CRM-6093 Recurring Contribution Broken
  • CRM-6094 civicrm_contact.image_URL is modified in 3.2.alpha1 upgrade script but it never existed
  • CRM-6095 3.2 upgrade script needs to update existing navigation and report database entries for new CiviCase permissions
  • CRM-6096 fulltext search treats deleted cases as real cases
  • CRM-6097 Empty subject when entering longer then 72 chars in CiviMail.
  • CRM-6098 Having trigger privilege is not enough in mysql 5.1 if binary logging is enabled
  • CRM-6099 Membership Type dropdown list is not sorted properly on New Membership page
  • CRM-6100 Event Registration activity added by contact not by user
  • CRM-6101 Profile settings page throwing warnings
  • CRM-6102 Offline contribution receipt_date value of email
  • CRM-6103 dropdown menus on table rows are ineffecient
  • CRM-6104 Unknown column 'image_url' in 'field list'
  • CRM-6105 'access CiviCase' permission not fully deprecated..
  • CRM-6106 "Custom PHP Path Directory" doesn't affect Smarty plugin directory path
  • CRM-6107 Send email activity layout
  • CRM-6108 Header(s) of printed PDF pages sets URL to an expired link
  • CRM-6109 Y Axis Maximum for Bar Charts Appears to be Wrong
  • CRM-6110 Unable to change membership payment with translated (none US english) CiviCRM
  • CRM-6111 Option to pass an Event ID into the Register for Event form (standalone and contact/view modes)
  • CRM-6112 Inconsistency in the money value handling in web form input fields - leads to misinterpretation of values by a factor of 100
  • CRM-6113 cannot enter a date or select anything for an event
  • CRM-6114 enable translations for civicrm 3.1
  • CRM-6115 Groups UI
  • CRM-6116 Fix broken auto-complete listing.
  • CRM-6117 Group create/edit helpfile has errors
  • CRM-6118 Drupal views integration ContactID inserts commas into number
  • CRM-6119 Contribution page widget is broken
  • CRM-6120 Fix broken civicrm_event_search api.
  • CRM-6121 Selecting "Add Report to Navigation Menu" without selecting a parent menu adds report to top-level menu.
  • CRM-6122 "Amount is required field" warning while using a predefined contribution amount
  • CRM-6123 Delete pledge payments fail to delete all payments.
  • CRM-6124 Buttons not appearing when recording activity from search results
  • CRM-6125 Stop updating all the active records with UpdateMembershipRecord.php.txt
  • CRM-6126 paypal express button, when used with paypal pro recurring contribs, doesn't work
  • CRM-6127 Permission to edit related contact does not give permission to edit via profile
  • CRM-6128 CiviCRM/Drupal Integration IE does not display Drupal Theme in CiviCRM screens
  • CRM-6129 Create New Profile gives smarty error
  • CRM-6130 Duplicate check does not work at all from custom profile when adding contact
  • CRM-6131 Allow each custom profile to choose which dedupe rule it will use when "Update contact on a duplicate match" is checked
  • CRM-6132 Alternative to reCAPTCHA - Bad Behavior 2
  • CRM-6133 hook_civicrm_post is called either once or twice for contact add/remove group depending where you make change
  • CRM-6134 Allow 'on behalf of' form to use a profile
  • CRM-6135 Jquery.Autocomplete can't trigger by Chinese
  • CRM-6136 Custom data extending 1 or more specific types, doesn't work with views
  • CRM-6137 Make display name customizable by token
  • CRM-6138 Add preferred language to the contact
  • CRM-6139 Use mb_substr when cutting display names
  • CRM-6140 When using "inherit CMS language", fr will always use fr_FR, not fr_CA (also affects pt_BR)
  • CRM-6141 When using the PHONE field in Matching Rules for Individual Contacts it does not match.
  • CRM-6142 Recently viewed items store information about default currency, not object specific currency
  • CRM-6143 Import breaks while trying to tag the contacts
  • CRM-6144 Drop the "Close Case" activity type.
  • CRM-6145 Fatal error: Cannot access protected property CRM_Contact_Page_View_Summary::$_contactId in ... /crm/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Contact/Page/View/GroupContact.php on line 49
  • CRM-6146 When creating a follow-up activity, should be able to assign a user straightaway.
  • CRM-6147 Can't correspond field when import CSV file from other language
  • CRM-6148 Participant name /email missing for multiple participants using price sets
  • CRM-6149 Some Contact Print Mailing Labels With No Names
  • CRM-6150 API civicrm_contact_create does not add phone number to _phone table (neither does update)
  • CRM-6151 Garland default theme still fails
  • CRM-6152 Merge dialog doesn't show values of multivalue custom fields
  • CRM-6153 CiviReport setting "available for dashboard" doesn't stick
  • CRM-6154 Implement string override
  • CRM-6155 Styling for custom data accordians on activities is wrong
  • CRM-6156 Missing province update from Taiwan based on ISO 3166-2
  • CRM-6157 Add Flo2Cash payment processor
  • CRM-6158 Only users with administer reserved tags should be able to set the reserved property. Fix Tagset permissions.
  • CRM-6159 Mail bounced with "over quota" is not recognized.
  • CRM-6160 Fix tags in CiviReport.
  • CRM-6161 Exporting Membership custom data - missing correct column headers and data
  • CRM-6162 fix broken create profile.
  • CRM-6163 API will NEVER add custom data to custom fields
  • CRM-6164 Default zoom for Event map is the entire planet
  • CRM-6165 Activity type dropdown on activity created in standalone context doesn't honor weights
  • CRM-6166 Drupal user not linked to contact during user account creation
  • CRM-6167 CiviMail does not generate Message-ID header; result is mail getting flagged as spam
  • CRM-6168 Merging contacts when creating mailing labels does not merge names correctly
  • CRM-6169 Dedupe Rules - don't allow multiple defaults for same type, don't allow removing sole strict rule for each type, improve UI
  • CRM-6170 v2 Location.php api does not distinguish between phone numbers with same location type
  • CRM-6171 Cannot add any data to Custom fields set to View Only
  • CRM-6172 tools/bin/scripts/cli.php should be moved back to the core
  • CRM-6173 Searching for "Recurring Contributions" returns All types of Contributions
  • CRM-6174 Allow multiple event creation using multiple tabs
  • CRM-6175 Relationship end date wrongly get updated.
  • CRM-6176 Move contact search autocomplete to use REST interface
  • CRM-6177 Multi-Org segregation failures: CiviMail sends to contacts from other sites
  • CRM-6178 Type error in HTML
  • CRM-6179 HOME > Drupal Menu is displayed even when user does not have persmission to see/use admin menu
  • CRM-6180 Typos in provinces.pot
  • CRM-6181 The new 3.2 is_deleted field on contacts had no default value
  • CRM-6182 multisite - setting default domain account for one domain unsets it for the others
  • CRM-6183 Contact API doesn't handle home_url anymore
  • CRM-6184 Merge for Organizations not updating Current Employer field on associated Individuals
  • CRM-6185 incremental upgrade for 3.2 alpha 3 has syntax error
  • CRM-6186 Past mailings are deleted if group mailed to is deleted
  • CRM-6187 Add MembershipPayment to hook_civicrm_pre and hook_civicrm_post
  • CRM-6188 Advanced Settings in Profile Settings has bad tooltip
  • CRM-6189 bin/migrate/export.php dies if there are no custom fields
  • CRM-6190 Email-less contacts do not show display names
  • CRM-6191 Allow the user to register to an event using the checksum
  • CRM-6192 Action toolbars improvements
  • CRM-6193 On the event tabs, stike-through instead of "(disabled)"
  • CRM-6194 Introduce a $().crmURL ()
  • CRM-6195 Enable bulk tag from tagsets for task actions
  • CRM-6196 Fix automatic opening of ajax accordion for credit card section of add contribution to contact page
  • CRM-6197 civicrm_membership_contact_get does not respect membership type.
  • CRM-6198 New provinces fix
  • CRM-6199 navigation menu inconsistent across themes
  • CRM-6200 Mailing labels do not show contact name under several circustances
  • CRM-6201 Pre-populate the Total Amount, on selecting make payment on offline participant form.
  • CRM-6202 Validate the default fee option for event.
  • CRM-6203 Add semantic classes to navigation menu
  • CRM-6204 Checkbox custom field when added to drupal registration profile displays with label right-aligned
  • CRM-6205 Remove "defaultWysiwygEditor" from $_SESSION["CiviCRM"] (for increased cacheability by reverse proxies)
  • CRM-6206 Profile Edit form - apply new div-based markup and fix display when embedded in Drupal User Reg and My Account
  • CRM-6207 Import contacts w/ relationship is broken.
  • CRM-6208 Provide a mechanism for packaging and automated installation for small CiviCRM extensions
  • CRM-6209 Send Email to contacts - give warning and stop user from continuing if recipient count is greater than limit of 50 BEFORE the form is loaded
  • CRM-6210 Misformatting of Date when Editing Frozen (Online, Complete, Credit Card) Contributions
  • CRM-6211 New bug in 3.1.4: Event Registrations are not matched to existing Contacts
  • CRM-6212 not firing on Event delete: hook_civicrm_pre and hook_civicrm_post
  • CRM-6213 import failing on duplicates
  • CRM-6214 CiviCRM Profile should support double-opt-in also for contact data
  • CRM-6215 Email fields not displayed in contribution profile
  • CRM-6216 Can't edit custom data groups
  • CRM-6217 SQL contact import fails with cookie error if the table name has upper case characters
  • CRM-6218 Changing label of Payment Instrument causes data to fail to be saved
  • CRM-6219 Choosing a template in sending mail destroys the subject
  • CRM-6220 Latest version of the actions button only displays 3 lines, so if you have more than 3 activity types you can't see them.
  • CRM-6221 Contact popup summary is missing id in the url
  • CRM-6222 hook_customFieldOptions being called with unusual parameter when viewing drupal account page (was: Checkbox custom field on drupal registration profile displays with ascii 001's when user summary viewed on the drupal side)
  • CRM-6223 All contact reports should be sorted by sort_name by default, or it should be an option.
  • CRM-6224 Make emails with empty(-ish) HTML go out as text-only
  • CRM-6225 Event Dashboard doesn't display events if you only have view/register permission.
  • CRM-6226 Register link on event information pages needs to be more prominent by default
  • CRM-6227 After making a contribution as an anonymous user, event registration is assuming they are coming to the event themselves.
  • CRM-6228 Include a link to view or edit the activity when a copy of a case activity is emailed to an assignee (or other contact)
  • CRM-6229 civicrm_events drupal calendar view shows templates
  • CRM-6230 Configure events - streamline workflow and add action ribbon to provide links to event-related functions directly from tabs interface
  • CRM-6231 Implement Canvassing and GOTV
  • CRM-6232 Setup DB schema and custom group definition xml file
  • CRM-6233 git hub cannot clone
  • CRM-6234 Added hook contactsTag
  • CRM-6235 Skip NULL fields on dedupe
  • CRM-6236 Check permission for menu/rebuild process
  • CRM-6237 CLONE -Participant Status dropdown on new / edit event registration uses status Name instead of Label
  • CRM-6238 Sort name get reset to null during profile edit mode.
  • CRM-6239 Improve the autocomplete search
  • CRM-6240 GroupContact enhancement to add contacts to groups with Pending status
  • CRM-6241 API File for Contributions incorrectly named "Contribute.php"
  • CRM-6242 Provide an dead simple way to import to excel/outlook
  • CRM-6243 Contributions on-behalf-of-org should match the first one found if 2+ orgs match
  • CRM-6244 Removing HOLD on an email address throws fatal DB error
  • CRM-6245 Dedupe over substrings is slow due to bad MySQL indices
  • CRM-6246 Deleting roles in Drupal removes associated Group in CiviCRM (if civicrm_group_roles is installed)
  • CRM-6247 When using a profile in a registration for event or online contribution, don't remove the email field from it, but remove the mandatory email field
  • CRM-6248 CRM_Contact_BAO_Query does not correctly set default return properties
  • CRM-6249 File to Case link does not work on Find Activities selector
  • CRM-6250 Advanced search for "Do Not Email" and "Do Not Phone" searches for
  • CRM-6251 profiles in contribution pages not at top of page
  • CRM-6252 Send Email - standalone - is setting a default recipient as the logged in user's primary email address
  • CRM-6253 Access keys popup showing even when meaningless
  • CRM-6254 No token hook substitution for CiviMail cron job under Drupal
  • CRM-6255 ability to filter by Group in Proximity Search
  • CRM-6256 Online registration with multiple (3 or more) profiles (not just "pre" and "post")
  • CRM-6257 Not possible to have a slash (/) after a questionmark (?) in an URL in an Linkfield
  • CRM-6258 Search in Relationships (and maybe other parts) returns wrong results after using ajax
  • CRM-6259 If user selects Email activity type as new activity from Manage Case, load the Send Email form instead of the regular activity form
  • CRM-6260 For custom groups extending participant, second selector on settings form appears frozen even when more subtypes could be added
  • CRM-6261 This patch adds the 'replace' functionality for the copyGeneric function in CRM\Core\DAO.php
  • CRM-6262 Subject for Change Case Start Date includes a time component
  • CRM-6263 Activity Selector includes activity types that the user does not have permission to see
  • CRM-6264 Tighten permissions on Activity Edit and View functions
  • CRM-6265 Email Sent activity record should store HTML version of message if it's not empty rather than TEXT version
  • CRM-6266 Security issue on AJAX calls
  • CRM-6267 Search builder creates "blank"/unnecessary rows for import/exxport mappings
  • CRM-6268 Implement a batch of webtests - Team Poland
  • CRM-6269 Implement a batch of webtests - Team India
  • CRM-6270 Implement a batch of webtests - Team US
  • CRM-6271 hook_post isn't called deleting an activity
  • CRM-6272 Incomplete custom fields (i.e., orphaned records) created under certain circumstances
  • CRM-6273 Create API for import to facilitate batch import
  • CRM-6274 Email is missing from Registration Confirmation and Receipt section of edit participant form
  • CRM-6275 Link to Create Mode from profile fields view
  • CRM-6276 ckEditor injects an extraneous line-break (<br />) in empty fields
  • CRM-6277 Expired membership end date resets to November 2001
  • CRM-6278 CiviMail: Saner handling of Reply-To VERP-ing
  • CRM-6279 Statistic on event income summary report over-counts income
  • CRM-6280 Added pre and post hook for tag object
  • CRM-6281 Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) Drupal languages are not inherited properly
  • CRM-6282 Make CiviMail Processor handle invalid emails gracefully
  • CRM-6283 Duplicate memberships created when importing
  • CRM-6284 Various bugs with Tagging of Cases and Activities
  • CRM-6285 Mailing can be sent twice via multiple crons
  • CRM-6287 Importing contacts with some empty relationship records will create empty contacts and relationships.
  • CRM-6288 Add a hook on the EMailProcessor
  • CRM-6289 Can't Import to Custom Fields for Contact sub-types
  • CRM-6290 Registration Confirmation & Receipt screen: email address not showing
  • CRM-6291 Tab Custom Data Edit is missing a title
  • CRM-6292 Set Default Participant Role when loading back-office "Register Event Participant" form
  • CRM-6293 Corrupted report due to Undefined variable: fieldFound in civicrm/CRM/Report/Form.php
  • CRM-6294 Generate Name Badges
  • CRM-6295 Skip empty $params on dedupe
  • CRM-6296 Implement New Contribution Page webtest
  • CRM-6297 Contribution export with related fields broken
  • CRM-6298 Case API (CRUD)
  • CRM-6299 multisite.module _multisite_get_parent_orgs incorrect SQL queries and code
  • CRM-6300 Waitinglist message shouldn't appear if the logged in user is already registered
  • CRM-6301 Add tagsets for Manage Case: Case Tags pane AND Open Case form
  • CRM-6302 Register Event Participant (standalone)
  • CRM-6303 Find Participants
  • CRM-6304 New Event
  • CRM-6305 Contact function matchContactOnEmail returns deleted items
  • CRM-6306 Contribution page does not verify blank "Other amount" value
  • CRM-6307 Implement Contact Import webtest
  • CRM-6308 No contact subtype validation on contact/add
  • CRM-6309 invalid HTML in Event/Form/ManageEvent/Fee.tpl
  • CRM-6310 Case activities have incorrect cid in View link on Full Text Search
  • CRM-6311 Activity Details field should use rich text editor (if one is configured in site preferences)
  • CRM-6312 Paypal Payments Pro does not include Description
  • CRM-6313 Creating a contact via profile having current employer as one of the field, is broken for anonymous user
  • CRM-6314 fix broken import error file.
  • CRM-6315 Adding a required profile to Drupal user registration allows unauthenticated users to alter contact data
  • CRM-6316 profile for addtional participant not saved
  • CRM-6317 Duplicate memberships created when importing
  • CRM-6318 ContributionProcessor.php does not properly record state_province for PayPal
  • CRM-6319 UpdateMembership.php should use default from address
  • CRM-6320 Multi-site nested groups & smart groups can create circular logic
  • CRM-6321 LYBUNT Report crashes with "Subquery returns more than 1 row" Error 1242
  • CRM-6322 New Price Set
  • CRM-6323 Updating Drupal user may fail with fatal PHP error when related CiviCRM contact has no email addresses
  • CRM-6324 Contribution
  • CRM-6325 Existing CiviCRM user registers a new account on Drupal website, - creates a new CiviCRM record
  • CRM-6326 Duplicates records when register multiple participants
  • CRM-6327 CiviCRM should automatically set E_DEPRECATED when running under PHP 5.3
  • CRM-6328 Component search return back to search context (from view/edit/delete) is broken due to session changes
  • CRM-6329 New Case
  • CRM-6330 Allow non-admins to find and merge duplicates
  • CRM-6331 Dashboard elements not loading by weight
  • CRM-6332 "More" buttons and profile settings
  • CRM-6333 Household and Organisation Sortname Exposure
  • CRM-6334 CMS User creation in profiles - does not work even if set to mandatory
  • CRM-6335 Implement improved multiple-select widget for Groups and Tags selection
  • CRM-6336 Allow user with 'delete activities' permission to delete Email activities
  • CRM-6337 Contact selector: hide right-click menu if no entries
  • CRM-6338 Dashboard loads Drupal Homepage, crashes and hangs
  • CRM-6339 Making the Donation Confirmation step Optional
  • CRM-6340 Tell a Friend feature records the third party's personal information without warning referer or referee or providing link to Privacy Policy
  • CRM-6341 Only the first 50 groups can appear in "Manage Groups" if ACLs are used
  • CRM-6342 Event registration fails to register more than 2 additional participants.
  • CRM-6343 CRM_Core_BAO_CustomValueTable::setValues doesn't work with ContactReference fields
  • CRM-6344 broken OR matching with semi-colon in Menu/*.xml <access_arguments>
  • CRM-6345 Price Set Custom Search broken
  • CRM-6346 CRUD for campaign and survey object
  • CRM-6347 Error while register an participant for a payed event.
  • CRM-6348 CRM_ACL_BAO_ACL::whereClause should call hook aclGroups BEFORE it calls aclWhereClause.
  • CRM-6349 Overview click-around webtest
  • CRM-6350 Decrease memory usage of export
  • CRM-6351 Demo site bug - suspect bug is just demo site not Civi - something to do with MYSQL
  • CRM-6352 Subtype import throws 'mismatched contact subtypes' error in update mode
  • CRM-6353 Paypal Pro process returns error on declined credit card with recurring transactions
  • CRM-6354 _customGroupGroupBy not working for member summary in CiviReport
  • CRM-6355 Missing search results when searching by group due to incorrect SQL query
  • CRM-6356 Custom Search - Search by Date Added is broken in 3.2 AND should ignore group membership if no Include or Exclude groups are selected in search criteria
  • CRM-6357 Merge the two default custom search templates and update them for 3.2 markup / accordion use
  • CRM-6358 Find Contributions broken if you include PCP in search criteria
  • CRM-6359 Typo in system message for recurring contributions
  • CRM-6360 Custom Data Group for Relationship - sub types of a relationship should appear on a single line in selector
  • CRM-6361 Empty Rich Text form fields result in extraneous <br /> tags when form is saved. New Custom Field Set, New Profile ... and others
  • CRM-6362 Refactor UpdateMembershipRecord script - bypass reminders for memberships with status overrides (cancelled, deceased or pending status memberships)
  • CRM-6363 Add functionality to allow modification of the navigation menu via a hook
  • CRM-6364 Implement voter reservation process
  • CRM-6365 Investigate and fix failing tests
  • CRM-6366 Edit profile link on Drupal user page isn't translatable
  • CRM-6367 Translate contact type
  • CRM-6368 Geo coding data entry
  • CRM-6369 Allow case insensitive search for street_address
  • CRM-6370 Merge labels by same household
  • CRM-6371 Contributions recorded during manual membership renewal don't search well
  • CRM-6372 "Copyright" symbol should be "Registered Trademark" symbol when referring to third-party software
  • CRM-6373 Fix PHP Notices for Joomla Installs.
  • CRM-6374 Membership Receipt shows wrong contribution
  • CRM-6375 Error with CiviContribute page: Error Type: Cannot find a valid key
  • CRM-6376 CLONE -CRM_Core_BAO_CustomValueTable::setValues doesn't let you set ContactReference values
  • CRM-6377 Importing values for "Contact Reference" custom data field fails
  • CRM-6378 From time incorrectly included in where clause
  • CRM-6379 Manage Group does not work
  • CRM-6380 Add a Joomla! helper to make it simpler to access the API from Joomla components.
  • CRM-6381 Premiums not showing up on Premium page
  • CRM-6383 Contact Reference fields not validated when non-empty
  • CRM-6384 Date Format Problem
  • CRM-6385 Accidentally entered end date for lifetime membership can't validate and can't be deleted
  • CRM-6386 CRM_Core_OptionValue::addOptionValue crashes if it tries to create a new option group
  • CRM-6387 Navigation menu items not behaing proper permission for admin_menu menu item
  • CRM-6388 Date custom field with YYYY format doesn't store proper information when JS selector used
  • CRM-6389 Record voter's interview responses
  • CRM-6390 Fix missing state and country for direct payment.
  • CRM-6391 Subsequent calls to CRM_Utils_Rule::cleanMoney() misrepresent the cleaned value
  • CRM-6392 Attempts to change the settings fro a group results in erroneous message
  • CRM-6393 CRM_Core_Form::validate returns incorrectly
  • CRM-6394 Empty fields in custom data get reinitialized with today's date
  • CRM-6395 Add id and class attributes for hook_civicrm_links
  • CRM-6396 contribution summary is wrong if contact belongs to many groups
  • CRM-6397 Update Drupal Association CiviCRM domain.address
  • CRM-6398 Paystation Payment Processor Support
  • CRM-6399 CiviCRM should only define DB_ERROR if it isn't already defined
  • CRM-6400 Cleanup profile overlay code
  • CRM-6401 Optimize Import Contact
  • CRM-6402 Optimize Activity Report
  • CRM-6403 Error with .permissions on running upgrade script
  • CRM-6404 event email template not showing price set correctly
  • CRM-6405 Improved bounce handling for Away
  • CRM-6406 ContributionProcessor.php only processes first payment of a subscription.
  • CRM-6407 ContributionProcessor.php fails silently when PayPal truncates TransactionSearches at 100.
  • CRM-6408 Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails when using civicrm.mysql
  • CRM-6409 Upgrade the Mail library
  • CRM-6410 CiviMail enhancement to overcome mass "Unknown Bounce Type: Cannot parse bounced email"
  • CRM-6411 drupal page titles get unset by civicrm module
  • CRM-6412 Incorrect user in change log when a Drupal admin creates a user
  • CRM-6413 Contributions->Pledges->Dashboard issue
  • CRM-6414 DB upgrade script fails
  • CRM-6415 Uninstall "drop tall tables" fails when uninstalling
  • CRM-6416 Custom Contact Type not upgraded successfully and website missing from contact Edit form
  • CRM-6417 CiviCRM CCK Contact Reference module is hardcoded to only search for 'Individual' contacts - patched to give more options
  • CRM-6418 Display of Note/TExtarea fields in Profile View
  • CRM-6419 Add field address.county in Views2
  • CRM-6420 Escape string in CustomQuery
  • CRM-6421 Saved mapping not showing field if field+group name length too long
  • CRM-6422 Fix issues with creating customized contact edit and view screens for contact subtypes
  • CRM-6423 Total of relationships/groups in tab names should only count the active ones
  • CRM-6424 Contact Delete problem
  • CRM-6425 CSS / layout fixes for 3.2 Joomla sites
  • CRM-6426 Tabs are rendered for User Account Profiles for which the user does not have permission
  • CRM-6427 Create Relationship QUICK SAVE is BROKEN
  • CRM-6428 Export optimization BREAKS for contacts w/ null values for boolean fields
  • CRM-6429 Hooks don't fire for Mutliple-value custom data sets
  • CRM-6430 Custom Data not included in $objectRef passed to hooks
  • CRM-6431 dupe_check option in Contact.api needs to be able to work when user can't dedupe (permissions)
  • CRM-6432 hidden smart groups show up in the "Recent Items" list
  • CRM-6433 Automatically set membership status to deceased if contact record is marked as Deceased
  • CRM-6434 Implement voter search as a component search.
  • CRM-6435 Support Recurring Intervals Rechecks Itself When User Unchecks It
  • CRM-6436 Patch Views Integration to Allow HTML
  • CRM-6437 groups in profile layout change
  • CRM-6438 Online membership signup / renewal form is not working
  • CRM-6439 Sanitize tokens from smarty statements when templates are evaluated with civicrm tokens and smarty tokens
  • CRM-6440 Reports do not remember criteria when next or last link is clicked from the pager
  • CRM-6441 Add qfKey support for ajax urls
  • CRM-6442 Provide "Main" as a Website in the option list
  • CRM-6443 Price set fee not styled properly on Event Info page if value is $0 or negative number
  • CRM-6444 Report settings hidden when report has no rows
  • CRM-6445 DPS Code does not correctly add Start/End dates to memberships
  • CRM-6446 scheduled mailling list only shows cancelled when there is a planned mailling
  • CRM-6447 Total Amount of CiviEvent Registrations are stored incorrectly with Localization pt-BR (and others)
  • CRM-6448 Investigate and fix failing tests CRM_Core_BAO_CustomValueTable*
  • CRM-6449 Contribution processor errors result in incorrect fatal error: "Contribution already processed"
  • CRM-6450 Contact edit tab expansion fails after help icon clicked
  • CRM-6451 Membership status table needs to have localizable label column - some code breaks when name column values are localized
  • CRM-6452 Full text search retrieves deleted cases
  • CRM-6453 CiviMail ignores child groups when getting recipients
  • CRM-6454 IE related issue with Contact Tab and Custom Data
  • CRM-6455 Allow selection of Joomla default wysiwyg editor
  • CRM-6456 "is not null" report criteria
  • CRM-6457 Add Phone field to Lapse Member report
  • CRM-6458 Add Bookkeeping Transactions Report
  • CRM-6459 IE7 crash
  • CRM-6460 Creating relationships in IE7
  • CRM-6461 Multilingual installs can't upgrade to 3.2.beta3
  • CRM-6462 Patch created
  • CRM-6463 Event title gets escaped twice in Views.
  • CRM-6464 viewing contribution tab with soft contribution causes ambiguous field SQL error
  • CRM-6465 Data Type Error (Custom Data Field + Contribution Page Payment)
  • CRM-6466 CiviCRM dashboard conflicts with Drupal javascript aggregator module
  • CRM-6467 Autocomplete feature on the search block not working with IE8
  • CRM-6468 Combined Include/Exclude Search Breaks when Tags are Excluded from the Result
  • CRM-6469 No Bulk Emails option setting is incorrect in receipt after returning from PayPal.
  • CRM-6470 CiviMail WYSIWYG Doesn't Appear in IE
  • CRM-6471 Updating a built-in contact type results in unintentionally disabling that contact type
  • CRM-6472 search results profile popup broken
  • CRM-6473 FormNavigate.js false popup in Chrome with TinyMCE
  • CRM-6474 user mail templates FAIL: fields not populated on selecting template
  • CRM-6475 CiviCRM doesn't change anything in database
  • CRM-6476 move "save matching record" button to top
  • CRM-6477 Joomla user accounts are created with "Receive System Emails" set to YES.
  • CRM-6478 Install scripts should check wheter the JSON module is installed
  • CRM-6479 MembershipTypeValues Hook loses altered minimum_fee value for any array items other than the first one at the Confirm step
  • CRM-6480 CLONE -Smart Group memberships to do not update
  • CRM-6481 CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getFields is out of sync with the schema since 3.1alpha1
  • CRM-6482 3.2beta3 Advanced search for Activity does not search "With"
  • CRM-6483 forwards processing should default off
  • CRM-6484 Printer Friendly Pages Issue
  • CRM-6485 Check during installation that civicrm's path doesn't contain PATH_SEPARATOR
  • CRM-6486 CiviCRM page title appears twice in some Drupal themes
  • CRM-6487 Thousands separator not working
  • CRM-6488 Allow use of time data when dealing with contributions via the API
  • CRM-6489 make civicrm work without a bounce channel
  • CRM-6490 Payments made via paypal standard not getting completed
  • CRM-6491 Admin-only price set fields display help text on public pages
  • CRM-6492 Support for mutli-domain setup's.
  • CRM-6493 id should be the only required parameter when updating a contribution
  • CRM-6494 Event info/reg links in event management use admin url instead of frontend (Joomla)
  • CRM-6495 Contrib page links to live page don't use frontend base url
  • CRM-6496 Participant status update is wrongly updating register date.
  • CRM-6497 Allow 'soft credit to' to be set via contribute api
  • CRM-6498 contributions w soft credit give error on currency tab 3.2Beta 3
  • CRM-6499 Upgrade from 3.0 to 3.2.beta3 is broken
  • CRM-6500 Event Income Report (Summary) broken in 3.2
  • CRM-6501 Manage events pop-up menus don't reset
  • CRM-6502 Change default paper size for PDF letters
  • CRM-6503 Add support for Smarty in PDF letter templates
  • CRM-6504 Merge people at same address on Label not working
  • CRM-6505 case activity, send a copy - empty row
  • CRM-6506 Pre and Post Hooks not firing with participant_update API nor paypal IPN
  • CRM-6507 Ability to assign multiple participant roles in offline event registration form
  • CRM-6508 Implement permissions structure for CiviCampaign.
  • CRM-6509 Including rest.js as plugin breaks jquery in IE
  • CRM-6510 Implement GOTV interface
  • CRM-6511 Tags tab is broken - cj().crmAPI is not a function
  • CRM-6512 Check for .hlp files in custom template path and use them if found
  • CRM-6513 Profile edit / create template - layout is broken when multiple checkbox fields included
  • CRM-6514 Add Proximity Search Distance Unit To Proximity Search
  • CRM-6515 Country field export not translated if the location is not Primary
  • CRM-6516 ReCaptcha breaks Mailing/Form/Subscribe.tpl template
  • CRM-6517 Full text search - breadcrumb loses search criteria when returning from viewing a record
  • CRM-6518 Put fatal error details in a collapsible pane
  • CRM-6519 Add id's to tags and groups display
  • CRM-6520 Actions button in IE7 is tooooo lonngggggg
  • CRM-6521 Label 'Organisation Name' disappears
  • CRM-6522 Menus overlaying flash components are cut off
  • CRM-6523 Allow Case xml files to be placed under custom template directory
  • CRM-6524 Activity Search doesn't show link for activities with no subject
  • CRM-6525 Online event registration configuration fields for Intro, Confirm and Thank-you blocks should use WYSIWYG editor
  • CRM-6526 Event custom field type Note is not editable on existing events and doesn't save
  • CRM-6527 Find Activities search does not return case activities for "With" client
  • CRM-6528 Email input field on Event Registration and Online Contribution pages does not do basic email format validation
  • CRM-6529 Upgrade process improvement for status messages.
  • CRM-6530 Modify block caching settings appropriately to block functionality
  • CRM-6531 Fix broken expired membership renew.
  • CRM-6532 The search by state_province in Brazil not function properly if the state option is "Bahia" or "Tocantins"
  • CRM-6533 javascript broken on joomla frontend
  • CRM-6534 3.2b5 template fixes
  • CRM-6535 Non-case activities are allowed in case configuration activity types, but throwing fatal error when part of case config standard timeline
  • CRM-6536 Skip the "Result" page for most tasks (eliminate extra page load)
  • CRM-6537 fix upgrade related issues for CiviCRM3.2.0.
  • CRM-6538 Default language selected during installation is not saved.
  • CRM-6539 Creating New Individual on the fly for a new case doesn't let you pick Birth Date
  • CRM-6540 PCP creation fails in joomla
  • CRM-6541 Print Case Report doesn't escape html entities for activity subject
  • CRM-6542 Subscription confirmations for subscriptions via embedded profile
  • CRM-6543 search builder address custom fields
  • CRM-6544 Contribution>>Premium>>Fulfillment Date Issue
  • CRM-6545 If subject is blank for a non-editable case activity, you can't ever view that activity again
  • CRM-6546 Mailing preview is broken
  • CRM-6547 New Contribution not showing fields via IE8
  • CRM-6548 Awkward footer layout on Event Registration and Contribution pages
  • CRM-6549 Register another participant (for logged in user already registered) is broken
  • CRM-6550 View only date fields show clear option
  • CRM-6551 Free event registration is broken for 'STRICT_TRANS_TABLES' sql mode
  • CRM-6552 Tag set search for activities
  • CRM-6553 CLONE -CiviGrant breadcrumb trail issue
  • CRM-6554 New word replacements feature doesn't have a navigation entry
  • CRM-6555 fix for creating duplicate contacts from admin uf sync screen
  • CRM-6556 Searching "Contact Reference" type custom fields
  • CRM-6557 Investigate and fix caching issues in test suite
  • CRM-6558 Investigate and fix failing tests in CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_GroupTest
  • CRM-6559 Fix sandbox related problems with webtests
  • CRM-6560 Preferred language when added to a profile is a freeform text field not a dropdown like on the contact record
  • CRM-6561 With accordians instead of boxed fieldset, the last custom fieldset on the open case form has no "end"
  • CRM-6562 rework url generating code
  • CRM-6563 Import.errors are easily readble by the world
  • CRM-6564 Custom icons for subtypes are not shown in google maps
  • CRM-6565 FK missing on civicrm_activity.source_record_id
  • CRM-6566 Allow Website in Views
  • CRM-6567 Views - Tag joins with wrong field
  • CRM-6568 Import Step 3 "Previous Button" takes you back to Step 1, not Step 2
  • CRM-6569 civicrm_membership_contact_get() does not respect 'is_test'
  • CRM-6570 Warn when sending only HTML to users wanting only plain-text
  • CRM-6571 New Case - Italian default language - activities listing and case roles not working
  • CRM-6572 profile with no label for custom data field causes error in email template
  • CRM-6573 Rewrite of CiviCase API
  • CRM-6574 Can not save a selected value in custom Contact Reference type fields
  • CRM-6575 contact matching not happening for "in honor of" Honoree contributions
  • CRM-6576 Create Contibution Unit test with Custom Data.
  • CRM-6577 Website Importing
  • CRM-6578 Cleanup config varable $config->lcMonetary
  • CRM-6579 Investigate and fix api_v2_ParticipantTest
  • CRM-6580 Standardize civicrm_engage to civiengage
  • CRM-6581 Manage Case - Fix formatting in Case Resources table and add css selectors to allow for additional styling
  • CRM-6582 Implement tab interface for campaign and survey dashboard.
  • CRM-6583 Implement tab interface to conduct survey.
  • CRM-6584 Promote New Survey and New Campaign link to Create New drop down.
  • CRM-6585 Implement jQuery modal form interface to create new campaign and survey.
  • CRM-6586 DB error on exporting
  • CRM-6587 Radio Button IDs being generated in a way that causes duplicates
  • CRM-6588 Address related searches with Search Builder cause incorrect results or DB error
  • CRM-6589 Include map link in event confirmation emails
  • CRM-6590 Is a unique index needed on
  • CRM-6591 CiviEngage installation fixes
  • CRM-6592 Case Quick Edit
  • CRM-6593 Actions after a custom search that inherits from CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_Base and that include WHERE clauses to filter is_deleted throw errors
  • CRM-6594 Adding and Editing Tags not working on Manage Case screen
  • CRM-6595 Random id's for radio element break many webtests
  • CRM-6596 country default not impacting forms
  • CRM-6597 In Honor/Memory on Public Contributions Uses Individual Fuzzy Rule - Should Use Strict
  • CRM-6598 civicrm_cck civicrm_cck_handler_filter patch
  • CRM-6599 System message template edit overwrites user message template if both are open in different browser tabs (session management issue)
  • CRM-6600 Some contact tokens are not evaluated when used in Message Templates
  • CRM-6601 Additional Participant registration form uses different mark-up for price sets
  • CRM-6602 If event registration form doesn't inlude name fields in a profile or billing block and existing contact is matched then the contact display name is overwritten by email
  • CRM-6603 Dupe match logic for event registration, online contribution page and profile submits ignores the DELETED flag (matches to deleted contacts)
  • CRM-6604 Contact summary tab, custom data sets accordion broken in IE8
  • CRM-6605 mktime error on contrib dashboard chart
  • CRM-6606 contributioncharts tpl - minor html bug
  • CRM-6607 contact tabs messed up in IE8
  • CRM-6608 Duplicate activity target on quick emailing the same contact with different email addresses
  • CRM-6609 right-click in IE8 broken
  • CRM-6610 Conflict with result set if there are 2 or more jquery autocomplete on same page
  • CRM-6611 Can not select a Profile for Batch Update via Profile (contacts) if Profile Type = Contact
  • CRM-6612 Activity View (from activity search) is missing Activity Type
  • CRM-6613 New revisions of case actvities aren't linked to Client as activity target
  • CRM-6614 provide report for participant count at price set field level
  • CRM-6615 Bug in Drupal user save when civicrm_groups_roles installed
  • CRM-6616 Custom contact reference fields should include a link to view the referenced contact if user has sufficient permissions
  • CRM-6617 Activity API won't update case-related activities due to bad validation
  • CRM-6618 Website in Views 2
  • CRM-6619 More meaningful meassage on duplicate OpenID
  • CRM-6620 Restrict profile exposure to create/edit by default for anon/auth users ..
  • CRM-6621 Make "Create New" more modular
  • CRM-6622 Contact summary overlay not displaying correct phones
  • CRM-6623 Dupe matching overrides profile fields with null values in lieu of filling
  • CRM-6624 Include prior value in Subject for non-editable case activities
  • CRM-6625 custom data: radio button not indicating yes or no
  • CRM-6626 Custom Fields limited to Custom record subtypes are not available to batch update via profile
  • CRM-6627 Count only the active relationships/groups/memberships in the contact tabs
  • CRM-6628 Optimize the relationship count
  • CRM-6629 New event start date time did not follow time zone of drupal
  • CRM-6630 Invalid html used to generate PDF resulting in rendering problems
  • CRM-6631 Default currency symbol in contribution receipt regardless of the currency used for the contribution
  • CRM-6632 Contact import fill mode is broken for location blocks.
  • CRM-6633 street elements null in IE8
  • CRM-6634 Make profile settings more granular to allow for editing of data via drupal user page, but not viewing
  • CRM-6635 Bilingual site using Joomla, Joomfish and CivicRM. LAnguage switcher code is not the same for Joomfish and CivicRM
  • CRM-6636 Stop saving Receipt Message from New Membership form to membership type table
  • CRM-6637 Find and Merge Duplicate Contacts URL wrong in navigation menu
  • CRM-6638 Make availlable contributionTypeId and contributionTypeName to contribute message templates
  • CRM-6639 civicrm_contribution_get returns type name instead of ID
  • CRM-6640 API input functions should accept the return values of output functions
  • CRM-6641 civicrm_contribution_add: 'contribution_type' param overrides 'contribution_type_id'
  • CRM-6642 Create contribution report with Contribution Pages criteria
  • CRM-6643 Export: blank fields for related contacts' data
  • CRM-6644 Clean up old HRD code from core
  • CRM-6645 CiviPledge crashes on first pledge.
  • CRM-6646 Standardise Relationship API behaviour when incorrect parameters supplied
  • CRM-6647 Membership and Contribution update api's are not validating wrong id.
  • CRM-6648 Errors when using search builder / previously saved Smart Groups
  • CRM-6649 Custom Search for Individuals Email IS (NOT) NULL returns error
  • CRM-6650 CiviMail cron job returns HTTP 200 OK status code when access is denied
  • CRM-6651 Demographics report doesn't take deleted cases/activities into account
  • CRM-6652 Search Builder For smart groups, the NOT EQUAL operator (!=) functions as an = operator
  • CRM-6653 Search Builder: Can not edit a search using IE8
  • CRM-6654 The db upgrade in the alt joomla package does not work.
  • CRM-6655 Grant Detail Report
  • CRM-6656 Name badges take wrong event
  • CRM-6657 While updating the address field through the Contact DashBoard, the primary address is updated.
  • CRM-6658 Trim function does NOT behave while calculating $userFrameworkBaseURL
  • CRM-6659 Changing case type now removes edited prepopulated activities from the timeline
  • CRM-6660 Editing or viewing a contribution from "View Participant" leads to fatal error
  • CRM-6661 Email not sent for event registration confirmation when processor is IPN type (PayPal Std etc.)
  • CRM-6662 Can't save Online or Offline Event Reg message template (IDS error - suspicious activity)
  • CRM-6663 Record pledge payments different from scheduled amount and modify future pledge payment amounts
  • CRM-6664 Date fields in address custom info break contact edit accordions
  • CRM-6665 Tooltip on the search listing doesn't depend on the contact type
  • CRM-6666 Contact Tooltip would be lovely on the Recent Items block
  • CRM-6667 Combine Email Processor's and CiviMail Processor's codebases
  • CRM-6668 Basic Search does not preserve locale settings.
  • CRM-6669 New Tag -- select should not have tagset tags
  • CRM-6670 Smarty error when composing new CiviMail message
  • CRM-6671 Profile crate/update mode is broken for custom address field.
  • CRM-6672 Fix export column truncates for custom fields
  • CRM-6673 SQL Import incorrectly sanitizes some characters
  • CRM-6674 Viewing revisions of case activities adds a link to the recent history block that goes nowhere
  • CRM-6675 Disable automatic spellchecking in ckEditor by default
  • CRM-6676 Tag and Group fields with errors are hidden
  • CRM-6677 merge contacts fails on external ID
  • CRM-6678 File On Case and related actions don't allow selecting a with contact that doesn't have an email
  • CRM-6679 Joomla CiviCRM menu items do not remember profiles
  • CRM-6680 Errors after saving a "contact photo"
  • CRM-6681 Default value is not respecting date format when we have custom date field in profile.
  • CRM-6682 Editing a group's label also changes the name field
  • CRM-6683 Avoid loading CiviCRM if not being used
  • CRM-6684 Fields are often saved to the wrong profile.
  • CRM-6685 Sending a copy of a case activity of type Meeting doesn't include any details
  • CRM-6686 Duplicate Billing address when using Separate Membership Payment option
  • CRM-6687 Add dupelicate match flag to hook_civicrm_pre and hook_civicrm_post
  • CRM-6688 No Relationship Custom Fields in IE8
  • CRM-6689 Spell-check button in TinyMCE is broken
  • CRM-6690 CiviCampaign should be generic for non-political use
  • CRM-6691 Civimail Cronjob doesn't send mail
  • CRM-6692 Changing case type can result in more than one instance of activities specified as max_instances=1
  • CRM-6693 Civimail - Step 4 of 5 - the preview mailing link show the incorrect HTML for the letter you are mailing
  • CRM-6694 Make Home menu link editable
  • CRM-6695 Convert post-help for custom fields into popup help boxes
  • CRM-6696 Increase size of description field in civicrm_option_value
  • CRM-6697 add hook_civicrm_merge for tweaking merge behavior
  • CRM-6698 Calendar Date Picker for birthday birth date degrades usability
  • CRM-6699 mktime() error message on Contribution Dashboard
  • CRM-6700 Find Members - Export - Membership Type is truncated to 16 characters
  • CRM-6701 Civicrm does not install to Joomla 1.5.20 - problem with PEAR
  • CRM-6702 remove from a role will remove from group in civicrm_group_roles
  • CRM-6703 Create PDF Letter - support for single contact mode via URL
  • CRM-6704 Allow statistics on custom fields in CiviReport
  • CRM-6705 Intuit QuickBooks Payment Processor
  • CRM-6706 Search for contacts in a parent group no longer finds contacts in that parent groups child groups.
  • CRM-6707 Event Type filter is broken
  • CRM-6708 Need option to Disllow Registering a Different Person
  • CRM-6709 Support Custom Field Option Groups in Views Filters
  • CRM-6710 Implement admin interface for CiviCampaign.
  • CRM-6711 In Drupal, when viewing a user page that has multiple CiviCRM profile sets, some ID's are shown multiple times on one page.
  • CRM-6712 Add setValueOptions function to complement CRM_Core_BAO_Preferences::valueOptions
  • CRM-6713 Tagsets are editable when user has only view rights
  • CRM-6714 Formatting a description field with a bulleted list doesn't display the bullets
  • CRM-6715 no close div tags in "tag contacts" list after a search
  • CRM-6716 Add website type in option lists
  • CRM-6717 Mailing Labels - make multiline fields left-aligned
  • CRM-6718 CiviMail: handle 4xx SMTP codes
  • CRM-6719 Add api call for contribution types
  • CRM-6720 Contact edit's panes' titles are not localisable
  • CRM-6721 Letter links in search are broken
  • CRM-6722 Print case report doesn't escape custom data
  • CRM-6723 Bad character in civicrm.css causes issues with Drupal css optimization
  • CRM-6724 Allow pledge search by frequency
  • CRM-6725 fix received date for cc contribution receipt.
  • CRM-6726 Include "Print PDF Letter" activity in the Actions button on contact view and in Activities dropdown in Activities tab
  • CRM-6727 CRM_Core_BAO_CustomValueTable::setValues fails for 'Memo' fields
  • CRM-6728 Installation Error
  • CRM-6729 Deleted contact still viewable and editable by manually putting in their ID
  • CRM-6730 different tagset can not have same tag
  • CRM-6731 Extend survey selector action links to include 'Reserve Voters', 'Interview Voters' and 'Release Voters'
  • CRM-6732 No Bulk Emails option (opt-out) not available any more
  • CRM-6733 Activity Search Produces Incorrect Results Count
  • CRM-6734 Creating a new event results in "You do not have permission to access this page" with memcache enabled
  • CRM-6735 Strange "current employee" in the output when viewing, e.g. a sibling relationship.
  • CRM-6736 drush civicrm install command should install in sites/all not sites/default
  • CRM-6737 print view improvements for title tag
  • CRM-6738 Contribution Type and Amount not updating on Add Membership form
  • CRM-6739 editing membership end date in hook_civicrm_pre not reflected in update/add message
  • CRM-6740 Auto-complete Contact Reference fields in a Contribution form profile are not saving. Hidden field values forgotten after confirmation page, triggering [Select a valid contact] message
  • CRM-6741 Need a "delete address" link for the first address block in contact edit form
  • CRM-6742 Upgrades to 3.2.2 broken on mulitlingual sites
  • CRM-6743 Open Case form doesn't display activity description as help text
  • CRM-6744 Participant report - make contact names clickable likes to contact record
  • CRM-6745 blank employer creates invalid org record on import
  • CRM-6746 Barclays Payment Processor
  • CRM-6747 Elavon VM (off-site) Payment processor
  • CRM-6748 Editing multiple contributions pages at the same time results in overwrite
  • CRM-6749 Wording at top of case dashboard doesn't change for My vs. All, but other wording does.
  • CRM-6750 Info messages don't display properly on Manage Events page
  • CRM-6751 Sort in the Report is only sorting the visible page
  • CRM-6752 Add Support for Drupal Language negotiation "Domain name only" (LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_DOMAIN)
  • CRM-6753 Locale for PayPal Standard
  • CRM-6754 Disappearing relationships sharing ids with deleted contacts
  • CRM-6755 import error still occurring
  • CRM-6756 File on case from Activity tab broken in IE
  • CRM-6757 Recurring contribution can't save correct frequency_unit after localization of dropdown select menu
  • CRM-6758 invalid xml - activity
  • CRM-6759 Membership Import Process Treats Periods . Badly, Removes, then Won't Match
  • CRM-6760 CiviCRM OG Sync Drupal plugin has incorrect link in it's description
  • CRM-6761 wget called bin don't work on some (mis)configurations
  • CRM-6762 Disabling a case type causes an error on the manage case screen
  • CRM-6763 encounter_medium option group marked as reserved?
  • CRM-6764 relationships ajax search broken in joomla
  • CRM-6765 Trash management
  • CRM-6766 External Identifier as described in the documentation, doesn't seem to work as advertised
  • CRM-6767 Add contribution ID to available fields in Detailed contribution report as linkable field to contribution
  • CRM-6768 HTML entity escaping for XMLProcessor (e.g. print case report) needs to be reworked
  • CRM-6769 Can not expand parent tags in IE 8
  • CRM-6770 Find Contribution by date changed in 3.2.x
  • CRM-6771 Event Location Manager
  • CRM-6772 Disassociation of email from Event Locations
  • CRM-6773 Print PDF Contribution Receipts is broken was event related contribution
  • CRM-6774 Changing case type can result in more than one instance of activities specified as max_instances=1 if activity was "with" a contact other than client
  • CRM-6775 Option to save as new template does not appear when using TinyMCE editor
  • CRM-6776 Quick search with partial string in IE does not trigger results
  • CRM-6777 Credit card fields required but not marked with asterisk
  • CRM-6778 Add Case Subject and modify UI
  • CRM-6779 allow editing of "event level" in participation records
  • CRM-6780 Custom date fields are not searched on properly
  • CRM-6781 If you save an activity with the cursor in the added by field it warns "Source Contact non-existant!"
  • CRM-6782 Give fatal error w/ meaningful error message to user when cron script fails to load drupal bootstrap.
  • CRM-6783 Custom date fields don't display formatting options in Views interface
  • CRM-6784 Configure online contribution pages - provide 1-click access to configuration screens from contribution page listings
  • CRM-6785 My Cases/All Cases Dashlet - view activities broken
  • CRM-6786 postal greeting values don't allow legitimate duplicates
  • CRM-6787 "Contributions Notes" field not available on export.
  • CRM-6788 Print Case Report and Audit Report include deleted activities
  • CRM-6789 After Find Contacts, Find Contacts Advanced Search, or Search Builder, browser right click ability to open Contact "View" in New Tab Disabled
  • CRM-6790 Unable to use Contact Import to populate Current Employer field, please allow this
  • CRM-6791 Continue Button not showing with IE6 in event registration with CiviCRM 3.2.2
  • CRM-6792 Implement drag and drop interface to change the order of panes on Contact Edit form
  • CRM-6793 Custom Data Field Option Value lookups
  • CRM-6794 Batch Update Via Profile using certain profiles clears contents of Sort Name field
  • CRM-6795 hook_civicrm_caseSummary called twice in a row?
  • CRM-6796 Constituent Report (Detail ) report throws SQL error
  • CRM-6797 Direct Debit fields are missing in Events
  • CRM-6798 PDF letter text tends to write over itself
  • CRM-6799 Can not edit source code for user defined templates in 3.22 in IE8
  • CRM-6800 Indicate which groups are Smart in edit-contact forms
  • CRM-6801 Contact image not shown (and generate error) on certain server directory setups
  • CRM-6802 PHP warning on CiviMail's tests
  • CRM-6803 Contact Detail Report sql error
  • CRM-6804 "Home" item of main navegation menu does not localize.
  • CRM-6805 County is an available field in the import process, but doesn't exist in the Address fields, and the import fails
  • CRM-6806 Users who do not have 'access deleted contacts' should NOT have the 'Delete Permanently' option in search result tasks
  • CRM-6807 Fix PHPUnit test to work on windows (patch attached)
  • CRM-6808 errors on running API tests re custom_group
  • CRM-6809 Batch update via profile not working for Participants (Role) with Radio Buttons
  • CRM-6810 Cannot batch clear Contribution Thank-You Date Field
  • CRM-6811 Case Dashboard as Dashlet
  • CRM-6812 Upgrade PHP-IDS to latest version (0.6.4)
  • CRM-6813 Duplicate criteria fail to take into account multiple duplicate location records
  • CRM-6814 adding privacy and comments to Notes
  • CRM-6815 Can't choose an event template in event creation
  • CRM-6816 Prepopulated case roles broken by crm-6762
  • CRM-6817 Unable to set modified date for a note using API
  • CRM-6818 Validate delete, disable actions for case status.
  • CRM-6819 Internationalise jQuery date picker
  • CRM-6820 city_postal_code.tpl - "Enter optional 'add-on' code after the dash..." is not translatable
  • CRM-6821 Convert Mailer API to v2
  • CRM-6822 Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in civicrm/CRM/Admin/Form/Setting.php on line 78
  • CRM-6823 Contact Reference field in New Relationship broken in IE when using mouse
  • CRM-6824 Extra options for CiviEngage walklist
  • CRM-6825 Performance issues on New Activity page
  • CRM-6826 slight misalignment of button
  • CRM-6827 My/All Cases Dashlet breaks in full screen view
  • CRM-6828 CiviReport does not handle custom_value_ table prefix from older fields
  • CRM-6829 Duplicate match for contacts with no Suffix fails if Suffix included in rules
  • CRM-6830 Rich Text custom field doesn't render on Activity form when Used For = Activities + Any type
  • CRM-6831 Openflashchart isn't packed
  • CRM-6832 Registering contact for a free event - fatal error "Field 'fee_currency' doesn't have a default value"
  • CRM-6833 Truncated html tag being saved to DB when saving event description
  • CRM-6834 generate relative path error when upload image url with window system
  • CRM-6835 Provides the ability to have simultaneous threaded mailing jobs for a single mailing.
  • CRM-6836 Donor Detail Report: Include Fee Amount and Net Amount as optional display columns
  • CRM-6837 Upgrade jQuery and jQuery UI to the latest release
  • CRM-6838 Validation error at /civicrm/admin/contribute/amount requires either that at least on Contribution Label be set or that "Allow other amounts" be checked
  • CRM-6839 Get rid of id from report and custom search urls
  • CRM-6840 Install check fails when path to civicrm not sites/all/modules
  • CRM-6841 Drush integration - filepaths
  • CRM-6842 creation of an Individual where both employer_id & current_employer set takes the name instead of the id
  • CRM-6843 Handle db upgrade for Campaign.
  • CRM-6844 Allow templates to be customized based on profile group name
  • CRM-6845 Allow API (and even BAO's) to refer to custom fields as "groupName:fieldName"
  • CRM-6846 Add custom group name to schema and ensure name is NEVER changed once set
  • CRM-6847 Upgrade getCustomFieldID to include both name and label (or title)
  • CRM-6848 Price Set Export returns no data
  • CRM-6849 On creation of custom data group, warn user that settings.php must be updated to make data available to Drupal Views
  • CRM-6850 Multiple profile fields on registration form, breaks markup (drupal)
  • CRM-6851 CiviEngage Phonebank List Report missing PREVIEW buttons
  • CRM-6852 Activity API errors - bad validation and incorrect return value
  • CRM-6853 CRM_Event_BAO_Participant::isPrimaryParticipant always returns true
  • CRM-6854 Date Range that can be entered on Advanced Search in Birth Date is between 1990 and 2030
  • CRM-6855 CLONE -Contacts are not added automatically to Smart Groups
  • CRM-6856 Profile Shows up on Drupal Registration Screen
  • CRM-6857 Contact names from additional language forms not "saved"
  • CRM-6858 Wording incorrect re recurring processors
  • CRM-6859 Sorting on Role or Status in Find Participants causes DB error
  • CRM-6860 rest API Call to fetch relationship types broken in 3.2
  • CRM-6861 Make-it-Happen - CMS User merge on Dedupe as sponsored by the community
  • CRM-6862 Pagination partially broken for profile search results
  • CRM-6863 Expand links hook to allow modification of action links
  • CRM-6864 Individual contact sub-type field disappears on duplicate contact warning screen, won't save as sub-type
  • CRM-6865 Migrate flexigrid plugin used on Case View to DataTable.
  • CRM-6866 Migrate treeview plugin used on Navigation Menu to jsTree
  • CRM-6867 Migrate auto-complete plugin to jquery ui autocomplete
  • CRM-6868 Upgrade all jquery plugins to latest release
  • CRM-6869 Cleanup civicrm.css and add jquery ui theme
  • CRM-6870 Migrate progress bar plugin to jquery ui progress bar
  • CRM-6871 CiviCase API update
  • CRM-6872 Integrate revised SMS functionality
  • CRM-6873 Api for pledges
  • CRM-6874 Shared address as a non main address doesn't work, and lead to lost and corrupted information
  • CRM-6875 Mail forwarding .tpl file contains an extra </a>
  • CRM-6876 Focus is shifted on the WYSIWYG editor for the event tabs
  • CRM-6877 Drupal Views Calendar Doesn't Correctly Handle Timezone
  • CRM-6878 Make display name ajax searches customizable by token
  • CRM-6879 Demographics section of a New Individual Record fails to display in IE7,8
  • CRM-6880 potential SQL errors in CRM_Event_BAO_Event::getEvents()
  • CRM-6881 Disable case redaction rules in default install
  • CRM-6882 Patch to Improve integration with Views2 -- allows HTML output and exposes more CiviMail fields to Views
  • CRM-6883 Setting values for variables submitted to Paypal
  • CRM-6884 Campaigns: Petition functionality
  • CRM-6885 Views relationship on civicrm_contribution should join civicrm_contribution_recur on contribution_recur_id not contact_id
  • CRM-6886 "Create PDF Letter" activity record problem
  • CRM-6887 civicrm_tag_create() - missing sanity check on $tagBAO
  • CRM-6888 Reports: Improve Date Range Labels
  • CRM-6889 Activity type "Print PDF Letter" wrongly appears in the Activity Type drop down
  • CRM-6890 "is not of type String" when creating or editing group
  • CRM-6891 profile search with limit listings to group, where group is a parent, yields duplicates in result list
  • CRM-6892 Multiple phone numbers bug
  • CRM-6893 Make custom group creation in test use the api's
  • CRM-6894 Create tables to support "batch" operations on civicrm objects
  • CRM-6895 APIs destroy existing data in update mode
  • CRM-6896 Integrate GiftAid as a drupal module
  • CRM-6897 Case API needs to handle special "change case X" activities
  • CRM-6898 Implement a hook for Export
  • CRM-6899 Obsolete hook_shortcuts in favor of hook_links
  • CRM-6900 API cannot write to custom fields set as read only
  • CRM-6901 Profile fields displayed twice on event registration pages
  • CRM-6902 Implement the functionality to add "max" option for a price set field
  • CRM-6903 Date Added search to be included within Advanced Search
  • CRM-6904 Quick Search for Contacts suggestion
  • CRM-6905 CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::getRelationship does not return values if relationshipId is passed
  • CRM-6906 Relationship API needs reshaping
  • CRM-6907 Ability to set separate currency for Contribution / Event page
  • CRM-6908 Problems with Search Builder searches in 3.2.3
  • CRM-6909 url link to contact in import duplicate report has a broken url with extra &amp;
  • CRM-6910 Online event registration fails to store fee currency.
  • CRM-6911 more accurate message when accessing unauthorised page
  • CRM-6912 Group add => "Sorry. A non-recoverable error has occurred. is not of type String Return to home page."
  • CRM-6913 CiviCRM css affects Drupal core
  • CRM-6914 Remove all directory and URL settings from the database
  • CRM-6915 Unknown column 'participant_civireport.participant_status_id' in 'field list', 1054 ---Error in Consituent Report(Detail)
  • CRM-6916 hook_civicrm_links improvements
  • CRM-6917 Allow hard delete & restore of contacts via delete API
  • CRM-6918 During online event registration, existing contact sort name is overwritten by email.
  • CRM-6919 no message on ignored duplicate note field in data import
  • CRM-6920 Custom field set should set default to "tab" when recursive
  • CRM-6921 Participant API Returns incorrect results when no fee recorded
  • CRM-6922 Flash charts never finish "loading data..."
  • CRM-6923 Unable to update location via API civicrm_location_update()
  • CRM-6924 Using civicrm_contact_create() setting greeting is not consistent with address
  • CRM-6925 jQuery dialog fails to load at given position.
  • CRM-6926 eWay processing amounts over $1000
  • CRM-6927 Allow advanced search to display other component objects
  • CRM-6928 Contact update gives backtrace when we update cms user contact with any other cms user email from contact form.
  • CRM-6929 Follow up activity date is relative to the current date.
  • CRM-6930 Switch testing sandbox to 3.3
  • CRM-6931 Case Detail Report
  • CRM-6932 Improve "Contact Select or Create New Contact" widget to allow multiple instances on same page
  • CRM-6933 Date format dd/mm/yyyy
  • CRM-6934 Extend profile functionality to accept multiple gid's
  • CRM-6935 Can't update relationship by name using API after changing name in the web interface
  • CRM-6936 Inconsistent use of setting date in civicrm_note_create()
  • CRM-6937 Standardize date params in API
  • CRM-6938 small clean-up for civicrm_group_roles.module
  • CRM-6939 Multiple Payment Processors Per Page
  • CRM-6940 Importing Organization, bad error message when missing organization name
  • CRM-6941 Export relationship custom data --> generates error
  • CRM-6942 The preferred language doesn't inherit from the language of the CMS
  • CRM-6943 On a multilingual site, you sort_name_en_GB or sort_name_fr_FR are alternatively empty
  • CRM-6944 Fixing IDS.php to avoid 'suspicious activity' msg when saving eg Event online system msg template
  • CRM-6945 Ensure all apis have been migrated to v2
  • CRM-6946 Customizing CiviReport containg custom datetime fileds that have time part
  • CRM-6947 ContributionProcessor.php needlessly makes many calls to PayPal with GetTransactionDetails
  • CRM-6948 Opt-Out link in email not generated clean in a Drupal site so configured
  • CRM-6949 Create migration script for HRD data
  • CRM-6950 Allow Contribution fields in the select-your-own fields for Event Export
  • CRM-6951 Custom money fields in forms need to be displayed with preceding dollar sign like other amount fields
  • CRM-6952 API function civicrm_event_search does not honor the sort parm.
  • CRM-6953 Change bin/UpdateMembershipRecord.php to use FROM email address defined in civicrm.settings.php
  • CRM-6954 A few questions
  • CRM-6955 DirectDebit fields missing in Contribution, Membership, Renew membership
  • CRM-6956 html entitites export to csv
  • CRM-6957 Logging activities from search actions insert incorrect activity_id
  • CRM-6958 Creating a group longer than 32 chars with "exotic" chars generates a fatal error
  • CRM-6959 EmailProcessor - ambiguity about bounce + activity processing usage
  • CRM-6960 9001:Unknown System Error on Processing
  • CRM-6961 Tag set search criteria does not persist
  • CRM-6962 Status column on user dashboard is always blank
  • CRM-6963 Fails multi to single lingual conversion w/ backtrace.
  • CRM-6964 The 'StripAlternatives' code for viewing activties/sent email incorrectly identifies blank HTML
  • CRM-6965 Missing {ts}...{/ts} at line 29 in /templates/CRM/Mailing/Page/Optout.tpl
  • CRM-6966 Export field blank for addressee, postal/email greeting
  • CRM-6967 error message after French Localisation config
  • CRM-6968 Profiles of Type 'Activity' should not have Create mode in Action links.
  • CRM-6969 Adding a field/filter for deleted civicrm contacts
  • CRM-6970 The waiting list+approving participants options have gone missing
  • CRM-6971 Remove annoying line at top of name badge pdf files
  • CRM-6972 "User has an existing pledge" code creates new payment rather than linking payment
  • CRM-6973 Wrong event details on event Name badges pdf
  • CRM-6974 Handle case subject and case activity subject separately.
  • CRM-6975 Notes in Profile Create appear as regular text fields
  • CRM-6976 CiviContribute possible duplicate alert email being CC'd to related contacts
  • CRM-6977 From email addresses fail without a space before angle bracket
  • CRM-6978 Unrecoverable error when saving HTML message template
  • CRM-6979 3.3 testing run
  • CRM-6980 localize parseStreetAddress for en_CA, fr_CA; fix bug; add unit testing
  • CRM-6981 Create WebTest_Activity_ContactContextAddTest
  • CRM-6982 Create WebTest_Contribute_ContactContextAddTest
  • CRM-6983 Create WebTest_Pledge_ContactContextAddTest
  • CRM-6984 Create WebTest_Pledge_StandaloneAddTest
  • CRM-6985 Create WebTest_Member_ContactContextAddTest
  • CRM-6986 Create WebTest_Grant_ContactContextAddTest
  • CRM-6987 Create WebTest_Admin_RelationshipTypeAddTest
  • CRM-6988 Create WebTest_Contact_RelationshipAddTest
  • CRM-6989 Create WebTest_Admin_CustomAddTest
  • CRM-6990 in Drupal admin menu, onclick handler for 'CiviCRM' item wrongly attaches to other items
  • CRM-6991 Add row highlighting for permissioned relationships in Contact Relationships tab
  • CRM-6992 CMS user AJAX checking is case sensitive
  • CRM-6993 Wrong status and Intended recipients on the report
  • CRM-6994 Search Builder "IN" operator does not allow space in Membership Type names
  • CRM-6995 Pledge and Membership Statuses are missing from Contact Dashboard.
  • CRM-6996 Preventing duplicates when "allow multiple registrations from the same email address" option is checked
  • CRM-6997 CiviCRM 3.3 doesn't work on windows
  • CRM-6998 Navigation menu seeded with a non-en_US language can't be localised
  • CRM-6999 authenticate user cannot access the "Your File has been deleted message"
  • CRM-7000 Incorrect address element separation for "XXXX SHERMAN ST"
  • CRM-7001 Custom data Booleans do not honor default No
  • CRM-7002 Include pdf versions of receipts as attachments in receipt emails
  • CRM-7003 speed up User Views
  • CRM-7004 Can no longer edit message templates
  • CRM-7005 Reporting PayPal Payment Fee
  • CRM-7006 Can't delete soft credits
  • CRM-7007 Custom contact reference field creation breaks in mulitlingual
  • CRM-7008 Refactor CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::contextMenu to follow componentisation convention
  • CRM-7009 datepicker requires year to be changed before month / day
  • CRM-7010 Contribution Pages should support optional user selection of available payment processors
  • CRM-7011 Add an updated_date column into the civicrm_contribution table to know when was it last updated
  • CRM-7012 CiviReport doesn't respect custom templates directory (it does respect custom php)
  • CRM-7013 Cannot delete contribution with API
  • CRM-7014 Don't allow registering participants for event templates
  • CRM-7015 Attendee Report: Added Employer and Country as selected criteria
  • CRM-7016 Email task fails to exclude deceased contacts
  • CRM-7017 Grants with status containing the word "panel" do not display
  • CRM-7018 Can't edit a field from an inactive profile
  • CRM-7019 Function check_custom_parms does not take inactive custom fields into consideration, parameter showAll should be added
  • CRM-7020 Get rid of HRD specific customisations from the core
  • CRM-7021 Add search by radius to advanced search form
  • CRM-7022 civicrm_activity_create api fails to validate array of *_contact_id.
  • CRM-7023 UpdateMembership.php and other scripts don't survive upgrade
  • CRM-7024 Import into a custom field of type YYYY
  • CRM-7025 CIviMail: HTML-to-text conversion breaks footer links
  • CRM-7026 Add to Mailer API option to subscribe with given contact ID
  • CRM-7027 Check and fix code or test: CRM_Member_Form_MembershipTest
  • CRM-7028 Find Activities and Contact Activities Tab - Petition activities are missing
  • CRM-7029 Add Campaign, Add Survey, Add Petition dialogs need to use standard CiviCRM CSS styling
  • CRM-7030 Allow advanced multi-select custom field width to be set from civicrm.css (rather than hard-coded in php class)
  • CRM-7031 Registering for free event fails
  • CRM-7032 Search dropdown doesn't play nice with Create New button
  • CRM-7033 Activity Search restricts result to target contacts
  • CRM-7034 Missing icons on dashlets
  • CRM-7035 DB Error When Changing Order of Fields Within Custom Data Group
  • CRM-7036 CiviMail Settings missing from Administer > CiviMail navigation menu
  • CRM-7037 Smart Group criteria editing doesn't seem correct
  • CRM-7038 New Pledge Frequency Units do not localize in dropdown box.
  • CRM-7039 Bottom of the page (second) profile is not being included on Contribution Page
  • CRM-7040 Disable relationship button on user dashboard can lead to an access denied
  • CRM-7041 civicrm_member_roles module not correctly syncing contacts having multiple memberships with varying statuses
  • CRM-7042 REST interface works only with GET requests
  • CRM-7043 option to share address when setting the location on events
  • CRM-7044 Wrong State: Khomae
  • CRM-7045 On the list of participant, the status id isn't assigned to the row (only the status name)
  • CRM-7046 A buildForm hook can't override the nb of rows fetched per page
  • CRM-7047 js error prevents navigation (via menu) in Joomla
  • CRM-7048 Disabling employee of relationships does not stop the current employer
  • CRM-7049 Fix existing webtests
  • CRM-7050 CiviMail pager can't skip pages
  • CRM-7051 support HAVING statement in query construction
  • CRM-7052 Sort order of Event participants search persists into Profile Batch update screen
  • CRM-7053 Comma in "From" email name causes WSOD on "thank you page" memory overload
  • CRM-7054 CiviEngage Unsets custom template directory configured through administrator options
  • CRM-7055 Discount field options do no appear on my Event Fee page.
  • CRM-7056 Test suite gives warning about E_DEPRECATED if using php 5.2
  • CRM-7057 Send an email to participants doesn't display the select template field
  • CRM-7058 Using "send email" for group members --- Dupes in recipient list
  • CRM-7059 CiviCRM Profile information (and other forms that do not use qfKey) should be stored in the session
  • CRM-7060 Tighten the rules when we invoke a civicrm function from the REST interface ..
  • CRM-7061 allow ACL support for operations less than "All" for "all groups"
  • CRM-7062 CiviCampaign improvement / fixes.
  • CRM-7063 SVN related error in Walklist.tpl BETA
  • CRM-7064 The same participant can't have several time the same role
  • CRM-7065 Implement Release Respondents script.
  • CRM-7066 Export (DB syntax) error when Smart Groups are part of a larger Regular Group
  • CRM-7067 When you delete the main registration in an event, it delete all the additionnal registrations
  • CRM-7068 Fix test suite for PHP 5.3
  • CRM-7069 Joomla: mailing list subscription menu item option
  • CRM-7070 Member Roles Sync stuck with one role
  • CRM-7071 Joomla: event listing and participant listing menu items
  • CRM-7072 Event listing links - frontend urls
  • CRM-7073 Create WebTest_Campaign_SurveyUsageScenario
  • CRM-7074 Create WebTest_Campaign_PetitionUsageScenario
  • CRM-7075 Create testAddWithSharedAddress method in WebTest_Contact_AddTest
  • CRM-7076 Add soft_credit check to WebTest_Contribute_StandaloneAddTest and WebTest_Contribute_ContactContextAddTest
  • CRM-7077 Create WebTest_Contribute_OnlineContributionTest
  • CRM-7078 Create testRegisterWithPriceSet method in WebTest_Event_AddPricesetTest
  • CRM-7079 Create testEventParticipationAddWithMultipleRoles method in WebTest_Event_AddParticipationTest
  • CRM-7080 Create WebTest_Member_OfflineMembershipRenewTest
  • CRM-7081 Create WebTest_Member_OnlineMembershipCreateTest
  • CRM-7082 Create WebTest_Pledge_ContactContextPledgePaymentAddTest
  • CRM-7083 Create WebTest_Profile_SearchTest
  • CRM-7084 Create an API changelog for 3.3
  • CRM-7085 Display names miss data in database on imports and API updates
  • CRM-7086 check if file exists while including localization file for calendar
  • CRM-7087 Change the url that builds dashlet to relative url for internal / core dashletes
  • CRM-7088 Improvement of Gotv and Conduct Survey interfaces.
  • CRM-7089 Print PDF of contribution receipts is putting content to close to margins, and the right hand is flowing outside the page
  • CRM-7090 Merge destroys custom data linked to contact_sub_type without warning user
  • CRM-7091 Theme issues with Marinelli and CiviCRM
  • CRM-7092 Allow UpdateMembershipRecord.php to run from CLI
  • CRM-7093 CiviCRM Drupal Views integration: filter by checkbox / multi-select custom field is broken
  • CRM-7094 No way to edit Personal Campaign Page after marking it as inactive
  • CRM-7095 mysql value sort_buffer_size error when creating event
  • CRM-7096 CiviCRM version number shows incorrectly on Drupal modules page
  • CRM-7097 There is no filter for "deleted" (trash) contacts in Views
  • CRM-7098 Fix broken WebTest_Mailing_MailingNewTest::testNewMailing
  • CRM-7099 Drupal's Performance "Optimize Javascript Files" breaks CiviCRM Admin menu
  • CRM-7100 Gift aid - rollback batch creation in case of error
  • CRM-7101 Gift aid enhancements
  • CRM-7102 Error when two custom data sets extend the same thing
  • CRM-7103 retain additional query variables in url.php
  • CRM-7104 Multiple Value Custom Group Search - Improvements
  • CRM-7105 warning message on online event registration
  • CRM-7106 A logged in user can't register another participant if this participant has the same email as an existing user
  • CRM-7107 Creating new option in a price set field - cannot remove default option
  • CRM-7108 CiviMail: Long UTF-8 subjects get wrongly encoded
  • CRM-7109 Group Contacts list loses group when clicking letters
  • CRM-7110 Configure Your Dashboard does not load
  • CRM-7111 Fix the count for actual participants in the dashboard
  • CRM-7112 Remove dd_roundies
  • CRM-7113 If a Token is included in a hyperlink in a mailing template and the Token is not at the end of the hyperlink, the hyperlink is truncated.
  • CRM-7114 Display reverts to email if not set
  • CRM-7115 Implement recurring contributions functionality for
  • CRM-7116 County field not included in advanced search under Address Fields
  • CRM-7117 Recurring contribution checkbox and options missing on Configure Contribution Page -> Contribution Amounts
  • CRM-7118 Google map zoom level is too high (maximum) when displaying map with single item
  • CRM-7119 Preferred language field (contact edit) should use default option value
  • CRM-7120 Pledges with YEAR frequency unit sets wrong due dates for pledge payments
  • CRM-7121 Can't edit description field on a price set option
  • CRM-7122 Check money format ignores currency decimal settings
  • CRM-7123 Sort out the xx vs xx_YY language mess
  • CRM-7124 Separate 'delete permanently' and 'access trashed contacts'
  • CRM-7125 Location API does not always select the correct state when given a two-letter state abbreviation
  • CRM-7126 Prompt users to register their site at after Upgrades and when a new version is available
  • CRM-7127 Memberships should be inherited via multiple relationship type
  • CRM-7128 Auditable email transactions for good constituent service and legal compliance (eg Spam ACT)
  • CRM-7129 Recent registration in the event dashboard aren't recent
  • CRM-7130 jQuery data table fails to load the data.
  • CRM-7131 CRM_Utils_String::isutf8 doesn't always work
  • CRM-7132 Don't allow adding submenu's to Home menu item in navigation menu
  • CRM-7133 CLONE -Jquery calendar pop-up conflict with Drupal Date module date pop-up
  • CRM-7134 Update codebase for Joomla 1.6
  • CRM-7135 Contact Image does not save correctly in localized environment because ImageURL is saved with language suffix.
  • CRM-7136 Contact Dashboard link should not be displayed when user is viewing a Drupal user page for contact they don't have access to
  • CRM-7137 Auto-renew Option for Memberships (
  • CRM-7138 Edit Smart Group Criteria: crmasmSelect field values not retrieved properly
  • CRM-7139 Respect hook_token for contribution receipts
  • CRM-7140 Error exporting vcard
  • CRM-7141 Create WebTest_Profile_DedupeTest
  • CRM-7142 String lacks localization
  • CRM-7143 String lacks localization
  • CRM-7144 Activity report - list all assignee/target contacts
  • CRM-7145 Minor class mis-spelling.
  • CRM-7146 IATS payment processor type initialization
  • CRM-7147 Activity API - more bugs
  • CRM-7148 Participant Status Id mapping in Event Participant Export Doesn't Recognize Integers
  • CRM-7149 isDBMyISAM // DAO::getStorageValues takes a long time on large datasets
  • CRM-7150 Disabled Events still show in event dropdown for backend create registration
  • CRM-7151 CiviMail Report Instances
  • CRM-7152 Enclose custom data sets in collapsible panes when they are included in Report Criteria Display Columns and Filters
  • CRM-7153 Custom fields do not respect permissions when added to reports
  • CRM-7154 Missing language files in Transifex
  • CRM-7155 Add unique name to pledge.contribution_type_id
  • CRM-7156 Allow most reports to include searchable custom fields as Display Columns and Filters
  • CRM-7157 If user only has minimal permissions, current employer is blank when editing their contact record, and clicking save disables the relationship, even if the relationship setting allows the user to view/edit the org.
  • CRM-7158 PDF contribution report prints the word "nothing" when is_email_receipt is false
  • CRM-7159 addressee/postal/mailing greeting -- clean string on construction
  • CRM-7160 Installation fails for drupal.
  • CRM-7161 Generate install/langs.php from db
  • CRM-7162 Update localisation docs for 3.3
  • CRM-7163 Multilingual upgrade seems to broken for v3.3.0
  • CRM-7164 CiviCRM logging infrastructure
  • CRM-7165 Create more usable logging reports
  • CRM-7166 include/exclude custom search improvements
  • CRM-7167 No way to remove "All members" from the advanced search
  • CRM-7168 Report layouts are funky under Joomla
  • CRM-7169 CiviCRM 3.3.0 breaks if CiviEngage module is enabled
  • CRM-7170 Improvements to the Mailing Reports to display information via charts and graphs (in addition to tabular)
  • CRM-7171 CiviMail Rules integration
  • CRM-7172 Implement mailing review workflow for CiviMail
  • CRM-7173 Improvements to bounce mail handling
  • CRM-7174 Contribution summary is not excluding contributions of deleted contact.
  • CRM-7175 Dedupe is seems to be broken to find the dupe with multiple matching fields.
  • CRM-7176 updateConfigBackend does not update a couple of config_backend variable
  • CRM-7177 civicrm/member/add&reset=1&action=add&context=standalone has bad query -it takes a loong time when there are a significant amount of records
  • CRM-7178 Multisite implementations need to only display *their own* payment processors
  • CRM-7179 Submit Credit Card contribution or membership or event registration - 1st processor is used regardless of user selection when there are more than one available
  • CRM-7180 Change Participant Listing Templates menu title
  • CRM-7181 Search Builder Returns No Results For Searching Between Two Dates With Membership Expiration
  • CRM-7182 Export Custom "Price Set Details for Event Participants" Search Results
  • CRM-7183 Email activity is not recorded for cc and bcc
  • CRM-7184 Cleanup line item table for duplicate entires.
  • CRM-7185 multiple values returned if multiple location types represented
  • CRM-7186 pagination incorrect when using groups with parents/children
  • CRM-7187 Assign case role isn't a choice in the search filters list in the activities table at the bottom of the manage case screen
  • CRM-7188 Deleting membership or pledge deletes associated contribution records.
  • CRM-7189 Problems with logging feature in multilingual install / database name containing special characters
  • CRM-7190 Add a contact source whenever possible
  • CRM-7191 Inherit CMS Language not working with multilingual installation
  • CRM-7192 url tracking parser mangles URLs that end with a hyphen
  • CRM-7193 Emailprocessor cli comment shows "incomingEmails" but code tests for "activities"
  • CRM-7194 Dedupe is missing matching contacts when the threshold is set close to the threshold for the match
  • CRM-7195 Support for hooks in a code called from the REST API
  • CRM-7196 Print contact - bad redirect
  • CRM-7197 FIx incorrect foreign key name in civicrm_mailing_job table
  • CRM-7198 Profile Search View seems to be broken for advanced search.
  • CRM-7199 move CIVICRM_SITE_KEy from settings.civicrm.php to civicrm_domain
  • CRM-7200 Events information not saving
  • CRM-7201 Deleting a custom data set does not update default dedupe rules
  • CRM-7202 Navigation Menu Edit Screen Not Loading Menu Structure
  • CRM-7203 relationship handler for views uses wrong key name
  • CRM-7204 Advanced Search - Case Pane: Can not clear All Cases / My Cases radio button once it's selected
  • CRM-7205 Core error if you try to turn on logging & don't have enough permissions
  • CRM-7206 Multiple Relationship types storage broken in membership type form (introduced in 3.3.1)
  • CRM-7207 CiviReport returns 0 contacts even though the smart group has contacts
  • CRM-7208 Edit Individual contact: changing location type on existing email or phone results in duplicate email / phone records AND delete doesn't work
  • CRM-7209 CiviMail fails to finish mail delivery
  • CRM-7210 Phone records not being deleted
  • CRM-7211 Extra double-quotes in ActionButtons.tpl breakes form look in IE
  • CRM-7212 Event location not showing
  • CRM-7213 Contribution Page Title translation problem
  • CRM-7214 CiviCRM Profile: Value of default option is inserted instead of its label
  • CRM-7215 3.4 testing run
  • CRM-7216 Reinstall code coverage reports
  • CRM-7217 Contribution Page Configure, Live Page and Test-drive links missing
  • CRM-7218 CiviCase API validation error
  • CRM-7219 Describe and start introducing the procedure for tests accompanying patches and contributions
  • CRM-7220 Further speed up of tests execution
  • CRM-7221 Introduce Joomla testing sandbox
  • CRM-7222 Send out diffs between test suite runs via emai
  • CRM-7223 Users whose permissions are set by ACL hook cannot send CiviMail
  • CRM-7224 CiviMail cron needs to be able to run from the originating domain
  • CRM-7225 Advanced search pane improvements
  • CRM-7226 Configure Events - Online Registration: Browser focus jumps to middle of the form when the page loads
  • CRM-7227 Delete Contacts action is included in context menu array even though user does NOT have delete contacts permission
  • CRM-7228 Unable to create Contact with OpenID with PHP 5.3
  • CRM-7229 Dedupe fails with birth date and deceased date
  • CRM-7230 "FROM Email Address" translation Problem
  • CRM-7231 Contact API does not return custom data
  • CRM-7232 print contact summary: odd behavior after redirect
  • CRM-7233 Membership Dashboard doesn't handle fixed period memberships properly
  • CRM-7234 Adding support for joinEnd Membership search key-value pair in URL
  • CRM-7235 'Add note' suffers from crossed wires between tab sessions
  • CRM-7236 Custom field admin settings pages suffer from crossed wires between tab sessions
  • CRM-7237 When doing multiple dedupe, workflow does not return to result set
  • CRM-7238 Notice patch for drupal/modules/views/
  • CRM-7239 Enhance Membership Dashboard with separate columns for Joins and Renewals
  • CRM-7240 Creating a smart group for "All Contacts" throws a fatal error when used in CiviMail
  • CRM-7241 'Created By' field for Contact's Comments to a Note are the entered as the contact, not the user that entered them
  • CRM-7242 CiviMember Roles Sync: bonus roles
  • CRM-7243 Cannot drag and drop dashlets when language is set to polish.
  • CRM-7244 Price Sets - Display the events and / or contribution pages which use a price set when viewing price fields
  • CRM-7245 Handle invalid unserialized domain values (config_backend in civicrm_domain table)
  • CRM-7246 Inconsistent use of date functions affects cache tables
  • CRM-7247 PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in bin/EmailProcessor.php on line 244
  • CRM-7248 cron job updates memberships to admin only statuses
  • CRM-7249 Cannot change from Contact Sub-type to parent Type
  • CRM-7250 Custom Proximity Search broken due to some change in custom search framework
  • CRM-7251 Replace 'Change Log' tab with relevant logging results (if logging enabled)
  • CRM-7252 Joomla autoloader issue
  • CRM-7253 Incorrect Intended Recipients & Successful Deliveries Counts in CiviMail
  • CRM-7254 Exported CiviReport CSV dates not ISO standard
  • CRM-7255 CiviReport Membership Detail Report Includes First and Last Name
  • CRM-7256 hook civicrm_tokens is never implemented when emailling contribution receipt
  • CRM-7257 Adding <div to report criteria and filters, makes jQuery and CSS styling of forms easier
  • CRM-7258 Enable IMCE for file management in TinyMCE (Drupal)
  • CRM-7259 Add "clear filters" button on CiviReport pages
  • CRM-7260 Greater use of nicknames to avoid creation of duplicates and in de-duping
  • CRM-7261 note truncation issues when line breaks present
  • CRM-7262 Money format radio custom data not showing up on view user page
  • CRM-7263 UX: Show is_admin on relationships table
  • CRM-7264 TAGS (of TAG SETS) entered with New Organizations do not persist (resulting in 0 Tags after saving)
  • CRM-7265 Forced SSL not working with image file (e.g. logos) calls
  • CRM-7266 Config variables are not applied to TinyMCE configuration
  • CRM-7267 Ability to pre-load/pre-cache a contact's tabs in the contact detail record
  • CRM-7268 Dashboard dashlets should take up 100% of horizontal space if configured to show dashlets in left column only.
  • CRM-7269 Remove or greatly increase max-height setting for search results box
  • CRM-7270 Add a delay for ajax search boxes
  • CRM-7271 Include a 'Show All Results' or 'Show # Results' in search boxes when there are more than 10 results
  • CRM-7272 Browser and CiviCRM contextual menu issues on search results page
  • CRM-7273 Javascript Error on Contacts > New Individual/Organization/Household
  • CRM-7274 Sort out Norwegian translations
  • CRM-7275 Format phone numbers using user-configurable input mask (For contact detail and contact summary forms)
  • CRM-7276 Use a different background color when mouseovering rows in contact summary form (like phpMyAdmin)
  • CRM-7277 Unable to post contribution if Monetary Amount Display is set to %a
  • CRM-7278 Drupal 6.20 upgrade 2.2.6 -> 3.3.1 with drush fails at database upgrade.
  • CRM-7279 Add a clear link for attachments
  • CRM-7280 Details box on open case should be richtext
  • CRM-7281 Case-specific relationships (roles) should end when case closes
  • CRM-7282 Add a unique CSS class to the client row in the case roles section on manage case
  • CRM-7283 Sync UF Match should limit to individuals
  • CRM-7284 Quicksearch box in navigation menu doesn't always return all results
  • CRM-7285 doSiteMove() broken in 3.3.x - patch included
  • CRM-7286 Implement offline recurring contribution support for and paypal Pro
  • CRM-7287 New case activities grid in 3.3 defaults to 10 rows. Used to be 40.
  • CRM-7288 Admin-only price set fields should be available from contact page
  • CRM-7289 Subject is overwritten when sending HTML/Text membership renewal reminders
  • CRM-7290 Allow admins to assign an Online Contribution Page to an offline contribution and display assigned contribution page when viewing contributions
  • CRM-7291 Report display issues if more than one custom group
  • CRM-7292 Drupal Views SQL for CiviEvents does not handle custom field checkboxes
  • CRM-7293 After deletetion of contact custom field, cannot save a contact
  • CRM-7294 Add link to manage case screen in email copies of activities
  • CRM-7295 Add Manage Case link to the More dropdown on a contact's relationship tab for relationships that are case-relationships
  • CRM-7296 Shares address with is not respected in self-service areas
  • CRM-7297 Membership Upsell and Ability to Change Membership at Renewal Maintaining Membership Continuity
  • CRM-7298 TCPDF CJK support patch
  • CRM-7299 Auto field mapping by column name still have problem on non-eng user
  • CRM-7300 Street Address search does not work
  • CRM-7301 CiviCRM OG Sync Drupal module should handle changes to subscriptions initiated from CiviCRM
  • CRM-7302 Fix broken membership sample data.
  • CRM-7304 When searching in range on custom integer field for multiple records, field is ignored and all records are returned
  • CRM-7305 Translation doesn't work in navigation menu (gettext filter by context problem)
  • CRM-7306 Error when disabling an 'employed by' relationship
  • CRM-7307 Delete Contact does not delete associated contributions
  • CRM-7308 Mark this pair as not a duplicate never completes in contact/merge
  • CRM-7309 Price Fields with time interval. Useful for early bird and late registrations, temporary discounts, etc.
  • CRM-7310 Create Extension XML filles distribution and publication system
  • CRM-7311 Activity Details in Case Report and QA Audit screen include HTML tags and should not be escaped
  • CRM-7312 Help people to know "Where Am I?"
  • CRM-7313 When importing large number of contacts, after import fail to redirect
  • CRM-7314 Logging-based undo/revert functionality
  • CRM-7315 Specify a different default Location Type for each Contact Type
  • CRM-7316 Activity BAO patch to allow unique name activity_status_id instead of field name status_id
  • CRM-7317 Add 'Previous' and 'Next' links to the dedupe screen
  • CRM-7318 undefined constant mb_detect_encoding (also undefined: DUPLICATE_SKIP)
  • CRM-7319 Can't add a tagset term that is already in use as part of another term
  • CRM-7320 Override Membership Status when editing an existing membership - javascript error prevents status dropdown from showing
  • CRM-7321 Selecting Group as filter in CiviReport Membership report generates MySQL syntax error
  • CRM-7322 Add support for search respondent by postal code in campaign.
  • CRM-7323 Require Membership on Contribution Pages only when not currently a member
  • CRM-7324 Unable to create new membership type without setting a relationship
  • CRM-7325 Drupal Installer chokes on database passwords containing '%' (percent character)
  • CRM-7326 Mmbership import error says 'join date' not 'member since'
  • CRM-7327 CiviMail does not correctly rewrite some URLs for tracking
  • CRM-7328 If no userNameLabel/passwordLabel/signatureLabel/subjectLabel specified then an error is thrown
  • CRM-7329 CiviMail fails if drupal autoloader installed - due to EZC package issue
  • CRM-7330 Allow multifield instances to be set through API
  • CRM-7331 Log Table Not Found
  • CRM-7332 Membership import does not display custom fields in the matching dropdown if they are used in a dedupe rule
  • CRM-7333 CiviMail reply handling broken
  • CRM-7334 incorrect version number in civicrm.setting.php
  • CRM-7335 removing civicspace and standalone comments from civicrm.settings.php
  • CRM-7336 Summary overlay pop-up box should not be displayed if there are no fields to display
  • CRM-7337 Clean up api/v2/utils.php
  • CRM-7338 Tagset terms containing double-quotes break tagset.
  • CRM-7339 Implement first phase of validations for survey response.
  • CRM-7340 EmailProcessor.php can never process a reply
  • CRM-7341 CiviMail support for hierarchical groups
  • CRM-7342 image can't display in chart of print and PDF export or CiviReport
  • CRM-7343 cms user account merge text
  • CRM-7344 CiviCampaign improvements: integration with other components and with CiviEngage module
  • CRM-7345 Allow Campaign object to be extended with custom fields
  • CRM-7346 Additional core fields for campaigns (general goals and revenue goals)
  • CRM-7347 CiviReport and smart groups returns syntax error
  • CRM-7348 unable to attach additional profile to event if it contains participant fields
  • CRM-7349 CiviMail cron job fails due to drupal bootstrap / session conflict
  • CRM-7350 Fix mismatch between open case activity date and case start date
  • CRM-7351 Unable to delete custom fields when logging is disabled
  • CRM-7352 Contribution changes report
  • CRM-7353 Add email, phone, address changes to contact logging report
  • CRM-7354 Duplicate key in civicrm_rules_data_type_info()
  • CRM-7355 Contribution/event emails conflate To:, Cc: and Bcc:
  • CRM-7356 IMAP MailStore should EXPUNGE deleted messages
  • CRM-7357 Participant role is no longer displayed in custom event name badges
  • CRM-7358 CSS files needed for properly format profile view and edit elements were unintentionally removed from Drupal User Registration and My Account pages
  • CRM-7359 Activity list fills up unnecessarily when email copies routinely sent to multiple recipients
  • CRM-7360 Having CiviCRM menu display in drupal admin module
  • CRM-7361 Credit Card Information should not be required for free ($0) event registration
  • CRM-7362 Link Campaigns to other component transactions - contributions, pledges, events and participants, memberships, activities and mailings
  • CRM-7363 import to custom address field errors
  • CRM-7364 Case-specific relationships (roles) still show as active relationships when a case is deleted.
  • CRM-7365 Query in CRM_Case_BAO_Case::getCaseRoles is inefficient
  • CRM-7366 IATS processor 'breaks' on 3.3 - needs singleton function
  • CRM-7367 Mapping a contact after proximity custom search using a tag gives error
  • CRM-7368 Credit offline contributions to Personal Campaign Pages
  • CRM-7369 Allow staff to assign or update associated online contribution page for contributions using batch update via profile
  • CRM-7370 Search by Campaign(s) for component search and advanced search component panes
  • CRM-7371 dashboard links don't respect all cases/my cases
  • CRM-7372 Integrate Jooma 1.6 ACL with CiviCRM permissioning
  • CRM-7373 Searching profiles by multiple tags causes database error 1241
  • CRM-7374 Activities broken by civimail workflow
  • CRM-7375 Sorting the results of Find Cases by status gives fatal error
  • CRM-7376 The FROM email for the receipt email for a contribution, pledge, or membership entered through the backend is set to the logged in user and can not be changed
  • CRM-7377 Event Registration confirmation does not check for duplicate contact and creates a dupe
  • CRM-7378 Pledge Display Enhancement - Listing of a new column for Contribution type
  • CRM-7379 "Label" div should be using fixed width instead of variable width
  • CRM-7380 Show a search/loading graphic on linked/lookup fields such as "Share address with" and "Current Employer"
  • CRM-7381 New Contribution with credit card error
  • CRM-7382 Activity status doesn't obey civicrm_option_value.is_default setting
  • CRM-7383 cvs import has problems with special caracters
  • CRM-7384 contact api returns deleted contacts by default
  • CRM-7385 Event Income Report (Summary) report with broken column
  • CRM-7386 normalize the multi-value custom fields
  • CRM-7388 price set field options don't order
  • CRM-7389 Paypal Standard Incomplete Transactions cause Duplicate Contacts, even with same email
  • CRM-7390 Contribution Type of pledge is not honored for self-service pledge payment
  • CRM-7391 Some E_NOTICE patches found during contact and member import
  • CRM-7392 Wrong start date for new membership with fixed period
  • CRM-7393 Spelling mistake on Membership Screen, should Pay Pal be listed too?
  • CRM-7394 Dedupe broken for some weight combinations
  • CRM-7395 Reply-to param not taken into account
  • CRM-7396 Activity report custom data should be applied to target contact, not source contact
  • CRM-7397 CiviCRM Event Templates: 'Tell a Friend' option fails to remain enabled
  • CRM-7398 joomla menu item paths
  • CRM-7399 Tokens and images don't work when PDF printing to multiple contacts
  • CRM-7400 Tiny URLs don't resolve with Click-Through tracking enabled
  • CRM-7401 petitions aren't available via joomla frontend
  • CRM-7402 HREF link code in Contribution page footer causes HTML validation error
  • CRM-7403 merge address on export should require match on address+city+state
  • CRM-7404 Support IIS by renaming /bin directory
  • CRM-7405 Enable ordering of CiviReport columns
  • CRM-7406 Respondent search improvements
  • CRM-7407 userFrameworkResourceURL incorrect when installing civicrm via drush
  • CRM-7408 can't batch update contribution receive_date
  • CRM-7409 Create new contact select list - js doesn't trigger until 2nd 'onchange'
  • CRM-7410 Cookie left by Design bookmarklet causes "There is a validation error with your HTML input. Your activity is a bit suspicious, hence aborting"
  • CRM-7411 membership dashboard improvements
  • CRM-7412 Profile Form client side (javascript) validation
  • CRM-7413 Profile Form standard CSS
  • CRM-7414 a new cvs Import button that imports all fields
  • CRM-7415 Joomla.php should us JError rather than Error.php
  • CRM-7416 civicrm.settings.php.tpl (template) shoud allow to set a CIVICRM_SITE_KEY when generating the config file (for Aegir)
  • CRM-7417 PHP Notice: Undefined Index: SERVER_ADDRR
  • CRM-7418 Upgrade error- Database Error Code: Duplicate key name 'index_medium_id', 1061
  • CRM-7419 "MD5 Verification failed" error for AuthNet_AIM under certain conditions
  • CRM-7420 Contribution widget not displaying in IE in some circumstances
  • CRM-7421 API cannot return more than 1 contact website
  • CRM-7422 Price Sets require Administer CiviCRM permissions
  • CRM-7423 joomla editor - js
  • CRM-7424 Failed opening required 'CRM/Core/.php' when viewing membership tab w/disabled payment processor
  • CRM-7425 events api improvement and joomla event listing bug fix
  • CRM-7426 Cannot use object of type PEAR_Error as array in cli.php on line 58
  • CRM-7427 Class 'ezcMailImapTransport' not found in Imap.php on line 61
  • CRM-7428 Drupal locale url langauge negotiation causes all forward slashes to be stripped from profile image URLs in the baseURL path
  • CRM-7429 cmsRootPath does correctly determine root path if an "includes" directory exists at higher levels
  • CRM-7430 Support for views3
  • CRM-7431 Undefined index: searchRows in Contact/Page/View/Relationship.tpl on line 81
  • CRM-7432 Undefined property: CRM_Core_Config::$defaultSymbol in common/jsortable.tpl on line 183
  • CRM-7433 Patch from CRM-6135 breaks delay setting in autocomplete
  • CRM-7434 Undefined index: isForm in common/snippet.tpl on line 45
  • CRM-7435 Undefined index: isAddressCustomPresent in Contact/Page/View/Summary.tpl on line 550.
  • CRM-7436 Undefined index: demographics_viewCustomData in Contact/Page/View/Demographics.tpl on line 41.
  • CRM-7437 Upon upgrade to 3.3, if Expired membership status has been renamed, it is recreated and the old is disabled
  • CRM-7438 Undefined index: help_post in drupal/modules/views/ on line 5117
  • CRM-7439 Undefined variable: workflowClause in CRM/Mailing/BAO/Job.php on line 91.
  • CRM-7440 PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in CRM/Admin/Form/Preferences.php on line 164
  • CRM-7441 PHP Fatal error: Class 'CRM_Core_DAO_Domain' not found in CRM/Admin/Form/Setting/Miscellaneous.php on line 60
  • CRM-7442 Check for Open Case activity type missing or disabled and provide a clear error message
  • CRM-7443 Improve E_WARNING compliance.
  • CRM-7444 Import process needlessly rebuilds ACL cache twice during import, even if the site does not use ACLs
  • CRM-7445 Add client to the case (for multiclient) in CiviCase doesn't work
  • CRM-7446 Case Summary screen doesn't reload after tags are added
  • CRM-7447 image_url and it's handling should be should be changed from url to file pointer
  • CRM-7448 Uploading file with 0 bytes size not possible (doesn't move from uploads to custom)
  • CRM-7449 Remove Drupal Version from CMS Integration
  • CRM-7450 reset navigation when drupal user is saved
  • CRM-7451 If not using mail() as the outbound mail setting, recipient addresses for, e.g. activity assignees, are mangled.
  • CRM-7452 Cancelling a mailing should cancel all child jobs
  • CRM-7453 restructure activity form/separate from page call
  • CRM-7454 Flash charts never finish "loading data..."
  • CRM-7455 Implement grant statistics report.
  • CRM-7456 Can not perform a range search on a data field that is part of a field set that allows multiple records
  • CRM-7457 Proxmity Search targets not saved to Group or Smart Group
  • CRM-7458 Site Name and Base Directory tangle and fight on a non-Multi-Site Drupal installation
  • CRM-7459 Real time member roles sync
  • CRM-7460 Contribution pages for payment pledges incorrectly prevents a user for paying a pledge for another
  • CRM-7461 Upgrade all drupal modules which comes with civicrm to supprt drupal7.
  • CRM-7462 No drupal related context available in Triggered rules based on contact related event
  • CRM-7463 add 'Cases' and 'Memberships' to 'Find Contacts - Advanced Search' field 'Display Results As'
  • CRM-7464 File Upload field in profile can not be included in Contribution page
  • CRM-7465 Should be able to do double opt-in via profile form addition to group
  • CRM-7466 Joomla Mailing List menu subscription item missing parameter
  • CRM-7467 Currently it is complex to access civicrm hooks from Joomla Adding this will make it possible to use the Joomla plugin system to access the hooks.
  • CRM-7468 Confusing "Actual Registered participant count" message in CiviEvent Dashboard
  • CRM-7469 Fatal error if a "non-permitted" event or profile is in the requested page
  • CRM-7471 civimail.cronjob.php fails to honor drupal settings.php's $db_prefix
  • CRM-7472 Double quotes (and possibly other special characters) break the Customize Navigation Menu page (jsTree widget)
  • CRM-7473 CiviMailProcessor.php fails without descriptive error if port 993 is not open on webhost
  • CRM-7474 Case Detail report: Unknown column 'activity_civireport.activity_date_time' in 'where clause'
  • CRM-7475 Create unit test and web test for Membership Upsell feature
  • CRM-7476 Continue button missing for $0.00 amount membership in confirmation screen
  • CRM-7477 Listing with {civicrm_website}.website_type_id = NULL skips cell
  • CRM-7478 ACL bug when too many events
  • CRM-7479 Create an activity when user creates a personal campaign page
  • CRM-7480 Find Activities is not respecting component activities.
  • CRM-7481 Custom field should automatically resize checkbox/multi-select/string fields if the length is greater than what the db can hold
  • CRM-7482 Registered user cannot rejoin group using profile
  • CRM-7483 post hook should be triggered for AJAX add/delete on EntityTag
  • CRM-7484 Duplicate entry error when sending emails to multiple addresses from the same contact
  • CRM-7485 Pager for the dedupe listing page.
  • CRM-7486 Invalid SQL statement in 3.4.alpha1.mysql.tpl
  • CRM-7487 Implement Find Campaign, Survey and Petition interface for respective dashboard.
  • CRM-7488 add is_deceased toggle to advanced search
  • CRM-7489 track when tags are created in db
  • CRM-7490 hook_civicrm_post() not called in CRM_Event_BAO_Participant::deleteParticipant()
  • CRM-7491 Custom date field displays time when the field format specifies no time input
  • CRM-7492 UpdatePledgeRecord.php script sends a reminder for ALL pending pledge payments if Additional Reminder Days is set to 0
  • CRM-7493 civicrm_participant_get() doesn't query by participant_id
  • CRM-7494 Implement Survey Detail Report including support for Walklists and Phonebanking
  • CRM-7495 Special characters are not encoded correctly when creating printable letters (PDF)
  • CRM-7496 iCal confuses encoding of newlines with folding
  • CRM-7497 ContributionProcessor.php - Add support for custom, number - paypal nvp fields
  • CRM-7498 Event Income (Detail) missing detail
  • CRM-7499 Tagsets don't accept numerical only tags
  • CRM-7500 Separate attribute for Time Required on Date-Time input fields
  • CRM-7501 recently viewed items template is improperly formatted
  • CRM-7502 Export of relation fields throws SQL error
  • CRM-7503 Smart Groups - Joomla Bad / Drupal Good
  • CRM-7504 CiviMail Report shows decreasing count of "Intended Recipients" as permanent bounces are processed.
  • CRM-7505 Problem with monetary value format in membership renewal
  • CRM-7506 Start running CiviCRM tests on Supercell
  • CRM-7507 Fix trunk.api automated testing sandbox
  • CRM-7508 Allow CiviCRM contact reference custom fields to be restricted to particular groups
  • CRM-7509 Improve drupal integration and my account
  • CRM-7510 Add a timeout to the smtp connection call
  • CRM-7511 Add tags during addition of new contact fail to add tags
  • CRM-7512 Entering a tag for an existing user where the tag name being entered matches another tag in a different vocabulary, causes new tag to not be added, with no feedback
  • CRM-7513 Membership import completely fails data validation if the default dedupe rule involves custom data which does not extend memberships
  • CRM-7514 Incorrect file field url in profile form notification email
  • CRM-7515 Incorrect retrieval of domain_id in 3.3.4 uprade script - causes fatal error during upgrade to 3.3.4
  • CRM-7516 Views filter handler doesn't work for multiple value custom fields
  • CRM-7517 CiviCampaign should skip permissions in reserve/release/interview cycle for contacts
  • CRM-7518 Unrecoverable DB error when modifying Custom Data type
  • CRM-7519 Joomla/JCE editor unusable in CiviMail
  • CRM-7520 CSS syntax errors in Joomla package
  • CRM-7521 Automate release testing process
  • CRM-7522 Import of related organizations create "empty" orgs if non matching on a field != organization_name
  • CRM-7523 Fix failing and add new tests
  • CRM-7524 Custom search by date added incorrectly joins on email while grouping by contact_id
  • CRM-7525 Performance and scalability improvement for campaign component
  • CRM-7526 Add custom field support to Activity and Activity Summary reports
  • CRM-7527 Do not require "access CiviCRM" permission for campaign workflow (reserve/release/interview)
  • CRM-7528 when running emailprocessor, mailstore can die due to case sensitivity
  • CRM-7529 Hide recurring payment option when user is recording a pledge payment
  • CRM-7530 open joomla acl in modal window
  • CRM-7531 Membership Renewal Reminder Date - Update Script
  • CRM-7532 joomla user plugin
  • CRM-7533 4.2 testing plan
  • CRM-7534 Drupal - Upcoming Event Block Showing only Title when no events are available.
  • CRM-7535 UI Issue: Disabled elements are styled with a strikethrough
  • CRM-7536 Navigation menu tree breaks if you edit a menu item and disable it (uncheck the Enabled checkbox)
  • CRM-7537 Unable to edit built-in Contact Types
  • CRM-7538 Dashlets not working in a localized installation
  • CRM-7539 Usability problem: Permission Denied pages are marked as Fatal Error
  • CRM-7540 Import fails if Employer (or other Related Contact) is left blank
  • CRM-7541 Proximity search via profile limited to a group doesn't display criteria properly for anonymous users
  • CRM-7542 Request: Jump to steps in CiviMail
  • CRM-7543 Drupal Integration only shows 10 entries
  • CRM-7544 Participant List Discrepancy
  • CRM-7545 dedupe threshold behaves as if it were higher than it is actually set
  • CRM-7546 Redirect after contact delete leads to an unintuitive/potentially-slow page
  • CRM-7547 Increase contrast slightly between odd and even rows in search results tables
  • CRM-7548 custom fields in tabs don't respect default values
  • CRM-7549 New Contribution (standalone) - Send Receipt option missing when creating a new contact
  • CRM-7550 Expand icon to show activities broken on "my cases" and "all cases" dashlet
  • CRM-7551 In Custom Searche class Base error when no WHERE is used
  • CRM-7552 Make Memcached support configurable
  • CRM-7553 mailing labels - suppress local country
  • CRM-7554 Membership import does not have a way of dealing with rolling updates from a single source list
  • CRM-7555 Pledge Dashboard Displaying Incorrect Balance Due -- Detail Reports Incorrect
  • CRM-7556 Hide billing information for optional membership
  • CRM-7557 CC& BCC bug: it's a privacy issue
  • CRM-7558 File on case link/button has wrong destination url
  • CRM-7559 CiviReport runs very slow query on Contribute Detail
  • CRM-7560 CRM_Utils_System_Drupal::authenticate() uses raw SQL instead of Drupal API
  • CRM-7561 A bit more debug output PaypalPro IPN
  • CRM-7562 Views - allow recurring contribution table to be the basetable for a view
  • CRM-7563 Using batch limits on Civimail causes mailing to beging "running" but never send any emails
  • CRM-7564 Custom field already exists error for a different custom group
  • CRM-7565 Address Custom Data as Autocomplete-Select doesn't work in Contact's Form
  • CRM-7566 bin/ContributionProcessor.php does not support recurring contributions for Google Checkout
  • CRM-7567 ContributionProcessor.php maps "source" field differently for PayPal and Google Checkout
  • CRM-7568 jquery.crmAccordions.js is not optimal
  • CRM-7569 CRM/Contact/BAO/Contact.php
  • CRM-7570 CRM/Contact/Form/Contact.php
  • CRM-7571 CRM/Contact/Form/Search.php
  • CRM-7572 CRM/Contact/Form/Task/AddToGroup.php
  • CRM-7573 Allow organization addresses to be shared
  • CRM-7574 Automatically resize contact image thumbnails
  • CRM-7575 CRM/Core/BAO/CustomGroup.php
  • CRM-7576 CRM/Core/DAO.php
  • CRM-7577 CRM/Mailing/BAO/Job.php
  • CRM-7578 CRM/Mailing/BAO/Mailing.php
  • CRM-7579 CRM/Mailing/Form/Schedule.php
  • CRM-7580 CRM/Mailing/Form/Upload.php
  • CRM-7581 Undefined variable $fromMail should be $this->_mailing->from_email in CRM_Mailing_Page_View::run()
  • CRM-7582 Workaround for double-slash in DOCUMENT_ROOT
  • CRM-7583 Enable bin/civimail.cronjob.php and bin/EmailProcessor.php to be called from Drupal cron hooks.
  • CRM-7584 drupal/modules/civicrm_engage/templates/CRM/Contact/Form/Edit/Demographics.tpl
  • CRM-7585 drupal/modules/civicrm_engage/templates/CRM/Contact/Page/View/Demographics.tpl
  • CRM-7586 drupal/modules/views/
  • CRM-7587 Fix for broken image in templates/CRM/Admin/Page/Admin.tpl
  • CRM-7588 Various template file fixes
  • CRM-7589 Mass mailing from a Proximity Search doesn't work
  • CRM-7590 Editing an unscheduled mailing after Save & Continue creates a duplicate mailing record
  • CRM-7591 Browse Unscheduled Mailings - include Created Date and hide columns which are not relevant for unscheduled mailings
  • CRM-7592 Only variable references should be returned by reference in CRM/Mailing/Form/Test.php on line 258.
  • CRM-7593 Missing description fields in Rules defined by civicrm_rules_action_info() in drupal/modules/civicrm_rules/
  • CRM-7594 location_update API expects address-array with index 1
  • CRM-7595 CiviMail uses reply-to header:
  • CRM-7596 Upgrade reset the localisation settings
  • CRM-7597 Import doesn't match state to country
  • CRM-7598 Included Access Control in navigation menu for Joomla 1.6 / CiviCRM 4.0 installs
  • CRM-7599 Attachments fail on Activity with Custom Data
  • CRM-7600 Membership Types Database Error
  • CRM-7601 County field won't save in profile create mode
  • CRM-7602 Counties for States
  • CRM-7603 Add support for contact fields at the time when conducting voter interview.
  • CRM-7604 Allow multiple people to contribute to one participants event registration
  • CRM-7605 Same "fix" applied in two different version upgrades + does not support multi-lingual
  • CRM-7606 The template variable $displayName is never set before invoking the Contact/Page/View/GroupContact.tpl template.
  • CRM-7607 When viewing activities whose types are no longer enabled, no actionLinks should be displayed.
  • CRM-7608 Remove assumption that all activities are assigned to a valid campaign.
  • CRM-7609 Some of the $row elements in templates/CRM/Activity/Selector/Activity.tpl are lacking an 'id' element.
  • CRM-7610 Undefined index: participant_role_id inCRM/Event/Selector/Search.php on line 388
  • CRM-7611 Undefined property: owner_membership_id in CRM/Member/Page/Tab.php CRM/Member/Page/Tab.php
  • CRM-7612 Tagging contacts (found by search) with 2 or more tags (part of parents) fails. Only last tag is considered
  • CRM-7613 Allow administers to enter custom amount when submitting a credit card payment for membership
  • CRM-7614 Patches forward-ported to the trunk.d7 branch
  • CRM-7615 Use drupal IP address function for drupal installs as it recognises reverse proxies
  • CRM-7616 eWay processor - extra fraud feature
  • CRM-7617 Forward-port to trunk.d7 branch
  • CRM-7618 CiviMail silently ignore an obviously wrong email account (the default)
  • CRM-7619 Saved mapping fields for import don't load properly using two different dedupe rules if fields are used for contact matching in just one of the rules
  • CRM-7620 Sort in the Report is only sorting the visible page (CiviReports)
  • CRM-7621 Auto renewal stuff no longer displayed
  • CRM-7622 Variable resourceBase contains incorrect path in multi-language websites
  • CRM-7623 Price sets for Membership
  • CRM-7624 Display relationships of search results in Advanced Search
  • CRM-7625 Hook processing not performed on Grant delete
  • CRM-7626 Update Joomla Front end Layer
  • CRM-7627 errors after installation
  • CRM-7628 admin/* paths have changed in Drupal 7
  • CRM-7629 Installation failed to set permissions
  • CRM-7630 Table prefixes for Views integration must be enclosed in back ticks if DB name contains hyphens
  • CRM-7631 information disclosure: watchdog logging reveals user/pass/key used to call bin scripts
  • CRM-7632 Javascript error on event registration
  • CRM-7633 CiviCRM Import does not check for non-integer data when importing to integer fields
  • CRM-7634 multiple empty note records created
  • CRM-7635 Advanced Search (Activity AND Relationship) fails with "Not unique table/alias: 'contact_b'"
  • CRM-7636 Advanced Search: Profile (Search) View with 'Contacts-Website field' Not Returning Data
  • CRM-7637 Dedupe - apostrophe in contact name causes database error
  • CRM-7638 PHP Notice: Use of undefined constant CIVICRM_CONFDIR
  • CRM-7639 trashed contacts are included in profile searches
  • CRM-7640 Improve error displaying /catching mechanism of contact import process.
  • CRM-7641 MySQL syntax error when using smart group(s) in CiviReports which are based on dates.
  • CRM-7642 Activity Edit seems to be broken from Activity view screen.
  • CRM-7643 upgrade jquery to latest release and drop unused plugins
  • CRM-7644 date popup not working when jquery_update module enabled in drupal
  • CRM-7645 API v3 contact update API should not check for required fields
  • CRM-7646 Required payment instruments should be RESERVED
  • CRM-7647 update jquery crmasmselect plugin
  • CRM-7648 Help text regarding recurring donations and paypment processors
  • CRM-7649 Importing of Contacts
  • CRM-7650 If notifier is set in membership profile, on-behalf-of org name won't show up in email receipt
  • CRM-7651 Ability to create permalink for mailings
  • CRM-7652 Browse Mailings - set appropriate default sort for Draft Mailing, Scheduled Mailing and Archived Mailing listings
  • CRM-7653 Notify user they are already registered for an event when looking at the event info page
  • CRM-7654 Schedule or Send Mailing - Send Immediately checkbox should be unchecked if user selects a date in Schedule Mailing calendar pop-up
  • CRM-7655 Edit Contact accordion panes are broken in trunk
  • CRM-7656 printer-friendly link should sanitize variables
  • CRM-7657 "Submit Credit Card Membership" returns unrecoverable error in Joomla 1.5.22
  • CRM-7658 recurring contributions for merged contacts created against deleted contacts
  • CRM-7659 Create a web test for Online auto renew membership feature.
  • CRM-7660 Preview scheduled and sent mailings
  • CRM-7661 File on case removes attachments
  • CRM-7662 When I get a list of contacts and delete all the contacts in the list, the next action is an unnecessary search of all contacts which can take a lot of time
  • CRM-7663 Adding mailing id to the token list
  • CRM-7664 Web tests for offline and online recurring contributins
  • CRM-7665 Online recurring contribution via does not create contribution_recur record
  • CRM-7666 Error while creating Joomla user with joomla 1.6 and CiviCRM 4.0 Alpha
  • CRM-7667 contact links no longer display on /user/N
  • CRM-7668 Joomla problem with unzipping when zip not supported no longer exists
  • CRM-7669 Import with an empty employee generates an error
  • CRM-7670 Error when selecting Menu TypeCiviCRM Profile View in Joomla 1.6
  • CRM-7671 Undefined index: net_amount and fee_amount in CRM/Core/Payment/BaseIPN.php
  • CRM-7672 Delete Standalone tables and openID packages
  • CRM-7673 Disabling a "related contact" relationship should "un-relate" the contact
  • CRM-7674 414 Request-URI Too Large
  • CRM-7675 Export of search results is O(n^2), should be O(n)
  • CRM-7676 Links when hovering over recent history list include an edit link for inbound emails
  • CRM-7677 Implementing a number of hooks
  • CRM-7678 Ensure that sort key is set for all getColumnHeaders() functions.
  • CRM-7679 CRM/Core/BAO/UFGroup.php // FIXME: take the below out of the foreach loop
  • CRM-7680 Ensure that contact_id and display_name get assigned before calling templates that require them.
  • CRM-7681 Reports which are sorted by contact should use and sort by SORT NAME rather than DISPLAY NAME
  • CRM-7682 Ensure that as_select gets assigned before calling template that requires it.
  • CRM-7683 Ensure that hookLinks variable gets assigned in CRM/Contact/Page/View.php
  • CRM-7684 Assign required template variable noFieldSet before calling templates/CRM/Activity/Selector/Activity.tpl
  • CRM-7685 Always set activity_status_id even if empty
  • CRM-7686 Joomla Editor Not Saving HTML
  • CRM-7687 Improved logic in CRM/Report/Form/Case/TimeSpent.php
  • CRM-7688 Ensure that subject gets set in CRM/Mailing/Form/Browse.php
  • CRM-7689 Ensure activity-related template variables get set, even if empty.
  • CRM-7690 Pledge Search Print View
  • CRM-7691 Allow templates/CRM/Case/Form/ActivityToCase.tpl to tolerate an unassigned buildCaseActivityForm or fulltext variable.
  • CRM-7692 Option to allow multiple registrations per contact
  • CRM-7693 Allow templates/CRM/Contact/Form/ActionsButton.tpl to tolerate an unassigned userRecordUrl variable.
  • CRM-7694 Ensure that imageURL gets assigned, even if blank.
  • CRM-7695 Event name badges: add badge format for Avery 5395 compatible name badges (4 up x 2 across)
  • CRM-7696 Recurring contributions are created even if payment processor generates errors
  • CRM-7697 Either ensure that isDuplicate template variable always gets assigned, or modify templates to tolerate an unassigned isDuplicate variable.
  • CRM-7698 Tolerate unassigned county_id array key in templates/CRM/Contact/Form/Edit/Address/county.tpl file.
  • CRM-7699 Standardize handling of geocoding variables
  • CRM-7700 Deadlock error on building ACL cache (big DB)
  • CRM-7701 Ensure that shared_address_display is assigned and checked.
  • CRM-7702 Tolerate various unassigned variables in templates/CRM/Contact/Form/Edit/CommunicationsPreferences.tpl
  • CRM-7703 Consistently set shared_address_display and use_shared_address variables.
  • CRM-7704 Ensure that employer-related variables get assigned, even if blank.
  • CRM-7705 Lack of write permissions on extensions directory needs to be properly reported
  • CRM-7706 Ensure that multiClient gets properly converted to a javascript-compatible Boolean in templates/CRM/Contact/Form/NewContact.tpl
  • CRM-7707 Ensure that context gets assigned consistently.
  • CRM-7708 Improve handling of saved search template variables.
  • CRM-7709 Add relationship to views implementation to provide access to any contact phone number
  • CRM-7710 Manage events screen alphabet selector does not work with numbers
  • CRM-7711 Employer/Business Name in Google Maps placemark pop up
  • CRM-7712 searching for partial email address returns eratic results
  • CRM-7713 Default country can be unavailable
  • CRM-7714 Contact API doesn't return error with invalid greeting
  • CRM-7715 Title for address map link on Contact Summary is not set properly.
  • CRM-7716 Decimal point handling in membership types
  • CRM-7717 cannot share the same table between multiple users ..
  • CRM-7718 Changes to allow drush to run civimail and other crons
  • CRM-7719 Add drush functions for civimail and updatemembershiprecords scripts
  • CRM-7720 improve Itemid handling in Joomla
  • CRM-7721 When External identifier is imported and duplicates are set to 'skip', CiviCRM reports dupes as errors, not duplicates
  • CRM-7722 Selecting a Campaign when adding an activity for a group of contacts shouldn't require a Survey ID
  • CRM-7723 Contribution Source area when adding a contribution to a contact doesn't open up
  • CRM-7724 dedupe rules should restrict by contact type early in the process
  • CRM-7725 Make CRM/Util/PDF/Label.php read label sizes from database
  • CRM-7726 Only set {} address token if country is different to the organization settings country
  • CRM-7727 Navigation menu editor: moved items end up in wrong position
  • CRM-7728 Error after Upgrading to CiviCRM 3.4alpha from 3.1.5
  • CRM-7730 ARB subscriptions fail with "E00017:Start Date must not occur before the submission date."
  • CRM-7731 Resolve the conflict of CiviCRM 3.4 and 4.0 upgrade process.
  • CRM-7732 Label definition for Avery/Zweckform No.3475 (DIN A4 portrait; 3x8 labels)
  • CRM-7733 Real time memeber roles sync doesn't work for bulk membership imports + patch
  • CRM-7734 languages option list xml menu conflict
  • CRM-7735 Real time member roles sync doesn't work for new users + patch
  • CRM-7736 Sort the Relationship Type dropdown alphabetically in the New Relationship form
  • CRM-7737 Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class CRM_Core_Config in ../sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Core/Config.php on line 662
  • CRM-7738 Country search in search Builder is not localized
  • CRM-7739 Security issue: the default install leaks the version
  • CRM-7740 Inherited membership is deleted after editing contact when using custom relationship as the inheritance criteria
  • CRM-7741 selecting primary phone fields via profiles are misleadingly named and configurable
  • CRM-7742 Hash-bang URLs do not pass validation
  • CRM-7743 chechen language missing name data
  • CRM-7744 contribution_status_id and cancel_date for failed PayPal subscriptions are not set correctly
  • CRM-7745 CiviReport results clickable sorting (little arrows) only sort results on THAT page, not all pages
  • CRM-7746 Synchronize user preferred language with config default language when user changed config.
  • CRM-7747 Can't select "Phone Type" in export field mappings
  • CRM-7748 No option to send a letter to event participants
  • CRM-7749 ckeditor toolbar options
  • CRM-7750 Personal Campaign Page Report
  • CRM-7751 Allow upload of image files in rich-text editors for Drupal installs if the IMCE module is enabled
  • CRM-7752 Reports throwing quickform fatal error
  • CRM-7753 Link to configuration checklist on successful CiviCRM install doesn't respect clean URLS
  • CRM-7754 Fix import to accomodate api v3 changes
  • CRM-7755 Remove activity tagset for Open case
  • CRM-7756 Premium buttons not showing on contribution page
  • CRM-7757 conflict between Drupal reCAPTCHA and profiles that enable user registration
  • CRM-7758 Custom data accordion panes are broken in trunk.
  • CRM-7759 Issue with navigation menu in multi-site installations
  • CRM-7760 Provide better placement of HookFormElements in templates
  • CRM-7762 Dedupe - can't dedupe any contacts - 'main contact record is missing'
  • CRM-7763 Address parsing doesn't handle "Street' in address (only handles "St.")
  • CRM-7764 Arrow Image source not set properly for menus.
  • CRM-7765 CRM_Core_BAO_MessageTemplates::sendTemplate accepting template ID
  • CRM-7766 Recently added relationship to civicrm_phone to allow multiple phone numbers in views is limited
  • CRM-7767 aclWhereClause hook isn't called on CRM_Contact_Page_AJAX&fnName=getContactList
  • CRM-7768 Batch Update via Profile of Street Address does not update street address elements (street number, street name, street unit)
  • CRM-7769 Can't "View" or "Edit" a completed WalkList activity
  • CRM-7770 Survey Detail Report not handling contact custom fields in survey profile
  • CRM-7771 Manage Groups paging faulty - showing wrong amount of contacts
  • CRM-7772 Add settings to choose reCAPTCHA style
  • CRM-7773 Webtests for Campaign connectivity with other components
  • CRM-7774 Web test for address parsing
  • CRM-7775 Add field to track Engagement Index for Activities
  • CRM-7776 Allow full state/province name or abbreviation
  • CRM-7777 Enable Premiums checkbox is hidden in the Premium Settings pane by default - so hard to see if premiums are enabled
  • CRM-7778 Allow full country name or abbreviation
  • CRM-7779 Contact's attribute 'is_opt_out' is reset when import with updating duplicate
  • CRM-7780 Custom fields return n/a instead of empty value if field is empty
  • CRM-7781 dashlets broken in joomla with 4.0
  • CRM-7782 Migrate v2/Mailer.php to new v3 api standards
  • CRM-7783 Expose activity type filter via url
  • CRM-7784 membership post hook does not get a complete membership object in some cases
  • CRM-7785 Participant import issues
  • CRM-7786 Empty mailings on multilingual installs
  • CRM-7787 Allow for same term in different tagsets
  • CRM-7788 Core error when trying to do a search on activity assigned to AND relationship
  • CRM-7789 Make Campaigns a top level menu item when CiviCampaign is enabled
  • CRM-7790 Manage Event, New Event and event template menu items under the Events menu should not require administer CiviCRM permission
  • CRM-7791 Migrate activity selector on contact summary "activity" tab to datatable
  • CRM-7792 The label of the 'Create New' button does not seem to be in the translation files
  • CRM-7793 Offline contribution form: From Email Address field is hidden even though Send Receipt is checked (on form reloads)
  • CRM-7794 Not able to reconcile the Invoice ID from First data Gateway Processor to civicrm
  • CRM-7795 Upgrade issue with mailings created in version < 3.3 and in running state
  • CRM-7796 Improve current dashboard architecture to support separate url for fullscreen mode for a dashlet
  • CRM-7797 Upgrade dataTables jquery plugin to latest release
  • CRM-7798 Change Partcipant Status - Status column displaying ID's rather than labels
  • CRM-7799 Import activity: "source contact" has no effect
  • CRM-7800 The languages do not get translated in Localization
  • CRM-7801 Add navigation menu item in Administer > CiviCase for Encounter Medium options
  • CRM-7802 Error file from import shifts headings over by 1 column
  • CRM-7803 Notices LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_xyz in new installation V 4.0 alpha3 german language
  • CRM-7804 Allow for multiple instances of the CiviContribute widget on a single web page
  • CRM-7805 Add support in views for CiviCampaign
  • CRM-7806 Add views support for various field added in 3.4/4.0 release cycle
  • CRM-7807 Populate profile field Pre Help with Pre Help text from associated custom field
  • CRM-7808 "Merge Contacts" search result action not working properly if more than 2 contacts selected
  • CRM-7809 Dedupe should use UNION queries rather than WHERE (foo OR bar) for a huge performance gain.
  • CRM-7810 Langauges template is not multilingual-friendly
  • CRM-7811 Error on "Please set a location type of Billing" when having translated string "Billing"
  • CRM-7812 Find Activities does not return activities that have no With Contact
  • CRM-7813 PCP browse filters don't work
  • CRM-7814 Remove 2.2 format support for location api
  • CRM-7815 Enhanced Tab System
  • CRM-7816 Actions with case roles not in {ts}
  • CRM-7817 Data inconsistency in petition message templates.
  • CRM-7818 Mailings cannot reach recipients with comma in their last name
  • CRM-7819 Contact type label not translated
  • CRM-7820 Help, I am trying to delete contacts but do not have drop down menu or delete button talked about in instructions. I desperately need to make changes to avoid duplications on mailing. Please tell me how to do this
  • CRM-7821 Joomla Access Control lists CiviCRM:XXXX but does not list enabled components like CiviContribute:XXX, CiviMail:XXX, etc. (Joomla 1.6.1)
  • CRM-7822 Upgrade jquery ui to the latest release
  • CRM-7823 Menu item creation for an event registration in joomla 1.6 is broken
  • CRM-7824 Adding a contact photo uses wrong URL for certain server configurations
  • CRM-7825 Tweak the membership start and end dates calculation for fixed membership period.
  • CRM-7826 Participant tab doesn't display participation info in certain permissioning circumstances
  • CRM-7827 Provide an AND / OR option to advanced search
  • CRM-7828 Search Organizations then Merge does not delete the duplicate record
  • CRM-7829 Activity Types are sorted by Component + Weight, but component column is hidden if CiviCase is not enabled
  • CRM-7830 Search Activities and Cases by Tagset Tags and fix tagset search to not allow selection of non-existent tagset tags
  • CRM-7831 civicrm_event_create has required fields when updating
  • CRM-7832 redirecting to at de-dup menu causing session to log out and cryptic "you are not authorised" errors.
  • CRM-7833 The custom path is not using the right directory
  • CRM-7834 Don't present pay later text when even amount is zero
  • CRM-7835 Full text search should include display name column in searches (in addition to sort name)
  • CRM-7836 Contact Ref Field munted - autocomplete works but saving set cid to single digit
  • CRM-7837 Allow address api to import counties (patch is for BAO)
  • CRM-7838 CMS Signup template markup improvement
  • CRM-7839 disabling address in Site Preferences -> Contact Edit throws Quick form error on Contact Creation page.
  • CRM-7840 More link on search results doesn't remove active class properly
  • CRM-7841 Import Contacts will not import a row where County field that is blank
  • CRM-7842 Make all IPN scripts to derive contact-id from other info in post params, instead of making it a required field
  • CRM-7843 Multisite - deleted contacts showing in Search Results
  • CRM-7844 Can't remove group from Parent Group
  • CRM-7845 Import of individuals and their "Relationship to" an Organisation sub-type, doesn't match on the sub-type contact's name, rather creates a new Organisation with the same sub-type and name
  • CRM-7846 When importing contacts with a column of contacts they have a relationship to, both the contacts being imported and the contacts they have a relationship with, are added to the group selected for the imported contacts to be added to.
  • CRM-7847 Relationship A-B and B-A in CiviCase
  • CRM-7848 Actions mentioned with button Actions on Contact Summary are only in Contact_BAO_Contact::contextMenu, should be option list
  • CRM-7849 Text 'not assigned' not in {ts} brackets in CRM/Case/Form/CaseView.tpl
  • CRM-7850 Move the post hooks in the DAO
  • CRM-7851 Rejected credit card contribution causes non-recoverable error
  • CRM-7852 Column name change civicrm_mailing.visibility not reflected in views - breaks multilingual
  • CRM-7853 allow user to choose export fields from custom search "Include / Exclude Contacts in a Group / Tag" like advanced search export
  • CRM-7854 check if column exists before adding when enabling a language
  • CRM-7855 Drop-down for "Reuse existing set of multiple choice options" should show the original field name instead of latest used field name
  • CRM-7856 Suppress Campaign Parent ID field
  • CRM-7857 Phone API accepts invalid phone_type_id or location_type_id with create function
  • CRM-7858 email address does not get copied into contact record when a match is made but email is not in the dedupe rule + patch
  • CRM-7859 Conflict with deleted contacts
  • CRM-7860 Multi-record custom field sets are not available in (Drupal) views
  • CRM-7861 contrib backend; set state select based on country default
  • CRM-7862 Adding language after failed installation does not work (fields remain in DB)
  • CRM-7863 Upgrade to v3.4 is broken for Joomla when site is upgrading from version < 3.2
  • CRM-7864 Missing values from tokenValues function affects custom hook implementation
  • CRM-7865 CiviMail click-throughs not tracked with checksum token
  • CRM-7866 The default merge values delete information
  • CRM-7867 Dedupe fuzzy rule with Custom Fields
  • CRM-7868 Link back to Search Results does not "remember" search criteria, instead returns every contact record in the DB
  • CRM-7869 Turn some columns monolingual
  • CRM-7870 Cannot renew expired fixed month duration membership
  • CRM-7871 Implement Engagement Level as a select drop down w/ option group and values.
  • CRM-7872 Restructure the survey result set reuse functionality.
  • CRM-7873 PHP Notice on line 168 of .\civicrm\CRM\Core\Form\Tag.php
  • CRM-7874 The Rule Name field doesn't show the CiviCRM group name in the display
  • CRM-7875 Dedupe doesn't clear cache when rules are updated
  • CRM-7876 Create webtests for survey and respective reports.
  • CRM-7877 Cannote remove Soft Credit from existing Contribution
  • CRM-7878 Drupal input formats and WYSIWYG editors
  • CRM-7879 Add Drupal Views support for CiviGrant
  • CRM-7880 Drupal CCK Contact Reference field shows deleted contacts
  • CRM-7881 word replacement: unable to add row (joomla)
  • CRM-7882 CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::contributionPage is_active argument doesn't filter correctly
  • CRM-7883 URL Fragments not handled correctly by extern/url.php
  • CRM-7884 Link on activites reports bad
  • CRM-7885 Better matching for Visa in credit card validation
  • CRM-7886 Pass the Contribution Page ID to email templates
  • CRM-7887 Individual prefix set to incorrect language on multlingual
  • CRM-7888 ICal feed misses charset header, all umlauts kaput!
  • CRM-7889 Profile edit throws fatal error when it includes custom fields from more than 1 group which extends address
  • CRM-7890 Can not use search builder with a contact reference field
  • CRM-7891 Failing drupal user creation using CiviCRM profile.
  • CRM-7892 Pass PArticipant id to hook_civicrm_postProcess when CRM_Event_Form_Participant is saved
  • CRM-7893 Add Update Grant action to Grant search results
  • CRM-7894 PDF receipt for contribution contains broken XHTML string
  • CRM-7895 Paypal Standard payments and issue with alterMailParams hook
  • CRM-7896 Tweak the incremental upgrade for 4.0 series.
  • CRM-7897 Cannot install on a subdomain where the main domain is D7 and the subdomain is D6
  • CRM-7898 CRM_Contact_Selector::getRows() has a variable $empty that is never initialized
  • CRM-7899 Batch Update via Profile: Copy values copies multiple columns erroneously
  • CRM-7900 The Custom fields Disappear after upgrading to CiVIVRM 3.3.6
  • CRM-7901 Make custom groups auto extend new object - survey and expose them in survey add / update operation
  • CRM-7902 Fatal PHP error: Class 'CRM_Utils_String' not found when using CRM_Utils_Mail::send()
  • CRM-7903 civimail.cronjob.php no longer sends mail
  • CRM-7904 Allow mutiple contact references
  • CRM-7905 Advanced Search with Proximity criteria does not export right number of contacts
  • CRM-7906 Dashlet not active after creating a custom report.
  • CRM-7907 what is the CiviSMS's plan
  • CRM-7908 Creating New Individual via quick add block aborts after adding the phone number field in add.tpl
  • CRM-7909 Renew Membership - Renewal Date default does not use configured input date format
  • CRM-7910 Event Template Generation Notice - end_date in CRM_Event_Form_ManageEvent_EventInfo
  • CRM-7911 D7 Civi 4.0beta2 and beta3 report undefined property notice
  • CRM-7912 Unable to Locate "Trash"
  • CRM-7913 export merge options - condition is english-specific
  • CRM-7914 If you make a pcp inactive, you can't get to it to make it active again
  • CRM-7915 field can exceed 64 chars cause errors
  • CRM-7916 Profile listings and profile view are broken on Joomla front-end pages
  • CRM-7917 Various notices when adding individual via Quick Add block (Drupal 7)
  • CRM-7918 Can't delete the last contact token in token-facebook widget in Drupal 7 / 4.0
  • CRM-7919 Remove Custom Search sub-menu from default navigation
  • CRM-7920 iCal feed is not validating, also cannot be added to Google Cal.
  • CRM-7921 EmailProcessor.php/CiviMailProcessor.php passing incorrect $params
  • CRM-7922 Change test suite to reset database once every test case
  • CRM-7923 Installation procedure relies on contiguous auto increment ids
  • CRM-7924 Activity status is not prepopulated when set as default in admin
  • CRM-7925 Die with a fatal error if we fail to create a contact
  • CRM-7926 Patch to call Pre & Post hooks when pledge payments & recurring contributions are created / edited
  • CRM-7927 Data Sets attached to Contribution Type break 'New Contribution' Accordians
  • CRM-7928 fix deduping in contact api
  • CRM-7929 Standardize field names for contact api
  • CRM-7930 Attempt to load nonexistant file by phone api
  • CRM-7931 Display exact matches first for Quick Search, Shared Address lookup and other contact autocomplete fields
  • CRM-7932 Contact API crash and burn when custom data in params
  • CRM-7933 Fix PHP notices for Drupal and Joomla Install
  • CRM-7934 improve post hook implementation in EntityTag.php
  • CRM-7935 Activity Import still rejects dates even when properly formatted
  • CRM-7936 Front end event listing Joomla 1.6
  • CRM-7937 Using Joomla 1.6 default editor
  • CRM-7938 Add report instances for new / popular reports (Current Employer, PCP Report) and order report instances menu listings by component
  • CRM-7939 frontend url build in joomla
  • CRM-7940 Enable CiviReportMail.php to send a report as a CSV file
  • CRM-7941 no primary web site
  • CRM-7942 Relationship type are not inherited form contact types to sub-types
  • CRM-7943 Contribution page with separate contribution and membership payments gives error if no payment processor
  • CRM-7944 Several empty Contact fields are set to the "null" instead of NULL
  • CRM-7945 Fieldset legends background overlapping form elements
  • CRM-7946 Quick Search broken if partial match string is entered
  • CRM-7947 Date format processing results in wrong dates in Dutch (and probably other languages)
  • CRM-7948 Actions from 'Display results as related contacts search' are carried out on original, not related contacts
  • CRM-7949 Pending Pay Later contribution with Separate Membership Contribution & Fixed Contribution Options gives New membership
  • CRM-7950 update class name in civitest.module
  • CRM-7951 Create relationship to Events from participant views
  • CRM-7952 Patch for CRM-7516 breaks views that contain single value custom fields
  • CRM-7953 Price Set Custom Search Returns Extra Participants
  • CRM-7954 Allow direct URL calls to REST::ajax if debug is enabled
  • CRM-7955 Assign group ACL role: Access Control type
  • CRM-7956 CiviCampaign Admin menu items were not inserted during 3.2 to 3.3 upgrades
  • CRM-7957 Supress seconds in CRM_Utils_Date::convertToDefaultDate
  • CRM-7958 Recurring Billing Resolution Script ProcessAuthorizeReport.php does not decode base64 attachments
  • CRM-7959 Uploaded file in contact profile replaces the contact's image in frontend view (joomla)
  • CRM-7960 Fatal Error in Drupal Member Rolls Module
  • CRM-7961 custom PHP path added too late to include_path
  • CRM-7962 civicrm country is wrongly mandatory
  • CRM-7963 check receive/cancel/receipt/thankyou/participant_register-dates against CRM_Utils_Rule::dateTime
  • CRM-7964 Replace eval by proper expressions (eg. new $class ())
  • CRM-7965 Import time while importing Contributions
  • CRM-7966 Sorry, could not able to locate when calling from the cli with settings_location.php
  • CRM-7967 Activity API won't allow campaign related activities to be created
  • CRM-7968 File existing activities to case
  • CRM-7969 Error when searching for related contacts
  • CRM-7970 Do the activity tab the API way
  • CRM-7971 contact_1 field validation problem in CiviCase
  • CRM-7972 Database Error: Identifier name is too long while importing contacts
  • CRM-7973 Editing a contact with multiple phone/websites/emails is dead slow
  • CRM-7974 When creating custom data group connected to ACTIVITIES of type SURVEY, the type selected is not displayed on Custom Data group page selector
  • CRM-7975 Fix notices in Case dashboard
  • CRM-7976 Manage CiviCRM Extensions menu missing on upgraded sites
  • CRM-7977 Permissions on Dashboard Menu link in joomla
  • CRM-7978 Notice on Contact Summary for undefined var $formatMapping
  • CRM-7979 Unify usage of file_put_contents() in GenCode.php
  • CRM-7980 Multi-Site Subdirectory Install Issue
  • CRM-7981 Add support for configurable PDF page and labels formats
  • CRM-7982 ReCaptcha broken URL
  • CRM-7983 'Max Participants' for price set field does NOT work
  • CRM-7984 import hook
  • CRM-7985 Unchecking "Enabled" flag for a relationship should delete membership inherited by that relationship
  • CRM-7986 Batch Update via Profile: Update membership records destroys membership end_date data
  • CRM-7987 Ship drush file in code base - it rocks
  • CRM-7988 Allow negative values for start and end date offsets - custom date fields and advanced date settings
  • CRM-7989 WSOD when forwarding emails
  • CRM-7990 Move CMS user create until after the smarts
  • CRM-7991 API - participant return values don't worked - dropped in BAO
  • CRM-7992 Joomla 1.6 user registration link on contribution page
  • CRM-7993 Disabling or Deleting Country Field in a profile prevents the County field from being populated when state selected
  • CRM-7994 Pledge payments are not being updated when contributions are imported
  • CRM-7995 case subject: special chars break report
  • CRM-7996 api('participant', 'create') fails to set correct status id
  • CRM-7997 Make GenCode.php just work - without needing configuration
  • CRM-7998 Notice alert when pressing the "Save & Send Test Email" button during configuration
  • CRM-7999 Request for a 5th payment processor configuration field
  • CRM-8000 saved search with no criteria triggers errors
  • CRM-8001 Proximity Search does not work
  • CRM-8002 make use of country code
  • CRM-8003 "deceased" advanced search does not apply to group removal
  • CRM-8004 Donor Report (Detail) using pager resets search criteria
  • CRM-8005 dedupe shows non-existant contacts
  • CRM-8006 UpdateAddress.php considers a 'null' geocode succesful
  • CRM-8007 merge contacts creates duplicate relationships
  • CRM-8008 civicrm_task_action_temp% tables not deleted
  • CRM-8009 Missing two Spanish provinces (Toledo and Cordoba)
  • CRM-8010 Fix api's calls to api v2 in core files
  • CRM-8011 API 3 permissions
  • CRM-8012 Permission on the API to be fixed for custom groups
  • CRM-8013 Contact Search times out for non-english installs
  • CRM-8014 Create a webtest method to read database records
  • CRM-8015 Groups checkbox not rendering on Profile create / edit forms
  • CRM-8016 "Custom searches" show a blank page
  • CRM-8017 UpdateGreeting.php - processOnlyIdSet variable not set
  • CRM-8018 Add CIVICRM_MAIL_SMARTY to the settings file
  • CRM-8019 Dashlets are broken in joomla
  • CRM-8020 use Drupal query methods to access Drupal users table
  • CRM-8021 Relationship column name change breaks view
  • CRM-8022 hook_civicrm_tokenValues results in template message error
  • CRM-8023 Either partcipant api or test suite not handling 'participant_role_id'
  • CRM-8024 CiviCRM Handler for phone not registered in Views
  • CRM-8025 Fix Bartik theme issues on CiviCRM screens
  • CRM-8026 ACL related query fires too often
  • CRM-8027 ajax/doc doesn't work on joomla
  • CRM-8028 Can't choose 'Selected records only' for mass mailing
  • CRM-8029 Online (front-end) membershp renewals don't set correct default membership type AND On-behalf of renewals don't update inherited memberships
  • CRM-8030 A newline in a Campaign description breaks the Campaign Dashboard
  • CRM-8031 Can't change custom field label without changing the field name, too?
  • CRM-8032 Update to use Google Geocoding API V3
  • CRM-8033 CiviAccounts Data Schema
  • CRM-8034 When adding a new individual, "contacts with a similar last name" actually shows contacts with a *first* name similar to the last name
  • CRM-8035 List pages, forms, reports affected by data schema
  • CRM-8036 Draft new schema
  • CRM-8037 Provide samples of transactions before and after
  • CRM-8038 Investigate feasibility of testing db state in Selenium
  • CRM-8039 Determine spec documentation required to engage Web Access
  • CRM-8040 create svn branch for civiaccounts
  • CRM-8041 create JIRA users for WebAccess personnel
  • CRM-8042 Develop contract with WebAccess
  • CRM-8043 Undefined property: CRM_Core_DAO::$dupeId in CRM_Utils_Weight::correctDuplicateWeights()
  • CRM-8044 Error importing contacts without "Last name" and with a second-level domain in e-mail address
  • CRM-8045 Pledge payment status and pledge status are not being updated when a pledge payment is made
  • CRM-8046 Fuzzy Dedupe doesn't pick up newly added contacts when running rule
  • CRM-8047 caching custom fields needs to respect permission of contact
  • CRM-8048 Email signature not getting injected into Send Email message body if Editor = TinyMCE
  • CRM-8049 "installments of" calculation in pledge form confused by thousands seperator and non-dot decimal seperator
  • CRM-8050 non-comma thousands seperator not accepted on pledge input
  • CRM-8051 Changing the new of an existing case type in the frontend does not change the name value in the option_value table
  • CRM-8052 Notice alert when creating cases: activity_location and duration
  • CRM-8053 Membership incorrectly given to deceased individuals
  • CRM-8054 Undefined property: CRM_Profile_Form_Edit::$_tagGroup
  • CRM-8055 Group(s) Field in Profile Removes Contact from All Other Groups
  • CRM-8056 When deleting a contact a log entry should be created
  • CRM-8057 Email receipts fail for backoffice credit card contributions
  • CRM-8058 CiviGroup Roles Sync module broken in 3.4.1 (patch to fix included)
  • CRM-8059 merge contacts does not delete the dupe!
  • CRM-8060 Waitlist text missing in confirmation email for offline registrations
  • CRM-8061 Don't check API 3 permissions by default (except for REST calls)
  • CRM-8062 Revert membership of smart group
  • CRM-8063 abstract next payment date calc in order to make available from api - pledge payment
  • CRM-8064 CRM_Event_Form_Registration_ParticipantConfirm doesn't call preProcess or postProcess hooks.
  • CRM-8065 incorrect <field><add> version in Core/Batch.xml
  • CRM-8066 install failed when hostname have COLON in its name
  • CRM-8067 Support arbitrary number of arguments in hooks.
  • CRM-8068 copying Dates using the Copy icon on a Batch update profile doesn't work
  • CRM-8069 define optional activity order in case xml configuration
  • CRM-8070 Allow import to specify CSV seperator in import form
  • CRM-8071 Allow import process to specify dedupe rule for primary contact
  • CRM-8072 Print Case Report Button does not work properly.
  • CRM-8073 Postal Mailing option and Additional Group option for contact Export
  • CRM-8074 Error on profile adding contact to non-public group
  • CRM-8075 contributions deleted when modifying overdue pledge
  • CRM-8076 UpdateGreeting.php script class redeclaration error when some override files present
  • CRM-8077 Summary & edit address do not match
  • CRM-8078 Related contact search shows disabled relationships
  • CRM-8079 Search criterias are not kept
  • CRM-8080 Cant delete Activity in a Case
  • CRM-8081 Migrated activities with no case assigned not displayed
  • CRM-8082 Case Details report missing columns
  • CRM-8083 New version alert on Admin Console doesn't account for dual release (3.4 / 4.0)
  • CRM-8084 Incorrect number of rows returned by pager for search results when a search result profile is used
  • CRM-8085 Mailings submitted before 3.4.0 upgrade but scheduled afterwards are not being sent
  • CRM-8086 Individuals matched/merged with organizations events when signing up for events
  • CRM-8087 Allow Postal and Email Greetings to be defined for Organization type contacts
  • CRM-8088 Deleted record still counts as dupe in Event sign-ups
  • CRM-8089 Profile standalone form has no key, creating a race condition between different users
  • CRM-8090 Call to undefined function civicrm_uf_id_get in civicrm_group_roles.module
  • CRM-8091 "Grant Decision" date field is missing in Reports > Grant Report
  • CRM-8092 There are no people or organisations names on mail labels
  • CRM-8093 Warning for contacts with photo
  • CRM-8094 text of activities squeezed to one paragraph
  • CRM-8095 custom field date in wrong format
  • CRM-8096 Please add filed 'Reported by' to advanced search section 'Activity'
  • CRM-8097 Credit card numbers logged in plaintext during logging of recurring transactions
  • CRM-8098 iCal feed from CiviCRM does not contain SEQUENCE number
  • CRM-8099 create mailing has a "click trail": select recipients - track and respond - mailing content which can be clicked
  • CRM-8100 Make autocomplete minChars configurable
  • CRM-8101 Pre populated dates fields are not localized
  • CRM-8102 Logging: reverting non-contact data zeroes the birth date
  • CRM-8103 When transferring Civicrm installation from one server to another, the IDS throws an uncaught exception
  • CRM-8104 Honour check_permissions at BAO level
  • CRM-8105 Offline receipt is missing contact information
  • CRM-8106 Editing the Activity label does not change its name
  • CRM-8107 Group export of organization with a relationship brings "un-enabled" contacts
  • CRM-8108 Billing location type required in Registration, checks for translated while location type BILLING can not be translated
  • CRM-8109 modify unit tests and web tests to reflect CiviAccount changes
  • CRM-8110 address fields don't tokenize correctly
  • CRM-8111 Merge Contacts Goto Next Pair is not working (goes to merged contact record instead)
  • CRM-8112 [PATCH] Fatal error: _civicrm_object_to_array not found in Contact DashBoard
  • CRM-8113 Add a separate field to hold Phone Extensions
  • CRM-8114 Unsubscription from bulk mailing sent via search results
  • CRM-8115 When creating a Custom Group, 'name' parameter is not honoured
  • CRM-8116 API custom_field_get() returns a list of custom fields, rather than an actual custom field
  • CRM-8117 custom_field options weighting breaks array keying
  • CRM-8118 Shares address with is not respected in self-service areas for anonymous users
  • CRM-8119 CustomField also fails to honour the name parameter when passed.
  • CRM-8120 Errors when upgrading civicrm from 3.1 to 3.4
  • CRM-8121 API v3 option_value_create() fails - does not pass sufficient arguments to core
  • CRM-8122 API reports required variables with a value of zero as missing
  • CRM-8123 did not create database 'buckland_buckland.civicrm_component'
  • CRM-8124 {ts}-ed strings in xml/templates are not pulled out to POT files
  • CRM-8125 Recently introduced localisations lack language names
  • CRM-8126 Cannot uncheck checkbox fields in civicrm profiles
  • CRM-8127 API: check_permission and check_permissions flags
  • CRM-8128 Enable reaching out to extensions directory on some servers
  • CRM-8129 Multiple Record Data Group Bug
  • CRM-8130 Counties file not shipped
  • CRM-8131 Custom Value API
  • CRM-8132 Make tests work off vanilla phpunit
  • CRM-8133 Advanced Search or Find Activities will not locate Membership Renewal Reminder type activites
  • CRM-8134 Handle upgrade for 3.4.3 and 4.0.3 (adding phone_ext if it doesn't already exist)
  • CRM-8135 Logging setup stumbles over views in the civicrm_% namespace
  • CRM-8136 fix smart group cache empty query
  • CRM-8137 Drag and Drop of Customizable Navigation menu is not sticky.
  • CRM-8138 Add support for using jQuery.validate plugin for client-side validation of phone numbers and postal codes
  • CRM-8139 Autocomplete fields do not work with "Đ" character (font Unicode in Vietnamese)
  • CRM-8140 Not possible to select fields for export when using Custom Searches
  • CRM-8141 Purchasing memberships in additional orgs should not be an upsell
  • CRM-8142 Core function CRM_BAO_Contact_GroupContact::addContactsToGroup() does not respect the status parameter
  • CRM-8143 Grant Report issue
  • CRM-8144 Mailing Label issue
  • CRM-8145 New Activities widget on home dashboard should not display completed activities
  • CRM-8146 Dedupe rule "name" should be required and should be populated by default
  • CRM-8147 Allow Activity + Contact Profiles to be edited and viewed using profile permissions
  • CRM-8148 Create unified Contact + Activity API for use in profile view/edit code
  • CRM-8149 CiviCRM ARMS Project
  • CRM-8150 Design and create database schema to represent "rule driven" emails ("Reminders")
  • CRM-8151 Implement form and page processing for triggered emails (Reminders)
  • CRM-8152 Create cron job to send "triggered emails" on an hourly basis
  • CRM-8153 Expose Contact + Activity + Custom Fields in webform
  • CRM-8154 Error when trying to create a group with organic group 7 civiCRM 4.0.1
  • CRM-8155 CSV Import Errors
  • CRM-8156 Core error if extension directory not set ... won't allow you to set it because ... there's a core error about it not being set
  • CRM-8157 Log additional constituent data modifications
  • CRM-8158 When creating an activity from within the Manage Case Screen a Notice appears.
  • CRM-8159 CiviCampaign - HTML available for use in the survey instructions
  • CRM-8160 membership status delete fails silently when membership exists
  • CRM-8161 Joomla Helper file is not loading API v3
  • CRM-8162 Creation of front-end menu items for Personal Contribuiton Page Create and View is broken
  • CRM-8163 Make 'administer CiviCRM' the default API permission
  • CRM-8164 Drupal civicrm_group_roles uses old API
  • CRM-8165 Incorrect Member since date when Date Input Field is set to dd/mm/yyyy
  • CRM-8166 Correct forms where top and button submit buttons have the same ID and append suffix to id '-top' and '-bottom'
  • CRM-8167 known exceptions should not show up as potential matching contacts when saving a contact
  • CRM-8168 profile overlay improvements for dynamically loaded pages
  • CRM-8169 Membership api should accept 'id' only - BAO issue
  • CRM-8170 Lifetime membership expired
  • CRM-8171 CRM_Core_Permission_Drupal::group() caches results without regard to paramters
  • CRM-8172 Upgrade from old release fails in Drush
  • CRM-8173 PHP Warning in Google IPN
  • CRM-8174 Evaluate tokens in redirection URL
  • CRM-8175 Send Event-Confirmation-Email to mutiple contacts generates mutiple activities to one contact
  • CRM-8176 Enable simple changes to custom data-types
  • CRM-8177 jQuery Date Widget allows you to type in invalid values
  • CRM-8178 Parse full names in "Firstname Lastname" or "Lastname, Firstname" format
  • CRM-8179 Enable code execution on transaction boundaries
  • CRM-8180 Need a way to set session user ID for testing
  • CRM-8181 Text in Name Badge not centered properly
  • CRM-8182 Rules module extension for POST hooks
  • CRM-8183 civicrm 40 doesn't run with 64Mb
  • CRM-8184 Undefined variable: i in CRM_Contact_Form_CustomData->preProcess
  • CRM-8185 Views integration Error: handler for civicrm_phone > phone
  • CRM-8186 Making a report that filters on custom data throws an error if that data is not displayed
  • CRM-8187 State / Provience (counties) of Malta are missing in the CiviCRM DB
  • CRM-8188 Webtest improvements from SF Code Sprint
  • CRM-8189 Custom data stored in core tables
  • CRM-8190 hook_civicrm_postProcess not called when "Save and Continue Later" is selected
  • CRM-8191 When creating navigation menu item = is converted to _
  • CRM-8192 Typo in CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getCustomFieldID
  • CRM-8193 Fixed various notices
  • CRM-8194 Smart Group Returns Error, Cannot Delete Smart Group
  • CRM-8195 Bad query on Find Activitie search crashes server
  • CRM-8196 cron job does not send mailing on parent site
  • CRM-8197 Automatically add new contacts to a group Profile feature should bypass subscribe / confirm workflow
  • CRM-8198 Random-number generation in CRM_Utils_Crypt leads to sporadically slow email processing
  • CRM-8199 Export exclusions do not work on "select fields" (mapped) export if the exclude criteria fields are not part of the export output fields set
  • CRM-8200 Aggregating query during contribution search executed twice and not cacheable
  • CRM-8201 Allow javascript or other smarty code to be appended to any template using an 'extra' file in the custom template directory
  • CRM-8202 Optimize Contribution Search
  • CRM-8203 Running bin/civimail.cronjob.php from the command line isn't working in Drupal 7
  • CRM-8204 Context is ignored when deleting activity from activities dashlet, and Delete action link doesn't work in full-screen mode
  • CRM-8205 Import wizard does not validate length of column names for Create Table step
  • CRM-8206 Individual contact with the same name can't be distinguished on CiviCRM CCK Contact Reference field
  • CRM-8207 Call hook_civicrm_links for mailing listings
  • CRM-8208 Find Participants Search doesn't work with date range and role
  • CRM-8209 Target contacts based on engagement with a previous CiviMail blast
  • CRM-8210 Record paging on public profile search results does not advance record display
  • CRM-8211 index constraint violation when navigation cache created
  • CRM-8212 Pagination using sort criteria produces inconsistent page results
  • CRM-8213 core error on user registration if the profile is set to add user to a group
  • CRM-8214 Add/Exclude Groups Search feature doesn't work with Smart Groups
  • CRM-8215 optOutUrl refers to /administrator/
  • CRM-8216 Filter on country in advanced search doesn't work
  • CRM-8217 Civievent - reset calendar 'from - to' fields when modifying an existing event
  • CRM-8218 my cases dashlet - caching conflicts with user-specific data
  • CRM-8219 Add configure links on Modules page for civicrm_group_roles and civicrm_member_roles
  • CRM-8220 Do not email, email on hold, and do not phone flags should be displayed on search results contact listings
  • CRM-8221 Paypal Express fails if no "additional contribution" entered on a membership signup page
  • CRM-8222 civicrm_contact_update fails when contact_id but not contact_type passed
  • CRM-8223 in CivicCRM 4 +J 1.6 there is a clash with the $componentid variable
  • CRM-8224 If From email has not been configured and a Joomla menu link to contribution is made it presents a front end error
  • CRM-8225 CiviCRM db has MyISAM temp tables
  • CRM-8226 Api.php helper
  • CRM-8227 SQL error on contact dashboard
  • CRM-8228 open/close format sections is not possible
  • CRM-8229 use drupal_mail for mailing
  • CRM-8230 expanding tabs
  • CRM-8231 choices for "Make Name Badges"
  • CRM-8232 API explorer issues
  • CRM-8233 API explorer and generator JS Error
  • CRM-8234 civicrm_group_roles module Error: Unable to sync role
  • CRM-8235 Error on View using CiviEvent
  • CRM-8236 documentation for civicrm_api3_group_contact_create
  • CRM-8237 bin/EmailProcessor.php should not exit when running in cli mode
  • CRM-8238 CRM_Mailing_MailStore has $this->_debug set to true by default
  • CRM-8239 joomla pcp menu items don't retrieve option lists correctly, or set params correctly
  • CRM-8240 e-notice in survey correctly identifies orphan variable - expect some functional impact dunno what
  • CRM-8241 Views Add ability to decide which location type (address, email and phone) or primary record is displayed.
  • CRM-8242 Views 3 display of description translates <p> tags to html equivalents
  • CRM-8243 Title missing in PDF page format update message
  • CRM-8244 Create or Edit Membership - incorrect date parsing when using dd/mm/yyyy format
  • CRM-8245 'Select More Fields' not working consistently
  • CRM-8246 Pledge Payment accordion doesn't unfold on Opera
  • CRM-8247 Activity count on Contact Summary tab is excluding 'Completed' activities
  • CRM-8248 Unlimited Profiles for Event Registration Forms
  • CRM-8249 Issues choosing template for email/PDFletter with Drupal WYSIWYG
  • CRM-8250 GiftAid doesn't allow entering same declarations for multiple charities
  • CRM-8251 ThankYou.tpl and email receipt missing additional participant information
  • CRM-8252 Custom fields disappear from import mapping when disabled then re-enabled
  • CRM-8253 Controller setDestination() does not redirect on form submission
  • CRM-8254 Ensure that IPN code respects currency set in contribution page
  • CRM-8255 After upgrade,from 3.3.5, search on 'State' field using Search Builder fails with fatal error, while search using 'Advanced Search' using same value succeeds
  • CRM-8256 Extend post hook to address object
  • CRM-8257 Assign tagset tag to Case - pop-up is too small and tagset select is hidden
  • CRM-8258 Merge Tags Capabiity
  • CRM-8259 Make an "Event Is Fully Booked" flag available to Drupal CiviCRM Views
  • CRM-8260 Fix notices in PDF Format functionality (Drupal 7 / CiviCRM 4)
  • CRM-8261 CiviCRM multi-values not working with views filters again
  • CRM-8262 Profile view should consider checksum authenticated contact as "User" and expose "User and User Admin" fields
  • CRM-8263 static value caching not working in getImage function
  • CRM-8264 CiviCampaign - HTML available for use in the survey instructions
  • CRM-8265 Single quote not escaped in MySQL for event fee search
  • CRM-8266 Implement the optional 'Record Activity' for sent reminders
  • CRM-8267 Fatal earlier when civimail isn't properly configured
  • CRM-8268 Add hook to action.cronjob.php
  • CRM-8269 Views missing fields from civicrm_contact
  • CRM-8270 When running from the cli, fatals shouldn't be templated
  • CRM-8271 Upgrade views support for CiviCRM relationships
  • CRM-8272 3.4 - form parameters not passed when saving-and-testing Outbound Mail settings
  • CRM-8273 Activity Batch Update did not provide the user with a relationship between activity and individual.
  • CRM-8274 Custom fields in Report Criteria (columns and filters) should be arranged in the order specified by their assigned weights
  • CRM-8275 Drupal account creation overwrites existing Civi contact record data without verification
  • CRM-8276 save the postal code suffix returned by Yahoo geocoder
  • CRM-8277 Views Allow Relationship from Contribution to Contacts in Contribution Views
  • CRM-8278 Make PDF attachment to receipt an optional, global setting
  • CRM-8279 Automatically register menu items from contributed modules
  • CRM-8280 mail click report errors if mailing name has special chars
  • CRM-8281 Mailing labels PDF national characters broken
  • CRM-8282 address parsing should handle digit-dash-digit (421-16) in street_number + street_number_suffix
  • CRM-8283 Activity API don't update
  • CRM-8284 Views 3: Event Dates and Timezone
  • CRM-8285 CLONE -Civievent - reset calendar 'from - to' fields when modifying an existing event
  • CRM-8286 API v3 relationship create adds bogus end date
  • CRM-8287 Number for "Add contacts to group" doesn't match "Number of selected contacts"
  • CRM-8288 Datepicker with HTML Snippet
  • CRM-8289 div for group(s) in profile block doesn't have id for class
  • CRM-8290 display of group(s) options in profile for contribution form
  • CRM-8291 Deleting custom fields creates a mess if TRIGGER permissions are not in place
  • CRM-8292 Undefined Index: operatorType
  • CRM-8293 GenCode.php fails when another civicrm installation exists in modules/
  • CRM-8294 xml schema field names are not being quoted
  • CRM-8295 Provide Accounting Code to the PayFlow Pro Comment1 field in every transaction
  • CRM-8296 Profile add to group asks confirmation for non-mailing-list groups
  • CRM-8297 Event registration fails due to missing log table
  • CRM-8298 View Mail in Browser permalink results in non-recoverable error
  • CRM-8299 Cannot save contact on demo site, error about phone_ext not in fields list
  • CRM-8300 Allow "order by" clause to be defined in report criteria UI
  • CRM-8301 CiviCRM calims group already exists while using unique names
  • CRM-8302 Problem installing locally existing extensions
  • CRM-8303 CiviReport PDF's should set orientation to 'landscape' by default
  • CRM-8304 E-notice fix
  • CRM-8305 Promote better V4 demo sites on
  • CRM-8306 Adding contact->website field to On Behalf of Organization profile breaks funtion
  • CRM-8307 critical export bug
  • CRM-8308 cannot display details for some events and cannot add participants
  • CRM-8309 Updating existing email address location type using REST API doesn't work as expected
  • CRM-8310 Joomla JCE editor broken in CiviMail component
  • CRM-8311 add to group and saved search tasks don't reflect civimail workflow
  • CRM-8312 DB error on Participant listing report
  • CRM-8313 Extra ");" in
  • CRM-8314 A custom report will trigger several php Notices - Undefined Index: no_display and type
  • CRM-8315 Add Start and End Date filters to membership detail report
  • CRM-8316 Add "not in" handler to report filter interface
  • CRM-8317 Allow Recurring Transactions for to have a future start date
  • CRM-8318 Upgrade 3.4.2 to 3.4.3 fails while creating on behalf profile
  • CRM-8319 Smart groups return only one contact
  • CRM-8320 adding activity does not work
  • CRM-8321 Contact and Activity exports throw SQL error
  • CRM-8322 Error in the REST when called with PHPSESSID rather than api key
  • CRM-8323 Upgrade CKeditor to latest release
  • CRM-8324 Unsubscribe link in mailing results in a MySQL syntax error and fails
  • CRM-8325 php error in rules if no entitiies defined in admin form
  • CRM-8326 Profile view from profile listings and after profile create is broken (Joomla and Drupal)
  • CRM-8327 Rename "Access all custom data" to "show custom fields in profiles"
  • CRM-8328 Clicking the civicrm/extern/url.php links on a CiviMail permalink page gives "Missing input parameters"
  • CRM-8329 Smarty template evaluation of Subject line in email messages
  • CRM-8330 'On behalf of' profile problem with 'state' and 'pre/post help'
  • CRM-8331 Cleanup of redundant functions: put openid into the websites
  • CRM-8332 Cleanup of redundant functions: merge assign and with
  • CRM-8333 Updgrade domPDF to latest version
  • CRM-8334 Sites recently upgraded to 3.4.3 with geocoding addresses in DB can't save contacts
  • CRM-8335 Update z-index for #civicrm-menu to remove the conflict with the modal (ui-dialog) windows
  • CRM-8336 API is using expensive unfiltered SELECT in _civicrm_api3_dao_set_filter
  • CRM-8337 Slow query on contact tab -97% of query time is inspecting schema in logging BAO
  • CRM-8338 Mailing Label Household Merge requires Household to be selected as well as individuals
  • CRM-8339 Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' in on line 5928
  • CRM-8340 Tighten profile edit permissions
  • CRM-8341 Logic which matches users to contacts is not considering contact type (may link user to organization)
  • CRM-8342 contact search with profile listing display - no values with print view
  • CRM-8343 Fatal error on Rules 4.0.3
  • CRM-8344 PHP error when using payment processor
  • CRM-8345 Add Drupal 7 and Joomlas to release testing script
  • CRM-8346 dedupe rules should require at least one rule
  • CRM-8347 Links added to contact summary with hook_civicrm_links() appear different from native links
  • CRM-8348 Table civicrm_action_log is not created
  • CRM-8349 Reduce memory leaks in civimail cronjob send
  • CRM-8350 Change default for PDF Receipt option to OFF
  • CRM-8351 Contact notes are not deleted when a contact is deleted
  • CRM-8352 Accordion tab IE8, IE9, Firefox4, Google Chrome 12.0.742.100 in Reports
  • CRM-8353 D7/C4 and the Default Events Calendar View
  • CRM-8354 CiviCRM integration with Wordpress
  • CRM-8356 Limit contact reference custom fields by group with advanced mode to use other filters
  • CRM-8357 Multiple contact subtypes
  • CRM-8358 Consolidated CiviCRM Cron
  • CRM-8359 Multiple membership renewal reminders
  • CRM-8360 Migrate codebas to use api v3
  • CRM-8361 The url validation function used when adding websites information to contacts and organizations does not allow hyphens '-' in the domain name.
  • CRM-8362 Profile View Groups field should include groups with 'User and User Admin' visibility in contexts where 'User and User Admin' profile fields are displayed
  • CRM-8363 SoapServer fails to authenticate
  • CRM-8364 Uploading photos of premiums gives a PHP GD error even when GD is installed and configured properly
  • CRM-8365 Buttons are hidden on premium edit page
  • CRM-8366 Wrong URL in the Database: CiviCRM Resourcen-URL,imageUploadURL
  • CRM-8367 IS NULL operator in Search Builder leads to Catch 22
  • CRM-8368 CiviCase default status is hard-coded to 'Ongoing' and default property is not exposed for editing on Case Status and Encounter Medium
  • CRM-8369 Make Participant ID available for Event based System Template Messages
  • CRM-8370 SChedule reminders db syntax error
  • CRM-8371 Drush fails all commands with CiviCRM findable and php 5.3.x
  • CRM-8372 After I install CiviCRM 4.0.4 into a clean Drupal 7.2 site - ( ! ) Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached, aborting! in C:\wamp\www\includes\ on line 135 Call Stack
  • CRM-8373 Support printable/pdf and improve visuals/scaling for report charts
  • CRM-8376 Advanced Search no longer returns contacts when searching for activities
  • CRM-8377 Wrong quote and {ts} position
  • CRM-8378 Address parsing should handle street address without a street number
  • CRM-8379 civicrm phonebank report fails on missing sql value
  • CRM-8380 Advanced search not respecting state / country
  • CRM-8381 API delete action for pledge payment risks data loss
  • CRM-8382 defaults for created_id & created_date not set in API Event Create
  • CRM-8383 hook_civicrm_membershipTypeValues doesn't affect values on form submit
  • CRM-8384 Deleting Drupal user account truncates civicrm_uf_match
  • CRM-8385 in API v3, creating pledge payments gives fatal error
  • CRM-8386 Smart group with Display Results As Related Contacts doesn't always include the related contacts
  • CRM-8387 shared address with" doesn't work in several translations
  • CRM-8388 Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated
  • CRM-8389 View Mail in Browser permalinks give access to all mailings regardless of visibility settings
  • CRM-8390 E_NOTICE Error
  • CRM-8391 CiviMember Installation and Configuration page needs content
  • CRM-8392 Search Builder fails when includes Contribution Status field
  • CRM-8393 Performance improvement in DataObject->fetch()
  • CRM-8394 Performance improvement in Tag.php
  • CRM-8395 "Configure Your Dashboard" doesn't work in several translations
  • CRM-8396 Backport changes done for CRM-8349 to 3.3.x
  • CRM-8397 Syntax error in causes PHP fatal error.
  • CRM-8398 Contribution Import fails due to failure opening required file contribute.php
  • CRM-8399 Export Contacts: PRIMARY fields - location_type column is empty
  • CRM-8400 CiviCase and Activity: copy email sent to assignee contains edit link with assignee as contact
  • CRM-8401 Undefined constant DUPLIUCATCATE_SKIP during import
  • CRM-8402 merge contacts creates duplicate tags
  • CRM-8403 Cancel button doesn't work on civicrm/admin/price/field?reset=1&action=add&sid=1 if required fields blank
  • CRM-8404 Rules integration broken in C4
  • CRM-8405 disable link under more not working on Manage Events page
  • CRM-8406 Event BAO silently fails rather than returning an error to API if participants exist
  • CRM-8407 API - chaining currently only works on single entities returned - need to allow multiple
  • CRM-8408 css/civicrm.css refers to image files in ../packages/jquery/jquery-ui-1.8.5, which doesn't exist
  • CRM-8409 Disable header column sorting if order by clause is disabled.
  • CRM-8410 Move CiviCRM Theme module to core
  • CRM-8411 Remove references to obsolete permission "edit cases"
  • CRM-8412 templates/CRM/Contact/Form/Selector.tpl missing >
  • CRM-8413 Recruit people to develop detailed use cases for next phases of initiative
  • CRM-8414 Elavon Processor Update
  • CRM-8415 Price Set Field Price required but doesn't have *
  • CRM-8416 Drupal 7's URL alias doesn't work with contribution forms
  • CRM-8417 weekly merge of trunk into v4.1.civiaccounts/
  • CRM-8418 drush civicrm-install issue
  • CRM-8419 activities listing pulled incorrectly
  • CRM-8420 CiviMail report extremely slow
  • CRM-8421 Opening case results in 'select a contact or create new one' error, impossible to save
  • CRM-8422 Event time display error
  • CRM-8423 hook_civicrm_alterMailParams improvements
  • CRM-8424 rules: mailing approval condition
  • CRM-8425 Replace civicrm_contribution_type table with civicrm_financial_account table
  • CRM-8426 'add to group' profile setting doesn't work unless group is set to 'public listings & groups'
  • CRM-8427 Scheduled and Sent Mailings selector does not show Scheduled mailings with From / To Date filters. No way to filter on job status.
  • CRM-8428 Update jQuery Tokeninput widget to latest version
  • CRM-8429 v2 group api fixed in 32518 to make tests pass but broke ogsync from the looks
  • CRM-8430 Add includeOld parameter for ajax/event.
  • CRM-8431 remove try catch block from api functions now it has been moved to civicrm_api (mostly a case of changing the tests)
  • CRM-8432 hook_civicrm_tokenValues() could use some help.
  • CRM-8433 Integrate KCFinder
  • CRM-8434 On behalf of organization profile when inserted on contribution page adds duplicate ids
  • CRM-8435 Pre hook inconstencies affecting RULES
  • CRM-8436 Views Integration seems to be workign incorrectly
  • CRM-8437 API element no longer working
  • CRM-8438 CRM-7093
  • CRM-8439 It be nice if the image pop actually showed the image, instead of a file download dialogue
  • CRM-8440 Upgrade jQuery and jQuery UI to the latest release
  • CRM-8441 Contact Search Print Mode Bug when Default Contact Search Profile is set.
  • CRM-8442 traceback when adding new individual via case form with group double opt in turned on
  • CRM-8443 duplicate crm-container id
  • CRM-8444 Fix smarty syntax typos where {else if} is used instead of the correct {elseif}
  • CRM-8445 Profile Type (group_type) display is broken for profiles which include Activity::$activityType values
  • CRM-8446 Notice: Undefined index: case_id in CRM_Case_Form_Activity_ChangeCaseStatus
  • CRM-8447 traceback when adding new individual and google geo-coding fails to connect
  • CRM-8448 Creating a second relationship generates a notice and a warning about non initialized var relTypeIds
  • CRM-8449 Creation of front-end menu items for all Custom Search in joomla
  • CRM-8450 Shared adresse doesn't work in some translations
  • CRM-8451 Performance improvment in CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Permission::cache
  • CRM-8452 Bug in custom field of type date display in profile
  • CRM-8453 Fatal error upgrading from 3.4.2 to 3.4.4 on multilingual site
  • CRM-8454 If no pdf default format is provided, a notice is popuped when you go to the generate pdf page
  • CRM-8455 Incorrect SQL syntax in Export.php WHERE clause causes Export to hang
  • CRM-8456 Facebook token widget broken on Activity form
  • CRM-8457 file type of custom data is not handled in CiviCampaign
  • CRM-8458 When creating a custom field some datas are tested while they are hidden
  • CRM-8459 Timeout Issues w/DOMpdf Package
  • CRM-8460 Limit the number of parallel jobs that can be running simultaneously to deliver email
  • CRM-8461 Undefined variable: preUpgradeMessage in CRM_Upgrade_Page_Upgrade->run() (line 269 of CRM/Upgrade/Page/Upgrade.php).
  • CRM-8462 CiviCRM for Drupal - Configure Multi-site Installations
  • CRM-8463 Fix various bugs in Export: Merge Contacts with Same Address feature
  • CRM-8464 Printing Contributions to PDF
  • CRM-8465 Undefined index: url-1
  • CRM-8466 contribution update broken
  • CRM-8467 New .extra.tpl feature doesn't work with the numbered directory appended (for specific events, profiles or contribution pages)
  • CRM-8468 contact ref field problem on survey interview screen & on on behalf of screen
  • CRM-8469 "The database does not exist" message
  • CRM-8470 Consistent display of radio for primary and additional participants
  • CRM-8471 Upgrade database structure and migrate data from previous version
  • CRM-8472 Cancelling Delete action on a PCP causes page reload with multiple copies of selector
  • CRM-8473 Joomla menu creation allows "Personal Contribution Page" link to be created without a valid reference to a campaign
  • CRM-8474 Allow Multiple Membership Blocks for Online Contribution Pages
  • CRM-8475 Adding to Group via a Profile incorrectly results in 'pending subscription' email when CIVICRM_PROFILE_ADD_TO_GROUP_DOUBLE_OPTIN is not defined
  • CRM-8476 PHP Notice undefined constant DUPLICATE_SKIP in Drupal log during contact csv import
  • CRM-8477 PHP Notice error _civicrm_add_formatted_param() on last page of csv contact import
  • CRM-8478 Use Pass by ref in views custom_data
  • CRM-8479 Expose custom data to the user table
  • CRM-8480 participant listing pages should be frontend format
  • CRM-8481 stop adding custom fields twice in views
  • CRM-8482 Insert tokens in Plain Text message body IE8 - token not inserted at cursor position and content is duplicated
  • CRM-8483 Enable Price Sets to be used in conjunction with online and offline Membership Signup and Renewal
  • CRM-8484 Missing translation in Settings - Contacts Search form: Autocomplete Contact Search
  • CRM-8485 Fix the fatal error for PDF
  • CRM-8486 Wrong table cell closing tag on Contact.Page.View.Summary.tpl
  • CRM-8487 Add Views support for supplemental_address_2
  • CRM-8488 Token Input widget should not select a contact when 'comma' character is typed
  • CRM-8489 Custom Data (File Field) in Drupal Views
  • CRM-8490 'Reply To' option for CiviMail in headers
  • CRM-8491 Delete Contact permission being ignored on the Contact results screen
  • CRM-8492 Undefined property CRM_Core_Extensions_Extension::$id in CRM_Admin_Page_Extensions->browse()
  • CRM-8493 Word replacement does not work on the Campaign screen
  • CRM-8494 CiviMail's mail account edit button point to a default adress : http://default/civicrm/admin/mailSettings?action=update&id=2&reset=1
  • CRM-8495 OG Bridge code needs updating to new OG API
  • CRM-8496 Test suite fails silently when function contributionTypeDelete fails
  • CRM-8497 E-Notice when running Pledge summary report
  • CRM-8498 Add summary to pledge report
  • CRM-8499 CRM/Core/Payment.php can't find disable payment processor
  • CRM-8500 Support multiple profiles for 'on behalf of' form in online contribution pages
  • CRM-8501 Caching issue on pledge summary report
  • CRM-8502 address_options - needs caching? a pseudoconstant?
  • CRM-8503 Add county id to reports/ allow group by on reports (by county id & custom fields)
  • CRM-8504 $frequencyUnits in assignToTemplate( ) should get the 'value' of 'recur_frequency_units' option
  • CRM-8505 Warning when going to civimail report page
  • CRM-8506 Another E-notice - running survey report
  • CRM-8507 change custom field index from label to name?
  • CRM-8508 case custom fields
  • CRM-8509 Default Activity Filters
  • CRM-8510 Add index to
  • CRM-8511 inconsistent line ending styles
  • CRM-8512 CiviReport links not working Donor report detail
  • CRM-8513 CiviReport summary for pledge that's a summary
  • CRM-8514 Add sorting / paging / limit to API that use DAO method
  • CRM-8515 Search Builder: Unknown column 'civicrm_note.note'
  • CRM-8516 Add high low filtering to Activity API & by extension a whole bunch of others
  • CRM-8517 cron job won't send / stops at includes/ / Xavier
  • CRM-8518 remove the confirmation pop-up on disabling a field on a profile
  • CRM-8519 URL change for DPS per
  • CRM-8520 Registration button not displayed on event info if already registered
  • CRM-8521 Add a simple singleton array cache implementation for use when memcached isn't an option
  • CRM-8522 Optimizes the _civicrm_store_values function for uneven field sets
  • CRM-8523 A patch to always select MyISAM as the temporary dedupe table storage engine for performance reasons; regardless of the MySQL configuration.
  • CRM-8524 Word replacements can't deal with hyperlinks
  • CRM-8525 Word replacements won't accept an empty replacement string
  • CRM-8526 Support [contribution.custom_nn] tokens in templates
  • CRM-8527 CiviCRM Drush commands use wrong database
  • CRM-8528 incorrect results for contribution get
  • CRM-8529 new implementation for CRM_Utils_Hook::tokenValues
  • CRM-8530 poping up Activity dahslet raises a javascript error in french
  • CRM-8531 There is no localization in the default 'Actvities' dashlet
  • CRM-8532 Pagination not working in report Dashlets
  • CRM-8533 Totals in section headers are missing when using order by
  • CRM-8534 Enable PCPs on events
  • CRM-8535 Mailing Group API / Profile API need a getfields function
  • CRM-8536 CiviCRM 4.04 does not install in Joomla 1.7
  • CRM-8537 Add API support for Smarty Templates
  • CRM-8539 The States field will be having all World States even though Country is selected by default in Profile
  • CRM-8540 Manually completing a payment related to additional participants does not update additional participants if status is Pending from incomplete transaction
  • CRM-8541 report filter: escape multiselect field options
  • CRM-8542 Contact API 'get' doesn't return "source" field
  • CRM-8543 Add group & tag filters to membership summary report
  • CRM-8544 remove api/v3/examples/Activity/Get Target and Assignee.php
  • CRM-8545 Theme element overflow
  • CRM-8546 Hook_user op insert redirects
  • CRM-8547 User Dashboard doesn't have Renewal links for certain memberships
  • CRM-8548 Search builder IN operator don't work
  • CRM-8549 New Case with AllowMultipleCaseClients enabled throw form rule error (please select a valid contact) OR notice (undefined constant)
  • CRM-8550 Case API fixes
  • CRM-8551 Pledge payment status is null if 1 installment & pledge_status_id not set
  • CRM-8552 Deleting contacts from trash takes far too long
  • CRM-8553 menu does not work in CiviCRM 3.4.4 in joomla 1.5.20
  • CRM-8554 Can't edit participant records with admin-only price set fields depending on context
  • CRM-8555 Add 'Paid By' filter to bookkeeping report
  • CRM-8556 CiviMail new mailing SQL error due to missing column
  • CRM-8557 Reduce number of queries involved in checking if contact is valid - activity API
  • CRM-8558 When editing some contacts, the JQuery buttons do not work
  • CRM-8559 getNavigationList should return translated labels
  • CRM-8560 Unable to remove a report from the navigation menu
  • CRM-8561 Drupal - Views integration - views handler uses incorrect field name
  • CRM-8562 CiviReport as 'save as new' option
  • CRM-8563 Incomplete localization of CiviCampaign templates
  • CRM-8564 Various notices in 4.0 events workflows
  • CRM-8565 cli.php should be more flexible, allowing calling scripts to set additional command line options
  • CRM-8566 UpdateAddress.php should use cli.php
  • CRM-8567 All scheduled email reminders (except the first) are ignored
  • CRM-8568 Extentions causes problems when moving site
  • CRM-8569 Smarty-Email policies are not consistently enforced
  • CRM-8570 Labels only available for translation in the database when adding a contact type
  • CRM-8571 Unable to schedule email reminders to staff (assignees) about constituents (targets)
  • CRM-8572 Export Participants and Export Contributions drop records when multiple rows belong to the same Contact
  • CRM-8573 Unable to create a contribution after migration - msg: Please set a location type of Billing
  • CRM-8574 Custom data set does not load in Participant form for Edit when it is used for Participant - Event (name)
  • CRM-8575 Html snippets generated for a given profile contains url error
  • CRM-8576 Add payment type (payment instrument ) filters & column to contribution report
  • CRM-8577 Month/Year format for Custom Field will not accept valid date when used in a profile
  • CRM-8578 search results layout with trashed contacts, when using profiles
  • CRM-8579 Resolve conflict for CRM_Event_BAO_Event , came from merge r35362.
  • CRM-8580 Note API is failing on BAO when creating contribution note
  • CRM-8581 Make language choice available when installing with drush
  • CRM-8582 Most contribution data columns including Total Amount are not populated when exporting contributions. Column headers are incorrect Contribution, Membership, Participant export
  • CRM-8583 Credit card not required when using sign up by date discount
  • CRM-8584 Add an Activity when Membership Type updated in backend
  • CRM-8585 Send Notification checkbox is not offered when changing Participant status from Pending pay later to Cancelled
  • CRM-8586 Form Rule Validation fails on editing Additional Participants
  • CRM-8587 Error on opening Report edit form
  • CRM-8588 Drupal auto-installation confused by sourceforge mirroring
  • CRM-8589 When joining to phone table in a contact record view, duplicate records encountered
  • CRM-8590 Various "Strict warning: Only variables should be assigned by reference" messages in CRM/Core/Component.php
  • CRM-8591 Drupal Organic Groups integration needs updating for 7.x API
  • CRM-8592 Fix for Undefined $relTypeIds variable in CRM/Contact/BAO/Relationship.php
  • CRM-8593 Undefined variable error in CRM/Contact/Page/AJAX.php
  • CRM-8594 Undefined variable $version in CRM/Utils/REST.php
  • CRM-8595 Menu paths for Civicrm Engage should be updated for Drupal-7 API
  • CRM-8596 Comments within the civicrm_og_sync module should be wrapped at 80 columns.
  • CRM-8597 PHP strict warning: Only variables should be assigned by reference.
  • CRM-8598 Start using SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS in core queries for counting rows
  • CRM-8599 Untested var causes a non-blocking error when disabling wordreplacements
  • CRM-8600 Limit declined credit card transactions
  • CRM-8601 Perform case and activity modifications within one transaction
  • CRM-8602 User with 'edit all contacts' but no delete permissions can delete contacts
  • CRM-8603 function civicrm_error in APIv3
  • CRM-8604 Intermediate pending transaction does not get renewed / updated properly
  • CRM-8605 Start date set to 0 for new memberships by relation
  • CRM-8606 When deleting a group, there is no submit button
  • CRM-8607 Error after mass subscribe contacts to an event
  • CRM-8608 API v3 mailing_group event_subscribe requires unnecessary keys 'hash' and 'time_stamp'
  • CRM-8609 Any users including non-logged in public can view map pages and therefore contact name and address info for any contact id
  • CRM-8610 Undefined variable: gid in civicrm_group_roles_add_remove_groups()
  • CRM-8611 Upgrade script fails going from 3.4.3 to 3.4.5
  • CRM-8612 Advanced Search no longer returns contacts when searching for activities - Drupal 7
  • CRM-8613 Some activities not displayed in contact summary "Activities" tab where there are activities "With" multiple contacts
  • CRM-8614 Event Confirmation Mail - Custom Data Array Error
  • CRM-8615 minor refactoring of CMS user build form to extract the piece of code that gets the destination into it's own function
  • CRM-8616 EEK currency doesn't exist
  • CRM-8617 Install error for Google Checkout extension = "Notice: Undefined property: CRM_Core_Extensions_Extension::$id in CRM_Admin_Page_Extensions->browse() (line 169 of C:\wamp\www\sites\all\modules\civicrm\CRM\Admin\Page\Extensions.php)."
  • CRM-8618 Batch update membership status via profile
  • CRM-8619 3.4.4. > 3.4.5 upgrade fails with "Column 'weight' cannot be null, 1048
  • CRM-8620 Joomla Menue List Events item displays all events including those in the past and disabled events
  • CRM-8621 Og Sync fails if Node title is too long
  • CRM-8622 OG sync module deletes all ACLs when you delete one Organic Group
  • CRM-8623 County Selection Not Working in/for User Registration
  • CRM-8624 Email reminders should not be sent for archived or deleted activities
  • CRM-8625 Profile URLs which reference activities in CiviCase become stale
  • CRM-8626 Support Auto Renew and Recurring Subscriptions For Google Checkout
  • CRM-8627 Optionally disable CiviCase email notifications to prevent duplicate emails
  • CRM-8628 Rules E-notice - need to standardise function names & object names
  • CRM-8629 Joomla menu manager: Front-end menu items for Create a Personal Campaign Page do not work (incomplete URL fatal error)
  • CRM-8630 Event Tabs Broken without Drupal Clean URLs Enabled
  • CRM-8631 Entity Tag API not id indexing per standard
  • CRM-8632 civicrm footer showing when you edit a related contact in front end dashboard
  • CRM-8633 Integrate the Views upgrades in CRM-8241 & CRM-7766 with Views filters
  • CRM-8634 Joomla: user creation via profile does not respect activation settings
  • CRM-8635 Fatal error when viewing contribution page on demo site
  • CRM-8636 expose contact_id of the soft credit recipient in views
  • CRM-8637 PCP issues and Login denied! Your account has either been blocked or you have not activated it
  • CRM-8638 soap requests for bounces, unsubscribes and etc result in "Invalid key" error
  • CRM-8639 Need to be able to get 'id' from contact ref custom field via API
  • CRM-8640 Ability to alter country state lists returned by ajax
  • CRM-8641 Access denied in Joomla 1.6 / CiviCRM 4.0 for backoffice staff wanting to edit or view Personal Campaign Pages that aren't approved yet
  • CRM-8642 Display recurring contributions in contributions tab, and allow cancel action if payment processor is Moneris
  • CRM-8643 Activity assignee and with contact widget break if formRule fails
  • CRM-8644 Export-Merge Contacts with Same Address: Allow user to specify a fixed value ("Dear Constituent") when merging > 2 contacts
  • CRM-8645 Schedule or Send Mailing - Send Immediately checkbox should be unchecked if user selects a date in Schedule Mailing calendar pop-up - broken in 3.4
  • CRM-8646 Constituent Summary issues with new order by features
  • CRM-8647 Error when trying to register new Drupal account using same email address as billing address in CiviCRM
  • CRM-8648 code cruft looks like it can go
  • CRM-8649 Don't wait the end to mention more than 50 contacts when sending a mail
  • CRM-8650 Implement ORDER BY feature for reports used by NYSS
  • CRM-8651 Ensure unique radio button IDs on Advanced Search
  • CRM-8652 Tag tab counter is updated incorrectly when both heirarchical and tagset tags are added or removed
  • CRM-8653 Add context=dashlet to View and Edit Activity links on Activity Report when report is used as a dashlet
  • CRM-8654 dashboard_contact.content column data type is not large enough for report data
  • CRM-8655 hook_civicrm_config is not invoked when running background scripts
  • CRM-8656 Dashlets show login screen in iFrames
  • CRM-8657 Create token for use in Rules module which evaluates to a list of emails of users with a specific permission
  • CRM-8658 stateProvince() function in Query.php produces MySQL errors
  • CRM-8659 civicrm.css references a non-existing file
  • CRM-8660 civicrm.css refers to non-existing png files
  • CRM-8661 Single tag is assigned multiple times to the same contact
  • CRM-8662 Add 'soft_credit_id' to contribute getfields function
  • CRM-8663 Create test for soft_credit_to on contribute API
  • CRM-8664 New report: Contribution history by relationship
  • CRM-8665 Copy Profile should assign a new 'name' value when inserting the new row in uf_group table. Newly created profiles should have ID appended to generated name value.
  • CRM-8666 Civicrm_line_item table not cleaned up after delete process
  • CRM-8667 Notice: Undefined index: id in CRM_Import_Parser_Contact->import() (line 828 of /var/www/drupal7/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Import/Parser/Contact.php).
  • CRM-8668 Field participant_role is not set to default participant_role_id
  • CRM-8669 Scheduled Reminders for Events
  • CRM-8670 Add a link to change the settings from the fields list for profile
  • CRM-8671 Activity Export pulls contact data from source contact instead of target when target exists, and actiivty search and report links have the wrong CID.
  • CRM-8672 Contribution Widget: Shows incorrect text - "Campaign is ongoing" - when campaign end date is past
  • CRM-8673 Add return.is_full as an api option ( returns is_full (Bool) & 'available_seats')
  • CRM-8674 Delete batch action from Manage Groups - Contacts in Group listing redirects to wrong location after delete
  • CRM-8675 Incorrect Error message when "Execute Real-time transaction" is not selected
  • CRM-8676 Assigning multiple manager roles on a case causes the second one to have a blank role title in the case roles section on Manage Case.
  • CRM-8677 Customization of the navigation menu is always displayed in English.
  • CRM-8678 CiviMail doesn't record email as delivered until the mailing finish
  • CRM-8679 Error upgrading to v3.4.5: Duplicate entries in civicrm_entity_tag table
  • CRM-8680 Separator line is not working properly
  • CRM-8681 Alpha filter on Browse Mailing screens includes invalid links and does not retain search criteria when clicked
  • CRM-8682 Event Income Summary - Jscript error related to date search widget
  • CRM-8683 Create generic Pseudo Constant Handler
  • CRM-8684 CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::greeting() cache bug
  • CRM-8685 Broken link to USPS
  • CRM-8686 Duplicate activity created if you slowly double-click the save button
  • CRM-8687 Drupal account email change does not update Civi contact email and vice versa.
  • CRM-8688 Break up the file
  • CRM-8689 Location APIs corrupt is_primary field on update
  • CRM-8690 Expose Personal Campaign Pages to Views
  • CRM-8691 Content on event registration form when registering someone other than yourself is misleading
  • CRM-8692 event RSS feed should output absolute URLs in link tag, not relative link
  • CRM-8693 Address API should accept sort option
  • CRM-8694 Report filters cause fatal error if based on Yes/No custom field and set to "No"
  • CRM-8695 Profiles not in first position are not rendered for registered users
  • CRM-8696 Admin extension page not displayed when there is not extensions
  • CRM-8697 Generic API should accept 'return' as an array
  • CRM-8698 CiviCRM redirects conflicting with Drupal
  • CRM-8699 Batch update via profile for membership "status" and "type" doesn't work
  • CRM-8700 Missing translation for Total Fee(s)
  • CRM-8701 custom template in search extension not used
  • CRM-8702 Civi Grants only showing one row in summary view
  • CRM-8703 Strict Duplicate Rule on Import Contacts Fails to Work, Duplicates Created
  • CRM-8704 Add duration to the Activity Reports
  • CRM-8705 Allow a person to register for multiple events simultaneously.
  • CRM-8706 "Undefined index" errors
  • CRM-8707 Add buttons to public event pages for admins
  • CRM-8708 Define a hook suitable for dynamically managing activities in a case
  • CRM-8709 Clicking "Search Results" after a merge shows the entire database
  • CRM-8710 Using profile HTML on an external site allows existing records to be updated by anonymous users
  • CRM-8711 Migrate contactList function to api
  • CRM-8712 Using email as Name when there is no first/last name causes information leak
  • CRM-8713 Ability to add new contact on the fly when creating a relationship
  • CRM-8714 "Money" custom fields are not properly formatted
  • CRM-8715 Add Searchable column to listing of custom fields (Administer Custom Data > View Custom Fields)
  • CRM-8716 Define content type for activity details to allow for intelligent rendering of data
  • CRM-8717 Drupal Integration Modules: only Admin user (user 0) can do administrative tasks.
  • CRM-8718 bin scripts should be refactored to be more flexible
  • CRM-8719 membership triggers transaction on 0 value (, possibly others)
  • CRM-8720 civicrm_engage should automatic set needed configuration items and load the default configuration when enabled/installed
  • CRM-8721 Relationship API to use generic API get if contact_id not provided
  • CRM-8722 After merging two contacts, there is no link back to the suggested merge results
  • CRM-8723 support the creation of a CMS user from a contact record
  • CRM-8724 File on Case not working in IE8
  • CRM-8725 joomla 1.6+ UI tweaks
  • CRM-8726 case activities date filter missing fields
  • CRM-8727 CiviReports as Contact Tabs
  • CRM-8728 Missing Bulk Email activity type causes activity selector to fail
  • CRM-8729 Make it easy to manage profiles from events/contrib/surveys...
  • CRM-8730 CiviCRM 4.x on Drupal 6
  • CRM-8732 Usability improvements for Profile
  • CRM-8733 Make it easier to manage the custom field from the profile field
  • CRM-8734 Change Case Type, Case Status, Start Date: Set activity status to completed automatically and hide activity status and priority fields
  • CRM-8735 Back to search result after update a record
  • CRM-8736 walklist and phonelist depend on older schema
  • CRM-8737 Add social plugins to Event, Donation and tell a friend page
  • CRM-8738 Survey Report doesn't work for searching Petition activities
  • CRM-8739 Provide single-click option to cleanup all caches and rebuild menu
  • CRM-8740 Default values for primary fields in profile not always populating
  • CRM-8741 api contact create can create individuals with no fields
  • CRM-8742 civimail approval page doesn't have appropriate perms for preview
  • CRM-8743 After Copying Profile, Cannot Edit and Save Original Profile
  • CRM-8744 Upgrade and patch smtp library
  • CRM-8745 Allow admins to set a default Case Type
  • CRM-8746 Fix confirmation email with custom data
  • CRM-8747 Add top buttons, title bar to case activities form and show contact display name in header
  • CRM-8748 Allow activity assignee and target contact autocomplete fields to be filtered using the contactlListQuery hook
  • CRM-8749 Optimize case dashboard query
  • CRM-8750 Change auto update period for membership renewals
  • CRM-8751 activity view link in reports does not respect various type-based restrictions
  • CRM-8752 Contribution report names and descriptions are confusing
  • CRM-8753 add Modules to the list of CiviCRM extensions
  • CRM-8754 Selectively display debug and backtrace information depending on user permissions
  • CRM-8755 Contact tabs disappear after sorting data on a tab
  • CRM-8756 Fix broken webtests for drupal 7
  • CRM-8757 Case Summary Report improvements: Add case type and case subject; provide links to manage case
  • CRM-8758 hook_civicrm_searchValues - modify all selector headers and rows
  • CRM-8759 Undefined variable: gid in civicrm_group_roles_add_remove_groups()
  • CRM-8760 Mailing Form Upload Notice
  • CRM-8761 Civimail 'send a test mail' button displays 'Could not find a valid session'
  • CRM-8762 Need link to view all option lists in Admin menu
  • CRM-8763 Grant report needs totals
  • CRM-8764 Fix license for jquery plugins
  • CRM-8765 Needless session cookie set for anonymous users that breaks external caching (e.g. Varnish)
  • CRM-8766 Contribution & pledge dashboards slow to load
  • CRM-8767 File on case for multiple activities at once
  • CRM-8768 When using file on case, give some (permanent) indication that the original has been filed
  • CRM-8769 Missing Province for Philippines - Metro Manila
  • CRM-8770 Update contributions via profile only updates some
  • CRM-8771 File on case shouldn't be allowed for Change Case Start Date, Status, or Type
  • CRM-8772 The CiviEngage configuration xml file breaks relationship between survey questions and answers
  • CRM-8773 CiviCampaign survey interview respondents should display respondents on data entry page in same order as in report. Add Record ALL Responses button to interview grid.
  • CRM-8774 Fix js noConflict for D6 sites
  • CRM-8775 Plural form of frequency units is hard coded
  • CRM-8776 civimail with workflow enabled: scheduled to approved step and search based mailings
  • CRM-8777 Re-open fix Foreign key constraint on change of custom group "Extends"
  • CRM-8778 Past public events showing in ical feed
  • CRM-8779 CiviMember is Renewing Members with Disabled Member Types Even Though New Member Types are Actively Selected in Form (Public Side) and Manually by the Admin (Private Side)
  • CRM-8780 Create new settings system for civicrm
  • CRM-8781 No way to find only non recurring contribution
  • CRM-8782 Views: make sure custom Address, Group and Survey fields show up
  • CRM-8783 Add support for survey fields
  • CRM-8784 Wrong end date with multi-year fixed period memberships with rollover
  • CRM-8785 Expose relationships to Drupal/Joomla users and allow them to be Maintained
  • CRM-8786 Money woes
  • CRM-8787 Contact Reference only works with permission 'access Civicrm'
  • CRM-8788 missing close tag on </table
  • CRM-8789 various typos
  • CRM-8790 Allow editing activity statuses inline on Manage Case
  • CRM-8791 Custom data field date format showing full date when displayed on Contact Record tab, not M yy as specified.
  • CRM-8792 Export does not respect AND/OR operator
  • CRM-8793 Alert administrators on CiviCRM home page if default FROM email address, domain name or default civimail mailbox have not been configured
  • CRM-8794 Online Membership Renewal updates expired record, rather than creating a new one.
  • CRM-8795 Contacts who have unsubscribed from a mailing list can't resubscribe
  • CRM-8796 include "in honor of" data in civicontribute export
  • CRM-8797 Implement more flexible API file-loader
  • CRM-8798 API activity update doesn't handle case activity revisions
  • CRM-8799 Status types labels should be used instead of names in display
  • CRM-8800 In participant listing report, status type's label should be used (not names)
  • CRM-8801 The book got new urls, screwing up things
  • CRM-8802 contextmenu and dashboard jQuery plug-ins have AGPL-incompatible licenses
  • CRM-8803 CiviCRM-specific JavaScript should give additional permission to omit the license
  • CRM-8804 Include full license text in non-AGPLed JavaScript
  • CRM-8805 Activity Report: Add display column and filter for Campaign and Engagement Index
  • CRM-8806 Engagement Index Options: allow user to set a value for each option
  • CRM-8807 Drupal's account edit form contains untranslated labels
  • CRM-8808 Event waitlist processing / expiring participants should not affect old events
  • CRM-8809 Deleted contacts shouldn't be listed as possible matches
  • CRM-8810 improve rules send email action FROM field
  • CRM-8811 Scheduled mailings do not respect opt out flag if contact opts out after mailing has been created
  • CRM-8812 ACL group optimisation patch
  • CRM-8813 Fix token insert cursor placement issue in Plain Text message body on IE 8
  • CRM-8814 Incorrect form-action for login-form on contribution page results on submit in error "This contribution has already been submitted. Click here if you want to make another contribution."
  • CRM-8815 multi-site installation bug for domains with a dash in them
  • CRM-8816 fix new hook_civicrm_searchColumns()
  • CRM-8817 Enable Drupal content administrators to embed dynamic CiviCRM content
  • CRM-8818 require target contact when creating an activity
  • CRM-8819 tests failing on server
  • CRM-8820 CiviCRM menus don't change for users when roles change
  • CRM-8821 Promote 'other' modules from the 'other' menu to their own menu
  • CRM-8822 Adding new individual while dedupe check is running causes Database Lock Error
  • CRM-8823 options labels aren't translated in CRM_Core_OptionValue
  • CRM-8824 Participant statuses aren't translated in the participantListingCount report
  • CRM-8825 Date range label From: isn't translated and isn't available for translation
  • CRM-8826 The 'One Two Three' options' labels aren't translated
  • CRM-8827 Exporting contributions does not export all found records due to erroneous group by statement
  • CRM-8828 civicrm_engage install contains drush code causing install to fail
  • CRM-8829 Database error if you run the walklist or phonelist report that ships with CiviEngage while searching by group
  • CRM-8830 Repeat Contribution Report: fixes
  • CRM-8831 civicrm_api3_membership_create() php API sets join_date and start_date to 0000-00-00
  • CRM-8832 "Batch Update for Events - Participant Status" page does not display custom status labels
  • CRM-8833 bin script to recache display_name/sort_name
  • CRM-8834 A non-recoverable error has occurred. The error trace below might help to resolve the issue
  • CRM-8835 SMTP failure response codes are saved in the Bounce record
  • CRM-8836 Contacts without 'view all contacts' or 'edit all contacts' are seeing deleted contacts in normal search results
  • CRM-8837 Add contribution type and fiscal year filters to BUNT reports
  • CRM-8838 Tables in PDF receipt extend off the page
  • CRM-8839 PHP fatal error on saving SMTP settings due to missing require
  • CRM-8840 Add "Use API AJAX get" permission
  • CRM-8841 change case type label in front end causes errors when creating a new case
  • CRM-8842 Return path incorrectly set
  • CRM-8843 Javascript error when loading CustomDatas in foreign languages (french for example)
  • CRM-8844 Custom datas : Contact references should provide a link to the targetted contact when displaying them
  • CRM-8845 civicrm_import_job_* mysql tables should be cleared if the import is cancelled
  • CRM-8846 Labels are not displayed in on print participant page
  • CRM-8847 Update google checkout process to use new checkout library - v2.5
  • CRM-8848 Event participant report should not include view link in exported report
  • CRM-8849 civicrm_member_roles_rules table is not created when CiviMembers Roles Sync module is installed
  • CRM-8850 Registering multiple people for event fails when first person is free, and later people have a cost
  • CRM-8851 cli.php wrapper for cronjob is not joomla compatible
  • CRM-8852 Undefined variable: imProvider in CRM_Core_BAO_Mapping
  • CRM-8853 customFieldOptions hook was not overwriting organisation name in Event register confirmation mail.
  • CRM-8854 Participant Role selection via Profile in Event Registration is ignored (reopened CRM-3388)
  • CRM-8855 List assigned Activities on User Dashboard
  • CRM-8856 Some ajax nonfunctional on drupal commons
  • CRM-8857 Views other than contact don't join all tables
  • CRM-8858 Contacts removed from a Group still appear as in the group if they are in a child group
  • CRM-8859 Introduce Prev and Next navigation for contact results
  • CRM-8860 append case subject to "file on case" lookup
  • CRM-8861 Views Ad support of CiviCase fields
  • CRM-8862 fix send email activity url when created within a case
  • CRM-8863 only load views for enabled components
  • CRM-8864 I18N query broken when using Dialog.tpl to edit price field help_text
  • CRM-8865 Add dialog.tpl support to price option label
  • CRM-8866 Not able to Search with Partial email address in Advanced Search.
  • CRM-8867 Warning in CRM/Core/BAO/CustomField.php
  • CRM-8868 Change Participant Status from Participant Search Actions Menu Does not Change to Attended
  • CRM-8869 misplaced parenthesis in Moneris plugin
  • CRM-8870 civicrm_requirements hook implementation
  • CRM-8871 component imports: contact matching should not assume default location id
  • CRM-8872 Allow extensions to expose payment notification method
  • CRM-8873 Extension info cache not used
  • CRM-8874 Additional profiles beyond first profile not appearing for logged in users on event registration forms
  • CRM-8875 ICIRR Workflow Module
  • CRM-8876 "Could not find a valid session key" after subscription to event
  • CRM-8877 SurveyDetail report shows respondents that have been released
  • CRM-8878 dashlets don't respect is_fullscreen switch
  • CRM-8879 GroupNesting Iterator skips sibling groups
  • CRM-8880 Unsubscribe does not add a changelog timestamp
  • CRM-8881 Restore deleted contact - does not redirect to restored contact summary page
  • CRM-8882 UTF-8 in print view
  • CRM-8883 activity tag search broken
  • CRM-8884 API REST Interface dealing with REST calls & action+entity params as well as fnName
  • CRM-8885 File on Case is broken
  • CRM-8886 CRM_Core_Extensions::grabRemoteKeyList() throws fatal error if it can't make HTTP access to
  • CRM-8887 Shared household address is broken due to changes in api
  • CRM-8888 advanced search email field: inherit settings when they shouldn't; missing implicit wildcards
  • CRM-8889 Warning with Phone Create API
  • CRM-8890 Insert token for replacement and setting of default value is broken for tinyMCE wysiwyg editor
  • CRM-8891 Views update to civicrm_views_add_fields() function
  • CRM-8892 Onbehalf profile is not save when you add new contribution page
  • CRM-8893 Fatal error accessing Drupal My Account
  • CRM-8894 Allow an additional level of version numbering
  • CRM-8895 Change case start date doesn't copy custom fields to the new open case revision
  • CRM-8896 Survey Report can be improved by adding Search Criteria for Survey Responses Results Option
  • CRM-8897 Ability to alter UFGroups for a particular module(s)
  • CRM-8898 add getfields function to PHPDoc
  • CRM-8899 improve deleteAddress query in contribs
  • CRM-8900 Update Yahoo geocoding class to use PlaceFinder API
  • CRM-8901 hook_civicrm_dupeQuery() doesn't fire on account creation
  • CRM-8902 Adding Cases in Drupal requires permission 'access all cases and activities'. Add an explicit 'add cases' permission
  • CRM-8903 Add contribution status column to 'donor report detail'
  • CRM-8904 ContactID of contact associated with contribution not available in postProcess hook.
  • CRM-8905 In Civicrm Reports, the between {$from} and {$to} label isn't translated
  • CRM-8906 Add Soft Credit details to Contribution APIv3 get method
  • CRM-8907 Update Sponsors.txt file to reflect all MIH contributions for 4.1
  • CRM-8908 Soft contribution details are not available in hook_civicrm_post()
  • CRM-8909 Add Sponsors.txt and agpl-3.0.exception.txt files to the distributions
  • CRM-8910 contact export, include group option lists hidden groups
  • CRM-8911 'componentid' bug still exists in CiviCRM 4.0.5
  • CRM-8912 Participant Status localisation bug is back in Civi 4.0.5
  • CRM-8913 Activity Report dashlet displays Undefined property errors
  • CRM-8914 Viewing Case Activity With File Reference Custom Data shows Error
  • CRM-8915 CiviGroup Roles Sync fails due to undeclared variable $gid
  • CRM-8916 foreach warning if is not available
  • CRM-8917 cli.php failures due to bug in multi-site handling (fix available)
  • CRM-8918 CLI.php does not load needed configuration to fully support command line use, therefore fails on some configurations
  • CRM-8919 CiviReportMail.php cannot be used from the command line
  • CRM-8920 Moving position of thumbnail image in contact profile
  • CRM-8921 php PEAR conflict with other drupal modules
  • CRM-8922 contact panes for (new and edit) do not open/expand unless custom data pane is selected in global settings - site preferences
  • CRM-8923 Using ContactReference file in Search Builder results in error: Cannot recognize ContactReference for 5
  • CRM-8924 Custom Builder using a ContactReference field and the OP IS NULL or IS NOT NULL causes error
  • CRM-8925 Fix fatal error with custom Country and StateProvince
  • CRM-8926 Fix fatal error with activity assignee and anonymous users
  • CRM-8927 PayFlowPro payment integration doesn't provide for alterPaymentProcessorParams hook
  • CRM-8928 Undefined variable: val in CRM_Contribute_BAO_Query::whereClauseSingle()
  • CRM-8929 Views D7 Date Views integration
  • CRM-8930 Renaming of line items for membership price sets
  • CRM-8931 Dedupe does not update/delete Drupal sessions
  • CRM-8932 showing log changes fails with custom data field that is not assigned to an option group
  • CRM-8933 Limit relationship target contact to a group of contacts in advanced search
  • CRM-8934 Syntax Error in
  • CRM-8935 upgrade IDS package
  • CRM-8936 Uploading a file to an activity with multiple custom file fields removes the existing attached files
  • CRM-8937 Memberships list sorts dates alphabetically instead of chronologically
  • CRM-8938 civicrm.config.php didn't update after site move, causing Paypal Standard IPN error
  • CRM-8939 Zooming in browser makes menu items disappear (Logout, Administer, etc)
  • CRM-8940 Making a contribution while not logged in over-writes Custom Addressee, Custom Email Greeting and Custom Postal Greeting data
  • CRM-8941 PHP time out / MYSQL failure on edit Individual contact
  • CRM-8942 Quick Add block does not set default greetings and addressee in newly created contact record
  • CRM-8943 improve processGreetings
  • CRM-8944 Remove settings_location.php
  • CRM-8945 Find Contacts -Advanced Search Displaying Incorrect Totals and paging
  • CRM-8946 Non-public groups appear on contribution receipt
  • CRM-8947 Unable to sync users to contacts
  • CRM-8948 Unable to link Drupal roles to CiviCRM membership type
  • CRM-8949 Customizing / adding js using template.extra.tpl does not work if custom template is added using config hook
  • CRM-8950 Ongoing problem with tests failing on custom data - caching issue
  • CRM-8951 Notices and Warnings after adding a new contribution (back office)
  • CRM-8952 Fatal DB Error: syntax accessing Cases tab in contact summary
  • CRM-8953 Contributions submitted backend showing 1970 date
  • CRM-8954 Changing Domain URL on one domain affects others when enableSSL is null
  • CRM-8955 PHP notice:
  • CRM-8956 Add the "NOT IN" operator to the Search Builder's search criteria options
  • CRM-8957 Improving the default "Show block on specific pages" values for CiviCRM blocks
  • CRM-8958 Cancelled Contributions do Not Get Deducted from Pledge Total Paid Amount
  • CRM-8959 Drupal module is incompatibile with third-party Simpletest cases
  • CRM-8960 Support alternative template engines
  • CRM-8961 Getting blank pdfs when using creating receipts from contribute/search/ tasks menu
  • CRM-8962 Scheduled Reminders for Events
  • CRM-8963 Batch update profile: states do not change with country
  • CRM-8964 Fix the activity edit url on activity view screen
  • CRM-8965 Checksum identified users are not recorded in the log tables
  • CRM-8966 Format null values correctly in CRM_Core_BAO_CustomValueTable::setValues()
  • CRM-8967 Unknown column 'content' - Error upgrading 4.0.5 to 4.0.6
  • CRM-8968 Failure to validate custom fields of type Link
  • CRM-8969 Field for choosing payment start date does not get displayed.
  • CRM-8970 German Language Version has JS Error
  • CRM-8971 "DB Error: value count on row" when both merge options are selected on contact export
  • CRM-8972 "DB Error: syntax error" on Event Participant (list) report when "Group By: Event" is selected
  • CRM-8973 Membership log start date not set properly during batch update via profile - may cause fatal DB syntax error (invalid date format)
  • CRM-8974 E-notice in Logging report
  • CRM-8975 Fatal error on logging report due when custom field exists with data_type = Text
  • CRM-8976 Sometimes custom data takes wrong image/file path on custom data view mode.
  • CRM-8977 Upgrade civiCRM 4.0.4 to 4.0.6 "Database Error Code: You have an error in your SQL syntax..."
  • CRM-8978 Hook to determine what contacts an Activity gets attached to in EmailProcessor
  • CRM-8979 Upgrade needs to handle assignment of default On Behalf profile for contribution pages which have On Behalf Organization setting
  • CRM-8980 Should be able to select premiums when adding new membership
  • CRM-8981 jquery datepicker not translating
  • CRM-8982 Merging 2 records with Drupal accounts results in 2 Drupal accounts with the same email
  • CRM-8983 Administer > Configure > Export/Import mappings shows wong message re "no mappings"
  • CRM-8984 "warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()...civicrm/CRM/Contribute/BAO/Contribution.php on line 1439." when modifying a contribution
  • CRM-8985 Fix WebTests to pass db name through command line
  • CRM-8986 UpdateMembershipRecord.php DB Error
  • CRM-8987 menu initialization is too optimistic about its cache
  • CRM-8988 CiviReport Form.php: 'section' not an array index
  • CRM-8989 Support tokens in mail labels
  • CRM-8990 CiviCRM Contribution/Membership pages do not display renewal status for Lifetime Members
  • CRM-8991 Support 'contact.' hook tokens for Mailing Labels
  • CRM-8992 Profile advanced setting for "create CMS user" doesn't work on Contribution pages when profile is the "bottom" profile
  • CRM-8993 4.0.6 Upgrade Issue
  • CRM-8994 search for duplicates fails on new record creation when civicrm_engage is installed
  • CRM-8995 Full text search returns contributions/memberships when the user doesn't have CiviContribute/CiviMember access
  • CRM-8996 Backoffice Contributions need to show as 'pay_later' for pending memberships and pending contributions
  • CRM-8997 Treat relationships not yet started as inactive when searching for them
  • CRM-8998 Same error with the civicrm release version 4.0.6 and Drupal 7.8
  • CRM-8999 ACLs should ignore disabled groups
  • CRM-9000 API v3: Error: Class 'CRM_Core_BAO_Email' not found
  • CRM-9001 Do not set default for Lifetime membership types in online membership renewal block. Make sure non-membership price option defaults are set in renewal mode.
  • CRM-9002 Long group name titles result in same database name
  • CRM-9003 Localisation error on installation: localisation not available during installation
  • CRM-9004 Localisation error on configuration.
  • CRM-9005 Price Set components not displaying correctly on page
  • CRM-9006 default dates over-riding form dates.
  • CRM-9007 Back-end Membership renewals ignore price entered
  • CRM-9008 Notify users about potential changes to the message templates if they 've modified any
  • CRM-9009 State/Provinces for Lebanon are wrong and/or transliterated
  • CRM-9010 Google Checkout Integration Error
  • CRM-9011 Fix notices and warnings in Export and save mapping
  • CRM-9012 grant_status - Option Values can be non-Integer
  • CRM-9013 Start date cannot be earlier than the current time.
  • CRM-9014 Incorrect calculation of new end date when a rolling period membership is renewed to a fixed period membership type
  • CRM-9015 invoke hook_civicrm_pre for employer relationship on edit
  • CRM-9016 show php, smarty & jQuery for delete action queries
  • CRM-9017 Credit card payments: cannot validate if the month format is numeric ('m', instead of default 'M')
  • CRM-9018 Add Honoree Name and Email to Donor Report Detail
  • CRM-9019 Extend getfields function to cope with actions, metadata
  • CRM-9020 Upgrade repo-stored phpDocumentor to new version
  • CRM-9021 API for getting members of a group doesn't fetch from smart groups
  • CRM-9022 E-notice - implies error in civicrm.module / localisation
  • CRM-9023 Remove settings /preferences stuff re wysiwig from D6 civicrm.module so we can use 3.4 version in 4.1
  • CRM-9024 Error "Could not find membership record:" fails to show desired member ID
  • CRM-9025 Add hook_alterGenerateLabel to support html for Labels
  • CRM-9026 api contacttype missing
  • CRM-9027 API class when called in local is returning an array
  • CRM-9028 Quick search
  • CRM-9029 Mailing should write delivered and activity data to DB when cancelled
  • CRM-9030 advanced search mailing panel: successful option inaccurate
  • CRM-9031 ensure approval rule uses correct mailing id
  • CRM-9032 Copying price set creates incorrect price field dependency
  • CRM-9033 build correct urls for smart group criteria when based on custom search
  • CRM-9034 Fixes for many strict PHP warnings.
  • CRM-9035 Datepicker issues
  • CRM-9036 Incorrect handling of cancelled automated recurring transactions
  • CRM-9037 Adding Counties for Lebanon
  • CRM-9038 Text / Numeric Quantity fields should be allowed in membership price sets for additional contributions and / or discounts
  • CRM-9039 allow creation of postal/email greeting options for orgs
  • CRM-9040 Warnings when installing CiviCRM (svn trunk) on Drupal (7.x-dev) with PHP 5.5-trunk
  • CRM-9041 Database error when enabling data logging.
  • CRM-9042 Some permissions are granted before being assigned.
  • CRM-9043 Remove static calls to buildQuickForm
  • CRM-9044 Skip email addresses that are null
  • CRM-9045 CLONE -Upgrade civiCRM 4.0.4 to 4.0.6 "Database Error Code: You have an error in your SQL syntax..."
  • CRM-9046 Add Support for D7 Calendar Module
  • CRM-9047 Search criteria lost after 2 of the same actions
  • CRM-9048 ParticipantProcessor sends event confirmations after event has ended.
  • CRM-9049 Contacts data is not merged (lost) if it's associated with a contact subtype
  • CRM-9050 Core functions calling API functions directly (which is unsupported)
  • CRM-9051 change localization to Canada French, in Administration Menu, configurations, Click on Multi User-Site, Cannot change back
  • CRM-9052 Cancel date not set to today when left empty (CRM_Utils_System::isNull needs to handle 'null' string as a null value)
  • CRM-9053 CiviBooking
  • CRM-9054 Create simple phase 1 specification
  • CRM-9055 Model and UI for resource CRUD
  • CRM-9056 Model and UI for booking CRUD
  • CRM-9057 Forward Replies option is not working
  • CRM-9058 BCC field can be viewed by the recipient in the TO field
  • CRM-9059 Reorganize administrator menus
  • CRM-9060 Clearing a date field manually change is not saved
  • CRM-9061 Allow Views to be used as Dashlets in CiviCRM Dashboard
  • CRM-9062 token activity.details in schedule reminders
  • CRM-9063 Translation files are not being loaded correctly
  • CRM-9064 Crash on trying to delete / modify Custom Field and no way to remove field
  • CRM-9065 Activities Search excludes records with no targets
  • CRM-9066 Duplicate entries in Bookkeeping transaction report with Member Pricesets
  • CRM-9067 Organization contact is not created via contribution page with "on behalf" required and the default "on behalf" profile is used
  • CRM-9068 Location block not displaying in create new event wizard
  • CRM-9069 profile delete confirmation doesn't identify profile to be deleted
  • CRM-9070 CiviCRM Profile - Can't change State (Home) to View Only
  • CRM-9071 Drupal 7.8 cicviCRM 4.0.4 to 4.0.8 upgrade further debug details
  • CRM-9072 PDF receipts no longer work (from contribution search) - as they return incorrect membership data
  • CRM-9073 Cleanup api formatting code in v3
  • CRM-9074 change the UI for "Schedule Follow-up" in the activity to using datepicker
  • CRM-9075 After search via Search Builder "Edit Search Criteria" does not expands
  • CRM-9076 api_v3_GroupTest has 1 error and 4 failures
  • CRM-9077 Upgrade Selenium Server to 2.90 to support FireFox 7 (and other recent browser versions)
  • CRM-9078 api_v3_ProfileTest::testContactActvitySetSuccess fails
  • CRM-9079 csv import: truncate header row field lengths if they exceed mysql limits
  • CRM-9080 CiviEvent created_date column error when using template
  • CRM-9081 ParticipantPaymentTest fails on trunk
  • CRM-9082 Unexpected results in group membership when merging two contacts with differing statuses in the same group
  • CRM-9083 Fully integrate financial_trxn, entity_financial_trxn tables
  • CRM-9084 Contribution import doesn't allow separator to be specified
  • CRM-9085 Customizable welcome messages per mailing group
  • CRM-9086 Allow full state/province name or abbreviation
  • CRM-9087 New workflow for sending thank-you notes for contributions
  • CRM-9088 API activity/create should retain existing source contact
  • CRM-9089 API address create doesn't create
  • CRM-9090 'Check' not using ts
  • CRM-9091 Fatal error occurs when account registration matches a contact with an existing account
  • CRM-9092 Prevent admin from deleting email greeting, postal greeting or addressee format options if they are being used by one or more contact records
  • CRM-9093 Paths with & fail to load in D7
  • CRM-9094 Correct webtestAddContact to use add contact basic page because quick add block not enabled by default in D7
  • CRM-9095 Cleanup in PDF.tpl: spelling and comment errors
  • CRM-9096 search result sort breaks when using profile
  • CRM-9098 Get PHPdoc working with new API level documentation
  • CRM-9099 can't create relationship if current contact is part of search results
  • CRM-9100 Duplicate Emails through Event registration
  • CRM-9101 Notice: "Undefined contstant id" upon enabling of Views (Drupal 7 Views 3).
  • CRM-9102 "Notice: Undefined variable: data" upon enabling of Views module
  • CRM-9103 Umlaut broken in exported CSV file
  • CRM-9104 Add a {contact.country_iso_code] token
  • CRM-9105 Undefined indexes when importing Contact data
  • CRM-9106 SVN install of CiviCRM 4 - Smarty error: unable to write to $compile_dir '/tmp/templates_c'
  • CRM-9107 Running bin/civimail.cronjob.php from command line doesnt bootstrap drupal 7 correctly, email bodies are blank
  • CRM-9108 Tokens not working in mailings
  • CRM-9109 added views handler for prefix & suffix
  • CRM-9110 option.limit does not work on api3 group get
  • CRM-9111 Rename Payment DAO to PledgePayment in keeping with naming conventions
  • CRM-9112 Allow custom overrides on restricted rules
  • CRM-9113 allow permissioning by roles in reports
  • CRM-9114 Invalid ts() function calls on 3.4 and 4.0 branches.
  • CRM-9115 Allow relationships to contributions from contact view
  • CRM-9116 "Undefined index:" displayed when creating report. Report displays but cannot be used as a dashlet.
  • CRM-9117 Participant 1 name showing as billing name on multiple participant registrations
  • CRM-9118 Allow end users to move custom data fields to different groups
  • CRM-9119 AJAX.php static function deleteCustomValue( ) does not any hooks!
  • CRM-9120 i18n: Billing location type is always shown in English in contact display
  • CRM-9121 Expose civicrm.settings.php constants which have now been moved to the settings sub-system
  • CRM-9122 Miscellaneous help file improvements
  • CRM-9123 Can't collapse or uncollapse fields on step 3 (compose) of mailings
  • CRM-9124 Out of date links to postfix/civimail configuration documentation
  • CRM-9125 Update database (add fields in civicrm_contribution_recur)
  • CRM-9126 enhance address standardization and mapping/geocoding selections
  • CRM-9127 Open Street Mapping mapping provider
  • CRM-9128 Allow "Renew - Credit Card" membership option to start a auto-renewal recurring payment
  • CRM-9129 Upselling Non-Renewal Membership to An Auto-Renew Required Membership Doesn't Create Recurring Contribution
  • CRM-9130 add "save and next" button to contribution pages
  • CRM-9131 new index error after upgrading from 4.0.0 to 4.0.7
  • CRM-9132 Base IPN ( and others?) are ignoring the Send Receipt to Contributor setting from the back-office contribution form
  • CRM-9133 Show Contribution Page of Contribution View, Even if Contribution Page Has Been Disabled.
  • CRM-9134 Custom Group Tables are not added in Views module during Drupal Testing SetUp phase.
  • CRM-9135 Event create from template is using template values for created_date, created_id (causes permission error)
  • CRM-9136 search builder: im_provider breaks
  • CRM-9137 Improve hooks for Activity
  • CRM-9138 error in trunk on discount_name (api: participant_get) - symptopm = participant_get API tests failing
  • CRM-9139 Handle cron for event reminder
  • CRM-9140 Missing punycode-support in Domainpart of Email-Adress
  • CRM-9141 trash contact > cancel should retain search context
  • CRM-9142 Edit Event Template link from Event Templates selector is broken
  • CRM-9143 Contact search widget used in Activity, Case and Email forms should use the same back-end PHP class as quick search and contact auto-complete
  • CRM-9144 Filter contact autocomplete searches for activity assignee, activity target and case roles via administrator settings
  • CRM-9145 In some cases activityId is not passed to template from CRM/Case/Form/ActivityView.php
  • CRM-9146 case export doesn't export all case activity custom fields
  • CRM-9147 Bad help text link to civicrm wiki on custom search options form
  • CRM-9148 Remove Yahoo plugins for mapping and geocoding as the services have been discontinued
  • CRM-9149 improve csv export
  • CRM-9150 Allow (many) api to accept 'like', <> & a few other sql operators
  • CRM-9151 "Invalid value for field(s) : field ID;" when attempting to import activities with custom data fields
  • CRM-9152 Improve performance of Add Contacts to Group
  • CRM-9153 Implement Server Wide Locking system for CiviMail
  • CRM-9154 Refactor Updgrade code to provide a single mechanism to adding post-upgrade messages and alerts for the user
  • CRM-9155 Fix bugs in the A to Z pager for Contacts / Groups / Events and Mailings
  • CRM-9156 Abending on dashboard rebuild when upgrading from 4.0.4 to 4.0.7
  • CRM-9157 Upgrade scripts from 4.0.4 to 4.0.5, 4.0.6, and 4.0.7 all referencing wrong folder path for Java scripts
  • CRM-9158 Upgrade jQuery to 1.7 release
  • CRM-9159 Add pager to relationships
  • CRM-9160 Merge error message
  • CRM-9161 Multiple Event Registration Will Not Work If First Registrant Picks A $0 Option
  • CRM-9162 If User Belongs to An ACL group, non-recoverable error viewing Reports or Create Event
  • CRM-9165 Expand Advanced Search to allow searching on street number, street name and street unit. Street numbers can also be searched by "ODD" / "EVEN".
  • CRM-9166 Search across all tag sets
  • CRM-9167 Address custom data inaccessible in API
  • CRM-9168 Make the Bulk Email buttons in Contact Edit radio buttons rather than a checkbox
  • CRM-9169 Drupal user page is showing '!1' rather than "Name and Address" in the "Edit Name and Address" link
  • CRM-9170 Perform contact searches (only) one time
  • CRM-9171 Optimize CiviCRM search and what we store in the cache table DB
  • CRM-9172 hook_civicrm_pre and hook_civicrm_post not triggered when membership updated from contribution status change.
  • CRM-9173 Bug in prev/next cache when sort_name the same
  • CRM-9174 CLONE -Error on View using CiviEvent
  • CRM-9175 Crash :: Anonymous user while doing Event Registration on a profile with Drupal Registration required option enabled
  • CRM-9176 Update pledge if linked recurring pledge received
  • CRM-9177 Anonymous user Unable to signup as a drupal user via event registration option. Crashes the system while submitting registration.
  • CRM-9178 Initialize new fields resulting from financial_account table work
  • CRM-9179 Checksum for Petitions
  • CRM-9180 Advanced Search - Simplify Privacy criteria user interface and allow privacy options to be combined using AND or OR operator
  • CRM-9181 CiviMail cron requires a stored username/password
  • CRM-9182 send bulk mail from search results: should not send and continue
  • CRM-9183 Notice in contribitue repeat report
  • CRM-9184 Undefined offset in CRM_Contact_Selector
  • CRM-9185 Viewing smartgroup shows less results then editing the smartgroup
  • CRM-9186 APi support for Unique Names
  • CRM-9187 Namespace issues on the API (group)
  • CRM-9188 Batch Table - need ability to specify a batch type
  • CRM-9189 Create upgrade script for financial_account table
  • CRM-9190 cannot create smart group based on query with ORDER BY or GROUP BY specified
  • CRM-9191 Make CiviMail smarter when handling socket errors
  • CRM-9192 hidden groups are displayed on the contact's group tab
  • CRM-9193 Custom Activity fields in email sent to assignees are ordered by field ID instead of custom field weight
  • CRM-9194 api explorer create doesn't list the available fields
  • CRM-9195 Event Participant Report - cannot amend report criteria or settings
  • CRM-9196 CiviReport JavaScript error: document.getElementById("custom_8_op") is null
  • CRM-9197 Fatal error pages - Error Details accordion pane does not open
  • CRM-9198 Sort by state fails on contact search results
  • CRM-9199 Create an admin interface for Financial Type table
  • CRM-9200 Move ConfigAndLog out of templates_c directory
  • CRM-9201 Total amount calculation is not working on online contribution page for membership priceset.
  • CRM-9202 Civicrm "Preferred Language" Field value is not displayed properly in Views(Drupal)
  • CRM-9203 participant status missing in event receipt
  • CRM-9204 "Edit Search Criteria" slidedown menu on Search Builder fails
  • CRM-9205 Edit setings of custom data record changes display to Inline
  • CRM-9206 CustomValue CREATE API 3 - wrong param order
  • CRM-9207 civicrm_update_6300 to return proper values
  • CRM-9208 noConflict(true) to release the jQuery symbol in addition to $
  • CRM-9209 Confusing message
  • CRM-9210 Fix broken case API update
  • CRM-9211 civicrm_handler_filter_custom_option op_simple has its and/or incorrect
  • CRM-9212 No recipients when mailing to a smart group based on a 'related contacts' search
  • CRM-9213 jquery.contextMenu.js missing $ argument
  • CRM-9214 Advanced search count is not working with contribution options
  • CRM-9215 Drupal xmlrpc calls fail
  • CRM-9216 Error msg on profile for phone htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given
  • CRM-9217 mailing.* tokens cause memory leak in civimail.cronjob.php, plus another problem
  • CRM-9218 Failure: Could not find membership record: - when saving an existing contribution if there are no membership records in the database
  • CRM-9219 advanced search display: remove membership if component is not enabled
  • CRM-9220 Contribution Pages "Membership" settings not recognizing existing Membership Types
  • CRM-9221 Right click "context menu" on search result rows doesn't set proper search result key and therefore doesn't return user to the search after performing a task
  • CRM-9222 Image handler broken/missing when creating View of Contacts with custom data file field
  • CRM-9223 cleanup event creation code when using event template
  • CRM-9224 Contribute search hook
  • CRM-9225 dashlet pagination inconsistency
  • CRM-9226 Profile fields display as 'Array' in online contribution email receipts
  • CRM-9227 Need to control the automated donor email
  • CRM-9228 Civicrm Multilingual site JS Issue on all versions of Internet Explorer
  • CRM-9229 wording changes to tpls
  • CRM-9230 Provide a better debug info is if debug=1
  • CRM-9231 API - provide information about foreign constraint errors without doing pre-checks
  • CRM-9232 Add a getActions action
  • CRM-9233 When submiting credit card contributions, "save and new" goes to wrong screen,
  • CRM-9234 Word Replacement feature does not impact option group-type screen titles
  • CRM-9235 can't modify birthdate in drupal - user profile
  • CRM-9236 Sort by country on a search result generates a db fatal error
  • CRM-9237 Search Builder Participant Fee Amount returns a blank value
  • CRM-9238 Contact information pop-up broken
  • CRM-9239 Import crash on long phone names
  • CRM-9240 When Record Membership Payment? with Membership in Backend, Receive Date of Contribution is Erased
  • CRM-9241 advanced search - location type and query inefficiencies
  • CRM-9242 Investigate using Apache SOLR for CiviCRM search
  • CRM-9243 Missing County in UK county list
  • CRM-9244 States not updated when country is changed in Batch Update via Profile
  • CRM-9245 Upgrade issue filling civicrm_activity_assignment
  • CRM-9246 Allow Update Pending Contribution Status task to be used for offline contributions
  • CRM-9247 fatal error if total_paid selected in pledge detail report
  • CRM-9248 Body HTML should not be a required field in automated messages
  • CRM-9249 make contact id column available to display in reports
  • CRM-9250 REST XML (APIv3) returns embedded error message, malforming the XML (ref: CRM/Utils/Array.php line 114)
  • CRM-9251 bin/csv/export Address skips column during export if street address is blank
  • CRM-9252 County Data not showing on the drop down list
  • CRM-9253 South Sudan is missing in the country list
  • CRM-9254 Allow checksum expire to be configured
  • CRM-9255 Strange behavior with user id in $_SESSION
  • CRM-9256 Find an merge duplicates - marking as not duplicate
  • CRM-9257 Anonymous drupal users see 'undefined index' error when registering for event when certain non-essential permissions aren't enabled
  • CRM-9258 CiviEvent dashboard summary ACL: shows all events when user should see no events, incorrect total_events
  • CRM-9259 Contribution 'Received date' is not saved
  • CRM-9260 Bad start date in offline recurring creation : 1969-12-31
  • CRM-9261 SurveyDetails report should display questions based on profile weight
  • CRM-9287 Donor report "add to group" doesn't work properly
  • CRM-9288 Website type improvements: allow multiple websites in Profiles, respect default type and update type options
  • CRM-9289 Find & Merge duplicates by group not working
  • CRM-9290 UI uses JS to do what can be done with CSS
  • CRM-9291 When sending out email, the email message remains running in the queue without any going out.
  • CRM-9292 Dashlets does not load in WordPress
  • CRM-9293 Smart Group Causes Fatal error: Out of memory, Unable to delete Smart Group
  • CRM-9294 Let's be more liberal in what countries we accept
  • CRM-9295 merge households on export only uses "member of household" relationship type and merge is broken due to change to radio buttons
  • CRM-9296 joomla and wordpress should explicitly set the system variable is_drupal = false
  • CRM-9297 Custom Template URL can not be saved
  • CRM-9298 Merge Contact grid - address data is not displayed for either contact
  • CRM-9299 USPS address lookup happens for ALL countries, should be ONLY for U.S. addresses
  • CRM-9300 Add second "Register Now" button to top right of Event Info pages
  • CRM-9301 Import Memberships - Importing membership status is broken
  • CRM-9302 Selecting Site Preferences causes crash
  • CRM-9303 Import Activities matches Activity Type to NAME, should match to LABEL
  • CRM-9304 Add to Household task throws fatal error
  • CRM-9305 Export contacts: Merge same address is broken
  • CRM-9306 Extend support for financial_types into various tables
  • CRM-9307 Option value to make custom fields extend case object missing in upgrade
  • CRM-9308 new cli.php broke csv import export
  • CRM-9309 Find Activities or Advanced Search for activity type of Contribution and/or Event Registration not working
  • CRM-9310 contact address edit form not validating
  • CRM-9311 Upgrade bug related to settings table
  • CRM-9312 Dedupe Batch Merge
  • CRM-9313 Restricting results by clicking letter (A-Z) after an OR search doesn't restrict but rather WIDENS results
  • CRM-9314 Relationship type label not populated when user doesn't set a value in the form
  • CRM-9315 Merging should offer the option of viewing the resulting record
  • CRM-9316 Provide more context to hook_civicrm_tokenValues
  • CRM-9317 Avoid unnecessary logging of updates
  • CRM-9318 CiviCase Demographics report does not properly limit by date
  • CRM-9319 Contribution Search Query includes all custom fields
  • CRM-9320 Sort by columns break on search results
  • CRM-9321 Implement options.limit on the top or rowCount for
  • CRM-9322 Undefined index: group_type in views_handler_field->query() (line 60 ..
  • CRM-9323 Improve the syntax of the OO api access
  • CRM-9324 i can't import large contacts (around 5000) with the update dublicate option
  • CRM-9325 Upgrade jQuery tokenInput plugin to 1.6.0
  • CRM-9326 api.job.get missing
  • CRM-9327 unable to synchronize the Wordpress accounts into CiviCRM contacts: CMS user creation not supported for this framework
  • CRM-9328 Implement web tests for CRM-9246 and CRM-8996
  • CRM-9329 Master address belongs to export and token are outputting the master address id rather than the contact id or sort_name
  • CRM-9330 enabling civicrm_engage module generates method not found error (CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::setValue)
  • CRM-9331 Event Registration Thank-you Title and Text is mistakenly set to Tell a Friend thank you values
  • CRM-9332 Settings - Outbound Mail uses localhost as HELO name for SMTP
  • CRM-9333 relationship api - should default to is_active
  • CRM-9334 dompdf is too slow; allow the use of wkhtmltopdf instead
  • CRM-9335 Relationships tab doesn't respect ACLs
  • CRM-9336 Make source_contact_id parameter non-required in contact creation api
  • CRM-9337 Invalid test for missing key on the REST interface
  • CRM-9338 Unused file present in code base
  • CRM-9339 Add a target property to the URL links in the navigation menu
  • CRM-9340 Margin settings in PDF Page Formats are off by one-half inch
  • CRM-9341 Typo on CKFinder after installation.
  • CRM-9342 Page title hidden on Wordpress civiCRM pages
  • CRM-9343 Year-only custom data date field doesn't work on public profiles
  • CRM-9344 Wordpress "author" role sees CiviCRM in the left navbar, but when clicked CiviCRM the screen goes blank
  • CRM-9345 Suggestion for Wordpress roles improvement
  • CRM-9346 Contact sync is broken in alpha2 for Joomla
  • CRM-9347 'Spouse of' export only works one way
  • CRM-9348 signing a petition results in duplicate records being created
  • CRM-9349 keep smtp connection persistent over a mailing
  • CRM-9350 distribution tarball has funny file permissions
  • CRM-9351 Printer - friendly view broken on report instances
  • CRM-9352 Printing/Emailing Contribution Receipt uses the Membership receipt template and not the Contribution Receipt
  • CRM-9353 Exporting 'State' for international addresses results in id number, not the state name
  • CRM-9354 Easier commands to test
  • CRM-9355 joomla: revert to native error display if JError class not defined
  • CRM-9356 Value overwritten with null on update API call when field has unique name
  • CRM-9357 Fix v3 syntax conformance tests
  • CRM-9358 Custom field (file upload) does not work on CiviCampaign
  • CRM-9359 Display line numbers for failed assertions
  • CRM-9360 UpdateConfigBackend can generate bad URLs
  • CRM-9361 Bounce messages from Exchange 2003 not parsed
  • CRM-9362 No WYSIWYG editor on Personal Campaign Pages
  • CRM-9363 No WYSIWYG editor on Tell a Friend
  • CRM-9364 Activity Search template breaks page layout
  • CRM-9365 Contacts in "Resources" group do not show listed in the case view
  • CRM-9366 Membership Type Batch Update Via Profile Doesn't Work
  • CRM-9367 Call PEAR non-Static to get rid of unnecessary warning messages
  • CRM-9368 Membership reminder emails are not being sent
  • CRM-9369 ( ! ) Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in E:\WAMP\www\Joomla_1.7.3\administrator\components\com_civicrm\civicrm\CRM\Contribute\BAO\ContributionPage.php on line 94
  • CRM-9370 No custom type checking in contact creation API
  • CRM-9371 Where clause creation adds two set of single quotes for some fields
  • CRM-9372 Don't rely on Smarty singleton to pass data
  • CRM-9373 Optimize Contact edit and search screens
  • CRM-9374 Allow civimail to deliver to multiple bulk email address
  • CRM-9375 Allow user to set currency of New Pledge
  • CRM-9376 Screen Reader improvements for Accessibility, Contact form
  • CRM-9377 batch update profile: copy checkboxes broken
  • CRM-9378 v3 Utils.php civicrm_api3_verify_one_mandatory throws notice error for undefined $keys vairable
  • CRM-9379 Accounting batches
  • CRM-9380 Import Contacts fails to import majority of contacts, claims custom field error but doesn't say what custom field
  • CRM-9381 Configure online contribution pages - intro text and footer fields are missing multi-language edit widget
  • CRM-9382 Invoke Browser Print dialog when Print Report clicked
  • CRM-9383 SQL syntax error in GROUP BY clause: CRM_Report_Form::groupBy sets array instead of string
  • CRM-9384 Provide a sample CiviMail Newsletter Message Template
  • CRM-9385 Contribution widget is broken in wordpress
  • CRM-9386 Creating relationship via API doesn't create inherited memberships
  • CRM-9387 DASHLETS report instance = max id of report(s) based on template for Constituent Report (Detail)
  • CRM-9388 Reminders added to event templates don't copy to new events
  • CRM-9389 pledge payment amount /status need to be passed through when pledge payment updated from recurring contribution
  • CRM-9390 Activity test is trashing option value table & causing next test to fail
  • CRM-9391 CiviCRM settings form not available drupal 7
  • CRM-9392 Only variable references should be returned by reference in civicrm_api3_membership_payment_get()
  • CRM-9393 Missing Comma Query.php
  • CRM-9394 Fix currency for reports
  • CRM-9395 validate hook does not return errors array properly in J16+
  • CRM-9396 Remove " or email" from basic search form label when n/a
  • CRM-9397 Call to undefined function cal_days_in_month()
  • CRM-9398 Activities screen hangs on "processing"
  • CRM-9399 Fatal Error after upgrading to 4.1
  • CRM-9400 Constant API test truncating Option Value table - leaving data in changed state
  • CRM-9401 Pseudoconstant flush function messes up tests
  • CRM-9402 Update error: Call to undefined function update_sql()
  • CRM-9403 New contribution form does not save any information when there is an error
  • CRM-9404 Fix Case API tests so they don't rely on hard-coded field numbers
  • CRM-9405 Tests not running on Server for last 2 weeks
  • CRM-9406 On Behalf of Profile Fields not Updating Existing Contact On Submission
  • CRM-9407 Email receipt doesn't show 'on behalf of' profile field data if additional profiles are in use
  • CRM-9408 an not see Activitys
  • CRM-9409 Import Will Not Import Custom Field Data
  • CRM-9410 Wordpress civicrm.settings.php file - can it be moved for safety?
  • CRM-9411 CiviEngage needs an uninstall script
  • CRM-9412 clearTempTables() broken
  • CRM-9413 hook $form->setDefaults does not work on billing information
  • CRM-9414 Word Replacements Submission crashes with fatal error.
  • CRM-9415 advanced search error when using display results as
  • CRM-9416 redirection after trashing broken
  • CRM-9417 CiviMail "Job" timestamps may be in a different timezone from "Event" timestamps
  • CRM-9418 Reset Access Control to default on upgrade
  • CRM-9419 CIVICRM_SITE_KEY value changes on upgrade/reinstall
  • CRM-9420 PayPal Website Payments Pro Missing Apostrophes
  • CRM-9421 Drupal Menu List Events item displays all events including those in the past and disabled events
  • CRM-9422 support pre/post hooks for line items
  • CRM-9423 Social Icons do not show up in Email Receipts if HTTPS is used
  • CRM-9424 quick search does not work
  • CRM-9425 Clarify Manage ACLs form by changing the order of the form fields
  • CRM-9426 Add TargetIds to sendActivityCopy function for activitiy / case activity mail
  • CRM-9427 Relative date filters for all search forms
  • CRM-9428 Using custom field data specified with hook_civicrm_customFieldOptions in reports
  • CRM-9429 Disable Price Set Needs "is_active" Filter in Query
  • CRM-9430 Print PDF Contribution Receipts - undefined index notices
  • CRM-9431 adv search: address search any state where county is enabled generates error
  • CRM-9432 CIVICRM_SITE_KEY value changes on upgrade/reinstall
  • CRM-9433 Upgrade Open Flash Chart to latest release
  • CRM-9434 Search Builder: Show select options (tag, group, country, etc)
  • CRM-9435 Manage Events - display participants - DB Error: no such field
  • CRM-9436 Pending pledge payments logic may fail in contribution form
  • CRM-9437 Error Received When Trying To Change Custom Field Label
  • CRM-9438 Create Change Membership Type and Change Membership Status activity types
  • CRM-9439 Exporting Membership custom data - missing correct column headers and data (3.4.5)
  • CRM-9440 batch merge API errors with UFMatch class not found
  • CRM-9441 Better debug warning message
  • CRM-9442 If using memcache with civicrm the standard language setting is ignored
  • CRM-9443 Undefined index: X_FORWARDED_PROTO
  • CRM-9444 Api causing unecessary queries
  • CRM-9445 After donating via Paypal, the redirect back ends in errors
  • CRM-9446 Clicking Configure > Include Profiles results in error
  • CRM-9447 Contribute page shows credit card / debit card form even if all accepted cards are disabled.
  • CRM-9448 Dashlet from report do not show any data
  • CRM-9449 Add support to search email on-hold opt-outs for advanced search if opt-out at an email level is enabled
  • CRM-9450 Error on rename of './civicrm_dev/civicrm_pcp_block' to './civicrm_dev/#sql2-2534-3a7d4' (errno: 152) during upgrade to 4.1.alpha1
  • CRM-9451 event manage url has changed - views link needs to change
  • CRM-9452 Undefined index: contact_type in _civicrm_api_get_custom_fields()
  • CRM-9453 Line breaks in custom fields export as <br />
  • CRM-9454 Make InvoiceID field searchable
  • CRM-9455 adv search: return related records and change return count triggers error
  • CRM-9456 API errors
  • CRM-9457 'contribution_id' => false results in unexpected behavior
  • CRM-9458 Add button to confirm and complete online contributions and online registrations to the top of the confirmation pages
  • CRM-9459 Allow admins to edit recurring contribution data (amount, frequency, etc.)
  • CRM-9460 Issues real time money transfers not used
  • CRM-9461 'componentid' bug still exists in CiviCRM 4.0.8
  • CRM-9462 Custom Data not getting imported successfully
  • CRM-9463 Default participant profile for event registration
  • CRM-9464 _id field is NULL in hook_civicrm_postProcess after CRM_Contact_Form_Task_SaveSearch submittal
  • CRM-9465 proximity custom search should exclude trashed contacts
  • CRM-9466 Ensure that there is only one non-test job per mailing
  • CRM-9467 profile page listing should exclude trashed contacts
  • CRM-9468 update Serbia and Montenegro provinces
  • CRM-9469 Fix failing api tests for 4.1
  • CRM-9470 Activities not shown in Dashboard
  • CRM-9471 PDF Letters Created do not display
  • CRM-9472 Modify relationship type field failure
  • CRM-9473 Pass civicrm_contact_id to as customer_id
  • CRM-9474 Title on Contribution Page does not change according to the tabs
  • CRM-9475 Notice: Undefined index: in CRM_Contribute_Form_Contribution_Confirm->createHonorContact()
  • CRM-9476 Force mode is broken in CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Utils::updateGreeting()
  • CRM-9477 HTML QuickForm date selectors are limited to old years by default
  • CRM-9478 Event dashboard is broken in german
  • CRM-9479 CLONE -In Joomla - Navigation menu editor: moved items end up in wrong position
  • CRM-9480 current employer lost on contact edit
  • CRM-9481 search builder doesn't support search by campaign title
  • CRM-9482 import.php dies with the wrong reason when fopen to the import CSV fails.
  • CRM-9483 Sporadic error: Could not find a valid session key
  • CRM-9484 running EmailProcessor.php causes Fatal Error and creates and empty contact record
  • CRM-9485 Patch a few typos and undefined indexes
  • CRM-9486 Relationship API requires ALL sorts of bizarre params on update
  • CRM-9487 Implement redirect batch process for UI mass merge to prevent timeouts
  • CRM-9488 message template edit link is wrong
  • CRM-9489 Optimize donation summary repeat report
  • CRM-9490 Contribution Status not available in profiles
  • CRM-9491 Credit card information is not deleted from the session after a successful transaction
  • CRM-9492 Sorting Participants List by Event Error
  • CRM-9493 Improve storage of values in group contact cache
  • CRM-9494 CRM_Report_Form::selectTables() ignores filters for "null" and "not null"
  • CRM-9495 Incorrect Help Link displayed on Add Custom Search page
  • CRM-9496 Alpha filter bugs for non-alphabetic characters
  • CRM-9497 Manage Groups sorting only sorts rows on the current page
  • CRM-9498 Scheduled job 'process_pledge' which calls CRM_Pledge_BAO_Pledge::updatePledgeStatus is not processing overdue pledge payments
  • CRM-9499 Scheduled job 'mail_report' does not run - throws invalid error message
  • CRM-9500 Contact Search ACL Shows Reduced Set Of Actions if user does not have 'Edit all contacts' permission
  • CRM-9501 Add booking report that displays all price set data PLUS add functions to Report/Form/php to make it more 'modular'
  • CRM-9502 Payment gateway error messages are oddly formatted
  • CRM-9503 DB Error: syntax error
  • CRM-9504 When the membership is separate from the contributaion, make the contrib ID available to the receipt
  • CRM-9505 Allow time filters on date fields in CiviReport
  • CRM-9506 civiMail checksum token uses deleted version of duplicate records
  • CRM-9507 Schedule Reminders - Activity Date Time token missing from Insert Tokens dialog; Email Greeting token evaluates empty; Fatal DB error when repeat is triggered
  • CRM-9508 Improve handling of report criteria in URLs and drill-down links
  • CRM-9509 '0' values are not exported in .csv
  • CRM-9510 Tell a friend is broken in WordPress
  • CRM-9511 CiviMember Roles Sync module causes PHP errors in Drupal log
  • CRM-9512 Custom fields missing from report due to unordered weights
  • CRM-9513 Current employer dropdown not working with specific fields selected
  • CRM-9514 Support profiles for contact sub-types for 'on behalf of' contributions
  • CRM-9515 Reports which include Activities should show over-due activities using the status-overdue class (red)
  • CRM-9516 Some resource URLs generated with '//' in path
  • CRM-9518 No customer id when doing a Moneris payment
  • CRM-9519 prevent duplicate activity targets for bulk email
  • CRM-9520 On behalf of: state/province field lists all values, does not limit to those of the default country
  • CRM-9521 Visibility, Searchable and In Selector fields are unintentionally hidden when editing Profile fields
  • CRM-9522 Introduce hook_civicrm_alterContent
  • CRM-9523 civicrm_note.privacy should be varchar
  • CRM-9524 Currently the membership_log does not store the date that a change in status was effective, just the date the cron detected/set the new status
  • CRM-9525 Donation Summary Report (Repeat) warning
  • CRM-9526 api.activity.create incorrectly adds id parameter for second activity
  • CRM-9527 Upgrade all jquery plugins / packages to latest release
  • CRM-9528 Fatal Error - JTable (CiviMail direct URL entry for sending scheduled mailings)
  • CRM-9529 Implement DataSync support for CiviCRM
  • CRM-9530 merge contacts: empty mname override value creates incorrect display name
  • CRM-9531 i18n: list of countries/provinces is not sorted correctly in UTF-8 languages
  • CRM-9532 NDI Project Main Issue
  • CRM-9533 CLONE -CiviCRM+Drupal not sending Confirmation Email upon User Registration or Registration by Admin
  • CRM-9534 Contact Search record selection storage irrespective of previous / next page visits and improvement in current behavior
  • CRM-9535 Merge Contacts : Merging of email addresses with different location types results in over-writing of data
  • CRM-9536 Notice: Undefined index: first_name in CRM_Contact_BAO_Individual::format() after login
  • CRM-9537 _civicrm_api3_get_DAO() called on entities not present in CRM/Core/DAO/.listAll.php
  • CRM-9538 When Using Batch Update via Profile, custom Display name and Sort name is Reset to Default
  • CRM-9539 Remove static calls to getTableName()
  • CRM-9540 The PHP array_unique() function does not handle multi-dimensional arrays.
  • CRM-9541 The second parameter to CRM_Utils_Array::value() must be a variable, not an expression.
  • CRM-9542 CiviMail Mailing Summary - Filtering and Taking Action from Advanced Search, and Linking to Mailing Reports
  • CRM-9543 CRM_Core_Page_Basic() should be compatible with CRM_Core_Page()
  • CRM-9544 Enable spl autoload of civi classes
  • CRM-9545 "Share Address With" for Additional Addresses doesn't work on Drupal 6
  • CRM-9546 "Share Address With" broken, only gives an error
  • CRM-9547 GroupContact doesn't understand group_id variable
  • CRM-9548 First parameter to CRM_Core_Action::replace() must be a variable, not a function return value.
  • CRM-9549 using an extension with custom templates generates undefined key error
  • CRM-9550 Correct CRM_Admin_Page_MessageTemplates::action() and browse() function signatures.
  • CRM-9551 Default value of first parameter to CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::activityType() should be a string
  • CRM-9552 export not exporting all contribution records
  • CRM-9553 CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship_getContactRelationshipType() should be static
  • CRM-9554 CRM_Utils_System::permissionDenied() should be declared static.
  • CRM-9555 CRM_Core_ShowHideBlocks::links() should be declared static.
  • CRM-9556 Price Set: creating a new option using Price Options page adds incorrect weight to database
  • CRM-9557 CiviCRM Navigation menus with access control settings won't update when Joomla Assigned User Groups are changed
  • CRM-9558 Add custom language mapping between CiviCRM and Drupal
  • CRM-9559 Views 3 display of description translates html tags to html equivalents
  • CRM-9560 Clarify Unsubscription Group help for seach-based CiviMail mailings and fix markup for unsubscribe page
  • CRM-9561 Custom field contact ref data doesn't update when contacts are merged
  • CRM-9562 Fire pre and post hooks for trash and restore of contacts
  • CRM-9563 contact_is_deleted is irgnored
  • CRM-9564 "HTML Form Snippet" generates invalid code....
  • CRM-9565 API Contribution getfields does not contain anymore custom fields and the note field
  • CRM-9566 Remove static call to CRM_Core_Form::getInfo()
  • CRM-9567 Remove static calls to HTML_QuickForm::createElement()
  • CRM-9568 Hook not called by for recurring contributions
  • CRM-9569 Exceptions from DOMPDF libarary are not wrapped as a CiviCRM error message
  • CRM-9570 Offline contributions: expose the contributionID to email
  • CRM-9571 undefined index when importing
  • CRM-9572 contact edit pane order: custom data pane not ordered correctly
  • CRM-9573 Showing Error "One of parameters (value: ) is not of the type Integer" while opening CiviCRM Dashboard
  • CRM-9574 Localization settings not applied to CSV export
  • CRM-9575 soft credit relationship to contact builds incorrect relationship in views
  • CRM-9576 The function CRM_Import_DataSource_SQL::buildQuickForm() should be declared static.
  • CRM-9577 Membership Price Set - Text/Quantity field does not function
  • CRM-9578 CRM_Import_DataSource_SQL::postProcess contains a call to $this->set() but the set() function is not defined.
  • CRM-9579 make use of values submitted on event register form on event confirm form
  • CRM-9580 Fixes for many PHP strict warnings
  • CRM-9581 Optimize javascript functions
  • CRM-9582 Create 'Email Address' system custom profile
  • CRM-9583 Amend booking process to use this profile not hard coded field
  • CRM-9584 Event Registration Email Address Profile inclusion becomes dynamic
  • CRM-9585 Mailing Labels do not show multiple names when non-household shared addresses are in the data
  • CRM-9586 Existing membership custom field data does not get loaded into On Behalf profile fields
  • CRM-9587 Replace hard-code email address in online event registration forms with a reserved profile, and allow online event registration forms to NOT collect email addresses
  • CRM-9588 Change Log doesn't show some changes to custom data - when field type is alphanumeric and html type is text
  • CRM-9589 Add function to get billing ID into BAO
  • CRM-9590 postProcess hook, activity form -- activity ID not included on create
  • CRM-9591 if base theme uses img max-width, google maps in civic become unusable
  • CRM-9592 Drupal 7 CiviCRM: Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in CRM_Contribute_BAO_ContributionPage::setValues() (line 94 of /sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Contribute/BAO/ContributionPage.php)
  • CRM-9593 incorrect link for configuration checklist for Drupal 6
  • CRM-9594 PHP Fatal error when trying to synchronize users
  • CRM-9595 Task.php: make search form values available as class var
  • CRM-9596 hook_civicrm_aclWhereClause and visibility of search box
  • CRM-9597 Redirected To New Page When Event Reminder Created - Errors on Wordpress
  • CRM-9598 Copying an event results in "You do not have permission to access this page" with memcache enabled
  • CRM-9599 use crmasmSelect for contact subtype
  • CRM-9600 limitation on number of subtypes used for custom field
  • CRM-9601 Address api fails to 'translate' state abbreviation is country_id is set but empty
  • CRM-9602 Shortcode Pages in Wordpress misdirect on error
  • CRM-9603 Thank You event registration page needs edits to support shortcodes in wordpress
  • CRM-9604 Support price sets for recurring donations
  • CRM-9605 Advanced search - inconsistence between count and result when searching for contributions
  • CRM-9606 adding people to group gives undefined index error
  • CRM-9607 Record Payment checkbox doesn't appear when registering users to an event (from a search)
  • CRM-9608 registering participant to event causing undefined index error
  • CRM-9609 when registering user for event and unchecking "Send confirmatoin and receipt" - I get undefined variable error
  • CRM-9610 in campaign dashboard, gears next to tab titles endlessly spin if you don't have any campaigns, petitions, or surveys
  • CRM-9611 Creating credit card contribution (back-end) creates blank address if custom data fields are selected
  • CRM-9612 Problems with searching Contacts and Date Range using Profiles
  • CRM-9613 Monetary amount multiplied by 100 in contribution form - error in other amount validation
  • CRM-9614 Searches only find contacts by primary e-mail
  • CRM-9615 Cannot cancel auto-renew membership if processor is NOT or Google Checkout
  • CRM-9616 fatal error when users sign up for a new account in OG
  • CRM-9617 Default participant profile setting
  • CRM-9618 Fatal error saving Profiles tab when configuring online contribution pages (On Behalf Profile is missing)
  • CRM-9619 Configuration Contribution Page - Profiles tab shows as active when On Behalf of Organization is enabled but no profiles are selected
  • CRM-9620 price sets not being filtered by date on EventInfo page
  • CRM-9622 mailing labels missing full set of token hook params
  • CRM-9623 adding tags to batch update profile casues undefined property error
  • CRM-9624 Adding current employer to a profile generates undefined index error
  • CRM-9625 event reminder email: can't go back if you left out the subject
  • CRM-9627 code tidy up on recurring function
  • CRM-9628 print case report broken in joomla
  • CRM-9629 $0 price set options show on event info page
  • CRM-9630 find cases returns activity count/pagination
  • CRM-9631 Error in Profile Submission Notification Email
  • CRM-9633 Add Grant API
  • CRM-9634 Make default profile fields more restrictive
  • CRM-9635 Notice after Export Contributions: Undefined index: postal_mailing_export in CRM_Export_BAO_Export::exportComponents
  • CRM-9636 Function which checks whether an auto-renew membership has been cancelled is looking at the wrong table (always returns false)
  • CRM-9649 Obtaining before and after value in hook_civicrm_custom when using GUI
  • CRM-9650 The CSV export option doesn't show properly special characters like accents
  • CRM-9651 CiviEvent shows full when participant on waiting list
  • CRM-9652 foreach warning when importing contacts in 4.1b3
  • CRM-9653 Second profile does not show on event page if the first item in the uf_group table is set to is_active =1
  • CRM-9654 Can't renew membership
  • CRM-9655 Fixed intervals for memberships don't work with 6 month intervals
  • CRM-9656 If you create a membership type with no relationships you can't add them later
  • CRM-9658 Mailing backend settings are migrated incorrectly during 4.1 upgrade
  • CRM-9659 Re-enabling a component does not reinstate permissions
  • CRM-9660 UFfIeld delete expect field_id as param
  • CRM-9661 Pay later contributions default status to completed
  • CRM-9662 survey default result set provided by civicrm_engage does not display name of result set on survey creation page
  • CRM-9663 Advanced Search Accordian Panes Missing (Membership) etc...
  • CRM-9664 Putting the same friend twice on the tell a friend form causes a fatal error
  • CRM-9665 Views+PCP: the URL field (to the PCP page) does not work
  • CRM-9666 Dashboard shows user id from wrong domain
  • CRM-9667 Email sent to case -assignees gives wrong URL
  • CRM-9668 email from name with comma breaks activity send
  • CRM-9669 Proximity search query broken when searching within smart groups
  • CRM-9670 Minor spelling typo in ScheduleReminders.tpl string (sent -> send)
  • CRM-9671 Fix notices in Case API and DeprecatedUtils API
  • CRM-9672 Attendee List Report shows view text after first name in exported CSV file
  • CRM-9673 Attendee List Report shows view text after first name in exported CSV file
  • CRM-9674 CURLOPT_GET warning in Evalon.pnp
  • CRM-9675 DB Error for civicrm_pcp_block when creating contribution page after multilingual upgrade.
  • CRM-9676 Payment and Profile Fields not populating - 4.1 B3 and Joomla 2.5.1
  • CRM-9677 Extra escaping of quotation marks as WordPress plugin only
  • CRM-9678 scheduled event reminders should not be sent for disabled events
  • CRM-9679 Process Bounces failed
  • CRM-9680 Event with discount throws fatal error
  • CRM-9681 Fix typo in Tag api
  • CRM-9682 BatchUpdate is not a valid Address Provider
  • CRM-9683 Implement timezone support for CiviMail
  • CRM-9684 Giving existing CiviCRM contacts the option to create Drupal account when provided with tokenized profile
  • CRM-9685 CRM/PCP/Form/PCP.hlp Missing
  • CRM-9686 Missing province in Honduras
  • CRM-9687 Add RLIKE to Search Builder operators list
  • CRM-9689 Address API preg_replace errors
  • CRM-9690 Try to avoid undefined table civicrm_setting when doing an upgrade from 3.x / 4.0.x -> 4.1
  • CRM-9693 Scheduled Credit card transactions are processed, but ignored by CiviCRM
  • CRM-9694 Preferred method data blank on contact summary page
  • CRM-9695 external_identifier field not returned from API
  • CRM-9696 quick disable/enable relationship from list (still) doesn't call hook
  • CRM-9697 Renewing a 1 year membership that ends on 12/31/2011 extends it to 12/31/2013
  • CRM-9698 Email throttling
  • CRM-9699 Upgrade issues to 4.1
  • CRM-9700 Re-building of config throws error during upgrade from a version < 4.1 to 4.1.x
  • CRM-9701 CiviCRM reports are invisible with the Italian language
  • CRM-9702 street_address field loses space between street number and street name
  • CRM-9703 can't create relationship if the other side refers to a subtype
  • CRM-9704 Geocoding with Privacy for Donors & Constituents
  • CRM-9705 Money value in a custom data don't display correctly in contribution module.
  • CRM-9707 Fatal error CRM_Utils_System_Drupal when running cli.php
  • CRM-9708 Create Reserved Payment Processor for 'Offline Cash/Check Payments'
  • CRM-9709 Drupal CKEditor fails to load in RichTextEditor custom fields
  • CRM-9710 hook_user Causing PHP notices
  • CRM-9711 Drupal user creation during contribution form fails if Mollom installed (Drupal 6)
  • CRM-9712 Incorrect (registered) participant status applied to event registrations
  • CRM-9713 multi-record custom field doesn't show on Contact Edit form
  • CRM-9714 Support 'quick config' price sets
  • CRM-9715 User record link and action not visible on Contact Summary for users with Administer Users permissions
  • CRM-9716 Build Trigger Hooks
  • CRM-9717 Fix notices thrown when using quick search widget for Employer in contact edit form
  • CRM-9718 [PATCH] Use CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::synchronizeUFMatch in Bridge/Utils.php instead of creating a new contact
  • CRM-9719 civicrm_data.es_ES.mysql file is not translated to Spanish (Castilian)
  • CRM-9720 Views integration: filter by Multi-Select Country custom field fails for multiple values
  • CRM-9723 custom field set - defined as TAB - is not displayed on edit pages
  • CRM-9724 All of the payment processors make curl requests with CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER set to false
  • CRM-9725 KCFinder file management issues on Joomla 1.7.x
  • CRM-9726 custom field set - defined as TAB - is not displayed on edit pages
  • CRM-9727 cron.php will not run in Wordpress, is_admin() call to undefined function
  • CRM-9728 Custom Proximity Search broken
  • CRM-9729 Smarty civimail settings in Joomla 1.7.x causes 500 error
  • CRM-9730 Record Financial Items for Line Item Obligations
  • CRM-9731 Change civicrm_payment_processor.payment_processor_type to an id
  • CRM-9732 CiviMail Auto-responder does not send email responders
  • CRM-9733 The civicrm.config.php does not consider drupals possible configuration of a sites/all/modules/contrib folder
  • CRM-9734 Setting Drupal permissions doesn't get picked up by CiviCRM if its language is not English.
  • CRM-9736 Unable to delete campaign in CIVICRM 4.1
  • CRM-9738 Drupal View with PCP failing
  • CRM-9739 Contact BAO to set default Greeting & Addressee
  • CRM-9740 Database upgrades fail going from 4.0.7 and 4.0.8 to 4.1.0
  • CRM-9741 Update Drupal Admin Menu module integration
  • CRM-9742 In WordPress, Page Editing plugin misspells "element" as "elment"
  • CRM-9743 Importing Contributions Fails on Contribution Type
  • CRM-9744 Using Soft Credit Contribution Feature with External ID Fails
  • CRM-9745 Wordpress Event Registration Pages Don't Show Event Title
  • CRM-9746 Unable to switch demo sites back to English.
  • CRM-9747 Need explanation/comment for a few drupal-civicrm strings (Apt./VH/Party reg.)
  • CRM-9748 Minor typo in CRM/Contact/Form/Task/Batch.php (nunber -> number)
  • CRM-9749 Better layout and text size for help text
  • CRM-9750 Gift Aid module for CiviCRM4.1/D7
  • CRM-9751 the soap layer is not compatible with v3 of the API
  • CRM-9752 Checksum email token returns NULL
  • CRM-9753 CiviCRM Type and Sub Type not appear correctly in Drupal Views
  • CRM-9754 Wordpress Event and Contribution Page links go to /wp-admin, which is only valid for administrators
  • CRM-9755 Fix notice thrown when undefined relationship type is referenced in Case Type xml and fix obsolete error message on case role contact types mismatch
  • CRM-9756 Quicksearch broken with certain prefs
  • CRM-9757 Improve data sent to DPS / Payment Express & interaction with alterPaymentParams hook
  • CRM-9758 Fix warnings and notices when running Update Membership Statuses and Send Renewal Reminders job
  • CRM-9759 Clarify Component field options when creating a new activity type
  • CRM-9760 civicrm upgrade to 4.1 via drush ends in drush error
  • CRM-9761 Regression: When batch updating custom fields, allow multi-value fields to be added to or removed from rather than updated
  • CRM-9762 Settings - Outbound Mail fails with Fatal error: Class 'CRM_Core_BAO_ConfigSetting' not found
  • CRM-9763 API participant update modifies register_date
  • CRM-9764 ACL not respected for some custom searches
  • CRM-9765 load wysiwyg editor js on demand
  • CRM-9766 Installer Accepts Passwords with Apostrophes
  • CRM-9767 There is currently a compatibility problem with XCache and CiviCRM will not display any page content if XCache has been installed.
  • CRM-9768 Importing participants already registered gives no clue of problem
  • CRM-9769 Call hooks on saving Related Contact form
  • CRM-9770 Import Participants - Both the Status and Status ID import columns are ignored, all records imported with Registered status. Fix notices when saving import mapping.
  • CRM-9771 ICS file for CiviCRM event fails import to Google Calendar because of ^M characters
  • CRM-9772 Delete Contact - resulting message spelled incorrectly
  • CRM-9773 Activity API wrongly requires subject
  • CRM-9774 Civicrm associated Drupal module weights too low
  • CRM-9775 Undefined variable: error in CustomField.php on line 82
  • CRM-9776 If date is included in Profile, auto-copy field won't work for other profile fields in batch update
  • CRM-9777 case tags: editing removes existing tags
  • CRM-9778 case tags: unable to search children tags
  • CRM-9779 Common payment notification framework for payment processor extensions
  • CRM-9780 Country and State Changes
  • CRM-9781 API participant update clobbers participant_fee_level
  • CRM-9782 CiviSMS Phase1
  • CRM-9783 Schema changes to allow storing multiple provider details and status
  • CRM-9784 Interface to allow adding multiple SMS providers
  • CRM-9785 Contact search task action - "Schedule / Send a Mass SMS"
  • CRM-9786 Callback handling - delivery acknowledgement + status update
  • CRM-9787 Callback for inbound sms - messages received
  • CRM-9788 Record payments in civicrm_financial_trxn table
  • CRM-9789 ADD TAG option in "magange cases"
  • CRM-9790 Sort Case tags alphabetically in FIND CASE UI
  • CRM-9791 Manage SMS - manage and respond to SMS replies
  • CRM-9792 Add a new generic tool to ajax add a template (AHAH-Asynchronous HTML and HTTP)
  • CRM-9793 deprecate API v2 for the ajax interface
  • CRM-9794 Remove API v2
  • CRM-9795 Upgrade/Incremental/sql/3.4.alpha1.mysql duplicates existing activity type option value for Add Client To Case
  • CRM-9796 CiviMail cron does not process bounce email's
  • CRM-9797 Usability improvement, survey & profile
  • CRM-9798 In place editing & client templating
  • CRM-9799 Mass / Group SMS
  • CRM-9800 Cron for automated message delivery
  • CRM-9801 Unable to link to website with a hyphen in
  • CRM-9802 Contact Dashboard shows "* Indicates a permissioned relationship" message, but no asterisks
  • CRM-9803 CiviMail settings dont work in 4.1
  • CRM-9804 Functionality to call hook functions in payment processor extensions
  • CRM-9805 Scheduled reminder email: emails sent for ancient events
  • CRM-9806 Search of Duplicate Contacts not working for a specific group
  • CRM-9807 Create PDF Letter Not Working With Joomla 2.5.x
  • CRM-9808 Allowing too many custom data fields per group to be searchable breaks civi
  • CRM-9809 Report listing page shows reports from other domains, ditto payment processor page
  • CRM-9810 Restricted group access does not work
  • CRM-9811 Multi-value Checkbox custom field outputting as one long string of selected values when used in Views
  • CRM-9812 Make additional variables available for off-line membership receipts (those sent of pdfs from contribution search results task)
  • CRM-9813 Grant Rationale and Notes formatting incorrect
  • CRM-9814 Fee amount not displayed on Event Info page
  • CRM-9815 Add Webtests
  • CRM-9816 Missing require in DeprecatedUtils.php
  • CRM-9817 Wordpress user creation via profile "account creation required" gives exception
  • CRM-9818 Add member_since to membership display on contact tab & on dashboard
  • CRM-9819 Views integration template missing for civievents, and others produce errors
  • CRM-9820 Link from Task pages to a pop-up screen that lists all the contacts selected for that task (e.g. "who am I adding to the group?")
  • CRM-9821 Catch API errors inside CRM/Utils/Mail/EmailProcessor.php
  • CRM-9822 Fatal error when running cli with -a execute AND -j options (execute all scheduled jobs AND logging enabled)
  • CRM-9823 Contribution import fails for pledge payments in 4.1.1
  • CRM-9824 Formatting 'improvements' for SocialNetworking.tpl
  • CRM-9825 Appearance 'improvements' for the Event Info page
  • CRM-9826 Appearance improvement for Event Google Maps
  • CRM-9827 Monthly pledge payments should occur on the same day-of-month as the pledge date
  • CRM-9828 Appearance 'improvements' for Contribution page
  • CRM-9829 Make Participant ID available for e-mail templates
  • CRM-9830 More robust extension downloads with improved error handling
  • CRM-9831 WordPress should not expose Permissions screens (ACL permissioning is not supported yet). Replace with "not supported" message.
  • CRM-9832 If a credit card payment against a pledge fails then the user is redirected to re-submit - but without ppid in URL
  • CRM-9833 CiviMail should not send out empty emails
  • CRM-9834 Batch Entry of Contributions and Membership Payments
  • CRM-9836 Secure URL check doesn't consider 302 redirect
  • CRM-9837 recurring payments are not received show in Civi IF contact is merged or end user deletes first contribution
  • CRM-9838 Unable to create multiple default Order Bys with CivicReport
  • CRM-9839 Remove password requirement when running cli.php commands
  • CRM-9840 Edit the profile in place
  • CRM-9841 Add existing activity fields to a profile
  • CRM-9842 Add existing contact fields to a profile
  • CRM-9843 Edit existing options to custom fields (option groups)
  • CRM-9844 Multilingual fields and Views module
  • CRM-9845 Change the profile structure
  • CRM-9846 Fix & complete API for UF* and Option*
  • CRM-9847 Create new customSet Custom Fields from within a profile
  • CRM-9848 eid and mode URL params do not persist across participant adds
  • CRM-9849 Document & blog about this new interface tools
  • CRM-9850 Offer Donors a Choice of Payment Processors
  • CRM-9851 Contact picture not being shown in CiviCRM/WordPress
  • CRM-9852 Smart Groups don't preserve Relationship search criteria
  • CRM-9853 Drupal 'destination' URL isn't parsed properly from a Civi registration page, results in nonrecov error
  • CRM-9854 CiviReport uses report field name to export data from BAO/DAO file instead of real database field name
  • CRM-9855 CiviMail sets X-header "X-CiviMail-Bounce" on outbound bulk email, but does not use it to identify an inbound bounce
  • CRM-9856 Centralize Notifications using jQuery plugin
  • CRM-9857 Server 500 fail when user without enough permissions is used to run cron jobs
  • CRM-9858 Fix notices in Task.php
  • CRM-9859 Memory leak on domain_get if called twice using current_domain
  • CRM-9860 variable clash when calling getfields from REST on 'action'
  • CRM-9861 Re-enabling logging should keep logs and upgrade schema on existing tables
  • CRM-9862 Wordpress Shortcodes for Contact Dashboard and Fix Permissioning
  • CRM-9863 allow limited html tags in comments on web site
  • CRM-9864 Help text improvements needed
  • CRM-9865 Allow dasboard to be accessed via a checksum link for non logged in users
  • CRM-9866 Expanding sections in advanced search alters results
  • CRM-9867 Unable to save file type custom fields
  • CRM-9868 Don't allow users to run Set Membership Reminder Dates scheduled job automatically
  • CRM-9869 Using 'default_order', 'default_is_section', 'default_weight' in 'order_bys' and the need for 'default' => '1'
  • CRM-9870 default values not stored for tab custom data sets/field
  • CRM-9871 Distinction between the author and maintainer in extension xml file
  • CRM-9872 Some translation are missing in transifex
  • CRM-9873 advanced search on activity type produces incorrect pager results and more records than should be returned
  • CRM-9874 Joomla User registration not working with joomla >1.5
  • CRM-9875 CiviReports page still refers to Standalone version
  • CRM-9876 Can't search contributions in status "Overdue" or "In Progress"
  • CRM-9877 Relationship type ommited in dropdown list when it's for all contacts
  • CRM-9878 Multiple registration hangs in Joomla 2.5.2/2.5.3 with 2 or more contacts when PDF receipt attachment is enabled.
  • CRM-9879 HTML Profile Create Form sometimes leads to CiviCRM Profile Create non-recoverable error
  • CRM-9880 Add CC email to event registration
  • CRM-9881 Enabling TinyMCE causes jQuery to go missing
  • CRM-9882 Enable disable AJAX should not be restricted to CRM namespace
  • CRM-9883 include "soft credit" data in civicontribute export
  • CRM-9884 Survey voters API (Respondents yet to record survey response)
  • CRM-9885 Broken layout on New Contribution page if no personal campaign pages exist
  • CRM-9886 Social Networking images on event information pages causing "not secure" error when using https
  • CRM-9887 Email Event Confirmation Receipts show BCC and CC addresses all on a single TO line
  • CRM-9888 "Merge Tag List" AJAX loads XML instead of tags
  • CRM-9889 Cannot Merge Tags, Feature Doesn't Work
  • CRM-9890 fix contact get to support new options (limit, etc) format like the other api
  • CRM-9891 if communication preferences panel is turned off from display default greeting type not used
  • CRM-9892 pre/post hooks not called during contact restore
  • CRM-9893 function checkGroupRole() missing in 4.1 d6
  • CRM-9894 - When you do a renew credit card membership & specify a different amount (e.g. more) than the membership it ignores that value
  • CRM-9895 soap.php in wordpress throws a php error
  • CRM-9896 fails in some cases due to no username password being specified
  • CRM-9897 Create a contact for the domain owner
  • CRM-9898 undefined offset and missing index when merging records
  • CRM-9899 when merging contacts with custom data, fatal error
  • CRM-9900 Add <span> and CSS classes to links on Drupal user page for easier management
  • CRM-9901 Custom hook mail merge tokens no longer work with mailing labels
  • CRM-9902 Profile display in emails messed up for Paypal standard
  • CRM-9903 PCP Views intergration files missing
  • CRM-9904 Credit card swiper support
  • CRM-9905 contribution page should default to not sending a receipt
  • CRM-9906 Fee Amounts Not Showing
  • CRM-9907 Have javascript $.crmURL()
  • CRM-9908 Support Inline Editing of Fields on the Contact Summary Page
  • CRM-9909 cli.php fata error: Call to a member function callApi() on a non-object
  • CRM-9910 pre/post hooks not called when pending contribution updates membership
  • CRM-9911 Server name is recorded in contact image URL in civicrm_contact.image_URL
  • CRM-9912 petitions with apostrophes in the title cause DB error
  • CRM-9913 Sending a test mailing in CiviMail creates a new contact instead of matching to an existing contact
  • CRM-9914 Extensionize SMS - convert clickatell to an extension
  • CRM-9915 On Behalf of Profile on Contrib Pages Adds Theme Header in Profile
  • CRM-9916 Write error to drupal folder using Windows
  • CRM-9917 undefined variable when running batch update on participants
  • CRM-9918 undefined variable $contact when running saved search
  • CRM-9919 Over-ride WordPress page titles with CiviCRM page titles when using short-codes to view a front-end page
  • CRM-9920 soap.php throws an error when authenticating in Joomla
  • CRM-9921 oldWeight undefined when creating new membership status record
  • CRM-9922 Change civicrm_batch.type_id to civicrm_batch.mode_id in trunk.civiaccounts
  • CRM-9923 Create upgrade script for batch and financial_batch table
  • CRM-9924 Giftaid module problem: Profile fields in a contribution required even when GiftAid not selected
  • CRM-9925 Allow option to set a start date for recurring payments (Paypal)
  • CRM-9926 Contribution types starting with lower case letters create API error
  • CRM-9927 CiviEvent Dashboard: Configure link for Info and Settings has incorrect URL
  • CRM-9928 Shortcodes do not appear in appropriate position in text (Wordpress version)
  • CRM-9929 Run payment extension cron methods using Job API and Consolidated Cron
  • CRM-9930 undefined index is_active when editing relationship
  • CRM-9931 enabling Drupal "Aggregate JavaScript files." breaks navigation menu admin screen
  • CRM-9932 Relationship API needs to be able to do 'is_current'
  • CRM-9933 handle better default values for
  • CRM-9934 updateGreeting performance issue
  • CRM-9935 Error message during import of contacts
  • CRM-9936 reserved groups
  • CRM-9937 in some cases, updating record with employer overwrites activity_date_time field in civicrm_activity table
  • CRM-9938 js function copyFieldValues fails when "Options per Line" is set
  • CRM-9939 PCP Views integration and page status
  • CRM-9940 Change field type for prefix_id , suffix_id , gender_id to improve queries
  • CRM-9941 PCP amount raised incorrectly formatted in views intergration
  • CRM-9942 PCP Views intergration, amount raised sort
  • CRM-9943 Invalid markup / lack of BCC styling class in CRM/Event/Form/ManageEvent/Registration.tpl
  • CRM-9944 Remove non-price set financial content from templates for contributions, events, and memberships
  • CRM-9945 member import - custom fields skipped
  • CRM-9946 drush fails because it is missing autoload code
  • CRM-9947 civicrm autoload code should play nice with drupal's xautoload module
  • CRM-9948 list of cases incomplete for a contact tab
  • CRM-9949 custom data: defaults overwrite empty sets on update
  • CRM-9950 My Cases / All Cases button on Case Dashboard should be a radio not a button
  • CRM-9951 Spurious opt-out from bulk emails
  • CRM-9952 Location API for use with CiviMobile
  • CRM-9953 Editing Option Group "Contact edit options" breaks the Contact editing form (phone, email, etc. part)
  • CRM-9954 Unit tests ask for mysql password even if set in civicrm.settings.php
  • CRM-9955 Contact merge screen goes blank
  • CRM-9956 GUI improvement: Add a javascript selection for whether to use Paypal or enter credit card on contribution page (Paypal Website Payments Pro)
  • CRM-9957 Contain number of installments option within a span, for recurring payment in contribution pages
  • CRM-9958 Allow chart tooltip to be set by report class
  • CRM-9959 Pledge Export produces many extra rows.
  • CRM-9960 Contact Dashboboard overflow in Wordpress
  • CRM-9961 Non-English characters fail to export
  • CRM-9962 buildForm setDefaults of country field does not update state list from states of the global default country
  • CRM-9963 Details entered when a contributor makes a contribution as a guest overwrites his previously stored information
  • CRM-9964 CiviCRM error messages displays too much to random people on the internet
  • CRM-9965 Thank you page currency is contribution page currency, not actual payment currency
  • CRM-9966 Option_value field "label" is a reserved word in some versions of MySQL
  • CRM-9967 Duplicate Actions
  • CRM-9968 Fix links for PCP
  • CRM-9969 Smart group cache-build fails for extremely large groups
  • CRM-9970 Blocks in Drupal don't show by default
  • CRM-9971 Inherit CMS Language doesn't work for logged in user
  • CRM-9972 State Dropdown not working on frontend
  • CRM-9973 'Website' Field does not support hyphen
  • CRM-9974 CiviCRM 4.1.1 Using Import to update an Alphanumeric CheckBox custom field fails to make any changes to the contact record.
  • CRM-9975 packages/HTTP/Request.php is old, should be updated
  • CRM-9976 Support native gettext, fallback on php-gettext
  • CRM-9977 E-Notice fix for CRM-9580 incorrectly changed method on UF to be static
  • CRM-9978 Cache API getfields results to reduce processing time
  • CRM-9979 Code formatting standards
  • CRM-9980 Group name should be translatable in multilingual installation
  • CRM-9981 Multilingual limitations with more than 2 languages
  • CRM-9982 Add a "Skip Confirm Page" checkbox to confirmation pages
  • CRM-9983 Workflow for GOTV in Campaigns is out of sequence
  • CRM-9984 Mail send help button does not provide enough information for ONLINE PUBILCATION section
  • CRM-9985 CiviCRM Conflicts with Wordpress Plugins
  • CRM-9986 Update and improve Drush integration
  • CRM-9987 PCP CiviReport returns Error
  • CRM-9988 Panama in Africa West, East, Central and Southern region
  • CRM-9989 Event Template Not Saving
  • CRM-9990 Multi-lingual: adding a language is broken in 4.2-trunk
  • CRM-9991 Remove old functions CRM_Core_Error::createAPISuccess
  • CRM-9992 Create user doesn't work with PCPs for Wordpress
  • CRM-9993 Make CRM_Core_Error::fatal throw an exception when called from the API
  • CRM-9994 Incorrect City/State/Zip when sending data to Paypal Standard (PayPalImpl.php) when using multiple profiles
  • CRM-9995 When using update via profile against a set of "individual" contact records, contact subtypes disappear and revert to the parent type (e.g. Student > Individual)
  • CRM-9996 Refactor / tidy Contribution receipt mail
  • CRM-9997 4.2 Autoloader Breaks Joomla Frontend Integration
  • CRM-9998 Allow letters to be written from Contribution Search
  • CRM-9999 Tokens definition should not all be in utils
  • CRM-10000 Add JSON form rendering support
  • CRM-10001 Profile Formatting - Pseudo Fields
  • CRM-10002 Link to insert tokens in the header/footer configuration pages
  • CRM-10003 PDF creation broken
  • CRM-10004 civicrm_og_sync enabling module causes error
  • CRM-10005 Upgrade from 4.0 => 4.1+ fails via drush
  • CRM-10006 No way to remove one language in multilingual installation
  • CRM-10007 Implement infrastructure for long upgrade processes
  • CRM-10008 Add api for recurring contribution
  • CRM-10009 Make api transactional + do post fail checking on unique constraints
  • CRM-10010 Make api getfields understand 'getvalue' , 'getsingle', 'getcount' permutations of 'get'
  • CRM-10011 Add QuickIcon to Joomla control panel on CiviCRM install
  • CRM-10012 Limit the number of related memberships
  • CRM-10013 Responsive display for small screens
  • CRM-10014 Redo include/exclude search
  • CRM-10015 CiviEvent Views 'Base table or view not found'
  • CRM-10016 admin renewal with membership type change does not respect selected record
  • CRM-10017 In-line help and error messages refer to old menu structure
  • CRM-10018 Restructure activtiy contact target & assignee into activity_contact table for better queries & tidier code
  • CRM-10019 Fix and improve internalOptimized rule in QueryBuilder/IndividualStrict.php for dedupe
  • CRM-10020 TinyMCE and Firefox 11+ incompatibilities
  • CRM-10021 Add Yahoo Placefinder as a geocoding option
  • CRM-10022 Make custom fields work in task Print PDF Letter for Contribution
  • CRM-10023 Add grouping options for task Print PDF Letter for Contribution
  • CRM-10024 Updated yellow 'tooltip' .hlp file with an updated path through the admin menu
  • CRM-10025 Settings-Upload Directories, Save sends user to wrong URL in Wordpress
  • CRM-10026 Joomla Importing the xml file externally
  • CRM-10027 Crash when deactivating multilingual
  • CRM-10028 add option "All contacts" in add/edit relationship page
  • CRM-10029 SMTP settings form setDefaultValues does not filter civicrm_preferences by domain_id or is_domain (3.4)
  • CRM-10030 Advanced Search on Change Log not using date fields
  • CRM-10031 mailing tests fail with error 10005 but outgoing SMTP tests succeed
  • CRM-10032 Pending from incomplete transaction - Retry fails
  • CRM-10033 Impossible to create new event template with online registration
  • CRM-10034 Sensible default for permissions when creating report
  • CRM-10035 API: Query custom fields for groups
  • CRM-10036 CiviMail cron does not process bounce email's
  • CRM-10037 When only one sub-type is defined for an Individual contact, Contact Type drop down does not appear on Contact Edit form.
  • CRM-10038 Event isCurrentOption test
  • CRM-10039 Token in saved activities not replaced by actual value
  • CRM-10040 Develop spec & costing for extending API to cover all admin settings
  • CRM-10041 Fatal error in CRM/Utils/REST.php
  • CRM-10042 Add attachments on Open Case form
  • CRM-10043 Add Assignee field to Follow-Up Activity
  • CRM-10044 Syntax error
  • CRM-10045 Contribution page receipt emails BCC: addresses included in To: header field when using mail
  • CRM-10046 Membership get and getcount do not understand the rowCount parameter
  • CRM-10047 Upgrade PHPUnit to new version 3.6.x
  • CRM-10048 Automated Recurring Billing is broken by contact merge
  • CRM-10049 Transaction History tab for quick access to financial history and reconciliation of accounts
  • CRM-10050 Additional testing infrastructure, web tests without Selenium
  • CRM-10051 Pass in contact id in function
  • CRM-10052 Specialized workflow for participant Transfers and Cancellations
  • CRM-10053 DB Error on edit participant with admin-only price set
  • CRM-10054 Recurring contribution should never fail silently
  • CRM-10055 Error Message for Group Double Opt-in give wrong instructions
  • CRM-10056 Duplicate Contribution Pages created
  • CRM-10057 Membership renewal form does not allow to specify which membership record to renew
  • CRM-10058 Undefined method in BaseIPN on payment notifications
  • CRM-10059 Password stored incorrectly while creating CMS user
  • CRM-10060 Allow report filtering by month (matching month only, in any year)
  • CRM-10061 Advanced search display as case with filter on activities doesn't work (total != list & list incorrect)
  • CRM-10062 make address name, supplemental address available on reports
  • CRM-10063 Display CiviCRM ID (and potentally User ID and External ID) on far right inline with the H1 Contact Name
  • CRM-10064 Limitation in membership type
  • CRM-10065 Values for "Show block on specific pages" are not correct
  • CRM-10066 Provide Insert Tokens pop-up when configuring Mailing Label Format (Address Settings) and add help for using organization custom fields
  • CRM-10067 Participant View Relationship Incorrectly Joined to Event Table
  • CRM-10068 Pay-later membership payment overwrites previous record
  • CRM-10069 Circular smart groups
  • CRM-10070 Headers already sent error in Wordpress when adding Shortcode for Event Registration
  • CRM-10071 Contribution and Membership Details report
  • CRM-10072 trial stdised pseudoconstant handling in api to reduce cruft & make more predictable
  • CRM-10073 Civi allows malformed email addresses to be saved
  • CRM-10074 Cleanup Contact Summary
  • CRM-10075 Contribution Widget button pointing to adminstrator site rather than front-end on Joomla and WordPress
  • CRM-10076 Recurring contributions and auto-renew memberships: allow self-service and back-office update and cancellation
  • CRM-10077 Allow long running processes to do more than 20 redirects to the same url
  • CRM-10078 Typo in CiviCRM at Transifex
  • CRM-10079 Minor typo: payement -> payment
  • CRM-10080 Minor type: recoreded -> recorded
  • CRM-10081 Minor typo: sent -> send
  • CRM-10082 Error adding/updating individual contacts
  • CRM-10083 drupal multisite ckeditor image path error
  • CRM-10084 Back-office cancellation of recurring contributions and auto-renew memberships with option to send cancel request to processor
  • CRM-10085 add internal/external ID fields to advanced search
  • CRM-10086 Upgrade CKEditor to 3.6.3
  • CRM-10087 add cancelAction method at form level
  • CRM-10088 Add Campaign column and filter to Contribution Detail, Contribution Summary, Contribution by Organization and Contribution by Household Reports
  • CRM-10089 Improvements for self-service cancellation of recurring contributions and membership auto-renewal
  • CRM-10090 Back-office update billing details for recurring contributions and auto-renew memberships
  • CRM-10091 Self-service update billing details for recurring contributions and auto-renew memberships
  • CRM-10092 Back-office edit of recurring contribution amount and number of installments
  • CRM-10093 Self-service edit of recurring contribution amount and number of installments
  • CRM-10094 CiviSubscribe does not work in Wordpress
  • CRM-10095 subtypes lost when using batch update via profile
  • CRM-10096 Personal Campaign Page Summary: Database Error Code: Unknown column 'pcp_civireport.contribution_page_id' in 'on clause', 1054
  • CRM-10097 Advanced search on change log for 'newly' created contacts does not work
  • CRM-10098 Allow petitions to be exposed in WP frontend
  • CRM-10099 Get cli.php to work with wordpress
  • CRM-10100 Mail Summary report counts opens and click throughs more than once
  • CRM-10101 Job defaults in new install
  • CRM-10102 Replace documentation links in help and status messages so they point to appropriate book chapter
  • CRM-10103 Allow edit on offline contribution amount
  • CRM-10104 empty custom field related static vars when creating new custom field (causes failure in tests)
  • CRM-10105 Could not find valid configuration directory, while adding an image to an event.
  • CRM-10106 test suite giving fatal after last svn up
  • CRM-10107 CiviMember Roles Sync does not update roles based on membership update.
  • CRM-10108 Set civicrm_user_id connection variable outside of config loading from memcache
  • CRM-10109 Some fields in contribution_recur are not saved from online contribution
  • CRM-10110 CiviEvent DB Error when combining Individual sub-type and Participant custom fields
  • CRM-10111 Import of contacts with website errors if "-" present in url
  • CRM-10112 Test in api failing on non-api functionality (but required for import)
  • CRM-10113 customvalue API incorrectly returns an error is custom_field not set for contact - causes test failure
  • CRM-10114 AAAAAAAAACRM_Utils_Request::retrieve() call in CRM/Utils/REST.php
  • CRM-10115 Google Geocoding does not notify the user when the website has hit the 25 000 query limit.
  • CRM-10116 Fix obsolete links to Manage Events > Info and Settings form
  • CRM-10117 Bugs and UI Fixes Related to Quick Config Price Sets
  • CRM-10118 Create a new generic api setvalue
  • CRM-10119 Cleanup markup for price set field display and add attributes for data-amount and data-currency
  • CRM-10120 REST login in v3.4.8 doesn't get password supplied, cannot authenticate
  • CRM-10121 Make new contact code more generic
  • CRM-10122 Error sending email to contact
  • CRM-10123 CRM_ class reference in CRM/Utils/REST.php
  • CRM-10124 Intermittant error - "Could not find valid session key'
  • CRM-10125 Installer won't proceed for MySQL 5.6.1 (fails to detect enabled InnoDB support)
  • CRM-10126 CiviCRM extensions not working in Joomla
  • CRM-10127 CiviCRM 4.1.1 Export of a date field in a custom data group extending participant record comes out in wrong format
  • CRM-10128 Inconsistent Behavior when saving profile with blank fields
  • CRM-10129 PCP page share this link is not passing pcpId
  • CRM-10130 Paystation Payment Processor extension download broken
  • CRM-10131 CRM_Utils_Type is missing a property for datetime / 12
  • CRM-10132 Tagset on civicase is broken
  • CRM-10133 pledge api tidy up - mark uniquefields in xml, remove obsolete checking from api
  • CRM-10134 API ajax doesn't handle json properly
  • CRM-10135 ACLs don't work with smart groups
  • CRM-10136 Minor Wording Change to Edit Relationship Types
  • CRM-10137 Cannot edit a Survey Type in CiviCRM 4.1 using wordpress
  • CRM-10138 mailing group tests were only passing because they were directly including the file
  • CRM-10139 Extension hooks not being called in Drupal 6
  • CRM-10140 date fields display two input fields when adding new individual from New Case form (when using profile with date field).
  • CRM-10141 restore dropTriggers method
  • CRM-10142 CiviMail Send/Schedule form - Send Immediately checkbox is not cleared when an explicit date is set
  • CRM-10143 Add custom group subtypes to Grant records
  • CRM-10144 When creating relationships allow View only as well as View/Edit permissions
  • CRM-10145 Profiles lost in event registration email receipt
  • CRM-10146 Editing an individual with membership "by relationship" alters the "Membership Signup" activity
  • CRM-10147 Improve logging algorithm / report to prevent logging when no changes are made and prevent loss of change log items
  • CRM-10148 Reserved report instances - criteria and settings can only be changed by users with administer reserved reports permission
  • CRM-10149 Register participants link doesn't work with events in the past
  • CRM-10150 Include changes to Notes, Relationships, Tags and Groups in contact logging reports. Make logging summary instance reserved. Remove logging detail from reports listing.
  • CRM-10151 CiviCRM shortcodes appear at the top of output, regardless of order of appearance in text
  • CRM-10152 Contact API v3: Return duplicate IDs in Create
  • CRM-10153 Fix fatal errors in Petition signature flow and assign petition pageURL and title to Thank You and Social Networking templates
  • CRM-10154 restructure cli.php for broader Joomla compatibility
  • CRM-10155 Unpredictable behavior when a Contact has more than one membership for an organization
  • CRM-10156 Cannot turn off or edit confirmation emails when registering participants via Manage Events
  • CRM-10157 class-based API is making incorrect assumptions about a global variable
  • CRM-10158 Search Members fails with some options (only with multilingual enable)
  • CRM-10159 is_pay_later-field don't exist unless a payment processer is defined
  • CRM-10160 Send Scheduled Reminders Job Failing
  • CRM-10161 Unable to delete a shared address
  • CRM-10162 Error message in CRM_Core_Smarty::__construct() using $smarty instead of $this
  • CRM-10163 CiviCRM Views does not call custom views handler for custom data fields
  • CRM-10164 Clean up event registration code
  • CRM-10165 IDs is disabled for civicrm/ajax/rest
  • CRM-10166 Throttling timeout wrong between geocoding requests.
  • CRM-10167 CiviCRM misses to recognize drupal's sites.php
  • CRM-10168 In "Event Income Report (Detail) cannot change parameters (i.e. Event Title) in order to run a report.
  • CRM-10169 custom reply to settings not respected
  • CRM-10170 The Date input field time does not accept 24h setting.
  • CRM-10171 Better detect the config dir in Drupal installations.
  • CRM-10172 Unsubscribe and opt-out token URLs are mis-formatted when used in WordPress CiviMail messages and point to admin site instead of front-end
  • CRM-10173 When you have multiple modules that use hook_civicrm_validate, only one of the hooks works
  • CRM-10174 Renewal of membership loses a day
  • CRM-10175 Cannot install 4.1.2 under Drupal and IIS
  • CRM-10176 Allow customization of civicrm.config.php
  • CRM-10177 Fatal error upgrading from 2.2.9 to 4.1.2
  • CRM-10178 Save and Preview Contribution Widget Fails
  • CRM-10179 Inconsistency in return from ("GroupContact", "create")
  • CRM-10180 Syntax checker found what looks like BUG
  • CRM-10181 D6 upgrade to 4.2 fails if upgrading from 3.4 (no settings table)
  • CRM-10182 dedupe check on new individual screen is broken
  • CRM-10183 Cron.php not sending scheduled mails
  • CRM-10184 Social networking is not fully using SSL giving browser warning
  • CRM-10185 When State field is required in a profile, and a Country is selected that has no states, form can never be submitted
  • CRM-10186 Error Message is displayed to donor using online contribution page if "Pay Later" option is turned off
  • CRM-10187 Merge same address on export broken when user selects fields (instead of exporting primary fields)
  • CRM-10188 Error Message is displayed to donor using online contribution page
  • CRM-10189 Contact created/updated/deleted event not firing
  • CRM-10190 Search Results not shown according to Search Criteria when CiviCase records are searched via Search Builder.
  • CRM-10191 Error Message from online contribution page for recurring contribution
  • CRM-10192 Optimize number of queries used during contact view/edit/save
  • CRM-10193 civicrm-sql-* drush commands should function without a populated database
  • CRM-10194 Issue with join on new membershipcontribution report
  • CRM-10195 "DB Error: no such field" when View Contact
  • CRM-10196 Case Detail Report pop-up with case detail does not have activities listed
  • CRM-10197 Suggested PHP for API call is wrong.
  • CRM-10198 Case Status search Results not shown according to Search Criteria when searched via Search Builder.
  • CRM-10199 "Process Inbound Emails" doesn't work - Patch attached
  • CRM-10200 Can't save Custom PHP / Template directory
  • CRM-10201 Token replacement issues in membership reminder email
  • CRM-10202 CiviGroup Roles Sync does not sync roles to groups
  • CRM-10203 Patch for: Fatal error: Class 'CRM_Core_DAO_Address' not found in /var/www/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Core/BAO/Block.php(368) : eval()'d code on line 1
  • CRM-10204 Files Missing in civicrm-4.1.2-drupal.tar.gz file
  • CRM-10205 CiviCRM returns all events when asking for events based on their title.
  • CRM-10206 View-only custom field can't be set by APIv3
  • CRM-10207 Pledge amount field missing on pledge add page
  • CRM-10208 Saving dedupe rule causes error - cannot find Class
  • CRM-10209 Incorrect return for APIs on entity Membership
  • CRM-10210 API 'get' not working with international characters
  • CRM-10211 groups with line breaks in the description break group listing display
  • CRM-10212 Error on creating new civicrm member role sync
  • CRM-10213 Enable/disable a line twice does reload the page
  • CRM-10214 error on failed transactions when no membership -
  • CRM-10215 Create ability for API to return erro_codes
  • CRM-10216 Simplification of CRM_Utils_String::stripSpaces
  • CRM-10217 Fix E_STRICT warnings generated by static calls to non-static methods.
  • CRM-10218 Grant API doesn't create custom fields
  • CRM-10219 Add support for memcached
  • CRM-10220 Consolidated cron fails to run
  • CRM-10221 Improve parameter passing for CRM_Utils_Weight::*
  • CRM-10222 remove deprecated function civicrm_api3_files_by_entity_get from API
  • CRM-10223 Allow backoffice entry of membershps paid by different contact
  • CRM-10224 Job Form uses deprecated api functions
  • CRM-10225 New Price Set Error
  • CRM-10226 Can't expand "Report Criteria" or "Report Settings" sections of Event Particpant Report (dup of CRM-9195?)
  • CRM-10227 Use HTMLPurify to store filtered validated HTML in the DB
  • CRM-10228 Fix include/exclude search unit test and misc.
  • CRM-10229 getCount improvement for api
  • CRM-10230 Custom fields with limited length not validated
  • CRM-10231 (Patch) civicrm_og_sync not backported for Drupal 6
  • CRM-10232 Sending Testmail to empty Group is loading an empty page
  • CRM-10233 Undefined index: CiviReport in CRM_Admin_Page_Admin->run()
  • CRM-10235 An ipn call doesn't complete
  • CRM-10236 Auto renew membership option not available for online signups
  • CRM-10237 Expose contribution details in membership detail report
  • CRM-10238 API truncates address.street_number_suffix when longer than db length rather than returning error
  • CRM-10239 Automated test picked up some inconsistencies on return in api WRT unique fields
  • CRM-10240 Add sections with subtotals to contribution detail report
  • CRM-10241 help text for events priceset field options displayed on non-events priceset field options form
  • CRM-10242 Personal Campaign Page - Photo not Showing [WordPress Plugin]
  • CRM-10243 Line item entries are not made for offline membership renewals
  • CRM-10244 Activities tab empty and showing "Processing" when an activity subject contains tab, newline or vertical tab
  • CRM-10245 Up and down icons for Membership Type listing not showing on
  • CRM-10246 Fix validation errors
  • CRM-10247 Referencing non-existent contact cid in Contact Summary URL should redirect to CiviCRM home page
  • CRM-10248 Catch failure to download/extract extension
  • CRM-10249 Shared IPN facility for payment processor extensions
  • CRM-10250 Memcache breaks translation
  • CRM-10251 Events will not save
  • CRM-10252 E-Notices - logging em
  • CRM-10253 Price set upgrade fails with dataset
  • CRM-10254 Dynamic Report Column Sorting
  • CRM-10255 Credit Card Expires field shows on Confirmation when using PayPal Pro
  • CRM-10256 Deleted Contacts included in Reports
  • CRM-10257 CiviCRM Events administration pages' urls are inconsistent
  • CRM-10258 Received Date and Receipt Date not saved to contribution record on back-office membership renewals
  • CRM-10259 (Patch) Inconsistent CiviCRM Links on Drupal User page
  • CRM-10260 "(Incomplete Transaction)" text in the Contributions List is not translated
  • CRM-10261 FATAL : API v2 not accessible from ajax/REST popup thrown while using Share Address With Section during creation/editing of contact
  • CRM-10262 Load debug options from civicrm_setting
  • CRM-10263 Copy event redirects to wrong URL after copying
  • CRM-10264 Add a api job to clean up cache and temp tables on a periodic basis
  • CRM-10265 Autocomplete for Parent Event Not Populating
  • CRM-10266 Contact reference custom field doesn't work tied to an event type
  • CRM-10267 Event-type specific custom participant data fields are not loaded on backoffice participant form if the event is NOT a paid event
  • CRM-10268 Cannot create surveys: DB Error: can not create table
  • CRM-10269 Permissions for viewing the associated drupal ID on a contact record
  • CRM-10270 Joomla API Explorer fix
  • CRM-10271 Sorry. A non-recoverable error has occurred. Unknown codebase version.
  • CRM-10272 Contribution DB Error
  • CRM-10273 Contribution Page DB Error
  • CRM-10274 civicrm_member_roles_sync_user breaks with Drupal membership-based integration
  • CRM-10275 renewal date for fixed term membership is set to roll over date
  • CRM-10276 Make sure Twitter and Facebook URLs use SSL when the page is already using SSL
  • CRM-10277 CIVICRM_ACTIVITY_ASSIGNEE_MAIL ignored since 4.1 results in unsolicited mail
  • CRM-10278 Upgrade process (batch) doesn't provide a useful error message
  • CRM-10279 Drilling down on case dashboard cells ignores My Cases setting.
  • CRM-10280 Provide more functionality in extended class for presenting address from second contact
  • CRM-10281 equals bug in CRM/Core/Payment/FirstData.php
  • CRM-10282 Cannot format dates in email templates using Smarty
  • CRM-10283 Word Replacement Tool will not find and replace some page labels in CiviReports
  • CRM-10284 DB Error: already exists
  • CRM-10285 Allow contact's birthdate in views to be customisable, sortable, filterable, etc.
  • CRM-10286 Honor contact creation no longer works on Contribution form
  • CRM-10287 Address post hook passes out an array rather than an object like other post hooks
  • CRM-10288 End Date wrongly calculated on renewal for fixed period memberships
  • CRM-10289 Membership amount not getting displayed on Confirm and Thank You page of a contribution.
  • CRM-10290 Expose report filters inside change log tab
  • CRM-10291 Pre-fill in autocomplete contact reference fields includes deleted contacts
  • CRM-10292 Use of Household Records
  • CRM-10293 Change 'sorry non recoverable error' text to something nicer
  • CRM-10294 Add deprecated warning on Membership Types page and process memberships scheduled job
  • CRM-10295 Redundant line item and contribution created for seperate membership payment
  • CRM-10296 Remove deprecated membership renewal reminder functionality
  • CRM-10297 Support for multiple payment processors - need to update api
  • CRM-10298 upgrade failure to 4.2 - deleted events+ pricesets
  • CRM-10299 Create distributon package to support drupal + civicrm starter kit project
  • CRM-10300 WP Integration - Resource URLs Force Secure URLs (SSL) renders server unresponsive
  • CRM-10301 Allow event administrators to promote events via Facebook
  • CRM-10302 Contributing On-Behalf of an organization - profile loses State/Province selection if Country is not US
  • CRM-10303 rich text notes fields don't display on contact sub types
  • CRM-10304 Notice errors when buying membership
  • CRM-10305 Fatal Error when deleting Organic Group
  • CRM-10306 Notice error on priceset preview
  • CRM-10307 font on Go Back button
  • CRM-10308 Duplicates in CiviPetition signatures cause errors
  • CRM-10309 "Manage - Scheduled Jobs" Edit Screen API Entity Field only sets current value if it is "Job"
  • CRM-10310 Download Links Point to Older Versions
  • CRM-10311 CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::getcontactTypes returns subtype bounded by "\x01" delimeters
  • CRM-10312 Improve inline documentation for regional translation inheritance
  • CRM-10313 gender options not translatable
  • CRM-10314 tags and groups not translatable
  • CRM-10315 Communication Preferences list not translatable
  • CRM-10316 ParticipantListCount Report should provide option to include phone number
  • CRM-10317 Add sensible defaults/spec for UFGroup create api
  • CRM-10318 Merge Contacts task (from search results) is checking for 'administer CiviCRM' permission. Should check for 'merge duplicate contacts' permission.
  • CRM-10319 Drupal 6 / CiviCRM 4.1.2 package fatal error using 'drush civicrm-update-cfg'
  • CRM-10320 Improve placement of description for field descriptions
  • CRM-10321 Expose UI to set "default" mail account (or remove "default" label)
  • CRM-10322 Unable to install locally available extension if download unavailable
  • CRM-10323 civicrm_cache.created_date is using 12H time
  • CRM-10324 Inappropriate validation error on membership page
  • CRM-10325 Updated for 4.1.2 - Need option to Disllow Registering a Different Person
  • CRM-10326 Extraneous civicrm_price_set_entity rows created when submitting online contribution / membership signups
  • CRM-10327 Drupal views: Participant relationships using incorrect id fields
  • CRM-10328 notice error
  • CRM-10329 Allow usage of a profile for honor contact in Contribution forms
  • CRM-10330 (patch) Make civicrm_group available to Views as a base table
  • CRM-10331 group_id parameter ignored in API for GroupContact
  • CRM-10332 Export contacts truncates fields over 64chars ling
  • CRM-10333 Engagement Index field not available for profiles
  • CRM-10334 Can't view mailing in browser in WordPress
  • CRM-10335 Add index to civicrm_cache for improved cleanup times
  • CRM-10336 Merged address record data when switching from manual address to "Share With" address
  • CRM-10337 Petition custom thank-you and bypass confirmation
  • CRM-10338 unable to search null tags in search builder
  • CRM-10339 Implement archival facility for CiviMail
  • CRM-10340 Constituent Report (Detail) shows deleted relationships
  • CRM-10341 Backoffice participant registration total amount js
  • CRM-10342 Do not use Line Item layout when viewing default qc contributions
  • CRM-10343 missing extension causes fatal error on manage extensions page
  • CRM-10344 upgrade failure to 4.2 - deleted option value for events
  • CRM-10345 Put Line breaks in Edit Price Field
  • CRM-10346 prevent directory permission failure during the installation procedure
  • CRM-10347 Add Birth Date to both the Consituent Detail and Constituent Summary Reports
  • CRM-10348 Use default format for custom date fields on Constituent Detail and Summary Reports
  • CRM-10349 Membership status not updated by API
  • CRM-10350 price set membership receipt issues
  • CRM-10351 Re-occurence of Issue #9602
  • CRM-10352 Price set quick config On-line membership receipt format
  • CRM-10353 Editing two contributions in parallel in different tabs corrupts contribution data
  • CRM-10354 ARB name can be too long
  • CRM-10355 Webtest for petition custom thank-you and bypass confirmation
  • CRM-10356 price set quick receipt formats - online contributions
  • CRM-10357 Membership get api doing a nasty query if contact_id is empty
  • CRM-10358 separate payment No thank you to notice errors, spurious additional contribution
  • CRM-10359 notice error
  • CRM-10360 Hook doesn't run with v3 API extern REST interface
  • CRM-10361 Trailing Slash in Extensions Directory stops Installs
  • CRM-10362 Demo shows up partially in spanish and some english
  • CRM-10363 batch update via profile broken in chromium for checkboxes
  • CRM-10364 Notices when editing and saving price set field which has price value options
  • CRM-10365 Improve pop-up help when importing event participants
  • CRM-10366 Make Cvv required (backoffice) configurable at the site level
  • CRM-10367 Date formatting of %A is incorrect
  • CRM-10368 Contact's contributions tab has no pager, only first page is shown other contributions are not accessible
  • CRM-10369 Unable to view extensions page after attempting to uninstall extension in use
  • CRM-10370 recurring membership via priceset breaks with non-recurring types present
  • CRM-10371 CiviCampaign Improvements
  • CRM-10372 Add button/link to Survey Report (Detail) from Reserve Respondents screen
  • CRM-10373 Add Date and Amount of last contribution to Survey Detail
  • CRM-10374 printing bios
  • CRM-10375 backoffice membership receipt should go to the payer if different
  • CRM-10376 payment_instrument_id ignored while updating a contribution
  • CRM-10377 backoffice payment by alternate member not showing for credit card payments
  • CRM-10378 Use version_compare() for extension version comparison
  • CRM-10379 Search is too liberal with diacritics
  • CRM-10380 Create User task not working -
  • CRM-10381 Ability to have another payer for backoffice memberships not on renewals
  • CRM-10382 missing API error
  • CRM-10383 Ability to change 'Referenced by' relationship 'Contact Type A' and 'B'.
  • CRM-10384 Fix Reminder Date
  • CRM-10385 Current Employer - Relationship Add
  • CRM-10386 Missing Date Received Field during Offline Renewal of Membership
  • CRM-10387 "Share with" contact info expansion
  • CRM-10388 IE9 compatibility
  • CRM-10389 Deleting/Archiving Mailings doesn't work
  • CRM-10390 form rule for membership price set when using auto-renewal option
  • CRM-10391 Patch to add Manual Sync option to civicrm_group_roles as batch process
  • CRM-10392 Multiple 'To' addresses in Report Settings causes malformed To: header in outbound email
  • CRM-10393 Drush command option parsing broken
  • CRM-10394 Update infile docs for bin/
  • CRM-10395 Call payment processor's checkConfig method on initial configuration
  • CRM-10396 Payment options not visible on contribute pages (processor specific?)
  • CRM-10397 Pay Later improvements
  • CRM-10398 Implement WYSIWYG for CiviEvent Mailings
  • CRM-10399 In Contributions, "in Memory of" - system puts soft credit to wrong contact if there is more than 1 contact with same name
  • CRM-10400 Cannot re-order membership types using arros
  • CRM-10401 Phone Numbers entered on profile during contribution are not stored
  • CRM-10402 Wrong calculated membership end date with import from csv-file
  • CRM-10403 contribution_note ignored while creating new contribution
  • CRM-10404 Date type missmatch
  • CRM-10405 payment_instrument_id ignored while retrieving a contribution
  • CRM-10406 Sorry but we are not able to provide this at the moment One of parameters (value: ) is not of the type Integer
  • CRM-10407 Undefined offset: 13 in CRM_Contribute_Import_Form_MapField->postProcess()
  • CRM-10408 Undefined index in CRM_Core_BAO_CustomValue::fixFieldValueOfTypeMemo()
  • CRM-10409 Membership cost not included in total
  • CRM-10410 notice errors
  • CRM-10411 backoffice membership notice issues
  • CRM-10412 Notice errors after initial save of discount set
  • CRM-10413 deleting multiple contacts permanently from search screen results in require_once error
  • CRM-10414 return-path overrides from prematurely
  • CRM-10415 Line breaks in TabHeader.tpl comes out wrong
  • CRM-10416 eNotice in API
  • CRM-10417 Verify 4.2 message templates for tarball and upgrade
  • CRM-10418 On Membership Search Results, put line break in Auto-renew column title
  • CRM-10419 Implement configurable plugins for database caching
  • CRM-10420 Event locations should have some kind of order, such as alphabetical
  • CRM-10421 API not returning requested number of results
  • CRM-10422 Add users to Organic Groups using correct function call
  • CRM-10423 Dedupe rules title error on multilingual installs
  • CRM-10424 Price set upgrade queries not multilingual compatible
  • CRM-10425 Test pricesets on a bilingual en_US fr_CA install, and a unilingual fr_FR install
  • CRM-10426 Facebook Like button cutting off ID of contribution page
  • CRM-10427 CiviReport - date fields not being aliased in 'where'
  • CRM-10428 E notice on email create
  • CRM-10429 Errors using city/suburb, zip/postcode fields in Drupal views
  • CRM-10430 Add warning during upgrade about reverting system workflow message templates to default versions
  • CRM-10431 some regular expression strings were broken by coder module formatting
  • CRM-10432 duplicate email fields in Cart checkout
  • CRM-10433 import fails when updating on duplicate, adding to group, and multiple duplicates exist
  • CRM-10434 Event discounts with quick config price-sets not handled on event info page
  • CRM-10435 Batch Update Contributions via Profile cannot "copy down" values when a date field is present
  • CRM-10436 Incorrect contribution receipt format for online contribution in separate membership payment configuration
  • CRM-10437 Dashboard Renew link missing if one of the membership payments is offline
  • CRM-10438 Membership block not working properly for quick config online contribution pages
  • CRM-10439 API explorer doesn't work in Wordpress
  • CRM-10440 Incorrect menu item height on Chrome in Chinese language
  • CRM-10441 Views integration: wrong join fields used for target contact and source record
  • CRM-10442 Not possible to unset a defaut fee level for an event
  • CRM-10443 customPost profile passes array instead of id to filterUFGroups
  • CRM-10444 CiviCRM Settings can only be overloaded if they are scalars
  • CRM-10445 Fix broken image in sample civimail message template
  • CRM-10446 Drupal views: relationship type a-b empty
  • CRM-10447 Drupal views: Activity assignee relationship joins on incorrect column
  • CRM-10448 Drupal views: Remove duplicate relationship on source_record_id
  • CRM-10449 Custom fields not returned if "CiviCRM: administer CiviCRM" not granted for drupal user
  • CRM-10450 Event Participant List report returns db error when custom Contact Reference fields are used.
  • CRM-10451 new BAO is_primary handling (affects api location calls) doesn't work right when set to 0
  • CRM-10452 The details showing the price set line items details on contribution view page under the contribution amount section missing
  • CRM-10453 Enable Civicase in an multi-language site with no sample data gives a fatal DB error
  • CRM-10454 Implement inline edit for address block on contact summary screen
  • CRM-10455 Euro sign not displaying in CiviReport pdf export
  • CRM-10456 Custom Field (File)
  • CRM-10457 Drupal views: Allow civicrm users to be filtered by domain id
  • CRM-10458 Move inline form help in address block into help icons
  • CRM-10459 Implement UI for Flexible Payments
  • CRM-10460 Online membership + additional contribution not working properly. Membership payment not recorded.
  • CRM-10461 Views doesn't default to showing Activities, Contributions, Events, Campaigns
  • CRM-10462 in automated messages, {subscribe.url} remains unsubstituted
  • CRM-10463 Updating contribution note via API creates duplicate notes
  • CRM-10464 Fix notices and undefined variables in PCP BAO
  • CRM-10465 Contribution ID not availble to backoffice receipts (or at least inconsistently)
  • CRM-10466 hook_civicrm_tokenValues not called for new email activity with no contact.* tokens
  • CRM-10467 Errors in Wordpress Profile Notifications
  • CRM-10468 Changing payment from pending to complete increments membership end date by one period incorrectly when renewing
  • CRM-10469 Drupal views: Call construct() in custom and pseudo_constant handlers
  • CRM-10470 Problem with automated recurring contributions and "pay later"
  • CRM-10471 Drupal views: Filter civicrm contacts by current domain
  • CRM-10472 Extend Contact import to allow custom address fields
  • CRM-10473 CiviCRM lack of Ningxia Autonomous Region in China's provincial-level administrative divisions.
  • CRM-10474 User warning on permissions when submitting step 2 of creating a personal campaign page
  • CRM-10475 Restrict Deletion of contact for Domain owner
  • CRM-10476 Return-path double, set incorrectly in mass mailings
  • CRM-10477 Upgrades trample extension-module data
  • CRM-10478 Find Pledges Type
  • CRM-10479 Changelog not updated when editing contact via quick update
  • CRM-10480 Event Income Report (Detail) Filter by event ids no longer works in 4.1+
  • CRM-10481 Allow multiple records for inline custom sets
  • CRM-10482 Mark domain contact record clearly in contact summary and edit screens
  • CRM-10483 Move api_include function
  • CRM-10484 On the Mailing report pages, custom reply-to address display format is broken
  • CRM-10485 Bounce email not working
  • CRM-10486 Registration Date Search Broken in Search Builder
  • CRM-10487 search task: mark communication preferences
  • CRM-10488 Improve the Caching interface and clean up code
  • CRM-10489 Activity import gives "no matching contact" error when matching on Email
  • CRM-10490 Illegal XML returned by REST
  • CRM-10491 Fix Joomla CRON Issues
  • CRM-10492 Search results doen't show the correct number of contacts
  • CRM-10493 Make all api v2 calls in core call v2 explicitly & remove v2 support from wrapper
  • CRM-10494 remove core-error error handling from api
  • CRM-10495 api is current filter relying on SQL connection time
  • CRM-10496 Drupal views: Make format filter configuration in civicrm_handler_field_markup
  • CRM-10497 Drupal views: Change handler for activity details field to civicrm_handler_field_markup
  • CRM-10498 Expose Send SMS option / functionality to other places
  • CRM-10499 Saving multiple choice options does not return properly
  • CRM-10500 Method for checking $_SERVER['HTTPS'] not compatible with nginx/1.1.19
  • CRM-10501 member pricesets with total contribution of zero not processed
  • CRM-10502 Civi Version 4.1 - Search Builder - DB Error: syntax error when querying Individual email
  • CRM-10503 Receipt sent to wrong email address
  • CRM-10504 CiviMailer permalink permission denied in Joomla 2.5
  • CRM-10505 improve validation for REST
  • CRM-10506 CiviMail HTML font format changes when in Preview pane and sent out (received by contacts)
  • CRM-10507 Cancelled mailing still sent
  • CRM-10508 On behalf of contributions require cookies
  • CRM-10509 Suggestion for addresses on sites with multiple countries enabled
  • CRM-10510 Membership acitivity not getting created when assigning a membership to contact through backend
  • CRM-10511 Schedule Reminders missing from Manage Events Dasboard
  • CRM-10512 "Additional Group for Export" ignores ACL
  • CRM-10513 Clear out scheduled job log
  • CRM-10514 Space before punctuation in social network template
  • CRM-10515 add overlay when form loads during inline edit
  • CRM-10516 WordPress HTML Snippet points to admin page
  • CRM-10517 Logo for Wordpress Admin Menu
  • CRM-10518 Birthday custom search
  • CRM-10519 DB : Syntax Error while adding a group by selecting a parent
  • CRM-10520 PCP title and Welcome text will not appear once we edit the Personal Campaign Page
  • CRM-10521 RichTextEditor is not showing on Organization Subtype - Custom Data
  • CRM-10522 break civireport order by function into 2 parts
  • CRM-10523 Editing an existing pledge payment incorrectly changes other pledge payments
  • CRM-10524 crmAutocomplete doesn't accept custom url
  • CRM-10525 If user belongs to group sync to Drupal role, non-recoverable error on login or when adding to a group
  • CRM-10526 Participant Listing on Internet but Event option set to disabled
  • CRM-10527 Add CC and Add Bcc in registration confirmation is not working
  • CRM-10528 tests identified e-notice when member is updated & type id not set
  • CRM-10529 pseudoconstant membership type persists after cache is flushed + membership test fixes
  • CRM-10530 Create Personal Campaign feature generates Error in Joomla!
  • CRM-10531 Case API - tests show it's not returning a correctly formatted array
  • CRM-10532 ClassLoader should work automatically with external scripts
  • CRM-10533 Relative links in some reports
  • CRM-10534 Inline editing breaks after creating first address or phone number
  • CRM-10535 CiviCRM should download extension XML from Drupal site
  • CRM-10536 Inline editing should work with websites, IMs, OpenIDs, & source
  • CRM-10537 calls to undefined function db_fetch_object in d7 tarball
  • CRM-10538 Record Renewal Payment - NaN(Not a Number).
  • CRM-10539 multisite module is allowing people to view other people's dashboards
  • CRM-10540 Add option to API to retrieve templates
  • CRM-10541 civicrm_member_roles module regression
  • CRM-10542 activity copy: allow 0 values for custom fields
  • CRM-10543 Consistently enable or disable extension-modules across all domains
  • CRM-10544 Remove hard coded reference for event reminders
  • CRM-10545 Multilingual upgrade breaks for v3.3.6 -> v4.2.beta1 upgrade when it tries to make some fields monolingual
  • CRM-10546 Mass Email from Search Results - Save & continue, Members of search results
  • CRM-10547 Advanced Search Now Works For Multiple Counties
  • CRM-10548 Norwegian states in CiviCRM database are spelled wrong
  • CRM-10549 Add IS EMPTY / IS NOT EMPTY to search builder
  • CRM-10550 Mail sender job should give meaningful error when it doesn't work due to permissions
  • CRM-10551 Unable to delete phone/email/etc using profiles
  • CRM-10552 Email address validation disallows domains with two dashes in a row
  • CRM-10553 Implement contact-locking
  • CRM-10554 Implement coarse-grained contact timestamps
  • CRM-10555 Enforce lock-stealing by default
  • CRM-10556 Update API to support lock operations
  • CRM-10557 Update API to conditionally enforce locks on contact and child entities
  • CRM-10558 Implement jQuery countdown widget
  • CRM-10559 Update "Edit Contact" to support locking
  • CRM-10560 Update "View Contact - Inline Editing" to support locking
  • CRM-10561 Update permissions to include "steal CiviCRM lock"
  • CRM-10562 Pay later text appears more than once in event receipts
  • CRM-10563 Information from profiles is not being recorded by a contribution page
  • CRM-10564 Wrong count active membership with custom membership status
  • CRM-10565 javascript internationalized strings not always escaped
  • CRM-10566 Clearing a selection within Search Builder
  • CRM-10567 Search Builder Improvements
  • CRM-10568 PayPal Standard Recurring payments notifications not sent
  • CRM-10569 Confirmation to delete petition signature asks if you are sure you want to delete the petition.
  • CRM-10570 Diagnose/fix a priceset upgrade issue
  • CRM-10571 Allow users to capitalize (or other case functions) fields in mailing labels
  • CRM-10572 Contribution shortcode does not set test-drive mode
  • CRM-10573 Improve UI for component search forms and advanced search
  • CRM-10574 payflow extension xml file has missing opening tag
  • CRM-10575 allow site administrators to modify PUBLIC_EXTENSIONS_REPOSITORY via configuration
  • CRM-10576 Warning in BaseIPN.php
  • CRM-10577 On Behalf of Profile Loses County Data
  • CRM-10578 e-notice on grant api - on creating recent
  • CRM-10579 "View Contact" screen shifts up and down when mousing over some blocks
  • CRM-10580 CLONE - Shortcode Pages in Wordpress misdirect on error
  • CRM-10581 Edit of communication preferences makes other blocks stale
  • CRM-10582 Warnings when clicking "Previous" on "New Mass SMS"
  • CRM-10583 Using "Go Back" on Paypal Express breaks contribution form
  • CRM-10584 Remove unused fields from send sms form and not really required parameters from post-data. Wiki doc adding a sms provider.
  • CRM-10585 Fixed membership types with monthly duration - support rollover day
  • CRM-10586 Contribution Pages not processing
  • CRM-10587 The receipt received along with the confirmation email after user has submitted a contribution page is off bound the file
  • CRM-10588 The extension menu entry is in the wrong place
  • CRM-10589 NumAttachments should respect the total number of attachments attached to an object
  • CRM-10590 Decluttering summary screen
  • CRM-10591 JIRA theme places header over text edit box on some mobile devices
  • CRM-10592 custom data table and column names can be set explicitly
  • CRM-10593 Allow modules to mix-in SCRIPTs, STYLEs, and markup
  • CRM-10594 A hover box to show "Update" details within Change Log Tab
  • CRM-10595 Activity attachments: allow deletion for single attachment
  • CRM-10596 Editors on CiviCRM administrator screen do not have wp-admin
  • CRM-10597 4.2 beta3 upgrade & multi-lingual: problem with triggers and option group labels
  • CRM-10598 improve query performance for recent case activities
  • CRM-10599 Custom field sets created for Activities of type Phonebank, Walklist, and Survey don't appear on Advanced Search page
  • CRM-10600 When recording survey response that's defined as a checkbox, response does not get saved in CiviCRM
  • CRM-10601 CiviEngage custom data definition file must be updated to match civicrm_option_group schema change (label is now title)
  • CRM-10602 When creating a Phonebank survey, you need to add the phone numbers in the profile to see it when recording responses, but doesn't appear on Survey report
  • CRM-10603 read-only custom data field doesn't display
  • CRM-10604 DPS - fix merchant ref to be a bit more informative
  • CRM-10605 Current employer autocomplete field returns two empty records if employer does not exist
  • CRM-10606 dbLocale is not always initialized
  • CRM-10607 crmAutocomplete AJAX paths are hardcoded and do not work on Joomla
  • CRM-10608 4.1.x participant processor cron fails due to missing require once
  • CRM-10609 Datepicker not showing for front-end birth date
  • CRM-10610 Fatal error deleting IM's
  • CRM-10611 merging rec ords with contact sub types set results in error messages
  • CRM-10612 Upgrade glitches 4.2
  • CRM-10613 Price set error on upgrade - due to bad data
  • CRM-10614 Civi jQuery / Other jQuery conflicts
  • CRM-10615 Make it possible to file inbound & outbound emails on cases
  • CRM-10616 Searching on a campaign from the find members form results in fatal error
  • CRM-10617 Membership fields not available for export from advanced search
  • CRM-10618 Allow search builder to query on contact fields without having to specify contact type
  • CRM-10619 CiviEvent 3.4.5 copying an event does not purge permissions cache
  • CRM-10620 Implement updateCMSName in WP integratio code
  • CRM-10621 Report menu, it's growing...
  • CRM-10622 Group By rows missing for some membership statuses on Summary report
  • CRM-10623 JS Module Design
  • CRM-10624 Event Registration with additional participants enabled and including profile with drupal user account required not working
  • CRM-10625 Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in CRM\Contribute\Form\Contribution\Main.php on line 1198
  • CRM-10626 CiviCRM multi site doesn't pull in Directory and URL settings specific to the domain
  • CRM-10627 Quick search: allow admin to configure the results limit
  • CRM-10628 Make URL's into non-changeable ones
  • CRM-10629 Update directory/URL convention for extensions
  • CRM-10630 Extension download fails with github .zip
  • CRM-10631 Failure getting more than the first available remote extension from
  • CRM-10632 Centralize in-place editing code
  • CRM-10633 CIVICRM_SITE_KEY not generated properly during installation
  • CRM-10634 Class 'calendar_plugin_row_node' depreciated in drupal calendar module - causes white screen
  • CRM-10635 Provide a way to see all child groups within a parent group
  • CRM-10636 Sample data - where should cheque # go?
  • CRM-10637 Prevent upgrades for installs with logging feature enabled
  • CRM-10638 Facebook "like" in CiviEvent uses iCal icon
  • CRM-10639 edit admin-only price set fields from dashboard and ParticipantListCount report
  • CRM-10640 Fatal parser error on CSV import
  • CRM-10641 In 4.2.alpha1.mysql.tpl , option value and weight for 'BULK SMS' activity type is set to max_wt (maximum weight) rather than max_wt + 1
  • CRM-10642 Facebook 'like' button broken on petition
  • CRM-10643 By default disable OpenID block for fresh installs
  • CRM-10644 Remove incorrect help text from profile #1
  • CRM-10645 price sets on front end contribution pages don't display correctly for extension processors
  • CRM-10646 Error messages on contribute page submit for IPN style processors (with no payment fields on the form)
  • CRM-10647 Payment express processor broken by schema change
  • CRM-10648 Validate plugin brakes edit in place
  • CRM-10649 Payment Processor Extensions not calling install() command
  • CRM-10650 Switch from GET to POST for ajax/rest API
  • CRM-10651 Tighter validation for KCFinder
  • CRM-10652 Allow contact's birthdate in views to be customisable, sortable, filterable, etc. (Drupal 6)
  • CRM-10653 Include / Exclude Custom Search is broken
  • CRM-10654 Views Integration should use native datetime handler instead of custom hack
  • CRM-10655 iCal feed shows HTML headers under Wordpress
  • CRM-10656 Expose contribution note to profiles
  • CRM-10657 Upgrade: Make sure FK exists before dropping
  • CRM-10658 Advanced Search returns group, but only half of 25 or 50 or 100 shown in pager...
  • CRM-10659 Command line use of cli.php fails with undefined dbCacheCleanup and undefined memCacheCleanup
  • CRM-10660 Allow modules to easily register reports, payprocs, and searches
  • CRM-10661 Allow secondary users to be added to group from CiviReport
  • CRM-10663 New relationship : create new contact dropdown is empty when relationship type allows any type of contact
  • CRM-10664 Inline edit improvements
  • CRM-10665 'Page not found' error message when upgrading due to bug in drupal/civicrm.module
  • CRM-10666 In-place edit contact name does not update greetings
  • CRM-10667 Users with ACLs & participant based smart groups cannot see groups on groups tab.
  • CRM-10668 drupal 6 permission class not up-to-date per d7
  • CRM-10669 custom data group can't accommodate large list of subtype options
  • CRM-10670 Drupal jQuery conflict
  • CRM-10671 Remove incomplete price set reports from 4.2 distribution
  • CRM-10672 Add Open and Clickthru info about Bulk Email Activities
  • CRM-10673 Require auto-renewal not working due to mis-named variables in MembershipBlock.tpl. Javascript errors thrown.
  • CRM-10674 New hook to provide Contact Advanced Search result modes
  • CRM-10675 Begin generalizing export mapping form to integrate into any pageflow
  • CRM-10676 View extension page shows license twice but not version
  • CRM-10677 civix issues
  • CRM-10678 CiviMail should consider successful deliveries and bounce count to put emails on hold
  • CRM-10679 Add LinkIn to Social Network icons
  • CRM-10680 Regression: Contact get API fails to recognize 'id' param
  • CRM-10681 Warnings thrown when API passes wrong params to create_success
  • CRM-10682 Let frontend WordPress pages use template other than home page
  • CRM-10683 provide an admin page that allows the admin to select which social network buttons to add.
  • CRM-10684 Relationship API "get" op doesn't return custom data if custom group extends specific relationship type
  • CRM-10685 CRM_Core_BAO_Tag::getTags ignores two of its params
  • CRM-10686 API Explorer not working if CiviCRM/Drupal is installed in web server sub directory
  • CRM-10687 Allow quicksearch by multiple fields
  • CRM-10688 Custom file upload does not work properly on Windows systems due to *nix-centric code in CustomField.php
  • CRM-10689 Relationship Report incorrectly includes inactive relationships
  • CRM-10690 joomla: ensure we don't reset include paths unnecessarily
  • CRM-10691 Can't edit custom data twice
  • CRM-10692 unable to override /CRM/Core/Utils.php from extension
  • CRM-10693 Standardize json response for AJAX page/form
  • CRM-10694 Default State/Province option
  • CRM-10695 typo in upgrade message
  • CRM-10696 Trigger rebuild leaves stale triggers
  • CRM-10697 system emails: TO does not include display name; BCC processed as TO
  • CRM-10698 Contact Subtype Doesn't Work in On Behalf Org Profile
  • CRM-10699 add hook_civicrm_alterMailParams; add support for custom email headers
  • CRM-10700 TRUNCATE is slow on some versions of Mysql InnoDB
  • CRM-10701 Contribution Search: tags/groups
  • CRM-10702 Priceset upgrade error - DB Error: already exists
  • CRM-10703 Fatal error: Class 'JDispatcher' not found in .../public_html/libraries/joomla/plugin/helper.php on line 180
  • CRM-10704 Gift Aid module fixes for Civi 4.2 under Drupal 6 and 7
  • CRM-10705 Navigation menu is blank after installing a new extension
  • CRM-10706 Add filter to exclude activities by activity type
  • CRM-10707 Long custom field names break Summary Tab UI
  • CRM-10708 Cannot edit any scheduled jobs
  • CRM-10709 Can't access drupal system table
  • CRM-10710 Layout wraps poorly when long custom field titles are used
  • CRM-10711 Confusing UI - being presented with option to share address with org with no address
  • CRM-10712 Make it easy to view case activity attachment
  • CRM-10713 When the price of an event is 0 the pay later option should be hidden and also the payment information
  • CRM-10714 Soft credit listings are not sorted in Contributions tab
  • CRM-10715 Review and refactor component import contact matching methods
  • CRM-10716 Upgrade should detect and throw error early on recommending schema correction if already broken
  • CRM-10717 Automated recurring contributions always sets amount as 1.00
  • CRM-10718 Find and merge duplicate contact doesn't work any more
  • CRM-10719 Address inline edit overwrites data when more than one address per location is created
  • CRM-10720 No validation when payment processor is null on automatic recurring contributions
  • CRM-10721 On Behalf of Profile for Memberships - data not saved
  • CRM-10722 Hide "skip/retry" buttons in upgrade for sites with debugging disabled
  • CRM-10723 hook_civicrm_managed leaves stale data
  • CRM-10724 Make upgrades log full sql errors
  • CRM-10725 Participant Role profile field displays as "Campaign"
  • CRM-10726 Display parent-child group hierarchy in group drop-down and checkbox widgets
  • CRM-10727 Workflow for Report > Save As ... button is confusing
  • CRM-10728 Utils/Hook.php Argument #1 is not an array in line 160 on contribution submission
  • CRM-10729 participant status is more useful than participant role in campaign profile
  • CRM-10730 Can't Import Phone Extension nor add to Profiles
  • CRM-10731 assignee_contact_id ignored during API get request
  • CRM-10732 Enforce is_primary field at db or dao level
  • CRM-10733 Recurring transaction XML doesn't escape ampersands
  • CRM-10734 Activity report - undefined index references deprecated property
  • CRM-10735 Some errors in AuthorizeNet.php are not displayed/reported
  • CRM-10736 Contact API broken if contact type labels are re-named
  • CRM-10737 CiviCase Will Not Enable on the Demo Site
  • CRM-10738 civicrm_msg_template field msg_html is limiting - bump please!
  • CRM-10739 CiviReport Custom Fields don't work if user has been granted access to some custom fields by ACL
  • CRM-10740 Javascript regressions
  • CRM-10741 Undefined index: group_type in views_handler_field->query()
  • CRM-10742 Realex payment gateway undefined index errors
  • CRM-10743 Add support for submitting "varref" and "comments" fields to Realex Payments
  • CRM-10744 Refine caching systems
  • CRM-10745 Regression in API call in civicrm_rules/
  • CRM-10746 Undefined variable notice when submitting a profile form
  • CRM-10747 Links to tags, groups, etc on dedupe pages are wrong
  • CRM-10748 Flexible time intervals on Logging Reports
  • CRM-10749 Initial Contribution "Save" sets amount to $1.00
  • CRM-10750 Deleted "home" from navigation menu -> edit menu screen doesn't work anymore
  • CRM-10751 bin/cli.class.php Incorrectly Parses CSV Headers
  • CRM-10752 Drush CiviCRM SQL Commands Broken
  • CRM-10753 Loading Group Contact Cache fails for Saved Search groups
  • CRM-10754 {subscribe.url} does not parse in Body Html
  • CRM-10755 views Fatal error: Call to a member function use_group_by() on a non-object
  • CRM-10756 Uncaught exceptions in 4.2 Drupal 6
  • CRM-10757 Editing CiviContribute membership page loses price set selection
  • CRM-10758 PHP Code/Filtered HTML/Full HTML setting disappears but is still in effect
  • CRM-10759 Upgrade failure from 4.1.5 to 4.2.0, multilingual system
  • CRM-10760 Use jQuery UI autocomplete instead of legacy autocomplete
  • CRM-10761 Payment Express module utilities functions incorrectly referenced
  • CRM-10762 hook_civicrm_post (civicrm_member_roles_civicrm_post) function is not called when the contact renews their membership through the contribution page
  • CRM-10763 Spurious copies of Events
  • CRM-10764 PayPal_Express Fails in Upgraded Site
  • CRM-10765 Better Error Reporting
  • CRM-10766 Log messages for queue processing are unpredictably dropped
  • CRM-10767 Social Media: new LinkedIn button sits over Facebook button's text
  • CRM-10768 Add ability to File an Email on Case
  • CRM-10769 PHP Notice: Undefined variable: value in bin/cli.class.php on line 176
  • CRM-10770 Inline Address Editing Allows User to Enter the Same Location Type for Multiple Addresses
  • CRM-10771 Multiple-record Custom Data Sets in Profiles
  • CRM-10772 Include more inline documentation for hooks
  • CRM-10773 Clean up legacy js functions
  • CRM-10774 "Confirm registration" link not working
  • CRM-10775 Membership fields are not submitting in online contribution/membership
  • CRM-10776 Membership Count on Contact Summary is showing all memberships instead of active memberships due to invalid query
  • CRM-10777 Forced SSL breaks mapping
  • CRM-10778 Scheduled job "Membership status processor" does not respect is_admin flag
  • CRM-10779 Location on existing events disapper
  • CRM-10780 Remove legacy Quest and Kabissa code
  • CRM-10781 civicrm_engage_civicrm_config initialises Smarty on every drupal page
  • CRM-10782 Transaction conflicts on membership cron
  • CRM-10783 Batch Dedupe hits OVER_QUERY_LIMIT error due to geocoding limits (?)
  • CRM-10784 API primary address handling is creating extraneous record in log tables
  • CRM-10785 pageRun hook and .extra.tpl files ignored by inline edit pages
  • CRM-10786 Add ability to query custom field options on api getfields
  • CRM-10787 Multisite error - DB Error: already exists
  • CRM-10788 Contact api doesn't end old employer relationship when switching current employer
  • CRM-10789 Search Tasks fail on custom searches
  • CRM-10790 Manage scheduled jobs :Given API command is not defined.
  • CRM-10791 Greetings aren't required on contact/edit form but should be
  • CRM-10792 Create new membership type fails with PHP 5.4
  • CRM-10793 Add params for title and type for system messages
  • CRM-10794 Remove old version of payment procedure(ClickAndPledge)
  • CRM-10795 Performance enhancement for tag deletion
  • CRM-10796 API Membership Type Create error
  • CRM-10797 Upgrade database from 4.1.2 to 4.2 Fails (Joomla)
  • CRM-10798 Upgrade should disable logging and triggers
  • CRM-10799 inline edit: allow phone_ext as sufficient data
  • CRM-10800 CiviMail open/click etc percentages
  • CRM-10801 Cancelling 'leave page' warning popup and saving data on current form / tab makes submission to the new form / tab user attempted to go to before cancelling the popup
  • CRM-10803 Record Payment from a Different Contact : checkbox has an ID that conflicts with another field
  • CRM-10804 Dedupe individuals in group return matches with both the original and the dupe not in the group
  • CRM-10805 dedupe individual does not update the target 'current employer' field
  • CRM-10806 Batch update by profile hard limited to 9 profile fields
  • CRM-10807 Provide "contribution type" filter for "Contribution Aggregate" custom search
  • CRM-10808 Campaign filter not available for Mailings in Adv Search but is on Scheduled Mailings etc
  • CRM-10809 Merge contact record of currently logged in user hangs
  • CRM-10810 Upgrade script results in multiple default dedupe rules for Individual-Strict and individual-Fuzzy
  • CRM-10811 SOAP auth fails on Drupal
  • CRM-10812 Cannot Edit some Contributions After 4.2 Upgrade
  • CRM-10813 Use dataTable in the pop-up screen that lists all the contacts selected for that task
  • CRM-10814 Custom Search without a "WHERE" clause fails when used as a smart group
  • CRM-10815 Greetings not populated when Community Profile form is submitted
  • CRM-10816 Custom search with "Distinct" fails when used as a smart group
  • CRM-10817 API fails to create line item record when creating contribution record
  • CRM-10818 'Confirm Contribution' button doesn't appear when pay_pal pro and pay_pal_express processors are enabled for the page
  • CRM-10819 Pressing back on Step 4 during mailing setup wipes uploaded content
  • CRM-10820 Re-implement optional Google Maps API Console key
  • CRM-10821 Improve collection of pingback statistics and add stats for enabled and disabled extensions
  • CRM-10822 Import custom address fields causes db constraint error
  • CRM-10823 Search batch action "Schedule/Send a Mass Mailing" shows "0 Recipients"
  • CRM-10824 Installer fails to detect disabled InnoDB support
  • CRM-10825 post installation links are wrong
  • CRM-10826 Add Many Available Columns to Several Different Reports
  • CRM-10827 Save contribution amounts page gives error "Please enter a valid money value (e.g. € 99.99)."
  • CRM-10828 Supporter Profile for PCP Creation Doesn't Enforce Required
  • CRM-10829 API fatal error when updating participant if custom data exists
  • CRM-10830 Facility to limit country and state dropdowns per instance
  • CRM-10831 Batch membership entry sends all membership contrib receipts to the first contact
  • CRM-10832 Empty data on custom data date/boolean import leads to silent drop of entire record, with solution
  • CRM-10833 Translate strings in javascript
  • CRM-10834 Case mismatch on custom data date/boolean import leads to silent drop of entire record
  • CRM-10835 Errors on contact import are often silently ignored
  • CRM-10836 No way to import 'deceased' boolean field for individual contact import.
  • CRM-10837 When enabling CiviCase there is an error
  • CRM-10838 PHP Notice due to $infoUrl not being passed into checkValidEvent()
  • CRM-10839 Inclusion of comma or dash in custom field label precludes match on import
  • CRM-10840 merge duplicates is failing to display the Drupal users
  • CRM-10841 Reports display default permission and not the one stored in DB or changed to
  • CRM-10842 Previous Next cache error in CiviEvent report dashlet
  • CRM-10843 Add generated files to .gitignore
  • CRM-10844 GenCode.php should set a timezone
  • CRM-10845 The PEAR error-handler incorrectly mixes static and dynamic scope.
  • CRM-10846 Replace deprecated mysql_escape_string() with addslashes()
  • CRM-10847 Do not report E_STRICT errors.
  • CRM-10848 CCRM 4.2.1 crashes when saving smart groups based on Include/Exclude Groups/Tags search
  • CRM-10849 Creating data groups for easier managing ACL's
  • CRM-10850 Fatal DB error breaks Civi for ACL-restricted users when ACLs target certain kinds of Smart Groups
  • CRM-10851 "Available for Dashboard" option for report settings doesn't remain checked
  • CRM-10852 KCFinder bug documented at
  • CRM-10853 Separate the Create, View and Edit permissions for profiles. This allows a high security setup for anonymous profile users.
  • CRM-10854 Configure contribution page: Amounts gives notice when saving form with more than one payment processor checked
  • CRM-10855 sort contact's groups naturally
  • CRM-10856 Sharing addresses between contacts leads to endless "Please Wait" screen
  • CRM-10857 API Contact get fails when search string contains apostrophe
  • CRM-10858 Create Price Set related API
  • CRM-10859 Rename Price BAO classes
  • CRM-10860 Improve default contribution pages
  • CRM-10861 Direct Debit Patches
  • CRM-10862 Migrate legacy system messages to new format
  • CRM-10863 Luxembourg needs another province, also called Luxembourg
  • CRM-10864 Implement API for installing extensions
  • CRM-10865 Creating a case fails immediatly.
  • CRM-10866 Data upgrade problem on price sets
  • CRM-10867 Export cases from Advanced Search when display results as Case
  • CRM-10868 CLONE - Fatal error when enabling CiviCase with multi-language enabled
  • CRM-10869 Drupal 7 checkGroupRole function passes params incorrectly
  • CRM-10870 New Date Range Search missing in CiviGrant component
  • CRM-10871 api filter function does not use db name for filtering
  • CRM-10872 When you import Activities the Source Contact ID import map is ignored
  • CRM-10873 Administrating the Navigation Menu - issues
  • CRM-10874 Activity Export - ability to export the contact name (display name?) of the Source Contact
  • CRM-10875 Matching contact check broken in trunk
  • CRM-10876 Scheduled job for activity reminders is failing
  • CRM-10877 Fix notices and jscript errors in Label Formats form
  • CRM-10878 crmReplace breaks validation markup
  • CRM-10879 Profile required field validation broken for
  • CRM-10880 Red STOP icon should be displayed next to address in contact summary and contact search results if Do Not Mail privacy setting is true for the contact
  • CRM-10881 Fix notices in Merge Contacts
  • CRM-10882 Fix notices in Batch Merge
  • CRM-10883 Remove dojo code
  • CRM-10884 Membership auto-renew options are not shown when multiple payment processors which support auto-renew are enabled for a contribution page
  • CRM-10885 Find and Merge Duplicate Contacts page - UI changes
  • CRM-10886 Allowing anonymous users to see and edit their existing Profile form data
  • CRM-10887 Accounting Integration branch syntax error
  • CRM-10888 jQuery validate support
  • CRM-10889 Misformated Receive Date on email and PDF when using Print or Email Contribution Receipts task from Find Contributions
  • CRM-10890 Migrate System Help to use new notifications
  • CRM-10891 Backoffice new contribution layout
  • CRM-10892 Default account type for banking fees should be Expenses, not cost of goods sold
  • CRM-10893 WordPress Access Control
  • CRM-10894 Make Lindsay happy - AKA make Group Type Searchable
  • CRM-10895 Financial Account fields
  • CRM-10896 Various Financial Account field issues
  • CRM-10897 Get survey respondent api is broken
  • CRM-10898 Some cases not being shown on contact Case tab selector
  • CRM-10899 make currencies_enabled option group title presentable
  • CRM-10900 New Membership default values
  • CRM-10901 Membership Batch Entry & Contribution Batch Entry profiles should not be exposed for "batch update via profile" actions
  • CRM-10902 Register New Participant error
  • CRM-10903 Billing address autofill often doesn't work to fill state
  • CRM-10904 file type fields aren't saved via inline edit
  • CRM-10905 inline edit fields layout issues
  • CRM-10906 Enhance query debug functionality
  • CRM-10907 Error Events > Register New Participant
  • CRM-10908 Ammend update action to be a pseudonym for create
  • CRM-10909 Create Sample Tax Extension
  • CRM-10910 Fix for various undefined variable errors.
  • CRM-10911 Batch merge looses list from session
  • CRM-10912 Use AND condition for contribution repeat report range amounts
  • CRM-10913 Partial Payment for Offline Event Registration
  • CRM-10914 Setting event fees without a payment processor specified -- errors
  • CRM-10915 Adding a tag results to an crmAlert (love it) but wrongly display "Array" were it used to be a message
  • CRM-10916 link cases classname mistype
  • CRM-10917 Activity report - "add to group" should add target contacts, not source
  • CRM-10918 remove link at top of search builder page
  • CRM-10919 Add Select to in place editing class
  • CRM-10920 Config object does not initialize properly on "empty" DB
  • CRM-10921 OptionValue API create doesn't work as update
  • CRM-10922 Allow extensions to run unit-tests
  • CRM-10923 postal code field is required on billing details forms
  • CRM-10924 Add data set for a second domain to the unit tests
  • CRM-10925 API and import fails to create line item record when creating participant record
  • CRM-10926 Default financial accounts, financial types
  • CRM-10927 In reports, linked reports going to highest id of report type specified
  • CRM-10928 Reverting to single language breaks CiviCRM
  • CRM-10929 Somewhat broken markup and context menu on contact search results
  • CRM-10930 Joomla Guest usergroup can't access CiviCRM
  • CRM-10931 IDS error for fresh install or empty DB - Exception: Please make sure the / folder is writable
  • CRM-10932 PCP setIsActive/sendStatusUpdate does not load page title & block ID if the PCP is an event type PCP
  • CRM-10933 Allow user to specify the detail report instance linked to from a summary report instance
  • CRM-10934 Giving a user CiviCRM: View Profile Permission gives them access to all records via URL manipulation
  • CRM-10935 Create new Core Permission - CiviCRM: Access own Contact or both "CiviCRM: View own Contact" and "CiviCRM: Edit own Contact"
  • CRM-10936 Payment completion (IPN) code fails when price sets enabled on contributions
  • CRM-10937 Multilingual bug on dedupe_group_rules table
  • CRM-10938 Filtering broken on Mailing Detail Report, Mailing Bounce Report, others?
  • CRM-10939 Advanced search not loading (recent commit to trunk )
  • CRM-10940 export fails with related record location-type fields when contact has no such relationships
  • CRM-10941 Properly Encode sms message
  • CRM-10942 CiviContribute doesn't give proper error if billing block is missing from contrib page, with suggested solution
  • CRM-10943 synchronizeUFMatch function improperly detecting conflicts
  • CRM-10944 Navigation and screen title adjustments for Financial Batch UI
  • CRM-10945 Make SMS callback handler also handle status-updates / callbacks in addition to inbounds / replies
  • CRM-10946 Error message needs updating for certain error on contribution page submission, with suggested solution
  • CRM-10947 Fix Notice re 'org_info' that is raised because of multisite permissioning
  • CRM-10948 fixAndStoreDirAndURL() is incorrect in multisite configurations
  • CRM-10949 Notice: Undefined variable: primaryID in CRM_Contact_Form_Inline_Email::formRule()
  • CRM-10950 print case report broken
  • CRM-10951 require activity email recipient type
  • CRM-10952 activity send email: better error handling
  • CRM-10953 duplicate activity type
  • CRM-10954 SQL error in scheduled job
  • CRM-10955 print search results "all" returns entire db
  • CRM-10956 Multi-lingual & CiviMail: Mailings (draft, unscheduled, archived) are all missing, cannot send new mailings
  • CRM-10957 Membership custom fields does not show the updated value in the email receipt
  • CRM-10958 CRM-8774 doesn't update module weight if userFramework is Drupal6
  • CRM-10959 tab spinners hang with IE8
  • CRM-10960 new relationship > new contact select option breaks in IE8/9
  • CRM-10961 custom searches don't "remember" records for use in tasks
  • CRM-10962 note comments are not accessible
  • CRM-10963 full text search: ensure details field is escaped
  • CRM-10964 Fatal error when editing a contribution linked to event registration
  • CRM-10965 Errors on contribution edit page if certain address types are disabled
  • CRM-10966 l10n: month/year label in credit card expiration fields are not localised
  • CRM-10967 fatal error when attempting to update a recurring contribution
  • CRM-10968 Mass SMS - Quick Fixes for 4.2
  • CRM-10969 Find Mass SMS Navigation and Form
  • CRM-10970 Dedupe/merge: prefix field is not merged
  • CRM-10971 Registering for an event with a waitlist yields fatal error
  • CRM-10972 Form validation is broken and credit card errors are not displayed to the user
  • CRM-10973 CRM_Contribute_Form_Task_PDFLetterCommon contains problem UPDATE for the receipt and thank you times
  • CRM-10974 Payment amount with a comma is recorded with wrong amount
  • CRM-10975 Notices on Groups tab when adding contact to a group
  • CRM-10976 Non-local date format used to display profile date fields on event confirm & thank you pages.
  • CRM-10977 Schedule or Send: one option does not deselect the other
  • CRM-10978 Description field on price field form doesn't exist
  • CRM-10979 Online event registration incorrectly storing custom participant data with wrong entity_id when contact has a subtype
  • CRM-10980 Rename activity type BULK SMS to Mass SMS
  • CRM-10981 SMS Activities shouldn't be created for 'short enough' SMS when there is a Bulk SMS validation error due to length of SMS
  • CRM-10982 We should standardise on Bulk SMS or Mass SMS - at the moment we use both
  • CRM-10983 custom field set displayed twice on register event Participant
  • CRM-10984 Standarise naming in UI for CiviMail mass mailings
  • CRM-10985 Refresh the "Send SMS" option in the Action menu when mobile phone added or removed via inline edit
  • CRM-10986 Rename Batches menu item and screens to Bulk Data Entry (preparation for introduction of Financial Transaction Batches in 4.3)
  • CRM-10987 Add optional parameters to CRM_Core_Transaction::addCallback
  • CRM-10988 CiviEvent: registering multiple participants using price set that has free and paid options fails
  • CRM-10989 Improperly escaped strings break js in some languages
  • CRM-10990 allow contact subtype field in profile selector
  • CRM-10991 Check English for Accounting Integration functionality
  • CRM-10992 Edit custom option value stops because of extraneous debug call, with solution
  • CRM-10993 Can't attach files in Grants after using custom fields
  • CRM-10994 $0 donations not allowed in CiviContribute import (but are for manual contribution entry)
  • CRM-10995 When an Event has a price set off line registration doesn't let you choose the From email address.
  • CRM-10996 Import contribution choking on certain errors, with suggested fix
  • CRM-10997 Billing address is not saved after submitting credit card contribution in the back office
  • CRM-10998 Re-selecting Send Immediately should clear the Schedule Mailing/SMS date and time fields
  • CRM-10999 "No thank you" in premium list should be configurable
  • CRM-11000 Name of payment processor is omitted from alert message
  • CRM-11001 custom search tpl missing toggleContactSelection function
  • CRM-11002 right click tag from search results leaves you stranded
  • CRM-11003 Permission denied when logging into a page with a block that uses a CiviCRM view handler
  • CRM-11004 include max file size in attachments panel
  • CRM-11005 previous day/week, etc. not displayed correctly in reports
  • CRM-11006 the new inline edit functions do not call post hook for email and phone
  • CRM-11007 Refactor financial batch to use Form_Search and dataTable widget, handle non-null from_account transactions
  • CRM-11008 Create appropriate sample accounting integration data
  • CRM-11009 remove inline css - mailing count status pane
  • CRM-11010 condition custom replyTo option correction
  • CRM-11011 Add Account Type to Financial Account browse
  • CRM-11012 PDF engine wkhtmltopdf does not use specified margins
  • CRM-11013 Add address standardization provider(s)
  • CRM-11014 Contribution amounts not saving without labels
  • CRM-11015 Find Activities and Advanced Search Fail For Certain Default Activities Without Tartget
  • CRM-11016 getfields not returning custom fields for activity (etc)
  • CRM-11017 Relationship type filter places joinn condition in wrong place
  • CRM-11018 Event discounts seems to have the wrong name and FK definition in the schema for an upgrade
  • CRM-11019 Ability to see the list of recepients of a mailing during setup
  • CRM-11020 Clarifications for Manage Extensions list
  • CRM-11021 saving custom search as smart group produces back trace
  • CRM-11022 batch update participants saves participant as "cancelled" when "no show" is selected if event fee is pending AND undefined var in BaseIPN.php
  • CRM-11023 Implement API method: civicrm_api('mailing', 'create')
  • CRM-11024 Wrong amount stored in line items during editing a contribution
  • CRM-11025 Scheduled Jobs/API Explorer don't recognize API files in custom php directory
  • CRM-11026 Quick QA Pass on Accounts Branch Pre-merge
  • CRM-11027 Move various settings from Config Object to settings table
  • CRM-11028 hook_civicrm_membershipTypeValues() not always called
  • CRM-11029 Undefined index ("first_name") error when registering additional CiviEvent participants
  • CRM-11030 Credit card information not correctly removed from cache table
  • CRM-11031 Receipts miss membership info in lineitems with Paypal Standard
  • CRM-11032 Fix membership type hier-select in Batch Update for Profiles
  • CRM-11033 Update Membership Type Using 'Batch Update Members Via Profile' action ,always Update Membership Type with membership_type_id 1
  • CRM-11034 Importing custom fields with Null breaks during call to deprecated api
  • CRM-11035 bad javascript for events with no payment processor installed
  • CRM-11036 Previous and Next navigation should persist after editing a contact
  • CRM-11037 Bulk Data Entry batch changes needed to work with Financial Transaction batches
  • CRM-11038 Send an Email activity fails with Tokens
  • CRM-11039 Fix notices when clicking Continue for an unsent Mass SMS
  • CRM-11040 add member with option "chose price set"
  • CRM-11041 Iteration bug in CRM_Core_Payment::handlePaymentMethod
  • CRM-11042 CRM_Core_Error::fatal triggering non-descriptive php exceptions in some cases
  • CRM-11043 CRM_Core_Error::fatal triggering a php exception when called from a payment extension
  • CRM-11044 CiviCRM adds employer relationship when none is selected.
  • CRM-11045 Load extensions from multiple directories
  • CRM-11046 bounce processing broken
  • CRM-11047 Remove "prefix" from "Schedule Jobs" UI
  • CRM-11048 Extension warning about ZipArchive appears too frequently
  • CRM-11049 Convert Some JOB api to use _spec functions so it is available to be queried
  • CRM-11050 CRM message generates an error message if CRM variable not defined
  • CRM-11051 File based cache
  • CRM-11052 'recent' CiviMails not visible on Multilingual site
  • CRM-11053 CSS error helptext name when creating mailing
  • CRM-11054 Native gettext: "money" is not correctly formatted
  • CRM-11055 Improve end-user error message when they attempt to register as a new user with an email that belongs to an existing user
  • CRM-11056 $civicrm_root not defined in civicrm.config.php
  • CRM-11058 Default userFrameworkResourceURL is set incorrectly for Joomla and WordPress when sample data is loaded
  • CRM-11059 Administration Console expand and collapse broken for multi-word group titles
  • CRM-11060 Ship a scheduled job for "send scheduled sms"
  • CRM-11061 pre/post hooks are not called during inline edit for email/phone
  • CRM-11062 Changing label for mobile phone-type breaks mass sms
  • CRM-11063 Civievent on Wordpress : event registration not possible when multiple user registration to an event
  • CRM-11064 External identifier does not work for full-text search
  • CRM-11065 Search Builder translates "Yes" into "No" on "Yes or No" (boolean) custom fields
  • CRM-11066 Better description for introducing depude rules
  • CRM-11067 Missing info from merging and depupe section of the book
  • CRM-11068 Display Smart Groups in contact's Groups tab listing
  • CRM-11069 Ability to delete an address in inline edit
  • CRM-11070 Attachments for Notes
  • CRM-11071 eNotice fixes Activity Repor
  • CRM-11072 Fix membership receipts to have same content in text and HTML format
  • CRM-11073 Joomla Civi Issue with Event form in IE
  • CRM-11074 Event template not creating a unique price set for quick fee
  • CRM-11075 smart group contacts list: contact selections aren't remembered
  • CRM-11076 file permissions issue when running
  • CRM-11077 Copying events needs to create new copy of price set
  • CRM-11078 Multiple membership upsell using online membership page with paypal standard records incorrect membership end date
  • CRM-11079 Inline edit broken on Joomla in trunk
  • CRM-11080 HTML page title missing on contact summary pages
  • CRM-11081 Certain fields are missing the translation dialog on the Membership tab of Contribution pages
  • CRM-11082 Advanced Search results - unable to apply action to selections due to JS bug
  • CRM-11083 Contribution History By Relationship Report -- fiscal year date range
  • CRM-11084 Custom Membership Field not populating in membership form
  • CRM-11085 Added statistical numbers (new, lapsed, upgraded..) to Repeat Report
  • CRM-11086 Reduce changelog noise from hook_user_update()
  • CRM-11087 Upgrade script to 4.2.3 fails
  • CRM-11088 SSL incorrectly detected on nginx/1.1.19 during installation
  • CRM-11089 CiviCRM css still affects Drupal core
  • CRM-11090 civicrm.css interferes with drupal7 core
  • CRM-11091 Joomla: trigger nav reset on user admin login
  • CRM-11092 suppress bulk email recipients link if not permissioned
  • CRM-11093 Improve automated release testing
  • CRM-11094 jQuery is not defined for Joomla
  • CRM-11095 Javascript errors related to multiple payment processors feature
  • CRM-11096 Create sample financial batches
  • CRM-11097 create sample bulk data entry batches
  • CRM-11098 Fatal error from BaseIPN cancelled method when MySQL mode is STRICT_TRANS_TABLES
  • CRM-11099 Unable to switch on logging - Database Error Code: Incorrect table definition
  • CRM-11100 Clearer URL and message for clearing CiviCRM cache
  • CRM-11101 events with pricesets having non-required options won't submit
  • CRM-11102 Change log doesn't recognize 0 to NULL or NULL to 0 change
  • CRM-11103 Delete Financial Account
  • CRM-11104 Form Rule when deleting financial account
  • CRM-11105 Matching Donations
  • CRM-11106 Premiums Accounting
  • CRM-11107 Clicking 'Map' icon on contact summary opens inline address edit form before redirecting to map page
  • CRM-11108 civicrm_api can't retrieve test and live participants simultaneously
  • CRM-11109 Financial Type when configuring premiums for use
  • CRM-11110 Maintain Premiums Accounting Type integrity
  • CRM-11111 Cannot delete test participants
  • CRM-11112 Calculate new price with discounts
  • CRM-11113 Cannot edit price field description
  • CRM-11114 Adding relationship to new contact not possible
  • CRM-11115 case resources: sortable
  • CRM-11116 retrieve primary email in relationship listing
  • CRM-11117 Add meeting invite into emails sent to activity assignees
  • CRM-11118 "Contact" as a new contact subtype causes weird behavior
  • CRM-11119 Events and contributions do not submit after upgrade to 4.2.4
  • CRM-11120 4.2 drush upgrade deletes valid membership and activity records
  • CRM-11121 Fix notices in Export Contacts - Save Field Mapping
  • CRM-11122 Unable to create discount set
  • CRM-11123 Typo in FourThree.php
  • CRM-11124 Discounts Accounting
  • CRM-11125 Unable to create price field
  • CRM-11126 Allow Financial Types to be specified for Discount options
  • CRM-11127 Create default civicrm_financial_account records
  • CRM-11128 api tests failing on custom data for subtypes
  • CRM-11129 Quickforms in AJAX causes duplicate IDs in the DOM
  • CRM-11130 Add link to CiviMail Header/Footer messages from Message Templates admin page
  • CRM-11131 is not easy to find
  • CRM-11132 Full Text Search: Discrepancies between result count, pagination and actual results
  • CRM-11133 Allow "Save and Continue" for CiviMail mailing created from search results
  • CRM-11134 Unable to record membership renewal
  • CRM-11135 Add fields to Contribution Summary Repeat Report
  • CRM-11136 crmAutocomplete Doesn't Work
  • CRM-11137 image upload to custom field breaks if resource url not default
  • CRM-11138 {$membership_name} token no longer working on Membership receipts (regression introduced between 4.2.1 & 4.2.4)
  • CRM-11139 search result contact selection is irregular
  • CRM-11140 contact merge: communication preferences broken
  • CRM-11141 Display more info in the "event" filter (date, event ID)
  • CRM-11142 upgrade jquery and jquery ui to the latest release
  • CRM-11143 update_greeting job: change form rule to warning
  • CRM-11144 datepicker is not localized in joomla
  • CRM-11145 datepicker is not localized in wordpress
  • CRM-11146 Online registraion of multiple users doesn't let one register second user.
  • CRM-11147 Membership Contribution with price set doesn't update existing, expired membership
  • CRM-11148 Allow mutiple membership terms for price fields and for back-office created new memberships
  • CRM-11149 Online membership renewal with price set fails to update membership record for anonymous user
  • CRM-11150 Allow export of Event fields with participants
  • CRM-11151 Some Notices in API CustomValue Create
  • CRM-11152 changes to list of countries
  • CRM-11153 Custom tokens in scheduled reminders
  • CRM-11154 Price Field Description for Event Price Set not saving
  • CRM-11155 Enable should not be crossed out on disabled languages
  • CRM-11156 Drush bypasses setPreUpgradeMessage
  • CRM-11157 Every click on group membership confirmation link sends an email
  • CRM-11158 Display comments in log summary report
  • CRM-11159 Display comments in log summary report
  • CRM-11161 Civicrm Group Roles Sync: support proper syncing of smart groups as well as static groups
  • CRM-11162 Yearly recurrence with Moneris payment processor causes error
  • CRM-11163 Error on install "Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes"
  • CRM-11164 AJAX-loaded accordions don't open on contact/edit screen
  • CRM-11165 Cron.php gives fatal error memory exhausted after update from 4.1.1 to 4.1.6
  • CRM-11166 Custom fields reset when changing contact sub-type
  • CRM-11167 Event Info page needs to suppress price field label for events using 'quick config' price sets and event registration page should use event fee label
  • CRM-11168 PHP Notice: Undefined index: fragment in .../extern/url.php
  • CRM-11169 REST/ajax interface doesn't handle chained API
  • CRM-11170 Can't get $job from hook_civicrm_tokenValues when doing a mailing
  • CRM-11171 SQL Error when creating several contacts (with employees) at the same time: Deadlock found when trying to get lock;
  • CRM-11172 allow navigation separator to be configurable
  • CRM-11173 Leftover debug log in install script
  • CRM-11174 IE9 inline validation errors
  • CRM-11175 Why is civicrm_navigation.mysql saved as binary?
  • CRM-11176 Bug related to checking if tokens are used or not
  • CRM-11177 pre hook changes not saved for phone object
  • CRM-11178 fix chained API for when calling function is getsingle
  • CRM-11179 4.3 schema changes don't work with existant log tables
  • CRM-11180 Change log doesn't work with real dataset (ie. more than 50 changes)
  • CRM-11181 A default drupal view that display activities of current logged in user in a Calendar
  • CRM-11182 Ability to enable the registration confirmation page for free events
  • CRM-11183 Created shortcuts are invalid
  • CRM-11184 PHP notice undefined variable "quillUnits" when using proximity search with "km" units
  • CRM-11185 contribution create function doesn't check for error
  • CRM-11186 jQuery formNavigate broken
  • CRM-11187 Clean up crmAccordion code
  • CRM-11188 Google Checkout Wallet Failed to Get Basic Authentication Headers
  • CRM-11189 When CiviMail renders smarty templates for mailing, it saves them to disk
  • CRM-11190 Unit testing sent emails is not straightforward
  • CRM-11191 CiviCRM Event participants being removed without notice
  • CRM-11192 implement participant_payment get api
  • CRM-11193 Consistently support exception-based error handling
  • CRM-11194 Problem with Enhanced Registration module
  • CRM-11195 Allow textfield size to be defined in schema xml
  • CRM-11196 Mailing create fails
  • CRM-11197 Undefined variable: composeParams when creating CiviMail
  • CRM-11198 _spec docfix for civicrm_api3_job_execute()
  • CRM-11199 drush cvapi Job.execute should circumvent $_REQUEST authentication
  • CRM-11200 Name of payment processor is omitted from alert message
  • CRM-11201 Add Label for "Same As" Billing Block
  • CRM-11202 Upgrade open flash charts to latest release
  • CRM-11203 Crons fail to run correctly under Joomla
  • CRM-11204 Make it possible to temporarily change the domain (ie. to update settings on another domain)
  • CRM-11205 Add upgrade task to fill in missing settings / convert relevant from config
  • CRM-11206 Add LocationType API
  • CRM-11207 Twilio Provider for CiviSMS
  • CRM-11208 Display membership and participant custom fields in views
  • CRM-11209 search result task links have leading spaces
  • CRM-11210 Allow reload of forms without validation
  • CRM-11211 Allow reload of forms without validation
  • CRM-11212 Drupal does not bootstrap from extern/rest.php
  • CRM-11213 Contribution page with recurring, price set, mistakenly runs charges as 'test'
  • CRM-11214 Add "gzip", "tables-list", and "data-only" options to civicrm-sql-dump
  • CRM-11215 Batches with custom fields in profile process incorrectly if membership or contribution custom field
  • CRM-11216 Change to drupal/civicrm.install to all users to install packaged starter kit install from sub directory
  • CRM-11217 Spec the insertion of entity_financial_account for contribution_type
  • CRM-11218 Clean up js on adv search
  • CRM-11219 Activity report address fields should reflect target, not source
  • CRM-11220 hook_requirement expects an array if called... even if empty
  • CRM-11221 Authorize returns error on membership additional contribution, but processes card anyway
  • CRM-11222 Notice: Undefined index: value in theme_status_report()
  • CRM-11223 Price set field options - description is not displayed in price set forms
  • CRM-11224 Respect verifySSL setting for extensions
  • CRM-11225 Remove middle name from sample data display_name values
  • CRM-11226 JS parse error on Add Contacts to Event (advanced search bulk op)
  • CRM-11227 When default search profile is set, creating PDF letter activity is assigned to incorrect activity id
  • CRM-11228 Regression: Contact API deletes sub_type
  • CRM-11229 Ajax problems with payment options in IE7 & IE8
  • CRM-11230 When there are overlapping multiple ACLs, last ACL processed wins
  • CRM-11231 Dedupe based on initial 5 characters of street address runs incredibly slowly on large datasets
  • CRM-11232 GenerateData is assigning incorrect contact types (looks like things are offset by 1 in update)
  • CRM-11233 Changes in domain table schema causing fatal query error in CiviMail New Mailing wizard
  • CRM-11234 Duplicate entry fatal DB error in civicrm_cache for Renew Membership
  • CRM-11235 Financial Type field missing from New Price Set form for Membership Price Sets
  • CRM-11236 Create new event from template is broken
  • CRM-11237 Guessing CSV headers broken
  • CRM-11238 Contribution total on a contact's contributions tab is 0
  • CRM-11239 Tokens not working in mailings
  • CRM-11240 Extension install problem
  • CRM-11241 Hooks are only called for first domain in a multiple domain install for an extension
  • CRM-11242 Memberships "Renew - Credit Card" as administrator generates Civi error, sends no receipt, but does process membership and contribution
  • CRM-11243 Reports - make getTemplateFile & compileContent functions over-ridable, default to form.tpl
  • CRM-11244 Printing PDF and Mailing Labels No Longer Respects Search Results Sort Preference
  • CRM-11245 Display more information in the "Event Name" autocomplete when searching
  • CRM-11246 Layout of contact record screen breaks too easily
  • CRM-11247 Decouple internal profile label and display title
  • CRM-11248 Tokens not working in mailings
  • CRM-11249 Fatal error template in WordPress admin console creates nested <html> element and breaks admin menu
  • CRM-11250 API should respect ACLS rather than just 'view all contacts' when 'check_permission' flag is set
  • CRM-11251 CiviAccounts final merge into trunk
  • CRM-11252 CSS/Template Layout issue on custom field contact information
  • CRM-11253 Upgrade contribution_type table to financial_type and financial_account tables
  • CRM-11254 Create parent class for import
  • CRM-11255 Allow messages to persist across page loads
  • CRM-11256 optimization to _civicrm_api3_separate_values
  • CRM-11257 Renew membership backoffice - fatal error on insert to financial item table
  • CRM-11258 Event scheduled reminders tied to start date not being sent, 'DB Error: no such field'
  • CRM-11259 Accounting trigger setup fails during upgrade
  • CRM-11260 CiviAccount upgrade fixes and needs testing
  • CRM-11261 Email Templates not Working - IDS Conflict
  • CRM-11262 Translation missing for fr_CA string
  • CRM-11263 Fix name of _civicrm_api3_generic_metadata_options()
  • CRM-11264 _civicrm_api3_generic_get_metadata_options() makes invalid civicrm_api() call
  • CRM-11265 Need 'access civicrm' permission to see system messages
  • CRM-11266 Copy profile doesn't retain additional languages
  • CRM-11267 civicrm_engage module no longer combines custom demographic fields with core demographic fields
  • CRM-11268 Multi-select custom data values do not wrap on contact page
  • CRM-11269 Undefined offset notice when adding a new website for a contact
  • CRM-11270 Titles in template CaseView not translated
  • CRM-11271 Search criteria altered after performing in action when searching on tags or groups in advanced search
  • CRM-11272 Typo in /civicrm/CRM/Core/BAO/Dashboard.php causes problem with dashlets in Cosign environment
  • CRM-11273 When Event Registration Cancelled, Cancel amount owing and/or create a refund
  • CRM-11274 activity batch update: duration field error
  • CRM-11275 ACL cache is invalidated too often
  • CRM-11276 Event badges should use display_name, not first_name + last_name
  • CRM-11277 Modify unit testing code to load a local file if present
  • CRM-11278 Survey Type description field not working
  • CRM-11279 Misleading error message if json_decode fails in CRM/Utils/REST.php
  • CRM-11280 inline edit: address custom date fields break form load
  • CRM-11281 undefined variable $date in function CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::dateQueryBuilder - bug?
  • CRM-11282 inline edit: comm pref greeting option list is not filtered by contact type
  • CRM-11283 civicrm hook is not called on civicrm profile in wordpress
  • CRM-11284 search tagsets across multiple types
  • CRM-11285 Cannot send mailing to group-Wordpress
  • CRM-11286 In "Contribution Aggregate" custom search, fix "contribution type" filter to work with CiviAccounts schema changes
  • CRM-11287 Yahoo geocoder warning about better zip code displayed to anonymous users
  • CRM-11288 Create parent class for inline edit forms
  • CRM-11289 add pseudoconstant to prefix & suffix to make it easier to create multiple contacts from tests
  • CRM-11290 Ensure check_permissions is passed to chained api calls
  • CRM-11291 Ensure inline edit calls all hooks
  • CRM-11292 Format and validate phone numbers
  • CRM-11293 Clean up membership receipt template
  • CRM-11294 Error performing actions on custom search results (add to group, add to event, more?)
  • CRM-11295 Receipt emails with empty 'Reply-To:' headers
  • CRM-11296 Selecting contacts on page >1 of a Group
  • CRM-11297 OptionValue api ignores domain if passed in
  • CRM-11298 contact subtype in profile overlay shows name, not title
  • CRM-11299 CiviSMS: Improve handling of inbound SMS
  • CRM-11300 Opt-out Request link in mailing report simply returns you to the mailing report
  • CRM-11301 Add / Edit Activity: create new contact option for With contact (target) field
  • CRM-11302 Enhance unsubscribe form to reduce likelihood of accidental unsubscribes
  • CRM-11303 Clear form rule errors when returning to Send Email form after clicking Cancel button
  • CRM-11304 Fatal error when editing a Personal Campaign Page in Joomla
  • CRM-11305 Pay Later not sending correct data to template file
  • CRM-11306 Allow CiviCRM to be run from profile/[PROFILE]/modules
  • CRM-11307 Contact edit screen for a contact with multiple subtypes, doesn't render associated custom fields
  • CRM-11308 cleanup offline membership code
  • CRM-11309 Warning in CRM_Case_Audit_Audit
  • CRM-11310 Group Type Filter does not recognise new types in 4.2
  • CRM-11311 ACL sql query optimization
  • CRM-11312 More realistic sample data
  • CRM-11313 CLI broken on drupal multi-site
  • CRM-11314 Contact reference link not working
  • CRM-11315 trigger postProcess hook on inline edit save
  • CRM-11316 reCaptcha should be suppressed on all public forms if user is authenticated
  • CRM-11317 Creating Joomla User from a Civicrm Contact Record does not load the com_user language file correctly
  • CRM-11318 manage tags page should use pager
  • CRM-11319 Add another Phone, Email, etc broken in Contact Edit form
  • CRM-11320 API 4.3 changes (CiviAccounts)
  • CRM-11321 Two simultaneous event registration
  • CRM-11322 Find Contributions, Type sort broken
  • CRM-11323 Find Contributions, Financial Type filter broken
  • CRM-11324 Organization Details profile no longer displays for FREE Membership - On Behalf of
  • CRM-11325 Share Event: Facebook like does not show on facebook timeline.
  • CRM-11326 Event registration with account creation - Account mail sent.
  • CRM-11327 Cannot re-order profile fields
  • CRM-11328 unit test truncate for domains causing failures
  • CRM-11329 Set default permission for API to 'administer CiviCRM' (currently access)
  • CRM-11330 Remove Open Flash Chart from packages, to prevent hacking via remote PHP code execution
  • CRM-11331 Actions Menu Doesn't Work for "Selected Contacts" on Page 2 of Results
  • CRM-11332 Navigation menu blank at first login in Joomla when extension is enabled
  • CRM-11333 Merge contact fields broken
  • CRM-11334 4.3.alpha1 breaks payment processors
  • CRM-11335 Global crmasmSelect causes trouble
  • CRM-11336 User account create fails on Contributions using D6 w/email registration module
  • CRM-11337 Saving form value for address standardization provider fails
  • CRM-11338 CiviCRM does not record processing fees for certain PayPalPro transactions
  • CRM-11339 Session with fee causes array_keys and end warnings
  • CRM-11340 Contact Dashboard Personal Campaign Pages section repeats Campaign rows for each existing PCP
  • CRM-11341 Create new job: disable expired relationships
  • CRM-11342 Membership reminder emails should not be sent to non-permissioned employees
  • CRM-11343 "Find Cases" search parameters should not list disabled case types
  • CRM-11344 misleading message in Multiple Languages Support
  • CRM-11345 improve primary location block check to avoid double save
  • CRM-11346 Cannot Translate "Other Amount" because string is not passed through the ts() function
  • CRM-11347 Make "urgent" case status not-reserved
  • CRM-11348 Documentation for activity API not action specific
  • CRM-11349 email address of event registrant not displayed on 'Thank-you' page
  • CRM-11350 Add feeds mapper support to CiviCRM Contact Ref field
  • CRM-11351 Row checkbox 'checked' state is not retained when returning to search results after a task
  • CRM-11352 "Reserved keyword" error when renaming contact type
  • CRM-11353 Date 1970-01-01 not accepted through API
  • CRM-11354 Specific permissions missing from installed report instances
  • CRM-11355 api explorer should follow coding standards
  • CRM-11356 Definition of 'From One Month Ago' & 'Current Month to date' backwards
  • CRM-11357 Users without "access CiviReport" can still access some reports
  • CRM-11358 Add blog dashboard widget
  • CRM-11359 Yahoo geocoder throws ugly error to user when you exceed your limits
  • CRM-11360 Contributions > Financial Transaction Batches > Create New Batch fails
  • CRM-11361 Create new backoffice contribution - status incorrectly set to Pending
  • CRM-11362 Edit existing completed contribution - Payments selector missing pay method and status
  • CRM-11363 Add / edit backoffice contributions with partial payments
  • CRM-11364 Consider replacing FIXME.ORG with EXAMPLE.ORG in default configuration and docs
  • CRM-11365 PriceSet api needs to deal with entities
  • CRM-11366 Missing screenshot in CiviEvent documentation
  • CRM-11367 Latvian regions, counties
  • CRM-11368 Changes in payments not showing for events
  • CRM-11369 "pending from pay later" wording
  • CRM-11370 Issues with partial payment for donations
  • CRM-11371 Price set field and value labels are wrapping in a bad way
  • CRM-11372 View contribution - "Received into" value is "array"
  • CRM-11373 Spelling error on contribution page
  • CRM-11374 Error message on online contribution page
  • CRM-11375 CIVICRM_MAILER_SPOOL has probably never worked for any type of outbound email except bulk mailings
  • CRM-11376 membership error signup
  • CRM-11377 Edits in Edit contribution page
  • CRM-11378 Verify that MySQL thread_stack is >=192k
  • CRM-11379 merge: custom data ignores boolean 0
  • CRM-11380 Bulk Data Entry should require access CiviContribute instead o administer CiviCRM
  • CRM-11381 Financial Trxn table to_financial_account_id should be a required foreign key
  • CRM-11382 Simplify Manage Events, Fees tab for Financial Type
  • CRM-11383 To Account in financial_trxn table is not be saved
  • CRM-11384 merge: custom fields of type File are not always merged
  • CRM-11385 County Field Handler For Drupal Views Does Not Allow Selection of Location Type
  • CRM-11386 Upgrade UI fails in Firefox
  • CRM-11387 Enabling partial payment option for event registration and for online contribution pages
  • CRM-11388 existing tagset tags aren't loaded on contact edit form
  • CRM-11389 Running sudo drush civicrm-upgrade-cfg will erase server if uploaddir is not set
  • CRM-11390 FK for autorenewal_msg_id
  • CRM-11391 issues with civicrm_financial_account.contact_id not being created in some tarballs
  • CRM-11392 civicrm_contribution_recur.contribution_type_id
  • CRM-11393 CiviMail Send Test Email (step 4) - fatal error Undefined class constant 'BULK_INSET_COUNT'
  • CRM-11394 Add Scheduled Reminder - jScript error breaks form
  • CRM-11395 Double Delete Registration buttons
  • CRM-11396 Drupal block "show on listed pages" contains "\n" instead of newline
  • CRM-11397 Confusing Workflow: Creating New Membership with 'Record Initial Smaller Payment
  • CRM-11398 edit event registration - formatting
  • CRM-11399 edit event registration - partial payments
  • CRM-11400 misspelled Distrito Federal province in Venezuela
  • CRM-11401 Province / State drop-down on contribution form not translated
  • CRM-11402 Personal Campaign Pages
  • CRM-11403 Clean CRM_Contribute_Form_Contribution
  • CRM-11404 Error Missing Argument for Visa Payment
  • CRM-11405 Quickbooks IIF export
  • CRM-11406 Partial Payment form Contribution Page Ignores Partial Payment, processes full amount
  • CRM-11407 financial type strange link
  • CRM-11408 contribution test testcheckRecurPaymentProcessor failing PEAR_Exception: DB Error: constraint violation
  • CRM-11409 Move Discount back to Core table, fix upgrade script
  • CRM-11410 Online event registration - incorrect or missing values in financial_item and financial_trxn tables, and fix notices
  • CRM-11411 registering participants in events
  • CRM-11412 Financial batches convert afternoon times to morning
  • CRM-11413 Payment processor description field is blank for offline/backend event registrations
  • CRM-11414 Change two account relationship labels
  • CRM-11415 4.3 Upgrade fails with foreign key constraint due to required financial_type_id column being added for tables that have rows
  • CRM-11416 Upgrade issue - membership_num_terms
  • CRM-11417 Add Premium Product to online contribution page is broken
  • CRM-11418 upgrade bug on civicrm_phone conversion
  • CRM-11419 Edit contribution with a partial payment - payments listing is showing the wrong payment amount and is missing data
  • CRM-11420 Contributions with partial payments are being assigned Pending (Incomplete Transaction) status.
  • CRM-11421 Duplicates and missing column values in Bookeeping Report
  • CRM-11422 Wiki documentation on cleaning up incorrect membership records during upgrade from 4.2.5 is confusing
  • CRM-11423 Merge civicrm_financial_batch into civicrm_batch table
  • CRM-11424 Bulk Data Entry is not creating required civicrm_financial_trxn record
  • CRM-11425 Create membership type: implement auto-complete for Owner Organization lookup and cleanup code
  • CRM-11426 Unable to search for Membership Organization on New Membership Type page
  • CRM-11427 Bulk Data Entry postProcess needs to create entity_batch rows linking to financial_trxn rows (instead of contribution rows)
  • CRM-11428 interview respondents only populates Contact fields from survey, not Individual, Organization, etc. fields
  • CRM-11429 mailing labels show incorrect non-Latin characters
  • CRM-11430 Survey interview records all activity dates in the morning (12 hours off)
  • CRM-11431 include groups not retained on saved mailings when localization is being used
  • CRM-11432 not working with contextual filters
  • CRM-11433 "Other Amount" option not being translated on contribution pages
  • CRM-11434 API "return" inconsistencies
  • CRM-11435 Unable to search on participants associated with a campaign
  • CRM-11436 Fix relationship Start Date to sort correctly
  • CRM-11437 Adding premiums
  • CRM-11438 Notice on New Membership
  • CRM-11439 Participant export with non main phone extension create unwanted duplicates
  • CRM-11440 LineItem js does not respect currency format
  • CRM-11441 CiviSeleniumTestCase::WebtestAddActivity() broken by CRM-10672
  • CRM-11442 4.0 => 4.3 upgrade fails: Unknown column 'civicrm_dedupe_rule_group.used'
  • CRM-11443 CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::setItem() followed by getItem() returns wrong result
  • CRM-11444 Convert existing unit tests that use CIVICRM_MAIL_LOG to use CiviMailUnitTest
  • CRM-11445 Clickatell apiMsgId parsed incorrectly for submitted SMS messages
  • CRM-11446 Upgrade fatal errs when STRICT_TRANS_TABLES enabled
  • CRM-11447 Advanced Multi Select Fields Not Working in Organizational Profile
  • CRM-11448 Smarty api: passing sequential=0 is ignored
  • CRM-11449 Format of custom Date field in the email triggered by assigning an Activity needs fixing
  • CRM-11450 Can't access Civvicrm: DB Error: no such table
  • CRM-11451 Wrong database password causes stack trace with DB info
  • CRM-11452 civicrm_api3_uf_match_get broken
  • CRM-11453 Restructure/Code Improvement for Financial Account
  • CRM-11454 incorrect $loginURL for Joomla CiviCRM
  • CRM-11455 Better run frequency options for scheduled jobs
  • CRM-11456 Online contribution thank-you page notices - code pointing to non-existent property in FinancialType table
  • CRM-11457 drush civicrm-upgrade-db fails with no errors
  • CRM-11458 Realex payment gateway - strings not translated, expiry date errors
  • CRM-11459 Batch update membership end date sets date to 0
  • CRM-11460 Regression: dragging dashlets clones instead of moving
  • CRM-11461 Accounting Code column is not populated in Contribution Exports
  • CRM-11462 Fatal error when registering event participant in back-office for event with date-driven discounts
  • CRM-11463 Contribution Create api must create required financial item and financial transaction records by default
  • CRM-11464 IE 8.0.7061.17514 - credit card entry boxes missing when using IE, visible from Chrome
  • CRM-11465 Deleting a Contribution from the view page results in a 'Sorry but we are not able to provide this at the moment.' error.
  • CRM-11466 Contribution import is not creating required financial records
  • CRM-11467 Export batches .csv format
  • CRM-11468 Implement form designer
  • CRM-11469 add to group in contact record loses context on validate
  • CRM-11470 "Replace" API for UFFields in a UFGroup
  • CRM-11471 Arrange mockup using Marionnette "Layout"/"Region"
  • CRM-11472 Consistently use "ItemView" and "CompositeView"
  • CRM-11473 ClassLoader snippet suggestion does not work
  • CRM-11474 Implement "Save"
  • CRM-11475 Implement "Preview"
  • CRM-11476 Only allow fields to appear once in the canvas
  • CRM-11477 Differentiate "UFField.field_type" for "Contact" and "Individual/Organization/Household"
  • CRM-11478 Expand only one editable field section at a time
  • CRM-11479 Improve layout of "Canvas"
  • CRM-11480 Revise "Edit Survey" UI
  • CRM-11481 Move form designer to core
  • CRM-11482 Move "Profile" selection to new tab, "Questions"
  • CRM-11483 Implement "Preview [Profile]" in "Questions" tab
  • CRM-11484 Implement "Copy [Profile]" in "Questions" tab
  • CRM-11485 Implement "Create New [Profile]" button in "Questions" tab
  • CRM-11486 Implement second profile relation (admin UI)
  • CRM-11487 Implement second profile relation (runtime)
  • CRM-11488 Civicase Revisioning System Breaks Views
  • CRM-11489 Importing Soft Credits Not Working Properly
  • CRM-11490 Fix notice about feeBlock in event registration
  • CRM-11491 Price Sets for Memberships "Default" field setting not working for renewals
  • CRM-11492 Move Civi.* into CRM.*
  • CRM-11493 Display correct editable fields in "detail" blocks
  • CRM-11494 Contribution form accepts end date earlier than start date
  • CRM-11495 Fix removal of pre-existing UFField
  • CRM-11496 Enable api chaining from js
  • CRM-11497 Unit tests for extensions broken (due to invalid domain_id FK)
  • CRM-11498 api setvalue doesn't work with date field
  • CRM-11499 Undefined variable jid in Joomla civicrm user plugin
  • CRM-11500 Revert CiviGrant to 4.2 state
  • CRM-11501 Change Account relationship Option Value for Asset Account
  • CRM-11502 Broken cache on CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::importableFields()
  • CRM-11503 Refund contribution
  • CRM-11504 Implement searchable palette
  • CRM-11505 Attempts to access an Event Registration page with closed registration should go to event info page
  • CRM-11506 Number-type custom field saves as 0, even when blank and MySQL default null
  • CRM-11507 Implement / Fix Usage of Batch Mode and Batch Type properties
  • CRM-11508 Remove civicrm_entity_financial_item table and always use civicrm_batch_entity to link financial_trxn rows to batches
  • CRM-11509 Total Amount and Count for Financial Batches
  • CRM-11510 Add field formatters to civicrm_contact_ref field that return the contact_id
  • CRM-11511 Use independent scrollbars for canvas and palette
  • CRM-11512 Add check number and payment instrument to financial transaction table
  • CRM-11513 Domain tests / domain get function failing due to merge in of domain loc_block table
  • CRM-11514 Upgrade needs to create financial_trxn, financial_item, entity_financial_item records for existing contributions / line_items
  • CRM-11515 Link Payment Processor directly to a financial account (instead of financial type)
  • CRM-11516 Link each payment instrument directly to an asset financial account
  • CRM-11517 Renew Memberships in batch
  • CRM-11518 Smart groups in scheduled reminders
  • CRM-11519 Increase html validation on api
  • CRM-11520 fails if called using a relative path such as "./bin/"
  • CRM-11521 Cannot set Parent Financial Account in the ui
  • CRM-11522 Upgrade needs to copy accounting codes from contribution type to new Income Accounts AND handle additional contribution types
  • CRM-11523 Remove extraneous links in Admin Console CiviContribute section
  • CRM-11524 SQL Sytax error
  • CRM-11525 Address custom fields are not edited correctly inline or on contact edit screen
  • CRM-11526 A-to-Z bar missing on Manage Groups page
  • CRM-11527 Reminder date tokens should follow date formatting configured by site
  • CRM-11528 Pledge does not become Completed after last payment adjusted downwards
  • CRM-11529 Back-office forms in quick_config mode ignore selected financial type and use hard-coded financial type from quick config price_field_value
  • CRM-11530 joomla bootstrap - file inclusion
  • CRM-11531 deleteMembership fails if hard coded activity types are not present
  • CRM-11532 Adopt escape-on-output pattern
  • CRM-11533 AJAX validation breaks help
  • CRM-11534 Testing Plan for 4.3
  • CRM-11535 IPN contributions attributed to deleted contact (
  • CRM-11536 Reduce logging for cron jobs to log file (as new scheduled job mechanism replaces)
  • CRM-11537 Activities tab selector throwing fatal error (duplicate key on temp table) for some conditions
  • CRM-11538 Accounting Batch Transactions page fixes
  • CRM-11539 Need different activity types for Create, Edit and Export Accounting Batch
  • CRM-11540 Edit Accounting Batch fixes
  • CRM-11541 issue with case_type
  • CRM-11542 Improve field help for Financial Accounts
  • CRM-11543 Fix Drupal 7 rules module so that permission to view admin form is available
  • CRM-11544 Drupal Rules 7 - incorrect permissions checks
  • CRM-11545 DB Log (Enhanced) Report: pagination
  • CRM-11546 Merge redundant finanacial batch code
  • CRM-11547 Add titles & some (1?) pseudoconstants to schema xml for stdisation
  • CRM-11548 civicrm_engage module demographics templates need updating to 4.3
  • CRM-11549 Simplify Financial Account admin
  • CRM-11550 Add test for creating current employer through API, fix to work
  • CRM-11551 Report date / time filter range fixes
  • CRM-11552 Update contribution amount causes multiple lineitem entries
  • CRM-11553 Price Set Preview Notice
  • CRM-11554 Contribution and Membership Price Set Field has help text referring to Events
  • CRM-11555 Find Contributions URL doesn't populate Date fields
  • CRM-11556 Price Set Financial Type not used as default for its fields
  • CRM-11557 Edit contact, delete address doesn't persist when form validation fails
  • CRM-11558 Conditional to include time fields on a report date filter
  • CRM-11559 CiviCRM OG Sync for OG 7.x.2 branch
  • CRM-11560 CiviCRM OG Sync for OG 7.x.2 branch
  • CRM-11561 CiviCRM OG Sync for OG 7.x.2 branch
  • CRM-11562 Advanced Search/Search Builder - SQL error when Sort Name field contains a single apostrophe
  • CRM-11563 Search Builder - searching on email doesn't work with "IN" operator
  • CRM-11564 Receipt Date hide not working when Send Receipt checkbox is clicked
  • CRM-11565 API with string error_code
  • CRM-11566 User context (session) is not fully preserved
  • CRM-11567 Use .crm-container instead of #crm-container when possible
  • CRM-11568 Contributions > Bulk Data Entry menu item permissions are incorrect
  • CRM-11569 CiviEvent registration with payment doesn't create associated Contribution
  • CRM-11570 Backoffice event registration needs to use new method for retrieving asset account
  • CRM-11571 Typo in Google Geocoding make php crash (fix included)
  • CRM-11572 Creating event from event template doesn't copy over text translations
  • CRM-11573 UFFields bound to phone_ext should clearly handle phone_type_id
  • CRM-11574 Inconsistent handling of UFField.visbility in profile editor
  • CRM-11575 Typo in Realex error message
  • CRM-11576 Move configuration out of
  • CRM-11577 Fix notice in Database Log Report
  • CRM-11578 Add Drupal views relationship support for civicrm_contact_ref fields
  • CRM-11579 Check username availability
  • CRM-11580 Input fields from CivCRM profiles used in drupal registration do not get error class
  • CRM-11581 Blank or incorrect DB Error
  • CRM-11582 SQL error when '%1' or '%2' are used in a Smart Group used by the ACL system
  • CRM-11583 Generated files should be annotated to indicate how they were created
  • CRM-11584 Fee amount not passed through cleanMoney under some circumstances
  • CRM-11585 Undefined variable $buttonName (commented out but still in condition
  • CRM-11586 Color links in checklist not working
  • CRM-11587 Old translations in l10n
  • CRM-11588 Old text in README.txt
  • CRM-11589 URL params should be scrubbed for HTML injection when redirecting HTTP -> HTTPS
  • CRM-11590 extend case get api to include contacts/activities when filtering by client_id
  • CRM-11591 API Explorer REST URL has incorrect order for key and api_key
  • CRM-11592 civicrm_navigation.mysql file is incorrectly opening as binary instead of sql
  • CRM-11593 Improve validation of qfKey
  • CRM-11594 Submitting "On Behalf Of" Contributions generates "DB error : already exists" (Joomla! 2.5.7 + civicrm-4.2.1-joomla-alt)
  • CRM-11595 Batch entry is erroneously writing price field label to contribution.amount_level column
  • CRM-11596 Undefined index error in CRM_Event_Form_Registration::validatePriceSet() on confirmation page
  • CRM-11597 edit-in-place should wrap text area fields as they may be loooong (use css class)
  • CRM-11598 Memo type custom fields should should line breaks when viewed.
  • CRM-11599 Can't enable / disable logging feature
  • CRM-11600 api doesn't allow email/postal greeting for organization contacts
  • CRM-11601 Record Payment checkbox should default to TRUE for back-office Event Registration and Membership forms
  • CRM-11602 Geocode batch job dies silently after processing only a few addresses
  • CRM-11603 Include/Exclude Custom Search "AND" function not working
  • CRM-11604 Financial Type Table: Remove versioning from schema, upgrade script and related code
  • CRM-11605 Online event registration needs to use new method for retrieval of asset account information
  • CRM-11606 Warn users about unsaved changes in form designer
  • CRM-11607 Backoffice event registration is creating an extraneous financial_trxn row
  • CRM-11608 Edit contribution and change status to Cancelled or Refunded
  • CRM-11609 Offline Contribution with Fee entered manually
  • CRM-11610 Abstract table row highlight/select
  • CRM-11611 Allow creation of CustomFields in the form-designer
  • CRM-11612 Ability to add jQuery plugins on the fly
  • CRM-11613 Incorrect HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH ajax handling
  • CRM-11614 Event registration end date should not be allowed to be before registration start date
  • CRM-11615 Case Detail report: Column 'start_date' in where clause is ambiguous, 1052
  • CRM-11616 when installing civicrm_engage module, browser spins for ever
  • CRM-11617 Database variables prevent translations
  • CRM-11618 Variables not properly assigned when canceling a subscription
  • CRM-11619 Implement close+export of open batches
  • CRM-11620 Export Accounting Batch download page
  • CRM-11621 Default account for Credit and Debit Card
  • CRM-11622 API event.is_active should default to true
  • CRM-11623 CiviCRM API not working for CustomValue update
  • CRM-11624 crmAutocomplete doesn't allow to set a custom width
  • CRM-11625 Make CiviCRM more resistant to errors in extensions
  • CRM-11626 Need View link for Batch Transactions page
  • CRM-11627 Include/Exclude Search should not return deleted contacts
  • CRM-11628 batch update activity custom fields - error on insert
  • CRM-11629 Address Standardization - USPS Selected and unable to save
  • CRM-11630 Remove gzip version of dataTables.js file from distribution
  • CRM-11631 Error when searching membership campaigns
  • CRM-11632 4.3 upgrade is inserting Payment Processor Asset account for default financial types
  • CRM-11633 Disabling mailing groups causes emails sent to that group to disappear from scheduled and sent mailings
  • CRM-11634 Expose financial type on Price Set form for all Used For options and use this as default for price fields and price field values
  • CRM-11635 Remove require_once from examples template
  • CRM-11636 4.3 upgrade must assign financial type to price sets and price set field value rows
  • CRM-11637 In-place editing doesn't work with data-field="foo"
  • CRM-11638 Annonymous user able to manipulate contact data trough contribution page
  • CRM-11639 Edit contribution form: filter contribution status dropdown based on status change rules
  • CRM-11640 Save trxn_id, payment_method_id and check_number to both contribution and financial_trxn tables
  • CRM-11641 Am getting fatal error on deleting a participant
  • CRM-11642 Multiple left joins on selecting multiple address fields in Drupal CiviCRM Views
  • CRM-11643 Saving website field on contribution form saves website with some integer value in it.
  • CRM-11644 Address not visible in the Drupal Account when "primary" location type is used in profile
  • CRM-11645 Expose Record Activity checkbox on Schedule Reminders form
  • CRM-11646 Exported batch - Download link is broken
  • CRM-11647 Select fields don't fill when the "address is the same" box is checked
  • CRM-11648 activity bulk update via profile: loses search context
  • CRM-11649 Profiles : Integrate phone extension field with phone field
  • CRM-11650 API job.execute (and thus cron) does not call job.process_mailing in default configuration
  • CRM-11651 API job.process_mailing is prevented from delivering mails by ACL check when called from CLI
  • CRM-11652 logging report: groups handling
  • CRM-11653 Broken help on Payment Processor Add Form
  • CRM-11654 Add ParticipantPayment to hook_civicrm_pre and hook_civicrm_post
  • CRM-11655 Case update in API V3 makes case reassign if contact_id is not set
  • CRM-11656 Add crmRegion(s) to PCP templates
  • CRM-11657 Account Type Code for Financial Accounts
  • CRM-11658 Git repo setup
  • CRM-11659 Force reload of CSS/JS after running rebuildMenuAndCaches
  • CRM-11660 Soft Credit Report Fix
  • CRM-11661 Add an Upgrade link to Extensions listing if a newer version is available for an installed extension
  • CRM-11662 Merge Case does not transfer custom case fields to new copy of case
  • CRM-11663 Strings in Google Maps marker popup not translated
  • CRM-11664 Address in GMaps popup not following configured display format or translated
  • CRM-11665 Add manual override option for latitude / longitude geocoding
  • CRM-11666 Contribute form rule requires credit card fields for front-end $0 contributions and event registration
  • CRM-11667 exporting activities causes backtrace because of missing id
  • CRM-11668 Contribution form: isOnline flag is not being set correctly
  • CRM-11669 CRM_Core_BAO_Financial_Trxn::getFinancialTrxnIds() assumes only one financial_trxn linked to a contribution record
  • CRM-11670 Edit Contribution: Freeze all fields which affect book-keeping transactions if contribution status is Cancelled
  • CRM-11671 Custom fields not saving for contribution record and displaying extraneous output for participant record
  • CRM-11672 E-notice on create mailing
  • CRM-11673 In some circumstances Send Test mail can cause an endless php loop
  • CRM-11674 Generate unique id for each radio element
  • CRM-11675 Fix missing qfKey form posts
  • CRM-11676 Extension resource URLs may include double /
  • CRM-11677 Change Participant Status (bulk task): financial_trxn.to_financial_account_id not set
  • CRM-11678 View Contribution: Received Into field displays incorrect to_financial_account for completed pay-later contributions
  • CRM-11679 Review standards and security for AJAX help
  • CRM-11680 API: CustomField.delete leaves stale data
  • CRM-11681 Allow in-place editing of only one block on "View Contact" page
  • CRM-11682 Make a 'widget' out of basic 'Edit' dialog
  • CRM-11683 changelog report: log diff popup unreadable
  • CRM-11684 changelogging: exclude new modified_date field from log record trigger comparison
  • CRM-11685 Do not create accounts receivable financial_trxn when IPN payment is initially submitted
  • CRM-11686 Account batch transactions - include transactions regardless of status and add differentiating data to selector
  • CRM-11687 Remove option-level financial types from configure event-Fees; configure contribution page:Amounts, Membership
  • CRM-11688 Backoffice Participant Registration: Financial Type
  • CRM-11689 Fix comments in schema for civicrm_fiannacial_trxn
  • CRM-11690 Edit Contribution: check number field should be hidden when editing an ONLINE contribution
  • CRM-11691 Default Participant Count to 1 when creating complex price set from quick config price set
  • CRM-11692 Report: Event Income Details not working
  • CRM-11693 Repeat Contributions report hard crash
  • CRM-11694 Soft Credit report query is matching Soft Credit contacts to the wrong Contributions
  • CRM-11695 button appearances
  • CRM-11696 Autocomplete for Soft Credit assignment broken
  • CRM-11697 Sending thank you letters unlinks contributions from personal campaign pages
  • CRM-11698 Semantics of CiviCRM: delete in CiviContribute
  • CRM-11699 4.2.alpha1 upgrade stage fails on negative contribution amount
  • CRM-11700 Update changelog during contact inline-edit
  • CRM-11701 Link to profile listing incorrectly cached
  • CRM-11702 Action links should not have Strikethrough
  • CRM-11703 Contribution and Membership Details report showing incorrect contribution amounts
  • CRM-11704 Google Checkout - missing the checkout button and contribution page configuration allows recurring intervals
  • CRM-11705 Editing Pending Transaction-wrong from account
  • CRM-11706 Event registration - Payment Options section layout issues
  • CRM-11707 Clarify use of Privacy Settings in Help
  • CRM-11708 SettingsMetaData does a select and update call on every page load
  • CRM-11709 incorrect financial_trxn when two changes made at once
  • CRM-11710 file api: alter required fields
  • CRM-11711 add new IM api
  • CRM-11712 edit contribution associated with an event priceset
  • CRM-11713 Ability to pass multiple (comma separated) values for ct & gt parameters in Update Greetings and Addressees Schedule Job
  • CRM-11714 pt_BR .mo file not updated
  • CRM-11715 ward and city district are the same thing is most places
  • CRM-11716 Event Registration with 100% Discount Code failing
  • CRM-11717 $config->resourceBase is not always correct
  • CRM-11718 Changing financial type for membership type needs to update financial type in quick config price field value rows
  • CRM-11719 Change Financial Type for a contribution : insert reversing financial_trxn rows to insure all data is included in exports
  • CRM-11720 Views: Listing PCP contributions causes SQL error becaues of renamed civicrm_pcp.contribution_page_id
  • CRM-11721 Membership status override removed after batch update + process_membership
  • CRM-11722 Bug when activating other civicrm modules (CiviCRM Contact Reference Field etc)
  • CRM-11723 Installation documentation on drupal 7 to correct
  • CRM-11724 Non-static method CRM_Core_Block WARNINGS
  • CRM-11725 Initialization of rich Javascript widgets
  • CRM-11726 Debug improvement - only use one log
  • CRM-11727 Maintain sort order after editing UFGroup.title or creating new UFGroup
  • CRM-11728 Refresh group_type after saving
  • CRM-11729 Use # instead of &selectedChild
  • CRM-11730 Auto-complete widget fails for non-super-admin with appropriate permissions
  • CRM-11731 Transcript Redundancy in CiviCase/Core CiviCRM Inbound Email to Activity processing
  • CRM-11732 api return param not always being respected
  • CRM-11733 Views relationship to campaigns incorrect
  • CRM-11734 Display alert about unsaved changes on "Edit Survey" form
  • CRM-11735 Filter Financial Type with relation "Income Account is"
  • CRM-11736 Cron Hook
  • CRM-11737 PCP Account profile: state/country ajax not enabled
  • CRM-11738 civicrm_engage should give users option to import country-specific voter data
  • CRM-11739 search for activity/case with client from specific country works well only for first cliend assigned
  • CRM-11740 Settings validation fails due to incorrect $value
  • CRM-11741 Memberships don't renew correctly when "cancelled" membership status is "Administrator Only" with a low weight.
  • CRM-11742 Apply FormNavigation across all (or almost all) forms
  • CRM-11743 Provide PSR-3 compatible log interface
  • CRM-11744 DB Error when using an umlaut in the set name of a custom field set
  • CRM-11745 Palette should not include custom data sets which extend other activity types
  • CRM-11746 e Notice: Undefined index: assignee_contact in getContactActivitySelector() (line 2507 of /var/www/wcan/
  • CRM-11747 Notice: Undefined index: country-5 in formRule()
  • CRM-11748 In Views, assignee and targets of activities return incorrect results
  • CRM-11749 Fatal error on pledge report if total_amount field is included
  • CRM-11750 Enotice (looks like other processors are affected)
  • CRM-11751 Discount is still set when Regular Fees were configured as part of prices set
  • CRM-11752 Languages are not in Transifex
  • CRM-11753 Configure Survey: Add "new campaign" link on Main survey tab
  • CRM-11754 Add 'Save and Next' buttons to the Survey configuration forms
  • CRM-11755 Can't choose a language with API v3 in multilingual sites
  • CRM-11756 Event RSS feed option returns fatal error
  • CRM-11757 Change 2nd tab title and classname to Questions
  • CRM-11758 Recontact interval set to 0 doesn't save
  • CRM-11759 Add created by property for groups
  • CRM-11760 Auto-create CustomGroup for survey activity type(s)
  • CRM-11761 Save user preferences for filtering Activities tab listings
  • CRM-11762 Add Note Subject to Advanced Search and Search Builder
  • CRM-11763 CiviEngage - fatal errors on Walklist report
  • CRM-11764 Add unit test for case get/update/delete
  • CRM-11765 When submitting credit card contribution (backoffice) address no longer prefills
  • CRM-11766 Contact name and adress leakage in profile mapping (ACLs are not checked)
  • CRM-11767 Personal Campaign Pages - Joomla menu items not creating properly
  • CRM-11768 Add Case Start and End Date filters to Find Case / Advanced Search
  • CRM-11769 Field pre help not showing in petition
  • CRM-11770 Add date popup to search builder
  • CRM-11771 shortcode for online donation/event is broken for wordpress
  • CRM-11772 Report Template test failing as can't unset component id in option_value
  • CRM-11773 allow drupal (7) user notification via createUser function
  • CRM-11774 hook_civicrm_managed leaves stale entity when last declaration disappears
  • CRM-11775 civiContribute has no capacity to report on, retrieve or export tax contributions that are flagged as deductible in the financial (contribution) type record
  • CRM-11776 Credit Card Contribution Page - copy address of donor to credit card information
  • CRM-11777 CiviDiscount does not apply automatic member discounts for non-public membership types
  • CRM-11778 Contact display name missing from page title on edit and view forms
  • CRM-11779 Scheduled Event Reminders in Event Templates Can Send to All Events
  • CRM-11780 Improve payment processor interfaces
  • CRM-11781 Delete survey is not working with new tab interface
  • CRM-11782 Search Builder: not all fields work with "IN" operator
  • CRM-11783 Future dated payments being set to wrong date
  • CRM-11784 user text for civicrm/event/manage
  • CRM-11785 Patch to use APC as cache
  • CRM-11786 Restore PayPal Express usability
  • CRM-11787 Views Integration can't find PCP contribution_page_id cause schema has changed
  • CRM-11788 Can't select contacts when viewing results from clicking Contacts on Manage Group page
  • CRM-11789 relationships updated via API are set to inactive - if param is not set
  • CRM-11790 Search Builder: Tag(s), Group(s) and Note(s) criteria returns blank column header and values (although query result is correct)
  • CRM-11791 Inclusive language - change spouse to partner
  • CRM-11792 Relationship check duplicates declares duplicate relationship inaccurately on api requests
  • CRM-11793 recent search behaviour changes have broken api get behaviour WRT Orgs vs Individuals
  • CRM-11794 Drop Trigger IF Exists fatals if custom table too long
  • CRM-11795 CiviAccounts Payment processor Account Type magic not working
  • CRM-11796 Recaptcha has no explicit error message when not filled in forms
  • CRM-11797 Offer a Waitlist Not Working - Cannot Make Online Payment
  • CRM-11798 advanced changelogging: altered and altered by contacts the same
  • CRM-11799 When donor enters billing address w/cc, billing address becomes primary
  • CRM-11800 State = Null or Is Not Null doesn't work in Search Builder
  • CRM-11801 sending 2 receipts
  • CRM-11802 LineItem.label was erroneously set to required - breaks tests
  • CRM-11803 E-notice breaking membership tests
  • CRM-11804 "version" in API v3 domain is ambiguous
  • CRM-11805 Template path registration in hook_civicrm_config breaks Joomla
  • CRM-11806 CiviAccounts api tests broken on create contribution with nested line items
  • CRM-11807 Inline edit: file handling in trunk
  • CRM-11808 Quick Search e-notices
  • CRM-11809 Pledge.get API retrieving contacts
  • CRM-11810 Allow sharing through social media - flag is ignored on the "Tell a Friend" form
  • CRM-11811 Profile does not display the right state when multiple countries are selected
  • CRM-11812 CiviMail: Using a token within an <a href> tag results in a double quotation mark, choking some mail viewers--with solution
  • CRM-11813 Pledge payment is incorrect after deletion of completed payment
  • CRM-11814 Sort order of Find Contributions search persists into Profile Batch update screen
  • CRM-11815 To remove screen warnings
  • CRM-11816 To remove screen warnings (2)
  • CRM-11817 Enhance api _spec with api permissions & fn description
  • CRM-11818 Completed Pledge payments are being changed to cancelled when a pledge is cancelled
  • CRM-11819 "Null" string interpreted as null value on save
  • CRM-11820 State / Province Default Drop Down Selection as it relates to Country Selection
  • CRM-11821 Contact details of domain contact are not getting updated in Upgrade
  • CRM-11822 Register.TPL says including yourself even when registering for someone else
  • CRM-11823 Core Resources Not Added Outside CiviCRM
  • CRM-11824 Pay later membership payment doesn't record a membership_payment
  • CRM-11825 Expand api wrapper constant handling
  • CRM-11826 Move logic for creating a new payment processor from CRM_Admin_Form_PaymentProcessor::updatePaymentProcessor to BAO
  • CRM-11827 Renewal of Membership with payment does not allow entry of Contribution (Financial type)
  • CRM-11828 Membership contributions lack some of the core fields and the extended fields of the contribution record
  • CRM-11829 modify quickform controller to return response in json format
  • CRM-11830 Breadcrumb on new financial type account form not working
  • CRM-11831 Inline edit broken in IE 8/9
  • CRM-11832 api civicrm_membership_create on household doesn't create memberships for related contacts
  • CRM-11833 DB Error saving an address when Google geocoding is on and locale uses different decimal point
  • CRM-11834 Manage display of CiviCRM menu using Drupal block
  • CRM-11835 Offline renewal of expired membership should respect "Renewal Entered Date" as the beginning of the new membership period
  • CRM-11836 Event Registrant is forced to select a Payment type when there is no fee if pay later enabled
  • CRM-11837 improve upcoming activities case query
  • CRM-11838 Civimember Roles Sync module erasing user data
  • CRM-11839 Contribution api - update payment instrument is failing
  • CRM-11840 Designer Edit/Copy/Create buttons broken in IE8
  • CRM-11841 CKeditor 'link' button incompatible with later versions of Chrome
  • CRM-11842 Unknown variable when synchronizing on membership status change
  • CRM-11843 Remove api support for param 'financial_type'
  • CRM-11844 Fee record entries are not created in financial tables as per 4.3 Dataflow
  • CRM-11845 Multi-lingual upgrade not working
  • CRM-11846 issues with Armenia, Georgia, Tajikistan, Sudan, Kosovo
  • CRM-11847 Dedupe rule names incompletely changed
  • CRM-11848 Profile forms called via profile/edit path should include configured 'create' behaviors if user is anonymous (reCaptcha and user registration option)
  • CRM-11849 Membership renewal message contains incorrect date
  • CRM-11850 CRM_Utils_System_Drupal::loadUser() is missing $uid assignment
  • CRM-11851 CRM_Event_BAO_Query::whereClauseSingle() contains bad array reference
  • CRM-11852 API validation is too aggressive on case sensitivity
  • CRM-11853 Declare additional fields on api contact.get spec for when permissions are used
  • CRM-11854 Custom data doesn't appear in changelog
  • CRM-11855 Cannot update custom case fields
  • CRM-11856 Changing option group values not updating existing data values
  • CRM-11857 CiviCases can not be found when they have no activities
  • CRM-11858 Joomla bootstrap helper
  • CRM-11859 Fix CRM_Core_BAO_ActionScheduleTest per required entity_value
  • CRM-11860 hook_civicrm_postProcess not called with PayPal Standard
  • CRM-11861 Allow option for second-degree relation permissions
  • CRM-11862 Rewrite inline-edit unit tests for new UI
  • CRM-11863 Make seldom-used javascript conditional
  • CRM-11864 Embed form-designer in event and contribution UIs
  • CRM-11865 Dropdown field for Groups is empty in Find Contacts
  • CRM-11866 Quicksearch: pressing enter after typing takes you to the wrong record
  • CRM-11867 Clarify matching rules for reserved optimized rules
  • CRM-11868 DB error if a number greater than 1 in Tax field
  • CRM-11869 After Joomla integration upgrade to 4.3 alpha the Civicrm frontend CSS does not load anymore
  • CRM-11870 CiviCRM top menu in Joomla admin lets Joomla admin menu show
  • CRM-11871 Error/message popup occludes commonly used menu items in Joomla admin
  • CRM-11872 Add relationship fails when start/end date are not given
  • CRM-11873 Contact > Contributions : column sort wrecks template display, hides top
  • CRM-11874 Inplace edit of Contact name missing padding in joomla
  • CRM-11875 Contact dashboard does not work after 4.3 upgrade
  • CRM-11876 Fix Option Value API to adequately flush pseudoconstants
  • CRM-11877 Grant custom fields don't show up
  • CRM-11878 Creating Smart Group through custom search throws a fatal error and also while performing advanced search on that smart group.
  • CRM-11879 Add reporting on which credit card processor is used to bookkeeping transactions report
  • CRM-11880 Website field doesn't work as a required field in On behalf Organization profile.
  • CRM-11881 Province-less countries don't work in On Behalf of Profile
  • CRM-11882 CiviCRM 4.2.7 Represents itself as 4.2.4
  • CRM-11883 case doesn't save if second case opened
  • CRM-11884 Sorry but we are not able to provide this at the moment
  • CRM-11885 Non-deductible field in Contribution record is not always populated correctly when Staff uses: + Submit Credit Card Contribution button
  • CRM-11886 Accounting Batches menu and sub-menu default permissions are inconsistent with actual access permissions
  • CRM-11887 "Process Inbound Emails" Job doesn't execute/process emails when it encounters an email without subject.
  • CRM-11888 Duplicate registrations for the same role unless the role is default.
  • CRM-11889 Webtests fail on external site
  • CRM-11890 Time conditions in reports are inaccurate at the "right" endpoint
  • CRM-11891 Conribution batch items ought to be grouped in menu
  • CRM-11892 CiviMail fails when INSERT into activity_target table fails.
  • CRM-11893 No Import of multiple phone numbers for one contact
  • CRM-11894 settings directory is not distributed in tarball
  • CRM-11895 civicrm allows contacts to be reserved more than once for the same survey
  • CRM-11896 Use views_data_alter rather than views_data hook to declare views data
  • CRM-11897 Remove Dead Code CustomGroup API
  • CRM-11898 Creation of default domain contact during upgrade may create a duplicate contact
  • CRM-11899 error extracting contents of drupal tarball
  • CRM-11900 Smarty {help} messes with some templates
  • CRM-11901 "No" Value Doesn't Import into Yes or No Custom Field
  • CRM-11902 Participant info is blank in recent item block after registering a new participant
  • CRM-11903 GroupContact API doesn't get smart group members
  • CRM-11904 Contribution import should import timestamp as well as datestamp
  • CRM-11905 Upgrade error if relationship type already exists
  • CRM-11906 Creation of new financial batch fails
  • CRM-11907 Intermittent "unable to read resource" smarty errors makes CiviCRM unavailable
  • CRM-11908 CiviCRM OG Sync doesn't support the currently recommended release of Organic Groups for D7 (7.x-2.x)
  • CRM-11909 Setup of Payment Processor from Configuration Checklist fails
  • CRM-11910 PCP - Missing Tell a Friend Links
  • CRM-11911 Loss of debug info due to R44205 (php 5.4 fix)
  • CRM-11912 When a contact email is updated the UFMatch record should be updated for all domains
  • CRM-11913 On IPN, no email receipts are sent for contributions
  • CRM-11914 database logging inserts incorrect changes
  • CRM-11915 Billing details of the logged in contact are not populated on online event registration page
  • CRM-11916 Could not find payment processor meta information
  • CRM-11917 On Behalf of Organization reserved profile Type should be Organization, Contact
  • CRM-11918 In place editing of "Birth Date" causes Contact to loose its subtype
  • CRM-11919 find mailings pagination count inconsistent with rows returned
  • CRM-11920 mailing search filter bar "all" may not return all
  • CRM-11921 API access via AJAX returns 404 error
  • CRM-11922 upgrade symphony in civix to fix windows related fatal
  • CRM-11923 Upgrade Civix api template to generate a _spec function
  • CRM-11924 Add entity & action to error message on verify mandator
  • CRM-11925 Support dynamic permission definitions in CiviCRM module extensions (a la Drupal's hook_perm)
  • CRM-11926 Improve error message on APi failure to include DB error message
  • CRM-11927 tweak settings api to work with chaining
  • CRM-11928 Advanced search by gender (or any other field in demographics) does not retain its values on POST
  • CRM-11929 $loginUrl in system workflow messages and PCPInfo not properly set for Drupal6 and WordPress
  • CRM-11930 Weird formatting in "Personal Campaign Pages - Admin Notification"
  • CRM-11931 Decrease number of emails one gets when registering for an event then creating a PCP page
  • CRM-11932 php warning missing arguments
  • CRM-11933 group contact calls pre & post hooks (sometimes) but does not conform
  • CRM-11934 Fix currency for email receipts for events
  • CRM-11935 Accounting Batch tasks should not be exposed in other search forms (e.g. Find Contacts, Search Builder ...)
  • CRM-11936 Changing user roles does not reset dashboard cache
  • CRM-11937 NewTest error due to 4.2 merge into trunk R45767
  • CRM-11938 UI create new contribution with credit card
  • CRM-11939 PDF engine wkhtmltopdf does not use specified top and bottom margins
  • CRM-11940 Split OG integration module out of core
  • CRM-11941 Notice: Undefined property: CRM_Core_DAO::$max_related in buildMembershipTypeValues() (line 2186
  • CRM-11942 Execution of CRM_Core_BAO_ActionScheduleTest breaks CiviTest/CiviMailUtil.php
  • CRM-11943 Campaign_id parameter is ignored in API Contribution create
  • CRM-11944 Importing data with invalid option values
  • CRM-11945 Odd Status bounce behaviour on trying to edit a contact I don't have permission to edit
  • CRM-11946 hook permissions as described not implemented
  • CRM-11947 County field value missing in User Account profile edit mode
  • CRM-11948 Run WebTests under Jenkins
  • CRM-11949 Custom fields in default contribution/membership receipt showing as "Array"
  • CRM-11950 AuthorizeNet unit tests are not checking doDirectPayment and cancelSubscription results
  • CRM-11951 Gracefully recover from old stale data in Config.IDS.ini
  • CRM-11952 After submitting a standalone profile 'back to listings' link is displayed
  • CRM-11953 Add formRule to prevent membership fields in profile fields when 'On behalf of ' functionality is enabled
  • CRM-11954 CRM_Contact_BAO_GroupContact::removeContactsFromGroup() wrong $op with 'Deleted'
  • CRM-11955 Free HTML fields do not display in "On Behalf Of" profiles
  • CRM-11956 Non-deductible field in Contribution record is not calculated when Staff uses The Record Contribution (Check, Cash, EFT...) button
  • CRM-11957 State_Province Dropdown Table Frame name in en-US displays name 'County' instead of State/Province in CiviCRM 4.2 on DEMO site
  • CRM-11958 New hook implementation for altering outgoing mail configuration
  • CRM-11959 Joomla 3.x compatibility
  • CRM-11960 Don't include "Pay Later" text in non-paid events
  • CRM-11961 Get/create event location via API
  • CRM-11962 Custom field ACLs in CiviReport
  • CRM-11963 DEMO Jommla website has opening page 'Hacked...'
  • CRM-11964 "My Cases" is counter-intuitive
  • CRM-11965 Fix Event Edit Location Tab
  • CRM-11966 CiviCRM gives whitescreen on all pages if HTML_PURIFIER module is enabled
  • CRM-11967 Admin Settings UI won't reset Outbound Mail settings if memcache is active
  • CRM-11968 Change log report: support activities and cases
  • CRM-11969 State and Country field values cannot be unset in User Account Name and Address profile
  • CRM-11970 Contribution Dashboard Fiscal Year View
  • CRM-11971 search builder: respect "contact is trashed" field
  • CRM-11972 Case Roles pane not updating when role is assigned or updated
  • CRM-11973 Convert existing multisite module (in tools) to an extension
  • CRM-11974 Refactor profile form templates
  • CRM-11975 CRM.api defaults get overwritten by each call
  • CRM-11976 Upload image not working in On-Behalf Profile configured for contribution.
  • CRM-11977 Participants to conference exceed limitation.
  • CRM-11978 In memory of shouldn't match to user automatically
  • CRM-11979 Installer Fails with Drupal Multi-Site
  • CRM-11980 4.2 upgrade fails if obsolete option group(s) were not deleted during 3.3 upgrade
  • CRM-11981 The "Nick Name" / "Nickname" Field Label is Inconsistent
  • CRM-11982 Fix bug on settings hook overriding rather than merging hook info
  • CRM-11983 Bookkeeping Transactions report retrieves and searches on financial type from contribution rather than line_items
  • CRM-11984 enabling CiviCRM OG Sync on Drupal 6.x causes login problems (fatal error message)
  • CRM-11985 Upgrade should upgrade the DB with all new message templates
  • CRM-11986 Back-office event registration with price set fails with fatal error - Database Error Code: Duplicate entry 'civicrm_participant-53-22-10' for key 'UI_line_item_value'
  • CRM-11987 Extension installation fails when /tmp is on different filesystem
  • CRM-11988 Fix no such field error in group api
  • CRM-11989 Error in CiviMail when bounce_reason longer then 255 characters
  • CRM-11990 Refactor URL settings form (and others) to use the new $_settings method
  • CRM-11991 Navigation menu items for reports are missing
  • CRM-11992 "Could not find valid value for id" upon returning from PayPal Standard
  • CRM-11993 Few bugs on switching language
  • CRM-11994 Undefined index: in CRM_Price_BAO_Set::processAmount()
  • CRM-11995 Contribution and Membership Details report notice
  • CRM-11996 Quick add contact block fails with fatal error: Could not find a valid session key.
  • CRM-11997 Need filter type for single date on report
  • CRM-11998 Re-add font, font size and font color buttons to ckeditor
  • CRM-11999 Member Signup and Renewal - Notice: Undefined index: auto_renew
  • CRM-12000 If detected using sms, upgrade script should provide message for installing from extension
  • CRM-12001 CiviCRM Settings link should be renamed to CiviCRM Installer
  • CRM-12002 Rebuild triggers appears to miss change to allowing null on table field
  • CRM-12003 CiviCRM fails to find a valid user email address on outgoing mail
  • CRM-12004 Missing Currency for Ecuador Sucre, Serbian Dinar and Currency Change for Venezuelan Boliver Fuerte
  • CRM-12005 postProcess hook sometimes not called on Contribution page
  • CRM-12006 Redirect to Paypal Standard fails on Chrome, Succeeds on Others
  • CRM-12007 Missing Country
  • CRM-12008 E-notices on create user
  • CRM-12009 Views: Filter by tag, group title (possibly others) broken
  • CRM-12010 Drupal 7 create user class doesn't support multiple creates
  • CRM-12011 PCP Notification Email link to view page is broken
  • CRM-12012 CiviCase - problem assigning case roles with multiple clients
  • CRM-12013 Expand Participant data search to include Contribution fields
  • CRM-12014 After renewal, membership status reverted to "Lapsed" or "Expired" by Membership status processor
  • CRM-12015 Sorting on country in a view does not work properly since the countryID is used.
  • CRM-12016 edge case for field values in bookkeeping report
  • CRM-12017 Need transaction date field in bookkeeping report
  • CRM-12018 Online contribution with membership option: fatal error if membership not selected
  • CRM-12019 "Leave Page" Alert after Clicking Help Link in IE
  • CRM-12020 Membership status processor log reports wrong number of updated records
  • CRM-12021 It's possible (and bad) to have no default location type
  • CRM-12022 Identify notices in WebTests
  • CRM-12023 Create regions on Summary.tpl for customisation of that screen
  • CRM-12024 Contribution Amount Label Not Translated through Word Replacements
  • CRM-12026 Edit Contact, Add new Groups, Save -> Screen goes blank
  • CRM-12027 Forget to Select Contact CSV and then Import fails to web page with no next step options
  • CRM-12028 Saving changes on Contact created an error
  • CRM-12029 When editing custom data fields crm-editable-saving class not removed
  • CRM-12030 CRM_Core_Resources->addScriptFile fails on windows machines
  • CRM-12031 Minor tweaks to setting api to make it work with smarty edit-in-place
  • CRM-12032 When you forward a civimail email to a person that clicks to the unsubscribe link, it unsubscribes the wrong person
  • CRM-12033 importing data against cudtom field used for addressess
  • CRM-12034 Allowed Shared Email Help should say 'supervised' not 'default strict'
  • CRM-12035 Event Income Detail Report Doesn't Limit to Criteria Selected
  • CRM-12036 Uninstall extension needs to be more properly defined
  • CRM-12037 Event Registration Profiles Fail to Load Address Data
  • CRM-12038 Custom field Post-help not shown
  • CRM-12039 Missing warnings about unset extensionUrl
  • CRM-12040 OpenStreetMap render issue
  • CRM-12041 Views integration ajax error
  • CRM-12042 Recurring contributions linked to pledges can cause roll-back if pledge completes before recurring
  • CRM-12043 Looking at a CiviMail Report for one mailing causes out-of-memory error
  • CRM-12044 Disappearing test results on Jenkins
  • CRM-12045 Configure Event: Online Registration checkbox
  • CRM-12046 Campaign ID not saved part of a petition signature
  • CRM-12047 Bug in civicrm_group_roles.module - deleting Contact from Group doesn't remove corresponding permission role
  • CRM-12048 Import Contacts Step 2 - Field Names Font not Red
  • CRM-12049 CiviEvent Online Registration Profile is not Populated with Address Data When Displayed
  • CRM-12050 IE8 Crashes on jquery code using tmp.styleSheet - similar to resolved CRM-11464
  • CRM-12051 Allow Contact API Get to accept an array of IDs
  • CRM-12052 Member dashboard fails where previously working
  • CRM-12053 Inconsitencies in function declaration in Report class (breaking LYBUNT & SYBUNT date options)
  • CRM-12054 Renaming a contact sub-type causes the icon is a search list to become CiviCase icon.
  • CRM-12055 Allow users to change label used for Contribution Amounts in online contribution page w/o switching to a price set
  • CRM-12056 Fatal on attempt to upgrade from CRM-11378
  • CRM-12057 Pass more contact data into hook_civicrm_summary()
  • CRM-12058 LineItem.tpl has totals running into each other
  • CRM-12059 Support hook_civicrm_permissions on Joomla
  • CRM-12060 Support hook_civicrm_permissions on WordPress
  • CRM-12061 Bulk Contribution Entry Issues on Upgraded Site
  • CRM-12062 Event registration on behalf of a related individual: URL not handled
  • CRM-12063 In-place edit of inline multi-record custom field: Add another record link fails
  • CRM-12064 Civicontribute Loads with errors on front end on major browsers on internet explorer and safaier.
  • CRM-12065 Contribution_type_id still needs to be migrated to financial_type_id for smart groups and some reports
  • CRM-12066 Custom field created with error, data saved on DB but error.
  • CRM-12067 QuickSearch options obscure textfield in Joomla
  • CRM-12068 Activities Dashlet Returning No Matches
  • CRM-12069 Cannot merge duplicates from contact "edit" screen
  • CRM-12070 Donor Report (Detail) Error
  • CRM-12071 Grant Report (Detail) Fatal Error
  • CRM-12072 Donor Report Summary for G.
  • CRM-12073 Event Participant List (Report) criteria is frozen
  • CRM-12074 Self Add into group on Contact Dashboard
  • CRM-12075 recurring contribution email links should be designated frontend for joomla
  • CRM-12076 recurring contrib email links: remove update billing details link when using paypal standard
  • CRM-12077 Is account_type option group cruft?
  • CRM-12078 Memberships by relationship persist even after relationship has changed
  • CRM-12079 PHP version check on upgrade fails
  • CRM-12080 Smartgroup not incremented on Groups tab, list gives warning "does not currently belong to any groups?
  • CRM-12081 Label on field is wrong for recurring contributions
  • CRM-12082 Upgrade CiviCRM to Version 4.3.beta2 warning when already completed
  • CRM-12083 Option for PCP donation completion to send notice to user that created the page
  • CRM-12084 Upgrade verifyPreDBState - check for orphaned contribution records
  • CRM-12085 Plain Text box on scheduled reminders not hidden
  • CRM-12086 WYSIWYG not showing on Contribution page widget about box
  • CRM-12087 Disclosure of advanced settings not correct on initial display
  • CRM-12088 Creating New Membership Type from Save and New button within another Membership Type Fails
  • CRM-12089 Thank-you Sent date not update...
  • CRM-12090 Rename .listAll.php and .permissions.php file to ListAll.php and Permissions.php
  • CRM-12091 CiviCase requires database 'CREATE VIEW' permission to be enabled
  • CRM-12092 CiviCase Dashboard block
  • CRM-12093 Full text block search - Could not find a valid session key
  • CRM-12094 Full text block search - always one step behind
  • CRM-12095 CiviCRM menu does not display on first load and requires a refresh
  • CRM-12096 4.3 Support for Joomla 3.0
  • CRM-12097 extra / in drupal/civicrm.install
  • CRM-12098 Dates have "01st"
  • CRM-12099 Problem loading jstree css
  • CRM-12100 On export participants, fatal error if shared address belongs to contact with very long name
  • CRM-12101 cron job reports not going out POST
  • CRM-12102 Redirect from /civicrm/ajax/doc to /civicrm/api/explorer
  • CRM-12103 Make GenCode optional for typical development
  • CRM-12104 Fix non-asyncronoys ajax calls
  • CRM-12105 report send cron results in drush / api abnormal termination
  • CRM-12106 Event Image Upload Error
  • CRM-12107 Javascript syntax error on new Contact creation
  • CRM-12108 Make IPN functions testable / tested
  • CRM-12109 Automatically append JIRA links to Git tickets
  • CRM-12110 Drupal Views: custom fields on address do not work
  • CRM-12111 WP frontend users should not build navigation menu
  • CRM-12112 PHP syntax error - Settings.php line 443
  • CRM-12113 Cannot delete non un-used membership
  • CRM-12114 Membership Add - Save & New only performs a Save
  • CRM-12115 Default Membership Type not selected - Contribution Form
  • CRM-12116 MailTemplates->sendTemplate uses tokens from plaintext email in subject
  • CRM-12117 Default Strict Rule Not Being Respected For Event Registration
  • CRM-12118 Allow Contribution to process with amount of zero if price set contains items with cost of zero
  • CRM-12119 Create a default "Dummy" payment processor for test data for demo site
  • CRM-12120 Advanced quicksearch should redirect to advanced search
  • CRM-12121 Put the CiviCRM version in the config object (which gets exposed to smarty).
  • CRM-12122 Print on "View Contact" fails with JS error
  • CRM-12123 Custom Data (File Field) in Drupal Views
  • CRM-12124 In-place edit of custom field option value: existing custom data not updated
  • CRM-12125 Case creation form "start date time" does not respect configured date format
  • CRM-12126 Establish consistent baseline css
  • CRM-12127 incorrect default financial_type_id on credit card membership creation
  • CRM-12128 Data Overwritten With NULL When A Profile Is Submitted Blank
  • CRM-12129 With binary logging on, now upgrading civicrm is impossible
  • CRM-12130 WordPress installation renders weirdly for first page view
  • CRM-12131 Wordpress public pages incompatibility
  • CRM-12133 OptionValue API create fails to auto-increment value when weight is specified
  • CRM-12134 Event status on front-end display the name instead of the description
  • CRM-12135 Title of list of events page on front-end is not translated
  • CRM-12136 Upgrading site with more than one domain, no new menu items except for domain 1
  • CRM-12137 PHP warning when editing a contact which has a picture file
  • CRM-12138 Does "shortcut method" for Reports work in CiviCRM 4.2?
  • CRM-12139 Upgrading with drush fails - sql appears not to have run
  • CRM-12140 Remove update from actions in the api explorer
  • CRM-12141 Upgrade problem large DB on unindexed temp table
  • CRM-12142 no such field when adding premiums to contribution page
  • CRM-12143 Editing and saving custom fields generates error message although the save happens
  • CRM-12144 Multiple problems using API create to update entities
  • CRM-12145 Membership descriptions not showing up on contribution forms
  • CRM-12146 Group API get no longer filters Groups on specified id
  • CRM-12147 CRM_Member_BAO_Membership::deleteMembership() pass complete membership to post hook
  • CRM-12148 Search Builder with financial type filter results Zero results
  • CRM-12149 Contribution (and other front facing pages) require javascript
  • CRM-12150 Drupal (and other CMS?) logins throw fatal after 4.3 code is applied to a site
  • CRM-12151 MySQL max_key_length error installing CiviCRM 4.2.8 on stock OSX MySQL
  • CRM-12152 merge tags: tag search returns no records
  • CRM-12153 merge tags function hangs with unique index conflict
  • CRM-12154 Export merge on Household breaks if relationship name changed
  • CRM-12155 Financial items are not deleted when associated contributions are deleted
  • CRM-12156 Cannot permanently delete a contact for whom a contribution has been created
  • CRM-12157 Default location type not respected on import/export field mapping screens
  • CRM-12158 Make --tap the default when running all tests
  • CRM-12159 Add Test for upgrading with logging
  • CRM-12160 Upgrading to 4.3 with more than one domain makes invalid menu entries
  • CRM-12161 Nested query filter not being applied
  • CRM-12162 Install seems to write hardcoded path into civicrm/civicrm.config.php used by rest.php
  • CRM-12163 Use wordpress style for including wordpress files
  • CRM-12164 Civi should function correctly even if wysiwyg module is disabled
  • CRM-12165 Can't embed image in PDF letter
  • CRM-12166 Make Group Nesting Optional on Multidomain
  • CRM-12167 Add support for admin-only fee / price field value options
  • CRM-12168 Could not find a valid session key
  • CRM-12169 Civi log files should respect Linux file ACLs
  • CRM-12170 Search Builder result listing is not proper, headers are shifted and the field used for searching doesn't appear in result list
  • CRM-12171 Inline editing of profile fields does not work in IE 8
  • CRM-12172 Use preg_replace_callback() in CRM_Utils_Token
  • CRM-12173 Add classes to profile fieldsets using the profile title
  • CRM-12174 Install documentation could be more helpful
  • CRM-12175 Database errors could be more user friendly
  • CRM-12176 configuration checklist flow sub optimal
  • CRM-12177 Database error after upgrade
  • CRM-12178 edit contact panel only partially visible.
  • CRM-12179 Fields widths are not wide enough
  • CRM-12180 Cancel out of Profile settings edit gives error.
  • CRM-12181 Settings - Enable components
  • CRM-12182 Reseting
  • CRM-12183 Inconsistent terminology
  • CRM-12184 Allow multiple columns when editing a profile
  • CRM-12185 Disabled profiles can be chosen in survey form builder
  • CRM-12186 Fonts in new profile editor preview mode are too small and wrapped.
  • CRM-12187 New sub groups feature
  • CRM-12188 Profile Editor Preview - duplicate IDs and JS errors
  • CRM-12189 Update book documentation on petition custom fields
  • CRM-12190 When in profile preview mode date/time displayed with simple text field.
  • CRM-12191 Survey Interview respondents missing fields.
  • CRM-12192 Financial Account for Payment Process Account displayed incorrectly due to incorrect filter
  • CRM-12193 In-app fundraising for CiviCRM
  • CRM-12194 JS bug in forms with mandatory custom fields with post-help
  • CRM-12195 Can't edit search criteria for a smart group based on an Include/Exclude Search
  • CRM-12196 Invoking cli.php gives notice 'undefined index'
  • CRM-12197 Overactive IDS causes test failure
  • CRM-12198 Weirdness if you save profile with no changes
  • CRM-12199 CiviAccounts menu items not appearing after an upgrade
  • CRM-12200 CiviReport menu items not modified during an upgrade
  • CRM-12201 Drupal 6 Upgrade to 4.3 beta4 fails
  • CRM-12202 change activity status modal popup broken on Case Dashboard and Find Cases
  • CRM-12203 Using contrib page with javascript off or with jquery error fails Paypal Standard transactions
  • CRM-12204 Drupal Demo site should allow contribution pages for anonymous users
  • CRM-12205 Error on upgrade with triggers enablec
  • CRM-12206 Batch Update Membership Type Icon Switches to First in List, No Matter Which You Pick
  • CRM-12207 Drupal views: Set preferred_communications_method to use pseudoconstant handler
  • CRM-12208 warnings on Beta4 upgrade
  • CRM-12209 Use of aclGroup hook causes permissioned groups not to show
  • CRM-12210 Improve default text contrast, or provide ability for users to adjust theme
  • CRM-12211 Edit Page for Petition shows the edit fields for survey, not petition
  • CRM-12212 Count of contacts selected fails when a selection set is sorted before the contacts are marked.
  • CRM-12213 Canceling "Record Activity" takes you to Find Activities
  • CRM-12214 Custom Contact Reference Select widget
  • CRM-12215 Mass mailing with zero recipients
  • CRM-12216 add an option to create separate activities for each target contacts
  • CRM-12217 multi-record custom data profiles: unable to select fields from sets assigned to a contact subtype
  • CRM-12218 Delete addresses via inline edit
  • CRM-12219 Scheduled Reminders must exclude deceased contacts, memberships w/ cancelled pending or deceased status and admin override memberships
  • CRM-12220 Membership Reminder Emails send to Cancelled Memberships Regardless of Date
  • CRM-12221 Membership pay later contribution: updating the payment to "complete" extends an annual membership by an additional year
  • CRM-12222 CRM_Member_Form_MembershipRenewal doesn't call CRM_Utils_Hook::buildAmount()
  • CRM-12223 Default wordpress permissions should match whats set in drupal
  • CRM-12224 Can only create one additional address inline
  • CRM-12225 ACL users not able to see groups until the do a group on manage groups
  • CRM-12226 'delete this address' still triggers validation
  • CRM-12227 Default / Recommended CiviCRM Extension Directory
  • CRM-12228 Forward token doesn't work from archived CiviMail mailing
  • CRM-12229 Flush cache after updating Word Replacements
  • CRM-12230 Tagsets appear in profiles when they shouldn't
  • CRM-12231 Notice when updating Pending Pay Later contribution linked to a membership
  • CRM-12232 event with price set blows up before taking fee. registered participants not showing up in reports.
  • CRM-12233 Online membership signup - contribution amounts field should not be required + various notices
  • CRM-12234 CSS Fix for Custom fields float property on Contact Summary
  • CRM-12235 Inline edit of multi-record custom fields broken
  • CRM-12236 Change log entries not shown in the report/change log tab after civicrm upgrade to 4.2.8
  • CRM-12237 Perminent delete bombs
  • CRM-12238 When opening tab "address field" in advanced search it always searches for default country and state
  • CRM-12239 CiviCRM News dashlet crm-accordion-wrapper doesn't open in full screen mode
  • CRM-12240 New API3 wrapper for Local/Remote
  • CRM-12241 Namespaces and PSR-0
  • CRM-12242 Greater than and Less Than symbols in MD5 hash get altered when saved
  • CRM-12243 Beta 4 upgrade fails with duplicate column error if site was originally installed as a 4.3 site
  • CRM-12244 Validate Mailer Settings form
  • CRM-12245 html2text munges hrefs containing tokens
  • CRM-12246 Avoid absolute paths in config / alternative to /extern/*.php scripts
  • CRM-12247 Missing mailing tokens in text messages generated from html source
  • CRM-12248 Configure Event: Registration tab - fix content and display of alert message for Allow multiple
  • CRM-12249 "System.flush", "Extension.install" don't work with class.api.php
  • CRM-12250 $contactname undefined in Contact/BAO/ContactType.php
  • CRM-12251 CiviMember Reports Improvements: Inner Join On Type vs Status and Add "Primary Member"
  • CRM-12252 What is price set price option description for?
  • CRM-12253 Joomla Install/Upgrade problem (Could not determine name of the quote function in Joomla!)
  • CRM-12254 Add ajax deletion to custom file uploads similar to attachment
  • CRM-12255 Bulk Email activity status misleading for bounced mails
  • CRM-12256 Recurring contribution email links point to the wrong contribution
  • CRM-12257 Error on deleting message templates
  • CRM-12258 Default payment processor should appear first in Payment Method radio button for online contribution page and online event registration
  • CRM-12259 Bulk update with shared address fails
  • CRM-12260 Select relationships when setting shared address
  • CRM-12261 Clean up file delete code to get rid of notices and static function issues
  • CRM-12262 JS error prevents crmTooltips from popping up
  • CRM-12263 Require Wordpress Account creation not working properly
  • CRM-12264 distmaker packages wrong version of Drupal6 code
  • CRM-12265 CRM_Core_BAO_MessageTemplates::add() should call pre/post hooks.
  • CRM-12266 Scheduled reminder for Activities produces SQL error if configured with certain delivery options
  • CRM-12267 Error in - Enhanced Registration - in Civicrm 4.3 Beta 5
  • CRM-12268 Completing a pay-later ignores the membership number of terms
  • CRM-12269 values should be specified in civicrm_data.mysql
  • CRM-12270 Batch Change Participant Status task sends confirmation email and marks contribution completed when participant status is updated FROM "Pending Pay Later" to "Attended" or "Registered"
  • CRM-12271 Changing a contribution status from "completed" to "Cancelled" or "Refunded" breaks Pledge payments
  • CRM-12272 Validation for required profile fields in event registration ignores 'extra' profiles
  • CRM-12273 Convert Contribution error when upgrade from 4.1 to 4.2/4.3
  • CRM-12274 Merge activity tables into one unified table activity contact table
  • CRM-12275 Notices displayed when updating a pariticipant record from Pending Pay Later to Registered AND recording payment received
  • CRM-12276 Changing default option in Activity Status does not change the default when creating an activity
  • CRM-12277 Notify batch Change Participant Status users that changing status FROM Pay Later TO Attended or Registered triggers email notification and payment status update
  • CRM-12278 setPaymentBlock in MembershipRenewal.tpl gets wrong memType for CC renewals
  • CRM-12279 Payment fields should be suppressed if registering for a wait listed event or an event with approval required
  • CRM-12280 "Compatibility mode" forced in IE9 (Joomla version)
  • CRM-12281 Latvian provinces
  • CRM-12282 Activity Delete gives an invalid key error
  • CRM-12283 Permissions for demo user for Accounting Batches
  • CRM-12284 Line item line_total and financial_item status are incorrect when completing pay-later event registration with multiple participants
  • CRM-12285 Editing an email using the 'inscreen' edit option does not update the drupal user email, where the email is used for the uf_match
  • CRM-12286 Importing Contributions Doesn't Work. Date Rejected
  • CRM-12287 Relationship types with same label in both directions don't display properly in B=>A edit mode
  • CRM-12288 Improvements to SMS interactions when using mass SMS and Clickatell
  • CRM-12289 SMS activity bugfixes related to Mass SMS
  • CRM-12290 Monetary units - currency symbol for Namibian Dollar is wrong
  • CRM-12291 Better matching for inbound SMS when number is stored in CiviCRM in national format and number from provider comes back in international format
  • CRM-12292 'Pay Later ' Event Confirmations for 2nd+ Registered Participants Erroneously Asks for Payments.
  • CRM-12293 CiviCRM memcache improvements
  • CRM-12294 Online contribution page WITHOUT membership section should NOT include "No thank you" option
  • CRM-12295 Error thrown when paying by Elavon
  • CRM-12296 Allow 'new' text in word replacements to accept HTML entities
  • CRM-12297 Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in civicrm/packages/IDS/Converter.php on line 319
  • CRM-12298 batch financial export fails in WP
  • CRM-12299 Profile view and profile pop-up layout fixes
  • CRM-12300 Do no log civicrm_mailing_event_* tables
  • CRM-12301 Inconsistant Error Messages for Money Fields
  • CRM-12302 Button to swap target and assignee contacts
  • CRM-12303 Accidental use of t() instead of ts()
  • CRM-12304 Some fields broken for Recurring Contributions in CiviCRM Views with Drupal 7
  • CRM-12305 Remove eval functions to tidy up code base
  • CRM-12306 is_email_receipt not respected for Back-office recurring contributions
  • CRM-12307 upgrade 4.2.9 to 4.3 beta5 not working on Drupal6: 'please reset the Drupal cache' ??
  • CRM-12308 Missing template file
  • CRM-12309 Notes filter on Contribution Detail Report produces DB error
  • CRM-12310 Missing First Name, Last Name sporadically in Membership Detail Report
  • CRM-12311 Membership Report Doesn't Show Recurring Contributions
  • CRM-12312 Fix contribution_type_id of 0
  • CRM-12313 jQuery validate not right for websites
  • CRM-12314 Fatal error when enabling CiviEngage
  • CRM-12315 Configuration option to use triggers
  • CRM-12316 Allow disabling of warning if extensions directory not writable
  • CRM-12317 {} and {domain.description} tokens don't work
  • CRM-12318 Update all references to cron in the book so that the mention scheduled jobs
  • CRM-12319 full text search is missing pagination toolbar
  • CRM-12320 Event tokens not available in Token library for Message Template creation
  • CRM-12321 Multi-tier caching causes multiple test regressions
  • CRM-12322 Users with permission to see contacts but not to see any groups don't get a proper menu
  • CRM-12323 Extensions directory cannot be set via UI & overrides are ignored if the key doesn't exist
  • CRM-12324 with field names having single quotes
  • CRM-12325 Correct and clarify help regarding use of tokens for events, memberships, and activities in message templates
  • CRM-12326 Name&email search is not using indexes correctly
  • CRM-12327 Add help for 'Create separate activity for each contact' option
  • CRM-12328 Profiles: "Add new contacts to group" AND "Include reCaptcha" settings are broken in profile forms
  • CRM-12329 Profile HTML Snippet in Drupal Block causes jscript errors (and breaks jQuery)
  • CRM-12330 Caching bugs in api setting code - as evidenced by failing test
  • CRM-12331 Custom Fields not showing up
  • CRM-12332 Strict warning when adding a new member
  • CRM-12333 Unescaped items in upgrade SQL script
  • CRM-12334 $config->activityAssigneeNotification referenced in tpl but never set
  • CRM-12335 "Newer version" alert shows current version
  • CRM-12336 Recurring payment JS broken?
  • CRM-12337 Optimize Menu Rendering
  • CRM-12338 Navigation menu the cause of hundreds of unnecessary queries
  • CRM-12339 Some CRM js functions broken on non-civi pages
  • CRM-12341 prev/next cache should not do double-ended wildcard search
  • CRM-12342 Advanced Search should not search email for text entered into "Name" field
  • CRM-12343 Remove Soap code
  • CRM-12344 Financial Type missing on Pledge tab and "Find Pledges" search results
  • CRM-12345 typo in text templates/CRM/Member/Form/MembershipType.tpl
  • CRM-12346 Enabling logging crashes due to no DB name supplied to create table.
  • CRM-12347 Rebuild Smart Group Cache errors out if limit=50 configured in parameters
  • CRM-12348 Issue creating report based on a template
  • CRM-12349 Event: multiple registrations allowed even though allow multiple box is NOT checked
  • CRM-12350 fix failing unit tests
  • CRM-12351 Blank titles on dedupe rules for upgraded sites
  • CRM-12352 missing single quotes around arrayed variable reference
  • CRM-12353 installments array value not set
  • CRM-12354 Add 4.2.9, 4.3.0 datasets to civicrm-upgrade-test suite
  • CRM-12355 Upgrade fails with "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ... A table must have at least 1 column]"
  • CRM-12356 Allow WordPress to store wp-content outside of main wp directory
  • CRM-12357 Split Mailings into separate tab if activity creation is disabled
  • CRM-12358 Event registration configuration - allows multiple registrations for same email address to be configured without requiring First+Last name for additional profile
  • CRM-12359 Extension browser doesn't list extensions having letter x,m or l at the end of the key
  • CRM-12360 city field not available on address edit if language is NL
  • CRM-12361 PayPal IPN Messages are not Being Processed for PayPal Standard
  • CRM-12362 SMS not working in 4.3.0
  • CRM-12363 Clean up caches after upgrade
  • CRM-12364 Help icon should be a question mark
  • CRM-12365 Fix notices on event confirmation page
  • CRM-12366 the CiviCrm Joomla Access Module Is broken
  • CRM-12367 multi-lingual upgrade from 4.2.9 to 4.3 fails
  • CRM-12368 proximity search via advanced search broken
  • CRM-12369 Fundraising message on upgrade screen
  • CRM-12370 CRM_Utils_Hook::requireCiviModules() assigns infinite weight to extensions
  • CRM-12371 Refreshing upgrade finish page causes errors
  • CRM-12373 civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern rules for postfix
  • CRM-12374 Paypal Standard callback is broken for contributions with fee amounts
  • CRM-12375 Add community messages setting to pingback stats
  • CRM-12376 CiviMail job with no remaining deliveries gets stuck in Running
  • CRM-12378 Create webtest for custom fields
  • CRM-12379 WordPress Access Control - rebuild menu needed
  • CRM-12380 Proximity Search not working in Adv Search
  • CRM-12381 IE9 is forced into compatibility mode when viewing the events dashboard in Drupal
  • CRM-12382 Relationships not saved from Add relationship -> Search -> Checkboxes
  • CRM-12383 4.3. advanced search on relationship start end date = which????
  • CRM-12384 Expose Profile create to Wordpress shortcode editor
  • CRM-12385 SQL error in Payment Express Payment processing module
  • CRM-12386 Ensure civicrm_root is escaped in WP install script
  • CRM-12387 Document components
  • CRM-12388 Call to civicrm_api3_group_get results in undefined function within Group.php API
  • CRM-12389 Funciton civicrm_initialize() should work in every CMS.
  • CRM-12390 Triggers should not include database name when logging is to the same DB
  • CRM-12391 PHP Strict Warning messages observed in SMS Provider configuration and Send SMS action
  • CRM-12392 PriceFieldValue REST API does not match DB Schema
  • CRM-12394 Typo in "Name Tent" event badge class causes fatal error
  • CRM-12395 Add database locks to all potentially long running jobs
  • CRM-12396 tokens in html not transformed
  • CRM-12397 unable to deselect additional participant profile if primary participant profile selected
  • CRM-12398 HTMLpurifier incompatibility
  • CRM-12399 Integrate official Twilio PHP library with org.civicrm.sms.twilio
  • CRM-12400 Output upgrade test results in JUnit XML format
  • CRM-12401 Schedule reminders for membership end date sent to all members
  • CRM-12402 Multi-record custom fields on a Tab does not always show all values
  • CRM-12403 CiviCase: editing custom data twice in CaseView acts weirdly
  • CRM-12404 Can't Update Supporter Profile from PCP linked on Contact Dashboard on Frontend WP Page
  • CRM-12405 patch for additional logging on failed IPN calls
  • CRM-12406 Respect includeOrderByClause setting in Advanced Search
  • CRM-12407 Custom field (multiple entries) not showing when "editing"
  • CRM-12408 Full Text Search Block fails with 'could not find valid session key' error
  • CRM-12409 Contribution Summary (Donor Summary) Report problem with displaying name
  • CRM-12410 Fix Activity delete / cleanupActivity
  • CRM-12411 Document overlap between CMS and CRM
  • CRM-12412 Implement unit tests for REST interface
  • CRM-12413 CiviCRM does not error on an api-key given through the REST interface that is not connected to a CMS user
  • CRM-12414 Civicrm event discount doesn't load for memberships that are part of a price set
  • CRM-12415 add api to civicrm event discount extension
  • CRM-12416 Database problems when installing Danish language as basic data set
  • CRM-12417 Date format of dd/mm/yyyy not working in Import Activities
  • CRM-12418 Page Corrupted after viewing Contact from Advanced Search in Joomla Front End
  • CRM-12419 Yahoo geocoder returns page not found
  • CRM-12420 Add documentation on managing email lists
  • CRM-12421 Programmatic Dedupe
  • CRM-12422 "Possible duplicate of" pointer for background deduping
  • CRM-12423 REST sessions broken or not a valid way to use the REST interface
  • CRM-12424 Bounce processing is less accurate (related to CRM-11046)
  • CRM-12425 Hotmail JMRP Bounce handling
  • CRM-12426 Date custom data not shown on confirm screen for participants
  • CRM-12427 PHP::raiseError objects are not returned up the call stack
  • CRM-12428 upgrade error on older sites on priceset conversion
  • CRM-12429 Locations with the same address but a different contact aren't shown in the "Event Location" dropdown
  • CRM-12430 CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing:create changes all mailing settings back to default
  • CRM-12431 log summary report: errors when columns are removed
  • CRM-12432 Some minor restructures on CiviReport Where fn to make it more flexible
  • CRM-12433 membership receipts not sending
  • CRM-12434 Website for, does not logout user from DRUPAL prior to going for HELP-ABout
  • CRM-12435 'Print PDF Letter' activity has no subject field
  • CRM-12436 Improve Query Speeds on large datasets by removing Lower Function from Query.php
  • CRM-12437 Contribution Dashboard year view clickthru dates
  • CRM-12438 Roles field in report settings needs "add" and "remove" on buttons
  • CRM-12439 Add description field for Profiles and expose the created_id field
  • CRM-12440 Error and alert messages so subtle they're ignored
  • CRM-12441 Update dedupe and merge chapter
  • CRM-12442 Document the new profile form builder used in survey
  • CRM-12443 Remove out of date book from Lulu
  • CRM-12444 locking - mention that you cannot edit same contact simultaneously somewhere
  • CRM-12445 wordPress ACLs
  • CRM-12446 Internationalisation support for extensions
  • CRM-12447 Restructure example section
  • CRM-12448 Improve duplicate membership warning
  • CRM-12449 On the import page, the dedupe rules select isn't using the rules' names
  • CRM-12450 Civi Views componet relationship handlers have error
  • CRM-12451 survey data entry form not reliably showing contact fields before question fields
  • CRM-12452 Cannot record activities for individuals with an apostrophe in their last name
  • CRM-12453 Some string missing on transiflex
  • CRM-12454 txt version of email based on html version is auto-generated but not recorded
  • CRM-12455 Document CiviAccounts
  • CRM-12456 Editing petition opens Configure Survey form
  • CRM-12457 Typo - 'Succesful' is spelled 'Successful'
  • CRM-12458 4.2.9 to 4.3.1 upgrade fails: Error on rename of FK_civicrm_membership_autorenewal_msg_id
  • CRM-12459 Report Changes for Soft Credit Enhancements MIH
  • CRM-12460 phpunit doesn't get mysql password from civicrm.settings.local.php
  • CRM-12461 Document improvements to the new quick search bar
  • CRM-12462 Country and State/Province in Views exposed filters
  • CRM-12463 Allow multiple soft credit contacts for a contribution
  • CRM-12464 Add PseudoConstants to Schema Metadata
  • CRM-12465 Document logging
  • CRM-12466 Group listings don't load
  • CRM-12467 Include Soft Credits in contribution search
  • CRM-12468 Add scheduled date as a filter to pledge report
  • CRM-12469 Add Option to forward bounce emails which are not successfully parsed
  • CRM-12470 Creating new financial type without AR account leads to unbalanced transactions
  • CRM-12471 Api call to OptionValue/create for languages group gives an error
  • CRM-12472 Custom tables being needlessly left joined into reports if they include a date field
  • CRM-12473 Clarify help text for financial accounts and types
  • CRM-12474 Put relationship ahead of account name in assigned financial accounts page
  • CRM-12475 Advanced search for CiviCRM ID fails
  • CRM-12476 CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant wrong method contributionType not fiancialType
  • CRM-12477 4.3 upgrade includes some auto generated FK names
  • CRM-12478 Default for Financial Account should be per Financial Account Type
  • CRM-12479 Create partner program
  • CRM-12480 Create a public view of all registered sites
  • CRM-12481 Filter the search of Civi experts by location
  • CRM-12482 Autocomplete Search Results limit setting should be used for all autocomplete widgets
  • CRM-12483 Add Contact Name Filter to Soft Credit Report
  • CRM-12484 Acceptable Use Policy
  • CRM-12485 Audit / streamline permissions and roles for
  • CRM-12486 Revise experts directory
  • CRM-12487 Password Policy
  • CRM-12488 CiviMail delivers only 10 emails on the first round
  • CRM-12489 Remove references to contribution types from the rest of the book
  • CRM-12490 Add Soft Credit data to the Contribution Detail Report
  • CRM-12491 Wrong help text templates/CRM/Event/Form/ManageEvent/Registration.hlp:
  • CRM-12492 Prevent deletion of last AR financial account, and of A/R relationship for Financial Type
  • CRM-12493 Confirmation Email Text Box Too Small
  • CRM-12494 updating recurring contribution with unlimited contributions throws error
  • CRM-12495 Vestiges of "Tasks" features remain in tables `civicrm_task` and `civicrm_task_status`, and in a few classes
  • CRM-12496 Soft Credit API
  • CRM-12497 API 'getfields' method returns all custom fields
  • CRM-12498 API contribution.create/update DB Error: constraint violation
  • CRM-12499 Allow users with 'access user profiles' to access $userRecordUrl
  • CRM-12500 Membership dashboard numbers are wrong
  • CRM-12501 Financial Account Tax > 10 causes error
  • CRM-12502 The civix test command needs to connect to civi but looks for civicrm.settings.php instead of civicrm.settings.dist.php
  • CRM-12503 Disabling CiviMail doesn't disable menu item
  • CRM-12504 Unit Tests cannot be loaded from extension directories due to a particular path expected in PHPUnit_Runner_StandardTestSuiteLoader.php
  • CRM-12505 Social Networking block should only be included on Thank-you page for online contributions
  • CRM-12506 Contact Contribution tab will not show more than 50 contributions
  • CRM-12507 Add ID number to <div container in tpl for public facing online contribution and event pages
  • CRM-12508 Add and/or improve the display of Price Set data in Event and Contributions reports
  • CRM-12509 API should create new entities as "is active" by default
  • CRM-12510 Copy Contribution Page does not copy associated quick-config price set
  • CRM-12511 Upgrade error where DB has some membership types with minimum_fee IS NULL
  • CRM-12512 CiviCase assign new follow up bd error : already exists
  • CRM-12513 Wrong help text templates/CRM/Event/Page/ManageEvent.hlp:
  • CRM-12514 Petition signatures export won't filter by petition
  • CRM-12515 Visual selection of "credit card type" on contribute/event forms
  • CRM-12516 _civicrm_api3_basic_get fails when id has a uniqueName
  • CRM-12517 Drush: fix civicrm-enable-debug (& add civicrm-disable-debug)
  • CRM-12518 typo in text CRM/Event/Form/Registration/AdditionalParticipant.php:
  • CRM-12519 Case merge doesn't copy custom fields over
  • CRM-12520 Add 24 and 36 month searching to relative date filter drop downs
  • CRM-12521 Your Registration Info default event profile should include First and Last Name
  • CRM-12522 Incorrect over-write to additional participant lineitems records while using IPN
  • CRM-12523 Wordpress timezone settings not carried to CiviCRM
  • CRM-12524 In Honor Of and Campaign ID are not carried forward on recurring contributions
  • CRM-12525 Hidden smart groups show in Groups view
  • CRM-12526 getUTCTime ignores format parameter
  • CRM-12527 Devel footer breaks CiviCRM json responses
  • CRM-12528 Add campaign column and filter to reports
  • CRM-12529 Add Price Set Details to Event Income Details Report, Event Participant Report (List) report and add summary to Price Set Custom Searches
  • CRM-12530 The edit in place feature, and calling the API from Javascript, is not working in some hosting configurations
  • CRM-12531 Fix soft credit for contribution import
  • CRM-12532 Quick Search Dropdown Overlapping results
  • CRM-12533 Wrong help text CRM/Core/Config.php:
  • CRM-12534 Wrong text CRM/Core/Payment/PaymentExpress.php:
  • CRM-12535 Wrong text CRM/Core/Payment/PayPalImpl.php:
  • CRM-12536 api calls don't update custom checkboxes correctly (exclude separator)
  • CRM-12537 Creating a contact through the API should populate addressee, postal greeting, email greeting fields
  • CRM-12538 Comments or saving any comments in Drupal 7.22 gives the following errors
  • CRM-12539 "Greater London" should be "London" in list of UK states and provinces
  • CRM-12540 Search results in breadcrumb not working properly
  • CRM-12541 Fatal error on contribution form when site has a contact subtype called 'Member'
  • CRM-12542 When Google geocoding provider is over limit contacts cannot be saved
  • CRM-12543 Discrepancies in Change Logs of new records created from Unmatched
  • CRM-12544 Activity logs reflect all target contacts
  • CRM-12545 failing api tests #1
  • CRM-12546 failing api tests #2
  • CRM-12547 failing api tests #3
  • CRM-12548 API not saving preferred_communication_method
  • CRM-12549 4.3.2 upgrade isn't displaying message or clearing caches
  • CRM-12550 Adjust email create to avoid 'blank' updates
  • CRM-12551 Campaigns dashboard won't load with tab in campaign description
  • CRM-12552 Demo site doesn't give demo user CiviCampaign permissions
  • CRM-12553 Tracking not working on CiviMail links with checksums
  • CRM-12554 Better orientation / home page for wiki
  • CRM-12555 High level organisation of
  • CRM-12556 Assign api_key for a user via command-line
  • CRM-12557 ACL users cannot see removed , pending groups on contact summary tab
  • CRM-12558 Ensure CRM/Utils/DeprecatedUtils.php is required
  • CRM-12559 Handle failed contributions in CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution_Confirm::processContribution()
  • CRM-12560 Don't generate duplicate test transaction IDs in
  • CRM-12561 Line breaks in comments in participant note
  • CRM-12562 Batch Update Participant Roles Not Set, Not Checkboxes, Data Overwritten
  • CRM-12563 Mismatched <table> tags in MembershipRenewal.tpl
  • CRM-12564 REST API documentation improvements
  • CRM-12565 Search Optimizations in 4.4
  • CRM-12566 Upload images in CKEditor fails
  • CRM-12567 Restructure CiviContribute section of
  • CRM-12568 Move smart groups into it's on chapter
  • CRM-12569 permission activity actions more accurately
  • CRM-12570 Javascript error when mootools is loaded in Joomla backend
  • CRM-12571 Settings - Mapping and Geocoding Providers javascript error
  • CRM-12572 Cannot use Drupal module "htmlpurifier" as conflicts with CiviCRM
  • CRM-12573 Wrong text CRM/Core/Payment/ClickAndPledge.php:
  • CRM-12574 Wrong text CRM/Import/Parser/Contact.php:
  • CRM-12575 Clarify switch between price set and manual membership
  • CRM-12576 BAO CustomValueTable only shows record ids for repetitve custom sets
  • CRM-12577 Cannot edit event registrations with an expired price set option
  • CRM-12578 Improve custom css options
  • CRM-12579 Demo Website Displays <new improved version> that is 1 revision behind Current stable
  • CRM-12580 Add index to sort_name / is_deleted to civicrm_contact
  • CRM-12581 Group(s) Selection for Profile Create Mode Not Saving
  • CRM-12582 Sending SMS via Clickatell in US fails without number having countrycode
  • CRM-12583 When editing a Membership type, which uses a fixed date period, the period & rollover dates always reset to the 1st of Jan
  • CRM-12584 Gencode.php should only change memory_limit upwards
  • CRM-12585 Uspuervised rule not being applied correctly
  • CRM-12586 Dashlets show 'false' on new install
  • CRM-12587 setting group contact cache to zero results in it being set to 5
  • CRM-12588 Query by Memership Type using Search Builder does not work
  • CRM-12589 TinyMCE Not Loading
  • CRM-12590 Fix failing CRM_Core_DAOTest
  • CRM-12591 Event Income Report (Detail): inacuracy in Payment Method Breakdown
  • CRM-12592 filter event list by event type joomla
  • CRM-12593 CiviCRM Views: "CiviCRM Contacts: Drupal ID" fails for chained relationships. Fix attached.
  • CRM-12594 Wrong texts in UI
  • CRM-12595 Fix basic formatting problems
  • CRM-12596 contribution_type_id schema has changed and created invalid views with multiple language system
  • CRM-12597 CRM_Contribute_BAO_Query::whereClauseSingle() does not handle unknown fields nicely
  • CRM-12598 Database Error Code: Unknown column 'price_field_' in 'field list', 1054
  • CRM-12599 Ensure that membership upsell and single membership per membership organisation is clearly documented
  • CRM-12600 Fix behavior of CiviCRM on specific screen(s)when the session has timed out / deleted
  • CRM-12601 Regression - CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables
  • CRM-12602 Group Roles module fatal on remove from groups
  • CRM-12603 grant pre hook invoked with wrong arg
  • CRM-12604 Contact reference not displayed on custom field in event
  • CRM-12605 Change Sourceforge default download when adding a new stable release
  • CRM-12606 Custom fields: creating an option with a quote in the option label causes SQL error
  • CRM-12607 Add employer and address fields to the Event Participants List report
  • CRM-12608 Batch merge causes DB constraint error
  • CRM-12609 Away messages should not trigger "on hold", or threshhold should be much higher
  • CRM-12610 "is test" returns all records
  • CRM-12612 Short-form git footnote
  • CRM-12613 Resolve merge of REST.php (4.3=>master)
  • CRM-12614 Password required again for CLI cron
  • CRM-12615 Incorrect information in participant record for additional participants
  • CRM-12616 Shortcodes do not respect other content
  • CRM-12617 Link CiviCRM entity types to CMS content types
  • CRM-12618 Event registration edit screen for additional registrants is incorrect
  • CRM-12619 Relationship search in advanced search usability issues
  • CRM-12624 WordPress does not allow anon user to access subscribe/unsubscribe CiviMail pages
  • CRM-12625 Unit tests broken on allowing array in group.create for group_type
  • CRM-12627 Addind new language gives "Row size too large" error
  • CRM-12628 new AllCoreTables script incorrectly assumes that BAO follow a std naming convention
  • CRM-12631 Quick Search Showing on Front End
  • CRM-12634 Return to home page link on upgrade finish page doesn't need to rebuild menus
  • CRM-12635 Summary page arrangement
  • CRM-12636 civicrm/petition/thankyou url should be exposed as a frontend page
  • CRM-12637 Contribution History by Relationship Report - needs to use sum value of all contributions per contact per year
  • CRM-12638 Optimize Prev/Next Cache and search interaction
  • CRM-12639 Eliminate left joins with option value / group, state, country, county tables in search queries
  • CRM-12640 Custom Search actions do not work if a contact is listed more than once.
  • CRM-12641 Discrepancy between summary and detail contribution reports
  • CRM-12642 recording membership payment no longer permits you to record the time
  • CRM-12643 Add instance of "Contribution Aggregate by Relationship" report to new installs
  • CRM-12644 Adjust title/description of Contributions by Organization report instance to stress relationship aspect
  • CRM-12645 Suppress edit link in list of contacts where they don't have edit rights.
  • CRM-12646 Suppress the ability to edit custom data unless the user has edit rights on the contact.
  • CRM-12648 CiviCRM mailing (or other scheduled jobs) do not seem to fire when triggered via wget
  • CRM-12649 Restore the Select Discount Set option for back-office event registration when event has Discounts by Signup Date
  • CRM-12650 Modifying the navigation menu on a multi-site shows menu of wrong domain
  • CRM-12651 Add preview of date format to Settings -> Date -> Date Display
  • CRM-12652 Joomla helper api.php wrong path
  • CRM-12653 Add Soft Credit Amount Field to Batch Data Entry
  • CRM-12654 Invalid contribution statuses are include in Batch Data Entry dropdown
  • CRM-12655 Translatable report instance titles
  • CRM-12656 Strict error notice in Joomla civicrmicon.php file
  • CRM-12657 fix crmAccordions in Grant Search
  • CRM-12658 Enabling logging on multilingual installations
  • CRM-12659 Add Phone as a potential field to pledge detail report
  • CRM-12663 Basic Search Actions Don't Work on Front End
  • CRM-12664 Grant delete task notification displays an array
  • CRM-12665 Remove unwanted files in Grant
  • CRM-12666 token replacement adds space in scheduled reminder
  • CRM-12667 Tell a Friend causes error: "You do not have permission to access this page"
  • CRM-12668 Search by group type creates inefficient query
  • CRM-12669 Can't display files in views (Drupal)
  • CRM-12670 powered_by.png image missing on install
  • CRM-12671 Custom searches do not work with the action box commands
  • CRM-12672 Scheduled reminders for memberships not fired
  • CRM-12673 Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in civicrm/packages/IDS/Converter.php on line 319
  • CRM-12674 WordPress updateConfigBackend is confused about URL
  • CRM-12675 Contribution activities shown to users without permission
  • CRM-12676 sortByCharacter parameter filtered out from API request
  • CRM-12677 Event labels should be escaped
  • CRM-12678 PseudoConstant.php on line 122 returns value not reference
  • CRM-12679 Paypal Express Recurring IPN not working?
  • CRM-12680 Contribution of multiple financial types in single field creates unbalanced transaction
  • CRM-12681 copy address to billing option no longer available
  • CRM-12682 Add Subject and Campaign fields to Print PDF Letter activity form
  • CRM-12685 Incorrect list for States in Pakistan
  • CRM-12686 Allow reports to set default date to an specific date for a field
  • CRM-12687 Make dao / bao definition within a report column optional
  • CRM-12688 Rename Additional Recipient(s) to Limit Recipients
  • CRM-12689 Generalize Additional/limit recipients in Scheduled reminders
  • CRM-12690 Post-install, need auto civicrm_uf_match to create admin record
  • CRM-12691 Create PCP link is hard to discover and link in user guide is incomplete
  • CRM-12692 custom demographic fields not updated when filled out via a profile
  • CRM-12693 Minimum event participants
  • CRM-12694 Eliminate/replace call to function mime_content_type()
  • CRM-12695 Membership sharing doesn't work after merge
  • CRM-12696 Custom Filled will not delete or update under Profile
  • CRM-12697 CRM_Campaign_BAO_Petition::checkSignature references non-existent column civicrm_activity.source_contact_id
  • CRM-12698 Priceset details are not shown for credit card contributions
  • CRM-12699 Total_Amount field is incorrectly recorded as 0 for repeating credit card contribs.
  • CRM-12700 Allow monetary value (not amount) format override
  • CRM-12701 Disable new version alerts option
  • CRM-12702 D6 package on Sourceforge: CiviCRM Modules in 4.3.3 show as version 3.4
  • CRM-12703 Installation
  • CRM-12704 Unable to retrieve settings from CRM_Core_BAO_Setting
  • CRM-12705 Cannot 'Create user record' in Drupal 6
  • CRM-12706 export: custom field labels, not values, are exported
  • CRM-12707 Price Set usage history not recorded in civicrm_price_set_entity
  • CRM-12708 Missing filter handler for Multi-Select State/Province
  • CRM-12709 Wrong placement of Free HTML field in profile
  • CRM-12710 Eliminate extra blank page from end of PDF labels (badges)
  • CRM-12711 Create PDF Letter Not Working With Joomla 2.5.x
  • CRM-12712 Query builder does not work with IS EMPTY filter (on dates)
  • CRM-12713 CiviCRM Breadcrumbs broken in WP Admin
  • CRM-12714 Actual Participants count on Find Participants is mistakenly displayed when search test participant records are present
  • CRM-12715 Merge duplicates is excruciatingly slow on contacts with multiple custom field entries due to cross join
  • CRM-12716 Limit the number of chars that can be entered in Notes custom fields displayed as TextAreas
  • CRM-12717 Undelete, Logging and ReCAPTCHA... huh?
  • CRM-12718 in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array in IDS.php
  • CRM-12719 Activity emails for cases aren't getting sent to "Assigned To" contacts
  • CRM-12720 More than one payment processor instance of one class breaks IPN.
  • CRM-12721 Correct crmURL parameters and add option for WordPress link display
  • CRM-12722 Group page only shows 25 child groups
  • CRM-12723 Hide top navigation bar on wordpress frontend
  • CRM-12724 another spot to fix for activity contact restructre - merge contact where activity custom data exists
  • CRM-12725 Query builder weird behavior with boolean custom fields
  • CRM-12726 CiviCase behaviour when deleting clients from the database
  • CRM-12727 Introduce new Views filter operator "Is all of" for multi-select Custom fields
  • CRM-12728 Report removed from navigation menu
  • CRM-12729 Civicrm Rules integration not working.
  • CRM-12730 Redirect to front page on event registration and mailing list registration in Joomla 2.5.11
  • CRM-12731 CiviCRM user capabilities not being applied
  • CRM-12732 Upgrade process to 4.3.3 enables disabled contribution types.
  • CRM-12733 change case type: option to not reset timeline broken
  • CRM-12734 Export Event Participants - DB Error: value count on row
  • CRM-12735 "Actions" button don't show up in Contact summary without the edit permission
  • CRM-12736 Profile Batch Update maximums are low and sould be configurable
  • CRM-12737 Handle cURL errors in class.api.php
  • CRM-12738 Handle strings which contain ampersands in REST API
  • CRM-12739 Tagsets do not work with profile forms.
  • CRM-12740 CiviGroup Roles Sync does not trigger sync on Drupal user login
  • CRM-12741 priceset does not delete when referenced by event
  • CRM-12742 Unable to Install CiviCRM 4.33
  • CRM-12743 Eliminate use of eval in core code
  • CRM-12744 Quick search: allow to display the birth date in the search results
  • CRM-12745 AlterPreferences.php has Bad Characters
  • CRM-12746 Dummy Payment Processor does not work
  • CRM-12747 Security Issue: Any user with "Access CiviCRM" can view contributions
  • CRM-12748 when do_not_email (and other do_not_* fields) are included on profiles, the db value is set to NULL
  • CRM-12749 drupal view with text link view causes warning
  • CRM-12750 upgrade smarty to 2.6.27
  • CRM-12751 upgrade tcpdf to 6.0.x
  • CRM-12752 Renaming participant status "pending from approval" affects two-step registration process
  • CRM-12753 Searching for contacts by date created
  • CRM-12754 Mass Mail
  • CRM-12755 Ensure wkhtmltopdfPath is valid and is a executable
  • CRM-12757 Upgrade and test open-flash-chart.swf
  • CRM-12759 Multisite add to group code doesn't kick in when a group is being added
  • CRM-12760 missing event admin documentation images
  • CRM-12761 trxn_id and invoice_id fields are UNIQUE when more than one Contribution could be in the same transaction or invoice
  • CRM-12763 Front-end configure-this-event links broken in WordPress
  • CRM-12764 Add API for FinancialType and FinancialAccount, perhaps for EntityFinancialAccount
  • CRM-12765 Sanitize contact.getquick api input
  • CRM-12766 Upgrade html2text to version shipped by roundcube
  • CRM-12767 CiviCase
  • CRM-12768 Custom field should create option group if appropriate
  • CRM-12769 Showing manage events as per the logged in user role.
  • CRM-12770 Import doesn't trim email fields
  • CRM-12771 contribution pages with a zero amount are not generating receipts or creating contribution records
  • CRM-12772 Member Report (Detail) locks in DB with large membership/contribution sets
  • CRM-12773 Importing to a custom field - if field is set but IS_NULL we get a fata,
  • CRM-12774 event participant listing report: fee amount empty when additional registrant
  • CRM-12775 Don't fail upgrades for lack of page preprocess when calling from Drush
  • CRM-12776 Wordpress ACL does not work with multisite
  • CRM-12777 Add grants to contact dashboard
  • CRM-12778 Expose grants to the front-end
  • CRM-12779 CiviCRM cron does not bootstrap Drupal modules or CiviCRM extensions
  • CRM-12780 Custom Field Set table name is too long for MySQL
  • CRM-12781 Batch: is there anything already to support sepa export?
  • CRM-12782 Default Payment Processor not used for "Submit Credit Card Membership"
  • CRM-12783 As of 4.3, civicrm pulls in content by default from non-authenticated web site (http instead of https)
  • CRM-12784 Content pulled in from does not undergo any markup validation
  • CRM-12785 Civicampaign petition includes all states for all enabled countries instead of just states for selected country
  • CRM-12787 Case Detail report: add filter & display column for Deleted
  • CRM-12788 Internalization icons missing on Membership Tab in Contributions
  • CRM-12789 create country API
  • CRM-12790 Create a link between an contribution that is part of a recurring contribution and that recurring contribution
  • CRM-12791 Display contribution information in participant report
  • CRM-12792 Contribution gets into another contact's contribution
  • CRM-12793 Add BatchEntity to the API
  • CRM-12794 Notice when trying to delete Expense Account is when that account is currently in use
  • CRM-12795 Dedupe is causing lock timeouts
  • CRM-12796 Can special characters be kept from being transformed to HTML code when switching (back) to source code view?
  • CRM-12797 Scheduled Jobs page doesn't handle multi-site correctly
  • CRM-12798 contact detail report ignores date fields
  • CRM-12799 Remove cruft from 4.3.alpha1.tpl file
  • CRM-12800 Membership Translation and Reserved Profiles Translations not working
  • CRM-12801 Error with label field not found when enabling CiviCase
  • CRM-12802 case summary report date fields should use configured display option
  • CRM-12803 Search Action to send a mass mailing always targets 0 recipients
  • CRM-12804 version_compare in CRM_Utils_Form::doIncrementalUpgradeFinish() tests unset value
  • CRM-12811 Error parsing Custom Group from Form due to wrong type
  • CRM-12812 case custom field using wysiwyg fails to load
  • CRM-12814 mailings tab slow performance
  • CRM-12815 Upgrade UI: Display error for malformed server response
  • CRM-12816 track replies should require forward reply email address
  • CRM-12817 Two deep chained API not working after upgrade to 4.3.3
  • CRM-12818 Add shortcode support for Petitions
  • CRM-12821 SQL in 4.3.alpha1.mysql.tpl can fail if civicrm_dashboard_contact references deleted contacts
  • CRM-12822 Phone extension number not appearing on 'Event Info' page.
  • CRM-12826 add MessageTemplates API
  • CRM-12827 Choose name and 'mission statement'
  • CRM-12828 write content to promote membership to potential members
  • CRM-12829 write content to explain and promote members to people that are looking for service providers
  • CRM-12830 create view of service providers
  • CRM-12831 Badge for service providers (supporters and contributors)
  • CRM-12832 decide on fee structure
  • CRM-12833 create membership sign up page
  • CRM-12834 configure membership types
  • CRM-12835 Display relationship description on relationship tab
  • CRM-12836 Expose relationship between civicrm_contact and civicrm_uf_match tables to Drupal views
  • CRM-12840 Can't select individual contacts on the Search Results page - replicated on Demo
  • CRM-12841 unsubscribeUrl token not recognized
  • CRM-12844 Automated recurring contribution "civicrm_line_item" records have wrong financial type id
  • CRM-12848 Join member will appear fatal failed if previous submission is cancelled
  • CRM-12849 "Change log" tab crashes with "Table log_civicrm_activity_target doesn't exist"
  • CRM-12851 Automated recurring contributions started under 4.2.x are not recorded in 4.3.4
  • CRM-12852 Create Relationship doesn't filter Contact B, by its SubType
  • CRM-12853 Patch for CiviCase + Drupal Views3 integration
  • CRM-12854 "Find Pledges" search throws SQL error if end-user uses a comma in 'amount'
  • CRM-12855 advance search->select all->schedule/send a mass mailing: Total recipients: 0 (incorrect)
  • CRM-12856 civicrm 4.3.4 (drupal7) - Mailing Report - Successful deliveries almost twice the Intended recipients
  • CRM-12857 Disabling a relationship via API will not remove the inherited membership
  • CRM-12858 Contribution page does not recognize Price Sets (WordPress)
  • CRM-12860 There's no simple way to link to a profile listing
  • CRM-12861 custom group / custom field api tweaks
  • CRM-12862 Enhanced export for "merge contacts with same address" - family names
  • CRM-12866 Enabling APCcache gives DB Error: no such field error
  • CRM-12867 Changelog enhanced summary report: pagination erroneous count
  • CRM-12868 Checkboxes in profile fields (single-option?) generate warnings during contribution
  • CRM-12869 Record Payment from different contact causes email and address to be altered in contacts record
  • CRM-12870 Search in campaign dashboard does not work
  • CRM-12871 Token defaults not working
  • CRM-12872 Ajax-enable search results
  • CRM-12873 Setting "Inherit CMS Language" flag causes system failure.
  • CRM-12874 Rename civicrm.settings.php.tpl so it uses a different suffix from Smarty templates
  • CRM-12875 Notice when disabling component
  • CRM-12876 Wordpress: link to new Petition / edit Petition does not work
  • CRM-12879 Decimal Separator different than point creates wrong amount in Event Fee Contributions
  • CRM-12880 ACL help text could be slightly clearer?
  • CRM-12881 Inconsistency with hook_pre and hook_custom for custom fields
  • CRM-12882 Payment Processor passwords should be better hidden
  • CRM-12883 Contribution Page Receipts BCC
  • CRM-12885 Create RelationshipType API no longer supports any-to-any relationship types
  • CRM-12886 - Installation
  • CRM-12887 Js tidy-up on Contribution dashboard
  • CRM-12916 State Address for non-default country not autofilling on event registration pages
  • CRM-12917 Civicrm Member Role Sync doesn't sync past the 25th membership type
  • CRM-12918 Civi doesn't track recurring contributions through Paypal Express, but form still gives us the option to create them
  • CRM-12919 Duplicate entries in civicrm_settings table cause unpredictable operation
  • CRM-12920 Edit all contacts permission overrides CiviEvent/CiviContrib permissions in search
  • CRM-12921 Expose grants to the front end, create online grant applications
  • CRM-12926 Report Images, such as bar charts, do not appear when printing or in the PDF
  • CRM-12927 image_URL field doesn't get saved in profiles used as dialog
  • CRM-12928 Merge contacts fatal error: Unknown column 'source_contact_id' in 'where clause (related to activity restructure)
  • CRM-12929 Do not allow Permanent Delete for contacts who are linked to live financial transactions
  • CRM-12930 CRM/Core/BAO/MessageTemplates.php does not obey CIVICRM_MAIL_SMARTY
  • CRM-12931 Add Transactions to Accounting Batch: Do not include financial transactions linked to deleted contacts
  • CRM-12942 Create CustomGroup - Tab/Inline and Multi-Value options hidden
  • CRM-12949 Membership pay later: extra year added on contribution completion
  • CRM-12951 DB Error: syntax error in logging contact report
  • CRM-12955 File not found CRM/Core/DAO/Currency.php
  • CRM-12956 CiviCRM custom fields (with selects) in Views are a mess
  • CRM-12961 Custom Fields display: do not assume that an unselected yes/no radio means "no"
  • CRM-12962 templates/CRM/Contribute/Form/Contribution/PremiumBlock.tpl hard-codes .other_amount-section
  • CRM-12963 Event Badge Improvements
  • CRM-12964 create schema for event badge creation
  • CRM-12965 create/edit form for badge layout
  • CRM-12966 print event badges workflow
  • CRM-12967 ability to add barcode for event badges
  • CRM-12968 research / creating detailed specification / mockups
  • CRM-12969 Smarty condition | $var should behave like '{var}'
  • CRM-12970 civicrm_price_field_value not removed for discount price set
  • CRM-12971 Internal Server Error caused by advanced search for date added
  • CRM-12972 No receipt sent for PayPal Pro Recurring Donations
  • CRM-12973 Other amount field on contribution page has value reset with form validation errors
  • CRM-12974 Improve multi-currency support for premiums
  • CRM-12975 KCFinder cannot upload an image, displays "Unknown Error"
  • CRM-12976 In field of type Notes - TextArea, data Input of a $ (dollar sign) followed by one or two digits between 1 and 9 will result in deletion of the numbers.
  • CRM-12977 Personal Campaign Pages on WordPress: uploaded images not being displayed
  • CRM-12978 Access denied for self-service recurring contribution URLs in WordPress
  • CRM-12979 CiviCRM API should allow for creating addresses with no contact_id parameter to allow for importing civicrm_loc_block
  • CRM-12980 Checkbox and radio button custom fields are not rendered in On Behalf Of profiles if Options Per Line is set
  • CRM-12981 Fixes unreliable sorting of activities
  • CRM-12982 Broken/missing field handler error when trying to add phone location type field in Drupal view
  • CRM-12983 Contributions created via the API are unbalanced
  • CRM-12984 Create api.complete transaction
  • CRM-12985 do not update price field name when label is updated
  • CRM-12986 event_id not required in schema
  • CRM-12987 Alphanumeric Fields Truncated
  • CRM-12988 OptionGroup.create doesn't update
  • CRM-12989 Editing memberships, contributions, event registrations or contact profile in multiple tabs replaces data
  • CRM-12990 Hook substitution not made on mailing label where there are no other tokens
  • CRM-12991 Batch name incorrectly require to be unique
  • CRM-12992 Field values not displayed on participant confirmation page
  • CRM-12993 On Behalf of an Organisation profile fields included in a contribution page which include a checkbox don't display
  • CRM-12994 Premiums Section disabled, yet asking for No Thank You Title
  • CRM-12995 Online event confirmation email - {contact.display_name} is empty
  • CRM-12996 Only 10 emails get sent on first mailing triggered by cron.
  • CRM-12997 Manually completing event contribution fails for multiple line items
  • CRM-12998 mailing summary report should not have add to group option
  • CRM-12999 Define requirements of membership of supporting partners program
  • CRM-13001 Change from no auto-renew to auto-renew for existing membership type, dB Syntax error
  • CRM-13002 Cron Jobs in Joomla 2.5.11 Do not Run
  • CRM-13003 Upgrade SeleniumRC in packages to resolve incompatibility with current Firefox release
  • CRM-13004 Create discount transaction fails for event price sets that do not use radio buttons
  • CRM-13007 SOAP authentication fails on WP with CCRM 4.3+
  • CRM-13008 When modifying a shared address, display affected contacts
  • CRM-13009 Sub Type in Search Builder returns incorrect results
  • CRM-13010 Coding standards in api/class.api.php
  • CRM-13011 when using profile to display advanced search, can't reliably display primary phone number
  • CRM-13014 CiviMobile fatal on non-d7 -Need a UF function for login authenticate
  • CRM-13015 Additional Address label is confusing, consider changing it back to Supplemental Address
  • CRM-13016 Add a civicrm_api3 wrapper
  • CRM-13017 API fixes & improvements to Drupal6.php bootstrap
  • CRM-13018 CLONE - Yahoo geocoder returns page not found
  • CRM-13019 Add BANES state to address database for UK
  • CRM-13020 Custom fields set to view only not visible on report / various other places like contact summary
  • CRM-13021 Could not find a valid session key Error returned after Quick Search using Browser Internet Explorer 10
  • CRM-13022 Need two different strings for "To" in order to translate correctly into German
  • CRM-13023 API Case Entity and Get Action can not be called without search fields
  • CRM-13024 Search Builder dropdowns broken for Groups, State, Country ...
  • CRM-13025 Contact edit Groups pane : use crmasmSelect widget instead of list of checkboxes
  • CRM-13026 Advanced Search : Display results as Mailings
  • CRM-13028 Adv logging: Refine triggers for tables with datestamps
  • CRM-13029 search builder: unable to search activity details
  • CRM-13030 Become a partner contribution "Services" multiselect form field can't be set
  • CRM-13031 Add CiviCRM to PayPal's list of "fundraising solutions"
  • CRM-13032 Search builider does not allow >, < type operators on custom fields with option groups
  • CRM-13033 Drupal user timezone is not respected in Civi pages
  • CRM-13034 Premium minimum price isn't checked if Amounts Block is deselected
  • CRM-13035 CRM Core Payment BaseIPN.php : function validateData() uses DAO objects instead of BAO objects
  • CRM-13040 Batch geocode should support possibility of geocoder setting post code
  • CRM-13041 Updating contribution to Completed for manually entered Membership fails
  • CRM-13042 Syntax error on creating new radio-type custom field
  • CRM-13043 Native gettext: "margin" is not correctly formatted
  • CRM-13045 Spellcheck does not work in Firefox
  • CRM-13046 Petition form doesn't display selected activity profile on edit
  • CRM-13047 drush civicrm-install command should allow for database installation without specifying a tar ball
  • CRM-13049 Allow user to enter custom contribution fields when using "Record contribution" on backend membership pages
  • CRM-13050 cli.class.php doesn't import/export custom fields with multi-select values
  • CRM-13051 Pledge detail report provides inaccurate totals
  • CRM-13052 Participant getcount smarty api calls
  • CRM-13053 Cannot set country in profile to default country from settings
  • CRM-13054 Add crmRegions to EventInfo template
  • CRM-13055 Imported invoices / manually created contributions show as unpaid
  • CRM-13056 Civi Engage List report returns Cannot make static method CRM_Report_Form::getOperationPair() non static"
  • CRM-13057 Replies to mailings processed through SOAP are failing
  • CRM-13059 Relationship search (from advanced search) contains server killing join
  • CRM-13060 Changing the Financial Type for Contribution pages and Events does not update the Financial Type selected for Price Sets and Price Field values
  • CRM-13061 Add Soft Credits to Contribution Summary Report
  • CRM-13062 Wrong texts in UI
  • CRM-13063 Date is incorrect/misformatted in membership receipt email
  • CRM-13064 Localization is broken
  • CRM-13065 Upgrade error
  • CRM-13066 'Clean up Caches' deletes in progress batches
  • CRM-13067 Update BAO / API to clearly support membership payments following on from CiviAccounts. Reduce form layer duplication of api layer smarts on this
  • CRM-13068 Add "LC_MESSAGES" in l10n directory hierarchy to simplify "Native gettext"
  • CRM-13069 Add event start date to participant report
  • CRM-13070 Cleanup Job should remove *.log files older than X days
  • CRM-13071 Use nofollow
  • CRM-13072 Make PHPunit tests, api functions & BAO functions in the tests standards & E-notice compliant,
  • CRM-13073 Allow profile fields to be configured with a default
  • CRM-13074 Failure on CMS user deletes contribution
  • CRM-13077 Drush variable misspelling results in php notice
  • CRM-13078 Batch Data Entry silently drops 'batch-valid' entries if no contact_id is associated with them
  • CRM-13079 hard limit on number of options for price field; no warning/error
  • CRM-13081 Drupal views: Allow joining to the civicrm_relationship table via either contact_id_a or contact_id_b
  • CRM-13082 Case Activity sometimes shows custom data twice on form errors / CRM.buildCustomData question
  • CRM-13083 Activity Search seems to be ignoring the activity_role filter
  • CRM-13084 Unable to complete installation due to foreign key constraint
  • CRM-13085 Transaction rollback doesn't work with contact creation (due to ACL TRUNCATE)
  • CRM-13086 Support payments via Drupal Webforms
  • CRM-13087 Editor not visible and/or not saving content if CiviCRM ACLs are active - but CKEditor not affected
  • CRM-13088 civicrm_contribution_product schema inconsistent in fresh installs vs upgrades
  • CRM-13089 CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::create overrides user-defined name parameter values
  • CRM-13090 New Petition/Survey form validation - enforce unique constraint on ActivityType-Campaign-Title
  • CRM-13091 api chaining broken on rest (permission issue)
  • CRM-13092 case export - select fields via relationship errors
  • CRM-13093 CiviCRM Dashboard unavailable
  • CRM-13094 civicrm_contribution_recur schema inconsistent in fresh installs vs upgrades
  • CRM-13095 Deleted Contacts Show Up in "Select an existing organization" on On Behalf Of
  • CRM-13096 Table civicrm_official_receipt missing from upgrades
  • CRM-13097 compound surnames
  • CRM-13098 remove redirects from BAO layer
  • CRM-13099 full text ignores row count
  • CRM-13100 Membership: change text when creating login account
  • CRM-13101 Typo in contribution widget generated css for .crm-amounts
  • CRM-13102 Event Registration fails with "We can't load the requested web page. This page requires cookies to be enabled..."
  • CRM-13103 Hook execution terminates prematurely
  • CRM-13104 Hook results may redundantly merge (unverified)
  • CRM-13105 Updating Financial Type using Find Contributions > Batch Update via Profile unintentionally sets contribution status to Completed
  • CRM-13107 Individual Prefix, Suffix and Gender fields are broken in Profile Create, Edit and View
  • CRM-13108 Warnings when extensions is installed
  • CRM-13109 API.Membership.delete fatals on invalid id
  • CRM-13110 Task membership delete does not delete related memberships
  • CRM-13111 Make honoree help text optional
  • CRM-13112 Make the display of social network links configurable on Petition thank-you pages
  • CRM-13113 "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()" when click, "Manage Events"
  • CRM-13115 Leading space in amount value passed to PayFlowPro (and possibly other processors) causing invalid amount error
  • CRM-13116 Smart groups as a criteria fatal error reports
  • CRM-13117 Wrong texts in UI
  • CRM-13118 Add multiple profiles to top of page for CiviEvent registration form
  • CRM-13119 when doing interview/data entry for survey, mouse over fails to show profile
  • CRM-13122 API contact.get no longer returning prefix_id, suffix_id by default
  • CRM-13123 Handle value-separated fields at the dao level
  • CRM-13124 Payment processor name missing from confirmation message
  • CRM-13126 CiviCRM user and administrator guide broken epub and pdf version
  • CRM-13127 test should include isset in API contact.php
  • CRM-13130 New Label Format entries produce blank name badges
  • CRM-13131 Paypal Standard Pending (incomplete) transactions move membership end date forward
  • CRM-13132 Gets tests passing
  • CRM-13133 Advanced Search is incorrectly including contacts removed from a group
  • CRM-13134 Smart groups appear as a normal group if added to the group manually
  • CRM-13135 Upgrade webform_civicrm for compatability with CiviCRM 4.4
  • CRM-13136 Support membership creation/renewal in Drupal Webforms
  • CRM-13137 Support Paid Events and Memberships in Drupal Webforms
  • CRM-13138 reports: unable to generate PDF/CSV when there are a large number of searchable fields
  • CRM-13139 REST API: json_decode() fails for empty input
  • CRM-13140 Support WordPress Multisite
  • CRM-13141 Manage Extensions throws an erroneous fatal error - Failed Fetching List - when there are no extensions available for a particular install version
  • CRM-13142 Batch data entry UI improvements
  • CRM-13143 Custom Field of type "Contact" is not recognizing the user's choice as valid
  • CRM-13144 Currency display is messed up
  • CRM-13145 Can't find new extensions unless have write perms on extensions directory
  • CRM-13146 Map Contact doesn't work when double quote (") is present in address
  • CRM-13147 Fix query for Reporter / Assignee in Case Dashboard
  • CRM-13148 Allow logged in users to use contribution / membership form with cid like with participant
  • CRM-13149 Extend Relationship to search by relationship_type_id (when reciprocal) & membership_type_id (both)
  • CRM-13150 Related Org Name Column (and all contact columns) refer to Source rather than Target Contact on Activities Search Export
  • CRM-13151 Activities automatically created from cases show no subject
  • CRM-13152 api mailing_event_subscribe.create returns array in wrong format
  • CRM-13153 Improve Membership API to calculate dates
  • CRM-13154 mailing/send gets server error on this one-line message
  • CRM-13155 Add searching for recurring contribution data to search
  • CRM-13156 CRM_Core_BAO_EntityTag::getEntitiesByTag enumerates for incorrect field
  • CRM-13157 isDeleteRelatedMembership() should be declared as static
  • CRM-13158 Event Type label should be available for Event Info pages
  • CRM-13159 relationship.api to accept 'membership_type' as a param
  • CRM-13160 Attempting to delete a relationship with a membership type fatals
  • CRM-13161 Greetings are not evaluated correctly if it includes prefix / suffix
  • CRM-13162 make table for disabled relationships show the same fields as enabled relationships on relationship tab
  • CRM-13167 Contribution pages incorrectly calculate total if JS disabled and Other amount populated
  • CRM-13170 Search Contribution by Batch no longer works since change to DB
  • CRM-13171 Adding property_type to the civicrm_contact_ref_contact info.
  • CRM-13172 Enable individual to apply for grants on behalf of an organization
  • CRM-13179 Contribution & event registration forms - allow users with permissions to select another user
  • CRM-13189 3 months of events & don't default to sending receipt for past events
  • CRM-13190 Hitting browser back button to return to Find Contacts screen retains selected contacts but does not indicate them as selected.
  • CRM-13191 CKEditor is missing the "Justify" plugin
  • CRM-13192 Export grants to PDF
  • CRM-13193 dateClause() in Form.php doesn't add table reference to field
  • CRM-13194 Allow upgrades without MySQL trigger access
  • CRM-13195 Clarify the "Check to match ANY; uncheck to match ALL"
  • CRM-13196 Ability to create an empty smart group
  • CRM-13197 Search builder doesn't work for memberships
  • CRM-13198 Drupal Views integration, fix drupal database prefix
  • CRM-13199 UI text wrong spelling?
  • CRM-13200 Quick search delay is not working
  • CRM-13201 Add alterTemplateFile hook
  • CRM-13202 Support contributions in Drupal Webforms
  • CRM-13203 Email to assignee contact is broken due to activity restructure
  • CRM-13204 Confirmation link for petition is broken
  • CRM-13205 Contact activity name text field criteria for while doing advance search doesn't appear
  • CRM-13206 Use of 'Preferred Language' filter in advance search doesn't fetch proper result
  • CRM-13207 Offline contribution in standalone mode is broken
  • CRM-13208 Scheduled mails don't seem to be queuing properly
  • CRM-13209 Mandatory custom fields, on edit, always require a new upload (regression)
  • CRM-13212 File on Case action from activity selector is broken
  • CRM-13213 Error configuring CiviCRM language on Joomla 3.1.x
  • CRM-13214 Activity Export : Primary Fields - notices on renamed pseudoconstants (gender, suffix, prefix)
  • CRM-13215 Notices when editing a case activity and assigning to a contact and view activity shows array instead of assignee
  • CRM-13216 Advanced Search shows deleted contacts
  • CRM-13217 UI help wrong text
  • CRM-13218 Total Event Fee doesn't take into account multiple registrants
  • CRM-13219 Obsolete indices not dropped on DB upgrade
  • CRM-13220 Events listing ( html ) is broken
  • CRM-13221 postProcess hook doesn't fire when creating an event
  • CRM-13222 drupal 6 upgrade failure due to function being called before sql has happened
  • CRM-13223 Include phone entity fields in Contact get spec
  • CRM-13224 Contribution entries are not being created while recording 'adjusted payment' for installments of a pledge
  • CRM-13225 Activity/Participant/Membership import is broken due to import resturcturing
  • CRM-13226 Cannot import prefix,suffix,gender and 2 greeting types for Contact
  • CRM-13227 CiviCRM WP SSL doesn't work
  • CRM-13228 Provide a user friendly 'fatal error' page for Public (front-end) pages
  • CRM-13229 Authenticate users using CMS API
  • CRM-13230 using some dates as contextual filters in drupal views generating php warnings
  • CRM-13231 Incremental upgrade 4.3.4 fails if no COGS and EXP default account set
  • CRM-13232 Directory Configuration
  • CRM-13233 Payment Method field (payment_processor) should not be required if total fee is $0
  • CRM-13234 facilitate data-entry-entities via api
  • CRM-13235 Custom event name badges cannot be created as extensions
  • CRM-13236 Yahoo Geocoding API change.
  • CRM-13237 Campaign ID in Activites table does not update after edits
  • CRM-13238 action.optouturl throws an error in transactional emails, when civicrm_mail_smarty is enabled
  • CRM-13239 some string missing from transifex
  • CRM-13241 Thank You Letter for Contributions - Tokens details missing -getContributionTokenDetails
  • CRM-13242 != Operator Doesn't Work for Contact Type in Search Builder
  • CRM-13244 Extend reminders functionality to cover additional entities and include more tokens
  • CRM-13245 Activity Report misc cosmetic issues
  • CRM-13246 Add option for 'max_related' to price sets
  • CRM-13247 Add "Check Number" to Display Columns in CiviReport > Contribution Details > Report Criteria
  • CRM-13248 "require email setting" fails for Event Register page but works for Contrib Pages
  • CRM-13249 Scripts in extern should not use sessions
  • CRM-13250 Add Contact Type and Subtype as a Column to Reports
  • CRM-13251 Multilingual Logging - Logging/Contribution Summary/Detail Report - Mailing Component Improvements
  • CRM-13252 chaining generates multiple duplicate phone numbers
  • CRM-13253 Mailing List Subscription "Widget" for Group = "Mailing List" and Visibility = "Public" (Create & Manage)
  • CRM-13254 APi fix on entity_tag - entity_id should not be required
  • CRM-13255 Change log report incorrectly identifying type of entity extended when custom data is changed
  • CRM-13256 Full Text search Go to Page navigation is broken
  • CRM-13257 Hard-coded relationship type for employer-employee relationship causing Current Employer checkbox to be hidden AND invalid sample data
  • CRM-13258 intermitent ipn issues with paypal payments pro
  • CRM-13259 Include gender fields in Contact get spec
  • CRM-13260 membership.update API is missing
  • CRM-13261 add hooks to extend the API from extension
  • CRM-13262 Schedule reminder query for memberships runs forever on inherited memberships
  • CRM-13269 In Constituent Summary view, entering a number for "page x" of X, and clicking "Go" returns the same page that you are on.
  • CRM-13270 Dates issue in membership type upgrade
  • CRM-13271 Membership form creation returns alert and requires entry of "No Thank You" message, even when there is no "Additional Contribution" set.
  • CRM-13272 View Membership page links doesn't respect permissions
  • CRM-13273 is_email_receipt setting on recurring contribution should take precedence over contribution page setting
  • CRM-13274 Sort by pseudo-constants is broken for search builder
  • CRM-13275 Pledge detail report misses info about cancelled payments
  • CRM-13276 PayPal rejects Contributions from clients using IPv6 addresses
  • CRM-13277 Make some Message Templates "reserved"
  • CRM-13278 Select fields for export "- related contact info -" fields are not sorted properly
  • CRM-13279 Include gender and date of birth in (participant) reports
  • CRM-13280 Modification of CiviEvent to allow payment fields to appear on the confirmation page
  • CRM-13281 Open a form for 2 different contacts in separate browser tabs, then cancel - switches to last opened contact context
  • CRM-13282 Prefill billing address on back-office contribution via credit card and membership via credit card using profile.get api
  • CRM-13283 Number of terms does not update the end date of membership
  • CRM-13284 "Click here to clear this person's information" does NOT clear billing address fields (event registration and online contribution for another contact via autocomplete)
  • CRM-13285 Autocomplete select another contact on Membership Signup form should put up notification is this is a renewal (i.e. if the selected contact has an existing membership)
  • CRM-13286 Autocomplete select another contact on registration and contribution pages doesn't set State/Province if contact's country is not the default country
  • CRM-13287 Memory exhaustion in CRM_Core_BAO_UFGroup and the Legend of Paal Paysam
  • CRM-13288 CRM_Utils_Array::value(): Not outsmarting PHP + Optimization
  • CRM-13289 Potential issue with CodeGen ?
  • CRM-13290 Add subject to Mail Summary Report
  • CRM-13291 Search by campaign in Email Summary Report
  • CRM-13292 wkhtmltopdf setting should allow use of xvfb-run
  • CRM-13293 Add address fields to the SYBUNT and LYBUNT reports
  • CRM-13294 Contact.get should support api-style array of ids
  • CRM-13295 Civix fails to create session when trying to add API function
  • CRM-13296 Add tasks to membership search - print labels & print pdf letter
  • CRM-13301 Cannot Add Participant Status Multilingual labels
  • CRM-13302 Logging Broken for Financial Records Following Upgrade
  • CRM-13303 Views doesn't handle string fields like strings
  • CRM-13304 Generate User API Key from CiviCRM Interface
  • CRM-13305 Add API Explorer to Menu
  • CRM-13306 Duplicate Inherited memberships caused by updating relationship via api in a post hook
  • CRM-13307 allow for additional fonts to be used when making mailing labels
  • CRM-13308 Erratic action behaviour when choosing actions from a non-contact pane from advanced search
  • CRM-13309 Participant Role on Event's Schedule Reminder form does not populate
  • CRM-13310 Create separate financial_trxn records for each field's change
  • CRM-13311 CiviDiscount Needs Improved Price Set Listings
  • CRM-13313 "Pay Later" for Drupal Webforms
  • CRM-13314 3 Missing Geographic State for Uruguay in Address Drop Down
  • CRM-13315 Regression in activity import
  • CRM-13317 Redirection after Paypal standard with multi domains in Drupal
  • CRM-13318 Api doesn't return gender, prefix, suffix by default
  • CRM-13319 Social media buttons in event confirmation email have bad HTML
  • CRM-13320 Set appropriate status codes for form confirmation pages.
  • CRM-13321 Performance Issue counting Contributions Contact summary
  • CRM-13322 CiviCRM 4.4.alpha3 and Joomla 3.1.5
  • CRM-13323 Contribution widgets break when pasted into ckeditor
  • CRM-13324 Reserve respondent process of survey not working if contacts are filter by particular group, and all records are selected for reserving.
  • CRM-13326 email address schema is too short, should be 254 chars
  • CRM-13327 Add support for 3 additional event badge formats AND remove Name Badge labels from Label Formats admin
  • CRM-13328 Add support for image scaling
  • CRM-13329 Add 2 more rows to the Badge Layout form (for a total of 6 rows)
  • CRM-13330 Allow user to define font style for each row in badge layout
  • CRM-13331 emails can be 'double-sent' from search action
  • CRM-13332 print error to log when eWay has an error
  • CRM-13333 Renewing a related membership throws an error if membership belongs to household and extends to members of household
  • CRM-13334 Profile listings break with tabs & pagination
  • CRM-13335 Change Log: no spaces between Ethnicity selections
  • CRM-13336 remove inline edit from contact summary in print mode
  • CRM-13337 Advanced search: improve form validation
  • CRM-13338 Profile field defaults not getting populated in contribution live page
  • CRM-13339 CRM_Core_PseudoConstant warnings
  • CRM-13340 upgrading to (unreleased) 4.3.6 gets sql error on some sites
  • CRM-13341 group subscription emails fail for multiple groups
  • CRM-13342 Failure to specify the "Usage" field when creating a duplicate rule leads to a fatal error
  • CRM-13343 Handle JSON decode errors in API requests for file_get_contents()
  • CRM-13344 Resolve test / schema issues around prefix_id, suffix_id, gender
  • CRM-13345 Add a 'settings' field to schema for configurable items
  • CRM-13346 Add Contribution Page column and filter to Contribution Summary and Detail reports
  • CRM-13347 CiviVolunteer lacks a license file on GitHub
  • CRM-13348 Issue with city token - PDF process prepends ? to data in the token
  • CRM-13349 On data export, data too long for columns 'contribution_note', 'current_employer' and with custom fields
  • CRM-13350 Adjust location of gpl.txt file to make it clearer what that license file applies to
  • CRM-13351 amount > 1000 are invalid
  • CRM-13352 After disabling some Event Types I don't need, get undefined index error in Event Template browse()
  • CRM-13353 Elavon payment processor submits invalid amount
  • CRM-13354 inherit locale and drupal sub-domain language detection and civicrm in a sub-folder
  • CRM-13355 CiviDiscount Codes Should Be Available on Non-Public Events
  • CRM-13356 New help UI not working
  • CRM-13357 Event - Find Participants does not return any results when a price set is used
  • CRM-13358 Allow additional fonts in the badge layout screen
  • CRM-13359 Financial Batch will Validate but will not save all transactions resulting in a closed unbalanced batch
  • CRM-13360 CLONE - eWay processing amounts over $1000
  • CRM-13361 Update of contribution via API changes status back to "completed"
  • CRM-13362 PaypalPro Express Checkout does not work for recurring donations
  • CRM-13363 Single-quote in Custom Field multiple choice option breaks edit form submit
  • CRM-13366 manage event: redirects to different event on save
  • CRM-13371 Upgrading From 4.2.2 to 4.3.5
  • CRM-13372 Paypal transactions give error if event title is too long
  • CRM-13373 Admin renewal with payment creates error:
  • CRM-13374 Select Event invalidation
  • CRM-13375 Contribution search by batch name does not work
  • CRM-13376 Default values on custom fields aren't respected when creating contacts via a profile
  • CRM-13377 "Send email" produces double "Processing" button
  • CRM-13378 "CC" not displaying when viewing sent email
  • CRM-13379 Delete mailing from Archived, next page is Find Mailings
  • CRM-13380 'Mailings' pages: search doesn't work correctly.
  • CRM-13381 Cron not running through cli in drupal
  • CRM-13382 Make 'Mailings' searches more comprehensive
  • CRM-13383 Add Bounce Type option in Advance Search/Mailing section
  • CRM-13384 Bookkeeping Transaction Report doesn't have Order By, can't filter by Group or Tag
  • CRM-13385 Include ID# and/or Date in Event Autoselect Dropdown
  • CRM-13386 Include event type in Manage Events screen
  • CRM-13387 Provide red visual cue for deceased contacts on summary page
  • CRM-13388 Drush upgrade fails due to missing column, civicrm_uf_group.description
  • CRM-13389 Upgrade from 4.0.8 to 4.4: DB Error: no such table (civicrm_setting)
  • CRM-13390 Telephone "Ext" field is not exposed to CMS, specifically not to Drupal Views
  • CRM-13392 Add a contribution and associate it with an existing event
  • CRM-13393 Associate imported contributions with an existing event
  • CRM-13396 Prefix missing in Mailing Labels when 'Merge labels for contacts with the same address' checked
  • CRM-13397 Protection against multiple submits on contributions page doesn't work when confirmation page is turned off
  • CRM-13398 Profile pre and post field help markup in Block.tpl messes up page layout
  • CRM-13400 Online membership renewal via contribution page no longer sets existing membership as default
  • CRM-13401 UF match fails on login if no existing civicrm_uf_match record
  • CRM-13402 Improve debug logging around server unavailble (ditch the loop), missing contributions, mail store problems
  • CRM-13403 Mailings filtering fails
  • CRM-13404 Custom data for contact sub types not saved
  • CRM-13405 Phone extensions not available to search preferences/contact reports
  • CRM-13406 html conversion capitalizes entire text
  • CRM-13407 View CiviMail Mailings - page should include an HTML title if one isn't provided in the message body
  • CRM-13408 Add Campaign API permissions
  • CRM-13410 Allow extensions to define case-types
  • CRM-13411 Implement org.civicrm.legcase extension
  • CRM-13412 "In the "Mapping Your Data" chapter, many paragraphs refer to the missing section called "How CiviCRM Stores Your Data"
  • CRM-13413 Upgrade fails on timestamp
  • CRM-13414 GroupContact API fail
  • CRM-13415 4.4 views refers non-existant fn causing FATAL
  • CRM-13417 Dedupe Rule Creation error trapping fails on length selections for substrings of numeric fields or out of range numbers for text fields
  • CRM-13418 Failing to select a Usage when creating a DeDUPE rule throws an error. It should be trapped and an error message created
  • CRM-13419 Contributions in Drupal Views broken
  • CRM-13420 Upgrade: Report invalid data resulting from allowing transaction w/o payment instrument
  • CRM-13421 Off-line Contribution Receipt Line-Items Garbled
  • CRM-13422 Expand Text-format CiviMail window
  • CRM-13423 In civicrm.settings.php, CIVICRM_TEMPLATE_COMPILEDIR filepath not working well (w/Windows anyway)
  • CRM-13424 Get d6 version ready for release
  • CRM-13425 Group cache refresh performance
  • CRM-13426 Fatal error on search that includes a smart group created by custom group
  • CRM-13427 WSOD on install of cividiscount extension
  • CRM-13428 Email receipt/confirmation do not attach PDF files
  • CRM-13429 After upgrade text not translatd
  • CRM-13430 Only first Target Contact displaying in Activity Report
  • CRM-13431 Test recurring contribution records create non-test contributions
  • CRM-13432 Creating membership type with period fixed and start date/rolling date gives warning.
  • CRM-13433 Profile form markup is messed up on Drupal register form and edit form
  • CRM-13434 Send more through hook_civicrm_links
  • CRM-13435 Notices when creating contribution thank-you letter
  • CRM-13436 Notices when saving Profile Settings
  • CRM-13437 Contact Dashboard not allowing Add to Group when new group is added
  • CRM-13438 Custom screen templates for contact subtypes not being recognized
  • CRM-13439 Allow for both plain text and HTML pay later instructions
  • CRM-13440 Make language switch block accessible for everyone
  • CRM-13441 SMTP password gets lost after upgrade
  • CRM-13442 Update Outbound Email help text
  • CRM-13443 Employee/Employer of Searches Fail
  • CRM-13444 Implement UI for setting which writes email output to disk and review implementation for Redirect to DB setting
  • CRM-13445 Outbound Email Settings: Suppress the Redirect to Database option
  • CRM-13446 Add ON DELETE Options for constraints fails
  • CRM-13447 Scheduled jobs should only run for relevant domain (they are stored by domain_id but don't always respect it)
  • CRM-13448 Update Basic set up in developer guide to reflect switch to github
  • CRM-13449 send email activity: submit button in Chrome
  • CRM-13450 enhanced logging detail overlay broken
  • CRM-13451 Edit Membership Type: Max related field is unintentionally hidden
  • CRM-13453 Update tests which rely on the Outbound Mail : Redirect to Database setting
  • CRM-13454 Reports are limited to 5 order by fields
  • CRM-13455 improve event listing query when no end date set
  • CRM-13456 Advanced Search does not filter relationships with deleted contacts
  • CRM-13457 Footer choice is ignore
  • CRM-13458 Mappings intended for system use show up in Front End admin screen
  • CRM-13459 PCP Image does not display correct image
  • CRM-13460 Make the numeric rule checks stricter
  • CRM-13461 Total amount missing from event confirmation mail
  • CRM-13462 Reserved profiles such as new_individual can be broken through the UI
  • CRM-13463 Allow creation of membership with specified inheritance from API
  • CRM-13464 Add a new generic validate action
  • CRM-13465 EventCalendar - if there's a problem will install 2 settings/config rows in database
  • CRM-13466 EventCalendar - if there's a problem will install 2 settings/config rows in database
  • CRM-13467 Optimize Activity Report
  • CRM-13468 UTF-8 on csv export of Membership Detail report
  • CRM-13469 Multiple mails to CC and BCC
  • CRM-13470 Call CRM_Core_Config::clearDBCache(); in hook_flush_caches() for Drupal
  • CRM-13471 EventCalendar - Javascript from templates not loading?
  • CRM-13472 Contribution Dashboard "Table Layout" query inaccurate
  • CRM-13473 civicrmtheme install message says "CiviCRM theme configuration setting is available under Array"
  • CRM-13474 Undefined index: street_address in CRM_Import_Parser_Contact->createContact()
  • CRM-13475 Entering an invalid credit card number gives the wrong field validation error
  • CRM-13476 In IE8, accordion controls do not work for Advanced Search form
  • CRM-13477 Authorize.Net duplicate transactions in Batch Events Shopping Cart
  • CRM-13478 Deleted cases of status 'Ongoing' appear in search results when the 'Deleted' box is unticked
  • CRM-13479 Enabled/Disabled column on the "Relationships Types" admin screen
  • CRM-13480 Registering to an event in another language as the event coordinator breaks workflow
  • CRM-13481 Getting a contact by email via the API results in a LIKE query
  • CRM-13482 Configuration checklist in book does not reflect actual check list in 4.4
  • CRM-13483 broken help link to book for profiles
  • CRM-13484 "DB Error: syntax error" when the default "Grant Statistics" report is run
  • CRM-13485 Create new Menu Item (Profile Create Form) not working
  • CRM-13486 Saving blank help fields on profiles in multilingual doesn't work
  • CRM-13487 User Authentication Bug in Drupal 6
  • CRM-13488 Stray div tag in Profiles
  • CRM-13489 Participants export always exports participant ID
  • CRM-13490 Addresses with required custom fields can't be deleted from the Edit screen
  • CRM-13491 Cannot create contributions using a priceset for certain dollar amounts.
  • CRM-13492 buildAmount Hook functionality changed -- difficult to use / undocumented
  • CRM-13493 Nasty fatal if you try to create a contribution via the api with an invoice id matching an existing
  • CRM-13494 Event Registration Receipt Contains Pay Later Text even if Event is Paid "no"
  • CRM-13495 notice errors on import
  • CRM-13496 Add Enable Components to the Configuration Checklist.
  • CRM-13497 Add widget html_type to schema metadata
  • CRM-13498 Restore Views civicrm_relationship functionality
  • CRM-13499 Allow join conditons (relationship_type, is_active) when joining from the civicrm_contact to civicrm_relationship table
  • CRM-13501 Add current custom-data groups to CiviHR extensions
  • CRM-13501 Add current custom-data groups to CiviHR extensions
  • CRM-13503 CiviHR - Cross-Cutting - Framework (other)
  • CRM-13503 CiviHR - Cross-Cutting - Framework (other)
  • CRM-13504 Define hook/CSS/region names for profile forms
  • CRM-13504 Define hook/CSS/region names for profile forms
  • CRM-13505 "Add" should use same popup as "Edit" in multi-row custom data tables
  • CRM-13505 "Add" should use same popup as "Edit" in multi-row custom data tables
  • CRM-13506 Override message for empty tabs
  • CRM-13506 Override message for empty tabs
  • CRM-13507 Hide profile titles in HR tabs
  • CRM-13507 Hide profile titles in HR tabs
  • CRM-13508 Assess status of civicrm-symfony
  • CRM-13508 Assess status of civicrm-symfony
  • CRM-13509 CRM_Utils_Migrate - Handle CustomGroup subtypes
  • CRM-13509 CRM_Utils_Migrate - Handle CustomGroup subtypes
  • CRM-13510 API support for toggling components by storing 'enableComponents' config in settings table
  • CRM-13510 API support for toggling components by storing 'enableComponents' config in settings table
  • CRM-13511 CLI/API for exporting custom data groups
  • CRM-13511 CLI/API for exporting custom data groups
  • CRM-13512 Country and state columns are transposed in multi-value custom data
  • CRM-13512 Country and state columns are transposed in multi-value custom data
  • CRM-13513 Reserved CustomGroups
  • CRM-13513 Reserved CustomGroups
  • CRM-13514 Load extensions in "vendor" directory
  • CRM-13514 Load extensions in "vendor" directory
  • CRM-13515 Customization export/import crashes on "&"
  • CRM-13515 Customization export/import crashes on "&"
  • CRM-13516 Allow extensions to participate in CRM_*_BAO_Query
  • CRM-13516 Allow extensions to participate in CRM_*_BAO_Query
  • CRM-13517 Redirect to proper contact tab after saving profile
  • CRM-13517 Redirect to proper contact tab after saving profile
  • CRM-13518 Navigating among tabs produces wrong popups
  • CRM-13518 Navigating among tabs produces wrong popups
  • CRM-13519 Wrong error popups on "Add new record" forms
  • CRM-13519 Wrong error popups on "Add new record" forms
  • CRM-13520 APIv3 returns string "null" after calling "create" with empty string
  • CRM-13520 APIv3 returns string "null" after calling "create" with empty string
  • CRM-13521 CRM.api cannot call "replace" with empty list
  • CRM-13521 CRM.api cannot call "replace" with empty list
  • CRM-13522 Implement API support for options.match
  • CRM-13522 Implement API support for options.match
  • CRM-13523 CRM_Utils_File::sourceSQLFile does not report failed SQL in unit-test
  • CRM-13523 CRM_Utils_File::sourceSQLFile does not report failed SQL in unit-test
  • CRM-13524 Default getFields returns irrelevant custom-data fields
  • CRM-13524 Default getFields returns irrelevant custom-data fields
  • CRM-13525 Custom field HTML should indicate group+field name
  • CRM-13525 Custom field HTML should indicate group+field name
  • CRM-13526 Date fields in all popups should display calendar icon
  • CRM-13526 Date fields in all popups should display calendar icon
  • CRM-13527 Create framework for example report data files
  • CRM-13527 Create framework for example report data files
  • CRM-13528 Provide api for creating report instances
  • CRM-13528 Provide api for creating report instances
  • CRM-13529 TBD: Customizable Contact Summary Screen
  • CRM-13529 TBD: Customizable Contact Summary Screen
  • CRM-13530 Add border to popup dialogs
  • CRM-13530 Add border to popup dialogs
  • CRM-13531 Enhance styling of "View Contact" tabs to indicate empty/non-empty tags
  • CRM-13531 Enhance styling of "View Contact" tabs to indicate empty/non-empty tags
  • CRM-13532 Popups should work in Internet Explorer
  • CRM-13532 Popups should work in Internet Explorer
  • CRM-13533 Files attached via profile popups don't work
  • CRM-13533 Files attached via profile popups don't work
  • CRM-13534 "New Relationship" does not support "-create new contact-" in Internet Explorer
  • CRM-13534 "New Relationship" does not support "-create new contact-" in Internet Explorer
  • CRM-13535 Update search builder operators in book
  • CRM-13536 Confusing Survey Documentation: Survey Result
  • CRM-13537 Improve Extensions documentation
  • CRM-13538 Check that filter by campaign is included in reports doc
  • CRM-13539 Document Event badge creation
  • CRM-13540 Document soft credit improvements
  • CRM-13541 Check that 'show results as' in advanced search is documented
  • CRM-13542 update profiles chapter to include availability of Multi-record custom fields
  • CRM-13543 Add equivalent of "external identifier" field for membership types
  • CRM-13544 API: checkbox/multiselect custom fields expect a strange structure
  • CRM-13545 Images to update in book
  • CRM-13546 Custom fields in CiviReport: 'access all custom data' permission not respected
  • CRM-13547 Views3 + Civi 4.4 breaks on adding a country field
  • CRM-13548 Activity Search Form: make the activity_role more obvious by placing next to the contact name field
  • CRM-13549 Changes made via API looks like made by the modified contacts
  • CRM-13550 Improve validation of options in the api
  • CRM-13551 Fix bug in Activity Form
  • CRM-13552 display better errors from {crmAPI}
  • CRM-13553 The last remaining enabled component cannot be disabled.
  • CRM-13554 Improve string validation in the query engine
  • CRM-13555 Upgrade fails with "DB error: no such field"
  • CRM-13556 JavaScript translation function does not support pluralization
  • CRM-13557 Contact Hash is appearing on manual merge screen and should be suppressed
  • CRM-13558 check images throughout book show latest admin sub menu
  • CRM-13559 Component Report Listings Need a Specific Title
  • CRM-13560 hook_civicrm_unsubscribeGroups is undocumented
  • CRM-13561 Custom search pane doesn't remain open after the search is performed in advance search
  • CRM-13562 Create new contribution using APIs with duplicate transaction id
  • CRM-13563 Registering a group of contacts for an event from Manage group option gets error when "Save and New" button is selected.
  • CRM-13564 "Could not find a valid session key" after create activity in custom search
  • CRM-13565 Survey data entry screen should not show calendar widget for read-only fields
  • CRM-13566 When doing data entry on a survey, the profile tooltip doesn't show if you change number of records displayed
  • CRM-13567 CiviContribute Detail report fails if you add batch data as a filter
  • CRM-13568 e-notices on contribution -membership report
  • CRM-13569 Drupal - Civi Group Role Sync
  • CRM-13570 Admin-only price set fields not available when adding multiple contacts to event from advanced search results
  • CRM-13571 Wrong name on a Norwegian county in the core files
  • CRM-13573 Manage Groups display shows disabled groups on initial display - but disabled groups option is NOT selected
  • CRM-13574 Joomla specific sections in the CiviCRM book
  • CRM-13575 Elavon Payment Processor requires changes to conform to requirements
  • CRM-13576 Document limit on inherited memberships
  • CRM-13577 Allow Smart Groups in Scheduled Reminders
  • CRM-13578 Tag Activities (assign tags) Action
  • CRM-13579 Check documentation for ind signing up on behalf of org
  • CRM-13580 Set translation domain implicitly in extensions
  • CRM-13581 Add searching by bounce to Managing bounces and contacts with invalid emails section
  • CRM-13582 Add online editing image to Contacts section
  • CRM-13583 Document WP Shortcodes
  • CRM-13584 Localising the CiviCRM installation
  • CRM-13585 Under Some Circumstances, Some Aspects of CiviCRM (including Name Fields) Stop Being Visible
  • CRM-13586 Views not updated for new Activity contacts table
  • CRM-13587 Can't update table 'civicrm_contact' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger
  • CRM-13588 Group Type schema cleanup; technical debt
  • CRM-13589 civicrm_member_roles_sync_user called when it should not be
  • CRM-13590 Org Import Uses Org Name Even If you Select Another DeDupe Rule
  • CRM-13591 Yes / No fields are not properly displayed in profile view
  • CRM-13592 Profile forms have a mismatched div structure; breaks Drupal registration
  • CRM-13593 chaining multiple object with the API is broken
  • CRM-13594 Allow adding chained relationships with the API
  • CRM-13595 Export/Import workflow is broken: Event ID is missing from participant export options
  • CRM-13596 Contact subtype overwritten when profile submitted containing custom fields from other subtypes
  • CRM-13597 Event participants included twice on exports if they have more than one website
  • CRM-13598 User drupal {users} rather than storing name of drupal user table
  • CRM-13599 Contribution form JS does not correctly detect "Other" when not using mouse
  • CRM-13600 Contacts with access to no mailing groups cannot do search based CiviMails
  • CRM-13601 Multilingual upgrade 4.3.5 to 4.4 beta throws up an error
  • CRM-13602 Cron stopped working for d6 for 4.3.7
  • CRM-13603 "Manage Case" uses inconsistent labels
  • CRM-13604 Few Province/State are miss-spelled for country Guatemala
  • CRM-13605 This is a duplicate of seemingly unresolved closed issue:
  • CRM-13606 Include / Exclude custom Search does not work properly
  • CRM-13607 Contribute button doesn't switch to processing after click
  • CRM-13608 Api3 'getoptions' ordering doesn't work as JSON
  • CRM-13609 Default Membership Type not selected - Contribution Form
  • CRM-13610 Default Membership Type not selected - Contribution Form *after first option
  • CRM-13611 Report UI Improvement - Tabbed interface
  • CRM-13612 Cividiscount - pricesets w/text/numeric quantity not getting discounted
  • CRM-13613 API calls (e.g membership.get) should respect ACLS
  • CRM-13614 SQL query on dynamic group bracking database
  • CRM-13615 Implement API for Scheduled Reminders
  • CRM-13616 hook_civicrm_caseTypes requires extra "clearcache" after installation
  • CRM-13617 Link Country and state province widget for custom data
  • CRM-13618 No civicrm.xml file and no admin/access.xml in Joomla 4.2.12 package
  • CRM-13619 Adjust Event Management Page tab links based on configured/not configured
  • CRM-13620 WordPress frontend permission have hard-coded paths which prevents new paths introduced by extensions from working
  • CRM-13621 Handle invalid session errors for public pages in a nicer manner
  • CRM-13622 Bring wkhtmltopdf into CiviCRM
  • CRM-13623 Roles Permissions for Drupal Demo User
  • CRM-13624 All Tabs - Paperclip Icon
  • CRM-13625 Twitter text references thankyou page with session, not info page
  • CRM-13626 Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '-' ...sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Core/ClassLoader.php on line 73
  • CRM-13628 fix memory leak in note deletion
  • CRM-13629 Setting 'no_display'to FALSE in report columns definition has the same effect as setting it to TRUE
  • CRM-13630 Minimum contribution amount check for Premiums fails when online contribution form uses a Membership price set.
  • CRM-13631 vCard not including organization name
  • CRM-13632 Post Hook not called when a relationship is disabled via cron
  • CRM-13633 Undefined property in CRM Mailing Event
  • CRM-13634 Frontend CRM pages in WP cannot modify html-header
  • CRM-13635 Notices when saving back-office event registrations
  • CRM-13636 no error messages on invalid email when importing contacts
  • CRM-13637 New notices on public online contribution pages
  • CRM-13638 Saving an Activity record from Search causes "With Contact" field value to be deleted
  • CRM-13639 Do not write CiviCRM logfiles to web-accessible locations
  • CRM-13641 Report PDF is broken on some reports
  • CRM-13642 What to do if you think you've found a bug link on forum pages goes nowhere
  • CRM-13643 Remove drupal 6 code in civicrm_contact_ref module during installation.
  • CRM-13644 ACL does not protect group listing (in civiMail and other places) in Joomla and WordPress
  • CRM-13645 HTML entities in iCal export
  • CRM-13646 iCal location on several line
  • CRM-13647 Civi discount - Membership discounts are only applied if you use them in a price set in the online contribution form
  • CRM-13648 Mailing BAO typo
  • CRM-13649 Class 'CiviCRM_Exception' not found
  • CRM-13650 A problem with confluence?
  • CRM-13651 Unable to create a contribution after migration - msg: Please set a location type of Billing
  • CRM-13652 API Regression: related memberships not processed
  • CRM-13653 links on the installations and upgrades page need updating
  • CRM-13654 PHP 5.5 deprecates mysql connection in favour of mysqli or PDO
  • CRM-13655 WordReplacement - Uniqueness key should allow different cases and domains
  • CRM-13656 mising field "port" in installation script
  • CRM-13657 Fatal error when accessing civicase
  • CRM-13658 Database Log Report: Activity join broken
  • CRM-13659 Custom search via hook_civicrm_queryObject (Advance search, CiviBooking Search) are not working properly
  • CRM-13660 CRM.formatMoney breaks with single quote in format
  • CRM-13662 Add CSS selectors to dashboard elements
  • CRM-13663 Implicitly join civicrm_contributions to civicrm_contacts
  • CRM-13664 Fix errors in civicrm_handler_field_money
  • CRM-13665 Make upgrade fault tolerant for merging activity contacts
  • CRM-13666 4.4 views contains several files no longer used
  • CRM-13667 WP Sync Users Error
  • CRM-13668 membership based tokens are inappropriately applying a return limit
  • CRM-13669 incorrect default holdname name greeting text
  • CRM-13670 Better implementation of Update Greetings and Addresses needed
  • CRM-13671 Add possibility to customize css for pdf
  • CRM-13672 Improve versionCheck and security advisories so maintainer can see the closest security release
  • CRM-13673 Make swap assignee/target button less obtrusive
  • CRM-13674 Expose more smarty functions to CRM_Core_*
  • CRM-13675 Membership activities are unsorted - which is confusing on pdf letters
  • CRM-13676 civix: Add code generator and base classes for basic Backbone Marionette UI
  • CRM-13677 Drupal 7 - civicrmtheme can't differentiate between public & admin pages if url aliasing is on
  • CRM-13678 Make tabset hook generic
  • CRM-13679 civicrm_contact_ref installer breaks on fresh D7 install
  • CRM-13680 Search builder: alphanumeric checkbox not returning correct results
  • CRM-13681 Can't register to event, pseudo constant for locationtype translated now
  • CRM-13682 Optional page break before report section headers
  • CRM-13683 Contribution Page Price Sets Not Recording Different Financial Types
  • CRM-13684 Profile Search using Country, State fails
  • CRM-13685 "Manage Extension" screen should use "<" to determine upgradeability
  • CRM-13686 Event listing menu item does not work
  • CRM-13687 Update the documentation urls for email-system-configuration to current location
  • CRM-13688 If the 'Custom CiviCRM CSS URL' field is populated it breaks the civicrm.css loading.
  • CRM-13689 Print Case Report button (from Manage Case) throws a set of fatal errors in WordPress, but NOT in Drupal
  • CRM-13690 html2text fails to convert Mailing token links
  • CRM-13691 Editing Activity from an activity search list loses the "with" contact
  • CRM-13692 Unknown column 'civicrm_activity.source_contact_id' when using Batch Profile Update for Activities
  • CRM-13693 Delete Profile - buttons unnecessarily repeated
  • CRM-13694 cron job finds second definition of CIVICRM_SETTINGS_PATH
  • CRM-13695 cli - set $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] from CIVICRM_UF_BASEURL
  • CRM-13696 Tag listing in remove Tag action has an unclosed div
  • CRM-13697 Avoid php warning
  • CRM-13698 Notice error due to missing ActivityStatus of 7
  • CRM-13699 Marking "Not a Duplicate" should return user to list of contacts to merge
  • CRM-13700 Credit card fee record as the event fee
  • CRM-13701 $config->timeInputFormat is wrong
  • CRM-13702 specify logging db when running schema diff updates
  • CRM-13703 triggerRebuild: rebuild columns after upgrade
  • CRM-13704 Fatal error prevents deletion of options from custom fields
  • CRM-13705 Make default country accessible through settings API
  • CRM-13706 No warning on price set max participants
  • CRM-13707 api\v3\examples\SettingGetFields has syntax errors, due unescaped '
  • CRM-13708 php tag in kcfinder javascript files
  • CRM-13709 World Region filter doesn't work on Advance Search
  • CRM-13710 Required prices sets still required even when not active
  • CRM-13711 Price-set validation break in noAmount and noLabel case for non Text type price field
  • CRM-13712 DB Error on creating Smart Group with Is Empty and/or Not Empty operators via search builder
  • CRM-13713 Contact custom data view: country / state-province custom fields are not translated/localized when displayed
  • CRM-13714 Display fatal error for Joomla 3.x
  • CRM-13715 Add custom field column to Contribution Details report crashes
  • CRM-13716 MailingJob still uses civicrm_activity_target (for multiple bulk emails)
  • CRM-13717 Bulk Mailing fails due to reference to activity_target db table (which has been deleted)
  • CRM-13718 CRM/Utils/Migrate/ImportJSON.php,ExportJSON.php use tables no longer present
  • CRM-13719 CRM_Utils_Migrate - Handle CiviCase CustomGroups
  • CRM-13720 Add address fields to Top Donors report
  • CRM-13722 Contact API shows wrong title of field country_id
  • CRM-13723 Session key error when renewing membership via Advanced Search
  • CRM-13725 Make check for duplicate relationship aware of custom fields
  • CRM-13726 Only show 'billing addres is same as above' checkbox if there is an address above
  • CRM-13727 Donation Detail Reports crash with any custom field included in 4.4.1
  • CRM-13728 Add custom field column to Contribution Details report crashes in v4.4.1. It is not fixed as claimed
  • CRM-13729 Full-text search results broken for Contacts
  • CRM-13730 edit profile in drupal 7 via my account is broken
  • CRM-13731 ManageEvents - after editing event template (w/no start date) error is generated
  • CRM-13732 Contribute Pages Not Working
  • CRM-13733 Survey Question Editor does not show read only fields that are in the profile
  • CRM-13734 Some basic case activities are not reserved
  • CRM-13735 Contribution Summary bar charts don't display with receive date frequency = year
  • CRM-13736 Civicrm Webform Integration with Drupal - contact is always overwritten if email is same
  • CRM-13737 Allow for possibility that drupal folder resides outside of the civicrm folder
  • CRM-13738 Activity Report fails if filtering on any contact
  • CRM-13739 Transaction ID limited to 16chars when exporting event participations
  • CRM-13740 Extensions using addStyleFile() does not enforce https/SSL URL
  • CRM-13741 Strike through names of survey participants that have already been interviewed
  • CRM-13742 PCP message should not always promise ability to create your own PCP
  • CRM-13743 receive_date on paypal contribution should be taken from IPN
  • CRM-13744 cid=0 contribution & event form autocompletes not working for people with *only* access ajax api
  • CRM-13745 CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_FullText: broken links from search results
  • CRM-13746 Enable delete hooks for Mailings
  • CRM-13747 CiviCase label and title simplification to increase adaptability
  • CRM-13748 bad quoting in api/v3/examples/SettingGetfields.php
  • CRM-13749 Activity Reports only shows activites with a target
  • CRM-13750 Advanced search - add permissioned relationship as a criteria
  • CRM-13751 Online contribution pages should utilize the existing buildPCP method to add PCP fields
  • CRM-13752 Event Reminder Emails Sent After Scheduled Reminder Date
  • CRM-13753 new word replacements table should not have unique index
  • CRM-13754 Extensions extract directory doesn't use Joomla's temp dir
  • CRM-13755 Scheduled Reminder emails do not respect communication preferences
  • CRM-13756 Create Profile - do not check 'Standalone Form or Directory' by default
  • CRM-13757 Paypal pro ipn - 'recurring_payment_id' incorrectly typed as an integer
  • CRM-13758 Profiles with gender, suffix, prefix broken in 4.4 upgrade
  • CRM-13759 multiple phone numbers for a contact not saving
  • CRM-13760 "Geocoding failed. Message from Google: OVER_QUERY_LIMIT" should not be fatal
  • CRM-13761 Cannot change a participant role from counted to not counted
  • CRM-13762 fucntion addAddressFields in CiviReport doesn't include Postal Code Suffix
  • CRM-13763 Make the Petition Contacts group non-public
  • CRM-13764 "delete members" should be "delete memberships"
  • CRM-13765 Initialization error throws a undefined function php error
  • CRM-13766 civimail with workflow broken: scheduled date not stored with mailing job
  • CRM-13767 Mod to default additional participants' name, email in CiviEvents
  • CRM-13768 CiviCase not fully activated during extension installation
  • CRM-13769 Receive date time field on membership page should prefill with current time
  • CRM-13770 Recurring Paypal Contributions for merged contacts are being recorded against the wrong contact
  • CRM-13771 CSV import silently fails when last field in row is a custom field and empty
  • CRM-13772 Scheduled reminders sent from inappropriate email address (multisite)
  • CRM-13773 error when running multiple imports
  • CRM-13774 /BAO/Query.php on line 3908 $relationshipTempTable not defined
  • CRM-13775 Ability to add custom class to CRM_Core_Session::setStatus
  • CRM-13776 Can't edit event reminder without Administer CiviCRM privileges
  • CRM-13777 On hold flag for mailing addresses
  • CRM-13778 What is the latest method to test CiviMail set up - in particular bounce handling
  • CRM-13779 Events with Price Sets with only Select boxes don't allow payment
  • CRM-13780 Don't allow users to attempt to merge the Default Organization into another organization
  • CRM-13781 datepicker allows selection of dates outside of configured range
  • CRM-13782 Status messages in snippets show up as "Array"
  • CRM-13783 Profile Designer: Create new custom field in popup dialog
  • CRM-13784 Use of fiscal year setting in contribution dashboard is off by a day
  • CRM-13785 =! operator does the wrong thing for Preferred Communication Method in Search Builder
  • CRM-13786 Membership End Date not calculated properly for fixed period MembershipTypes
  • CRM-13787 Database Error Code: Unknown column 'label__' in 'field list', 1054
  • CRM-13788 Another place to check if array index is set - Field.php
  • CRM-13789 Survey Report fails when filtering on Interviewer
  • CRM-13790 Smart group cache timeout description is wrong
  • CRM-13791 Custom search edit form help link is broken
  • CRM-13792 Custom search triggers table full error
  • CRM-13793 Miscellaneous code cleanups
  • CRM-13794 State/Country fields in Participant export not pulling data after upgrade
  • CRM-13795 Improve Use of honor role for Personal campaign pages
  • CRM-13796 Don't CRM_Core_Invoke::rebuildMenuAndCaches(TRUE) on every Drupal module enable / disable
  • CRM-13797 should not show 'last updated' as it is misleading
  • CRM-13798 Drupal contact_ref fields don't update when contacts are merged
  • CRM-13799 group contacts list doesn't reflect correct status
  • CRM-13800 Prevent people from enabling contribution amounts when there's a membership price set
  • CRM-13801 Incorrect financial records created for certain event payments
  • CRM-13802 Search builder doesn't remember selected options
  • CRM-13803 hook_civicrm_navigationMenu prone to conflicted IDs
  • CRM-13804 Add Contact ID and Employer ID variables to Contribution Thank You page output
  • CRM-13805 Fetching CiviCRM News fails silently if cURL is not installed
  • CRM-13806 Only accept valid profile urls
  • CRM-13807 Api tries to call nonexistant BAOs
  • CRM-13808 Contribution export has empty columns for contact state+country
  • CRM-13809 send email activity: cc may go to wrong contact
  • CRM-13810 Search Builder does not work with "Campaign Title"
  • CRM-13811 Cc: and Bcc: for receipts on contribution pages do not work with recurring contributions
  • CRM-13812 Activities dashlet - sort by Added By throws fatal DB error (bad query)
  • CRM-13813 Remove unneeded stuff from tools directory
  • CRM-13814 Using optionValue create api for updating a field say is_active by passing just 'id' value for it throws api exception error
  • CRM-13815 Restrict the number of scheduled jobs log entries shown
  • CRM-13816 Undefined index notice due to disabled memberships in CRM_Member_BAO_Membership::updateAllMembershipStatus()
  • CRM-13817 Add "mini" notification area
  • CRM-13818 Date format in Import options should contain the localized version
  • CRM-13819 Sorting + ordering in the same table makes no sense
  • CRM-13820 DB error on demo when selecting existing location for event
  • CRM-13821 500 error on dasboard due to absolute URL
  • CRM-13822 Autofix missing sql functions
  • CRM-13823 Admin Status Page
  • CRM-13824 Fatal error on contribution page
  • CRM-13825 Possible to create Paid Event without Price Set or Fee Level
  • CRM-13826 when i add the contact tag as exposed filter in views on civicrm 4.4.1, i am getting error
  • CRM-13827 Contribution form doesn't assign is_quick_config variable to smarty template
  • CRM-13829 custom field creation API/BAO: support passing name
  • CRM-13830 mailingGroup Api broken in 4.4, breaks subscriptions via Webform
  • CRM-13831 Membership block for quickConfig pricesets is broken
  • CRM-13832 Soft Credit Improvements - Phase 2
  • CRM-13833 Implement Soft Credit Types
  • CRM-13834 Fix sort order on "Added By" column for Find Activity screen
  • CRM-13835 Support for Views and CiviCRM smart group
  • CRM-13836 Handle multivalued custom sets during merge
  • CRM-13837 Error Message when allow_url_fopen=0
  • CRM-13838 Report filtering by price level
  • CRM-13839 Support edits to line item amounts for upcoming recurring contributions
  • CRM-13840 Edit button not showing when viewing Contact record
  • CRM-13841 Load Group Org before save
  • CRM-13842 Expose ALL activity types to Scheduled Reminders Entity select
  • CRM-13843 Document options in Administer > Localization > Date Format > Advanced Date Input Settings.
  • CRM-13844 Fix documentation on scheduled reminders for pending memberships
  • CRM-13847 Upgrade 4.2.14 -> 4.4.2 fails when Language set to German
  • CRM-13848 Enhance search to allow multiple account type selections
  • CRM-13849 Mailing search should not be restricted to specific mailings when mailing events are specified
  • CRM-13850 Help is Incorrect on pledge reminders tab
  • CRM-13851 improve phone search wildcard behavior
  • CRM-13852 activity filter user preference: flush cache before setting
  • CRM-13853 updatePledgeStatus should be declared static in CRM_Pledge_BAO_Pledge
  • CRM-13854 Provide API for Financial Type & Financial Accounts
  • CRM-13855 4.4 ERD?
  • CRM-13856 Can't export custom fields into cvs
  • CRM-13857 Add modified_id property to groups
  • CRM-13858 API changes to support line items on civicrm_contribution_recur records
  • CRM-13859 Character encoding problems in 4.4
  • CRM-13860 Strict warning: Non-static method Mail_RFC822::parseAddressList() should not be called statically
  • CRM-13861 Issues when using internationalized version
  • CRM-13862 Repeated SQL queries
  • CRM-13863 Ajax-enable core workflows
  • CRM-13864 Improve import documentation in book
  • CRM-13865 Over aggressive Duplicate Identification on import
  • CRM-13866 views contact country exposed group filter not work
  • CRM-13867 Duplicate custom field names when using non-ascii characters
  • CRM-13868 Incorrect number of cases for a contact
  • CRM-13869 Disable Event Badge non-functional
  • CRM-13870 Only small number of import errors are provided when importing large numbers of contacts
  • CRM-13871 Add Doctrine annotations to DAO classes
  • CRM-13872 git JIRA hook is not idempotent
  • CRM-13873 support mailing rules role-based tokens for D7
  • CRM-13874 Contribution API does not retrieve honor_contact_id
  • CRM-13875 Fatal error during install
  • CRM-13876 problem with mapping_field when name of custom field group changes
  • CRM-13877 Set views field handlers for gender and phone type to use new pseudoconstant access
  • CRM-13878 Unknown column '' in 'on clause' when contribution note field included in profile
  • CRM-13879 Strict warning
  • CRM-13880 Make payment instrument required for all contribution, event registration and membership forms
  • CRM-13881 Provide Doctrine EntityManager
  • CRM-13882 Error message when SSL is ON
  • CRM-13883 permanently delete contact should not remove activities if connected to other contacts
  • CRM-13884 Specify multiple roles using the Participant API
  • CRM-13885 Set timezone for WP on Cron
  • CRM-13886 api_v3_SettingTest regression
  • CRM-13887 Syntax error in CRM/Contact/Form/Search/Custom/DateAdded.php
  • CRM-13888 PEAR/Autoloader has bad __call signature
  • CRM-13889 Add APIs for Dashboard and DashboardContact
  • CRM-13890 Participant status is not being passed to message template for online event registration
  • CRM-13891 remove word "test" from the subject line of test email
  • CRM-13892 Dashboard: Allow manipulation of default dashlets
  • CRM-13893 Dashboard: Allow administrators to set default dashlets
  • CRM-13894 Add ability to pull in referenced contacts for custom contactRelationship fields
  • CRM-13895 Big cleanup of
  • CRM-13896 Fatal error on cancel action for new activity after new contact is created
  • CRM-13897 Upgrade script not runs under wordpress
  • CRM-13898 Report on Personal Campaign Pages would be more useful with totals
  • CRM-13899 Partition WebTests to identify interactions
  • CRM-13900 Back to Report listing in Mailing Event reports has the wrong URL
  • CRM-13901 Suppress Membership Dashboard for contacts who may not see all users as it contains info about members they are blocked from
  • CRM-13902 Define pseudoconstants for contribution_recur
  • CRM-13903 Allow custom table join clause to override
  • CRM-13904 Improve proximity query accuracy
  • CRM-13905 Strict warning php 5.4.19
  • CRM-13906 Notices and Warnings in Contribute Repeat report
  • CRM-13907 Search by Current Employer in Profile Not Working
  • CRM-13908 Creating smart group from results of Aggregate Contribution custom search fails
  • CRM-13909 rebuild word replacement cache when clearing cache
  • CRM-13910 HTML and Plain-Text Format accordion panes are broken on Schedule Reminder
  • CRM-13911 Convert CSS stylesheets to inline style in civimailings
  • CRM-13912 Add SMS support to scheduled reminders
  • CRM-13913 WordReplacements created via API should default to enabled
  • CRM-13914 Set Source to 'Sample Data' for all sample data contacts to make cleanup easier
  • CRM-13915 Edit book so that it does not imply that there is a workflow for approving memberships
  • CRM-13916 Ensure wiki pages that should be covered in the book are covered in the book and when they are delete the wiki page
  • CRM-13917 Auto Email for NEW Users
  • CRM-13918 Add Report.getrows api
  • CRM-13919 Fatal error when user accidentally uses duplicate transaction # while recording a contrib.
  • CRM-13920 view case with my cases permission flawed
  • CRM-13921 Individual Prefix, Suffix and Gender fields are broken when used on tokens
  • CRM-13922 release respondent search doesn't allow you to find contacts reserved to a different interviewer
  • CRM-13923 Apply for Grants on Behalf of an Organization
  • CRM-13924 notices
  • CRM-13925 civix: Setup license.txt by default
  • CRM-13926 Registration of participant during event approval, stucks at first step
  • CRM-13927 County notice gone missing
  • CRM-13928 Membership Import Wizard does not have option for field separator
  • CRM-13929 Review and upgrade javascript plugins
  • CRM-13930 Use jQuery UI menu instead of legacy menu plugin
  • CRM-13931 Upgrade jQuery datatables
  • CRM-13932 Migrate jQuery core to 1.10
  • CRM-13933 Refactor out & remove jquery.chainSelect
  • CRM-13934 Cannot save a Dedupe Rule as Unsupervised ("Automatique") in the french version
  • CRM-13935 Remove jquery.mousewheel
  • CRM-13936 In Wordpress, CiviCRM blocks the execution of the Edit function in the Wordpress media library with error "call to undefined function ts()"
  • CRM-13937 Lifetime memberships created with a start date older than 3 months ago have a status of expired.
  • CRM-13938 Create Annotations for entity files
  • CRM-13939 Migrate GR doctrine reposotory to CiviCRM github repo
  • CRM-13940 Explore Civi Meta API to doctrine annotations
  • CRM-13941 Explore compatibility of using DAO's in doctrine environment
  • CRM-13942 navigation menu is not valid html
  • CRM-13943 Navigation menu has extra <li> in drupal
  • CRM-13944 invalid html -in function function noServerResponse( ) {
  • CRM-13945 Editing website field via profile creates new entry
  • CRM-13946 Setting default character set of database connection to UTF8
  • CRM-13947 scheduled reminders give fatal when configured without a dateClause
  • CRM-13948 Hook alter mail params needs more info (id)
  • CRM-13949 doesn't handle return current_employer
  • CRM-13950 Get stats on simple and complex forms
  • CRM-13951 get stats of api's
  • CRM-13952 investigate on php framework on CRUD operation
  • CRM-13953 Search Export Includes Deleted Contacts
  • CRM-13954 processGreetings: error running query on same object
  • CRM-13955 mailing creation: illogical defaults, etc.
  • CRM-13956 Partial payments for event registrations and updates to existing price field selections
  • CRM-13957 2nd page of Import script reports undefined index
  • CRM-13958 DAO's generated are not indented correctly
  • CRM-13959 Allow Membership Types to define a Default Contribution Page.
  • CRM-13960 importing an empty custom data value for bolean type results in validation error
  • CRM-13961 e-notice on running process_mailings from the ui
  • CRM-13962 Feature request - add link to view public mailing to mailing browse page
  • CRM-13963 CRM_Mailing_Page_View::run takes $contact_id as a param & then refers to $contactID
  • CRM-13964 New Event Registration with partial payment
  • CRM-13965 Record additional payments or refunds for pending-pay later OR partially paid event registrations
  • CRM-13966 Migrate asmSelect, tokeninput and autocompletes to use Select2
  • CRM-13967 Public Mailing View page doesn't render hook tokens
  • CRM-13968 Contributions with "In Progress" status can't be edited and saved
  • CRM-13969 PHP warning & sometimes fatal error if no tags are defined
  • CRM-13970 Consolidate duplicate forms for managing option values
  • CRM-13971 Update api call insists on mandatory fields when selecting rows by non-"id" key.
  • CRM-13972 Preferred Language reset after editing contact
  • CRM-13973 Change event registration selections for an existing participant (back-office)
  • CRM-13974 breadcrumb
  • CRM-13975 Contact Record Contains code after upgrade
  • CRM-13976 Research line_item vs financial_trxn vs separate contribution for membership + donation
  • CRM-13977 activities report fails to add contacts to group - fatal error
  • CRM-13978 search on activity result field
  • CRM-13979 Move CRM_Core_Session::setStatus calls out of CRM_Core_Tag_BAO layer
  • CRM-13980 Give administrator the option to expose Pledge start date on Contribution Page
  • CRM-13981 Migrate "In Honor of" to Soft Credits
  • CRM-13982 export includes trashed contacts
  • CRM-13983 DataTables/media/css/demo_table_jui.css included on every page
  • CRM-13984 Add help to explain that the contribution receipt (online) will be sent after each automatic membership renewal and each recurring contribution
  • CRM-13985 check on symfony + civicrm status
  • CRM-13986 doctrine rest api
  • CRM-13987 doctrine annotations
  • CRM-13988 migrate executeQuery to live on top of doctrine
  • CRM-13989 triggers / stored procedures in doctrine
  • CRM-13990 improve custom data and custom fields structure
  • CRM-13991 Add AJAX profile-listing mode to core (from hrprofile extension)
  • CRM-13992 Implement table-oriented layout option for multi-value custom-data view and edit
  • CRM-13993 Fixing HTTPS issues with map contacts function
  • CRM-13994 cleanup entity_tag records when deleting activity
  • CRM-13995 contact export when merging households: some household fields missing
  • CRM-13996 Advanced Search; Sorting of Results displayed in a custom profile fails and Advanced Search must be reset
  • CRM-13997 Migrate jQuery UI to 1.10x
  • CRM-13998 Upgrade is missing alter statements for civicrm_report_instance
  • CRM-13999 When registering someone else for an event logged in user is registered under some circumstances
  • CRM-14000 Relationship Creation in Front End Mode (i.e. removing "wp-admin/admin.php" from the URL)
  • CRM-14001 Additional users not registered to event with "Offer a wait list" when event payment (pay later) is associated
  • CRM-14002 Translated field label in price set on contribution pages gets overwritten
  • CRM-14003 Acceptable Date Range is incorrect on upgraded Custom Data Date Fields
  • CRM-14004 Membership export includes multiple copies of the same membership
  • CRM-14005 Adv Search with Search Views using (primary) address field, and setting Location Type fails
  • CRM-14006 Date checked in CRM_Event_Form_Registration.php misnamed
  • CRM-14007 Fix Drupal 6 views in 4.4 to cope with activity contact changes
  • CRM-14008 Addressee greetings not being updated when they are empty
  • CRM-14009 CiviMail: Report from contact summary does not Update
  • CRM-14010 Search Builder and preferred communication method
  • CRM-14011 Payment processors not coping with locale for thousands
  • CRM-14012 Contribution total values incorrect on Find Contributions page for permissioned users
  • CRM-14013 Strict warnings in Joomla helper api due to missing static function declarations
  • CRM-14014 Contacts in trash are included in exports
  • CRM-14015 Fix enableDisable for compatibility with new jQuery version and new popups
  • CRM-14016 remove report instance from navigation via report settings
  • CRM-14017 html validation issues on relationship type admin page
  • CRM-14018 HTML validation - Both buttons have same id on civicrm/admin/reltype&reset=1&action=browse
  • CRM-14019 html validation - relationship tab - duplicate id on permission-b-a
  • CRM-14020 Advanced Search not using proper operator with multipule groups
  • CRM-14021 CiviCRM should render .extra.hlp files
  • CRM-14022 Not all Contribution Statuses are usable
  • CRM-14023 Add missing apis for admin pages
  • CRM-14024 Missing pre & post hooks
  • CRM-14025 Manage registration pages don't call postProcess hook
  • CRM-14026 dompdf: Image handling broken when rendering multiple files in a row
  • CRM-14027 Primary (and associated) memberships are not renewed when non-primary contact renews the membership
  • CRM-14028 api required field check should allow value of 0
  • CRM-14029 Event registration confirmation mail not translated for online transaction
  • CRM-14030 Add another participant issue with Shopping Cart Checkout for Event Registration
  • CRM-14031 Allow users to override parent custom membership data
  • CRM-14032 55% of mail bounced after 4.4.3 upgrade
  • CRM-14033 Clickatell expects text in ISO-8859-1 if not in Unicode mode
  • CRM-14034 Editing a contribution from a PCP gets an error saying "soft credit amount cannot be more than the total amount."
  • CRM-14035 Tests fail in PHP 5.5
  • CRM-14036 Activity Contact (& Activity?) records not being deleted on contact delete
  • CRM-14037 Class 'CRM_Activity_BAO_Contact' not found Activity.php /civicrm/CRM/Activity/BAO line 2366 DLTK Problem
  • CRM-14038 Price Set and Pledge together on one ontribution page? (not working)
  • CRM-14039 Preferred Language reset after editing contact
  • CRM-14041 created_date / modified_date improvements for API
  • CRM-14042 CiviEvent shopping cart - add to cart results in 'You do not have permission to execute this url'
  • CRM-14043 cid=0 contribution form giving contribution to logged in user
  • CRM-14044 Switch to jQuery UI theming
  • CRM-14045 Api should validate & transform timestamp fields as a date (accept strtotime)
  • CRM-14046 Undefined Var in extension code
  • CRM-14047 Online event registration: add text to clarify the meaning of the Total Fee(s) calculated value
  • CRM-14048 Renewing non-primary membership results in doubled (or even tripled) expiration time.
  • CRM-14049 mailing preview unnecessarily requires an active email
  • CRM-14050 Allow Personal Campaign Page (PCP) Filtering and Display Columns entry in Contribution Summary and Contribution Details Reports
  • CRM-14051 Online membership renewal throws fatal error if membership type being checked has more than one inherited relationship type
  • CRM-14052 Tagset fixes
  • CRM-14053 CiviEvent shopping cart - price set defaults lost, 2nd participant price replaces 1st, 2 email addresses
  • CRM-14054 Default "update thank you date" should be ON when printing thank you letters
  • CRM-14055 Impossible to create event template through api
  • CRM-14056 Multi-lingual 4.4.4 upgrade fails due to dashboard upgrade
  • CRM-14057 contact logging detail report may have missing/wrong altered and altered by name
  • CRM-14058 Document Manual Recipients in Scheduled Reminders
  • CRM-14059 Onbehalf fails to load incase of form errors on contribution page
  • CRM-14060 Submit credit card contribution, auto fill in personal info.
  • CRM-14061 Add .extra.tpl to Dashboard elements
  • CRM-14062 group api: support passing name
  • CRM-14063 Paperclip Icon missing from Note comments
  • CRM-14064 Uploading content for mailing results in empty message text and subject line
  • CRM-14065 Edit activity date warning broken
  • CRM-14066 CiviEvent Discounted Fees of Zero or Blank do not save and give no warning
  • CRM-14067 Undefined index: label on Activity Type after enabling CiviCase with multi-lingual
  • CRM-14068 Joomla CSS cuts off headings in edit default template view
  • CRM-14069 Allow setting event price set ids by api
  • CRM-14070 Suppress 'limit_to' drop down when Entity is 'Activity'
  • CRM-14071 civibooking - printing booking record do not work
  • CRM-14072 Drupal views 3 contextual filter on YYYY/MM/DD for custom data datetime field no longer works
  • CRM-14073 Provide convenience of using profile address as billing address regardless of profile's placement on the contribution and / or event registration forms
  • CRM-14074 Viewing an activity crashes unless View All Contacts permission given to Joomla group.
  • CRM-14075 Store emails with rendered variables
  • CRM-14076 Location type label with space breaks export
  • CRM-14077 County drop down is populated with countries instead
  • CRM-14078 Unify field labels
  • CRM-14079 search-based mailings may or may not be re-used
  • CRM-14080 Have noticed there is no default on received_date on contribution.create - should default to now
  • CRM-14081 Create Contribution screen initially scrolls to and puts cursor in "Soft Credit" field
  • CRM-14082 Sort order is no longer honored by search actions
  • CRM-14083 Twilio SMS extension is not working, objects are empty
  • CRM-14084 Search by participant role does not work in Search Builder
  • CRM-14085 wrong syntax on inner join for contribution report
  • CRM-14086 User-contact synchronization wrongly requires redirect
  • CRM-14087 Updating default organization's address/phone wipes out the contact sub-type
  • CRM-14088 Unable to add additional soft credits in New Contribution view
  • CRM-14089 AJAX callbacks fail on WP front-end pages
  • CRM-14090 Predictable filenames expose contact data via Google
  • CRM-14091 Report to site admin if CiviCRM upload directories are unprotected
  • CRM-14092 Generate blank index.html files in public directories to prevent indexing of files
  • CRM-14093 Add CRM.api3 on the client side
  • CRM-14094 Removing tags requires permission "delete contacts", should require "edit all contacts"
  • CRM-14095 hook_civicrm_tokenValues not called
  • CRM-14096 civicrm.config code doesn't do a good job when civicrm not in sites/all
  • CRM-14097 Scheduled reminders UI problems
  • CRM-14098 Scheduled reminders silently skipped for contacts with a non-permissioned relationship associated with ANY inherited membership type
  • CRM-14099 Monthly repetitions not respected on Action Schedule
  • CRM-14100 Restriction on sending receipts to Pending Contributions is not helpful
  • CRM-14101 Unauthenticated/anonymous users can register for events even when Drupal permissions should stop them
  • CRM-14102 UI on contribution page config -Execute real-time monetary transactions should not be uncheckable if $ configured
  • CRM-14103 Addresses lost when merging Contacts
  • CRM-14104 Split css file into 'backend' and 'frontend' styles
  • CRM-14105 WordPress: mail_report Scheduled Job "access denied" unless report permission = Everyone
  • CRM-14106 Replace CRM_Utils_Array::value() with !empty() for performance
  • CRM-14107 Implement Previous / Next navigation on contact summary pages when accessed from a custom search
  • CRM-14108 Add Param for id to scheduled reminders
  • CRM-14109 Permissioned users being blocked from viewing disabled (but otherwise 'permissable' groups)
  • CRM-14110 cannot use email to mach contacts when importing contributions
  • CRM-14111 Line_item already exists on upgrade 4.3.5 ->4.4.1
  • CRM-14112 Add Followup filtering criteria to Activity Search
  • CRM-14113 Activity Search Builder
  • CRM-14114 Online recurring contribution page does not translate recurring unit
  • CRM-14115 Allow maximum number of Reportlet rows to be specified
  • CRM-14116 old dbs missing field
  • CRM-14117 Help/About leads to a non-existant page
  • CRM-14118 Unescaped user input sent to MySQL from geolocation scheduled job
  • CRM-14119 Add activity details as field / filter on activity details report
  • CRM-14120 Notice Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in event() (line 122 of /sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Event/PseudoConstant.php).
  • CRM-14121 CRM_Utils_System_Drupal::createUser does not user Drupal's form_state_defaults()
  • CRM-14122 Component import help needs to clarify that 'match to contact' fields are derived from the Unsupervised dedupe rule
  • CRM-14123 strict warning on participant view
  • CRM-14124 CiviCRM Full-text Search' block - Returning Error: Error type: Could not find a valid session key."
  • CRM-14125 Joining a group from the user dashboard throws a fatal error IF assigned activities pane is enabled
  • CRM-14126 HttpClient.php library used by CiviCRM issues a PHP warning when open_basedir is set
  • CRM-14127 CiviCRM WordPress not correctly generating frontend URL
  • CRM-14128 Participant Count Report offers 'is not role' criteria - but treats it the same as 'is role'
  • CRM-14129 Core reports - passing mhas as a URL criteria is ignored
  • CRM-14130 Undefined property: CRM_Core_DAO...reply.php
  • CRM-14131 Cannot make a contribution if text/numeric field is not a whole number
  • CRM-14132 Simple logging does not respect @civicrm_user_id
  • CRM-14133 Top Donor Report Results "Add to Group" Doesn't Work if "Show no." Filter Used
  • CRM-14134 Use Unsupervised matching rule for online event registrations
  • CRM-14135 Can't save custom member values for multiple memberships in Contribution screen
  • CRM-14136 Case Dashboard shows cases with deleted contacts the 'same' as non deleted
  • CRM-14137 Report_template.getrows api - allow retrieval of metadata at the top level
  • CRM-14138 Report_template.getrows api - make report_id OR instance_id required (currently report id is required)
  • CRM-14139 Static methods called non-statically
  • CRM-14140 Fix for Cron in Joomla 3.x
  • CRM-14141 event list front end joomla
  • CRM-14142 Adding contact 'modified date' as a field in Views
  • CRM-14143 Sub-group display off when multi-site enabled
  • CRM-14144 Disable relationships if Contact A or B is in Trash
  • CRM-14145 Error when saving Campaign Widget
  • CRM-14146 Button on contribution page should be "Confirm Contribution"
  • CRM-14147 Upgrade error from 4.1 to 4.2 in non-English locale (ex: French)
  • CRM-14148 Timezones with partial hours cause core crash
  • CRM-14149 Bad tags on Add Scheduled Job page break page layout
  • CRM-14150 Auto reply fails
  • CRM-14151 BaseIPN fails when receipt_date is set
  • CRM-14152 Duplicate Entries in Event Participants Report
  • CRM-14153 Create User action from contact summary throws notices (Drupal 7)
  • CRM-14154 API method to send templates by email: message_template, send
  • CRM-14155 Add custom event fields & filters to participant reports
  • CRM-14156 Add Group Filter & Tag Filter to participant reports
  • CRM-14157 Search for people who DON'T have a particular tag
  • CRM-14158 Make contact_id not required on Address Create API call
  • CRM-14159 Add ability to return metadata during api call
  • CRM-14160 Add country code to civicrm_country
  • CRM-14161 New Mailing form - adjust height and width of multi-select fields to better accommodate long names
  • CRM-14162 Inconsistencies and test failures with gender, prefix, suffix
  • CRM-14163 4.4 test suite not completing successfully
  • CRM-14164 Static methods called non-statically :: CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingJob::create
  • CRM-14165 Add edit option-value link to select lists
  • CRM-14167 civicrm_activity_contact join performance problems (needs index?)
  • CRM-14168 WordPress shortcodes should support public searchable profiles
  • CRM-14169 Fix permission issue with new events created by users with only 'access CiviEvent' permission
  • CRM-14170 Close help dialog when clicked twice
  • CRM-14171 Give configuration warning if Anonymous role is granted inappropriate permissions
  • CRM-14172 unable to use profiles in create mode with valid mixed fields
  • CRM-14173 dedupe rule fails with event registration if email not used
  • CRM-14174 Confusing sample in Message Templates
  • CRM-14175 activity tab on contact summary is super slow
  • CRM-14176 ActivityType API should return activity_type_id with get
  • CRM-14177 Import-Preferred Communication method does not import
  • CRM-14178 Full-Day events in CiviEvent
  • CRM-14179 word replacement list only loads 10 rows
  • CRM-14180 Declined Credit card redirects user to wrong page.
  • CRM-14181 migrate enums to varchar in schema for all tables
  • CRM-14182 Activity Getfields does not return source_contact_id
  • CRM-14183 Incorrect list of States for Nigeria
  • CRM-14184 Drush support to manage extensions in Drupal
  • CRM-14185 Searching for a group that doesn't match an existing group gives a warning in the logs
  • CRM-14186 Drush: use the API to flush the cache (system.flush) and delete the class loader variable
  • CRM-14187 Customise the text "Online Event Registration" in CiviEvent
  • CRM-14188 Cannot delete options for priceset fields
  • CRM-14189 If a contact hash is empty and a mail is sent with multiple checksum urls all but the last will be invalid
  • CRM-14190 support setting parent group when creating a new smart group
  • CRM-14191 There are 3 options with value=0 in option group "batch_status"
  • CRM-14192 Exports Gender empty
  • CRM-14193 Add option to default Civimail "dedupe e-mail" setting to true
  • CRM-14194 Import of 'Master ID' causes fatal instead of 'polite' error
  • CRM-14195 Fix buildACLClause for Activity Reports
  • CRM-14196 Export missing phone numbers, states
  • CRM-14197 Refactor to remove requirement for civicrm_membership_payment and civicrm_participant_payment
  • CRM-14198 State/Province abbreviation token
  • CRM-14199 Incorrect Math in Import routines
  • CRM-14200 Tell a friend i18n translation dialogs/popups are broken
  • CRM-14201 Contact Relationships tab needs pagination
  • CRM-14202 allow a scheduled reminder to be set for today
  • CRM-14203 Merge Contacts Fails after Upgrade
  • CRM-14204 schedule reminders: subject tokens not processed
  • CRM-14205 i18n strings and ts() usage fix for Contribute PCP strings
  • CRM-14206 contribution_page_id missing in contribution api result
  • CRM-14207 Contact's image url is full and absolute path
  • CRM-14208 cron authentication fails with Joomla 2.5.18
  • CRM-14209 News Dashlet is blank if php5-curl is not installed
  • CRM-14210 Warning msgs about exposed directories sometimes incorrect
  • CRM-14211 hook_civicrm_postProcess not firing when CRM_Event_Form_ManageEvent_Registration submitted
  • CRM-14212 Extend mail logging to allow mail to be logged AND send
  • CRM-14213 Upgrade to 4.4 failing on cached views data
  • CRM-14214 Custom fields never import
  • CRM-14215 Miscellaneous broken functionality related to new pop-up forms
  • CRM-14216 Custom field in "Individual Display Name Format" is not referenced
  • CRM-14217 CSS fixes for CMSUser password fields (PCP Account form)
  • CRM-14218 Export contacts and choosing a relationship-based field does not work for all relationship types
  • CRM-14219 Convert the PCP Campaign form to divs instead of table markup
  • CRM-14220 Custom Date Field YYYY format (year only) does not save values to the database
  • CRM-14221 DPS/Payment Express Utilities should be static functions
  • CRM-14222 PCP welcome email tell-a-friend bug in non-english
  • CRM-14223 CiviEvent Dashboard counts test participants
  • CRM-14224 Word Replacements on 4.4? 255 character error with less than that?
  • CRM-14225 Waitlist signup not working for full paid events
  • CRM-14226 getMenu() should not be called statically
  • CRM-14227 Enable sorting the participant listing report by register date
  • CRM-14228 s/waikato/Waikato/
  • CRM-14229 Non static called as static from the Joomla Front end warning
  • CRM-14230 Error message on submitting a new profile form
  • CRM-14231 Activity report crashes
  • CRM-14232 Contact preferred language should be nullable
  • CRM-14233 Use a standard such as BCP-47 for storing contact language preferences.
  • CRM-14234 Make the Recurring interval field automatically set 'recurring' to be 'on'
  • CRM-14235 Preparation for Drupal 8
  • CRM-14236 Refactor D6 & D7 Hook classes to use a common base
  • CRM-14237 advanced search: export after searching by mailings returns all record
  • CRM-14238 Export of Membership drops Campaign ID and Campaign Title
  • CRM-14239 PHP Notice when using cli from cron job (Undefined variable: result)
  • CRM-14240 PHP Warning when running cli from cron (mysqli_ping(): Couldn't fetch mysqli)
  • CRM-14241 setup new repo for doctrine integration work
  • CRM-14242 Extend gencode to create doctrine entities
  • CRM-14243 "ts" fix for the file upload form template
  • CRM-14244 WordPress plugins that process the_content dump CiviCRM content into head
  • CRM-14245 Token call from membership PDF action does not provide the membership id to the tokens
  • CRM-14246 When filling in a registration for another contact you have permission to prefill is tripping up
  • CRM-14247 No view or edit links in activity search results for renamed activity types
  • CRM-14248 entity_tag not cleaned up after case and activity deletion
  • CRM-14249 Can't view public mailings when logged out
  • CRM-14250 Error Uploading Image in CiviMail Module on Wordpress Installation
  • CRM-14251 Drupal 7 views - Event links should return empty rather than a non-word link if the person does not have permission
  • CRM-14252 abandon "contribution type" for "financial type" everywhere
  • CRM-14253 REST interface treats all cookies as API parameters; breaks Setting API
  • CRM-14254 Cannot create membership for user when choosing price set
  • CRM-14255 Move example CiviCase types to extension
  • CRM-14256 State field empty when exporting advanced search results
  • CRM-14257 "Display Results As Relationship" in Advanced Search displays includes inactive relationships
  • CRM-14258 Use select2 for inserting tokens
  • CRM-14259 Contact export missing prefix, suffix, gender
  • CRM-14260 Users can register for a past event
  • CRM-14261 Move top of page profile above price set, etc. on event registration page.
  • CRM-14262 Address State does not export
  • CRM-14263 Fatal error on seach with Search profile selected under some circumstances
  • CRM-14264 Msg 'Sorry cannot complete..Constraint violation'
  • CRM-14265 Allow advanced to search to retrieve Event custom data
  • CRM-14266 send receipt from contrib/event/membership should list all configured FROM email addresses
  • CRM-14267 Allow Drupal views to be used for Notes related to contacts
  • CRM-14268 Make CiviCRM's event registration cart record financial transactions to conform to the changes beginning in CiviCRM 4.2.
  • CRM-14269 Register links from Manage Events don't load event if in the past
  • CRM-14270 Fix UX & performance issues on backend participant form
  • CRM-14271 Activites tab in contact view gives incorrect number
  • CRM-14272 Relationship Start Date Not working
  • CRM-14273 title and instructions not localizable in civicrm_survey
  • CRM-14274 civicrm_group_roles.module includes missing v2 API
  • CRM-14275 Membership Contribution Detail report not working with ACLs in place
  • CRM-14276 Hook for display name
  • CRM-14277 Error when clicking Done on viewing a Contribution
  • CRM-14278 js to hide payment block on events doesn't account for text input fields
  • CRM-14279 function in civiengage report static when it shouldn't be
  • CRM-14280 Missing permission "edit relationships" in Drupal
  • CRM-14281 hook_civicrm_config does not get called when using Joomla bootstrap
  • CRM-14282 Allow "Allow other amounts" to be used with Contribution Price Sets OR Allow Custom Amounts as a Price Set Field
  • CRM-14283 Premium image upload button => http-only URL for images => Firefox insecure page warning
  • CRM-14284 Allow Contribution & Membership Price Sets to be used together
  • CRM-14285 Editing premiums in multiple tabs causes images to change involuntarily and produces "product exists" error
  • CRM-14286 Contact Mailings tab selector should show Open and Click activity specfic to the currently viewed contact
  • CRM-14287 store contrib ID for use in postProcess hook
  • CRM-14288 Refactor and simplify relationship form
  • CRM-14289 Don't use .js extension for dynamic resources
  • CRM-14290 put a proper logo with proper transparency
  • CRM-14291 Contribution exports duplicate records
  • CRM-14292 In contribution export, "total amount" field is empty.
  • CRM-14293 Event Cart checkout shows unlabeled checkbox for Pay Later although option is disabled
  • CRM-14294 Fix typo in function call to retrieve in Controller.php
  • CRM-14295 If Membership End Date is NULL, getMembershipStatusByDate fails to give right status
  • CRM-14296 pdf paper size error on localised civicrm
  • CRM-14297 Fatal error in advanced search when some panes are open
  • CRM-14298 Scheduled reminders on Members show incorrectly fill tokens & activities on inherited memberships
  • CRM-14299 Remove Message about moving assignee_contact setting from civicrm.settings.php
  • CRM-14300 Slow query - participant report
  • CRM-14301 Add 'is not one of' to report filtering on multiple select fields
  • CRM-14302 html tags in attachment js incorrectly escaped
  • CRM-14303 contact api does not return state_province_name
  • CRM-14304 contact api should include greeting values
  • CRM-14305 Smart group created from mailing Successful Deliveries shows entire database
  • CRM-14306 Find activities doesn't let you create smart group from results
  • CRM-14307 Search Builder shows Inbound SMS and SMS delivery many times
  • CRM-14308 Cannot Disable Smart Group Cache
  • CRM-14309 Non Static methods called statically :: 1,233: CRM_Event_Form_Registration_Confirm::fixLocationFields($value, $fields);
  • CRM-14310 No way to throw custom errors on Event Info and Settings page using hook_civicrm_validateForm
  • CRM-14311 Add metadata to doctrine entities
  • CRM-14312 contact merge: prefix/suffix do not display and not included in display/sort name construction
  • CRM-14313 Flash Chart label disappeared when selected a different date format than default
  • CRM-14314 Remove Non-Deductible Auto-fill Function
  • CRM-14315 Show scheduled activities of past date in red on Case dashboard
  • CRM-14316 Recaptcha documentation link is incorrect
  • CRM-14317 Export Error
  • CRM-14318 implement msg_template hook
  • CRM-14319 not all scheduled reminders are being sent
  • CRM-14320 Invalid Smarty triggers fatal errors
  • CRM-14321 Use Composer autoloader
  • CRM-14322 Typo makes it impossible to save admin settings
  • CRM-14323 CiviEvent Tokens change depending on if Scheduled Reminder or manual Email Participant
  • CRM-14324 Editing a contribution credited to a PCP removes the link to the PCP
  • CRM-14325 when default search profile is set, can't reliably add contacts to event from manage group page
  • CRM-14326 Fix custom field create API breakages
  • CRM-14327 Migrate Custom Data Tabs to use LivePage AJAX
  • CRM-14328 CiviDiscount doesn't selectively apply discount to event price sets
  • CRM-14329 Is CiviDiscount supposed to work with Checksum?
  • CRM-14330 Add REST-related annotations to generated entities
  • CRM-14331 Add permissions checks to REST calls
  • CRM-14332 Add support for modifying entities (PUT/POST/PATCH)
  • CRM-14333 Test API with complex use-case
  • CRM-14334 merge records: empty value overwriting existing value results in "1"
  • CRM-14335 Duplicates in list of Extensions
  • CRM-14336 inline edit occasionally fails
  • CRM-14337 Event fee calculation and payment options with IE and Crome
  • CRM-14338 profile edit save: prefix does not display
  • CRM-14339 Date column sorting Issue in Activity Tab
  • CRM-14340 CiviMail template for event registration can include link to empty iCal feed
  • CRM-14341 Individual prefix in profile does not appear in email
  • CRM-14342 Participant information missing from free event thank you page
  • CRM-14343 Import Error File Maxes out at 250
  • CRM-14344 Group dropdown overlaps tags if long group names
  • CRM-14345 Tcpdf library causes a warning every time it is required when open_basedir is set
  • CRM-14346 Selecting times for events and browser autocomplete
  • CRM-14347 Hyphens break urls in CiviEvent confirmation email text
  • CRM-14348 Fix dashboard
  • CRM-14349 Word Replacements table needs to be multilingual to support multilingual sites
  • CRM-14350 Undefined index: contact_id_b warning when saving profiles in Drupal
  • CRM-14351 Impossible to add SoftCredit row once deleted on New Contribution form
  • CRM-14352 Fatal error: Relationship already exists when contact with duplicate relationships registers for an event
  • CRM-14353 Fix formNavigate to work with multiple forms & ajax
  • CRM-14354 Additional gift breaks ARB (auto-renewing) memberships
  • CRM-14355 make api treat limit = 0 as an unlimited request
  • CRM-14356 Drupal: odd behaviours for anonymous users with lazy sessions
  • CRM-14357 callback to extensions mothership not working on 4.4.4 WP 3.8.1
  • CRM-14358 CiviCRM engage reports may result in fatal error if calling getOperationPair() function
  • CRM-14359 Drush sql-* civicrm commands dont work
  • CRM-14360 recurring contributions still assigned to deleted contacts for
  • CRM-14361 Cannot Change Contribution from Custom Status to Any Other Status
  • CRM-14362 Creating a financial type fails if financial account (INC) already exists.
  • CRM-14363 Missing Translation
  • CRM-14364 Contact details are not appearing correctly.
  • CRM-14365 Documentation on tokens for customs fields
  • CRM-14366 CiviEvent iCal feed is not refreshing for Google Calendar
  • CRM-14367 Add ability to group contribution letters by contact (& possibly recurring contribution)
  • CRM-14368 Drupal views integration does not target correct database if civicrm installed in a different database than the drupal database
  • CRM-14369 DAO::createTestObject broken on former enum column
  • CRM-14370 Add generic CRUD for Doctrine entities to API
  • CRM-14371 Timezone Wrong on civicrm
  • CRM-14372 make option_value multi-column keys unique?
  • CRM-14373 activity report: unable to deselect assignee/source/target columns
  • CRM-14374 Improve TabHeader.tpl to include count against each active tabName
  • CRM-14375 Membership fee doubled when fixed contribution option set to "no thank you"
  • CRM-14376 non-static call of CRM_Core_Error::getMessages()
  • CRM-14377 Edit contribution form with PCP-linked soft credit is not loading correct values and fields
  • CRM-14378 invalid html on event info page - id=event defined twice
  • CRM-14379 Fatal error is thrown when trying to delete price field option
  • CRM-14380 Adding a new Payment Instrument does not require account, results in unbalanced transactions
  • CRM-14381 Views - group custom data joins to wrong table (contact)
  • CRM-14382 Danish regions, state/provinces under localization is outdated
  • CRM-14383 Scope underscore/lodash using noConflict
  • CRM-14384 don't display date picker in survey data entry screen for view only field
  • CRM-14385 Fix section in book on Membership setup
  • CRM-14386 form rule notification popup not showing
  • CRM-14387 Re-organise membership section
  • CRM-14388 Create PDF Letter from within a case
  • CRM-14389 Get memberships api ignores membership_type_id if contact_id is present
  • CRM-14390 Inherit CMS language don't work in WordPress
  • CRM-14391 Memberships created on contact_id_b of a symmetrical relationship do not display related inherited memberships
  • CRM-14392 Import changes contact types if you select the wrong type (ex. Organizations -> Individuals)
  • CRM-14393 State not showing in advanced search
  • CRM-14394 Check inputs before calling getimagesize on custom image fields
  • CRM-14395 Edit button is displayed for users who do NOT have permission to edit the contact
  • CRM-14396 module type extensions (not dotted notation) not supported in handlePaymentNotification
  • CRM-14397 fix send email activity url when created within a case
  • CRM-14398 Fatal error exporting contributions with campaigns, if campaign name > 16 chars
  • CRM-14399 add hook::alterCalculatedMembershipStatus
  • CRM-14400 Migrate Multi-Record Custom data in Profiles to use LivePage AJAX
  • CRM-14401 Broken link for 'Case Resources' contacts in 'Manage Case' display.
  • CRM-14402 search builder: tag != value excludes records with no tags
  • CRM-14403 Document table-oriented layout option for multi-value custom data
  • CRM-14404 document how soft credits include "in honor of" functionality
  • CRM-14405 document Partial payments for event registrations and updates to existing price field selections
  • CRM-14406 Document use of "In progress" for partial payments other than events??
  • CRM-14407 Fix case custom-data UI in 4.5
  • CRM-14408 Remove crmAccordions function
  • CRM-14409 Hook for case merge
  • CRM-14410 PHP Notice when saving custom field group that applies to multiple items
  • CRM-14411 PHP Notice when adding premiums to contribution pages and more generally when using Rest client requests to CRM_Financial_Page_Ajax.php
  • CRM-14412 Allow users to view phone number in relationship report
  • CRM-14413 Dedupe hooks to make custom rules manageable through UI
  • CRM-14414 Create new API entity: ActivityContact
  • CRM-14415 fastcgi and older versions of tcpdf don't work together
  • CRM-14416 CiviCRM not changing membership status on time correctly
  • CRM-14417 Suppress "In Progress" payment status for new event registrations
  • CRM-14418 Scheduled reminders UI broken by SMS addition
  • CRM-14419 e-notice on activity.getcount when contact_id is not passed in
  • CRM-14420 api contribution.completetransaction should accept 'trxn_id' as a param
  • CRM-14421 Updating Fee Amount through Batch Update via Profile generates error
  • CRM-14422 Misc. Change Log Errors for Contact Records with Activities
  • CRM-14423 Misconfigured timezones lead to difficult debugging
  • CRM-14424 Wrong parameters for geocoding batch
  • CRM-14425 Export includes all contacts when filtering by letter
  • CRM-14426 Logging activation fails with multi-language enabled
  • CRM-14427 PCP account creation fails if contact already exists
  • CRM-14428 Main navigation menu requires click to expand items; change to hover
  • CRM-14429 Contact import fails silently on lookup of custom field option values by label
  • CRM-14430 CivicCRM Wiki Report Specifications?
  • CRM-14431 send report api function exits rather than returning (this can mess up scheduled jobs)
  • CRM-14432 enotice on next_sched_date
  • CRM-14433 insert token broken for mailing label format
  • CRM-14434 Invalid if statements check for = not ==
  • CRM-14435 civicrm_mail_settings missing FK restring on domain_id
  • CRM-14436 Add hash functionality to view mailing urls
  • CRM-14437 CiviEngage - error when printing with total amoun
  • CRM-14438 Can't select contact records from custom search profile when sorted by Current Employer
  • CRM-14439 WP demo - Access denied when visiting breadcrumb links from field listing
  • CRM-14440 CiviCRM fails to install in wordpress installs both development and production
  • CRM-14441 Source Record ID not accepted in API Activity Get
  • CRM-14442 Direct Debit payment processors break back-end credit card payment form
  • CRM-14443 Price set not diplayed the same for first and additional participants
  • CRM-14444 CiviReport: Layout/Table.tpl does not right-align floats
  • CRM-14445 Prevent administrators from manually creating custom contribution status options and adding to other option groups which are used programatically
  • CRM-14446 Contact.get api - birth_date & deceased_date fixes
  • CRM-14447 Optional confirmation step for free events
  • CRM-14448 Conflicting phone types on primary phone number causes data loss and appearance of repeat in profile
  • CRM-14449 API in 4.4.4 does not return custom fields unless the request filters by those fields
  • CRM-14450 Fix notice on Additional Participant forms (online event registration with price set)
  • CRM-14451 $softMapper not defined in Ajax checkDupes
  • CRM-14452 defect sql-query for 'log_civicrm_activity_for_source'
  • CRM-14453 multiplied check for '' in the change-log-queries
  • CRM-14454 Allow users to display contact's profiile picture on their event badge
  • CRM-14455 Participant Contact Reference Field Breaks Page 2 Search Results
  • CRM-14456 Is the Supervised Rule actually working?
  • CRM-14457 Redis support
  • CRM-14458 Smarty performance improvements
  • CRM-14459 street parsing fatals rather than graceful error when it mis-assigns values to street_unit
  • CRM-14460 Civicrm api contact.create & address.create don't call address parsing
  • CRM-14461 Participant notes incomplete when exporting participants
  • CRM-14462 Error trying to import gender in Catalan localization
  • CRM-14463 Custom address fields can't search by location type
  • CRM-14464 views - preferred communication method no longer renders values
  • CRM-14465 Opt-out link is broken in multi-lingual CiviCRM / non-English
  • CRM-14466 View manage case screen gives two PHP Notices (civicrm/contact/view/case?reset=1&action=view&cid=xxx&id=yyy&show=1)
  • CRM-14467 Case ID not submitted correctly when using inline update of activity status on manage case screen
  • CRM-14469 Duplicate directory in core code?
  • CRM-14470 "Primary" location type cause profile field value disappear when 2 field both Primary
  • CRM-14471 Pledge payment amount displays with dollar sign on contribution page
  • CRM-14472 Credit offline contribution to an event PCP
  • CRM-14473 Migrate case-types from OptionGroup to new table
  • CRM-14474 Update CiviCase XML processor to load from DB *or* file
  • CRM-14475 Create basic CRUD API for CaseType
  • CRM-14476 Extend CaseType API to return/save XML
  • CRM-14477 Case activities list no longer reloads after inline activity status change
  • CRM-14478 Automatically reconcile XML<->ActivityType/RelationshipType
  • CRM-14479 Create base Angular page (/civicrm/a)
  • CRM-14480 Implement "Edit Case Type" screen
  • CRM-14481 Edit Case Type - Create view-only screen
  • CRM-14482 Edit Case Type - Implement row deletion
  • CRM-14483 Edit Case Type - Implement row addition
  • CRM-14484 Edit Case Type - Implement sorting
  • CRM-14485 Refactor CaseType backend to support editing
  • CRM-14486 Empowered by CiviCRM - footer added to all public pages (with option to disable)
  • CRM-14487 Print Page (PDF) Formats - fix notices
  • CRM-14488 Reserved Profiles should not require the Standalone Form option to be checked
  • CRM-14489 If the "Language Domain" setting in the Drupal Locale contains the protocol the function languageNegotiationURL in CRM_Utils_System_Drupal.php duplicates it
  • CRM-14490 Batch Data Entry screen does not display data for "type" column
  • CRM-14491 Add civicrm_handler_field_contact_image to Views implementation
  • CRM-14492 Admin-only priceset field not visible in event Registration - logged in as admin
  • CRM-14493 Missing State-province (Pieria - Greece)
  • CRM-14494 Log raw IPN data to database
  • CRM-14495 Add tokens to core - address block, domain logo, domain header
  • CRM-14496 Make it possible to generate pdfs from scheduled reminders
  • CRM-14497 fix api to save display greeting, email greeting etc when contact created
  • CRM-14498 Need hook to create custom name badges
  • CRM-14499 Upgrade to 4.4.5 causes contact photos to be unviewable
  • CRM-14500 Some references to old contact aren't being updated when merging contacts
  • CRM-14501 Inconsistent custom field behaviour under some circumstances
  • CRM-14502 Event Location Page "Create new location" button issue
  • CRM-14503 Incorrect global groups listing
  • CRM-14504 Malformed URLs in civicrm_navigation
  • CRM-14505 CiviCRM api contact dedupe check wrong rule type
  • CRM-14506 Fix for CRM-14253 breaks REST API
  • CRM-14507 Domain token replacement in Message Templates uses HTML tokens for text parts
  • CRM-14508 add description strings for each Joomla ACL descriptor
  • CRM-14509 Relationships for both sides All Contacts
  • CRM-14510 CiviMember Roles Sync for Drupal 7 does not remove roles when membership deleted
  • CRM-14511 Icorrect group/ACL activity when the non-admin is viewing a group
  • CRM-14512 $params passed to payment gateways don't include line item prices or additional participant line items
  • CRM-14513 warning that redirect to database is set.
  • CRM-14514 County Edit in CiviCRM Profile
  • CRM-14515 Remove 360px PCP image restriction, replace with CSS resizing
  • CRM-14516 Civi button in WP Editor with depricated calls
  • CRM-14517 Documentation of conversations and tasks for the Civi-Joomla integration improvements initiated by OSM
  • CRM-14518 Initial development of MIH specs
  • CRM-14520 include detailed information on privacy checkboxes for contacts
  • CRM-14521 get tests to pass
  • CRM-14522 Test find - FK in message_template points to wrong field (resulting in data damage)
  • CRM-14523 Add guide on how to exclude no email from scheduled emails?
  • CRM-14524 Update profile section to show drag and drop profile interface
  • CRM-14525 Create infrastructure for documenting extensions
  • CRM-14526 Document that API explorer is in menu
  • CRM-14527 Migrate CID=0 to use entityRef
  • CRM-14528 CRM_Utils_HttpClientTest gets redirect instead of expected file
  • CRM-14529 For 4.5 Contribution details report criteria. Relocate 'soft credit type' to soft credit related criteria
  • CRM-14530 Contribution Data Lost on Membership Merge
  • CRM-14531 Pop up forms from search results
  • CRM-14532 CRM_Event_BAO_AdditionalPaymentTest::testAddPartialPayment failure
  • CRM-14533 Document new manage case redesign with new images
  • CRM-14534 Document CiviCase configuration user-interface
  • CRM-14535 Update Contribution Set-up section to mention honoree profiles
  • CRM-14536 Free Membership still submits to payment processor
  • CRM-14537 Images (Email signature logos) duplicate when BCCd into civi
  • CRM-14538 Partial payments for Memberships
  • CRM-14539 Editing a supervised dedupe rule to make it unsupervised and vice versa eliminates the original dedupe rule
  • CRM-14540 Check event online registration settings compatibility with Unsupervised dedupe rule
  • CRM-14541 Allow picking dedupe rule per event
  • CRM-14542 When on a Civi page, civi info in widget doesn't show
  • CRM-14543 Enabling ReCaptcha fails if library is already loaded
  • CRM-14544 Fix section on recommnedations for number of custom fields
  • CRM-14545 Contribution page does not respect "Contribution Amounts Label" when page is also used for memberships
  • CRM-14546 Restructure Permissions and Access Control Chapter
  • CRM-14547 Talk about the audience for the book
  • CRM-14548 Expand on membership and duration combinations.
  • CRM-14549 Add credentials field to Contact
  • CRM-14550 Future date selection in reports
  • CRM-14551 Creating event price field fails silently if all amounts are entered with dollar symbols
  • CRM-14552 WP Shortcode/Widget for Contribution page widgets
  • CRM-14553 Ensure breadcrumbs are
  • CRM-14554 Document use of soft credits for back office gift memberships
  • CRM-14555 Membership end date cannot be entered when mem. type is lifetime
  • CRM-14556 Two Plain Text Format sections showing up on Scheduled Reminders screen
  • CRM-14557 When pop-up forms are enabled - the profile field arrow for reordering is broken after one use
  • CRM-14558 CLONE - Handle invalid session errors for public pages in a nicer manner
  • CRM-14559 use of custom value separator in option values is not valid html (fix on relationship type form)
  • CRM-14560 Data loss when Membership create calls a POST hook that fails (certain circumstances)
  • CRM-14561 Document webform payment integration
  • CRM-14562 Premium image upload should conform to CiviCRM's standard file handling
  • CRM-14563 Search builder IN operator on a custom field
  • CRM-14564 CRM_Event_Badge no longer in use?
  • CRM-14565 Ability to add colour to event badges
  • CRM-14566 Ensure that campaign reporting is documented somewhere
  • CRM-14567 Replace DOMPDF with TCPDF for "Create PDF Letter"
  • CRM-14568 Event registration (front-end): Billing payment block is not being loaded in Chrome
  • CRM-14569 "Division by zero" in empty CiviCase dashboard
  • CRM-14570 Changing Participant Role widget to Select2 is causing notices in postProcess
  • CRM-14571 Mysql error code is incorrect: 1356
  • CRM-14572 Edit Event Registration: "Fees" block and "Change selections" block aren't retrieved when form is in pop-up mode
  • CRM-14573 Remove trailing \n on a few ts() strings
  • CRM-14574 Some of the logic in the form rule controlling which fields can be in the same profile (function formRuleSubType) is broken
  • CRM-14575 Document that pop up can be turned off
  • CRM-14576 If an error occurs (formRule) while adding a field of type "Phone and extension" the "Location Type" drop down is hidden when the form is re-displayed
  • CRM-14577 Error message when Continue (or Reuse) on Find Mailings: doesn't remember the Group that was originally included.
  • CRM-14578 Relocate Advanced Date Input Settings to Customize data and screens menu
  • CRM-14579 Add profile search Wordpress shortcode
  • CRM-14580 Disable price set options when max participants is reached
  • CRM-14581 Improve wording on multisite form (maybe add Colemans entity ref widget)
  • CRM-14583 Mailing Labels and Name Badges do not handle non-Western characters
  • CRM-14584 Advanced search: Excludng by multiple privacy settings works incorrectly
  • CRM-14585 Incorrect defaults loaded when two phone fields are added to the same profile one primary and one not primary (EG. Home) with different phone types
  • CRM-14586 Creating "Employer of" Relationship with API does not update Contact Employer
  • CRM-14587 Document event duplicate matching
  • CRM-14588 Non Local Date format used in membership thank you and confirm contribution pages
  • CRM-14589 Next Payment Due broken on pledged but not paid report
  • CRM-14590 Custom fields for a specific participant role are not saved on editing a participant record
  • CRM-14591 civicrm_participant.fee_level
  • CRM-14592 Migrate action menus to use jQuery
  • CRM-14593 fails due to deprecated use of preg_replace
  • CRM-14594 gitify: use new civicrm-l10n-latest.tar.gz instead of SVN
  • CRM-14595 "Organization Address and Contact Info" cannot save when invoked from Configuration Checklist
  • CRM-14596 Add last_modified to Contact API
  • CRM-14597 Multi-lingual database sql upgrade is broken for "communication style"
  • CRM-14598 4.5/git DB upgrade has broken FK declaration
  • CRM-14599 CiviMail's test email functionality does not check to see if a contact is deleted before using it for token substitution
  • CRM-14600 Rewrite Membership Reports
  • CRM-14601 Rewrite Finding Memberships
  • CRM-14602 IMCE "Browse Server" option not working
  • CRM-14603 ajax callback needs greater security checks
  • CRM-14604 Rework Canceling and expiring memberships
  • CRM-14608 Add some best practices for CiviMail templates
  • CRM-14609 Print or Email Contribution Receipt Action uses Membership receipt template, not Contribution template
  • CRM-14610 Receipt sent via action not populating Receipt Date under Payment Details
  • CRM-14611 4.5.git upgrade: multilingual bug with civicrm_survey title localization change
  • CRM-14612 Relationship permissions do not save consistently
  • CRM-14613 Rewrite Cancelling and expiring memberships
  • CRM-14614 Rewrite renewing memberships
  • CRM-14615 Rewrite manual entry of memberships
  • CRM-14616 document dummy cards in payment processors
  • CRM-14617 Implement hashed URL for uploaded images on public pages
  • CRM-14618 Rewrite Online Membership pages
  • CRM-14619 Integrate nightly reconciliation for payment processors
  • CRM-14620 Send email from contact or find contacts screen wrongly autocompletes
  • CRM-14621 Date fields not being rendered properly on "On Behalf of" Profiles
  • CRM-14622 File fields on 'On Behalf of' profiles cause javascipt to break.
  • CRM-14623 PHP Notices when registering a participant in the back end for an event that uses a price set with max participants
  • CRM-14624 Strict Standards Error - CRM_Utils_System_Joomla
  • CRM-14625 missing asset: soft_credit_type.png
  • CRM-14626 Event permissions works 'wrong way'
  • CRM-14627 civicrm navigation inconsistent
  • CRM-14628 Error: "This message is missing a required token" even when email contains the required tokens
  • CRM-14629 Can't cancel a recurring contribution if no contributions have been made
  • CRM-14630 Rewrite Defining Memberships
  • CRM-14631 Fixed: chained jQuery calls fail when trying to select States based on Country selection in Profiles
  • CRM-14632 Grant Statistics Report crash
  • CRM-14633 Submit Credit Card (Event) Registration -> Could not find valid payment processor
  • CRM-14634 Activity search results action: 'Create Followup Activity for Contacts'
  • CRM-14635 Update any links in user interface that point to booki membership chapters
  • CRM-14636 Datatables implimentation causes dom collisions
  • CRM-14637 Scrollbar jumps in popups
  • CRM-14638 Expanding Tabs not working civiCRM 4.4.5 on Firefox 28 windows 7
  • CRM-14639 Grant status inconsistent after 4.3 upgrade
  • CRM-14640 Views is not aware of new fields in civicrm_contact table eg _created_date or _modified_date
  • CRM-14641 Extensions can not be disabled concurrently
  • CRM-14642 auto_install.xml is parsing created_date incorrectly?
  • CRM-14643 Memcached and other caches need to be flushed after language switch
  • CRM-14644 File fields do not show uploaded files if present.
  • CRM-14645 Contribution is accepted even if Membership is not renewed.
  • CRM-14646 new image display upgrade code not optimized, can result in error
  • CRM-14647 CiviCRM fails to copy Profiles with long titles
  • CRM-14648 debug output left in pledge summary report
  • CRM-14649 Issues with CRM_Utils_HttpClient::fetch()
  • CRM-14650 Display name does not have individual prefix and suffix after inline-edit the contact
  • CRM-14651 Postprocess hook should call after pushUserContext
  • CRM-14652 "Error type: Could not find a valid session key." when using searchbuilder results
  • CRM-14653 Upgrade Discount Listing page for new enableDisable method
  • CRM-14654 Activity - Inbound Email - details: plain/text is ugly formated
  • CRM-14655 attachment is stored more than once, instead of having links to same
  • CRM-14656 Add Labels for Contact ID and Relationship Id to Relationship Report
  • CRM-14657 is_transactional is inconsistent in api
  • CRM-14658 'New version available' overlay links to download page; should also link to release notes, upgrade instructions
  • CRM-14659 Relationship assignment on contacts with multiple contact subtypes
  • CRM-14660 Location Type "Display Name" Should Be Required
  • CRM-14661 [Error: Upgrade DB to 4.2.alpha1: Price Sets]
  • CRM-14662 Fatal error on front-end membership renewal
  • CRM-14663 Take profile timings on database calls
  • CRM-14664 Javascript not loading payment details for paid price sets
  • CRM-14665 On Behalf profile field values are not being displayed on Thank-you pages
  • CRM-14666 Recurring contribution explanation text has disappeared
  • CRM-14667 Cron job was failing on Drupal 6
  • CRM-14668 4.4.6 upgrade fails on sites with many contacts
  • CRM-14669 Amount entered into Text/Numeric Quantity not included correctly
  • CRM-14670 Activity Tab on contact summary is slow / incomplete
  • CRM-14671 Joomla 3.3 & CiviCRM 4.4.4 / JRegistry fatal PHP error during cron run
  • CRM-14672 logging triggers: civicrm_menu table should not have triggers
  • CRM-14673 Billing Block is not consistantly shown for paid events when using a priceset
  • CRM-14674 PHP object-oriented API should be configurable to throw exceptions
  • CRM-14675 Strict warning: Non-static method CRM_Event_BAO_Event::getTemplateDefaultValues() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in CRM_Event_Form_ManageEvent_EventInfo->postProcess() (line 309
  • CRM-14676 Inserting values into civicrm_prevnext_cache fails to properly escape names
  • CRM-14677 "My billing address is the same as above" can break if profile has 25+ fields
  • CRM-14678 Add "Not you, or want to join/contribute for a different person?" text to contribution pages
  • CRM-14680 Contribution Aggregate by Relationship report fails with custom contribution field
  • CRM-14681 Import Contacts no longer checks contact type, instead contact type is changed
  • CRM-14682 Add "search / view" link at Profile "more" options, like Events
  • CRM-14683 Update Grant causes DB Error: constraint violation
  • CRM-14684 Inappropriate placement on static unrelated functions on abstract class
  • CRM-14685 upgrade to 4.4.x results in civimail giving db error on long urls
  • CRM-14686 location type should be shown when you use another contact's address
  • CRM-14687 CiviCRM 4.4.4 invoice email address overwriting primary email address
  • CRM-14688 Website field in On Behalf of Profile Not Recorded in Org Record
  • CRM-14689 Configure contribution page: On Behalf profile notice and Edit / Copy buttons are not working
  • CRM-14690 Javascript breaks after loading Create Custom Field dialog from Profile editor
  • CRM-14691 4.4.4 joomla-alt distribution on SourceForge contains the wrong civicrm.config.php
  • CRM-14692 WordPress: CiviCRM replaced Body Text box on Edit Post/Edit page screen
  • CRM-14693 Civi extension manager wants the extensions directory to be webserver-writable
  • CRM-14694 "Check Availability" on new user/member form fails silently while "Checking.."
  • CRM-14695 Membership Renewal form 'on behalf of Org' does not prefill Org fields
  • CRM-14696 Improve display for sold out price set options
  • CRM-14697 Discounts by Signup Date: Add Discount Set to Fee Table is not working
  • CRM-14698 Relationships for contact subtypes can only be created in one direction
  • CRM-14699 Participant Fee Level Stored as label rather than id
  • CRM-14700 Membership Type form: Visibility field is saving incorrect values to the DB
  • CRM-14701 Form data not retained subsequent to contribution page on behalf of fix
  • CRM-14702 Implement configuration warning for Joomla
  • CRM-14703 Online contributions - Confirm page is giving 'unsaved changes' warning in Chrome
  • CRM-14704 Find Contacts / Advanced Search: Record Activity for Contacts bulk action is broken
  • CRM-14705 notice errors
  • CRM-14706 Relationship contact reports with group and relation type filters fails
  • CRM-14707 Cache function existence in api hooks
  • CRM-14708 recurring back-office membership transactions silent failure
  • CRM-14709 If you activate extended Logging, the lookup-function in the change-log tab fails on large databases.
  • CRM-14710 CiviCRM impersonating Sessions/Dashboards not working with forced HTTPS
  • CRM-14711 Membership pages not saving dates
  • CRM-14712 URL with checksum/contact_id and no login does not prefill Org fields for 'on behalf of Org' Membership Renewal form
  • CRM-14713 Drupal Views integration for CiviEvent misses handlers
  • CRM-14714 Smarty in Email templates
  • CRM-14715 "Find Contributions" search does not work properly with GiftAid batches
  • CRM-14716 Default mailing visibility should be Public Pages
  • CRM-14717 Incorrect Display Name on Frontend Dashboard
  • CRM-14718 PaypalIPN sends another email if create recurring profile IPN is sent again
  • CRM-14719 Move UF specific code out of main code
  • CRM-14720 smart groups based on postal code numeric ranges cause fatal
  • CRM-14721 Add 'Managing custom fields sets' to custom data chapter
  • CRM-14722 Adding CiviContribution Custom Fields on Profile to Contribution Page causes SQL Error
  • CRM-14723 Filelds in Export View are sorted alphabetically by Field Name and not Field label
  • CRM-14724 when viewing b to a relationship link to contact a returns contact b
  • CRM-14725 Edit Case Type - Use AJAX load/save
  • CRM-14726 Implement "Case Type List" screen
  • CRM-14727 Implement activity pipelines/sequences
  • CRM-14728 View Activity: crmDate produces nonesense output
  • CRM-14729 Export Contacts: Created Date and Modified Date are not retrieved
  • CRM-14730 over-long urls in CiviMail result in fatal error
  • CRM-14731 php warning on mailing action links
  • CRM-14732 Search returns activities from Contacts in Trash
  • CRM-14733 Missing DB fields for contributions
  • CRM-14734 public mailing page does not display for anonymous users
  • CRM-14735 Delete Event participation displays "Array" as notification
  • CRM-14736 Views provide link to custom contact fields for participants
  • CRM-14737 After all the task action process the redirection to search listing doesn't show selected rows 'checked'
  • CRM-14738 Belize is located in region "Africa"
  • CRM-14739 Event Dashboard should show more entries
  • CRM-14740 Event Dashboard - participant status not localised
  • CRM-14741 Event Info - Magnifier options confusing
  • CRM-14742 Search Builder does not filter by participant -> fee level
  • CRM-14743 Contact modified date should be searchable by range from api
  • CRM-14744 Force Secure URLs (SSL) not working despite SSL cert
  • CRM-14745 Menu link to membership reports not working on sandbox
  • CRM-14746 Document that price fields in event price sets can be active over defined dates
  • CRM-14747 Profile field with empty label causes error on Drupal user page
  • CRM-14748 api explorer swaps api_key & key
  • CRM-14749 insert token feature missing from Address Display format
  • CRM-14750 Dates missing from templates
  • CRM-14751 Deleted Contacts Visible
  • CRM-14752 Relationship_type_id does not use pseudoconstants
  • CRM-14753 API (relationship, create) of type "Employee of" does not set the employer_id
  • CRM-14754 Make it possible to select multiple Country & World Region options on Advanced Search
  • CRM-14755 upgrade fails on insert country
  • CRM-14756 uf_field api wants "field_name" as required parameter for exiting fields.
  • CRM-14757 API Explorer doens't show Create as an action for UFField.
  • CRM-14758 API ( contact, create ) does not always create related membership
  • CRM-14759 Event registration email template
  • CRM-14760 updating individual prefix via profile fails
  • CRM-14761 Check Num. field is not shown for custom payment instruments
  • CRM-14762 crmAutocomplete Not Responding to Params
  • CRM-14763 Bootstrap for CiviCRM and D8
  • CRM-14764 Expose Drupal 8 to CiviCRM
  • CRM-14765 Attachment searching (based on Drupal+Solr)
  • CRM-14766 Link to personal campaign site lost when contribution is edited
  • CRM-14767 Housenumber not visible by adding addresses
  • CRM-14768 Drupal8 prep More Joomla! error handling to Joomla! class
  • CRM-14769 Extension translation: bugfix and add support for phpgettext
  • CRM-14770 CiviGroup Roles Sync Slows User Login
  • CRM-14771 User has no permissions create Group but can create from the search results page.
  • CRM-14772 Updating Memberships breaks Relationship Type setting
  • CRM-14773 UTF-8 and export data from report to CSV
  • CRM-14774 Wordpress CSS Override Issues
  • CRM-14775 PCP Signup with Approval Not Showing Front End
  • CRM-14776 Wordpress Base Page not updating <Title> or Breadcrumbs
  • CRM-14777 Allow ability to turn off Credit Card Logos
  • CRM-14778 api create price set without name results in messy error
  • CRM-14779 Get DB Error when I try to add New Individual
  • CRM-14780 Rewrite Membership Price sets
  • CRM-14781 Update help text on profiles tab when editing or creating a contibution Page
  • CRM-14782 unable to import 0/no/false values
  • CRM-14783 Quicksearch by email returns deleted contacts
  • CRM-14784 The update greetings job times out without saving to the database
  • CRM-14785 iCalendar feeds needs html special characters removed or replaced
  • CRM-14786 CiviCase XML reconciliation should run automaticaly
  • CRM-14787 Saving should return to listings page
  • CRM-14788 Tweak "Manage Case" screen for use with sequences
  • CRM-14789 Allow deletion of case-types
  • CRM-14790 new embedded profiles give invalid html
  • CRM-14791 advanced search: can't search multiple contact types
  • CRM-14792 create activity with merge text on manual contact merge
  • CRM-14793 Line Item value incorrectly set to $1 from batch entry under some circumstances
  • CRM-14794 Breaking out of report snippets when navigating by page number
  • CRM-14795 Enhance Grant batch update
  • CRM-14796 Voice Broadcast extension
  • CRM-14798 Miscellaneous fixes for Case Type Listing and Edit Form
  • CRM-14799 CiviMail keeps delivering (and bouncing) if SMTP server disappears
  • CRM-14800 Contact merge deletes a contribution record if it is linked to a membership being merged
  • CRM-14801 Fix notices and empty Address Standardization Provider select in Address Settings form
  • CRM-14802 missing ts in mailing search form and member dashboard
  • CRM-14803 Contact name with linebreak break AJAX contact search
  • CRM-14804 participant status list box order should be affected by weighting
  • CRM-14805 Multilingual does not work with multisite
  • CRM-14806 Fatal error on Case pages for "Assign to Another Client" action
  • CRM-14807 Allow users to specificy from name and email address in Scheduled Reminders
  • CRM-14808 Create a blog post with mockup
  • CRM-14809 Allow longer reCAPTCHA options
  • CRM-14810 Dashlets are broken - showing report criteria form instead of actual report body
  • CRM-14811 Optionally process full-text queries with InnoDB FTS
  • CRM-14812 Campaign Survey Details report fails if Interviewer name displayed
  • CRM-14813 Online event rego receipt - no credit card details shown
  • CRM-14814 CRM-8744 breaks on SMTP servers requiring secure TLS authentication
  • CRM-14815 subscriptionURL() doesn't add checksum when called from CLI
  • CRM-14816 Order Rows widget is broken again
  • CRM-14817 Relationship field mapping option disappear after select more field
  • CRM-14818 Add Price Sets Permission Set to API
  • CRM-14819 Updating Custom Fields does not make a Change Log line
  • CRM-14820 Cannot register event participant from admin menu
  • CRM-14821 drush cc civicrm fails due to missing parameter - fix attached
  • CRM-14822 Fix handling for option value checkbox custom fields
  • CRM-14823 buildAmount hook does not alter labels for text fields
  • CRM-14824 contributions of incorrect values created under some circumstances
  • CRM-14825 Activity Date Search & Export of Selected Fields Results in Duplicates
  • CRM-14826 preserve context with custom search results
  • CRM-14827 {mailing.viewUrl} link (civicrm/mailing/view) breaks page rendering
  • CRM-14828 Views generates incorrect SQL for multi-select state/province custom fields
  • CRM-14829 Delete Case from contact summary Cases tab loads summary back into pop-up
  • CRM-14830 Links to add CC and BCC are hidden in Send an Email task
  • CRM-14831 default/offline membership renewal contrib page link should be listed for mem types not in the page
  • CRM-14832 The relationship api does require the administer civicrm permissions.
  • CRM-14833 Access Control can not be editet
  • CRM-14834 Activity Export with Relationships incurs fatal error
  • CRM-14835 sql/civicrm.mysql and sql/civicrm_generated.mysql are out of sync
  • CRM-14836 Activities is misspelled on activity delete confirmation page
  • CRM-14837 CiviMember Component Settings form is broken
  • CRM-14838 token regression on mailing labels in 4.4
  • CRM-14839 Support Float data in CiviCRM Views
  • CRM-14840 File schedule reminder on case
  • CRM-14841 Mailing visibility doesn't work as described
  • CRM-14842 String validation fails on string length
  • CRM-14843 3 Missing Regions in Chile
  • CRM-14844 Cannot copy-paste fatal errors
  • CRM-14845 cron job returns db "error: syntax error"
  • CRM-14846 Contribution Export with Campaign fields not working properly
  • CRM-14847 Export contributions: notice thrown
  • CRM-14848 Move all admin settings from the domain table to the settings table
  • CRM-14849 Global vs per-site admin settings in multi-site/multi-domain environment
  • CRM-14850 Migrate debug settings to proper (over-ridable) settings
  • CRM-14851 Profile type validation for On Behalf profiles is checking the custom_pre profile instead
  • CRM-14852 Access to some civicrm/admin URLs allowed without Adminster Civicrm permissions
  • CRM-14853 Bookkeeping report represents payment type incorrectly
  • CRM-14854 Selected amount JS highlights entire row
  • CRM-14855 drush civicrm clear cache api error
  • CRM-14856 Always load profile settings from database
  • CRM-14857 Make it easy to add report filters on membership
  • CRM-14858 Refactor CiviGrant from component to extension
  • CRM-14859 views e-notice on country field
  • CRM-14860 "Access is denied." errors composing email (using CKeditor) under IE11, cannot insert image/link
  • CRM-14861 Price set field/options sort order issues
  • CRM-14862 Survey Report returns Unknown Field if you include Interviewer Name
  • CRM-14863 Frequent PHP notices in Drupal views containing states and provinces
  • CRM-14864 Advanced search - bug in contact type filters OR
  • CRM-14865 Prevent duplicate participants when using offline event registration
  • CRM-14866 Front-end membership signup is broken - no membership record created
  • CRM-14867 Add Contacts to Event task - throws notices
  • CRM-14868 '$' in amount_other causes error
  • CRM-14869 Editing membership when someone else is paying
  • CRM-14870 Inconsistent placement/style of booking form buttons
  • CRM-14871 Extension framework should recognize new managed entities during upgrade
  • CRM-14872 Joomla: redirect after login
  • CRM-14873 Paragraph tags in the donate form - Word Press CiviCRM
  • CRM-14874 Display and sort names should be populated with email address when contribution form only has email address
  • CRM-14875 Related membership line_items missing from View Contribution page
  • CRM-14876 Payment_processor_id not saved when using a priceset in backoffice
  • CRM-14877 users bypass ACLs when exporting
  • CRM-14878 CiviCRM 4.5 alpha 1 for Wordpress is not showing the menu
  • CRM-14879 Scheduled reminders for contact date fields
  • CRM-14880 Access trough REST to API does not use "API key" user permissions
  • CRM-14881 Cannot edit contribution created by recurring contribution
  • CRM-14882 Onlne contribution form with price-set: hide billing block if contribution total is zero
  • CRM-14884 CRM/Report/DAO/ReportInstance schema file name is inconsistent
  • CRM-14885 Improve the workflow related to the GenCode.php script
  • CRM-14886 Port is_transactional changes to 4.5
  • CRM-14887 smart group search regression on location
  • CRM-14888 historical smart groups with membership status break on upgrade to 4.4
  • CRM-14889 Inline editing allows billing address to be selected for more than one address
  • CRM-14890 IE11 - Unable to save a relationship with an existing contact lookup
  • CRM-14891 add created_date to (maybe)all tables?
  • CRM-14892 Inline editing shows Joomla Control Panel after "save"
  • CRM-14893 "partials" directory should be included in tar-balls
  • CRM-14894 Membership renewals throw fatal error on unique index UI_line_item_value
  • CRM-14895 Don't load Schedule Reminders form in pop-up
  • CRM-14896 Remove obsolete markup from Additional Participant template
  • CRM-14897 "Cleanup Caches and Update Paths" does not appear in the Administration screen
  • CRM-14898 Take "Renew" out of More or make it more prominent somehow
  • CRM-14899 Undefined variable error when adding a reminder
  • CRM-14900 Use insert IGNORE when adding states
  • CRM-14901 Add tag to Contact record requires edit all permission
  • CRM-14902 html error id relationshipTypeID declared twice
  • CRM-14903 fatal error trying to create a smart group from search build with 'is empty' criteria
  • CRM-14904 contact dashboard: when editing org, subtype lost
  • CRM-14905 Fix a few calls to CRM_Core_Session::setStatus()
  • CRM-14906 Fix notice in Search Builder for IS (not) EMPTY / IS (not) NULL searches
  • CRM-14907 Email and Phone should select the default location type
  • CRM-14908 Payment options disappear on event registration when $0 option selected
  • CRM-14909 config will only not load missing settings from setting table / over-rides unless it is NULL
  • CRM-14910 Activities filed on Cases - custom file attachments lost on edit
  • CRM-14911 Case activities are forked
  • CRM-14912 import with unique external ID overwrites
  • CRM-14913 merging contacts does not change contact_id in financial_item table.
  • CRM-14914 Assuming this is not CiviCRM bug - civicrm_line_item rows missing
  • CRM-14915 Migrate the 'Mailer Settings' to the civicrm_setting table
  • CRM-14916 Implement automatically applied discounts for membership fees
  • CRM-14917 "Case Type" link on "civicrm/admin" is stale
  • CRM-14918 Line Items should be created for all Membership Signup/Renewal and Participant Registration transactions
  • CRM-14919 Add icon for related contact in listing in the relationship tab
  • CRM-14920 Custom Searches do not honor user sort order
  • CRM-14921 retain context when linking to contact from custom search
  • CRM-14922 Add HELO setting in CiviMail config
  • CRM-14923 Contribution Thank-you Letters grouped by contact - option to send email when possible + print PDF for all is broken
  • CRM-14924 Membership Auto Renewal Option Not Available on Page including Pay Later Option
  • CRM-14925 SMS interface should count the characters entered, not count down
  • CRM-14926 Spurious messages in logfiles with PHP 5.5
  • CRM-14927 Batch update via Profile - copy icon fails for fields of 'select' type
  • CRM-14928 Refactor: Unused parameter in Incoming.php/parseAddress
  • CRM-14929 Remove CiviGrant from core
  • CRM-14930 silentpost transactions cannot be edited due to invalid net_amount
  • CRM-14931 CiviCase "Max instances" does not work nicely
  • CRM-14932 Removed from Groups if "Tags and Groups" disabled from Display Preferences
  • CRM-14933 missing wkhtmltopdf => fatal error / WSoD
  • CRM-14934 PHP strict warning when saving contact
  • CRM-14935 Drush: trivial fix for cache clear
  • CRM-14936 Check Block module exists before calling _block_rehash()
  • CRM-14937 CiviEvents: when using existing location on a new event, only the first phone number is loaded causing data loss on save
  • CRM-14938 Links to Import Multi-custom Data are missing
  • CRM-14939 unpredictable behavior with pagination of search results with duplicates
  • CRM-14940 Add Responsive Design Sample Newsletter Templates for CiviMail
  • CRM-14941 Multi-lingual break on Event Dashboard
  • CRM-14942 Styling break on adding new Contact in Wordpress
  • CRM-14943 Strict warnings in Moneris payment processor
  • CRM-14944 function should not be called statically - pledge page
  • CRM-14945 Event confirmation email - message not saved to Activities
  • CRM-14946 "Expired is not of the type Integer" error in CRON job
  • CRM-14947 Geocoding produces wrong results
  • CRM-14948 Russian provinces update
  • CRM-14949 Ensure jQuery.validate messages are localized
  • CRM-14950 api contribution.completetransaction should not proceed if already complete
  • CRM-14951 membership num_terms not respected when IPN style payment processor is used
  • CRM-14952 Sorting on state in search throws FATAL error: Database Error Code: Unknown column '' in 'field list'
  • CRM-14953 Path of membership > New membership means financial type does not pre-fill and no email receipt sent.
  • CRM-14954 For off-line memberships using price sets total amount equals zero is treated the same as total amount is null/empty
  • CRM-14955 can't add custom defined tokens to custom greetings
  • CRM-14956 Copying Event Price Set Fails If Any Price Has Active Date
  • CRM-14957 $contributionID no longer available to offline membership receipts message template
  • CRM-14958 Changing the number of results dispayed per page for an advanced search breaks the sorting function
  • CRM-14959 PHP Fatal Error when Address State is Set to View Only
  • CRM-14960 While creating a mailing if an SMTP error occurs while sending a test email on "step 4" page a fatal error is triggered
  • CRM-14961 When deduping, contact sub type doesn't show
  • CRM-14962 Event confirmation email displays groups that are not public.
  • CRM-14963 Searches on custom data should be multiple
  • CRM-14964 Session error on 'add activity to group'
  • CRM-14965 Fix Search Builder notice : Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Builder->convertFormValues()
  • CRM-14966 inserting dashboard item using api from cli results in sql exception
  • CRM-14967 link from profile to login fails to redirect back again
  • CRM-14968 Online membership signup with free membership fails
  • CRM-14969 Array to string conversion in CRM_Utils_Hook::post()
  • CRM-14970 States/provinces are not shown in profiles "view" screens (but they ARE at edit forms)
  • CRM-14971 Contact image URLs broken in WordPress after upgrade to 4.4.6
  • CRM-14972 failing test in unit tests appears to be real problem with separate membership payment
  • CRM-14973 Administration console does not work in WordPress
  • CRM-14974 Settings cannot be overriden when $name not specified in getItem() call
  • CRM-14975 Translated text not saved at Event Online Registration settings if it's too long...
  • CRM-14976 Substitution of "Dear" for {contact.email_greeting} at "Events - Registration Confirmation and Receipt (on-line)" message template
  • CRM-14977 Can't enable waitlist and approval participant statuses
  • CRM-14978 Allow admins to enable waitlist participant statuses without leaving the Event Title and Settings configuration page?
  • CRM-14979 Update information in Creating a New Event including Duplicate matching
  • CRM-14980 Separate civicrm.css into admin and front-facing styles
  • CRM-14981 Display disabled Case Types
  • CRM-14982 memcache + localization + navigation inconsistencies
  • CRM-14983 Sunning Contribution via Search Builder Fails Putting Contacts in Smart Group
  • CRM-14984 Edit and View Activity screens only retrieve first 25 target contacts
  • CRM-14985 document SMS support to scheduled reminders
  • CRM-14986 fatal error when trying to cancel a contribution recur payment
  • CRM-14987 WordPress cmsRootPath can incorrectly return unrelated CMS install
  • CRM-14988 URL encoding error
  • CRM-14989 WordPress plugins that process the_content cause prevent CiviCRM invoke
  • CRM-14990 is_reserved field cannot be set on custom groups via the API
  • CRM-14991 Sort contribution detail report by contribution date
  • CRM-14992 Custom field data used for a contact subtype does not save from Contact Edit form
  • CRM-14993 css breaks in CiviReport for custom fields if fields are not defined for the parent table
  • CRM-14994 4.5.alpha1 - activity-types being added with incorrect value
  • CRM-14995 CRM-8075 contributions deleted when modifying overdue pledge
  • CRM-14996 Reports county filter option shows all counties regardless of state or states chosen
  • CRM-14997 Add Contacts to Group button unintentionally removed from Manage Groups screen
  • CRM-14998 Mark All checkbox on Merge Contacts screen is broken
  • CRM-14999 Fix notice on Online Registration screen
  • CRM-15000 Add to help text on scheduled reminder page to explain "Also include"
  • CRM-15001 Change Limit Recipients field name and option label on schedule reminders page
  • CRM-15002 "Link Cases" broken and case type missing from selectors and Link to Case field is missing
  • CRM-15003 Allow autocomplete to select closed cases
  • CRM-15004 Update scheduled reminders chapter to include new features
  • CRM-15005 Can Jira be used to indicate which issues need to be included in documentation
  • CRM-15007 Rework first chapter of Membership Section
  • CRM-15008 Drupal Views Error when adding CiviCRM Activities: Text Link field
  • CRM-15009 payment processor signature field not long enough for requirements of some payment processors
  • CRM-15010 Turning off smart group cache causes database table size explosion
  • CRM-15011 Test suites should work with vanilla phpunit
  • CRM-15012 Provide warning about in page editing of profiles
  • CRM-15013 Early registration priceset has no civicrm_price_set_entity record
  • CRM-15014 Fix for strict warning when making eWAY payment
  • CRM-15015 Update Include Profiles in Contributions Set-up to show drag & drop profile interface
  • CRM-15016 CiviCRM upgrade 4.4.5 to 4.4.6 in Drush fails
  • CRM-15017 Existing member check broken
  • CRM-15018 Provinces/states show as numerical keys for Japan
  • CRM-15019 Importing participant record with register date in a format other than YYYY-MM-DD results in validation error
  • CRM-15020 Standardize title of install instructions on wiki
  • CRM-15021 Reenabling 'Allow other amounts' on contribution page leaves field inactive
  • CRM-15022 Allow exceptions to bubble up to CMS
  • CRM-15023 Fatal errors thrown on Event Info, registration, Contribution Pages
  • CRM-15024 Drupal view CiviCRM custom data options label change
  • CRM-15025 Drupal view CiviCRM custom data options label change
  • CRM-15026 Max number of multi-record custom field sets not enforced
  • CRM-15027 Assign Case to Another Client - throws fatal error
  • CRM-15028 Import Participants - field matching labels for Role and Status are duplicated and import by Role label is broken
  • CRM-15030 Custom fields in Views display incorrectly or not at all, depending on label
  • CRM-15031 Webtest fixes for Configure Events UI changes
  • CRM-15032 4.4.0.mysql.tpl has Latin-1 encoding, should be UTF-8
  • CRM-15033 Custom fields for Participant for Event Type not appearing when Participant is registered for an event
  • CRM-15034 Custom fields appear in wrong order when viewing in "View and Edit Custom Fields"
  • CRM-15035 include/exclude search: tag values not set as default
  • CRM-15036 Social media image URLs should always use HTTP in emails
  • CRM-15037 Send Receipt block is not being shown on STANDALONE back-office event registration, membership signup, contribution forms
  • CRM-15038 Error created by unticking the 'Tags and Groups' option in Display Preferences
  • CRM-15039 Document minimum import fields required for updating and creating new contributions/membership/participants....
  • CRM-15040 Payment instrument is exported instead of participant source
  • CRM-15041 View Event Registration / Change Selections : Total Paid and Balance are incorrect after a contribution is recorded for Pay-later registrations
  • CRM-15042 Check URLs in book that should point to pages on are correct
  • CRM-15043 Read through re-structured Membership chapter.
  • CRM-15044 Trouble getting to
  • CRM-15045 I think the Configuration Checklist links to wrong URLs for From Email Addresses and Payment Processor
  • CRM-15046 Tags for contact subtypes
  • CRM-15047 Attempting to record ANY contribution throws a fatal error
  • CRM-15048 Civi Export does not use max field length field for Custom Fields varchar
  • CRM-15049 Include/exclude search not working for parent groups
  • CRM-15050 Improve usability for importing contact reference fields - accept external identifiers
  • CRM-15051 Total Amount not shown as required for Import Contributions - update existing contributions
  • CRM-15052 Text for import particpants when duplicates are found is not appropriate
  • CRM-15053 False-positive unsaved change warning in profile-edit popup
  • CRM-15054 Editing a contribution linked to a membership record mistakenly modifies line_item entity
  • CRM-15055 Line item for membership entity should be created even when Record Payment is not checked
  • CRM-15056 World region not working in adv search
  • CRM-15057 CRM/Case/xml/configuration.sample/AdultDayCareReferral.xml should be renamed to adult_day_care_referral.xml
  • CRM-15058 Participant Role appears to not be available when editing an Event's Schedule Reminder
  • CRM-15059 Fatal error on offsite (IPN) payment processor when submitting Membership RENEWAL from a membership block
  • CRM-15060 reserving survey respondents causes wait while entire database query is executed
  • CRM-15061 In search, allow multiple choices for single value custom fields
  • CRM-15062 Can't run the upgrade script
  • CRM-15063 Bugs found during webtest fixes
  • CRM-15064 In search, allow multiple choices for country / states custom fields
  • CRM-15065 Table sort icons broken
  • CRM-15066 Choose to cancel one recurring contribution plan, but Civi cancels the other
  • CRM-15067 Email should appear in the profile in which it is included, rather than always at the top of contribution page
  • CRM-15068 Api support for custom file fields
  • CRM-15069 Off-line Contribution Receipt Line-Items Garbled - Regression of CRM-13421
  • CRM-15070 Cannot Update Contact Subtype in Batch Update Via Profile
  • CRM-15071 MySQL & PHP timestamps mismatched
  • CRM-15072 staff responsible and event contact fields should be contact reference fields not option groups
  • CRM-15073 Contrib. on behalf of organization wipes out contact subtype
  • CRM-15074 _civicrm_registerClassLoader() should store a relative path
  • CRM-15075 fatal error on membership renewal with REALLY long receipt text
  • CRM-15076 joomla: quicksearch obscured by search type selection
  • CRM-15077 Create new relationship through api when a non-active relationship exists fails
  • CRM-15078 log tables not created for extensions with tables
  • CRM-15079 api error on getsingle Domain
  • CRM-15080 Upgrade form 4.4.6 to 4.5beta5 hangs on jQuery error
  • CRM-15081 packages/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php breaks Custom PHP
  • CRM-15082 WSOD on advanced search when proximity search is performed
  • CRM-15083 Merging cancelled bookings causes issues with display/reporting
  • CRM-15084 Allow file based configuration to ease management
  • CRM-15085 Civi fails to enforce collation utf8_unicode_ci
  • CRM-15086 civicrm_data.tpl: batch types, status, etc option values were mistakenly put in {ts}
  • CRM-15087 DB Error on enable CiviCase Component for Multilingual Setup
  • CRM-15088 crmURL and async JS requests do not preserve https and are blocked by browser
  • CRM-15089 Cannot enable debugging
  • CRM-15090 Custom Dashboard widget causes error and breaks
  • CRM-15091 Allow filing a contribution/participant/membership directly to a case
  • CRM-15092 Update notes link to use popups and fix done button
  • CRM-15093 Case tab lacks pager
  • CRM-15094 document issue014367
  • CRM-15095 Add webtests for 4.5 new features/improvement
  • CRM-15096 4.4.x Activity import doesn't provide source contact
  • CRM-15097 Allow locking/forking/reverting case-types
  • CRM-15098 Add/Edit CaseType Webtest for 4.5
  • CRM-15099 Webtest for Gift Membership
  • CRM-15100 Add/Edit CaseType Webtest for 4.5
  • CRM-15101 Webtest for Link Cases
  • CRM-15102 Webtest for Case to Another Client
  • CRM-15103 Priceset for memberships on contribution-page not working
  • CRM-15104 Line item issues when creating a participant using the API
  • CRM-15105 contribution api incorrectly sets status if not set in an update situation
  • CRM-15106 Long tag names/descriptions spoil Admin UI
  • CRM-15107 Show count instead of id in "manage groups" table
  • CRM-15108 "Add to group" fails
  • CRM-15109 Deleting custom field record doesn't properly update display
  • CRM-15110 Add countries that are part of the UK to countries list
  • CRM-15111 "Available for Dashboard" doesn't respect ACL Group/Role
  • CRM-15112 API create CustomField should expose ability to not rebuild triggers
  • CRM-15113 Performance issues with mark this pair as not a duplicate when accessed from search
  • CRM-15114 Module instalation doesn't work
  • CRM-15115 Word Replacement won't accept change in Edit Form
  • CRM-15116 Pending contribution is not updated after recurring contrib. schedule is cancelled.
  • CRM-15117 Show tag descriptions when tagging contacts
  • CRM-15118 Billing block is hidden when required fields not otherwise available
  • CRM-15119 Views integration - exposed filter - no options presented -blank text box only
  • CRM-15120 Mailing labels Prefix missing for Merge labels for contacts with the same address
  • CRM-15121 Advanced Search using Permissioned Relationship broken
  • CRM-15122 Export Full State Names not Abbreviations
  • CRM-15124 PHP Error: Undefined variable after import
  • CRM-15125 Cases tab selector omits cases that do not have case activities
  • CRM-15126 4.5 beta 6 new install doesn't set upload directories in windows environment
  • CRM-15127 drupal sandbox is inaccessible
  • CRM-15128 Attempting to merge a contact into itself should fail with error message
  • CRM-15129 Advanced search - state/country chain-select broken
  • CRM-15130 Multiple datatables crash js
  • CRM-15131 Reports navigation URLs are wrong when a report is updated
  • CRM-15132 Drupal-code being called from CiviCRM
  • CRM-15133 Do not display upgrade reminder in footer if versionAlert is false
  • CRM-15134 webtest to merge contact sub-type.
  • CRM-15135 webtest for Add contact to group
  • CRM-15136 Event Income Report (Detail) - Template - Role Breakdown broken
  • CRM-15137 Webtest for CRM-15073
  • CRM-15139 Batch update does not show values when using custom fields limited by event type
  • CRM-15140 Incomptibility with Drupal Metatag module - wrong page titles
  • CRM-15141 Group contact cache is truncated when editing a contact name
  • CRM-15142 "Strict warning" when Manually executing Scheduled job
  • CRM-15143 Add postal_code as an option for Contact Autocomplete search and Contact Reference search
  • CRM-15144 Undefined index: target_contact in CRM_Activity_Form_Activity->setDefaultValues()
  • CRM-15145 Update Fundraising / Register Site LInks
  • CRM-15146 Undefined index: postal in CRM_Utils_Geocode_Yahoo::format()
  • CRM-15147 Contact tab with pager sometims refreshes incorrectly
  • CRM-15148 contribution api ignores check_permissions = 0
  • CRM-15149 Fatal error when deleting Membership from View Membership page
  • CRM-15150 Sample participant data has invalid financial transaction data
  • CRM-15151 Ensure form errors always close when popup form submitted
  • CRM-15152 Create contribution and line_item for $0 front-end membership purchase
  • CRM-15153 Multiple forms with same id cause dom collisions
  • CRM-15154 CiviCRM Admin Menu Location in WordPress
  • CRM-15155 Schedule reminder relative to register date
  • CRM-15156 Upgrade to 4.5 from 4.4.6 fails with 'Retry' or 'Skip' only on screen
  • CRM-15157 Backport ACL bypass fix
  • CRM-15158 Fix bugs in handling of refunds and additional payments for event registration
  • CRM-15159 Numerous Strict warnings
  • CRM-15160 Country in Event Badge does not work
  • CRM-15161 civicrm.config.php
  • CRM-15162 CiviCase Configuration Phase 2: Usability Improvements
  • CRM-15163 CRM_Utils_Check_Security misbehaves in Windows
  • CRM-15164 Not all CKEditor controls work when in a popup
  • CRM-15165 Mass Mailing
  • CRM-15166 CaseType UI: Tighten control over "Standard Timeline" and "Open Case"
  • CRM-15167 CaseType UI: Change default list of activity-types
  • CRM-15168 Improve consistency of title definition in the XML
  • CRM-15169 Notices on Event Participant Listing Report
  • CRM-15170 OnBehalf Profile breaks country/state selection
  • CRM-15171 Possible bug: undefined variables
  • CRM-15172 Centralize state/county chainSelect functionality
  • CRM-15173 Add Drush action to do civicrm_member_role_sync
  • CRM-15174 Improve wording on membership Role sync
  • CRM-15176 Delete Reserved Tags without permission
  • CRM-15177 Review CiviCase chapter given that new UI opens it to non-coders.
  • CRM-15178 Correct line_item entity reference for memberships when Separate Payments is true
  • CRM-15179 Fix spelling of supplements, supplemented
  • CRM-15180 Using the taglist style of the "contact" page for the "new contact" page and implement the "not selectable" feature for Tags
  • CRM-15181 on behalf of profile: adv multi-select fails with preset options
  • CRM-15182 on behalf of: preloaded org is not preserved
  • CRM-15183 Prevent mismatched fields from being added to same profile
  • CRM-15184 Custom fields for all grants should be editable
  • CRM-15185 Search builder export crashed when using not null operator
  • CRM-15186 Unable to Update City and State on Contacts
  • CRM-15187 Accounting implications of Membership Type changes
  • CRM-15188 line_item entity refs to membership rather than contrib on non-membership lines of membership price sets
  • CRM-15189 Used 0 as a default for binary fields (& don't permit NULL)
  • CRM-15190 Contact search paging/sorting partially broken
  • CRM-15191 Token selector includes disabled fields
  • CRM-15192 Garbage text in transifex common-base 5367 string
  • CRM-15193 CRM.url doesn't differentiate btw front-end and back-end urls.
  • CRM-15194 custom field with checkbox value 'tag' or 'group' causes 'QuickForm Error: element already exists'
  • CRM-15195 Fix pre-4.5 membership line_item entity_table and entity_id values
  • CRM-15196 mysql 5.6 crashes on 4.4 upgrade script
  • CRM-15197 Various Webtest Fixes
  • CRM-15198 Unable to delete financial type in 4.5
  • CRM-15199 Search export: custom fields with varchar > 255 get truncated
  • CRM-15201 case API only returns contacts (roles) with email
  • CRM-15202 mailing summary report should have option to filter by groups included
  • CRM-15203 Recurring contributions don't create MembershipPayment records
  • CRM-15204 Upgrade to fix bad line item
  • CRM-15205 Fix sample data for line item
  • CRM-15206 Edit Contribution form for Membership shows wrong line item
  • CRM-15207 The total amount is calculated wrong when separate membership is enabled
  • CRM-15208 0 contribution amount using membership price set
  • CRM-15209 Check number cannot be stored for custom payment instruments
  • CRM-15210 Fatal error on export merge households under some circumstances
  • CRM-15211 Case Dashboard dashlet using obsolete permission
  • CRM-15212 Fix (some) non-static methods in DB_Dataobject.php
  • CRM-15213 Renewal misspelt on confirmation page
  • CRM-15214 Undefined offset: 1 in CRM_Utils_Check_Security
  • CRM-15215 Address api fails to save state/province outside default country
  • CRM-15216 No way to set custom contribution field value when setting up contribution page
  • CRM-15217 Audit Activities report ignoring selected timeline / sequence
  • CRM-15218 Profile create broken for some installs
  • CRM-15219 Activity Import date format
  • CRM-15220 Grant type in admin menu has malformed url
  • CRM-15221 Flash chart Cumulative year disappeared when changing date format
  • CRM-15222 Text price set option unset
  • CRM-15223 Include gender and date of birth in (constituent) reports
  • CRM-15224 Online Contribution Page ignores number of terms defined in membership price set
  • CRM-15225 New State / province widget is causing input value to NOT be saved
  • CRM-15226 Improve title / labels for Activity Audit feature in Case Management
  • CRM-15227 Add to relative date filters
  • CRM-15228 Activity End Time same as start Time in iCal invitation
  • CRM-15229 Receipts omit membership fees when 'Separate Membership Payment' option is enabled
  • CRM-15230 Include "contribution amount range" filter in top donors Report
  • CRM-15231 Fatal error on search when ACLs are enabled
  • CRM-15232 LIne items are missing from receipts when using a price set with multiple membership organization price fields
  • CRM-15233 Translation popup fixes for 4.5
  • CRM-15234 Sample responsive design templates need {literal} tags around <script> block to prevent munging when CIVICRM_MAIL_SMARTY enabled
  • CRM-15235 Multiple term membership price field option ignores terms in back-office
  • CRM-15236 Org summary report gives notice when run without criteria due to invalid default
  • CRM-15237 enotice on activitysummary report
  • CRM-15238 Add option to use semicolon as separator for the bin/csv/export.php
  • CRM-15239 Civix Errors out when generate code with CiviCRM 4.5
  • CRM-15240 No prices shown when selecting "Require participant approval?"
  • CRM-15241 Retrieving file field value adds unexpected <a>
  • CRM-15242 Scheduled reminder "limit to" options missing
  • CRM-15244 Adding a token to message template with internet explorer places the token at the start of the email, not the place of the cursor
  • CRM-15245 Localize the Individual job title field and the Organization name field in multilingual databases
  • CRM-15246 Event RSS over-encoding of special characters
  • CRM-15249 include profiles: hidden ID field exposed in Joomla
  • CRM-15250 membership created and marked current when transaction declined (
  • CRM-15252 No feedback in bin/csv/ scripts when using wrong sitename
  • CRM-15253 Contact inline edit form with ajax broken with rt_missioncontrol admin theme
  • CRM-15254 bin/csv/import.php DB Error: unknown error (probably encoding error)
  • CRM-15255 Recurring Entities: Phase1
  • CRM-15256 Repeating Events With Core Recursion
  • CRM-15257 recurring msg template states number of installments - even when unlimited
  • CRM-15258 recurring msg template poor grammar
  • CRM-15259 broken updateBilling links on recur emails
  • CRM-15260 Ajax fails: "TypeError: tplURL is undefined"
  • CRM-15261 hook_civicrm_post not called on inline edit of custom data
  • CRM-15262 "Separate Membership Payment" breaks on recurring membership
  • CRM-15263 civix doesn't add urls to info.xml
  • CRM-15264 Add phone number to Current Employer report
  • CRM-15265 Defaults not working in profile edit mode
  • CRM-15266 EntityTag Api
  • CRM-15267 Delete all entitytags of a contact in a single api call
  • CRM-15268 Civi Case API: create (update) does not return the desired results
  • CRM-15269 Tag set input area hidden
  • CRM-15270 Enabling logging result in database error
  • CRM-15271 broken last viewed links
  • CRM-15272 Default Soft Credit Type is not respected in backoffice Contribution
  • CRM-15273 Fix error on Open Date Change for a case
  • CRM-15274 Prefix missing in Display name, after updating contacts
  • CRM-15275 jQuery error prevents user from editing an address with custom data
  • CRM-15276 DB Syntax Error on saving new mailing component with checked is_default
  • CRM-15277 DB error on adding Mailing Component and selecting default to it.
  • CRM-15278 Insert token problems in TinyMCE
  • CRM-15279 DB error after selecting survey title in find activity Page
  • CRM-15280 Advanced Search not working for deleted Contacts
  • CRM-15281 Non-deductible Amount for a Contribution not saved properly.
  • CRM-15282 Contribution doesn't gets created for Financial type Donation
  • CRM-15283 Fix pledge bug
  • CRM-15284 Search fixes
  • CRM-15285 Remove membership_payment & participant_payment tables
  • CRM-15286 API contribution.transact sets incorrect payment instrument
  • CRM-15287 Entity ref find / add contact widget broken for additional addresses
  • CRM-15288 Contribution edit - "Could not find a valid session key" again
  • CRM-15289 Rules event name lowercase confusion
  • CRM-15290 "View Contact" Photo preview fail when using https url
  • CRM-15291 Remove CRM_Event_Form_ManageEvent_ScheduleReminders
  • CRM-15292 Allow multiple payment processors on back-end +Submit Credit Card forms
  • CRM-15293 Add WP-CLI command to support CiviCRM
  • CRM-15294 Default country not set in Location tab when adding a new event
  • CRM-15295 New Field form is NOT being loaded after creating a new custom data set OR new profile OR price set
  • CRM-15296 CiviCRM inconsisent behaviour on recurring payment for membership
  • CRM-15297 Pass financialType to payment processor for direct payment
  • CRM-15298 Can't display more than one CiviCRM piece of content at a time on WP
  • CRM-15299 Improve standardisation on use of sql operators
  • CRM-15300 Contribution 'Search' Profile via shortcode giving incorrect formatting
  • CRM-15301 Sorted order is not respected in 'Export Contacts' csv
  • CRM-15302 Facility for "Other amount" within the price set
  • CRM-15303 Using particular profile as a Advance Search's 'Search Views' don't have profile fields as header on result set
  • CRM-15304 DB Error on sorting Activities fields - Status, Type and Subject on Advance Search - Activity display mode
  • CRM-15305 Misfunctioning PayPal button in the Contribution Page
  • CRM-15306 Adding hook to alter mail templates
  • CRM-15307 Administrative payment forms for events and memberships break for non-credit-card payment processors
  • CRM-15308 CiviCRM button on Post Editor can conflict with other plugins using Post Screen Type
  • CRM-15309 Automation of WP Basepage
  • CRM-15310 Event description field not translatable
  • CRM-15311 Event Income Detail breaks with new select widget
  • CRM-15312 Configuration for dedup rule "Individual unsupervised" is ignored, records overwritten
  • CRM-15313 Disabling/Enabling Report Template results into "Error: Unkown Entity Type"
  • CRM-15314 User with "access CiviMail or Access CiviEvent" drupal permisions CAN send mailings or create Events
  • CRM-15315 CiviGroup Roles Sync rules listing has blank groups
  • CRM-15316 Premium in sample data is misconfigured (has cost but no financial type)
  • CRM-15317 Database error on event registration when event title is too long
  • CRM-15318 Address api create spec requires "contact_id"
  • CRM-15319 Fixing Orphaned Contribution Recur Records sql fails for ver. 4.2.6
  • CRM-15320 Data Batch Entry causes DB Error with Memberships and Soft Credits
  • CRM-15321 Lock down certain fields on Profiles when used with checksums
  • CRM-15322 JS break on click Quick Config link for Regular Fee in Fee Section of Event
  • CRM-15323 On log mode case type info is not present against its case
  • CRM-15324 ACLs delete option
  • CRM-15326 add pseudoconstant to xml on payment_processor_type_id
  • CRM-15327 Filling state_province for onBehalf profile broken
  • CRM-15328 Api ContactType Create Fails for Update
  • CRM-15329 Mix of user profile between wordpress and civicrm
  • CRM-15330 Profile tabs in Drupal doesn't support language switching
  • CRM-15331 Drupal6 drush backport for civicrm-install settings tpl
  • CRM-15332 Use Membership status label for Membership Signup activity subject
  • CRM-15333 Possible multiplication of $fResult in $result
  • CRM-15334 Additional email link adds a signature pane as well.
  • CRM-15335 Weird phone number interpretation as Integer in API Explorer
  • CRM-15336 Dashboards in civicrm do not work when using port forwarding
  • CRM-15337 Undefined index: in civicrm_metatag_page_cache_cid_parts_alter()
  • CRM-15338 Yahoo geocoder returns fatal error/stops payment during contrib & event payments if server is down
  • CRM-15339 Change selection for contributions and contribution "Net amount"
  • CRM-15340 Blank screen with clean install in Wordpress when on IIS-based system
  • CRM-15341 Pop-up dialog obscured by Drupal shortcut bar
  • CRM-15342 Pop-up editing on "New Survey" Activity Type is wrong
  • CRM-15343 4.5.0 corrupts soft references to case-types
  • CRM-15344 API: 'create' - Phone creates duplicate records
  • CRM-15345 Custom/Form/CustomData.tpl template includes $cgcount in display
  • CRM-15346 Display preference WYSIWYG 'Use drupal deafult' broken
  • CRM-15347 Managing online registration profiles for events is broken
  • CRM-15348 Clicking record payment after changing a 2nd/3rd participants selections fails
  • CRM-15349 Display a warning when editing relationship types with data in
  • CRM-15350 Membership Batch Entry doesn't support soft credit type and soft credit js break on both Batch entry
  • CRM-15351 relationship report: contact type/subtype
  • CRM-15352 Fix browser console safety-check
  • CRM-15353 Two code quality issues in CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet.php
  • CRM-15354 Undefined offset: 0 in CRM_Core_Config_Variables->defaultContactCountryName()
  • CRM-15355 Smarty tries to open templates_c files which don't exist
  • CRM-15356 remove config_only from secondDegPerm metadata
  • CRM-15357 Event 'delete participant' batch operation can show incorrect count
  • CRM-15358 Changing the "Duplicate matching rule" in ManageEvent auto selects the 'same as for main contact' profile for additional participants if none selected
  • CRM-15360 Add unit tests for Price BAO Layer
  • CRM-15361 allow selection of location type when sending bulk email
  • CRM-15362 Current & Upcoming Event Listing displays datatable script in output
  • CRM-15363 jQuery datepicker breaks with duplicate dom ids
  • CRM-15364 Change Registration Selections: problems handling discounted line items and full options
  • CRM-15365 Directory Paths Not Saving Correctly on Windows Servers
  • CRM-15366 Gift Membership Bug Fixes
  • CRM-15367 Add "done" button to pop-up option lists
  • CRM-15368 current employer field doesn't work in profile create
  • CRM-15369 improve wording on recurring payments
  • CRM-15370 CiviDiscount Redirecting to dashboard
  • CRM-15371 Allow non-administrative users to see and manage tags without Administer CiviCRM permission
  • CRM-15372 Participant Fee Amount Wrong for Offline Registrations
  • CRM-15373 Please push drupal security updates to Pantheon
  • CRM-15374 Contribution FEES are affecting Balance and Total Paid incorrectly
  • CRM-15375 Add wysiwyg editor in multilingual popup for fields that need it
  • CRM-15376 Repeat schedule reminders do not respect changes to original entity
  • CRM-15377 On changing price field option(s) from 'Change Fee Selection' doesn't update lineitem's label and unit_price
  • CRM-15378 Include Max Participants and Participant Count columns when viewing price field options
  • CRM-15379 Find Participants : Actual participant count is incorrect when multiple price field options are selected
  • CRM-15380 Change Selections postProcess: erroneously updates contribution status to Completed and inserts line_items with NULL contribution_id
  • CRM-15381 Advanced search on active custom relationships also shows expired/disabled relations
  • CRM-15382 l10n.js fails to load on word replacements page
  • CRM-15383 Can't load template when creating PDF letter
  • CRM-15384 Cancelled member status should be protected from deletion
  • CRM-15385 UF Group names are generated in an unpredictable manner
  • CRM-15386 Batch data entry does not allow pending contributions
  • CRM-15387 Legacy contribution create with soft credit should set the default soft credit type
  • CRM-15388 Test suite not completing
  • CRM-15389 Cannot change contact greetings due to Javascript error
  • CRM-15390 New activity - Send an Email: Blank "To:" field
  • CRM-15391 Typo Error for Incremental Upgrade
  • CRM-15392 Some graphics missing from 4.5 documentation
  • CRM-15393 contact telephone number entry returns network error - unable to reach server
  • CRM-15394 On Contact Record Actions => Add Contribution "Submit Credit Card Contribution" is Missing
  • CRM-15395 Strict warning: Declaration of HTML_QuickForm_Rule_Range::validate()
  • CRM-15396 Blank columns in membership report print view
  • CRM-15397 update drupal 8 classes to match GSOC dev
  • CRM-15398 Enable Drupal Views integration for Price Sets
  • CRM-15399 Address API: get method doesn't show custom fields
  • CRM-15400 Confirm email address to be unsubscribed
  • CRM-15401 Convert CiviGrant from Component to Extension
  • CRM-15402 Review restructured Events documentation
  • CRM-15403 Large Batch Data Entry allows multiple submits causing duplicate transactions
  • CRM-15404 Smarty error when trying to use default message template for sending mail through schedule reminder
  • CRM-15405 civicrm does not work when installed from a drupal profile
  • CRM-15406 kceditor does not work when site has a port number (not 80 or 443)
  • CRM-15407 Dummy processor should set a fee and net amount to facilitate testing
  • CRM-15408 Advanced search not finding deleted contacts
  • CRM-15409 Add Sales Tax and Invoicing support
  • CRM-15410 'View custom data' permission needed for anonymous user if you want to see it with drush api or php api
  • CRM-15411 Maximum participants warning missing for paid events in CiviCRM back-end
  • CRM-15412 Can't assign case role
  • CRM-15413 Ajax error prevents registrations for events (when many events)
  • CRM-15414 Make the Profile drag and drop editor the main Profile edit method
  • CRM-15415 Inline editing on extension pages does not work with custom data
  • CRM-15416 Potential "access denied" error with dynamic js files
  • CRM-15417 API should issue a warning when method is deprecated
  • CRM-15418 Membership tokens not evaluated when used in Scheduled Reminder for membership entity
  • CRM-15419 Member -> New membership -> selecting priceset gives error: select at least one membership option
  • CRM-15420 Importing Contact Error
  • CRM-15421 Unchecking 'Reserved' report doesn't work
  • CRM-15422 CiviCases UI Classes Issue
  • CRM-15423 Entry for "civicrm_financial_item" in  "civicrm_entity_financial_trxn" doesn't gets updated.
  • CRM-15424 Schedule reminder mails not being sent when scheduled "after" joindate
  • CRM-15425 Field handler for custom files does not provide correct URL
  • CRM-15426 Errors when sending Bulk SMS messages are not recorded any where
  • CRM-15427 Profiles using Participants (Event type), Participants (Event Name) and Participants (Role) custom fields are not available for online registration
  • CRM-15428 Ability to add participants to a group
  • CRM-15429 Support Drush 7
  • CRM-15430 clarify code and functionality for hook_civicrm_dashboard_defaults
  • CRM-15431 mysql_escape_string removed in PHP 5.6
  • CRM-15432 Online contribution page with price set: Payment method block should be hidden when total selected amount is $0
  • CRM-15433 Billing info and payment options blocks not hidden for $0 events with price sets when decimal delimiter is NOT a dot
  • CRM-15434 Mailing search form doesn't work properly if language is other than English
  • CRM-15435 Case ActivityView popups do not respect custom group weights
  • CRM-15436 "Download and Install" action for extension does not create menu entries
  • CRM-15437 Update Drupal files to list version 4.5 and correct copyright year
  • CRM-15438 Can't select entities from search results when using "Show Results As"
  • CRM-15439 Regression of CRM-15121 - searching on reciprocal relationships
  • CRM-15440 Membership edits bypass hooks on a couple of flows
  • CRM-15441 A few of the CiviMail public pages aren't translatable
  • CRM-15442 Contact EntityRef gives irrelevant results when search contains spaces
  • CRM-15443 EntityRef results include deceased individuals
  • CRM-15444 bring IPN into line with PaypalPro IPN with tests
  • CRM-15445 PayPal Express and Pro: missing item title
  • CRM-15446 Contribution BAO should ensure net_amount is set
  • CRM-15447 Can't add custom data to some relationships
  • CRM-15448 Missing contact in mass-mailing | Undefined offset
  • CRM-15449 ResourceBase incorrectly reset during 4.5.1 upgrade
  • CRM-15450 D6 ajax broken in 4.5.1
  • CRM-15451 Cannot add a relationship to a deceased contact
  • CRM-15452 When no registration fee is involved, duplicate registration still created for event
  • CRM-15453 Missing report on recurring contributions
  • CRM-15454 Enable multiple WordPress plugins to receive callbacks from CiviCRM hooks
  • CRM-15455 email tests do not properly replace tokens
  • CRM-15456 JS error on contact summary screen with CiviContribute disabled
  • CRM-15457 Recurring event logic bombs during setup of demo site [CiviVolunteer]
  • CRM-15458 Importing a country into a custom field for an activity does not work
  • CRM-15459 RElationshps of All Contacts to All Contacts throws Notice
  • CRM-15460 Getting issue during civicrm contribution
  • CRM-15461 Scheduled annual membership reminders not sent after first year
  • CRM-15462 Activity.get returns source_contact_id, but ignores it in requests
  • CRM-15463 Notice: Array to string conversion in CRM_Utils_Address::format() (line 212 of CRM/Utils/Address.php).
  • CRM-15464 Notice: Undefined property: CRM_Core_Config::$defaultContactStateProvince in CRM_Contribute_Form_Contribution->setDefaultValues() (line 504 of CRM/Contribute/Form/Contribution.php)
  • CRM-15465 Notice: Undefined property: CRM_Contribute_Form_Contribution::$_separateMembershipPayment in CRM_Contribute_Form_Contribution_Confirm::processContribution() (line 1258 of CRM/Contribute/Form/Contribution/Confirm.php)
  • CRM-15466 Notice: Undefined property: CRM_Contribute_Form_Contribution::$_lineItem in CRM_Contribute_Form_Contribution_Confirm::processContribution() (line 1255 of CRM/Contribute/Form/Contribution/Confirm.php)
  • CRM-15467 FK failure in 4.5 upgrade due to hard-coded location_type_id
  • CRM-15468 demo sites have extensions not listed as compatible with releases
  • CRM-15469 views country filter criteria when exposed does not work
  • CRM-15470 MySQL transaction deadlocks with multiple simultaneous recurring contribution updates
  • CRM-15471 Searches: Selected row checkboxes should be cleared when user selects ts_all radio ("All X records")
  • CRM-15472 Record Activity task broken with large numbers of contacts since 4.5
  • CRM-15473 Advanced Search "Display as Case" shows deleted cases by default
  • CRM-15474 Event cart option js breaks "add participant" form
  • CRM-15475 Fatal error on membership page if membership status 'Cancelled' is disabled
  • CRM-15476 (4.5 regression) Advanced search address tab won't expand if country not selected in address editing
  • CRM-15477 Test contributions associated with test participants do not display in list below participant view
  • CRM-15478 Store contribution ID for use in postProcess hook on membership pages
  • CRM-15479 Address Settings: If Country uncheck, DB unable to find State information-Crashes
  • CRM-15480 Recording completed payment for Pending membership from Edit Membership throws fatal error
  • CRM-15481 Scheduled Reminders job failure with event reminders
  • CRM-15482 Contribution Details report fails when Soft Credits are selected and ACLs are enabled
  • CRM-15483 Find participant: edit popup sometimes does not include fee block
  • CRM-15484 Event links should go to backend
  • CRM-15485 CiviReport - "Add contacts to group" does nothing
  • CRM-15486 JS error when pager tpl included on a non-form page
  • CRM-15487 prefix removed from display_name
  • CRM-15488 Missing invoice description for Back Office Credit Card Transactions
  • CRM-15489 Fix up Drupal module hook_help
  • CRM-15490 Recurring Activities Using Core Recursion
  • CRM-15491 api membership status sets is_active to 1 on update
  • CRM-15492 Notice: Undefined index: include in CRM_Mailing_Form_Group->setDefaultValues()
  • CRM-15493 QuickSearch link to Adv Search uses stale qfKey
  • CRM-15494 Text Color on Report Labels Too Light in Joomla 3.3
  • CRM-15495 Expose filter options to EntityRef widget
  • CRM-15496 Complete Transaction api doesn't pass is_recur param
  • CRM-15497 Wordpress integration code creates plug-in conflicts
  • CRM-15498 Search strings are joined via OR, should be joined via AND
  • CRM-15499 courier imap server responds "max atom size too small" if more than 5,000 bounce messages exist
  • CRM-15500 Scheduled reminders: if 'Also include' and 'Choose recipients' is selected, and no recipients are entered - reminder is sent to all contacts
  • CRM-15501 Wrong File ID on Public Multi-Record Detail View
  • CRM-15502 DataTables refresh broken when CMS doesn't include a copy of jQuery
  • CRM-15503 Event.create api needs to provide a sensible default (in the BAO create function) for role id
  • CRM-15504 No profile drop-downs in contribution page edit mode.
  • CRM-15505 Mailing labels show the state/province name as the abbreviation rather than the full state/province name
  • CRM-15506 getimagesize() function uses vulnernable SSL v3 (POODLE)
  • CRM-15507 Change options-edit icon from pencil to wrench
  • CRM-15508 Custom Group Create API references non existant var
  • CRM-15509 Remove hard-coding of display fields from billingBlock.tpk
  • CRM-15511 Prepare basic unit tests for civicrm-wordpress
  • CRM-15512 rest api : query contact -> requested clause 'NOT IN' becomes 'IN'
  • CRM-15513 Membership Import using custom date fields
  • CRM-15514 Getfields for Address Entity returns World Region with no type
  • CRM-15515 Color Mayhem (AKA Fifty Shades of Grey)
  • CRM-15516 No Joomla error messages for incorrect login
  • CRM-15517 Images for Premiums Broken
  • CRM-15518 kcfinder is GPL2 only
  • CRM-15519 Document undocumented hooks
  • CRM-15520 Titles of Screens do not support two-line titles
  • CRM-15521 CiviMail: Poodle / SSL v3
  • CRM-15522 Last name Null disappears
  • CRM-15523 Sub-type custom fields don't appear in the list of available tokens
  • CRM-15524 CRM_Core_Resources addSetting, addScript, etc. don't work for AJAX forms
  • CRM-15525 Code added for Joomla 3.2.1 no longer needed in /administrator/components/com_civicrm/civicrm/CRM/Utils/System/Joomla.php file
  • CRM-15526 Move sending of recurring notification to the baseIPN class
  • CRM-15527 error in IPN relating to numRelatedMemberships
  • CRM-15528 civicrm_financial_trxn.trxn_id is not indexed
  • CRM-15529 Show target contact link in activity mail rather than source contact link
  • CRM-15530 Profiles Remove Not Working in Event Management Online Registration
  • CRM-15531 images broken in Defining memberships chapter in book
  • CRM-15532 CiviCRM Menu/Navigation Bar Not Appearing After Upgrade
  • CRM-15533 Sandbox doesn't allow editing of payment processors
  • CRM-15534 API Contact.getfields does not return fields for sub-types
  • CRM-15535 Strict warning: Non-static method CRM_Core_Payment_Form::buildDirectDebit
  • CRM-15536 Scheduled reminders: Clarify "Limit to" and "Also include" UI to prevent user errors
  • CRM-15537 editing recurring contribution for with unlimited contributions throws error
  • CRM-15538 DB error on search for account_type_code or account_code
  • CRM-15539 No Support for CiviVolunteer in Views
  • CRM-15540 Activity Batch Update Doesn't Show Assigned To
  • CRM-15541 State not updating based on Country in Drupal user registration form
  • CRM-15542 The api ignores option_group_id when creating a new custom_field.
  • CRM-15543 Add a views argument default to pull CiviCRM Contact ID from the URL
  • CRM-15544 "Tab with table" custom data style fields do not show up when adding a new record
  • CRM-15545 Exporting related contacts' prefix exports prefix_id
  • CRM-15546 Fixed constants issue/bug in BaseIPN.php and PaymentProcessor.tpl
  • CRM-15547 Current Employer not saved on Drupal user profile
  • CRM-15548 DB Error: No Such table
  • CRM-15549 Fatal error on View Activity of type Membership Signup for sample data
  • CRM-15550 In hook_civicrm_post, objectId parameter is NULL for Relationship entity
  • CRM-15551 Removing text from an inline editable field makes the field disappear
  • CRM-15552 Field communication_style not available to be added to profiles
  • CRM-15553 Search gives irrelevant results when search contains spaces
  • CRM-15554 Regression of CRM-1274 on contribution pages
  • CRM-15555 Give payment processors greater control over the billing form & how they are used
  • CRM-15556 Checkbox custom field error of OnBehalf profile on online contribution's confirm page
  • CRM-15557 Allow decimal 'other amount' field in priceset
  • CRM-15558 Inconsistent data type length for
  • CRM-15559 Cannot register lifetime membership for someone else [cid=0] if already have lifetime membership
  • CRM-15560 Fatal errors in AJAX calls don't get logged in CiviCRM.log
  • CRM-15561 Suppress the edit link in ther results of search for contacts when the user does not have that rigt
  • CRM-15562 The Save and New button is visible for users who do not have Add Contact permission
  • CRM-15563 Reminder is_repeat checkbox / column value should be reset if user sets absolute date for a reminder
  • CRM-15564 Event info page shows past event Closed with Active Registration Windows
  • CRM-15565 Participent.Get api break for participant_id using IN operator
  • CRM-15566 Js break on Api Explorer page (non-clickable buttons, param fields hidden)
  • CRM-15567 Fix drush civicrm_sql* functionality for drush version >= 6
  • CRM-15568 Cannot use search builder on multiple Grant and Case types
  • CRM-15569 alterAPIPermissions permission hook does not get called for "contact" "get" api
  • CRM-15570 Eliminate unneeded geocoding requests
  • CRM-15571 CiviMail Bounce Processor has problem processing some emails
  • CRM-15572 Dedupe rules for different contact types should be able to have the same name
  • CRM-15573 Membership Type with "Require Auto renew" behaves like "Give option, but not required"
  • CRM-15574 CiviMail fails to accurately calculate the number of recipients for a given mailing
  • CRM-15575 country::multi_select is limited due to varchar(255)
  • CRM-15576 Wrong Financial type and amount in Accounting batch
  • CRM-15577 Automatic discounts for members on events not working
  • CRM-15578 Implement "New Mailing" + "AB Testing" in Angular
  • CRM-15579 Add Activity from within Contact: 'Assigned To' field not searchable
  • CRM-15580 Drupal Metatag issue - pages have wrong title
  • CRM-15581 4.4.9 regression - mailing groups do not load correctly when you re-load the mailing
  • CRM-15582 Unused datatables style rule interferes with page elements
  • CRM-15583 Install via Drush depends on enabled module
  • CRM-15584 Large values are cut in advmultiselect fields
  • CRM-15585 api.setvalue doesn't call pre hooks
  • CRM-15586 Search Filter for Activity Type in Case Mgt screen does not display activities where component is Contacts AND Case
  • CRM-15587 civicrm_membership_block table not updated on save
  • CRM-15588 maintainers unable to edit extension node
  • CRM-15589 Membership section label mixup
  • CRM-15590 Loading iccon keeps spinning
  • CRM-15591 Extra escaping of single quotation mark with Word Press 3.4.2
  • CRM-15592 CiviEvent - New Event from Top Menu, Does not save Complete description
  • CRM-15593 Prevent contributions being imported when nominated contact is_deleted
  • CRM-15594 Fix alignments on Merge Rules page
  • CRM-15595 Individual sub-type custom fields don't appear in online event registration
  • CRM-15596 Contribution On Behalf Of - alternate relationships
  • CRM-15597 Contact Reference field is garbled on contribution confirmation page
  • CRM-15598 Allow relative URL's for Link custom fields
  • CRM-15599 When length of custom field increased, length of corresponding field in logs not increased
  • CRM-15600 Smart groups not cooperating properly with ACLs. (Groups are fine)
  • CRM-15601 civicrm_export_temp_ tables are getting created as MyISAM
  • CRM-15602 Custom Data not appearing in logs
  • CRM-15603 Fix "near duplicate" strings
  • CRM-15604 Mailing Groups not alpha sorted with multisite extension
  • CRM-15605 Schedule Reminder improvements
  • CRM-15606 Make Default Custom File Path safe from directoryCleanup
  • CRM-15607 kcFinder no longer accepts symlinks for images directory path
  • CRM-15608 Can't seem to insert contact tokens into receipt subjects
  • CRM-15609 Between date filter does not work in views, if inside an OR block
  • CRM-15610 Russian provinces' names on Transifex doesn't reflect recent changes
  • CRM-15611 Case Activity form - Send a Copy function is not working
  • CRM-15612 RSS link on blog page is broken
  • CRM-15613 Trying to create a new Smart Group results in fatal error
  • CRM-15614 No way to restrict Event Information Visibility
  • CRM-15615 Changing a participants event selection to "- none -" doesn't work
  • CRM-15616 CiviContribute Requires CiviEvent permissionsto administer price-sets
  • CRM-15617 SYBUNT report doesn't have Add Contacts to Group Option
  • CRM-15618 "My billing address is the same as above" doesn't work on WordPress
  • CRM-15619 Api breaks
  • CRM-15620 Checkbox "counted?" in participant role options not updated in 4.4.9 lts
  • CRM-15621 IPN Fatal Error on payment updates
  • CRM-15622 Contribution "Fee Amount" field not set correctly with back end Authorize.Net event registration
  • CRM-15623 Ability to search events by custom fields
  • CRM-15624 Unsubscribe links broken in search-based mailings
  • CRM-15625 Missing support for contribution api honor_type_id param
  • CRM-15626 Relationship Create Widget Not always showing the correct available relationships in select tool
  • CRM-15627 Fee level in participant report is not updated after editing PriceSet
  • CRM-15628 Automatic discount is added for membership
  • CRM-15629 Paypal IPN not working on Wordpress the first time
  • CRM-15630 Petition add signature thank you email doesn't send correct social networking links
  • CRM-15631 Map Directory Display's Primary Address, even when a different address is selected in the profile.
  • CRM-15632 Do not exit if templates_c unwritable in CLI mode
  • CRM-15633 Broken js on campaign dashboard tables
  • CRM-15634 Clicking the mailing "Optout" button multiple times makes you receive multiple confirmation emails.
  • CRM-15635 Optout confirmation mailing being sent twice
  • CRM-15636 Using the API to create a price set for both events and contributions.
  • CRM-15637 checksum on contribution page doesn't hide account creation option
  • CRM-15638 Make custom fields searchable by default
  • CRM-15639 Allow import of custom fields with multiple records
  • CRM-15640 Custom Fields no longer get properly returned (4.5.4) when requested through the API
  • CRM-15641 Should not force default state/province when no default country selected
  • CRM-15642 Unable to select similar locations in Event Location tab
  • CRM-15643 Profile listings don't work.
  • CRM-15644 civicrm_group table "missing" error on login when CiviCRM DB is separate from Drupal's
  • CRM-15645 Petition email confirmation URL incompatible with WordPress
  • CRM-15646 api.setvalue doesn't support custom fields
  • CRM-15647 [contribution pages] change 'confirm contribution' button text
  • CRM-15648 [UX] Change any UI text through admin interface
  • CRM-15649 Change/add text on contribution confirmation page
  • CRM-15650 Group status not translated in subscribe message
  • CRM-15651 Adjust php.ini to avoid warning message in dmaster.demo site
  • CRM-15652 When editing blogs, "Browse Server" allows to much access
  • CRM-15653 Search gives irrelevant results when input contains spaces
  • CRM-15654 Contact Edit Form spacing can be improved
  • CRM-15655 Custom field values are created inconsistently depending on the form being used.
  • CRM-15656 Synchronize PHP and MySQL time zones
  • CRM-15657 Create a foolproof cookbook for dealing with chapters in Wordpress
  • CRM-15658 Merging contacts copies fields from duplicate when not ticked
  • CRM-15659 Contribution Thank you page says ' will be processed every 1 month(s).' instead of every month'
  • CRM-15660 Handle NULL integers in Drupal Views
  • CRM-15661 Buttons on CiviCRM Home page styled incorrectly
  • CRM-15662 ACL's do not work when target is a smart group
  • CRM-15663 Provide information on all participants in primary participant confirmation email.
  • CRM-15664 Browser KCFinder show website error page instead of files
  • CRM-15665 Tab order in summary view unstable
  • CRM-15666 Fix obsolete inline help on Create Custom Field Set - Allow Multiple Records
  • CRM-15667 Unsubscribe Requests mailing report incorrectly shows 'No' in Unsubcribe columne
  • CRM-15668 Insert form into page dialog button does nothing
  • CRM-15669 Call hook_civicrm_post with op 'merge' after contacts are merged
  • CRM-15670 Allow overriding of privacy settings & updating of receive_date when sending receipts from search
  • CRM-15671 sendSMS() field names don't match - message doesn't send
  • CRM-15672 CiviContribute widget fails to render in WordPress
  • CRM-15673 Contact Merge Issue - all data copied
  • CRM-15674 Content type for json results should be application/json
  • CRM-15675 Advanced filter instructions for Contact Reference custom fields are incorrect
  • CRM-15676 Buttons in pop-up alerts do not work
  • CRM-15677 Clarify duplicated terminology: "CiviCRM Extensions Directory"
  • CRM-15678 scheduled reminder emails activities recorded when emails not sent
  • CRM-15679 Cannot translate Price set options on Edit option page
  • CRM-15680 Cannot create campaign with custom values through api
  • CRM-15681 Merging contacts with differing sub-types can't select the merged set of sub-types
  • CRM-15682 Display Results As / Related Contacts Search exports original contacts instead of related contacts
  • CRM-15683 preProcess hook doesn't allow you to circumvent fatal errors
  • CRM-15684 Onbehalf fails to set organizations information
  • CRM-15685 typo in docs
  • CRM-15686 Clickatell ERR: 107 Empty Message
  • CRM-15687 KCFinder Browser doesn't browse the files but shows my error page
  • CRM-15688 Layout of labels / money / tax on event registration forms
  • CRM-15689 Edit record with Date custom field causes Javascript error
  • CRM-15690 Merge UI - show text in place of id for gender and employer
  • CRM-15691 Mailing Labels pulling incorrect address when location type other than Home or Primary requested
  • CRM-15692 County field not uploading; says data is incorrect
  • CRM-15693 Drupal Groups Sync broken
  • CRM-15694 Activities Report - sort by Activity Type does not work and throws fatal if Section Header checked
  • CRM-15695 Showing Custom data options in report criteria problem
  • CRM-15696 Drupal contact page does not show "Contact Dashboard" even when permissions are given
  • CRM-15697 Editing more than one Scheduled Reminders at a time causes failures when saving
  • CRM-15698 participant listing report: doesn't display all price fee options if values are identical in different sets
  • CRM-15699 pre & post hooks not called for contribution page
  • CRM-15700 Expand email to activity to support other contact types besides Individuals
  • CRM-15701 implement batch data entry to record payment against pledges
  • CRM-15702 Sending Bulk sms to contacts without e-mailaddress
  • CRM-15703 Activities : iCal invitation
  • CRM-15704 Allow contact sub_type in "New Contact" profile popup
  • CRM-15705 Improve visual appearance of new CiviMail
  • CRM-15706 Add help to to new CiviMail UI
  • CRM-15707 Documentation bug in Contact getCount example
  • CRM-15708 Exclude Groups Doesn't Work for Child Groups in CiviMail and Include / Exclude Custom Search
  • CRM-15709 Searchbuilder contactsubtype ≠ 'value' fails
  • CRM-15710 Contact Dashboard does not handle Ajax API return code 403 well
  • CRM-15711 Caches for all smart groups are updated when a contact is deleted
  • CRM-15712 Hundreds of clickthroughs from one user on civimails
  • CRM-15713 Access bypass in CiviCase
  • CRM-15714 validateCreditCard function makes too many assumptions
  • CRM-15715 Contact Reference Field auto complete with spaces
  • CRM-15716 Include missing contact fields in (constituent) reports
  • CRM-15717 Custom set as Tab doesn't save values
  • CRM-15718 Bulk sms: Check for do not send sms instead of is opt out
  • CRM-15719 Changing Financial Type on contribution - Bookkeeping report missing information
  • CRM-15720 On screen information needs to be updated for option groups that are now "locked" via UI
  • CRM-15721 Associate contributions with the payment processor used to make it
  • CRM-15722 API Explorer Outputs Misleading REST URL
  • CRM-15723 Joomla 3 Admin Footer Overlays Action Buttons
  • CRM-15724 Search function does not work properly
  • CRM-15725 API: support options.match for delete action
  • CRM-15726 Drupal Views soft credit relationship pulling contribution id rather than contact id
  • CRM-15727 solr attachment search: use indexed field
  • CRM-15728 Improve Scheduled Reminders for membership renewals
  • CRM-15729 Contact batch update via profile removes group contacts
  • CRM-15730 Registration Confirm page fails with discounted priceset
  • CRM-15731 Event date selection doesn't work
  • CRM-15732 Donations with an On Behalf Of an organization profile dedupes with contacts in the trash
  • CRM-15733 Contining a saved mailing doesn't load included or excluded previous mailing recipients
  • CRM-15734 Dedupe contacts in group searches outside of group
  • CRM-15735 Update payment status for pay-later membership renewal ignores Received date
  • CRM-15736 Can't mass SMS contacts without an email address.
  • CRM-15737 Inaccurate Contribution Summary Reports from template
  • CRM-15738 Notice when Activity tab displayed
  • CRM-15739 IE issue - Error on multi record listing profile edit page submission
  • CRM-15740 Really long URLs cause SQL issue in a trackable mass mail
  • CRM-15741 Contribution Summary Report doesn't work when an ACL is in place
  • CRM-15742 Error Thrown When Recording Live CC Payment From Participant View Page
  • CRM-15743 Online contributions: Pay Later flag is not being passed to confirm and thank-you pages
  • CRM-15744 User dashboard - event link incorrectly goes to contribution
  • CRM-15745 "Require Participant Approval" fails on unpaid events w/ confirm screen
  • CRM-15746 Conflict with Yoast
  • CRM-15747 Event registration with several payments gets only partially recorded, cannot be edited
  • CRM-15748 Missing, Outdated Provinces for Indonesia
  • CRM-15749 Limitations on civicrm_pre hook
  • CRM-15750 advanced search using relationship and smart group produces backtrace
  • CRM-15751 Deleting relationship silently deletes financial data
  • CRM-15752 Smart Group Access Controls
  • CRM-15753 Groups in advanced search search as 'or' even when set to 'and'
  • CRM-15754 Custom participant statuses print their ID in event confirmation email
  • CRM-15755 Log job execution when executed through api
  • CRM-15756 Back-office Submit Credit Card Contribution form: card # validation is no longer working
  • CRM-15757 Notices thrown from Submit Credit Card Event Registration (back-office with PayPal Pro)
  • CRM-15758 Pre and Post hook for FinancialItem are not invoked
  • CRM-15759 Improve UX of crmEditable
  • CRM-15760 Change size of civicrm_action_schedule.entity_value to 255 from 64
  • CRM-15761 Multiple membership of organization
  • CRM-15762 Modify releaser script to update versions.json
  • CRM-15763 Payment Express has deprecated SSLv3
  • CRM-15764 Make use of opendir() more consistent
  • CRM-15765 Added missing Indonesian provinces and revise outdated names
  • CRM-15766 Misc settings form wrongly adds everything to $config
  • CRM-15767 Back Office "Submit Credit Card Contribution" are not being saved.
  • CRM-15768 Correct "project" and "version" values in Drupal module info files
  • CRM-15769 Provide XML for Drupal's builtin update status checks
  • CRM-15770 if $dateString is 'null' make no attempt to format it
  • CRM-15771 On 'submit credit card contribution' option to choose Auth Net is not present
  • CRM-15772 CiviCase 'All cases' dashlet does not display any cases
  • CRM-15773 Use the term "Order" instead of "Weight" consistently
  • CRM-15774 Contacts created via profile don't use UFMatch BAO
  • CRM-15775 core profile "On Behalf Of Organization" has invalid settings in 4.4 and earlier sites
  • CRM-15776 CiviMail recipients report lists all groups as excluded
  • CRM-15777 View relationship gives ajax error without edit contact permission
  • CRM-15778 Notice: Undefined index: attributes in CRM_Core_BAO_Navigation::getMenuName
  • CRM-15779 removal of duplicate code - tokens
  • CRM-15780 Remove duplicate function
  • CRM-15781 activity report does not properly handle activity tags
  • CRM-15782 Does timezone affect CiviMail delivery
  • CRM-15783 Activity report would be more useful with the location field exposed
  • CRM-15784 Message template form different from email composition form
  • CRM-15785 Case Type ID should be required in Schema and prevent deleting case types that are in use
  • CRM-15786 Improve relationship api
  • CRM-15787 Not possible to add contribution field in profile for on behalf membership
  • CRM-15788 Extensions cache may be invalid with multi-server
  • CRM-15789 Add icons to submit buttons
  • CRM-15790 Missing data for customer
  • CRM-15791 Regression? single quotes not escaped in "column" field of civicrm_option_value
  • CRM-15792 Loss of data when creating / updating custom datetime fields through the API
  • CRM-15793 Manage Groups page should show number of contacts in group
  • CRM-15795 Participant record not created via API if fee_amount is 0 but fee_level has a value, no error
  • CRM-15796 Outbound mail form doesn't mention "ssl://" prefix for SMTP server
  • CRM-15797 Multiple distmaker bugs
  • CRM-15798 Membership end date incorrectly calculated for multi-year fixed with rollover
  • CRM-15799 System crash on attempt to upgrade from 4.5.4 to 4.5.5
  • CRM-15800 CiviCRM View handler omits core field "deceased_date"
  • CRM-15801 Use new CiviMail UI for bulk-mailing search task
  • CRM-15802 Current limit on number of soft credits per contribution is too low.
  • CRM-15803 Validate EntityRef values before rendering
  • CRM-15804 CiviEvent Date Picker broken in modal dialog
  • CRM-15805 Missing permission for option group/value api
  • CRM-15806 getPCPList on new Contribution does not filter
  • CRM-15807 Extend and improve SyntaxConformance and other api tests to use operator other then (=, IN)
  • CRM-15808 Upgrade to WordPress 4.1
  • CRM-15809 Checksum does not work well with localization (location types)
  • CRM-15810 Create CiviGrant Extension
  • CRM-15811 API Explorer display wrong rest url
  • CRM-15812 Translated strings not shown
  • CRM-15813 Honoree Information profile overwrites contributor information
  • CRM-15814 Geocoder maxlength issue -> go to 12
  • CRM-15815 Two chained create calls, with the first one creating an array
  • CRM-15816 DB Error: Update Smart Group Counts
  • CRM-15817 payment_processor not set in BaseIPN.php due to merge error
  • CRM-15818 CiviMail Does Not Save Content When Using Drupal WYSIWYG
  • CRM-15819 create separate permission for editing message templates
  • CRM-15820 Manage Groups contact summary also counts contacts in trash
  • CRM-15821 Provide option to notify Personal Campaign Page "Owner" when someone donates via their page
  • CRM-15822 Update documentation to tell people that pending memberships won't appear in the count on the membership tab
  • CRM-15823 Pre/Post hooks not called during payment IPN processing
  • CRM-15824 Add "thankyou_title" to the online contribution thank you receipt
  • CRM-15825 Disable unsubscribe confirmation
  • CRM-15826 CiviCase core bugs
  • CRM-15827 Translated strings not shown - Display Preferences
  • CRM-15828 English text on screen - Profile hlp
  • CRM-15829 Pending membership does not give related contacts memberships by relationship
  • CRM-15830 All groups removed from contact when editing
  • CRM-15831 CiviCRM defaults to sending emails with fraudulent 'from' fields
  • CRM-15832 Translation support for Angular-based pages
  • CRM-15833 No Deadlock Handling
  • CRM-15834 Allow end dates of auto-renew memberships to be edited
  • CRM-15835 Event registrations total amounts with decimals stored incorrectly when CiviCRM thousands separator is a dot
  • CRM-15836 Inconsistent action button placement
  • CRM-15837 civicrm_og_sync creates wrong relation between Drupal and CiviCRM
  • CRM-15838 Slovenian municipalities missing and damaged
  • CRM-15839 Honoree profile doesn't show on Test contribution page
  • CRM-15840 gitify fails with error that is cannot find /vendor/autoload.php
  • CRM-15841 CiviCRM Joomla permissions exceed POST/GET input limits on many servers
  • CRM-15842 Improve custom field multiple record display options
  • CRM-15843 When creating customField via the API, can't set option_group_id
  • CRM-15844 E_NOTICE errors in donation via Paypal Express
  • CRM-15845 Relationship tab without "view all contacts" permission
  • CRM-15846 Custom Search menu item option reverts to a fixed item
  • CRM-15847 Contact cannot be added to a group
  • CRM-15848 Civiaccounts inconsistent with spec when adding partial event payment
  • CRM-15849 search builder: can't search greeting fields
  • CRM-15850 Include address location types in 'Use another contact's address'
  • CRM-15851 search builder: doesn't handle EMPTY/NOT EMPTY for some custom field types
  • CRM-15852 Recurring payment processor doesn't work with localised names
  • CRM-15853 Update reCaptcha code to use 2.0 API
  • CRM-15854 Approval workflows in new CiviMail UI
  • CRM-15855 Autosave for CiviMail UI
  • CRM-15856 Validation for CiviMail UI
  • CRM-15857 Recipient addressing options for CiviMail
  • CRM-15858 Custom data edited via quick update does not add to changelog
  • CRM-15859 relationship API does not return start_date and end_date
  • CRM-15860 Individual icon hover yields black bar and no details after profile search list.
  • CRM-15861 Offline membership renewal doesn't display priceset choices
  • CRM-15862 api explorer for relationship does not show relationship type names in parameter drop down
  • CRM-15863 Creating a relationship using the API returns start date and end date in a wrong format
  • CRM-15864 Support attachments for message templates, scheduled reminders
  • CRM-15865 Inbound email should check for matching org before creating individual contact
  • CRM-15866 Anytime we try to create something (example: create an event) we get logged out.
  • CRM-15867 Reconcile gitify/buildkit docs
  • CRM-15868 pre and post hooks fire delete and trash ops when moving contact to trash
  • CRM-15869 Maintenance Mode for Civicrm
  • CRM-15870 Advanced help section of CiviCRM 'returned out'
  • CRM-15871 Metadata and language switcher truncate the civicrm urls in drupal
  • CRM-15872 Can't change Activity status of a case when viewing a contact's cases
  • CRM-15873 Create relationship with file upload not uploading file
  • CRM-15874 CiviSurvey - take in results from a mobile app
  • CRM-15875 Advanced Search on relationships does not work with smart groups
  • CRM-15876 Problem still active on 4.5.5 as Excel.php file has not been patched
  • CRM-15877 prefix_id truncated on contacts export
  • CRM-15878 Membership tab sorts memberships in wrong order
  • CRM-15879 new activites are not uploading to my dashboard
  • CRM-15880 Mailing Recipient Groups (and Mailings?) are not saved properly in a multi-lingual environment
  • CRM-15881 Deactivating "employee of" relationship does not take off current employer
  • CRM-15882 batch merge overwrites addresses rather than try to preserve them
  • CRM-15883 Need to remove inoperative "stationery" box from page format when using Print PDF letter?
  • CRM-15884 Delete Membership fails due to typo in variable name
  • CRM-15885 Remove pay later receipt information on confirmation page
  • CRM-15886 Weird while-loop produces argument parsing errors in CLI
  • CRM-15887 Timezone warning when importing
  • CRM-15888 KCFinder Cannot Browse Server
  • CRM-15889 Relationship enable/disable through API & the UI - does not take care of inherited memberships
  • CRM-15890 Remove packages redundant with bower_components
  • CRM-15891 Inconsistency in returned json for chained get and chained create
  • CRM-15892 hook_civicrm_post objectName sometimes sent lowercase
  • CRM-15893 Subgroups not showing on the Manage Groups page
  • CRM-15894 Custom fields for events cannot be translated on the Event info page since no translate icon is shown
  • CRM-15895 Copying contribution page still links PCP to original contrib page
  • CRM-15896 Upgrade to 4.5.5 causes contact photos to be unviewable
  • CRM-15897 Contact ImagesUnviewable - Issue Persisting through 4.5.5
  • CRM-15898 Set <title> in wordpress header
  • CRM-15899 Occasional report order_by problems if array doesn't clear
  • CRM-15900 Upgrade problem [Unknown column 'e.contact_id' in 'on clause']
  • CRM-15901 Turn off PHP errors display for all ajax calls
  • CRM-15902 New report UI not working
  • CRM-15903 Restructure UF classes so that CRM_Utils_System_UnitTests does not extend Drupal
  • CRM-15904 API: Reload option does not work with chaining and sequential
  • CRM-15905 API: problem sorting contacts on ID
  • CRM-15906 Editing pledge payment date/amount does not work in a pop up
  • CRM-15907 Advanced search: can no longer search for contacts named X involved in activities assigned to Y
  • CRM-15908 saved searches that use multi-select custom groups break during 4.4 -> 4.5 upgrade
  • CRM-15909 Country name is not shown in report Constituent Summary
  • CRM-15910 Increase field length for civicrm_contact.external_identifier
  • CRM-15911 Remove civicrm_drupal_create_user
  • CRM-15912 Documentation is incorrect regarding emails in report settings
  • CRM-15913 Fire case update hook on inline edit
  • CRM-15914 API setvalue call passes incomplete DAO to post hook
  • CRM-15915 API returns values of multi-select custom field in different format depending on the entitiy the custom field set is used for.
  • CRM-15916 Batch Data Entry - membership renewal issues
  • CRM-15917 Membership Detail Report "Order By" is broken
  • CRM-15918 Remove auction & touchstone
  • CRM-15919 Can't find state_province_id by abbreviation in API
  • CRM-15920 Membership Detail report suppresses contact name if two contacts share a name
  • CRM-15921 Membership Detail report doesn't show all memberships
  • CRM-15922 Contribution Batch processing fails if Preium gifts enabled and used
  • CRM-15923 profile with wordpress at registration
  • CRM-15924 Report form allows more criteria rows than template does
  • CRM-15927 Importing Contacts with Notes from CSV causes duplicate note to be created.
  • CRM-15931 CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing::report (and possibly other functions) are mis-categorizing mailing groups due to change in group_type string case
  • CRM-15932 Recurring Entities Q/A
  • CRM-15933 Profile HTML Snippets don't respect CIVICRM_UF_WP_BASEPAGE
  • CRM-15934 Many SMTP responses missing, resulting in a flood of Syntax bounces
  • CRM-15935 Lybunt report includes people who made no contributions
  • CRM-15936 Initial new user open CiviCRM base page hangs
  • CRM-15937 CiviCRM admin broken in WordPress
  • CRM-15938 enotice on reports where they are in top menu
  • CRM-15939 Custom Rich Text Editor fields aren't save from in-line editing.
  • CRM-15940 Report gives white screen rather than sensible error if report instance is invalid
  • CRM-15941 Make it possible to over-ride parts of criteria .tpl
  • CRM-15942 'Referral' extension?
  • CRM-15943 ReplyTo option should be exposed through Setting API
  • CRM-15944 CiviMail create screen do not show any member group and not all message templates
  • CRM-15945 Membership Auto-Renew fails to create recurring contribution
  • CRM-15946 Upgrade to 4.6 alpha fails on 'Add and update reference_date column for Schedule Reminders'
  • CRM-15947 Add hook_civicrm_pre / post on Campaign
  • CRM-15948 date format not always respected in profile when in Edit mode for drupal user
  • CRM-15949 Don't allow the same value for different custom field options
  • CRM-15950 inserting label of frequency_unit instead of value in contribution_recur
  • CRM-15951 Membership status incorrectly calculated under some dates
  • CRM-15952 Edit screen fails when user uf_group name is not unique
  • CRM-15953 CiviMail un-encodes links encoded with php's urlencode, crashes Google forms
  • CRM-15954 Alter back office credit card defaults for recurring to every month
  • CRM-15955 Re-order credit card block to near the top of back-office contribution form
  • CRM-15956 Report section headers triggered by capitalization differences
  • CRM-15957 Can't upload images via KCFinder in Joomla/Wordpress
  • CRM-15958 Updating a contribution to completed with a new trxn_id writes unjoinable finanical_trxn record
  • CRM-15959 Leakage in payment processor selection
  • CRM-15960 IPN sets net_amount to 0 inappropriately
  • CRM-15961 may not be a unique value for CiviCRM installs that started prior to 4.2
  • CRM-15962 Prefill billing address on back-office membership renewal via credit card using profile.get api
  • CRM-15963 Event_title can't be filtered with the search builder
  • CRM-15964 Tabbed custom data for contact subtypes don't save
  • CRM-15965 Custom searches cannot specify custom task menu
  • CRM-15966 Allow to get all relationships of contact with ajax call
  • CRM-15967 profile: cannot sort state/province
  • CRM-15968 German translation breaks contact contribution tab
  • CRM-15969 hook_civicrm_contactListQuery is not called
  • CRM-15970 Sorting and filters for Manage A/B Tests page
  • CRM-15971 Payment status not updating in Events - Find Participants result list
  • CRM-15972 Drupal 7 Stark Theme --> "create new" individual button
  • CRM-15973 Custom date field format does not match the field date format when called via API
  • CRM-15974 civicrm_og_sync in recent version doesn't properly sync og admins to civi acl group
  • CRM-15975 URL and email fields do not accept IDN input (eg umlauts, macrons)
  • CRM-15976 Formatting break on Advanced Search
  • CRM-15977 Make Membership Tokens available for Send Email to Contacts functionality
  • CRM-15978 civicrm/payment/ipn url unnecessarily requires mode
  • CRM-15979 Differentiate standalone mailings from A/B test mailings
  • CRM-15980 API does not permit PHP to permanently delete a contact
  • CRM-15981 Case activity revision table appears blank when on 1st revision
  • CRM-15982 allow to filter relationships on type through ajax call
  • CRM-15983 limit and sort options don't work inside chained call to relationship API
  • CRM-15984 Add campaign field on Email activity form
  • CRM-15985 Improve documentation/help text for debugging options
  • CRM-15986 Fields attached to different entities in JS profile creator
  • CRM-15987 In Mailings UI, allow users to choose group that are Mailing List only
  • CRM-15988 Normalize incoming api entity & action names
  • CRM-15989 Merge Show Deceased Contact extension into core
  • CRM-15990 CiviCRM menu missing from Joomla backend
  • CRM-15991 http-api: User needs 'delete contacts' permission to delete relationships
  • CRM-15992 Inherited membership does not update when it is renewed by the non primary member
  • CRM-15993 Add CiviCRM BN code to all PayPal methods for partner program tracking
  • CRM-15994 Sort by Country, State, or County in Views sorts by ID, not by name
  • CRM-15995 Unify the send and report URLs for AB tests
  • CRM-15996 Recurring contributions do not create correct financial entries
  • CRM-15997 Search Builder Date input is not the same widget used elsewhere
  • CRM-15998 Missing Variable declaration? Not Critical but shows error
  • CRM-15999 CiviMail is not sending Mass E-Mail.
  • CRM-16000 Member Role Sync Uses Inactive Memberships Over Active Memberships
  • CRM-16001 Advanced Search by contribution status throws FATAL error
  • CRM-16002 Hidden Groups are being displayed by Select2 widget
  • CRM-16004 Participant search link broken on "force" search
  • CRM-16006 Incorrect range-checking of dates in Memberships > Batch Data Entry
  • CRM-16007 Primary address to be in bold on summary screen similar to email and phone
  • CRM-16008 Import contacts: notes are imported twice
  • CRM-16009 URL for Contact Image in View incorrectly generating
  • CRM-16010 SMS Mailing not sending messages
  • CRM-16011 send SMS options is repeating users numbers when selecting several users.
  • CRM-16012 Membership Dashboard Summary table requires "edit all contacts" permission
  • CRM-16013 Can we reconsider "locking down" editing end_date of auto-renew memberships?
  • CRM-16014 Ebs payment gateway for contribution in civicrm 4.5.6
  • CRM-16015 line_item table should be updated when contribution financial type is changed.
  • CRM-16016 Permission on Contact Notes- Users with only View Permission can add notes
  • CRM-16017 Add Contact Search results pager navigation to browser history
  • CRM-16018 DB error when >20 membership types are created
  • CRM-16019 Create clientSide date/time input widget
  • CRM-16020 Case Activity form tpl produces bad HTML
  • CRM-16021 kcfinder return a blank page.
  • CRM-16022 Correct "project" values in CiviCRM .info files
  • CRM-16023 Correct PHP value in Drupal .info files
  • CRM-16024 Some filters in Grant Detail Report don't take effect
  • CRM-16025 Is it possible to add civicrm activity in drupal Rule?
  • CRM-16026 Multi-select custom contact reference field
  • CRM-16027 API: chaining using a custom contact reference field
  • CRM-16028 make eventtype selector on manage events select2
  • CRM-16029 Creating a financial type in a localised civicrm install breaks
  • CRM-16030 civicrm_group_contact optimization
  • CRM-16031 View Case Activity: add the fieldID to custom fields in the tpl
  • CRM-16032 Demo pages yield permission error on fresh build
  • CRM-16033 Prevent CiviCRM Group Roles Sync from trying to sync to nonexistent groups
  • CRM-16034 comma acts as decimal in price set text pricing
  • CRM-16035 Dashlet refresh *can* crash server Replace use of HTTP_Request
  • CRM-16036 API: searching on custom fields only works for contacts
  • CRM-16037 Scheduled Jobs Clear Parameters
  • CRM-16038 phantom "Pending refund" status after price set change?
  • CRM-16039 metatag and i18n cause problems with contribution forms
  • CRM-16040 Update advanced contact search ui
  • CRM-16041 Deleting a membership that created a recurring payment plan should delete the recurring payment plan
  • CRM-16042 Unable to Create Personal Campaign Pages from Contact Dashboard
  • CRM-16043 Search Participant doesn't retrieves participant with more than one role
  • CRM-16044 Submit credit card membership flow ignores payment processor payment status if membership is recurring
  • CRM-16045 Backend forms don't reload when you switch payment processors
  • CRM-16046 Karma: Use PhantomJS by default
  • CRM-16047 Can't add refund against completed pledge
  • CRM-16048 Provide formatter to expose both label and value options from Views
  • CRM-16049 Sorry but we are not able to provide this at the moment.
  • CRM-16050 profile edit not loading correct profile (sometimes)
  • CRM-16051 Add job ID to mailParams for external email delivery service to utilise
  • CRM-16052 More people can register for an event than maximum limit
  • CRM-16053 Upgrade CKEditor to latest version
  • CRM-16054 Custom fields and field groups should include a description
  • CRM-16055 While add a relation with several individuals, only the first is added.
  • CRM-16056 Can't move to an arbitrary search results page outside of cache
  • CRM-16057 custom data set limited to subtype won't save in tab
  • CRM-16058 Drupal views retrieve participant status name instead of label
  • CRM-16059 Fix translation of Bulgarian provinces
  • CRM-16060 API call to delete tag with IN array fails
  • CRM-16061 Minor ts fixes for new 4.6 strings
  • CRM-16062 optout exemption token
  • CRM-16063 Header and footer
  • CRM-16064 Contributions pricesets charge $1 more than selected
  • CRM-16065 Custom field set data not being saved if contact has more than one contact sub type
  • CRM-16066 Payment fields should not be suppressed if registering for an event with approval required
  • CRM-16067 Replace deprecated mysql api with PDO or mysqli
  • CRM-16068 Tab with table date field shows wrong date format
  • CRM-16069 Email Selection Method missing options
  • CRM-16070 Event registration API call returns DB error
  • CRM-16071 Expose field descriptions to api & explorer
  • CRM-16072 Joomla menu failure
  • CRM-16073 Reply Tracking DMARC issues
  • CRM-16074 On first try, Contacts/Manage Groups fails with a syntax error.
  • CRM-16075 Select element doesn't get populated if country is selected as a search criteria on Search Builder.
  • CRM-16076 Lost contact thumbnail images in directory listing
  • CRM-16077 Options-edit popup for Angular
  • CRM-16078 search builder doesn't respect contact sub type selection
  • CRM-16079 Civicrm OG Sync breaks with large group title
  • CRM-16080 Regression - clientside strings missing placeholders
  • CRM-16081 DB Error on unsubscribe
  • CRM-16082 Remove domain group create function from core
  • CRM-16083 Fatal Error when Signatures is clicked from more link on Campaign Dashboard (Petition tab)
  • CRM-16084 API: when getting contact chaining relationships, the relationship direction is ignored
  • CRM-16085 Quick Edit does not require mandatory contact information
  • CRM-16086 schema differences between upgrades and install
  • CRM-16087 Changes in relationship status are not invoking updates to membership status
  • CRM-16088 Allow to override preprocess function in class which extends CRM_Event_Form_ManageEvent_Location
  • CRM-16089 Refactor Form AddSelect CRM_Utils_Api::getEntityName($this)
  • CRM-16090 Sort contribution pages by is_active THEN title
  • CRM-16091 improve how Joomla menu items are built
  • CRM-16092 Incorrect API call in Civi/Payment/System.php
  • CRM-16093 Error loading discount set on participant register
  • CRM-16094 Scheduled reminders: allow both "Limit to" and "also include" within one reminder
  • CRM-16095 Civi warning when editing Drupal content
  • CRM-16096 Custom individuals & groups not saved in custom relationships
  • CRM-16097 Can't specify contact subtype when adding custom field groups
  • CRM-16098 While creating a new mailing, the send test button sended the mailing to target users
  • CRM-16099 Map Profile Results Smarty error when no mapping provider is configured AND strict warning in 4.6 on mapping page
  • CRM-16100 "Parent Event" save error
  • CRM-16101 Scheduled reminders based upon created and modified date
  • CRM-16102 Thows validation error on adding any 'Contact' field if the profile has any 'Subtype' field
  • CRM-16103 CiviMailing status is not updating
  • CRM-16104 Record not saved on Multi record Profile Create/Edit Mode
  • CRM-16105 For offline contributions recurring option does not appear
  • CRM-16106 The Reply-To address is going to the bounce account
  • CRM-16107 Add Payment and Balance Columns to Participant Report
  • CRM-16108 Some URL's cannot be parsed
  • CRM-16109 Confusing empty display of fees section during confirmation and thank-you for waitlisted and require-approval registrations
  • CRM-16110 Recipients listing options not displaying correctly in scheduled reminders
  • CRM-16111 Minor ts fixes for new 4.6 strings (second batch)
  • CRM-16112 Ensure type is set on all fields in api getfields
  • CRM-16113 4.4.13 inverts test mode from handlePaymentCron
  • CRM-16114 Erroneous message on Wordpress install in 4.6b3
  • CRM-16115 Campaign table headers accidentally get crm-editable
  • CRM-16116 financial_type_id not returned on Contribution get
  • CRM-16117 Content briefly disappears when ajax paging
  • CRM-16118 Non-Latin Alphabet Report Export Problems
  • CRM-16119 Contact custom data "multiple" save/more buttons translation
  • CRM-16120 Disable CiviMail/Angular debug by default
  • CRM-16121 CRM-16048 causes regression against CRM-15030
  • CRM-16122 Display multiple custom field values as commasep list
  • CRM-16123 suppress user dashboard PCP creation link if resource is inactive
  • CRM-16124 is_email_receipt on complete_transaction should give precedence to $input
  • CRM-16125 complete_transaction api should default to domain email for from if none on contribution page
  • CRM-16126 Ignoring "test" mode flag while retrieving payment processor
  • CRM-16127 CMS integration code uses d7 format in d6 environment
  • CRM-16128 add cron to installation instructions for each CMS
  • CRM-16129 White box search shows same contact twice if they have two emails
  • CRM-16130 Create CRM_Core_Form::addField method
  • CRM-16131 Add Participant Link Returns Full Page Instead of Snippet in Wordpress
  • CRM-16132 cron problem
  • CRM-16133 Contact Import: One of parameters (value: Array) is not of the type Integer
  • CRM-16134 merge case activities should be attributed to logged in user
  • CRM-16135 Improve QB integration documentation
  • CRM-16136 Images not displaying for book
  • CRM-16137 Allow is_multiple custom group fields in search builder
  • CRM-16138 Cache path for Extension mapper should include Domain reference.
  • CRM-16139 API3 call loop {Tag-Create, EntityTag-Create} causes exception
  • CRM-16140 In full screen mode, Civi navbar and CKEditor conflict
  • CRM-16141 Untranslated strings in new CaseType UI
  • CRM-16142 Confirm before sending test mailing to a group
  • CRM-16143 Inconsistent results from Smart groups using relationships (results change after a time period)
  • CRM-16144 CiviMail fails hard when an errant { is in the body
  • CRM-16145 Angular modules should have sane file organization
  • CRM-16146 Fiscal year filters have typos and (slightly) incorrect date ranges
  • CRM-16147 Select element not shown for Gender in Search Builder Form.
  • CRM-16148 Show option names instead of ids in api explorer
  • CRM-16149 Change JIRA custom field 'Code Sprint' to 'Sprint'
  • CRM-16150 Calculation of Taxes on contribution update when there were no taxes
  • CRM-16151 Deleted contacts are included in advanced search results when using Display As - Related Contacts option
  • CRM-16152 County is Not Saved When Sharing an Address the First Time
  • CRM-16153 Email Field on Advanced Search Only Returns Matches on Emails Designated as Primary
  • CRM-16154 Select2 not compatible with Select2
  • CRM-16155 Improve scalability of "recipients" widget
  • CRM-16156 Contribution page ssl not working
  • CRM-16157 Option Group - Paper Size Options lost edit ability
  • CRM-16158 More compact quicksearch in menu
  • CRM-16159 Drupal Views civicrm_contact field isn't rendering multiple values correctly
  • CRM-16160 Add search by age in Advanced Search
  • CRM-16161 Notice: Undefined index: en CRM_Price_BAO_PriceField::addQuickFormElement()
  • CRM-16162 drupal-notices when geocoding addresses
  • CRM-16163 Can't scroll through profiles launched via ajax pop up
  • CRM-16164 Unable to add more fields when reusing an export mapping
  • CRM-16165 Combining online membership signup with a recurring additional contribution results in incorrect recurring contribution amount and frequency
  • CRM-16166 published release not showing up for auto-download
  • CRM-16167 Temporary report tables cleared by one path of clearing caches but not another
  • CRM-16168 Chained call event-loc block returns an error if no loc block exists.
  • CRM-16169 Front end membership purchase ignores payment processor status id if the membership is recurring
  • CRM-16170 Recurring Contributions always displayed in default currency
  • CRM-16171 Slow to send messages
  • CRM-16172 No Help Linked for Monetary Formats
  • CRM-16173 System for simple, secure API connections
  • CRM-16174 Inappropriate session message from api calls when logged in
  • CRM-16175 net amount sometimes incorrect for events involving partial payments.
  • CRM-16176 Add multilingual option to relationship type label
  • CRM-16177 Event participant amount and contribution amount with non-default decimal separator is wrong
  • CRM-16178 Convert all contact forms to use AddField
  • CRM-16179 Notice: Trying to get property of non-object
  • CRM-16180 Activity report doesn't properly filter by assignee/target/source name
  • CRM-16181 Email reciepts for contributions being marked as sent but are not sending.
  • CRM-16182 Report add2Group function fatals when rollup is in use
  • CRM-16183 Report table template treats all dates as being 'date' - even if they are datetime
  • CRM-16184 Report layout breaks if custom filters are added without custom field selections
  • CRM-16185 Rename some relative date filters to accurately describe them
  • CRM-16186 Checkboxes not showing correct value in CaseType UI
  • CRM-16187 Create API for financial_trxn, entity_financial_trxn tables
  • CRM-16188 Create an order API
  • CRM-16189 Improve support for Accrual Method bookkeeping (IIDA-102)
  • CRM-16190 Events -> DashBoard -> Recent Registrations -> backend Event registration no longer show $amount
  • CRM-16191 Extensions can't be downloaded due to SSL cert change
  • CRM-16192 Line breaks in memo fields are not displayed
  • CRM-16193 Do not log civicrm_mailing_recipients table
  • CRM-16194 Invalid api params passed to query object
  • CRM-16195 Give users the ability to create relative date filters for reports and searches
  • CRM-16196 getLoginURL doesn't generate absolute URL paths in Drupal
  • CRM-16197 OnBehalf profile doesn't respect contact sub type
  • CRM-16198 Financial Type search fails when searching Contributions using Search builder
  • CRM-16199 Finding Contributions by Contact ID on page "Find Contributions"
  • CRM-16200 Add Contacts to Group from a Report fails for non-admin users
  • CRM-16201 Permission descriptions and translation
  • CRM-16202 In place editing does not work on description field
  • CRM-16204 Display payment processor description on event page config
  • CRM-16205 propagates settings inappropriately
  • CRM-16206 Revised Upgrade Success Message
  • CRM-16207 Member is not of type Integer
  • CRM-16208 Clarify repeating event search and fix fatal error
  • CRM-16209 enotice Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in implode() (line 113 of /CRM/Event/BAO/Participant.php). =>
  • CRM-16210 Uploading a file to an activity with multiple custom file fields removes the existing attached files
  • CRM-16211 'Activity Subject' not filled in when creating PDF letters from template
  • CRM-16212 mailing labels throws a bad sql error
  • CRM-16213 Add 'civicrm location display options' to Address Name field in Views
  • CRM-16214 Set default value on option_value form
  • CRM-16215 Setting 'payment completed' for pay-later membership gives wrong start date
  • CRM-16216 Error on submitting New Individual form using "Use another contact's address" option
  • CRM-16217 Schema for Drupal CiviCRM Member and Group Roles Sync mismatch
  • CRM-16218 Civix fails to create session when adding API function
  • CRM-16219 In PDF letter templates - activity subject line not loaded
  • CRM-16220 Allow non-admin users to create tags via api
  • CRM-16221 Money values entered with currency symbol should be considered valid
  • CRM-16222 Forms with "Other amount" field should display a currency symbol with the field
  • CRM-16223 Address pointed to by loc_block changed (by system)
  • CRM-16224 Need a way to alter the payment processor credentials via hook
  • CRM-16225 Ensure contactID is in the parameters passed to the payment processor
  • CRM-16226 protected method being called
  • CRM-16227 Relative date filter "Last Month" needs to be fixed
  • CRM-16228 Tax Math is not correct due to premature rounding
  • CRM-16229 Cannot add participants to event from search
  • CRM-16230 Extensions providing permissions will choke
  • CRM-16231 Download reports in valid certificate
  • CRM-16232 blank page when trying to create smart group in French
  • CRM-16233 No default set for advanced search operator
  • CRM-16234 User Creation via profile fails with DB Error
  • CRM-16235 URLs in WordPress based upon unrelated post/page
  • CRM-16236 Survey api should include petition activity type
  • CRM-16237 CiviMail: 4.6.0 ignores "mandatory tokens" in message footers
  • CRM-16238 CiviMail: Reuse past mailings
  • CRM-16239 Issue with money format on backend membership form
  • CRM-16240 CiviMail Required tokens verification is not working.
  • CRM-16241 Activity details truncated in activity report
  • CRM-16242 Error when merging duplicate contacts.
  • CRM-16243 Dependency management for extensions
  • CRM-16244 Email participants: undefined index error
  • CRM-16245 Display payment processor description when selecting in backoffice config
  • CRM-16246 CiviMail: ckeditor breaks when using Drupal aggregation
  • CRM-16247 Incoming payments can be lost when report 'ties up' activity contact table
  • CRM-16248 Translations not escaped -> JS error
  • CRM-16249 CiviMail change Mailing Sender Bug, after change always same sender address
  • CRM-16250 Tax Invoice CIVIevent Registration Not working for Multiple Registration
  • CRM-16251 CiviMail preview with smart groups produces premature mailings
  • CRM-16252 Remove references to unused javascript function in Configure Event : Online Registration form
  • CRM-16253 No method provided to upload images in CiviMail
  • CRM-16254 Cannot create a custom Search
  • CRM-16255 Regression of CRM-15593 Prevent contributions being imported when nominated contact is_deleted
  • CRM-16256 Skip empty custom fields during de-dupe
  • CRM-16257 "Sorry an error occurred and your information was not saved" if email contains an image or a table
  • CRM-16258 CiviCRM 4.6.0 membership list multiple member entries based on number of contributions.
  • CRM-16259 Create Payment API
  • CRM-16260 Don't use ts() in smarty templates
  • CRM-16261 'Table Capture' Chrome browser extension incompatible with version of Civi used by
  • CRM-16262 Event Registration does not Show Korean Font/PDF Formatting
  • CRM-16263 API Explorer for Participant Create allows multiple events, API itself does not
  • CRM-16264 Descriptions not displayed in Profile
  • CRM-16265 Installing civicrm via drush civicrm-install broken
  • CRM-16266 Can't install extensions in /vendor/civicrm when using Drupal + path prefix language negotiation
  • CRM-16267 Copy row one to all rows not working for dates
  • CRM-16268 Line Item BAO passes array rather than object to POST Hook
  • CRM-16269 Need view invoice permissions
  • CRM-16270 Include a link to profile 'Edit' mode
  • CRM-16271 Custom fields unformatted on Event Name Badges
  • CRM-16272 Allow changes to recurring contribution parameters in future installments
  • CRM-16274 Change the permission required for 'Add Contacts to Group' in reports to be consistent with other workflows
  • CRM-16275 Repeating events checkbox gets unset while searching
  • CRM-16276 "Daily" jobs run by cron slip forward each day, until eventually missed
  • CRM-16277 "DB Error: unknown error" in CiviMail upon adding recipient group
  • CRM-16278 Exposing Financial Type in Pledge Report and Pledge Summary Report templates
  • CRM-16279 UK Counties List is Out of Date
  • CRM-16280 Fatal error on upgrade to 4.6.0
  • CRM-16281 CiviMail Mailing Job sent several times
  • CRM-16282 SQL error when updating relationship
  • CRM-16283 Updating relationship gives sometimes wrong duplicate relationship result
  • CRM-16284 Profile phone type issues
  • CRM-16285 recurring_interval not checked in Backoffice form "New CreditCard Payment"
  • CRM-16286 Error on Search Builder using IN operator on strings
  • CRM-16287 Fatal error when trying to create a new contact record
  • CRM-16288 Rebuild Smart Cache Group fails
  • CRM-16289 Remove special characters from log_civicrm_case.case_type_id data during upgrade
  • CRM-16290 Editing relationship through form failing
  • CRM-16291 PHP Notice: Undefined offset
  • CRM-16292 Joomla bootstrap authentication not successful for rest api
  • CRM-16293 trace back when submitting membership payment and no "pending" membership status is set
  • CRM-16294 Openstreetmaps requires to switch off browser check for active content
  • CRM-16295 System flush enables jobs disabled through scheduled jobs
  • CRM-16296 Enable Multiselect option in "Find Contribution" for Financial Type & Contribution page element
  • CRM-16297 Minor: correct comment for _custom hook
  • CRM-16298 activity get API changed (broken in 4.4.x upgrade?), no longer able to limit request to one contact id
  • CRM-16299 CiviMail can't create a new bulk mail (page is empty)
  • CRM-16300 Inherited membership is deleted when relationship is updated
  • CRM-16301 'The Contact Sub Type does not match the Contact type for this record' when saving a new contact
  • CRM-16302 Free memberships are broken
  • CRM-16303 ACLs cannot restrict editing custom data
  • CRM-16304 Incorrect FinancialTrxn dates for Backoffice Event Registration
  • CRM-16305 MultiSelect Field Fails to Populate Current Values in Behalf of Organization Profiles
  • CRM-16306 Memberships shared by non-employee relationship are not properly disabled when relationship is disabled
  • CRM-16307 A/B test menu items don't appear on upgrade to 4.6
  • CRM-16308 Help menu should link to Stack Exchange
  • CRM-16309 Delete photo link from a profile on a drupal user page takes browser to invalid link
  • CRM-16310 implement pagination on custom field option list page
  • CRM-16311 Duplicate View of Contributions
  • CRM-16312 Allow inclusion of pending contributions for contribution widget
  • CRM-16313 Email validation is too restrictive (rejects IDN addresses)
  • CRM-16314 Security warnings are showing to unlogged in front end users in joomla
  • CRM-16315 Campaign Menu Items Automatically Enables without civiCampaign Module enabled.
  • CRM-16316 Event Participant link returns error. Contact Link from search.
  • CRM-16317 Receive date is missing when contribution with pay later
  • CRM-16318 'Because your session timed out, we have reset the search page.' issued when visiting a search page
  • CRM-16319 CiviEvent Registration Invoice Fatal Error
  • CRM-16320 Multiple Registration Confirmation Email does not shows individual sums
  • CRM-16321 CiviCRM log rotation overwrites existing file if log reaches 256M within a day
  • CRM-16322 Notice error on training demo
  • CRM-16323 Show count and position of repeating entities
  • CRM-16324 Scheduled jobs won't accept zero-valued parameters
  • CRM-16325 Contribution Summary Notice error when all group bys removed
  • CRM-16326 GDPR - Enable disabling report export buttons
  • CRM-16327 GroupContact/delete call failed: "edit groups" permission required
  • CRM-16328 Add classes to differentiate 'pre' and 'post' help text
  • CRM-16329 SMS appears in the search results action menu
  • CRM-16330 Edit Contribution form validation on total amount is incorrect when tax is included
  • CRM-16331 Contribution pages that have been converted from membership block to price set can result in fatal error
  • CRM-16332 Select2 gives error when no results in autocomplete multiselect
  • CRM-16333 Can't search for participants without selecting an event.
  • CRM-16334 Error while upgrading directly from 4.4 to 4.6
  • CRM-16335 Pledge Summary Report shows incorrect date for Overdue payments
  • CRM-16336 API Pledge Get does not return correct pledge_next_pay_amount for overdue pledges
  • CRM-16337 Add pledge_start_date to Pledge Get API response
  • CRM-16338 Incorrect Contribution Summary Report when a contributions has multiple soft credits
  • CRM-16339 Allow email addresses in profiles on contribution pages
  • CRM-16340 Re-use mailing redirects to dashboard
  • CRM-16341 Fixes for civicrm_group_roles manual sync (and more)
  • CRM-16342 Backend edit of date-based discount price set contribution
  • CRM-16343 Document A/B testing for CiviMail
  • CRM-16344 Document repeating meeting (activities)
  • CRM-16345 Document repeating events
  • CRM-16346 Document invoices
  • CRM-16347 Document sales tax
  • CRM-16348 Document scheduled jobs for membership renewals
  • CRM-16349 Document new CiviMail interface.
  • CRM-16350 PCP notifications
  • CRM-16351 Include Pledge Payment in Batch Entry documentation
  • CRM-16352 CiviMail in multilingual sites: allow to define the language of the mailing, for tokens
  • CRM-16353 Upgrade datatables integration to use v2 api
  • CRM-16354 Pluggable wysiwyg editor interface
  • CRM-16355 Reminders in multilingual sites: allow to define the language of the sending
  • CRM-16356 Settings group_name cannot be specified in api.setting.create.
  • CRM-16357 Add testability to backoffice contribution form through phpunit
  • CRM-16358 Trivial string fixes for 4.6
  • CRM-16359 Report list/template title/description translation
  • CRM-16360 Activity type with & in title can't be added to case timeline
  • CRM-16361 Edits to records on multiple record set custom fields do not save
  • CRM-16362 Token storage and card on file support
  • CRM-16363 Display i18n downloads if browser language not English
  • CRM-16364 Add ability to use payment tokens from front-end forms
  • CRM-16365 Allow back office users to utilise card on file tokens
  • CRM-16366 Add token expiry date to advanced search
  • CRM-16367 Create civicrm_payment_token table and api & add token_id field to recurring table
  • CRM-16368 Add phpunit testability to backoffice submit membership credit card form
  • CRM-16369 Add token expiry date as a trigger for scheduled reminders
  • CRM-16370 Serve the 80% on Get Started Page
  • CRM-16371 New site downloads feedback
  • CRM-16372 Post-download page
  • CRM-16373 Setting improvements
  • CRM-16374 Review Introduction to events
  • CRM-16375 Review Event Planning
  • CRM-16376 Review Custom data on events
  • CRM-16377 Review Creating and event
  • CRM-16378 Review Online Event Registration
  • CRM-16379 Review Manual event registration
  • CRM-16380 Review Manual event registration
  • CRM-16381 Review Administrative tasks
  • CRM-16382 Review Complex event fees
  • CRM-16383 Review Event templates
  • CRM-16384 Review Event reports
  • CRM-16385 Pledge payment batch entry reserved profiles seems to be missing
  • CRM-16386 Backend event registration payment recorded time is 12:00 AM by default
  • CRM-16387 problem creating job locks when triggering mailings
  • CRM-16388 Add multilingual support to localization settings
  • CRM-16389 html snippet references to scripts and css files does not reference CIVICRM_UF_BASEURL
  • CRM-16390 During batch entry ALL outstanding pledge payments are displayed
  • CRM-16391 Rename 'Type' to 'Financial Type' in Contribution and Pledge batch entry profiles
  • CRM-16392 Rename 'type' to "Membership type" on membership batch entry profile
  • CRM-16393 Contribution API does not filter on contact_id
  • CRM-16394 Find Participant errors when Event not specified.
  • CRM-16395 Installation with localized default settings
  • CRM-16396 Show new report UI
  • CRM-16397 Alter contribute.repeattransaction api to take amount and campaign_id as a parameter
  • CRM-16398 Block editing of recurring contribution total when more than one line item exists
  • CRM-16399 In backoffice forms for membership and contribution save receipt_text to the database so that IPN calls can use it
  • CRM-16400 Add payment processor method to add a js script to a page
  • CRM-16401 Allow admin to set which day is the first day of the week.
  • CRM-16402 Implement new factory class for instantiating a payment object throughout core
  • CRM-16403 System.check API call doesn't work over GET request
  • CRM-16404 CiviCRM Navbar not Translating via CiviCRM Language Switcher
  • CRM-16405 Missing "domain" fields in api Setting
  • CRM-16406 Ship auto-install and enable iATS extension with CiviCRM
  • CRM-16407 Report title entered on Title and Format tab is ignored by Create Report action
  • CRM-16408 Installer rewrite
  • CRM-16409 Scheduled reminders set to run more than once per day will send out repeatedly
  • CRM-16410 please clarify copyright and license of
  • CRM-16411 CiviMail: Clarify Illegal characters warning
  • CRM-16412 Civi Mail Editor Token is not pasted in Link
  • CRM-16413 Enable syncing of certain data between WordPress users and CiviCRM contacts
  • CRM-16414 Civicrm Referencing API 2 causing errors in drupal
  • CRM-16415 Implement Font Awesome icon font
  • CRM-16416 Joomla 3.4.1 / K2 2.6.9 breaks Mailings > New Mailing.
  • CRM-16417 Update back office failed credit card payments to Failed rather than deleting them
  • CRM-16418 Localization of settings metadata
  • CRM-16419 Config object to fetch settings
  • CRM-16420 Migration script
  • CRM-16421 Work to get CiviCRM for WordPress in WordPress' official Repository
  • CRM-16422 Allow url civicrm/payment/ipn/xx to work where xx is the payment processor id
  • CRM-16423 Remove textarearesizer.js
  • CRM-16424 please clarify license (AFL-3.0)
  • CRM-16425 files without CiviCRM Licensing Exception in header
  • CRM-16426 minified javascript in source
  • CRM-16427 Advanced logging: ignore changes to civicrm_group refresh_date field
  • CRM-16428 upgrade Smarty 2 → 3
  • CRM-16429 please drop Open Flash Chart
  • CRM-16430 Add On hold field for postal addresses
  • CRM-16431 Fix DAO failure to save to timestamp fields
  • CRM-16432 Multilingual: when a new language is added, translate the option values
  • CRM-16433 "User and User Admin Only" groups should NOT be included in Contribution Receipt Profile Field Group(s) output
  • CRM-16434 Private groups shown in Contribution Receipt
  • CRM-16435 missing licenses
  • CRM-16436 Error message on editing through a pop window
  • CRM-16437 Participant export retains all fee levels after change
  • CRM-16438 participantListCount report filter by event_start_date fails
  • CRM-16439 URL tokens on multi-site don't properly cache base URL
  • CRM-16440 Incorrect date used for civicrm_financial_trxn?
  • CRM-16441 Can't re-assign a case to another contact
  • CRM-16442 Cannot create a fixed annual membership type with no rollover date
  • CRM-16443 best practice: please check PHP code with PHPMD
  • CRM-16444 Add CKEditor Toolbar Configurator
  • CRM-16445 Adding images to a mailing and images won't save
  • CRM-16447 Fix spelling of state "Nothern Ostrobothnia" in upgrade script
  • CRM-16448 Improvements to CiviMail
  • CRM-16449 Reconsider use of singletons / incompatibility with newer PEAR
  • CRM-16450 Add custom group help text & a region to Custom Data tab on contact summary
  • CRM-16451 Layout issues when recording back-office priceset contributions
  • CRM-16452 Missing administrative divisions for Georgia (country)
  • CRM-16453 Add financial item crud api
  • CRM-16454 Allow backoffice Contributions via off-site processors - ie. ones that redirect
  • CRM-16455 Group selection (Include Group(s) field) is not saved on Campaign Edit screen
  • CRM-16456 Event price showing negative amount for expire priceset while going to change price label from admin panel
  • CRM-16457 Link to internationalistion page not working
  • CRM-16458 Sending an email to 'x' contacts, and cc'ing one contact results in the cc receiving x number of emails
  • CRM-16459 Display report template origin
  • CRM-16460 PayPal Standard needs two digits of cents
  • CRM-16461 Fatal error on case views on upgrade
  • CRM-16462 State Province not copying to billing block
  • CRM-16463 Mailing Summary Report statistics inconsistency
  • CRM-16464 Format returned by API for multi-select custom field different for Contact vs. Relationship
  • CRM-16465 "dedupe by email" not working when sending mailings
  • CRM-16466 When price sets are used for recurring memberships recurring contribution amount may be set to $0.00
  • CRM-16467 Usability Improvement: Altering the order and name of items in the Advanced search action menus
  • CRM-16468 Reusing mailings prior to upgrade causes mails to be sent on conducting test
  • CRM-16469 Warning messages when upgrade to 4.6.2 on wordpress
  • CRM-16470 {contact.organization_name} token is not listed in dropdown of tokens
  • CRM-16471 Allow all textfield-sizes in schema, remove predefined length.
  • CRM-16472 Editing Contribution batch takes ages and can cause a PHP timeout
  • CRM-16473 empty display en sort_name_format get's filled in with default values
  • CRM-16474 File upload lost if there is a form validation error
  • CRM-16475 Prevent user from adding more than one Primary phone field to a profile
  • CRM-16476 Search Builder: Contact created_date and modified_date filters not working
  • CRM-16477 Event Summary report instances break on upgrade due to changed event ID storage format
  • CRM-16478 Remove custom fatal error template path option
  • CRM-16479 Support image styles for contact image in Drupal Views
  • CRM-16480 Contribution batch entry validation errors
  • CRM-16481 Cart functionality - implement discounting, priceset defaults, add to line_item
  • CRM-16482 Code simplification - remove unused params from signatures
  • CRM-16483 Fix search builder to accept all operators with contact groups
  • CRM-16484 Event registration, "Same email address" checked, is ignored for admin-created registrations
  • CRM-16485 Minor problem with text parameters when deleting a Case
  • CRM-16486 Add created_id on the financial_trxn table
  • CRM-16487 Recipients list should be alphabetical
  • CRM-16488 Search Builder: Qill display operator is missing when searching by Contact Type
  • CRM-16489 FIXED: Pledge api does not filter on contact_id
  • CRM-16490 load org for permissioned relationships other than current employer
  • CRM-16491 Create a job to regenerate display and sort names
  • CRM-16492 "New smart group" process is not accurately portrayed and is very misleading.
  • CRM-16493 default data doesn't show properly in bookkeeping report
  • CRM-16494 Add extra info and hooks for CSV batch export
  • CRM-16495 Metatag canonicals are broken, q is multiplied
  • CRM-16496 ACLs not respected when viewing custom data set on an activity when activity is viewed from Manage Case screen
  • CRM-16497 Reports with more than one "Display Options" checkbox don't render correctly
  • CRM-16498 Event permissions not available with only CiviEvent: access CiviEvent permission
  • CRM-16499 AngularJS issues with Drupal 7 + IIS 8
  • CRM-16500 Add more common options to scheduled job frequency
  • CRM-16501 Warnings when there are no tags
  • CRM-16502 Geocoder scheduled job incorrect API parameters
  • CRM-16503 CiviCase Detail Report: Filter by Case Type finds no results
  • CRM-16504 Recurring contribution option does not show on membership renewal form
  • CRM-16505 Other Amount in simple priceset reverts back to English in multi-lingual
  • CRM-16506 Fix and improve mailing stats
  • CRM-16508 "Could not find a valid session key." seems to have regressed.
  • CRM-16509 Message templates not loading
  • CRM-16510 Message templates not loading
  • CRM-16511 Missing closing tag causes nested crm-section divs in pricesets with checkboxes or radio buttons
  • CRM-16512 Contact Dashboard: 403 and dataTables warning if user doesn't have 'view all contacts'
  • CRM-16513 Drupal form alteration cache issue
  • CRM-16514 Scheduled reminder for event sends email repeatedly
  • CRM-16515 Overriding CRM_Utils_Array results in PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class CRM_Utils_Array
  • CRM-16516 Googlebot & Could not find valid value for id
  • CRM-16517 OpenId is not an APi-entity
  • CRM-16518 Report and Contact "Sub-Menu" Headings Not Included in Translations
  • CRM-16519 profile search: unable to deselect multi-select field
  • CRM-16520 Broken test
  • CRM-16521 Print Name Badge hangs
  • CRM-16522 APi chaining line_item off contribution post 4.5 inappropriately sets contribution_id as entity_id
  • CRM-16523 CRM_Core_Payment_BaseIPN not calling create Contribution hook after completing a transaction
  • CRM-16524 Batch Entry form Validation failed, even total_amount reach the expected total_amount
  • CRM-16525 Add the possibility to enable/disable membership status for certain membership types
  • CRM-16526 ACLs for Financial Types
  • CRM-16527 Hide credit card fields in membership contribution form.
  • CRM-16528 hook_civicrm_contact_get_displayname does not work. Missing an "&" in alterDisplayName inhooks.php
  • CRM-16529 Repetitive error message
  • CRM-16530 Replace reference to billing mode for a supportsMultipleConcurrentPayments capability
  • CRM-16531 Improve usability and validation for website URL fields
  • CRM-16532 Remove 'In line ' . __LINE__ message parameter from assert-test
  • CRM-16533 clean up api syntax conformance tests
  • CRM-16534 Contribution Export Places Campaign IDs in Campaign Title Column, Nothing in Campaign ID Column
  • CRM-16535 Cannot record contributions in a data entry batch of type pledge payment
  • CRM-16536 template settings overrides in civicrm.php
  • CRM-16537 CiviGroup Role Sync module referencing api/v2 causing error
  • CRM-16538 Send email to contacts: option to send a single email to all recipients
  • CRM-16539 Undeleting a contact doesn't restore Drupal account linkage
  • CRM-16540 undefined variable $country_field in
  • CRM-16541 drush civicrm-sql-dump fails to dump stored function
  • CRM-16542 PayPal Express woes on 4.6
  • CRM-16543 Status of Partially paid event contributions can't be changed to cancelled or refunded even if the payments on the event have been cancelled or refunded
  • CRM-16544 CiviMail automatically attaches CiviGrant files to Mailing
  • CRM-16545 Store message receipt informaition
  • CRM-16546 Add navigation warning to event registration pages
  • CRM-16547 Manage Group Page unavailable with DB Error
  • CRM-16548 Batch Data Entry screens do not require payment instrument
  • CRM-16549 Cannot embed {mailing.viewUrl}
  • CRM-16550 PDF letters action for event participants
  • CRM-16551 Notice on demo site re custom fields
  • CRM-16552 MapAPIKey required for single contact "Map", not for batch "Map Contacts"
  • CRM-16553 Cleanup and simplify token generation and replacement
  • CRM-16554 Cannot Use or Delete Smart Groups Created by Contribution Aggregate Search
  • CRM-16555 Make Payment form credit / debit card changing available to backoffice
  • CRM-16556 The function CRM_Core_Invoke::rebuildMenuAndCaches should also flush the memory caches
  • CRM-16557 Assigned activities do not show up on Contact Dashboard
  • CRM-16558 Broken link for updateSubscriptionUrl
  • CRM-16559 Make it possible to put recurring payments against pledges
  • CRM-16560 Weird behaviour when civicrm.sql.gz in document root
  • CRM-16561 Invoices are not translated
  • CRM-16562 Recurring recurring plan stuck in "pending"
  • CRM-16563 Recurring event system sometimes suggests incorrect dates
  • CRM-16564 Issue with HTTPS redirect in WordPress
  • CRM-16565 When signing up multiple participants, the second contact's selections appear on the first contact's participant record
  • CRM-16566 Upgrade to support recommended IPN path
  • CRM-16567 Zero Amount Contribution returns an error message
  • CRM-16568 Repeating Events: excluding dates doesn't stop the event from being created
  • CRM-16569 Adding activity report contacts to group causes backtrace
  • CRM-16570 Some menu customization is impossible
  • CRM-16571 undefined indexes when deleting a contribution
  • CRM-16572 CiviMail sending to primary instead of bulk email account for smart groups
  • CRM-16573 Back office supress cvn not respected in 4.6
  • CRM-16574 'Group by' function limits Summary report functionality
  • CRM-16575 Searching/reporting on similar values in multi select fields breaks
  • CRM-16576 Cannot disable permissions in Relationships
  • CRM-16577 UpdateConfigBackend doesn't clear the "memory" caches
  • CRM-16578 Call clearModuleList() after clearing cache in CRM_Core_Invoke::rebuildMenuAndCaches
  • CRM-16579 Add event tokens to participant mailing
  • CRM-16580 cid=0 merges contacts if email is the same
  • CRM-16581 API and checking if a custom field is empty is ignored
  • CRM-16582 Add percentages for open rate/click-throughs to mailing report
  • CRM-16583 Add hook for custom fields before the database write
  • CRM-16584 Bounce management with Mandrill SMTP
  • CRM-16585 Add print button to dialogs
  • CRM-16586 Creating Case from API doesn't work
  • CRM-16587 Action menu is not available on selected records on a Custom search
  • CRM-16588 Changes to contacts not saving when "Use another contact's address" is checked
  • CRM-16589 New mailing returns "initializing" and then blank page
  • CRM-16590 Can't download extensions via the UI
  • CRM-16591 search builder: premium fulfilled date errors
  • CRM-16592 For the fee label filter on the participant listing report, show the price field label in addition to the event title and the price field value label
  • CRM-16593 Groups > Contacts results with ACL is using AND, it should use OR
  • CRM-16594 Custom Data Fields when used in 'confirmation workflow on events' do not populate with original field data
  • CRM-16595 Change API to support fields that are CRM_Utils_Type::T_DATE + CRM_Utils_Type::T_TIME
  • CRM-16596 PDF activity not automatically assigned to case
  • CRM-16597 Current naming of pledge reports is very confusing and needs to be changed.
  • CRM-16598 Replace old report image in SMS chapter
  • CRM-16599 Add event tokens to participant pdf creation
  • CRM-16600 Review unsubscribe group list in CiviMail
  • CRM-16601 Image deletion for contact : Improperly escaped strings break js in somes languages
  • CRM-16602 Stack of smart groups within smart groups within Parent groups
  • CRM-16603 Update CiviDiscount
  • CRM-16604 drush and www-data conficts on templates_c permission
  • CRM-16605 Remove 'named processor limit' on supporting different types of membership recur
  • CRM-16607 Contribution reciept email does not respect mobile phone number
  • CRM-16608 Confusing Terminology - CiviMail Report: Tracked Opens vs. Open Rate
  • CRM-16609 Strict warning variables should be passed by reference in civicrm/CRM/Mailing/MailStore.php
  • CRM-16610 Feature Request: One Click Upgrades
  • CRM-16611 Fatal error on batch processing membership when Payment status = Pending
  • CRM-16612 Remove old auction code from tools folder
  • CRM-16613 Update Recur.php - add AND email is_primary = 1
  • CRM-16614 Email Invoice: 500 Error in AJAX response
  • CRM-16615 Can't access event location tab
  • CRM-16616 civimail delivers to only a single recipient
  • CRM-16617 Ensure MySQL dbname is safe in installer code
  • CRM-16618 Ensure CiviCRM is always using dynamically generated server paths
  • CRM-16619 Add CLASS support for IIF Export of accounting batches
  • CRM-16620 Removed hardcoded Payment Processor dummy password
  • CRM-16622 Troubleshooting information page
  • CRM-16623 Projected Income Report
  • CRM-16624 Mark 'Number of participants' as required; remove unused reqMark
  • CRM-16625 Import Contacts birth_date broken for dd/mm/yyyy
  • CRM-16626 Adjustments to UK civicrm_state_province's counties
  • CRM-16627 Make Invoice ID field searchable in Civi UI
  • CRM-16628 CiviMail sending two copies of message to each recipient
  • CRM-16629 rethink size for form text fields
  • CRM-16630 membership of other then default organisation
  • CRM-16631 Case Types Screen Lacks Pager
  • CRM-16632 Cannot save contributions with certain fee amounts
  • CRM-16633 Case Subject not Editable
  • CRM-16634 CiviMail tokens inside quotation marks are HTML-escaped
  • CRM-16635 PCP giving default should not be anonymous, let them choose
  • CRM-16636 duplicate primary addresses causes error in report
  • CRM-16637 "View Only" custom field can be added to profile forms
  • CRM-16638 DB Error - Constraint Violation
  • CRM-16639 SSL Certificate Validation Option Fails for GoDaddy Extended Validation SSL Cert
  • CRM-16640 Activity Report breaks when including contact e-mails
  • CRM-16641 Allow reporting on premium fulfillment
  • CRM-16642 Smart groups never refreshed by scheduled jobs
  • CRM-16643 Deprecate & remove setvalue api
  • CRM-16644 New APIs for CaseActivity entities
  • CRM-16645 PCP Credit Dropdown Hard-coded to 10 results, no 'load more'
  • CRM-16646 Protection against multiple submits on contributions page
  • CRM-16647 Partially Paid Contributions in Accounting Batches - Need Additional Filter/Column for Differentiation
  • CRM-16648 Notice: Undefined index: label/description in CRM_Core_OptionGroup
  • CRM-16649 Include image to show when how to edit parsed addressed
  • CRM-16650 Allow hooks to modify available shortcodes
  • CRM-16651 Can Contact Dashboard be modified so as not to show past events?
  • CRM-16652 Undefined index formatting_*
  • CRM-16653 Database error when searching for certain relationship types
  • CRM-16654 notice error on CiviReport breadcrumb click
  • CRM-16655 Add infomation on mailing tab to Organising your data - Contacts section
  • CRM-16656 [only confirmed for 4.6] Total tax amount on invoice PDF should not depend on calculation producing incorrect results.
  • CRM-16657 Include screen shoot of soft credit filters
  • CRM-16658 Fix end of sales tax and Vat chapter
  • CRM-16659 Unable to edit custom field multiple choice options
  • CRM-16660 In gitbook section/chapter on is contained within advanced configuration
  • CRM-16661 Custom PDF page format margin bug
  • CRM-16662 Add SE site to The CiviCRM Community
  • CRM-16663 Contributing to this manual section needs editing
  • CRM-16664 Activity type machine names displayed instead of labels in case type editor
  • CRM-16665 Add followup activity to "Send Email" form
  • CRM-16666 Custom participant statuses do not print in email confirmation
  • CRM-16667 Cart checkout - profile fields are not prefilled with logged in user's contact data
  • CRM-16668 Cannot check out using cart when selecting pay later
  • CRM-16669 Non-deductible amount incorrectly set the to the full amount of contribution for deductible financial types
  • CRM-16670 Can't disable item in Edit Price Set form
  • CRM-16671 Do we need to remove CiviEngage from user and admin book?
  • CRM-16672 CRM/Core/BAO/Cache->cleanup() breaks registrations / contributions
  • CRM-16673 Include information on CiviMail Component settings
  • CRM-16675 Remove unused code
  • CRM-16676 Replace distribution custom data form with real form
  • CRM-16678 Mail Accounts form fails to submit data
  • CRM-16679 Duplicate pending memberships being created
  • CRM-16680 When completing online membership payments the amount is incorrectly overwritten
  • CRM-16681 Contacts with is_deceased set to null should be included in bulk e-mail lists
  • CRM-16682 Add price-set region and allow templates & html to be prepended
  • CRM-16683 Failure in Relationship Search: deleted
  • CRM-16684 Undefined notice on Event create participant pdf
  • CRM-16685 civi presents error when event is not present or inactive
  • CRM-16686 Print pdf letter action white screen
  • CRM-16687 PdfFormat is not an API-entity
  • CRM-16688 Unable to upload contacts with Cyrillic font
  • CRM-16689 Autocomplete Search Results do not present all cases when filing activities using File on Case
  • CRM-16690 Add Relationship - Contact(s) field unresponsive
  • CRM-16691 Move "CVV required for backoffice" setting from Resource URL form to CiviContribute Component Settings form
  • CRM-16692 Can not edit a contribution - similar to CRM-14881
  • CRM-16693 Exporting related contact's information on a contact that is a subtype
  • CRM-16694 Change selections of Price Set fails with ' in label name
  • CRM-16695 drush civicrm-sql-query does not accept piped query
  • CRM-16697 SOAP requests for bounces, unsubscribes etc result in "Invalid Key" error on Joomla
  • CRM-16698 Recurring contribution from Express checkout creates duplicate contribution record on first transaction
  • CRM-16699 Activity api won't retrieve custom data for subtype (even when it's the right subtype)
  • CRM-16700 Notice pdfformat when creating pdf letters
  • CRM-16701 Create API for saved searches
  • CRM-16702 Add case tags to views
  • CRM-16703 Email2Activity: Record pristine email content
  • CRM-16704 Contribution Recur ID not stored against membership when renewing
  • CRM-16705 Cannot add pdf format to MessageTemplate through API
  • CRM-16706 Merge CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing commonLetterCompose() and commonCompose() functions
  • CRM-16707 Make token usage the responsibality of the form
  • CRM-16708 Link from Event Info page "Configure" menu to Schedule Reminders is incorrect
  • CRM-16709 Rest API + getoptions
  • CRM-16710 Support for line-items in views integration
  • CRM-16711 Security breach of data: contact details accessible via relationships
  • CRM-16712 Contribution and Activity Search and Reporting Improvements
  • CRM-16713 Find Contributions: Search by Premium
  • CRM-16714 Find Contributions: Include 'Median Amount' and 'Mode Amount' for search results
  • CRM-16715 Contribution Summary Report: add mode and median statistics; group by fiscal year
  • CRM-16716 Recurring Contributions report improvements
  • CRM-16717 Updating the length of a custom field does not result in the log table field length being updated
  • CRM-16718 Update Recurring Contribution: Indicate direction of amount change in activity subject
  • CRM-16719 Activity Summary Report improvements
  • CRM-16720 Activity Details report: add source, target and assignee phone number columns
  • CRM-16721 Pre hook doesn't always have the objectId parameter set
  • CRM-16722 {contact.display_name} token fails in Offline Event Registration mail (message Subject only)
  • CRM-16723 Changing "Used for" in Custom Field set should reset conditional fields to expected values.
  • CRM-16724 Automatic deupe exceptions based on fields
  • CRM-16725 PDF letters preview functionality
  • CRM-16726 FIle-backed custom data schema
  • CRM-16727 Umbrella issue for a variety of improvements and bug fixes for Search Builder
  • CRM-16728 event registration fails (cannot find ID) on forms embedded in https pages
  • CRM-16729 IHM : Wrong email on receipt help text when new membership is paid by a different contact
  • CRM-16730 Request for additional CMS users in demo
  • CRM-16731 Please confirm version of the AGPL license
  • CRM-16732 Relationship does not work if more than 1 contact subtype is selected
  • CRM-16733 Find Participants - Send Email to Contacts: If a contact has multiple selected registrations (different events), send email for each registration
  • CRM-16734 Add participant tokens to participant pdf action
  • CRM-16735 PCP notification email should not be sent when contribution record is updated UNLESS a new PCP soft credit is added
  • CRM-16736 Possible NULL/'null' error in SavedSearch BAO
  • CRM-16737 Payment Gateways that have processed a payment to use payment_status_id = 1
  • CRM-16738 Make CiviCRM's gender data collection more inclusive
  • CRM-16739 CiviReport Change: $this->_options array partially ignored
  • CRM-16740 No possibility to select "no premium image"
  • CRM-16741 Invalid relationship is shown when selecting "relationship type"
  • CRM-16742 dashlet error on dmaster
  • CRM-16743 Add user.get api (with user.create to follow at 'some point')
  • CRM-16744 Popup Contribution page shows cancellation information even though the status is selected "Complete"
  • CRM-16745 Payment Instrument/Payment Method should offer a multi-select option when searching for Contrbutions
  • CRM-16746 Improvements to the findability of events
  • CRM-16747 Contact Reference fields do not work in profiles present on "On Behalf Of" Contribution pages.
  • CRM-16748 Create civicrm_entity_financial_trxn records for partial payments
  • CRM-16749 Translations Don't Match for Menu and Page Heading
  • CRM-16750 Modify field selection when creating an export field mapping to mirror the approach used when adding fields to profiles
  • CRM-16751 Find Participants by Event Type requires Administer CiviCRM permission
  • CRM-16752 Mispell in Province for Philippines - Bataan
  • CRM-16753 Shopping cart with off-site processor
  • CRM-16754 Improve 'Registered By' column on participant reports
  • CRM-16755 Case Summary Report - Invalid number of entries
  • CRM-16756 CiviConnect: Allow apps to define a "Settings" link
  • CRM-16757 CiviConnect: Publish and consume a certificate revocation list
  • CRM-16758 CiviConnect: Implement enable/disable buttons
  • CRM-16759 CiviConnect: Detect changes in app metadata and prompt for approval
  • CRM-16760 CiviConnect: Allow unlisted services without disabling security
  • CRM-16761 Self service view, update and cancel for CiviEvent
  • CRM-16762 needs updating
  • CRM-16763 "Send an Email" WYSIWYG editor typing issues.
  • CRM-16764 'Find Respondents To Interview' and 'Find Respondents To Release' throws DB error
  • CRM-16765 Payment processors with invalid config being loaded on contribution & event pages
  • CRM-16766 gitify/ issues, especially on Wordpress
  • CRM-16767 Group subscriptions are reset after contribution/participant signup
  • CRM-16768 Invoice template function uses domain id instead of contact id to get address parts
  • CRM-16769 Create Mapping / MappingField API
  • CRM-16770 Event Contribution Invoice also sends to CC & BCC (privacy issue)
  • CRM-16771 Custom search header columns sort (custom sort) is not running
  • CRM-16772 Printed Case Report does not present the primary email address for the Case Manager in the Case Role Section
  • CRM-16773 SMS Provider Extensions not updated for 4.6
  • CRM-16774 js break on "Record Survey Responses" Page
  • CRM-16775 Implement more granular permissioning for event-related profiles and scheduled reminders
  • CRM-16776 Event-related profiles can be created & edited with either 'administer CiviCRM' OR 'manage event profiles' permission
  • CRM-16777 Allow users who can configure an event to also configure scheduled reminders for that event
  • CRM-16778 Minor text change on import
  • CRM-16779 Trackable URLs in CiviMail with Memcache might have unpredictably http or https
  • CRM-16780 Fatal Error on Relationship Edit page if Custom Data exists
  • CRM-16781 If a contact has already subscribed to a Newsletter Group, do not send out confirmations if the user again signs up to that Newsletter Group
  • CRM-16782 Fatal error on using IN/NOT IN operator on contribution and membership fields
  • CRM-16783 non-free file "packages/FirstData/lphp.php"
  • CRM-16784 Profiles in 'Edit' mode should not create contacts
  • CRM-16785 non-free file "packages/PHP/CodeCoverage/Report/HTML/Renderer/Template/highcharts.js"
  • CRM-16786 Update tcpdf package (to remove non-free file tcpdf/include/sRGB.icc)
  • CRM-16787 Profile field for Contact Sub-Type only shows Individual subtypes, not Organisation ones
  • CRM-16788 Recurring contribution option does not show on membership backoffice forms
  • CRM-16789 Event or contribution payment invoices are not being attached in confirmation emails, when the tax amount is 0 or evaluates to false.
  • CRM-16790 little clean-up please?
  • CRM-16791 PayJunction package: which license?
  • CRM-16792 Report: Contrib Summary when soft credit stats and filter applied
  • CRM-16793 In-place edit smart group includes "(smart group)" in title
  • CRM-16794 iCal in Outlook Meeting Not Found
  • CRM-16795 Popups obscured by wordpress admin bar
  • CRM-16796 Add ACL support for profile related api's
  • CRM-16797 Use HTTP response codes with REST API
  • CRM-16798 Make civicrm downloadable via drush
  • CRM-16799 Contribution api does not accept 'is_test' for retrieving test contributions
  • CRM-16800 4.7 regression: correct line items not created when doing back-office membership by credit card
  • CRM-16802 Webtest failure due to invalid payment processor config
  • CRM-16803 Recurring contribution record not created when doing recurring renewal backoffice
  • CRM-16804 Contribution updated via api wrongfully deletes PCP soft contribution
  • CRM-16805 Payment block hidden when first price set item has $0.00 price
  • CRM-16806 Secure against path manipulation in API Explorer
  • CRM-16807 CiviConnect: Deploy
  • CRM-16808 Genericise processor calls
  • CRM-16809 Payment express not always loading in 4.7 reworked payment form
  • CRM-16810 Maps don't work for events when using HTTPs
  • CRM-16811 Field type = formatting causes error on edit profile for events
  • CRM-16812 CiviCRM » Administer CiviCRM » Option Groups » <custom search> run yields no results
  • CRM-16813 Test failure on submit contribution page
  • CRM-16814 Scheduled Activity on a second case is deleted when the open date on the first case is changed
  • CRM-16815 when not logged in, a contribution should not allow contact name and address changes
  • CRM-16817 Contact Dashboard: Edit Contact Info link errors on save
  • CRM-16819 Improve on CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve()
  • CRM-16820 Improve error handling in DPS IPN
  • CRM-16822 adding tags to "inbound email" activities
  • CRM-16823 Contact Image does not display on contact summary screen when loaded via a profile
  • CRM-16824 Unrecognized date format in custom fields during import of contributions
  • CRM-16825 Quick search: does not respect the search results limit (regression)
  • CRM-16826 Adding a new address via profile deletes existing address
  • CRM-16827 When logging in during Event Registration, the redirect link is malformed
  • CRM-16828 Using IN/NOT IN operator in Search Builder throws fatal error 'IN is not of type Integer'
  • CRM-16829 Function move CRM_Member_BAO_Membership::postProcessMembership
  • CRM-16830 check Double opt in setting for people joining a group is documented
  • CRM-16831 CiviConnect: Publish anonymized site profiles
  • CRM-16832 Open redirect vulnerability in post-form display
  • CRM-16833 Tax applied to Membership contributions twice with Tax Invoice
  • CRM-16834 Contribution Fee Amount processed incorrectly
  • CRM-16835 Support changing contributions with partially paid status to completed.
  • CRM-16836 Basic Search form group select does not respect ACLs
  • CRM-16837 Print PDF-Letters: Enable Single PDF-Generation & Download
  • CRM-16838 Mailing Label Merge by Household loses sort
  • CRM-16839 Bad CiviCase translation strings / ts usage
  • CRM-16840 Participant Get API pulling 0 results at first, then complete set after second try
  • CRM-16841 Dummy processor can be used for 'live' transaction mode
  • CRM-16842 Add EntityBatch API
  • CRM-16843 CiviCRM failed to update to newer version
  • CRM-16844 Civi contact field for Drupal doesn't autocomplete if contact name has "@" in it
  • CRM-16845 API resets contribution's currency
  • CRM-16846 Upgrade SQL files don't always get run
  • CRM-16847 Greeting and Address tokens not properly rendered when exporting related contacts from a contrbution search.
  • CRM-16849 Remove requirement for CIVICRM_UF_BASEURL
  • CRM-16850 Auto-renew and PayPal Pro on membership pages results in “11502 invalid token” error message
  • CRM-16851 product api breakage due to using special fieldname 'options'
  • CRM-16852 Combined paid and free membership price sets give an error when free membership is selected
  • CRM-16853 Soft credit currency is ignored in PCP Owner Notification message.
  • CRM-16854 Can't edit Notes field from Open Case activity
  • CRM-16855 Change label for Payment Instrument Financial Account
  • CRM-16856 Add required boilerplate setTitle function to base custom search class
  • CRM-16857 inherited membership through priceset creates multiple line items
  • CRM-16858 Participant Status & ID error in builder
  • CRM-16859 Mailing Label PDFs don't adopt Cyrillic Alphabet
  • CRM-16860 Make upgrade code more developer-friendly
  • CRM-16861 When using CiviDiscount sales tax should be calculated AFTER the discount is applied
  • CRM-16862 Allow setting of default value for donation amount or membership fee via url for contribution/membership pages
  • CRM-16863 Search for event participants from event page causes error DB Error: syntax error
  • CRM-16864 Deleting A/B Test mailings causes problems
  • CRM-16865 Mass Dedupe Workflow Improvements
  • CRM-16866 Modules permissions cleared on every rebuild (Drupal, non-US)
  • CRM-16867 Page cannot be set to recurring when non-recur membership (only) configured with separate payment
  • CRM-16868 Incorrect "Pending Refund Status" for Contribution after Change Selections in Participation
  • CRM-16869 Attach Files in Petition - not uploading the file
  • CRM-16870 Multiple issues with editing block fields (phone, email...)
  • CRM-16871 Extend Job.cleanup
  • CRM-16872 Contribution Page forms don't throw up error pop-up on form rule errors
  • CRM-16873 Migrating OnBehalf to ProfileContact
  • CRM-16874 Paypal express e-notices
  • CRM-16875 Performance of finding contributions not in financial batch
  • CRM-16876 Display Country in uppercase so that mailing labels comply with postal regulations
  • CRM-16877 Include ID when editing 'block' fields (+ allow deletion of block values via Profiles)
  • CRM-16878 GroupContact Create API cannot 'Delete' from Group
  • CRM-16879 Tab with table records showing duplicate data with date data type
  • CRM-16880 scheduled reminders: will not send to selected recipient or group
  • CRM-16881 Spaces in password cause mail fetching to fail
  • CRM-16882 Incorrect display of renew my membership checkbox
  • CRM-16883 Record activity when mailing labels are generated
  • CRM-16884 Get CiviCRM added to drupal white list
  • CRM-16885 Storing ID to edit/delete in the session can lead to wrong item affected
  • CRM-16886 Display Results as Cases Exports Duplicate Case Records
  • CRM-16887 Creating searchable custom field exceeds MySQL limit on indexes
  • CRM-16888 message templates not available for send SMS activity
  • CRM-16889 Adv logging tab refresh causes performance problems
  • CRM-16890 Remove IATS from core
  • CRM-16891 Add hook_civicrm_coreResourceList
  • CRM-16892 Let's add timestamp of receive_date to Report CSV exports
  • CRM-16898 System Information Leak: External (html5lib/TreeBuilder.php)
  • CRM-16899 System Information Leak: External (CRM/Core/Error.php)
  • CRM-16901 Offline Recurring Payments
  • CRM-16902 Event custom fields not carried over to repeat events
  • CRM-16903 Icon for translation are missing from help_pre / help_post on profile edition
  • CRM-16905 Sorting groups by count fails
  • CRM-16906 Ensure safe chars for Petition cookies
  • CRM-16907 Improvements to in-app Help menu content
  • CRM-16908 Disabled buttons in CiviMail UI are confusing
  • CRM-16909 "Find Pledges" search filters on "status" are not working
  • CRM-16910 CiviMail interface ignores RT editor choice
  • CRM-16911 AB reporting takes the total number of open instead of the unique
  • CRM-16912 Improve formatting for email text created by inbound crm email
  • CRM-16913 "invalid string" on Contact.get containing "select"
  • CRM-16914 add payment _instrument_id to payment_processor & payment_processor_type tables
  • CRM-16915 Filter Profile selector in Configure Event - Registration tab for non-admin users
  • CRM-16916 Profile field validation error when formatting field present
  • CRM-16917 No license in "vendor/civicrm/civicrm-cxn-rpc"
  • CRM-16918 Returning custom fields using the API fails for other entities than contacts.
  • CRM-16919 Payment processors from other domains shown
  • CRM-16920 When coding a report template, can specify a default 'from' and 'to' for date ranges, but not for integer ranges
  • CRM-16921 Nightly build include old DAO files
  • CRM-16922 Broken smart groups due to CRM-16858
  • CRM-16923 enotices when making payments in 4.7
  • CRM-16924 run job.disable_expired_relationships in one query
  • CRM-16925 Deprecate payment processor function isSupported
  • CRM-16926 Recurring contributions not being completed in 4.6 & overcompleted in 4.7
  • CRM-16927 Notice Search membership with custom fields
  • CRM-16928 URLs changing
  • CRM-16929 Selecting a zero event price should remove billing block
  • CRM-16930 case report link from case manage page doesn't display case custom fields
  • CRM-16931 Update Smart Group Counts throws a syntax error (AND instead of WHERE)
  • CRM-16932 In the absence of memberships, don't assume to remove all roles for which their are synchronisation rules
  • CRM-16933 allowing duplicate names
  • CRM-16934 Cannot display participants for an event
  • CRM-16935 CiviCRM dialogs become greyed out and unresponsive with latest Drupal media module
  • CRM-16936 Donor with only email address shows no display name
  • CRM-16937 disable/enable of Grants resets Drupal Permission
  • CRM-16938 Smart groups based on membership get broken with upgrade to 4.6.5
  • CRM-16939 Current Employer field is cut off at 64 characters on export
  • CRM-16940 Deprecate php 5.3 & 5.4
  • CRM-16941 Search Form and api.Get fixes for Contact
  • CRM-16942 Free HTML fields do not display in a profile when that profile is used in a Survey
  • CRM-16943 CRM_Core_Form_Search assumes a checkbox. CiviGrant dashboard has none
  • CRM-16944 Enotice Strict warning: Only variables should be assigned by reference in civicrm_api3_group_contact_get() (line 72 /api/v3/GroupContact.php).
  • CRM-16945 Groups tab shows duplicate groups when a contact has been hard-added to a smart gorup or paarent group
  • CRM-16946 Pre-Upgrade messages do not show during CLI upgrade
  • CRM-16947 Search on multi-select
  • CRM-16948 Advanced Search for custom field yields database error
  • CRM-16949 Multi-record custom fields repeated when displayed for an individual.
  • CRM-16950 Tax deducted then added when renewing membership
  • CRM-16951 log tables being created for report temp tables
  • CRM-16952 Rename or wrap CRM_Core_Form::getContactID
  • CRM-16953 standardise form declaration of $this->_defaults
  • CRM-16954 Change relative date filters Last 3 month & Upcoming month and add Next 90 days.
  • CRM-16955 Billing form does not preload defaults when changing processor
  • CRM-16956 JS datepicker resets url on angularjs pages
  • CRM-16957 Cannot 'change selections' if no selections were made initially
  • CRM-16958 api leaves sort_name blank when only display_name provided
  • CRM-16959 Correctly support multiple contacts/groups in GroupContact Create API
  • CRM-16960 Contribution forms with "Other amount" is not taxed properly
  • CRM-16961 4.6.5 search regression on custom fields where option values have brackets
  • CRM-16962 Cases losing XML on upgrade 4.4-13 - 4.6.4
  • CRM-16963 'Administer CiviCRM' permissions needed to retrieve countries using the API
  • CRM-16964 Importing contact custom data doesn't respect the Fill option
  • CRM-16965 Membership tab won't load when it can't calculate the processor
  • CRM-16966 backoffice buildRecur script loads processor incorrectly (sometimes)
  • CRM-16967 Form regressions 4.7
  • CRM-16968 allow user account creation on profile edit forms
  • CRM-16969 js errors on create new mailing when unusual line break char in use
  • CRM-16970 Recurring/Repeating Activity Functionality Not Presented When Initiating Activity From Case
  • CRM-16971 Mailing Labels in Cyrillic Alphabet
  • CRM-16972 running drush civicrm-upgrade-db on a database that is already upgraded should not be an error
  • CRM-16973 CiviMail From Address selector not respecting multisite (domain ID)
  • CRM-16974 Validation prevents creating memberhip page
  • CRM-16975 The requested online contribution page is missing a required Contribution Amo...
  • CRM-16976 search campaigns based on is_active state
  • CRM-16977 Search campaign with custom field parameters
  • CRM-16978 Error returned when Role assignments are reused between cases
  • CRM-16979 Error Message "The selected profile is using a custom field which is not assigned to the %1 being configured.
  • CRM-16980 Add Role select list is different when configuring the case type and adding roles to cases
  • CRM-16981 Multisite - CiviMail doesn't hide mailings from other domains
  • CRM-16982 Handled odd custom values in search or remove them
  • CRM-16983 CiviMail Slow in loading with a significant number of message templates
  • CRM-16984 Allow CiviMail "unsubscribe group" to be non-Public
  • CRM-16985 Inline edit LABEL on Option Value selector updates NAME instead
  • CRM-16986 Presentation of Custom Data on the Contact Duplicated
  • CRM-16987 Views bulk operations (Civicrm contacts) not working
  • CRM-16988 Remove unused package 'cron-expression'
  • CRM-16989 Address data not saved when the default country is the only data submitted
  • CRM-16990 Custom fields are NOT being saved for some component custom data (activities, membership ...)
  • CRM-16991 Header and Footer list not alpha sorted
  • CRM-16992 Recurring contributions being created with contribution rather than membership line items
  • CRM-16993 Fatal error on recurring contributions where immediate payment is set
  • CRM-16994 hook_civicrm_tabset ignores passed link
  • CRM-16995 Allow loading of Angular routes inside tabs
  • CRM-16996 Regression: Cannot submit back-office membership using Priceset
  • CRM-16997 Statistics fields incorrect on Repeating Contribution Report
  • CRM-16998 Statistics fields incorrect on Repeating Contribution Report
  • CRM-16999 Using the API for searching on a custom datetime field with '<=' operator throws error
  • CRM-17000 API performance: _civicrm_api3_separate_values
  • CRM-17001 setup.conf is included in the CiviCRM tarball
  • CRM-17002 Can't see Public info when logged in to CiviCRM if there is a Private Post with CiviCRM content
  • CRM-17003 Multiple Organisation permission not outputting as array
  • CRM-17004 Remove Moneris from core
  • CRM-17005 Remove Word "Occupied" from Palestinian Territory in country list
  • CRM-17006 Advanced search on radio custom fields broken
  • CRM-17007 Search regression - custom date fields ignored in search
  • CRM-17008 DB Syntax Error on Event Dashboard
  • CRM-17009 event registration doesn't respect reg end date
  • CRM-17010 Add data tags to price field options
  • CRM-17011 Broken smart group regression - membership type, membership status
  • CRM-17012 Contact API ignores <= operator for custom date fields
  • CRM-17013 SubmitOnce + clientSide validation blocks form submission
  • CRM-17014 REST API does not respect ACLs
  • CRM-17015 “Sold out” error message when registering event with PayPal Express payment (event is not full though)
  • CRM-17016 State list for Fiji incomplete
  • CRM-17017 Event Repeat functionality not working
  • CRM-17018 If you forget to add a subject to a mail you want to send, you cannot send your mail after filling out a subject.
  • CRM-17019 Checkbox to select all results on page enabled after CiviSurvey respondents reserved
  • CRM-17020 Activity report brings server to it's knees
  • CRM-17021 Delete Button Missing on Grant Dashboard
  • CRM-17022 Bug introduced in 4.6.6 breaks Grant Search
  • CRM-17023 ExactFirst doesn't work in quicksearch (maybe)
  • CRM-17024 Event Repeat breaks on Dec 31st
  • CRM-17025 Empowered by CiviCRM should use an https link
  • CRM-17026 Allow using arrays via the REST API
  • CRM-17027 "same email address?" in event overwrites contact name
  • CRM-17028 Yearly and Monthly Repeat Reminders send on every cron for 24 hours
  • CRM-17029 Profile add-to-group feature doesn't work with petitions
  • CRM-17030 Fix to Event Confirmation template to improve email deliverability
  • CRM-17031 Improvement to offline Event Confirmation template
  • CRM-17032 Add Fees and Net to Statistics of Contribution Detail Report
  • CRM-17033 Make "week" relative date filters respect localization setting "week begins on".
  • CRM-17034 PriceField tax_amount should not be rounded
  • CRM-17036 Getting Started dashlet widget
  • CRM-17037 MultiSelect Field for Events in Advanced Search
  • CRM-17038 Custom Tokens in greetings not replaced
  • CRM-17039 Credit Note not available for cancelled payments
  • CRM-17040 CIVICRM-230 Fix: Import Contributions using External Id's causes soft credit to be wrongly associated
  • CRM-17041 Conflicting Symfony Components in Drupal 8
  • CRM-17042 Contact API does not filter by display_name
  • CRM-17043 Sorting data tables by date not working
  • CRM-17044 4.6 upgrade triggered out mass-email to 'also include' recipient
  • CRM-17045 Relationship permissions not handled correctly?
  • CRM-17046 ContributionRecur function add does not update end date if it is set to empty
  • CRM-17047 Warning when editing campaign
  • CRM-17048 Only one Invoice is available and attached to all the activities
  • CRM-17049 Paypal button not working if Billing address required for pay later
  • CRM-17050 Add activity when contact is created
  • CRM-17051 iconv(): Wrong charset
  • CRM-17052 Rewrite Advanced search subsection of "the user interface - searching"
  • CRM-17053 ancient "jquery.ui.datepicker.validation.js"
  • CRM-17054 kcfinder: non-free files
  • CRM-17055 Confirmation email on unpaid events produces syntax error with invoicing
  • CRM-17056 Working around D8 install checks for writable folders
  • CRM-17057 Advanced Search does not respect the selected Case Status filter
  • CRM-17058 Create CMS User on Event Registration breaks in some conditions
  • CRM-17059 Count in tab for relations wrong when viewing relations
  • CRM-17060 Search error on postal codes
  • CRM-17061 Smart Group errors with "Operand should contain 1 column(s)"
  • CRM-17062 CiviCRM tags causing issues in basic search for ACL'ed users
  • CRM-17063 Error accessing group's list in contact's profile
  • CRM-17064 Paypal transactions being passed to Paypal Express not Paypal pro
  • CRM-17065 When a new language is added, pre-populate the translation of various option value
  • CRM-17066 Using email templates requires administer CiviCRM permission
  • CRM-17067 New relationship permission enforcement has result to related membership not created via public pages
  • CRM-17068 Strict warning: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method CRM_Admin_Page_AJAX::mappingList() should not be called statically in call_user_func()
  • CRM-17069 Search for Contribution with campaign causes fatal error
  • CRM-17070 Complete transaction api needs to support fee_amount
  • CRM-17071 Required billing fields not marked as required
  • CRM-17072 Drupal timezon code does not handle UTC correctly
  • CRM-17073 Merge Household Members Into Their Household on Export
  • CRM-17074 Calling CFMatch::synchronize() wipes session
  • CRM-17075 MembershipType search changed in 4.6
  • CRM-17076 not showing future start date
  • CRM-17077 Notice: Use of undefined constant T - assumed 'T' in CRM_Pledge_Form_Pledge->preProcess() (line 118 of sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Pledge/Form/Pledge.php).
  • CRM-17078 Contribution summary report gives error when filtering on custom data
  • CRM-17079 CiviReport Notice: Array to string conversion in toHtml() (line 502 of sites/all/modules/civicrm/packages/HTML/QuickForm/select.php). =>
  • CRM-17080 Errors in 4.6 fromsmarty calls that were valid in the past
  • CRM-17081 Cannot filter by date field on civiCRM entitiy in views
  • CRM-17082 Billing block is hidden for pay later even if "Billing address required" is checked
  • CRM-17083 Contact profile : Events or contribution don't display "lost connection to mysql server"
  • CRM-17084 Change Billing Details on Recurring Plan Errors with PaypalPro
  • CRM-17085 Can't Send Mailers with Attachment
  • CRM-17086 Filing Activity on Case gives inconsistent results/display
  • CRM-17087 Contribution Search by Campaign Returns DB Syntax error
  • CRM-17088 Notice: Undefined variable: allMemberships in buildQuickForm() (line 272 of /home/vagrant/civicrm-buildkit/build/drupal-demo/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Member/Form/MembershipRenewal.php). =>
  • CRM-17089 Consolidate storing of billing address between membership form & membership recur
  • CRM-17090 Accounting batch filters broken
  • CRM-17091 Paypal Express Registration Claims Price Option Sold Out Incorrectly
  • CRM-17092 Backoffice membership renewals with auto_renew not storing autorenew
  • CRM-17093 Make Event Registration Start & End Dates Required to Avoid " "Error Registration for this event ended on"
  • CRM-17094 Change Selections Values Not Reflected in All Relevant Fields
  • CRM-17095 Contribution import parser gets custom fields for Contact
  • CRM-17096 A 'contains' operation for the api to search multiselect custom values.
  • CRM-17097 Contribution Search with Multiple Campaigns Errs
  • CRM-17098 Roles Sync errors
  • CRM-17099 Profile errors and Views
  • CRM-17100 Widget progress bar color option doesn't work
  • CRM-17101 civicrm_api3_basic_get does not work for SQL operators on custom fields.
  • CRM-17102 Better navigation for ACL screens
  • CRM-17103 Regression in api.ContributionRecur.create: passing invalid contact_id causes DB constraint violation
  • CRM-17104 Billing address can't be entered with pay later & payment processor enabled
  • CRM-17105 Mailing Label does not with "customised greetings" & "Merging address"
  • CRM-17106 Custom fields not shown on exported contribution receipt
  • CRM-17107 Cividiscount - admin edit screen doesn't display membership statuses selected
  • CRM-17108 Can't update Recurring Billing details from URL on receipt
  • CRM-17109 Use jQuery DatePicker for all "*_date" fields in custom search
  • CRM-17110 Typo error on system error message .
  • CRM-17111 Typo error on system error message.
  • CRM-17112 Missing countries Saint Barthélemy and Collectivity of Saint Martin
  • CRM-17113 Don't allow user with ACL "View Event Participants" to change fee selections
  • CRM-17114 Set billing fields on payment processor like payment fields are
  • CRM-17115 Add contact detail & address fields to membership report
  • CRM-17116 Allow searching on custom fields by relative date filter
  • CRM-17117 Price set line items are not created for during auto-renew membership renewal
  • CRM-17118 Schema postal_code not long enough for all cases
  • CRM-17119 Recurring Subscriptions: Installment Financial Account ID Overwritten with Financial Type ID in Financial Item Table
  • CRM-17120 Function CRM_Core_OptionGroup::getLabel does not use caching
  • CRM-17121 Advanced Search on Event Type OR Address returns only Event results
  • CRM-17122 merge records: fix button label text
  • CRM-17123 Include Transaction ID in membership bulk entry profile
  • CRM-17124 Deprecte DateAdded custom search
  • CRM-17125 Add contact billing adress to contribution message when no contribution address
  • CRM-17126 Widget javascript code fails in Chrome
  • CRM-17127 CiviMail uses custom field files as attachment
  • CRM-17128 execution of scheduled reminders fails in 4.6.8 with unknown API call
  • CRM-17129 Checkbox custom fields for participants are not not rendered properly
  • CRM-17130 Soft Credit Info Wiped When Recording Credit Card Contribution
  • CRM-17132 Cannot Find Contributions or Advanced Search by Personal Contribution Page
  • CRM-17133 Printer friendly view deterioration
  • CRM-17134 Add softcontributions to contribution message template
  • CRM-17135 Cleanup _gatherMessageValues and _assignMessageVariablesToTemplate in Contribution
  • CRM-17136 Missing PK-PB Province
  • CRM-17137 Mailing labels don't work with custom address type
  • CRM-17138 Can't add contacts to group after custom field search
  • CRM-17139 Views [image_URL] now renders full image html
  • CRM-17140 Get rid of contribution financial type
  • CRM-17141 Custom fields associated with Event Type broken in profile (again?)
  • CRM-17142 state/country custom fields don't render labels in view mode
  • CRM-17143 non-static method CRM_Campaign_Page_AJAX::campaignList() should not be called staticall
  • CRM-17144 Add developer tab to CiviReport
  • CRM-17145 DB:Error Data too long for civicrm_activity.details field
  • CRM-17146 updating the contribution state in finding contriutions does not update the receive date
  • CRM-17147 People with empty deceased-flag ('is null') get removed from recipient list of a mailing
  • CRM-17148 contrib pages trigger "unsaved changes" warning automatically
  • CRM-17149 Unjustified security warning about debug log file being downloadable
  • CRM-17150 Drupal 6 Version won't show Contact Contribution tab (or Events, Activities)
  • CRM-17151 Contribution Status moves to "Pending Refund" when Event Participation Balance becomes zero because the section changes
  • CRM-17152 Non-static method CRM_Financial_Page_BatchTransaction::links() should not be called statically
  • CRM-17153 Improve actions UI for CiviReport
  • CRM-17154 CiviReport enhancements
  • CRM-17155 Add action links to repoprt listing
  • CRM-17156 Manage long-running queries
  • CRM-17157 CiviCRM money validation should allow more decimal places
  • CRM-17158 Don't allow empty force=1 hits on search urls unless qkKey is set
  • CRM-17159 deadlock on insert into civicrm_contact table
  • CRM-17160 "Cannot modify entity_table"
  • CRM-17161 Error on event registration Thank-you page
  • CRM-17162 Error on event registration Thank-you page
  • CRM-17163 Can not import contributions by matching on email
  • CRM-17166 Multiple PCP contributions overflow box on Chrome
  • CRM-17167 inline edit of mail/phone does not trigger civicrm_post hook
  • CRM-17168 mail_report cron job spits out html
  • CRM-17169 Inconsistent Soft Credit Reporting
  • CRM-17170 Add limit and offset parameters to CLI API
  • CRM-17171 Error when creating similar indidvual prefix
  • CRM-17172 Search Builder : searching on Date = X does not work as expected for date / time fields
  • CRM-17173 Unexpected Contribution Receipt was mailed
  • CRM-17174 Manual deduping and merging doesn't allow selecting phone type just location
  • CRM-17175 Enable search activity by custom fields in force mode
  • CRM-17176 Add api action to reset reports menu
  • CRM-17179 CiviCRM Contact Ref contact subtype handling
  • CRM-17180 Contact subtype NOT IN operator is broken
  • CRM-17181 Total Paid column in Event Participant Report (List) adds Fee into Total Amount
  • CRM-17182 Renaming a price option / fee level breaks event participant lists
  • CRM-17183 Cancelling a pending contribution will set accounting transactions incorrectly
  • CRM-17184 Some "States" (Departments) are missing from El Salvador
  • CRM-17185 Add Event Type to Advanced Search Builder
  • CRM-17186 missing ts-tags for "Checkout securely..." in template-files
  • CRM-17187 Minor CSS improvements for matching contacts notification message
  • CRM-17188 [4.6 branch] Add transactions to batch step stuck at processing
  • CRM-17189 Dedupe contacts in group doesn't initially account for dedupe exceptions
  • CRM-17190 Outdated DB package?
  • CRM-17191 Participant list Count Report produces backtrace if you use grouping
  • CRM-17192 Angular crmEntityref fails to populate on multiple values
  • CRM-17193 CSVs exported from reports shouldn't have a space in blank cells
  • CRM-17194 "Contribution Repeat Report" doesn't set the correct date range
  • CRM-17195 Search Builder Pledge Status and Pledge Payment Status Drop Downs Don't Autopopulate
  • CRM-17196 Cannot search for pages to credit contribution to PCP
  • CRM-17197 Autorenew is not offered when the price_field is select
  • CRM-17198 Payment processor type does not correctly change on edit
  • CRM-17199 Contribution form honoree/memory section does not support multi-lingual
  • CRM-17200 Add sort to cividiscount Admin price list
  • CRM-17201 DB Error: syntax error when rule 'impossibly' configured - form validation should prevent
  • CRM-17202 Contribution Detail Report Shows Inconsistent Soft Credit Info
  • CRM-17203 Unable to delete ACL role
  • CRM-17204 Empty Current Employer profile field disables employer relationship AND doesn't prefill on event registration form
  • CRM-17205 Free event registration is broken
  • CRM-17206 Country => State hierarachical select is broken in 4.7 branch
  • CRM-17207 Use mailto link on contact summary emails if outbound email is disabled
  • CRM-17208 Allow $params to be changed in pre hook
  • CRM-17209 Notice error when Contribution is changed
  • CRM-17210 Soft Credit fields in bulk entry screen causes a break in the columns
  • CRM-17212 IPN and other scripts break on Pantheon due to session handler
  • CRM-17213 Manage Groups time outs due to CRM-16483
  • CRM-17214 Payment Form Fields Require Toggle Action to Appear when Price Set in Use
  • CRM-17215 Renew options hidden on a form when 2 mutually exclusive radio options have different duration
  • CRM-17216 Performance issues on manage groups page and exporting primary fields
  • CRM-17217 missing transifex strings
  • CRM-17218 PayPal messes up net_amount calculation
  • CRM-17219 When renewing one's membership from backend, cannot choose to use priceset
  • CRM-17220 Cleanup documentation on site migration
  • CRM-17221 Phuket spelt incorrectly as Phaket in states/counties table
  • CRM-17222 Missing core api UFJoin::delete
  • CRM-17223 PayJunction CVV Transactions Fail
  • CRM-17224 Issue deleting Customfield File content
  • CRM-17225 Allow reports to be saved so the criteria can be edited before invoking the query
  • CRM-17226 Send Confirmation and receipt Issue in translated civicrm
  • CRM-17227 Error thrown while saving profile in Contribution page
  • CRM-17228 HTML Form snippets from profiles should use absolute URLs
  • CRM-17229 Send email to contacts action is missing from search results
  • CRM-17230 Create webform for people to submit when they want us to grant them extension permission
  • CRM-17231 Allow CiviCRM Email Processor to handle Multipart Report messages
  • CRM-17232 CiviMail's ckeditor doesn't display template body
  • CRM-17233 payment block showing on membership form in edit mode
  • CRM-17234 CiviCRM menu not displaying after upgrading to 4.6.8
  • CRM-17235 Credit Note sequence problem
  • CRM-17236 Custom dates fields displayed as (01/01/1970) in Events Confirmation Reciept
  • CRM-17237 Add Dedupe Rule allows user to save invalid (empty) RESERVED rule
  • CRM-17238 Dedupe for Individual Birth Date Results in Error
  • CRM-17239 State/Province field displays and downloads unformatted in webform integration
  • CRM-17240 Financial Type must be required for Price Field Value
  • CRM-17241 Can't renew a membership for multiple terms with credit card from back end
  • CRM-17242 Warning: Illegal string offset 'campaign_id' in CRM_Report_Form_Member_Summary->__construct() (line 189 CRM/Report/Form/Member/Summary.php).
  • CRM-17243 Events Export/Import Fee Level missing details in CSV column
  • CRM-17244 webform stores 0 rather than option value of '00' or '000'
  • CRM-17245 CRM_Utils_Geocode_*::format should accept country as either a string or a CiviCRM ID
  • CRM-17246 Contact name showing in Contribution summary report
  • CRM-17247 Vaildation fails silently on required fields (Drupal user editing)
  • CRM-17248 CRM-16483 regression: searching for groups creates unindexed join
  • CRM-17249 ACLed Users do not get hidden smart groups they have created in the allGroups variable
  • CRM-17250 Link from case dashboard to case search gives no results
  • CRM-17251 Book-keeping report displays rows inaccurately when contribution amount has been edited
  • CRM-17252 Advanced Search by Group broken
  • CRM-17253 CiviCRM resolves all tokens including groups & tags if none are present in the mail text
  • CRM-17254 Reduce load when rebuilding smartgroups by not getting unrequired fields
  • CRM-17255 ACLd users do not see saved search group when sending a civimail from a saved search
  • CRM-17256 Validation Errors on Billing Fields with Paypal Processors
  • CRM-17257 Option to disable "dumb" smart groups
  • CRM-17258 Add created_id to civicrm_report_instance
  • CRM-17259 Prevent duplicate participants registering participants direct from "Register event participant" menu
  • CRM-17260 Cannot permanently delete a contact because it is linked to one or more live financial transactions
  • CRM-17261 Issues with element IDs on duplicate merge page
  • CRM-17262 Search / Find Contacts / is any contact type / with [tag] only returns individuals
  • CRM-17263 Cannot Install or Upgrade Extensions - HTTP Redirection - ZIP file is unavailable or malformed
  • CRM-17264 Profile: Duplicate User Notice Text Is Confusing
  • CRM-17265 Automatic Discount not applied when participant confirms registration from wait list
  • CRM-17266 Move relative date filters into option group and improve naming and order of options
  • CRM-17267 'Change event selections' impossible for sold out events
  • CRM-17268 'New event registration' with sold out price options
  • CRM-17269 advanced search with custom relationship types fails
  • CRM-17270 Custom country multi-select fields used in a Drupal View display the four digit ID number instead of the name of the country
  • CRM-17271 Change Profile Field Label from Public Pages to Expose Publicly
  • CRM-17272 Increase size of url for clickable links in mailings
  • CRM-17273 Deleting Location Type should warn about loss of related contact data
  • CRM-17274 Provide Uncheck Box to Preserve Contributions when Membership is Deleted
  • CRM-17275 Import skips silently if the import has an external identifier and the existing contact does not
  • CRM-17276 When an extension is installed the log tables need to be created
  • CRM-17277 Merge Duplicates screen intermittently doesn't load
  • CRM-17278 Membership auto recur intermittantly not gettin checked
  • CRM-17279 Pledge Balance Based on Expected Installments vs. Actual Payments Caused Incorrect Balance Calculations
  • CRM-17280 contribution detail report: error when sorting by custom contrib field
  • CRM-17281 Pledges miscalculate when total amount is not an integer and a payment is received that covers three installments
  • CRM-17282 DB error on Add/Manage Case
  • CRM-17283 Add in ability to search on Participant Registration Date
  • CRM-17285 Add Case Type sort to Drupal Views
  • CRM-17286 Add Soft Credit Amount, Soft Credit Type, Soft Credit For, Soft Credit For Contribution ID to contribution export/select fields
  • CRM-17287 Broken Unit Tests on master
  • CRM-17288 CiviEvent Registration Page Redirect takes over WP Content
  • CRM-17289 Membership type field in search form includes disabled membership types
  • CRM-17290 Make it possible for extension developers to resolve tokens
  • CRM-17291 Incorrect escaping for positive integers
  • CRM-17292 Contact Reports incorrectly requires 'administer reports' permission
  • CRM-17293 Align 4.6 behaviour with 4.7 for Payment processor buildForm method
  • CRM-17294 enotices on non-core payment processor
  • CRM-17295 Fix help links in UI so they point to appropriate documentation URLs
  • CRM-17296 Price set and profile changes not applied to repeating events
  • CRM-17297 wrapping api params in additional array() causes infinite recursion
  • CRM-17298 Hooks not called for UFJoin
  • CRM-17299 "Yes or No" custom fields not displayed correctly in table
  • CRM-17300 CSS and date format lost when creating HTML Form Snippet
  • CRM-17301 "Import/Export Mappings" does not have the capability to edit the fields of the mapping.
  • CRM-17302 Fix component for contribution activities
  • CRM-17303 CiviMails can be scheduled for dates in past
  • CRM-17304 Wait-listed event hides fees from first participant, but mandates for subsquent
  • CRM-17305 Contribution fees are affecting reporting of total paid and balanace
  • CRM-17306 Updating Location Type sets is_default to 0
  • CRM-17307 CiviMail: Reply-to address issues when re-using mailings
  • CRM-17308 Location type 'select' (for all entities) AND Phone type should be required
  • CRM-17309 Classify No MX record bounce as DNS Bounce type
  • CRM-17310 Add 'My reports' functionality
  • CRM-17311 Wrap watchdog comment in if (function_exists)
  • CRM-17312 Translate strings needing context
  • CRM-17313 Smart groups break on upgrade
  • CRM-17314 hook_civicrm_entityTypes is undocumented
  • CRM-17315 Membership Contribution Details reports chokes due to unindexed join
  • CRM-17316 Contribution pages UI failes to configure membership_recur with price set
  • CRM-17317 Custom fields prevent WYSIWYG editor loading (Drupal / WYSIWYG)
  • CRM-17318 Add getPaymentDescription function to payment pclass
  • CRM-17319 bringing CiviMail: view public CiviMail content permissions documentation up to date
  • CRM-17320 Re-using a Mailing that was sent to a group which is no longer a Mailing List breaks Recipients field
  • CRM-17321 Mailing sent to a group that is not a mailing list ignores From Address for replies, uses default From Address
  • CRM-17322 Convert drush upgrade output to html
  • CRM-17323 In-app civicrm membership signup
  • CRM-17324 Log upgrade progress to CiviCRM log
  • CRM-17325 enotice in upgrade script Undefined variable: currentVer FourThree.php:207
  • CRM-17326 eNotice on user->timezone
  • CRM-17327 When chaining a getsingle call, if the getsingle for an entity fails, the API erroneously appends the previous entity's api.*.getsingle property to the current entity
  • CRM-17328 Almost all 'sample' dashlet reports are broken
  • CRM-17329 Auto-renew is being set TRUE when submitting online membership signup when the box is NOT checked
  • CRM-17330 Error upgrading from Versions prior to 4.5 to 4.7 according to test suite
  • CRM-17331 Mass SMSes are not being sent, even though "send schedules SMS"-job completes without errors
  • CRM-17332 Allow developers to specify CSS class on crmUiField directive
  • CRM-17333 Contribution import - can't match soft credit on email
  • CRM-17334 If installments is set on the contribution form it should be passed to the membership function
  • CRM-17335 Stop passing CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray pointlessly
  • CRM-17336 Assigning contributions to accounting batch in localized CiviCRM: counter issue.
  • CRM-17337 IMAP handshake change
  • CRM-17338 Click from summary of case dashboard does not search proper on case type
  • CRM-17339 Error when importing contributions matched on email
  • CRM-17340 Fix unexpected values stored in total_amount field for default price set
  • CRM-17341 Include Hold date in Email address display on contact record
  • CRM-17342 CiviCRM Case types causing Drupal module install error
  • CRM-17343 Invoice email does not send out when completing payment using Paypal
  • CRM-17344 buttons without text on Manage Reports page
  • CRM-17345 API: Contribution is_test doesn't work
  • CRM-17346 Fix warning when user doesn't have edit permissions
  • CRM-17347 Add permission "edit all activities"
  • CRM-17348 Email On Hold flag can not be unset
  • CRM-17349 Auto created relationship - an extension can't intervene in the saving process
  • CRM-17350 Non-administrators unable to tag contacts using Tags tab
  • CRM-17351 Unable to mark price set field as inactive
  • CRM-17352 Backbone no-conflict
  • CRM-17353 Membership Dashboard has links with eg status1,2,3 which do not cause filter to be applied
  • CRM-17354 Tell a Friend email field should be trimmed
  • CRM-17355 Make it possible to print contribution notes on 'Memberships - Receipt (on-line)' template
  • CRM-17356 Global Dashboard
  • CRM-17357 PHP fatal error during creation of receipt PDF
  • CRM-17358 Allow choice of Deduping rule for Honoree
  • CRM-17359 CiviDiscount 3.1 autodiscount - age fields transposed
  • CRM-17360 report full mysql error messages in logs
  • CRM-17361 Contact API country fields not functioning properly anymore
  • CRM-17362 : Non-static method CRM_Contact_Form_Task_ProximityCommon::buildQuickForm()
  • CRM-17363 Petition: Social Network Buttons are displayed on certain condition although switched off
  • CRM-17364 Add 'Status Override?' to membership advanced search
  • CRM-17365 Upgrade screen in 4.7 alpha still refers to 4.6 in the message requesting support at the end
  • CRM-17366 Document Administrator Status Page
  • CRM-17367 document wysiwyg improvements
  • CRM-17368 Document De-dupe improvements
  • CRM-17369 Document Scheduled reminders for contributions
  • CRM-17370 replace action menu images and edit text to use new names
  • CRM-17371 replace relative filter images
  • CRM-17372 document that you can search by premiums
  • CRM-17373 update images for contribution search screens
  • CRM-17374 Update Civimail screens
  • CRM-17375 Navigation menu: Contact Menu> Manage Groups
  • CRM-17376 Searches on multi select fields giving incorrect results
  • CRM-17377 In profile search results, unable to sort by county, get a db error
  • CRM-17378 Text is tiny on iPhone
  • CRM-17379 Responsive menu button doesn't work on iPhone
  • CRM-17380 Partner page formatting issues - text overlaps images
  • CRM-17381 Further amendments to the Result screen Action menus
  • CRM-17382 Case Export : Select Field to Export - case custom fields are listed under Case Activities instead of under Case
  • CRM-17383 Smart group form values broken in 4.7
  • CRM-17384 4.6.9 Upgrade doubles up the support menu item
  • CRM-17385 Extension UI: Faster download of available extensions
  • CRM-17386 Declined Card Redirect fails on Wordpress when contribution page is embedded via shortcode
  • CRM-17387 Submit Credit Card Membership - white screen
  • CRM-17388 Automatic discounts not working for memberships
  • CRM-17389 Filtering contact relationships by type
  • CRM-17390 Contacts Import | the import progress window
  • CRM-17391 Implementing Membership Partial payment
  • CRM-17392 Charts do not appear on dashboard
  • CRM-17393 Load CiviMail angular module files based on permission
  • CRM-17394 fatal error if I try to log queries in 4.7
  • CRM-17395 Activities report - filter by target contact does not appear to work
  • CRM-17396 Editing a membership price set breaks auto-renew functionality
  • CRM-17397 Notices on front-end event registration pay later (and test processor)
  • CRM-17398 Enotice on participant delete
  • CRM-17399 Valid Emails Marked as Invalid when Creating a Contact
  • CRM-17400 CiviMail should not display mailings with no recipient groups or mailings to an ACL'ed user
  • CRM-17401 Add Redis support as a caching backend
  • CRM-17402 Google Maps API sometimes tries to call initMap callback before it is defined.
  • CRM-17403 Add confirm check when people choose to Update Report
  • CRM-17404 NULL values in 'do_not_*' fields if blank in contact:create API
  • CRM-17405 Usability suggestions - contact summary screen>Contact Actions list
  • CRM-17406 No Contribution tokens available for scheduled reminders
  • CRM-17407 Recaptcha - public and private key
  • CRM-17408 Cannot cancel partially paid contributions
  • CRM-17409 4.7.alpha3 upgrade failure - FK_civicrm_action_schedule_mapping_id
  • CRM-17410 Using xml on upgrade (not installation) of extension to create/append new optionvalues
  • CRM-17411 CRM_Report_Form_Membership_Summary::setDefaultValues() should be compatible with CRM_Report_Form::setDefaultValues($freeze = true)
  • CRM-17412 strict warning PHP Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /srv/www/buildkit/build/dmaster/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Mailing/Page/Event.php on line 52
  • CRM-17413 Can't determine logged-in cid during a REST call
  • CRM-17414 Add to and from dates to the Relationship Report filter
  • CRM-17415 Add URL filtering to Click through report
  • CRM-17416 Wait for wysiwyg to be ready
  • CRM-17417 Tax is reapplied when editing a contribution associated with a membership or participant entity unless the status is changed.
  • CRM-17418 Cancelling a taxable contribution writes incorrect values to the database
  • CRM-17419 fix throw exception condition when setting relationship active
  • CRM-17420 Catch more bounces
  • CRM-17421 Membership custom fields don't get updated in secondary member's membership record when primary membership is edited
  • CRM-17422 Change in custom field search behaviour impacting on performance
  • CRM-17423 DPS/Payment Express contributions approved, 500 error on return to site
  • CRM-17424 Using Search Builder to search on a field with custom location gives DB error
  • CRM-17425 Allow PCP selection in contribution batch entry
  • CRM-17426 Pay Later radio button displayed on event registration even though Pay Later is NOT enabled
  • CRM-17427 Incorrect alert message on form submission
  • CRM-17428 Wrong payment processor type for 'dummy' processor AND can not change processor type when editing existing processor
  • CRM-17429 remove google checkout
  • CRM-17430 Altering the domain using the API changes the CiviCRM version to 3
  • CRM-17431 Incorrect recipient mail(CiviMail) with smart groups
  • CRM-17432 CiviMail/API Attachment API causes file permission / ACL issues
  • CRM-17433 Invalid error message on deleting Participant record if NOT in pop-up form
  • CRM-17434 Free event registration with 'skip confirmation' throws warning
  • CRM-17435 Additional options for distmaker (optional conf file, directory output)
  • CRM-17436 Contribution aggregate search does not know about time
  • CRM-17437 CiviCase dashboard counts cases with trashed contacts
  • CRM-17438 UTF-8 in mail display-name breaks bounce processing
  • CRM-17439 placement and organization of "search settings" in advanced search is confusing
  • CRM-17440 Notify UI in tables is hard to read
  • CRM-17441 Code issue in search save
  • CRM-17442 Search builder smart groups not saving
  • CRM-17443 On Drupal, global $base_url not set during a REST call
  • CRM-17444 Display name as available field in profile edit
  • CRM-17445 If too many custom fields at a time are evaluated for tokens, query crashes with "too many tables" error
  • CRM-17446 Profile picture does not show up in confirmation email
  • CRM-17447 Profile picture does not show up in confirmation email
  • CRM-17448 Discover Card
  • CRM-17449 Unable to Remove/Add Transactions to Re-Opened Batch
  • CRM-17450 Can there really be a reason for this function to exist???!!??
  • CRM-17451 Batch update organisation contact subtype
  • CRM-17452 CiviCase overrides case status if Sequence is used
  • CRM-17453 Links from CiviCase Dashboard to filter by Case Type don't work
  • CRM-17454 New speed bump (since last LTS) on deduping
  • CRM-17455 Parent group isn't counting contact in child groups
  • CRM-17456 Find Activities: support passing in search criteria via URL
  • CRM-17457 Enotices when skip participant is used
  • CRM-17458 Smart Groups based on custom data that is then disabled return all contacts
  • CRM-17459 API issue with custom variables on membership
  • CRM-17460 API search on smart group with custom membership field fails
  • CRM-17461 Contribution Batch Entry : eNotices and invalid / missing receipt data
  • CRM-17462 cannot select profile for online event registration after upgrading civi on Joomla
  • CRM-17463 Deadlocks on group_cache clearing
  • CRM-17464 Deadlocks on acl_cache clearing
  • CRM-17465 Exporting participant data does not deal with custom yes/no fields correctly (on joomla)
  • CRM-17467 contribution detail report: total amount duplicated when contrib has double entry
  • CRM-17468 Address-related filter and sort criteria in Views lack support for "use primary address" setting
  • CRM-17469 Online pledge payment credits scheduled amount, not actual amount
  • CRM-17470 Make 'other amount' in a Membership Price set be able to specify a Membership Type
  • CRM-17471 Changed Membership Status(s) not displaying on Advanced Search form
  • CRM-17472 Date field format changes when set to view only and is invisible in the normal view
  • CRM-17473 Extend 'Contribute as Organization' to Individuals
  • CRM-17474 Improvements to contact, participant and mailing reports
  • CRM-17475 Back-end pay later registration emails
  • CRM-17476 api.customvalue.get returns incorrect structure when passing an entity_table parameter
  • CRM-17477 CRM_Utils_Mail::send doesn't allow to override the default replyTo header
  • CRM-17478 Accounting Batch Listings : FATAL error
  • CRM-17479 Allow queries from a file with civicrm-sql-query command
  • CRM-17480 jQuery UI datepicker parseDate can't parse saved search dates
  • CRM-17481 Simply saving Individual Edit Form, create new inherited membership everytime
  • CRM-17482 $0 contribution gets Please select a Payment Method
  • CRM-17483 Drupal Views Error - Activities Text Link Field
  • CRM-17484 Joomla CSS issue with contact preview popup
  • CRM-17485 Event participant role filter not working in Participant list Count Report
  • CRM-17486 Support skipping recent view when creating relationships with the api.
  • CRM-17487 Hide partial payment related options when invoicing is turned on
  • CRM-17488 Mailing detail report does not report bounces correctly
  • CRM-17489 Mailing detail report does not report bounces correctly
  • CRM-17490 Class CRM_Activity_Import_Parser_Activity contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods
  • CRM-17491 price set fields with $0 fee cannot be changed
  • CRM-17492 Query speed issue searching on transaction ID
  • CRM-17493 Issue with importing to checkbox type fields where label is the same as database value (may affect other types too)
  • CRM-17494 Adding non-numeric participant role values breaks event inf page and participant listing
  • CRM-17495 Default dedupe settings aren't strict enough
  • CRM-17496 CiviCRM Group Roles Sync not displaying groups D6
  • CRM-17497 Adding relationship with multi-valued custom field fails
  • CRM-17498 Issues with Pending refund contribution status.
  • CRM-17499 Paste buttons greyed out in CiviMail interface
  • CRM-17500 Display Name and Sort Name are no longer updated from online contribution page when it contains an email address
  • CRM-17501 DKIM: CiviMail passes, but "Send Email" fails hash test
  • CRM-17502 Paypal express - submit does not hide main form buttons when loaded as the default
  • CRM-17503 Paypal express should formally support recurring
  • CRM-17504 Case activities reporting
  • CRM-17505 Fix search form layout for date range fields
  • CRM-17506 Advanced search for Grants by Status or Type does not work.
  • CRM-17507 Cleanup deprecated CRM_Core_BAO_Settings calls
  • CRM-17508 jquery datepicker doesn't inherit CMS language
  • CRM-17509 Fatal error registering for waitlist or approval required event
  • CRM-17510 Duplicated function in CustomGroup.php for apachesolr_civiAttachments
  • CRM-17511 Print Report doesn't load CSS
  • CRM-17512 Event selections message: 'spaces' not 'seats'
  • CRM-17513 Can't change current employer when employee relationship is both active and inactive
  • CRM-17514 Mailing paths are failing to build completely giving 'unknown path'
  • CRM-17515 Adding ability to add/remove CiviCRM tags to CiviCRM Rules module
  • CRM-17516 Undefined variable in new report code
  • CRM-17517 Drupal integration module references non-existent views handlers
  • CRM-17518 "IN" operator doesn't work on the contact_sub_type field for api.Contact.get
  • CRM-17519 CRM_Core_Payment_BaseIPN::completeTransaction() should clear the Smarty template
  • CRM-17520 Wrong Non-deductable amount after doing back-office contribution with is_deductible = TRUE and no premium
  • CRM-17521 Multi-domain and "Could not load the settings file at" error
  • CRM-17522 Event participant search fails when Next or Last clicked
  • CRM-17523 Settings > Display Preferences values don't save when Memcached is enabled.
  • CRM-17524 joomla: user id display check shouldn't be so restrictive
  • CRM-17525 Search on Custom Field Yields False Positives
  • CRM-17526 hook_civicrm_post empty values on disable/enable field through contact relationship tab.
  • CRM-17527 “Want to do this for a different person?” displays new member signup form even when selected contact is a current member
  • CRM-17528 Use civicrm/payment/ipn for core DPS payment processor
  • CRM-17529 Safe_file_extension option group won't accept edit or new options, only delete.
  • CRM-17530 PayLater section is not there in Online Contribution Confirm/Thankyou page
  • CRM-17531 Handle escape of value in report
  • CRM-17532 Can't export Soft Credit information in 4.7
  • CRM-17534 'Preferred Communication Methods' don't get saved on Inline Edit
  • CRM-17535 'Case Type' Select element got freezed when 'Add Case' form reloads after validation error
  • CRM-17536 quicksearch Label for name search is called 'Name/Email' even when email searching is turned off
  • CRM-17537 Search screens use 'Name or Email' label when search setting is name only
  • CRM-17539 Free $0 contribution/membership show payment status: 'Incomplete transaction' instead of 'Completed'
  • CRM-17540 Redirect url when editing or deleting a activity is not correct
  • CRM-17541 Custom Field data deleted when trying to move it from one set to another
  • CRM-17542 Contribution page configured with 'Separate Membership Payment = TRUE' throws fatal error on chosing pay-later
  • CRM-17543 Bootstrapping WordPress triggers multiple PHP warnings and plugin load failures
  • CRM-17544 Relationships with contact subtype as (a) do not show up for mapping choice during contact import
  • CRM-17545 api.UFJoin.create reports mismatching ID in results
  • CRM-17546 Smart groups involving activity type or status break on 4.6 upgrade
  • CRM-17547 pay later membership emails show old (existing) dates
  • CRM-17548 Thank-you e-mail fails to include message template subject, sends only default
  • CRM-17549 Incorrect API results when searching for cases using client ID and other paramaters
  • CRM-17550 PayPal Website Standard : payment description is not being passed to PayPal
  • CRM-17551 Exporting custom fields which have key/value pairs is broken. Value is exported, not the key.
  • CRM-17552 Membership price fields doesn't support non-required membership signups
  • CRM-17553 Tax amount stored incorrectly in civicrm_contribution
  • CRM-17554 MySQL transaction deadlocks while creating participant after payment gateway response(Paypal payflow pro)
  • CRM-17555 Button layout in merge view broken
  • CRM-17556 Improve manual merge screen to deal with types and location fields
  • CRM-17557 Membership Since Date missing and Status changed to 'Current' after renewal from Online Contribution page
  • CRM-17558 Conflicting 'label for' in group settings modal
  • CRM-17559 Auto-renewal membership doesn't create related recurring contribution via online contribution
  • CRM-17560 Search Builder and Advanced Search - 'OR' query problem with Activities
  • CRM-17561 Sorting of contact reference fields in advanced search
  • CRM-17562 add p-value on the A/B testing report
  • CRM-17563 Dedupe rules - changes not saved when editing existing rule
  • CRM-17564 Dedupe rule doesnt appear to be working correctly...
  • CRM-17565 Clicking case status link on case dashboard does not open in search correctly
  • CRM-17566 Notice: undefined index in doTransferCheckout using PayPal Standard
  • CRM-17567 "Printer Friendly View" doesn't work on Angular pages
  • CRM-17568 Notice: Undefined index when viewing a Membership with FT ACLs disabled
  • CRM-17569 Invalid ACCESS DENIED on Financial Type admin page
  • CRM-17570 Add hook to permit use of custom callback paths
  • CRM-17571 Cannot search for Activity type and status in Search Builder (it translates values incorrectly)
  • CRM-17572 States and Counties don't chain in Search Builder
  • CRM-17573 Reduce unnecessary queries
  • CRM-17574 Automatic Wildcard setting is being ignored for email fields
  • CRM-17575 Hidden alerts still pop up
  • CRM-17576 Webform Civicrm breaks CiviMail API
  • CRM-17577 Membership Batch Data Entry: Renewal ignores some fields
  • CRM-17578 Premium cannot be deleted on backoffice 'Edit Contribution'
  • CRM-17579 Sort by event date in participant report
  • CRM-17580 Contribution Tokens not available for Print PDF Thank-you Letter Task
  • CRM-17581 On view of Cancelled offline pending contribution, show account receivable
  • CRM-17582 Allow searching on trashed participants
  • CRM-17583 Issue with custom fields when joining a table mutiple times
  • CRM-17584 Merging contacts, address not always fetched from main contact using JS
  • CRM-17585 Merging contacts: 'add new' checkbox can refer to wrong entity
  • CRM-17586 PCP Summary Report show incorrect goal total
  • CRM-17587 joomla user id inside contact view only visible for superusers
  • CRM-17588 missing separator-characters when writing a single value to a multi-select-field using the api
  • CRM-17589 Contribution edit form broken with localised contribution statuses
  • CRM-17593 Certain Permissions are hard coded to 'Administrator' in CRM_Core_Permission_WordPress
  • CRM-17594 civicrm_metatag_metatags_view_alter() should only act on CiviCRM pages
  • CRM-17595 Case Activity Export with custom fields creates multiple rows for a activity
  • CRM-17596 In Case Activity export custom fields attach to the activity type its not configured for
  • CRM-17597 Merge can fail on custom Integer fields
  • CRM-17598 Drupal 8 install - PHP Fatal error
  • CRM-17599 CiviCase case details table is broken
  • CRM-17600 Custom State/Province field displayed by ID in Tab With Table format
  • CRM-17601 Custom fields linked to case do not show up on case reports
  • CRM-17602 Check Logic when searching with Date Range
  • CRM-17603 {bug needs to be confirmed against 4.7} Contribution page: billing address mandatory
  • CRM-17604 Add an Option to “Send Email to Contacts” to Create Separate Email Activities for Each Email Recipient
  • CRM-17605 Case Tokens, Support for DOCx and ODT formats, Merge to DOCx / ODT Templates
  • CRM-17606 Create Document / Letter from Case(s) - with case tokens
  • CRM-17607 Add DOCx and ODT to existing PDF output format
  • CRM-17608 Merge to DOCx or ODT template
  • CRM-17609 D8 - Synchronize Users to Contacts broken
  • CRM-17610 Switch IPN error handling from exit to exception
  • CRM-17611 IPN passes invalid values to checkMD5 hash
  • CRM-17612 On cancel of record payment, related payment status get updated to cancelled
  • CRM-17613 On view of register participant info, Selection section missing.
  • CRM-17614 Survey Custom Fields in Petition UI
  • CRM-17615 Price Set Access Denied without permissions for access member, contribute and event
  • CRM-17616 Moving to an arbitrary search page result could lead to incomplete results
  • CRM-17617 Unused class: CRM_Utils_Tree
  • CRM-17618 CIVICRM-404 time zone field needed for event creation
  • CRM-17619 Fractional Addresses are not handled properly when Street Address Parsing is enabled
  • CRM-17620 Expose payment data to be visible in the UI
  • CRM-17621 Contact name is missing when add report for contact
  • CRM-17622 Unused icons
  • CRM-17623 Mailing hash generated that returns true for is_numeric
  • CRM-17624 APC/Memcache disables translations
  • CRM-17625 Dispell the evil eye (icon)
  • CRM-17626 Move BULK_MAIL_INSERT_COUNT out of Core DAO
  • CRM-17627 Incorrect dates on refunded contribution transactions
  • CRM-17628 Search criteria lost after editing a transaction (slow query issue)
  • CRM-17629 Improving locks and mail job logging for CiviMail
  • CRM-17630 upgrade to 4.6.10 and events missing transaction table
  • CRM-17631 Mailings: process jobs by scheduled date instead of mailing ID
  • CRM-17632 Mark new group during import as a mailing list
  • CRM-17633 WordPress in own directory breaks CiviCRM
  • CRM-17634 Garbled smart group criteria text
  • CRM-17635 Back-office email receipt box disappears for auto-renew
  • CRM-17636 Incorrect information recorded for back-office membership renewals using recurring
  • CRM-17637 Address ping back performance issues
  • CRM-17638 Views: contact_picture field handler broken
  • CRM-17639 Membership Price Set "Default" field setting ignored when user is logged in
  • CRM-17640 Slow query - using contribution api
  • CRM-17641 Backport Civi class helpers from 4.7 to 4.6
  • CRM-17642 Accounting Batch Transactions page seems to be missing some info
  • CRM-17643 unable to send bulk mailings - DB Error: unknown error
  • CRM-17644 tax rates do not cache if empty
  • CRM-17645 ACL Hook for Cases
  • CRM-17646 Add hook for modifying field option lists
  • CRM-17647 Recording payment truncates the amount after the comma (whether thousands or decimal separator)
  • CRM-17648 Contact Dashboard: Add link to self-service cancel/transfer form for events with that feature enabled
  • CRM-17649 Online Contribution Page: fatal on Pay Later when Recurring is available
  • CRM-17650 Reusing a mailing can result in the wrong "reply to" address
  • CRM-17651 contribution pages will not accept pledge settings
  • CRM-17652 Symfony conflict between Civi and Drupal 8
  • CRM-17653 Contribution Recur ID not recorded on contribution under back-office renewals (recurring)
  • CRM-17654 Allow for Multiple relationships types to be used in the relationship report
  • CRM-17655 Adding a payment to a recurring contribution sequence should update the contribution_recur table
  • CRM-17656 Cannot edit activities with custom fields in popup from a search results screen
  • CRM-17657 ReCAPTCHA validation text is no longer accurate
  • CRM-17658 Can't alter header of PDF report
  • CRM-17659 Advanced Search does not return the expected results when “Display Results As” Cases is used with Activity search criteria
  • CRM-17660 Missin "Littoral" and "Nord-Ouest" provinces in Cameroon
  • CRM-17661 Visually indicate disabled table rows
  • CRM-17662 Cannot use Russian or Ukranian translations with native gettext
  • CRM-17663 Dashlet code improvements
  • CRM-17664 Cache Civi-Report results
  • CRM-17665 Don't assume 'Employee of' and 'Household Member of' relationship types are enabled
  • CRM-17666 Allow passing membership_type_id when creating membership payments
  • CRM-17667 Drush: Mail queue processing does not work
  • CRM-17668 logging revert: boolean breaks if reverting to null
  • CRM-17669 Add additional run frequencies for scheduled jobs
  • CRM-17670 Error when loading Memberships, Pledges, Events, Activities tab on dmaster sandbox
  • CRM-17671 Test Objects don't update Pseudoconstants
  • CRM-17672 Search Builder incorrect result upon searching for contacts NOT in a group
  • CRM-17673 Update recurring billing details: update page fails
  • CRM-17674 Uncaught Exception: QFAMS not defined
  • CRM-17675 Cancel time not set from back-office contribution form
  • CRM-17676 Redirect loop upon submission of contribution page
  • CRM-17677 Refund date field does not always show
  • CRM-17678 Adding cheque # creates additional transactions
  • CRM-17679 Mismatch between financial transactions & contributions
  • CRM-17680 Lybunt report presents non-functional options (custom fields)
  • CRM-17681 "Master address belongs to" field gives the master address id rather than the contact name
  • CRM-17682 Membership status rule edit form won't save removal of 'admin only' attribute
  • CRM-17683 Remove 'no additional payments' wording
  • CRM-17684 Find Memberships with no auto-renew
  • CRM-17685 CiviCRM DB Syntax Error when enabling logging
  • CRM-17686 Add field to scheduled job form to specify first/next run
  • CRM-17687 Import tag length
  • CRM-17688 gitbook ToC numbering broken
  • CRM-17689 Fatal error: Class 'Civi\Payment\Exception\PaymentProcessorException' not found
  • CRM-17690 Grant fields being retrieved by default when completely irrelevant
  • CRM-17691 Unnecessary expensive queries whenever the contribution selector is displayed
  • CRM-17692 Improper advance search result for multiple tag set
  • CRM-17693 Export Fails with contribution page titles > 64 chars
  • CRM-17694 Support for PHP7.0 / EOL PHP5.6
  • CRM-17695 String fixes for 4.6.x and 4.7
  • CRM-17696 credit card charge shows $0 in civicrm
  • CRM-17697 Soft credit report results not added to group
  • CRM-17698 Regression: cannot add to multi-value custom data
  • CRM-17699 CLONE - Module instalation doesn't work
  • CRM-17700 api Contribution.get applies permissions to custom fields regardless of 'check_permission' flag
  • CRM-17701 Contribution export: campaign title not available in select fields
  • CRM-17702 Validation broken on back-end membership form for membership price set with quantity field
  • CRM-17703 Enotices on export when relationship type using 'any contact type' exists
  • CRM-17704 Export: Regression on Select Fields to Export - Current Employer
  • CRM-17705 Disabled Events are not found in Find Participants or Adv Search
  • CRM-17706 Milton Keynes needs adding to UK County list
  • CRM-17707 Establish standard state/province IDs
  • CRM-17708 Remove the Activity Date Limits on the Most Recent and Next Sched columns when listing Cases
  • CRM-17709 civicrm_entity_payment needs a new index
  • CRM-17710 PHP Fatal error when creating recurring profile with PayPal Pro processor
  • CRM-17711 Add Support for Backdrop
  • CRM-17712 Add Support for Backdrop
  • CRM-17713 Membership reminder reference dates can become valid on editing
  • CRM-17714 DB Error after upgradation to 4.7 beta3
  • CRM-17715 Recording payment for a Pledge through Ajax doesn't refreshes the Contribution and Activity tab
  • CRM-17716 civicrm_financial_trxn table missing some entries for sample data
  • CRM-17717 Contact images with .jpg extension fail to display in Internet Explorer
  • CRM-17718 Allow editing of campaign for recurring contributions AND financial type for simple contributions
  • CRM-17719 Edit Multiple Choice Options do not show when Enable Popup Forms is disabled
  • CRM-17720 Event price set fields set to admin are in fact public
  • CRM-17721 Undo test reduction from HR-377
  • CRM-17722 Applying mailing template after entering text overwrites the content without saving
  • CRM-17723 Inherited Membership not created from Online Contribution Page
  • CRM-17724 Some columns are gone after action on selection of records from custom search
  • CRM-17725 Contributions - Receipt (on-line) - Twitter link without contribution id
  • CRM-17726 Body tag hidden in message template source even if it contains markup.
  • CRM-17727 Improve Relationship Report
  • CRM-17728 Add Payment Instrument field to payment processor form and fix enotices
  • CRM-17729 Cancelling an autorenew membership - send notification to should default to 'YES"
  • CRM-17730 Payment processor for Bank of America Merchant Services
  • CRM-17731 Tidy up cancelRecurring code
  • CRM-17732 Identical contacts created when resubmitted a event sign up from by going back from offsite payment page
  • CRM-17734 _ipn_process_transaction() misses parameters
  • CRM-17735 Payment fields fail to reappear on donation page after using enter key in "other amount" text box
  • CRM-17736 WordPress plugin checks for dependencies and immediately fails for lack of CURL
  • CRM-17737 New Mailer dialog seems impossible to translate
  • CRM-17738 Event registration dedupe fails to match phone
  • CRM-17739 Hidden Groups Appear in Search Results
  • CRM-17740 Remember # of Rows Displayed
  • CRM-17741 RelationshipType.get API requires Administer CiviCRM permissions
  • CRM-17742 Allow loading generated data when installing with drush.
  • CRM-17743 Children of Parent Group Are Not All Immediately Editable in Manage Groups
  • CRM-17744 Joomla 3.4.7 breaks cron processing
  • CRM-17745 Make maximum number of participants configurable
  • CRM-17746 Return the conf array when calling civicrm-sql-conf so it can be used elsewhere
  • CRM-17747 Allow leading and trailing newlines in plaintext mail headers and footers
  • CRM-17748 Expose options['result_buffering'] to CRM_Core_DAO
  • CRM-17749 API is not respecting check_permissions flag WRT new financial_type ACLs
  • CRM-17750 Move BAO_FInancialTrxn to under CRM_Financial
  • CRM-17751 Add field for refund_trxn_id to contribution edit form & api
  • CRM-17752 Add (non unique) index to civicrm_financial_txn.trxn_id
  • CRM-17753 Newsletter confirmation emails shouldn't use
  • CRM-17754 Include resent headers into civi bulk mail reply function
  • CRM-17755 Nesting of operators for event search form
  • CRM-17756 Access System Check API permission?
  • CRM-17757 Error when trying to add new Individual contact.
  • CRM-17758 Network Error shows for 'Case' tab on contact summary page.
  • CRM-17759 Discount box should not be visible on non-fee events
  • CRM-17760 Cannot select more than 500 records from a search.
  • CRM-17761 Membership edit shows confirmation and receipt status message even when "Send Confirmation and Receipt?" is unchecked
  • CRM-17762 Pledge schedule data lost when unrelated edits are done
  • CRM-17763 create postMailing hook to be triggered by civimail
  • CRM-17764 Add pledge block region to contribution form
  • CRM-17765 Dashboard does not load in Drupal 8
  • CRM-17766 Include iCal Invite in Event Registration Email Receipt
  • CRM-17767 Expose Campaign ID as a column in Campaign Dashboard page.
  • CRM-17768 Build the /en/stable version of 4.6 User & Admin Guide
  • CRM-17769 Protection against multiple submits on contributions page - when JavaScript is NOT enabled
  • CRM-17770 Custom contact fields with files prevent contact record from loading
  • CRM-17771 extension reference lost after switching languages (Joomla/WordPress)
  • CRM-17772 Improve php time on export
  • CRM-17773 Financial type not shown if disabled
  • CRM-17774 Multiple Copies of Event Being Created
  • CRM-17775 CiviCRM entity_financial_transaction is missing indexes on entity_id and entity_table
  • CRM-17776 Use name instead of label when building form for Individuals
  • CRM-17777 Allow to skip geocoding when creating an address with the api
  • CRM-17778 preferred mail format is not selected by default
  • CRM-17779 Authorize.Net payments held for fraud detection aren't logged in CiviCRM
  • CRM-17780 Allow multiple-selection of Events by Title on Searches
  • CRM-17781 Incorrect message displayed when editing memberships without sending emails
  • CRM-17782 Day suffix displayed when not using english
  • CRM-17783 Using Registration form leads to two billing Addresses
  • CRM-17784 Allow billing addresses to be marked and used in a coherent way
  • CRM-17785 Contribution edit form broken in popup for status cancelled/refunded
  • CRM-17786 Advance search result is not match with the member report
  • CRM-17787 Campaign title not available when exporting contributions
  • CRM-17788 Drupal Civicrm searchable profiles
  • CRM-17789 Support PHP 7
  • CRM-17790 Syntax error in Drupal Views integration module
  • CRM-17791 Custom File Fields break Attachment view.
  • CRM-17792 Remove PaymentExpress processor from core
  • CRM-17793 Activity detail report: group by date
  • CRM-17794 dmaster demo site: Unable to register for events, or make contributions
  • CRM-17795 Api - add support for joins and ACLs
  • CRM-17796 profile search limit by group doesn't use the correct ID
  • CRM-17797 Primary participant can not confirm for additional participants
  • CRM-17798 custom css file given appended '/'
  • CRM-17799 "Error type: Could not find a valid session key." when adding activity via search task
  • CRM-17800 Missing and mispelled Saudi Arabia states
  • CRM-17801 Error importing empty CSV
  • CRM-17802 Contribution Aggregate custom search end date field default time issues
  • CRM-17803 Register links shown when registration is closed and event hasn't ended yet
  • CRM-17804 Conflict with Ninja Forms plugin
  • CRM-17805 Security announcements subscription not working
  • CRM-17806 CIviCRM class API should check if constant is defined before defining it
  • CRM-17807 invoice not created for paypal standard
  • CRM-17808 Cannot search for 'sub-payments' by transaction ID
  • CRM-17809 Fatal Error on "Date Settings" Page
  • CRM-17810 Add pager to custom data tab
  • CRM-17811 Activity "group by date" should ignore time
  • CRM-17812 Access to angular modules differs depending on whether debug is enabled or not
  • CRM-17813 CiviMail reports all successful deliveries none actually sent
  • CRM-17814 Missing ts() for string "Activity Type(s)" in advanced search
  • CRM-17815 Do not show due date if amount due is 0
  • CRM-17816 Searching on currency custom field by range doesn't work
  • CRM-17817 CiviEvent listing menu overlapped by inactive events
  • CRM-17818 Merge screen modified date hardcoded format
  • CRM-17819 Chaining UI doesn't work in API explorer
  • CRM-17820 Limited filtering on system.check API
  • CRM-17821 Allow events with no date
  • CRM-17822 Export custom fields of type country (regression)
  • CRM-17823 Deadlock in MYSQL
  • CRM-17824 Membership Report: Detail-receive date unmatched with Contribution date
  • CRM-17825 Cannot select language for install on Wordpress
  • CRM-17826 Font awesome for 'add another option' icon
  • CRM-17827 Can't add more than 6 languages
  • CRM-17828 State/Province auto-fill broken since 4.6.10/WP update
  • CRM-17829 Unicode line separator crashes CiviMail WYSIWYG
  • CRM-17830 Move localization defaults to Localization.setting.php
  • CRM-17831 "Create new individual" broken after upgrade to 4.7 due to error in "Formal Title" option
  • CRM-17832 Fatal error on flush cache with Redis
  • CRM-17833 Avoid using "get_currentuserinfo" which will be deprecated in WordPress 4.5
  • CRM-17834 incorrect member dates after completing a payment for a future membership
  • CRM-17835 file field of copied event updates field value of original event
  • CRM-17836 custom fields attached to relationships are unsearchable
  • CRM-17837 Lybunt report improvements (speed, order by functionality, extra fields custom field functionality),
  • CRM-17838 Add settings to configure recently viewed items stack (Recent.php)
  • CRM-17839 unable to edit custom data in tab if inline set already exists
  • CRM-17840 Can't see outline of Full-text Search text field
  • CRM-17841 Changes to custom field handling/naming in hooks
  • CRM-17842 hook_custom called twice for custom field on address
  • CRM-17843 'View only' custom field cannot be updated by hook_pre
  • CRM-17844 Registering 'as someone else' still affects logged-in user
  • CRM-17845 'View only' custom field on address entity cannot be updated by API
  • CRM-17846 Improving locks for CiviMail
  • CRM-17847 Fix custom field form notices w/ relationships between contact sub-types and default types
  • CRM-17848 Taxed Contribution amount is not rounded for processing, causes PayPal WPS issue.
  • CRM-17849 dmaster build fails due to bad subquery
  • CRM-17850 Allow payment processors to define which fields are editable for recurring contributions
  • CRM-17851 API getfields should return if a field is localizable = 1
  • CRM-17852 Misspeled state names in Estonia/Lithuania
  • CRM-17853 Infinite memory and clash in error handler.
  • CRM-17854 Enabling logging causes DB syntax error on tables with no keys or constraints
  • CRM-17855 Custom Data Groups created while logging is disabled break changelogs when logging re-enabled
  • CRM-17856 Cannot edit address with certain geo coordinates
  • CRM-17857 API throws "undefined_fields" ["contact_id.gender_id"]
  • CRM-17858 API errors trying getcount members of a group
  • CRM-17859 import contacts from CSV: sanitise / cleanup non-breaking spaces from records
  • CRM-17860 More consistent, flexible handling of tests for extensions
  • CRM-17861 Joomla: when scheduled job is disabled, more menu popup not fully accessible
  • CRM-17862 Source field - backed - one-time credit card contribution defaults to 'recurring contribution'
  • CRM-17863 Payments don't appear to be linked to Contribution when re: Membership
  • CRM-17864 Error when adding CiviCRM short code to a WordPress page
  • CRM-17865 participant custom field defaults are not set on additional registrant form
  • CRM-17866 Emails over 65K trigger SQL error when storing to civicrm_activity
  • CRM-17867 Implement new version of the CiviCRM api
  • CRM-17868 Failed JSON requests leave spinning triangle on screen
  • CRM-17869 Custom field relative date filter searching removed in date picker tidy up
  • CRM-17870 Something is broken in search
  • CRM-17871 Improve admin forms for CiviCRM Group<>Role sync
  • CRM-17872 Cannot remove Contact ID filter on Contribution/Constituent detail report
  • CRM-17873 API fails to report on particiant status_id
  • CRM-17874 drush civicrm-install creates deprecated mysql:// configuration
  • CRM-17875 "IN" operator fails on states in Search Builder
  • CRM-17876 Donations for On Behalf of matches Org to contact in Trash
  • CRM-17877 Admin / Backend user should get a warning if matching contact is in Trash
  • CRM-17878 If 'on behalf of organisation' is set to 'optional' and then not chosen, it creates contact with no name and adds the relationship
  • CRM-17879 PDF formats in Message Templates not loading.
  • CRM-17880 Schedule reminders not sent if there is an entry in the action_log with same action_schedule_id
  • CRM-17881 Use CRM_Core_BAO_SchemaHandler::createIndexes as a safe way to add indexes on upgrade
  • CRM-17882 Add index to civicrm_contribution.credit_note_id
  • CRM-17883 upgrade from 4.5.8 to 4.6.11
  • CRM-17884 Force secure URLs should affect profile pages too
  • CRM-17885 Allow hiding notices on status screen
  • CRM-17886 js error on contribution form with no payment
  • CRM-17887 Export Batch to IIF has Wrong Date Format
  • CRM-17888 Filtering on frequency_unit Breaks Recur report
  • CRM-17889 New mailing screen doesn't load when multilingual
  • CRM-17890 Refund with fee amount should create a fee financial_trxn row
  • CRM-17891 Assigning contributions to accounting batch: search for multiple financial types fails
  • CRM-17892 Membership create throws error
  • CRM-17893 Cannot import custom field type Country
  • CRM-17894 Incomplete new installation
  • CRM-17895 Scheduled reminders for "Also Include <Contact>" sent prematurely
  • CRM-17896 Scheduled reminders for activities with "Choose Recipient" fails to send
  • CRM-17897 a#mailing : path not found error - can't Continue/work on CiviMailings on iPad
  • CRM-17898 Deduping of phone number should use phone_numeric field
  • CRM-17899 Fatal error: Class 'Civi' not found in /usr/share/civicrm/Civi/Core/Container.php on line 332
  • CRM-17900 Cannot Create new mail after upgrade to 4.7
  • CRM-17901 Inaccurate wording in Advanced Search results
  • CRM-17902 Participant custom fields not shown on registration form
  • CRM-17903 New Individual Phone
  • CRM-17904 Update documentation on scheduled job frequency
  • CRM-17905 Membership price sets error
  • CRM-17906 Update payment processor documentation in CRMDOC wiki
  • CRM-17907 Add info on reports to activity section of managing your data chapter
  • CRM-17908 text version of header/footer not used when auto-generating text version of email
  • CRM-17909 File 'Array' presents a security risk and should be deleted.
  • CRM-17910 Membership tokens work in reminder but not in manual email
  • CRM-17911 Cxn.getlink API fails on WordPress due to "page" conflict
  • CRM-17912 Include report UI emhancements in user documentation
  • CRM-17913 unable to disable/modify some navigation items
  • CRM-17914 CiviCRM installer: better support for right-to-left (arabic/hebrew)
  • CRM-17915 UI issues with date picker for custom fields in profiles
  • CRM-17916 obsolete module XML_RPC (superseded by XML_RPC2)
  • CRM-17917 Add support for Drupal 8
  • CRM-17918 Multiple-record custom field data displays as "[object Object]"
  • CRM-17919 AB tests don't save the campaign
  • CRM-17920 Rewrite quicksearch subsection of "the user interface - searching"
  • CRM-17921 Activity Details Report won't save filter by Activity Date
  • CRM-17922 Document campaign dashboard search.
  • CRM-17923 Update relationships documentation
  • CRM-17924 After 4.7 upgrade the mailing templates lost html formatting in edit mode
  • CRM-17925 Check for broken image links and funny formating in all chapters
  • CRM-17926 Introduction check
  • CRM-17927 Getting prepared check
  • CRM-17928 Initial Set Up check
  • CRM-17929 Advanced Configuration check
  • CRM-17930 The user interface check
  • CRM-17931 Organising your data check
  • CRM-17932 Common workflows check
  • CRM-17933 Contributions check
  • CRM-17934 Pledges check
  • CRM-17935 Events check
  • CRM-17936 Membership check
  • CRM-17937 Email check
  • CRM-17938 SMS check
  • CRM-17939 Reporting check
  • CRM-17940 Case Management check
  • CRM-17941 Campaign check
  • CRM-17942 Survey check
  • CRM-17943 Petition check
  • CRM-17944 Civi Engagement check
  • CRM-17945 Grants check
  • CRM-17946 Website integration check
  • CRM-17947 The CiviCRM Community check
  • CRM-17948 Appendices check
  • CRM-17949 unable to save data in custom data tab
  • CRM-17950 CiviEvent: Creating an Event Template from an Existing Template
  • CRM-17951 Handling chargebacks / api support for different financial_type for refund
  • CRM-17952 $currency is not available in CRM_Financial_Form_Payment - must be added to the AJAX call
  • CRM-17953 URLs in CiviMail messages do not work
  • CRM-17954 Getting msg 'ERROR: You need to send a valid key to execute this file' intermittently
  • CRM-17955 Webform CiviCRM "fields not to autopopulate" feature
  • CRM-17956 CiviDiscount CiviRules Integration
  • CRM-17957 Allow extensions to register with PHP classloader (PSR-4)
  • CRM-17958 menu does not display
  • CRM-17959 Mailing URL redirection doesn't work if the queue ID is wrong
  • CRM-17960 Related membership looping in the Related Membership View
  • CRM-17961 Changing receive date of a contribution won't change the date of the contribution activity
  • CRM-17962 HTML signature is escaped in profile editing and mailing
  • CRM-17963 CiviMail 'click success rate': base on opens not intended recipients
  • CRM-17964 financial item IX_entity index misspecified in schema/xml
  • CRM-17965 Contribution page widget broken on Drupal installations
  • CRM-17966 Fatal error in Drupal 8 user creation
  • CRM-17967 Can't upload files with more than 60 character in name
  • CRM-17968 scheduled emails not processed
  • CRM-17969 Free HTML field shows entry box in petitions
  • CRM-17970 HTML in contribution widget is broken
  • CRM-17971 Postgres Database Support
  • CRM-17972 MySQL error on "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE civicrm_temp_group_contact_cache"
  • CRM-17973 Administer CiviCRM -> Directories fails after upgrade to 4.7.1
  • CRM-17974 duplicate matching rule: error when setting length
  • CRM-17975 Membership + auto-renew + donation + separate membership payment breaks ARB
  • CRM-17976 Membership + auto-renew + donation creates ARB for wrong amount
  • CRM-17977 Localisation screen "Available States and Provinces" list
  • CRM-17978 Details field of an Activity displays raw HTML
  • CRM-17979 Search export: custom fields with varchar > 255 get truncated
  • CRM-17980 Payment extension __PHP_Incomplete_Class Object
  • CRM-17981 WordPress Authentication Errors
  • CRM-17982 Demo page links to sandbox with all sorts of errors
  • CRM-17985 Offline membership form script error when outbound email disabled
  • CRM-17986 Script timeout when printing invoices with more than 5 line items
  • CRM-17987 Allow grouping by financial type on Pledge Summary Report
  • CRM-17988 search builder: unable to search by member source
  • CRM-17989 Groups with 3rd tier nesting display group name as "undefined" on "Manage Groups" page
  • CRM-17990 Import Event Participants Error
  • CRM-17991 Safari Does Not Load Soft Credit Contact Dropdown
  • CRM-17992 Label on create/edit contribution pages is incorrect.
  • CRM-17993 Participant Listing Report: total paid doubled when multiple fee options selected
  • CRM-17994 Default state/province not working
  • CRM-17995 CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::selectClause() returns unnecessary fields
  • CRM-17996 CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::selectClause() returns unnecessary fields
  • CRM-17997 SYBUNT Report does not display priory year totals.
  • CRM-17998 Disabling a payment processor in the UI only disables live payment info NOT test payment info
  • CRM-17999 Add index to civicrm_contribution contribution_source field
  • CRM-18000 Membership Batch Data Entry: Renewal not working
  • CRM-18001 Group titles undefined in groups list
  • CRM-18002 civicrm accept password with lenght 1 character for useraccount
  • CRM-18003 Can't create events on demo sites
  • CRM-18004 IDS undefined index
  • CRM-18005 Invoice shows LESS paid even if a contribution is cancelled from an IPN payment
  • CRM-18006 Upgrade to 4.7 Uses Wrong DB Engine
  • CRM-18007 PCP: alpha pagination messed up
  • CRM-18008 Addressee field shows tokens instead of values when used in the Event, Name Badge Layout
  • CRM-18009 Wordpress install issues
  • CRM-18010 Ensure type of each report filters
  • CRM-18011 Mailer CRON job limit does not work
  • CRM-18012 Mailto links in tabs for custom data
  • CRM-18013 Custom 'integer' field displays value even if empty on event confirmation pages
  • CRM-18014 Missspelled county names in Sweden
  • CRM-18015 Use German country names
  • CRM-18016 Problems saving draft mailings
  • CRM-18017 Add regions to manage premiums template
  • CRM-18018 Lybunt report giving error with the defaults
  • CRM-18019 Display of custom checkbox field values is broken on event confirmation page
  • CRM-18020 Getting Started Dashlet doubles when upgrading from 4.6.12 to Future Versions
  • CRM-18021 Add in report links to AB testing report screen
  • CRM-18022 Contribution Repeat report likes to crash the server
  • CRM-18023 CiviCRM 4.6.12 download for Drupal does not instal
  • CRM-18024 Inconsitencies and improvements in Contact_Relationship report
  • CRM-18025 Related membership does not receive status update if the relationship is disabled/expired
  • CRM-18026 Invoice/Receipt not attached in email if paid by IPN payment
  • CRM-18027 No credit card transaction details after 4.7 update
  • CRM-18028 action.subscribeUrl token creates broken link
  • CRM-18029 Open Graph data for CiviEvents not scraping properly in WordPress
  • CRM-18030 CiviCRM page is not working
  • CRM-18031 CiviCRM not working in Joomla
  • CRM-18032 Action to register a group of contacts for an event generates an error message
  • CRM-18033 Campaign field on contribution recur edit screen drops the existing campaign if disabled
  • CRM-18034 Strict warning: Only variables should be assigned by reference in CRM_Contact_BAO_Query->group() (line 2840 of /var/www/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Contact/BAO/Query.php).
  • CRM-18035 Deleting file / attachment causes Undefined index: tag_id in CRM_Core_BAO_EntityTag::del()
  • CRM-18036 Non- static methods being called statically and non-statically.
  • CRM-18037 New Contacts have `preferred_mail_format`=NULL in international versions
  • CRM-18038 REST API Seems Broken - error "All requests that modify the database must be http POST, not GET." eronously raised
  • CRM-18039 Error while saving contact with 2 addresses: "The Location Type should be set if there is Address information."
  • CRM-18040 REST API escaping apostrophes wrong in WP
  • CRM-18041 Cron Job Issue
  • CRM-18042 Add source to participant listing report
  • CRM-18043 Document / inform people about new GMAIL TLS
  • CRM-18044 : Missing argument 4 for CRM_Custom_Form_CustomData::setGroupTree(),
  • CRM-18045 Sending test mailings causes Undefined index notices
  • CRM-18046 Search link in AB Testing report erroneously requires view all contacts permission
  • CRM-18047 Profile dropbox are not displayed in Contribution with wordpress and jetpack
  • CRM-18048 Activity Report fatal error when including custom field set with long name
  • CRM-18049 Selecting a campaign in CiviMail requires "Administer CiviCRM" permissions
  • CRM-18050 Cannot create price set with auto-renewing memberships
  • CRM-18051 Report preview works but saved report fail to show
  • CRM-18052 Manage Events, Current & Upcoming should ignore past events with no end date
  • CRM-18053 obsolete package HTML_Common
  • CRM-18054 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in CRM_Extension_Browser->_discoverRemote() (line 200 of C:\wamp\www\civicrm\sites\all\modules\civicrm\CRM\Extension\Browser.php)
  • CRM-18055 Fatal error in reports with some custom fields
  • CRM-18056 update docs with new location for WP civicrm.settings.php location
  • CRM-18057 Installation pages don't refer to setting up cron, cron setup very developerish
  • CRM-18058 CMS root path error in Directories page (Joomla version)
  • CRM-18059 WYSIWYG Custom Field not escaping html properly
  • CRM-18060 Campaign Dashboard notice error
  • CRM-18061 Test secret/publishable keys get overwritten with live keys on payment processor configuration save
  • CRM-18062 Mailing processing ignores timezone, and sends mailings at wrong time
  • CRM-18063 Tag and contact type searches stopped working after upgrade to 4.6.13
  • CRM-18064 find contributions: unable to sort when soft credits included
  • CRM-18065 Cron Not Running is Sometimes OK
  • CRM-18066 Include contact's display name as a field option in CIviCRM relationship report
  • CRM-18067 batch entry processing: unable to modify membership source
  • CRM-18068 batch member entry: renewal does not extend end date
  • CRM-18069 Custom field DataTables invalid JSON error when sorting columns
  • CRM-18070 Packaged eWAY classes not loaded for Event registration
  • CRM-18071 Contribution form no longer entering data into CiviMember for free memberships
  • CRM-18072 Unit tests don't work as explained in wiki
  • CRM-18073 False positive warning preventing creation of membership price sets
  • CRM-18074 Only first sub group's title in groups list is editable
  • CRM-18075 Profile submit API call does not add contact to goup or send opt-in email
  • CRM-18076 Error in call to Mailing_send_test
  • CRM-18077 Pledge acknowledgement sent regardless of contribution page config
  • CRM-18078 Assign receipt date to online contribution receipt template
  • CRM-18079 Custom PHP directory does not work in 4.7.x
  • CRM-18080 Allow search for empty dates on relationships advanced search
  • CRM-18081 Allow search of active relationships during a custom range of dates
  • CRM-18082 CiviCase API Create ignores custom data
  • CRM-18083 Only the first group children is made editable
  • CRM-18084 Remove references to contributionType
  • CRM-18085 Remove redundant call to $this->storeWhereHavingClauseArray(); from Lybunt
  • CRM-18086 Inconsistant completion of recurring contributions using trxn_id
  • CRM-18087 Filter event list by type no longer filters
  • CRM-18088 Support contribution page ID in views contextual filter
  • CRM-18089 Cron Error in 4.7
  • CRM-18090 After upgrade to 4.7.0 - Datatables warning when viewing Relationships
  • CRM-18091 Constant CIVICRM_DEBUG_LOG_QUERY equates TRUE to 'backtrace'
  • CRM-18092 Add Batch name/title to Bookkeeping report columns
  • CRM-18093 Provide speed information on queries when CIVICRM_DEBUG_LOG_QUERY is on
  • CRM-18094 Use print_r rather than var_dump when outputting queries to debug log
  • CRM-18095 Cache debug logger
  • CRM-18096 Slow queries when rendering logging tab
  • CRM-18097 Obsolete package Services_JSON
  • CRM-18099 CiviCRM 4.7.n cannot find civicrm.settings.php in WordPress Multi Network
  • CRM-18100 It is no longer possible to have the default country not set
  • CRM-18101 PayPalProIPN doesn't check for active processors only
  • CRM-18102 Contribution soft credit does not save for different contact type
  • CRM-18103 Warning in Pledge.php caused by null initial_reminder_day
  • CRM-18104 Add hook for defining logging tables
  • CRM-18105 Make deduping reversable
  • CRM-18106 Add activity to deleted contacts showing they were deleted by merge
  • CRM-18107 PayPal Standard: IPN could fail if multiple payment processors
  • CRM-18108 A/B Subject line Test - A is always chosen as Final
  • CRM-18109 Remove unindexed use of function (group caches)
  • CRM-18110 Can no longer create a contribution with a negative amount - a regression as in 4.4 this was ok
  • CRM-18111 event fee changes: unable to set 0 quantity for unit/price field
  • CRM-18113 Base page template is incorrectly assigned
  • CRM-18114 DB Error when Exporting Contact Using "Merge Household" Option
  • CRM-18115 smart group creation problem on custom fields range
  • CRM-18116 CiviCase Users Unable to Edit & Add Activities on Cases They've Been Assigned
  • CRM-18117 Yahoo geocoding stopped working in 4.7
  • CRM-18118 Pay later instructions for membership payments do not display and emails are not sent
  • CRM-18119 geocoding with MapQuest [declined - but try the geocoder extension]
  • CRM-18120 Deadlocks on ACL contact Cache
  • CRM-18121 Inaccurate results from advanced search
  • CRM-18122 Custom search views always expose information publicly
  • CRM-18123 CiviEvent Locations Not Displaying in Multisite
  • CRM-18124 Slow query searching for contribution amount & date range
  • CRM-18125 Advanced performance issue on state (not using indexes properly)
  • CRM-18126 Search / Advanced Search by Type or Tag Not Working on 4.6.13
  • CRM-18127 ACL with smart groups (a major feature) not working.
  • CRM-18128 Slow performance on export
  • CRM-18129 Can't create new contribution page
  • CRM-18130 Custom CSS URL not working if aliased or rewritten
  • CRM-18131 A required "On Behalf" profile with required fields won't allow you to complete contribution
  • CRM-18132 Can't record partial payment for pay-later event registration
  • CRM-18133 If a Contribution Page has a free Membership (zero amount) and the Pay Later option is enabled then "DB Error: syntax error" is shown when the Contribution is submitted if an INVOICE is to be rendered
  • CRM-18134 Fix contact_merge api so that the creation of an activity happens during api merge
  • CRM-18135 Number precision or rounding causes the displayed tax exclusive amount to be out by 1cent.
  • CRM-18136 Filtering contacts on group using API explorer fails
  • CRM-18137 Re-using a sent mailing will include disabled recipient groups
  • CRM-18138 CiviGroup Roles Sync: Can match incorrect user
  • CRM-18139 Notification needed when using Batch Update of Participants via Profile (currently only when using Change Participant Status function)
  • CRM-18140 Recurring PayPal transactions fail with 'Transaction ID not set'
  • CRM-18141 Scheduled reminders for activities not rendering custom field tokens
  • CRM-18142 [META] Fixes for group member caches
  • CRM-18143 Tokens are not replaced
  • CRM-18144 ckeditor customization does not work when using sites/, [civicrm.files] seems wrong
  • CRM-18145 CiviCRM dashboard broken unless CiviCRM API/Backend access is given
  • CRM-18146 Get rid of the civicrm_group_contact_cache table
  • CRM-18147 Advanced filtering on email or email_id does not work for the Contact API
  • CRM-18148 Geocode provider should not fallback to mapping provider?
  • CRM-18149 Retrieval of On Behalf profiles for contributions from civicrm_uf_join needs to be more specific
  • CRM-18150 Google geocoding - against terms of service?
  • CRM-18151 npm test failing locally
  • CRM-18152 On Behalf profile does not select org profile by default if contribution profiles are added prior to it
  • CRM-18153 Innodb speed improvement building group cache (autocommit=0)
  • CRM-18154 Profile custom field option: "Include in multi-record listing" un-ticked, but still persists
  • CRM-18155 Membership type smart group stops working in 4.6.13/4.6.14
  • CRM-18156 CiviCRM version 4.6.14 incorrectly shows security update required
  • CRM-18157 Sending blank e-mails to some specific addresses
  • CRM-18158 After an upgrade from 4.6.x to 4.6.14 a security popup is still shown
  • CRM-18159 Mailings does not have an ACL restriction in place
  • CRM-18160 Document risk of exposing data to anonymous users via profiles
  • CRM-18161 Display Total Cancelled Soft credit amount in contribution tab
  • CRM-18162 Warning Type is not defined for field campaign_id
  • CRM-18163 Unsupervised Organization Rule for On Behalf Of Contributions
  • CRM-18164 Filtering group contacts by status "removed" doesn't work
  • CRM-18165 Recurring activities breaks AJAX-based activity screens
  • CRM-18166 Complete transaction action not updating receipt_date when sent
  • CRM-18167 Activity count displays incorrectly on Activity pane in Manage Case form
  • CRM-18168 Can't make new profiles, or edit settings
  • CRM-18169 Accounting Batch Export to CSV results in Fatal Error & Whitescreen
  • CRM-18170 nasty hard fail for invalid character (from MS Word html) in a CiviMail
  • CRM-18171 Drupal 8 temporary instructions: remind people to change the CMS UF in civicrm-version.php
  • CRM-18172 Dashlets can get their knickers in a twist when there is more than one domain
  • CRM-18173 regression: Activities dashlet shows activities in descending, not ascending order
  • CRM-18174 DB Error when Exporting Contact Using "Merge Household" and "Select fields" Options
  • CRM-18175 Cron triggers "Constant CIVICRM_SETTINGS_PATH already defined" warning
  • CRM-18176 CiviEvent Registration Fails (Server Error 500) with PayJunction
  • CRM-18177 When Renewing an existing membership, if CC details are incorrect, Membership is set to Cancelled preventing contact from trying again
  • CRM-18178 Skip _bak & _backup tables when generating log tables & triggers
  • CRM-18179 Financial Transactions Missing Key Data Used in Report Filters
  • CRM-18180 Log table lookup should include all declared tables, even if they don't start with civicrm_
  • CRM-18181 CiviMail does not get all permissible mailings
  • CRM-18182 textarea fields reload as rich text on validation error
  • CRM-18183 custom file upload fields broken in backend
  • CRM-18184 Manage groups: Can't expand sub groups if title editable
  • CRM-18185 Missing translations in contact list's action dropdown
  • CRM-18186 Participant API: filter by 'Registered by ID' does not work
  • CRM-18187 Can't enable a disabled group
  • CRM-18188 Tabbed Custom Data Required Field Submit Values Ignored
  • CRM-18189 CiviCase: Send a copy for E-mail Activity
  • CRM-18190 current employer not recached on org merge
  • CRM-18191 API for PCPs
  • CRM-18192 Remove Sunlight integration from core
  • CRM-18193 Use unique log_conn_id in logging
  • CRM-18194 Group Type is set to empty while updating Group
  • CRM-18195 API for Personal Campaign Page
  • CRM-18196 Track 'mailto' links in CiviMail
  • CRM-18197 Activity report: activities with multiple targets have broken links to contact record
  • CRM-18198 Contact cannot re-register for an event
  • CRM-18199 CRM_Utils_File::sourceSQLFile too greedy when stripping comments
  • CRM-18200 Warning thrown on saving 'Financial Batch'
  • CRM-18201 Change form title "Export All or Selected Fields" to "Export Options"
  • CRM-18202 Export Case Activity Fields - missing delimiters
  • CRM-18203 Same address merge option on Contacts export not working as help text says it should.
  • CRM-18204 Disable use of Mixed Profile including grant fields for create mode
  • CRM-18205 Warnings in relationship report when running in PHP developer mode.
  • CRM-18206 Custom fields on non-contact entities do not appear in event confirmation emails
  • CRM-18207 Settings values not showing up.
  • CRM-18208 Still Not Resolved - Payment fields fail to reappear on donation page after using enter key in "other amount" text box
  • CRM-18209 NOT FIXED - Payment fields fail to reappear on donation page after using enter key in "other amount" text box
  • CRM-18210 Report the payment status of event participants.
  • CRM-18211 Separate Membership Payment Broken
  • CRM-18212 Allow for triggers to be managed offline
  • CRM-18213 Per fix me : // FIXME: split off the table → DAO mapping to a GenCode-generated class
  • CRM-18214 Report for reverting dedupes
  • CRM-18215 Remove unnecessary grouping on Change log
  • CRM-18216 Membership reminders get re-sent multiple times if membership end date was changed manually
  • CRM-18217 WordPress CiviCRM shortcode (no hijack), please do not output h1 as the form title
  • CRM-18218 Wordpress CiviCRM shortcode, please do not output a "Printer friendly" icon at all. This is the responsibility of the website to provide this function - not CiviCRM.
  • CRM-18219 Organization data shows up as required fields on contribution confirm page
  • CRM-18220 Notice asking to be reported on Add Contacts to Organization and on Add Members to Household forms
  • CRM-18221 CiviCRM Resource URL causing issues on initial install with WP
  • CRM-18222 Drupal 8 support: allow installation in /modules
  • CRM-18223 entity_table whitelist breaks extension use of Profiles.
  • CRM-18224 Search error on custom checkbox field
  • CRM-18225 Improvements to the Drupal Role > Membership Sync Module
  • CRM-18226 Print PDF letters inserts blank line when a token has a null value
  • CRM-18227 CiviCRM event shortcodes fail in WordPress 4.4.2 wihout highjack=1
  • CRM-18228 Check ALTtext for all images
  • CRM-18229 campaign_id is not saved for A/B test mailings
  • CRM-18230 When I create a new tag it's not usable
  • CRM-18231 Support safe migration from production to non-production instances
  • CRM-18232 Handle 'etc/UTF' timezone
  • CRM-18233 Fix modified_date action schedule test
  • CRM-18234 Event booking: File upload only works for primary participant
  • CRM-18235 Allow to define `returnPath` in CRM_Utils_Mail::send()
  • CRM-18236 Scheduled reminder sends multiple reminders when reference date has changed
  • CRM-18237 Preview page not shown when the "previous page" button it's called "Submit"
  • CRM-18238 Date Picker on "Create Event" does not work "Access CiviCRM" permission is enabled.
  • CRM-18240 Add number of installments & acknowledgement sent to pledge search
  • CRM-18241 Change field length of civicrm_option_value.label from 255 to 512
  • CRM-18242 "email sent" message incorrectly being displayed.
  • CRM-18243 Rebuild Smart group cache failure
  • CRM-18244 When searching for soft credits from contribution search an unfiltered temp table is created
  • CRM-18245 Contribution receipt not being sent after paying with Paypal
  • CRM-18246 Lybunt group clause not being included in temp table due to order of operations
  • CRM-18247 Contribution receive date is incorrect/misformatted in email sent by civicrm_api3_contribution_sendconfirmation
  • CRM-18248 Performance - select2 based contact autocomplete spams the DB server with potentially long running queries
  • CRM-18249 Copyright dates s/b updated to 2016
  • CRM-18250 Manage Events / search by date range uses incorrect WHERE criteria
  • CRM-18251 Pingback improvements
  • CRM-18252 Opt-out registration on the " Organization Address and Contact Info" screen
  • CRM-18253 Missing sanity checks on user-entered data
  • CRM-18254 Incorrect Navigation menu after upgrade to 4.7
  • CRM-18255 Incorrect Navigation menu after upgrade to 4.7
  • CRM-18256 Single checksum parameter that includes contact ID
  • CRM-18257 Add a WYSIWYG mode to support full HTML page
  • CRM-18258 View or Edit the existing contacts pop has white text on a white background
  • CRM-18259 In progress Pledge status not available as a an option on the pledge search screen
  • CRM-18260 Partial event payment status unclear in View Event Registration
  • CRM-18261 Incorrectly labeled relationship permissions checkboxes when editing from contact b
  • CRM-18262 Incorrectly labeled relationship permissions checkboxes when editing from contact b
  • CRM-18263 copy profile broken
  • CRM-18264 "Getting Started" dashlet can break upgrade to Civi >= 4.6.12
  • CRM-18265 option to select all countries
  • CRM-18266 Joomla CSS issue Note Preview
  • CRM-18267 upgrade php-font-lib
  • CRM-18268 ISO 639-3 support and API vs GUI language code inconsistency
  • CRM-18269 Free membership via a contribution page not working
  • CRM-18270 Activity description not rendering html
  • CRM-18271 Unable to search for or manage cases in CiviCase
  • CRM-18272 Frontend profile search problems
  • CRM-18273 Install On Wordpress Not Completing
  • CRM-18274 show location if not primary In Search Builder summary
  • CRM-18275 Regression: Activities in contacts' Activity tabs default to ascending order
  • CRM-18276 Report custom data table retrieval fails when tables are more than 1024 characters
  • CRM-18277 Backend Credit Card Transactions rewrite Source as 'recurring contribution'
  • CRM-18278 label and link errors in Contribution Summary when grouping by week
  • CRM-18279 Export not working with PHP < 5.5
  • CRM-18280 Fatal error in /civicrm/admin/scheduleReminders
  • CRM-18281 Fix translation for online event receipts
  • CRM-18282 Custom Field values from Profile in Contribution Page not saved in new Membership
  • CRM-18283 Manage Groups: Cannot Expand Children
  • CRM-18284 Cannot create mailing labels from all found contacts if they are sorted
  • CRM-18285 Incorrectly displaying country limit
  • CRM-18286 Make Show ... entities persistent
  • CRM-18287 Cannot cancel pledge
  • CRM-18288 Merging JS doesn't trigger for phone 'types'
  • CRM-18289 dmaster: Contacts with activities cannot be merged
  • CRM-18290 Edits to activities are not saved in CiviCase
  • CRM-18291 CiviCase: Copy Timelines to other Case Types
  • CRM-18292 CiviCase: Ability to copy/move activities between timelines in Case Types
  • CRM-18293 CiviCase: Abilty to duplicate Case Types
  • CRM-18294 Case Summary Report shows incorrect number of rows
  • CRM-18295 API Basic Get ignores entity definition
  • CRM-18296 Batch export error: wrong Financial Types on edited contributions
  • CRM-18297 Drupal 8 Crash on Admin Config page
  • CRM-18298 Implement hook_geocodeFormat
  • CRM-18299 Auto-Renew chkbox does not display if Pay Later is selected in configuration
  • CRM-18300 "Permission denied" message re contact on CiviCRM dashboard
  • CRM-18301 Wordpress shouldn't consider civicrm.config.php.drupal as candidate template
  • CRM-18302 PayPal Standard test payments never complete
  • CRM-18303 Online pledge payments paid through payment processor never complete
  • CRM-18304 Error loading module file (). Please restore the file or disable the module.
  • CRM-18305 "Please renew my membership automatically" appears repeatedly when Contribution Amounts section enabled
  • CRM-18306 Update Multiple Contacts - Profile with Dates is Broken
  • CRM-18307 Error when merging contacts with delete to trash off
  • CRM-18308 Poor argument checks for `--tarfile` option in `drush civicrm-upgrade` leads to removal of civicrm module files
  • CRM-18309 CRM-17645 breaks viewing Option Groups in some cases
  • CRM-18310 Add tests to debug functions, fix identified error & add ability to log raw messages
  • CRM-18311 Merging does not overwrite values (regression, data problem)
  • CRM-18312 Contribution Details Report Soft Credits, Soft Credit for columns
  • CRM-18313 Contribution tracker widget not working for Drupal sites
  • CRM-18314 Merging does not trigger pre/post/custom hooks for contact's belongings
  • CRM-18315 Fatal error: Cannot unset string offsets in... on line 141**** uploading pledge payments
  • CRM-18316 Pledge scheduled dates are created incorrectly at the end of a month
  • CRM-18317 Links to Drupal system broken if hook altered by a module
  • CRM-18318 Default to using date_timezone module if available to handle DST properly; cleanup timezone code.
  • CRM-18319 Unused TrackableURL::scan_and_replace method
  • CRM-18320 CiviMail: Ampersands in tracked URLs are no longer decoded (regression)
  • CRM-18321 Metatag canonicals are broken, query string is added
  • CRM-18322 iAmAnIntentionalENoticeThatWarnsOfAProblemYouShouldReport in Participant Search
  • CRM-18323 Improved PCP Search and listing with DataTable
  • CRM-18324 Division by zero error - Tax
  • CRM-18325 Membership signup overwrites individual contact as Organization instead of creating new Org
  • CRM-18326 Drupal views - allow formatting of money without $ prefix
  • CRM-18327 New Contact Deleted by merge Activity Type is displayed where it shouldn't be
  • CRM-18328 Custom fields do not show on Register Event Participant
  • CRM-18329 Drupal6 backport for drush 7 support
  • CRM-18330 Contact "source" gets overriden when processing a backend contribution
  • CRM-18331 Create dynamic group fails with SELECT DISTINCT
  • CRM-18332 Make logging.revert accessible from the api & tested
  • CRM-18333 Search builder respects contact type - Smart groups don't
  • CRM-18334 Hidden Groups should not be displayed as possible unsubscribe groups for a search-based CiviMailing
  • CRM-18335 Transaction ID no longer included in contribution receipt email (regression)
  • CRM-18336 Useless .DS_Store file in distro
  • CRM-18337 Use https for all social media url
  • CRM-18338 Fix test CRM_Dedupe_MergerTest
  • CRM-18339 Merge screen link to a contact's mailings does not work
  • CRM-18340 Missing Ningxia province in China, prefectures added as regions
  • CRM-18341 Pledges not being completed by completeTransaction
  • CRM-18342 "Snippet type is unrecognized" when viewing contact record
  • CRM-18343 CRM and API test failures
  • CRM-18344 Include attachments on the CiviMail review panel
  • CRM-18345 Deleting an email address deletes any mailing events related to it, and the contact
  • CRM-18346 CiviCRM API doesn't handle dates for Contribution
  • CRM-18347 error message after clearing security release message
  • CRM-18348 Pay later instructions not shown
  • CRM-18349 Custom date field default value not set on "On Behalf of" Profiles
  • CRM-18350 inherit joomal timezone to civicrm
  • CRM-18351 DrupalBase uses wrong properties for $language global when using Backdrop
  • CRM-18352 custom file field not working well with relationship api using webform
  • CRM-18353 allow to skip extension url from IDS check
  • CRM-18354 Export relationship custom field
  • CRM-18355 Repeat Transaction not working for test contributions
  • CRM-18356 Activity Reports show null Target Name fields incorrectly for some Activities
  • CRM-18357 Can we break the connection between a recurring transaction and the original contribution page it was created on?
  • CRM-18358 js break when custom date field included in 'On behalf' and 'Honor' Profile
  • CRM-18359 keep sort order on Financial Account page
  • CRM-18360 Expose logging data through GET api
  • CRM-18361 Regression: Address/email/phone IDs broken in Views integration
  • CRM-18362 navigation menu is always displayed in English
  • CRM-18363 New Mailing Mailing_send_test fails even though Mail configuration test passes
  • CRM-18364 Reply-To field depopulates when saving then continuing a draft mailing
  • CRM-18365 Remove irrelevant filter.js and filter.css includes
  • CRM-18366 Logging detail report only reverts changes from a hard-coded list of tables, excluding tags, group memberships & subscription history
  • CRM-18367 Fatal error on Contribution logging summary report (possibly remove - see comment)
  • CRM-18368 Add contribution status id to the permitted pass-thru values for repeattransaction api, add test
  • CRM-18369 Fix RepeatTransaction api to return an api formatted result
  • CRM-18370 Contribution for Multiple participants - TAX not applied for all Participants
  • CRM-18371 Misspelling in the print or email receipts screen
  • CRM-18372 dashboard notice error
  • CRM-18373 Contribution details missing from receipt
  • CRM-18374 Option label cannot be empty - for custom field
  • CRM-18375 Improve 'participant count' title wording in price options
  • CRM-18376 Manage Group screen shows no groups
  • CRM-18377 Views 'Text link' does not set default option correctly
  • CRM-18378 Export only exports one record to the CSV (contributions, contacts...)
  • CRM-18379 custom fields "Select Date" are broken as of 4.7
  • CRM-18380 CiviVolunteer dependency Angular Profiles notice error
  • CRM-18381 notice error on log file open after enabling invoice and tax support
  • CRM-18382 Outbound email warning appears incorrect
  • CRM-18383 civicrm/payment/ipn url in wordpress does not handle & (for some processors)
  • CRM-18384 URLs differ between Event Dashboard and Manage Events - Causes issue with Link Tracking in CiviMail
  • CRM-18385 Non-deductible contribution amounts are always $0
  • CRM-18386 Replicable!! WordPress redirect loop on contribution page with short code
  • CRM-18387 Contribution confirmation page forces custom date fields always to be format yyyy-mm-dd
  • CRM-18388 can't edit 'Details' field in custom activity types with custom fields in cases
  • CRM-18389 Cannot create recurring membership contribution
  • CRM-18390 Adding contact summary tab dynamically
  • CRM-18391 Timestamps reported by MySQL (eg "2016-04-11 11:09") and PHP (eg "2016-04-11 18:09" ) are mismatched.
  • CRM-18392 Add drush command to sync CMS users to Contacts
  • CRM-18393 The "Collapse by default" tick box can't be 'unset' on a Custom Field Group
  • CRM-18394 Updated role sync to support multiple synchronization methods
  • CRM-18395 Drupal Civicrm Event Listing Not Working
  • CRM-18396 Type error when deduping contacts with custom file field
  • CRM-18397 Blank billing address created on paid event registrations with no billing address
  • CRM-18399 "My billing address is the same as above" option goes away when selecting other payment options
  • CRM-18400 Advanced CiviMail permissions don't appear
  • CRM-18401 Not all values passed through via relationships ajax page are sanitised
  • CRM-18402 membership status update may use admin statuses
  • CRM-18403 API queries filtering on contact_sub_type don't work
  • CRM-18404 Trigger rebuild mechanism is unreliable
  • CRM-18405 When creating a contribution in the back-end, total amount is incorrect
  • CRM-18406 When a contribution is edited it doesn't update the activity to match
  • CRM-18407 e-notice fix, experienced when processing an offsite payment form contribution page
  • CRM-18408 SMTP connection via SSL and TLS in PHP 5.6
  • CRM-18409 Cannot view activity if originator has been deleted
  • CRM-18410 Missing States/provinces in multiple countries
  • CRM-18411 Update to 4.7.6 caused CRON error
  • CRM-18412 Export only serves first row of result set
  • CRM-18413 Advanced Search, section Mailings is not set up as opened
  • CRM-18414 On changing payment processor selection on Contribution page, disable submit button
  • CRM-18415 Calls to joomla_civicrm_tokenValues are different depending on the calling process/
  • CRM-18416 Developer API Explorer Financial Item displays wrong parameter for Currency
  • CRM-18417 Partial payments with online registration
  • CRM-18418 Checked Payment Option is unset when selecting "Other" amount
  • CRM-18419 Forward to a Friend
  • CRM-18420 Details field of a scheduled reminder contains raw HTML
  • CRM-18421 Undefined variable notice for CRM_Mailing_Page_AJAX::getContactMailings()
  • CRM-18422 Change log rollback not restricted to a single contact
  • CRM-18423 Evaluation Task for GSoC 2016
  • CRM-18424 Terminogy issue 'Total amount' is misleading for recurring
  • CRM-18425 Inappropriate recurring help text
  • CRM-18426 Pay later receipts not going out
  • CRM-18427 Submitted custom data values not reloaded on form when validation fails
  • CRM-18428 Is pay later being set on the receipt when the contribution is already completed
  • CRM-18429 CiviMail workflow permissions mis-formatted
  • CRM-18430 Inaccurate recurring text
  • CRM-18431 Expression always true
  • CRM-18432 CiviMail’s « Validate Email Address from Mailings » isn’t working
  • CRM-18433 GSoC 2016 : Evaluation Task
  • CRM-18434 First and last names for billing not displayed in confirmation screen
  • CRM-18435 Membership type smart group (from < 4.6) stops working in 4.6.15
  • CRM-18436 Non-mandatory custom rich text fields are mandatory in advanced search
  • CRM-18437 No expand icons in manage groups screen
  • CRM-18438 Default currency shown in contribution selector
  • CRM-18439 support MySQL 5.7 sql_mode=only_full_group_by
  • CRM-18440 Add ability to choose the page template for the civi base page in wordpress
  • CRM-18441 Fix leakage in CRM_Contact_BAO_Group::checkPermission
  • CRM-18442 (unncessary) Slow query for dedupes
  • CRM-18443 Proposed api function Contact.getmatches
  • CRM-18444 geocoding with HERE maps
  • CRM-18445 In 4.7 the activity 'Assign Case Role' is assigned to the client
  • CRM-18446 Search Button missing From Manage Group Page
  • CRM-18447 Cannot create Survey if Events have 'is required' custom data
  • CRM-18448 Update recurring contribution - prevent 'Financial Type is required field' validation error
  • CRM-18449 Update recurring contribution - fatal error - no Action set
  • CRM-18450 dmaster notice error
  • CRM-18451 Users without access to CiviCRM get admin theme on access denied
  • CRM-18452 Navigation Menu Permissions Search Not Working Well
  • CRM-18453 Display price amounts with correct currency consistently
  • CRM-18454 Webtest Failures
  • CRM-18455 'Safe merge' contacts designed to change address location type on conflict
  • CRM-18456 CRM-17645 breaks Activity screen when CiviCase is enabled
  • CRM-18457 Error on line 1894 ..administrator/components/com_civicrm/civicrm/CRM/Report/Form.php
  • CRM-18458 "Forward an email" form should not impersonate the constituent
  • CRM-18459 Case activity emails not sent to any added Case Resources
  • CRM-18460 Add relative date filters for Aggregate Contribution custom search
  • CRM-18461 PHP warnings on search builder/export
  • CRM-18462 Contact activity tab - editable Subject makes page too wide
  • CRM-18463 Not in between filter - not working properly
  • CRM-18464 Database Error upgrading to Civicrm 4.7
  • CRM-18465 Contribution summary letters - fully resolve contributions before calling hook
  • CRM-18466 Possible to kill server by accessing the mail detail report without an id
  • CRM-18467 Amount doesn't appear on Pay Later receipt
  • CRM-18468 The wrong recurring contribution is canceled under certain circumstances
  • CRM-18469 Strict warning for calling getTree by reference
  • CRM-18470 Update Membership Statuses scheduled job not running on demo
  • CRM-18471 Custom money field does not format on the summary page
  • CRM-18472 Notice fixes
  • CRM-18473 User Account created before Paypal payment confirmation using express paypal method
  • CRM-18474 CiviMail error due to unicode characters
  • CRM-18475 CiviCRM API : EntityTag-Create Tag Array insert fails if tag exists
  • CRM-18476 Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in CRM_Extension_Browser->_discoverRemote()
  • CRM-18477 No Group ID column on Manage Groups
  • CRM-18478 Applying a Search Profile to adv search results does not show email addresses
  • CRM-18479 Report performance bottleneck: alterCustomDataDisplay()
  • CRM-18480 Prevent merging deleted contacts
  • CRM-18481 Contribution Field cannot be Added to soft_credit Honoree Profile
  • CRM-18482 Remove call to fill cache right before emptying it
  • CRM-18483 Paypal payments - Pending (Incomplete Transaction)
  • CRM-18484 Error thrown in Reports if one of the params for in between filter is NULL
  • CRM-18485 Activity Tab Filter settings break 4.7 upgrade
  • CRM-18486 Rc tarball contains deprecated DAO files
  • CRM-18487 Custom Date picker doesn't display the last year.
  • CRM-18488 Add Installments to pledge but not paid report
  • CRM-18489 waitlist doesn't suppress fee and payment fields
  • CRM-18490 API does not return Address ID via API
  • CRM-18491 Remove unused function CRM_Core_Report::dateDisplay
  • CRM-18492 When creating a report from the 'all reports' put the creator's name into the title
  • CRM-18493 SQL injection in API calls
  • CRM-18494 Broken Links for Domains that contains 'xx'
  • CRM-18495 Treat all ZIP codes as text strings in CSV export
  • CRM-18496 When preparing a page in Wordpress, the civicrm shortcode does not action correctly
  • CRM-18497 Add test to merge job api
  • CRM-18498 Include / Exclude search does not work with parent groups.
  • CRM-18499 Missing filter 'empty' in reports
  • CRM-18500 Enable invoices for contributions with 'partially paid' status
  • CRM-18501 Mailing labels doesn't work for address type 'main'
  • CRM-18502 Pledge payment reminder activity fails to record
  • CRM-18503 Membership join_date is incorrectly set by CiviContribute sign-up page
  • CRM-18504 validateSubTypeByEntity checks value instead of key (Fatal error after 4.7.7 upgrade)
  • CRM-18505 EPUB broken
  • CRM-18508 State/Province not shown in Event Confirmation Emails
  • CRM-18509 Fatal error in CiviCRM 4.7.7 on Drupal 7
  • CRM-18510 Getting "One of parameters (value: `Home-street_address`) is not of the type MysqlColumnName" error when Contact Search is used.
  • CRM-18511 Fix CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroup::validateSubTypeByEntity()
  • CRM-18512 API explorer , when selecting a tag it should show its id in url not name
  • CRM-18513 Word Replacement not working in 4.7
  • CRM-18514 cronjob via cli.php fails silently
  • CRM-18515 Allow Payment Processor with same name when using multi-domain
  • CRM-18516 Convert the date fields relating to group caching & acl_caching to timestamp
  • CRM-18517 code loop when trying to dedupe through the batch merge job if conflicts exist
  • CRM-18518 Translation string fixes for 4.7
  • CRM-18519 Add 'standard' contact report fields to contribution detail report
  • CRM-18520 Wrong message after performing "unhold email" task on Contact Search.
  • CRM-18521 Search results table, "Select all" checkbox gives "mark_x_201 is not of the type Integer"
  • CRM-18522 Bug in sql query generation in dedupes
  • CRM-18523 Search Builder fails for Membership ID
  • CRM-18524 DB error when exporting contributions from Advanced search
  • CRM-18525 Renamed Contact Types Cause "Invalid Entity Filter" Exception
  • CRM-18526 CRM-18345 breaks upgrades
  • CRM-18527 Activities date filter works on report but not on dashlet
  • CRM-18528 Manage Groups search ignores filters
  • CRM-18533 Custom Field on Contribution Page Bug
  • CRM-18534 HTTP api returns invalid result if wrong api key is provided
  • CRM-18535 Access deleted contact permission is needed to get adresses without contact_id via HTTP-API
  • CRM-18536 require_once 'CiviTest/CiviUnitTestCase.php'; no longer required (& causes some problems)
  • CRM-18537 Correction of State list for Brazil
  • CRM-18538 scheduled reminder emails do not respect do not email settings
  • CRM-18539 Permit criteria for batch merging (other than group) and a limit
  • CRM-18540 user dashboard errors out
  • CRM-18541 Allow people to signup for extension notifications
  • CRM-18542 Make Date Format change easier
  • CRM-18543 Deleting email address or phone of CiviMail recipient causes job to hang
  • CRM-18544 Problem with custom fields for contact subtypes with localized installation
  • CRM-18545 Advanced search results: print view (from "print" icon) looks bad, has JS errors
  • CRM-18546 Duplicate email addresses created when merging in 4.7
  • CRM-18547 Marking contacts as not a duplicate on merge screen loses group context
  • CRM-18548 Temporary table for exporting data still remains in database.
  • CRM-18549 The last remaining enabled component cannot be disabled.
  • CRM-18550 CiviMail recipients field becomes very slow to use on large sites
  • CRM-18551 Database schema update to fix keys
  • CRM-18552 Localization > Date Formats page: Redirects to CiviCRM home after saving
  • CRM-18553 Localization > Date Formats page: Redirects to CiviCRM home after saving
  • CRM-18554 Using IS EMPTY operator for some date fields crashes 4.7.7
  • CRM-18555 Importing incorrect data can result in PHP fatal error
  • CRM-18556 api query array of ids not working in contribution
  • CRM-18557 Remove call to flush group_contact cache from profile create function
  • CRM-18558 Selecting all on this page on search leaves count at Zero and hence Actions are unavailable
  • CRM-18559 Custom field sets for other activity types appear on activity create form
  • CRM-18560 Mailing header requires text but not html body
  • CRM-18561 Relationships not Expired
  • CRM-18562 Performance issues with many discounts
  • CRM-18563 Issues with the API and testing the API
  • CRM-18564 (NFC) Minor tidy up in logging summary
  • CRM-18565 Installer's Configure screen nearly blank
  • CRM-18566 CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildClause() (line 5413 of /home/mysite/public_html/drupal/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Contact/BAO/Query.php).
  • CRM-18567 Trying to edit contact with multiple subtypes gives error: Invalid Filter
  • CRM-18568 Api gives error when using 'LIKE' with pseudoconstant fields
  • CRM-18569 Scheduled reminders won't allow "Record activity" flag to be deselected
  • CRM-18570 Event custom fields not duplicated from event templates
  • CRM-18571 Create activity when contact opens, clicks, or performs other action on bulk email
  • CRM-18572 Decimal point should not be displayed for currency amount
  • CRM-18573 Don't force payment for backoffice pending contribution
  • CRM-18574 [META] Dedupe issues identified during 4.7.8 RC
  • CRM-18575 Flipping contacts before batch merge is ignored
  • CRM-18576 'Order by' on dedupe listing is not consistent
  • CRM-18577 Dedupe listing filter by postcode issue
  • CRM-18578 Dedupe listing filtering issues
  • CRM-18579 Batch merge 'number of duplicates' message is incorrect
  • CRM-18580 Add support for second Sales Tax per line item
  • CRM-18581 Add tests for dedupe listing AJAX page
  • CRM-18582 Forward Replies not working on WP and Joomla
  • CRM-18583 Dedupe listing page creates multiple 'undefined variable' warnings
  • CRM-18584 Improve batch merge notification with number skipped due to deletion
  • CRM-18585 Smart Groups Changing 'OR' to 'AND' in Search Query
  • CRM-18586 Multiple CustomData : all data are not displayed in Contact Form
  • CRM-18587 Multiple CustomData : empty data is saved
  • CRM-18588 Click summary missing from A/B test results
  • CRM-18589 Decrease the memory usage when running tests.
  • CRM-18590 Date range restrictions on date custom fields breaking popup calendar
  • CRM-18591 group_type parameter ignored when using API to create group
  • CRM-18592 Enabling CiviCase component in Joomla not possible
  • CRM-18594 Creating event templates throws an 'Invalid Entity Filter' exception
  • CRM-18595 CiviCRM starter kit on Pantheon out of date
  • CRM-18625 not saving testing URL
  • CRM-18651 Adding an event type with a non numeric value breaks functionality.
  • CRM-18652 Quick search should provide feedback to user if no matches are found
  • CRM-18653 Replace $db_config['server'] by $db_config['host']
  • CRM-18654 Custom field error on CiviVolunteer activity type from getTree updates
  • CRM-18655 Selected id's not escaped properly
  • CRM-18656 Advanced search fails to show tagset criteria when editing saved search
  • CRM-18657 CiviMail replacing '&' with '&amp;' inside URLs
  • CRM-18658 Cleanup - inappropriate i18n file
  • CRM-18659 inappropriate place for upgrade script
  • CRM-18660 Change Custom Date Field Year Selection Range Default Functionality
  • CRM-18661 Two identical payments get associated with one contribution - also on demo site
  • CRM-18664 Pay later contributions - default paid by option
  • CRM-18665 Custom data sets configured for an event type only aren't redisplayed after failing validation
  • CRM-18666 Unexpected token ILLEGAL when adding new mailing
  • CRM-18667 Dedupe regression bug (4.7.8rc) merge contacts action from task list fails with an error
  • CRM-18668 Option Groups always reserved
  • CRM-18669 Users can not cancel event registration
  • CRM-18670 Payment method causes notice error from Eileen
  • CRM-18671 Scheduled jobs walk again in 4.7
  • CRM-18672 CiviMail New Mailing won't load
  • CRM-18673 4.7.8 regression - identical addresses treated as a conflict
  • CRM-18674 Merge fatal error when copying custom field data of type 'DATE'
  • CRM-18675 CiviCRM_API3_Exception: "DB Constraint Violation - possibly dashboard_id should possibly be marked as mandatory for this API. If so, please raise a bug report."
  • CRM-18676 Incorrect status for pay later free membership
  • CRM-18677 Bugs with multivalued custom data displayed Inline.
  • CRM-18678 Navigation button on the dashboard dashlets
  • CRM-18679 Hi please tell me simple step to install civicrm in drupal 8
  • CRM-18680 "Sorry an error occurred and your information was not saved" if email contains an image or a table
  • CRM-18681 Permissioning issues with batch merge job
  • CRM-18683 Smart group refresh locks issue on 4.7.8rc
  • CRM-18684 Group Load fails with is not of the type MysqlOrderBy
  • CRM-18685 Batch merge - custom data not treated as a conflict - resulting in dataloss
  • CRM-18686 Invalid Entity Filter caused by localisation of contact type labels
  • CRM-18687 Non-ASCII characters cause editor to crash on save.
  • CRM-18688 Cancel an IPN payment when renewing membership cancels entire membership
  • CRM-18689 Submit Credit Card Contribution doesn't record payment instrument ID in transaction
  • CRM-18690 Billing block isn't present on contribution page if no value is selected
  • CRM-18691 Select2 Height Set to Auto Creates Squashed Prefix Select
  • CRM-18692 Don't fill the entire smart group cache if someone goes to 'Manage Groups' and the cache is empty
  • CRM-18693 Dedupefind's filter on zips should treat input as prefix
  • CRM-18694 DedupeFind: AJAX getdupes method should search from the start on postcode
  • CRM-18695 Don't break roll back when clearing caches if smartgroup timeout is 0
  • CRM-18696 Street filter in Constituent Summary report broken without street address parsing
  • CRM-18697 Make it possible to add new ExportFormats via extensions
  • CRM-18698 Reassigning a role on a CiviCase creates a new relationship but doesn't delete the old one
  • CRM-18699 Wake Island is misspelled
  • CRM-18700 PayPal Express and Event multiple registrations: "continue" button is hidden
  • CRM-18701 civicrm_financial_item has wrong amount when overriding line item price
  • CRM-18702 Getting Started Guide for casual developer/ administrator trying to become more
  • CRM-18703 Configuration Checklist to include Cron Job setup
  • CRM-18704 Again - E-mail message sent bases on templates goes with empty body
  • CRM-18705 Notice error on training site
  • CRM-18706 The Activity type filter on user activities is not working
  • CRM-18707 Add some links to where you can view public civimails
  • CRM-18708 Unable to import multi-value custom field
  • CRM-18709 My website is not accessible when civicrm server is down.
  • CRM-18710 Current forms will stop working with Paypal Std in June next year
  • CRM-18711 Good Credit Cards Sometime Give Errors When No Card Type Specified
  • CRM-18712 Multiple "Empolyee of" handled incorrectly
  • CRM-18713 SMS activity requires mobile phone to be set as primary
  • CRM-18714 Make CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_Base abstract?
  • CRM-18715 Uppercase country names not ISO 3166-1 compliant
  • CRM-18733 CiviMail recipient count sticks on '(Estimating)'
  • CRM-18739 Cancelled amount missing currency format on contribution find page
  • CRM-18740 Update the views integration list of tables when custom fieldset created
  • CRM-18741 Multiple Custom Field with file type display and edit
  • CRM-18742 Place cursor in the first field of most search pages
  • CRM-18743 Undefined variable: order in CRM_Contact_BAO_Query->prepareOrderBy()
  • CRM-18744 Remember quicksearch field selection
  • CRM-18745 CKeditor configuration does not support disallowed content
  • CRM-18746 Financial Transaction with Payment = 0 Listed in Partially Paid Contribution Detail
  • CRM-18747 group descriptions no longer included when listing in profiles
  • CRM-18748 "$error = true" code style weirdness in civicrm.module
  • CRM-18749 CC Contributions with Financial Types Associated with VAT Creates Extraneous Financial Transaction
  • CRM-18750 Unify form markup in standard template
  • CRM-18751 Add method for setting payment processor return URL
  • CRM-18752 Multi Value Custom Field importer broken on 4.7
  • CRM-18753 Missing class results in 500 error when extensions make API requests
  • CRM-18754 Process extension parameters in shortcodes
  • CRM-18755 TCPDF uses incorrect font path after CRM-18098 upgrade
  • CRM-18756 Mailing URL redirection: use CRM_Utils_Rule::mysqlColumnNameOrAlias()
  • CRM-18757 Warnings on PR QA Jenkins Generated Site
  • CRM-18758 Warnings on PR QA Jenkins Generated Site
  • CRM-18759 CRM_Utils_Type::validate($data, 'String') should fail for non-string-like values of $data
  • CRM-18760 Pledge Financial Type Not Available for Selection in Searches and Exports
  • CRM-18761 Revert function borks on datetime fields because they are formatted with dashes & colons etc
  • CRM-18762 Upgrade Selenium package
  • CRM-18763 "getting started" dashlet should not cache a 504 gateway error
  • CRM-18764 Upgrade to 4.6.17 breaks PDF generation
  • CRM-18765 Include suggestion(s) for CiviCRM cron job command
  • CRM-18766 HHVM: Fatal error when editing user password in WP: Cannot access private property Civi\Core\Transaction::$state
  • CRM-18767 Submit Credit Card Membership (or Event Registration) Not showing in Admin
  • CRM-18768 Add specific groups and tags to a profile instead of all of them.
  • CRM-18769 IATS: Financial Items Not Created for Subsequent Installments of API Recurring Subscriptions
  • CRM-18770 Add test for 'String' validation for CRM_Utils_Type::validate()
  • CRM-18771 API filtering by api_key column does not work as expected
  • CRM-18772 Add in ability to check if field already exists in the database
  • CRM-18774 Standardize Record Payment for Partially Paid Contributions Resulting from Changes to Event Selections
  • CRM-18775 Discount financial trxn records not being created
  • CRM-18776 Views and non-Contact entities with custom field groups
  • CRM-18777 Mattermost test
  • CRM-18778 Petition thank-you fields translatable to wrong table
  • CRM-18779 Receipts seem to be messed up
  • CRM-18780 CiviDiscount: Discount codes are case sensitive
  • CRM-18792 Allow extensions to define CSS themes
  • CRM-18799 WordPress requires exec() command not be disabled
  • CRM-18800 Organization import does not allow mapping organization name field
  • CRM-18801 Updating title in Getting Started widget
  • CRM-18802 suppress cancel auto-renewal admin link if not valid for select processor
  • CRM-18803 CiviReports REGEXP incorrectly filters selected values
  • CRM-18804 Email Address Reminders are not Sent From Address
  • CRM-18805 Contribution page not recorded on recurring transactions, Recurring contribution payments do not create CC or BCC emails or profile notifications
  • CRM-18806 Form validation notifications should not disappear
  • CRM-18807 Fatal error when trying to register participant offline
  • CRM-18808 SOAP calls in Drupal result in "Call to undefined method CRM_Utils_SoapServer::getUsersTableName()" error
  • CRM-18809 CiviCRM Permissions are not saved
  • CRM-18810 Remove redundant defines from CRM_Utils_Type
  • CRM-18811 MySQL table and column aliases can contain spaces
  • CRM-18815 getTrackerURL() returns invalid url_id for CiviMail A/B Test
  • CRM-18827 Missed Required Field Returns Default Value of Membership after Overriding
  • CRM-18830 Google Geocoding - use SSL, restore API key
  • CRM-18831 Positive integer validation on text/numeric price fields
  • CRM-18836 Update Address.tpl for correct url
  • CRM-18854 Recurring Payments for Pledges - front end
  • CRM-18855 settings validation
  • CRM-18953 Revise Latest News dashboard widget to segment relevant information
  • CRM-18954 Error on adding a field to a profile used by a contribution page
  • CRM-18955 CiviMail sending multiple copies to test address and when submitted
  • CRM-18957 Apis don't respect permissions
  • CRM-18958 Allow a limit to be set when deduping
  • CRM-18959 Import fails when custom multi-value date field is imported
  • CRM-18960 Change title in Getting Started widget
  • CRM-18970 validateSubTypeByEntity breaks adding additional Multi-record custom values
  • CRM-18971 Google geocoder should populate postal code
  • CRM-18972 List of strings that cannot be localized cause the absence of ts() function
  • CRM-18973 IPN copyCustomValues DB Error: already exists
  • CRM-18974 Soft Credit type not initially available for selection on donation import
  • CRM-18975 Activity date filter ignored when viewing activity reports
  • CRM-18976 Contribution importer does not handle currency symbols
  • CRM-18977 Contribution reports fails when Financial ACL is enabled
  • CRM-18978 Error on running cron job for mailing process
  • CRM-18979 PayPal Sandbox Settings are not retained.
  • CRM-18980 Event payment processor selection is no longer multi-site aware
  • CRM-18981 Add a 'validate' action to CiviCRM API
  • CRM-18982 Pledge report: cannot add results to a group
  • CRM-18983 CiviCRM DB error on 4.7.8 upgrade
  • CRM-18984 Can't delete an import/export mapping
  • CRM-18985 Integer custom fields with select/radio controls - multiple issues
  • CRM-18986 Contact import progress - multiple issues
  • CRM-18987 Editing Memberships Shows Incorrect Message
  • CRM-18988 multi custom data: after sorting, unable to edit
  • CRM-18989 Dollar Sign showing twice in Activity custom field (money)
  • CRM-18990 Add function to get value of account relationship
  • CRM-18991 localize descriptions for financial_account_type and account_relationship in data
  • CRM-18992 change type of civicrm_entity_financial_account.account_relationship to varchar
  • CRM-18995 hook_civicrm_custom does not receive id of newly created record on create which is problematic for multiple valued groups
  • CRM-18996 Root nav menu shows unexpected "My Reports"
  • CRM-18997 Fatal error when strings are truncated
  • CRM-18998 correct localization in civicrm_data.sql
  • CRM-18999 Incorrect/confusing payment amounts on partial payments
  • CRM-19000 QuickSearch returns all contacts when you press "Enter"
  • CRM-19001 Please add Cart form to list for cividiscount
  • CRM-19002 Issues with self service cancelling and transfering event bookings with multiple participants
  • CRM-19003 Profile listing doesn't produce expected results when range-searching custom date field
  • CRM-19004 Event/BAO/Query.php role search fails
  • CRM-19005 GroupContactCache cache timeout string incorrect
  • CRM-19006 option values with commas are unsearchable
  • CRM-19007 Optionally disable USPS address validation during contact import
  • CRM-19008 duplicate settings files causing database cron and civimail error
  • CRM-19009 Offline membership on the fly contact creation doesn't enable 'send confirmation receipt' checkbox.
  • CRM-19010 Advanced Search for activities ignores "OR" mode
  • CRM-19011 Backdrop user creation creates two CiviCRM contacts
  • CRM-19012 log_user_id not recorded in log tables for REST calls
  • CRM-19013 Compiled templates are truncated
  • CRM-19014 Add summary-overlay type icons to contacts in activities-listing
  • CRM-19015 Merge data loss on zero fields (batch mode)
  • CRM-19016 Order mail processing by contact type to let individuals take precedence
  • CRM-19017 Scheduled membership reminders have stopped working
  • CRM-19027 Slow query in MyIsam db check
  • CRM-19028 Change get(userID) to getLoggedInContactID()
  • CRM-19029 Additional unit tests for batch merge
  • CRM-19030 Better UI/UX for limiting and viewing dedupes
  • CRM-19031 CiviCRM Case Export - can't export an Individuals Employer data
  • CRM-19032 Event Registration Confirm and ThankYou tpls assume one can only pay by Credit Card (and not ACHEFT - Direct Debit)
  • CRM-19033 Improve standardisation of test classes by removing the duplicate functions
  • CRM-19034 Remove line that makes all countries upper case
  • CRM-19035 Batch merge deletes incorrect contact
  • CRM-19036 Incorrect recipient count as ACL permission is ignored
  • CRM-19037 Language option in API is ignored
  • CRM-19038 Move safeRemoveFK function out of Upgrade code and into schemaHandler class
  • CRM-19039 API Contact.get does not return employer_id, even when speficied as return parameter
  • CRM-19040 More flexibility with regions in contact's summary screen
  • CRM-19041 Soft Credit information missing in contribution exports
  • CRM-19042 Refactor code responsible for setting recur params for payment processor
  • CRM-19043 Make duplicate contact consistently listed on the same 'side'
  • CRM-19044 Slow query in api / query object
  • CRM-19045 Regression!!! total_amount cannot be returned using operators
  • CRM-19046 Creating an Event template from an existing template creates a new event instead
  • CRM-19047 Back-office registration of guest participants
  • CRM-19048 FullText - Search by email, blank
  • CRM-19049 Pledge payments and 'adjust payment amount' don't work with pending payments
  • CRM-19050 Pledge's 'Edit scheduled amount' does not obey 'Adjust pledge payment schedule'
  • CRM-19051 Logging - setting to allow offline triggers not respected in all cases
  • CRM-19052 Batch update of Communication preferences not applying changes when removing all options
  • CRM-19053 Update Pending Contribution Status Action Injects "recurring contribution" in Source Field if Blank and Time Stamp set to 00:00
  • CRM-19054 Update Multiple Contributions and Changing Status from Pending to Completed Does Not Update Pledge Payment Status and Sets Time Stamp to 00:00
  • CRM-19056 Add record button edits existing custom field record instead
  • CRM-19057 Missing wysiwyg on contribution page title
  • CRM-19058 Add `Civi::request()` facade based on Symfony HttpFoundation
  • CRM-19059 Upgrade DOMPDF to 0.7
  • CRM-19060 Membership Detailed Report Payment Amount (most recent) not reporting correct contribution
  • CRM-19061 Update CiviReports (starting with Sybunt) to optionally show line item
  • CRM-19062 CRM_Utils_Check - Suggest using `[cms.root]`, etal
  • CRM-19063 Multi-site settings name dangerous and/or confusing
  • CRM-19064 API for personal campaign page
  • CRM-19065 Import Multi-value Custom Data Fails for Household Contact Type
  • CRM-19066 No Civi Confirmation Email After Using Paypal
  • CRM-19067 Backport CRM-16495: metatag canonical urls are broken
  • CRM-19069 (unncessary) Slow query for dedupes - #2
  • CRM-19070 mailing may be marked completed while recipients are still being populated
  • CRM-19071 Wordpress media upload progress/image box not showing in grid mode
  • CRM-19072 Batch update - Can't modify custom fields for a contact with 2 subtypes
  • CRM-19073 Error displaying custom country field in Drupal
  • CRM-19074 Custom field checkboxes migrated incorrectly on merge
  • CRM-19075 Group Remove data not retained on merge
  • CRM-19076 Batch merge does not migrate all addresses
  • CRM-19077 Participant listing report: add event End Date field to the report
  • CRM-19078 Cannot search memberships by auto-renew OR not-auto-renew
  • CRM-19079 profile edit permission checks bypass standard route in WP
  • CRM-19080 New enotice (in 4.7.10 - possibly introduced in 4.7.9 CRM-18656
  • CRM-19081 Support Legacy Search Builder stateProvince Field
  • CRM-19082 Recording payments for event registrations does not update contribution or participant status
  • CRM-19083 RTL menu support
  • CRM-19084 Payment method and Payment Processor is Null for ipn call back
  • CRM-19085 CiviReport "Add to Group" not working in 4.7.10 - introduced in 4.7.9
  • CRM-19086 CiviCRM Core Installation fails on Drupal 8.1.x
  • CRM-19087 "empowered by %1" in RTL languages
  • CRM-19088 Show contact subtype field when create contact subtype
  • CRM-19089 One of parameters is not of the type MysqlColumnNameOrAlias when using Non-ASCII display names.
  • CRM-19090 'Add new' tab on Manage extensions screen not displaying any extensions
  • CRM-19091 Membership Status Pending Not Updating to Current (Scheduled Job)
  • CRM-19092 cid=0 contribution form overwrites contact information for admin filling out form
  • CRM-19093 executeQuery in i18n regex not working 100%
  • CRM-19094 cid=0 membership contribution form can overwrite data of an existing membership
  • CRM-19095 Manual Recipient in Scheduled reminder is send email each cron run, reminder or not
  • CRM-19096 Parent group arrow mis-aligned
  • CRM-19097 Cache cidRefs during merge
  • CRM-19098 Include Group settings (mailing list or acl) when creating group on import
  • CRM-19099 Adding altermailparams and altermailcontent hooks to receipts
  • CRM-19100 4.7.8 SQL Incremental Update May Fail for UTF8
  • CRM-19101 Super slow login due to checks
  • CRM-19102 Refactor the Paypal IPN code to replay transactions
  • CRM-19103 API chaining doesn't work with Contributions
  • CRM-19104 Changing a changed event amount is not recorded properly
  • CRM-19105 API Explorer - Address - Province ID - Localized province name
  • CRM-19106 When Contribution Transact API fails, unencrypted Credit Card Numbers are posted to logs.
  • CRM-19107 PayPal Button Error
  • CRM-19108 [NFC] Fix incorrect case on CRM_Utils_array call
  • CRM-19109 Daft Mailings are not saved
  • CRM-19110 Changing Amount of Pledge Creates Additional Expected Installments Instead of Updating Existing Installments
  • CRM-19111 Inbound email-to-activity chokes on empty email
  • CRM-19112 Default pager size as a setting instead of a constant
  • CRM-19113 Merge data loss on custom data when permissions are in play
  • CRM-19114 Default membership category on live page isn't the one selected by admin
  • CRM-19115 PHP and MySQL timezones mismatch over API but not in UI
  • CRM-19116 Smarty performance improvement
  • CRM-19117 Smart group dependencies
  • CRM-19118 Cache files hiding issue with Syntax Conformance test, Group adding children_ before id of children groups
  • CRM-19119 _post hook objectRef is not always an object
  • CRM-19120 country/state chain-select behavior is broken in Event Cart Checkout "add another participant"
  • CRM-19121 contrib tab: implement datatables for soft credit listing
  • CRM-19122 Group Organization & parent default code should be the same
  • CRM-19123 Merging contacts: blank date fields write as 1970
  • CRM-19124 Date of birth format varies between hooks and API
  • CRM-19126 civicrm_line_item.tax_amount incorrectly set when using online payment processor
  • CRM-19127 Add capability to isolate manual membership payments
  • CRM-19128 (possibly partial 4.7.10 regression) Confusing double presentation of contributions in contribution detail report
  • CRM-19129 Allow for choice of from email when sending receipts
  • CRM-19130 create DAO hook
  • CRM-19131 Inbound email activities may not work if originating email is unrecognised
  • CRM-19132 Add html type to a few more fields
  • CRM-19133 Unassigning contact subtype for a custom group causes data loss
  • CRM-19134 Missing French overseas departments.
  • CRM-19135 preferred_mail_format not selecting translated labels in international versions
  • CRM-19136 PayPal IPN not being processed in Joomla
  • CRM-19137 Add source as a filter on the contribution details report
  • CRM-19140 Add day to the grouping options on contribution summary report
  • CRM-19148 Batch merge - Email on hold data lost when there is a conflict
  • CRM-19149 Financial Transactions Created When Editing a Negative Contribution Incorrect
  • CRM-19150 Preserve contribution when associated membership is deleted (step 1 of 2 | API and BAO)
  • CRM-19151 Add / fix the Ability to merge memberships
  • CRM-19152 When using taxes and IPN processor, total_amount is reset to $0
  • CRM-19153 Future pledge start date causes improper future pledge payment dates
  • CRM-19154 SOAP Authentication Fails on WP
  • CRM-19155 Allow for Template Selection in View Contribution > Email Invoice
  • CRM-19156 Date format should be associated with a saved import field mapping
  • CRM-19157 Replace CRM_Core_Error::fatal() with CRM_Utils_System::permissionDenied()
  • CRM-19158 Import multi-value custom field fails for some contact type
  • CRM-19159 File custom type is not displyed in "Matching CiviCRM Field"
  • CRM-19160 Fatal error during adding new contact
  • CRM-19161 Warning covers AutoRenew checkbox if PayLater is chosen preventing user for unselecting it
  • CRM-19162 no contribution details included in pay later receipt
  • CRM-19163 Unable to download extension from|cms=Joomla/single. Error Message: error:0D0890A1:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_verify:unknown message digest algorithm
  • CRM-19164 Remove assert() from Core_Transaction_Frame in order to better support HHVM
  • CRM-19165 Use permission sensitive function to create strip-numeric function
  • CRM-19166 Find Contributions Send Email notice errors
  • CRM-19167 Add is_deceased as a filter to reports (default = 0)
  • CRM-19168 Membership batch update: Custom date field causes Javascript date_format error
  • CRM-19169 CiviConnect - Allow services to define a welcome dialog
  • CRM-19170 Improve performance on group filter (Contribution reports)
  • CRM-19171 Custom checkboxes not saved on Membership renewal.
  • CRM-19172 on behalf form + user account creation attempts to create user for org
  • CRM-19173 BCC shown in emails sent via SMTP
  • CRM-19174 improve performance of queries created by API
  • CRM-19175 Contribution Report set to "contribution only" returns error on Add to Group
  • CRM-19176 Add grouping options for contribution thank you letters
  • CRM-19177 Include privacy values in print selected rows from contact search screen
  • CRM-19178 Joomla civicrm 4.7.9 getting wrong membership type and start and end date in registration email.
  • CRM-19179 Handle 'primary' contact information when manually merging contacts
  • CRM-19180 Custom email type fails to display in profile
  • CRM-19181 Remove background-image from .crm-container #help ul li
  • CRM-19182 Fatal Error while printing 'Thank-you Letter for Contributions (PDF)'
  • CRM-19183 Filename error on PDF download (DOMPDF).
  • CRM-19184 Activities target contact list does not truncate
  • CRM-19185 Cannot print contribution thank you letter PDF
  • CRM-19186 Subsequent Installments of Recurring Credit Card Contributions Indicate a Payment Instrument of Check
  • CRM-19187 Add links to the public version of the civimails
  • CRM-19188 optionally import replies to civimails as activities
  • CRM-19189 Soft Credit and Soft Credit Type Fields Switched in Contribution Bulk Entry Form
  • CRM-19190 OpenFlashChart causing errors on dmaster demo site
  • CRM-19191 Improve Filtering in Dedupe execptions list
  • CRM-19192 Event participant (and possibly other entity) imports do not handle "non-comma CSV"
  • CRM-19193 Report header and footer not included for print- and pdf-output
  • CRM-19194 printing labels for members without address (+ FIX)
  • CRM-19195 Duplicate entry in civicrm_uf_match when forcing account creation
  • CRM-19196 Drupal-Civicrm- Bounce Process not working
  • CRM-19197 Stop Merge links from dropping the limit parameter
  • CRM-19198 Add form merge hook call to dedupe form
  • CRM-19199 DB error on Contribution Detail report when adding contacts to group
  • CRM-19200 Merging just the title (prefix) field doesn't update the record properly
  • CRM-19201 Cannot search CiviCampaign/CiviCase activities or report CiviCampaign activities
  • CRM-19202 Exporting an OR search exports with selected fields
  • CRM-19203 Notice thrown during upgrade from 4.7.9 to 4.7.10
  • CRM-19204 Contact-to-contact email attachments not working
  • CRM-19205 Unable to delete reports
  • CRM-19206 drush cc all does not clear civicrm_cache table
  • CRM-19207 checkTriggerViewPermission succeeds despite lacking CREATE VIEW permission
  • CRM-19208 guesURL function in Security.php can produce wrong outcome
  • CRM-19209 Create Group without selecting parent throws fatal error on dmaster
  • CRM-19210 REST API: XML tag created by numeric first character
  • CRM-19211 Wrong exit function in dedupe callback
  • CRM-19212 Error Shown When Exporting Contacts
  • CRM-19213 Initial Completed Installment of Recurring Contribution Creates Incorrect Payment Instrument and Extraneous Financial Transactions
  • CRM-19214 Manage Groups tree not working
  • CRM-19215 Better handle inbound mail from header(s)
  • CRM-19216 Notice Error on Participant form
  • CRM-19217 Set is_active to enabled as default in dashboard.create API call
  • CRM-19218 Fix unindexed join in getTaxRates function
  • CRM-19219 Parent child groups arrow mis-aligned
  • CRM-19220 iAmAnIntentionalENoticeThatWarnsOfAProblemYouShouldReport in Find Participants
  • CRM-19221 Disabled role causes php notices
  • CRM-19222 Data too long on export including custom field
  • CRM-19224 Correct get-call in apccache
  • CRM-19225 When doing an OR search, excluding privacy options does not exclude
  • CRM-19226 $loginUrl token not populating in Drupal 7
  • CRM-19227 create entity ref filter hook
  • CRM-19228 $contributionPageId is not populated in Contribution Receipt email
  • CRM-19229 Ensure Distmaker cleans out bower_components directory in case switching from 4.6 to 4.7 or reverse
  • CRM-19230 CiviMail Reporting splitting results by mailing job size rather than mailing
  • CRM-19231 MultipleRecordFieldsListing.tpl extra th causing TypeError: i is undefined
  • CRM-19232 print/merge document issues
  • CRM-19233 Personal email signature unusable for mailings
  • CRM-19234 Update various reports to respect Financial ACL
  • CRM-19235 Notice related to report permission on localized CiviCRM
  • CRM-19236 URL with unicode signs breaks down trackable urls
  • CRM-19237 Temporarily disabling logging: no reinitialization
  • CRM-19238 Print/Merge Document not creating Activity after download
  • CRM-19239 Contribution report not showing first or last names on some transactions
  • CRM-19240 "Relationship type" empty for half of all relationships with symetrical names
  • CRM-19241 Add communication filters to reports
  • CRM-19242 create report: should trigger popup for title/description
  • CRM-19243 Free membership results in two activities and email receipts
  • CRM-19244 Custom fields with option group not importing
  • CRM-19245 Text no longer wraps in name and description fields on Manage Groups page
  • CRM-19246 Add testing for use of ACLs in group
  • CRM-19247 Adding token support for header and footer in System Workflow emails
  • CRM-19248 Missing css styles for paging_simple_numbers
  • CRM-19249 For Pending Pay Later, provide Payment Method of To Be Determined
  • CRM-19250 REGRESSION - Relative date filters are not saved for new smart groups created in 4.7.X
  • CRM-19251 Default event name badge layout created for each multisite instance
  • CRM-19252 Extension versions should be domain-independent
  • CRM-19253 No scheduled jobs are present on creation of multisite instance
  • CRM-19254 Email to activity attachment handling can fail when trying to process files twice
  • CRM-19255 Does civicrm save cookie on my computer when register for any event.
  • CRM-19256 Add a hook to dynamically escalate permissions
  • CRM-19257 Fix PHP warning in CRM_Core_BAO_CustomOption
  • CRM-19258 Views Integration: can not choose Location Type for Website URL
  • CRM-19259 Accounting batch filters ignore criteria based on custom fields
  • CRM-19260 Fatal Error on View Contribution
  • CRM-19261 Missing connection charset in CRM_Utils_File::sourceSQLFile
  • CRM-19262 Provide Offline Pay Now functionality
  • CRM-19263 Online Pay Now functionality
  • CRM-19264 Renew cancelled membership does not activate it
  • CRM-19265 fieldOptions() hook doesn't load options for Autocomplete-Select widget
  • CRM-19266 Smart group cache isn't rebuilt when a group is no longer a parent group
  • CRM-19267 Creating any Print/Merge documents from Membership results in blank page
  • CRM-19268 Membership import PHP notices
  • CRM-19269 Activity without source contact cannot be viewed (or updated?)
  • CRM-19270 Can't search contact reference field on contribution form (by profile)
  • CRM-19271 Repeat event: cannot repeat an event for more than 3 days
  • CRM-19272 Error hiding level 3 child groups
  • CRM-19273 Changes to Event Option Value Selections on Pending (Pay Later) Contribution Not Creating Correct Financial Items Causing Imbalance in Accounting Batch Export
  • CRM-19274 Access Instant Messaging in Drupal Views
  • CRM-19275 DB Error on adding priceset when deferred revenue setting is enabled
  • CRM-19276 The username cannot contain multiple spaces in a row.
  • CRM-19277 Long custom field name in dropdown search builder
  • CRM-19278 Google Geocoding - Errors are ignored
  • CRM-19279 Recheck requirements button in install resets DB credentials
  • CRM-19280 Table with tab fails
  • CRM-19281 import error re: PHP Strict Standards
  • CRM-19282 Renaming a custom field set
  • CRM-19283 Support new Mastercard 2-series BIN numbers
  • CRM-19284 Load Credit Card Validation Package using compoaser
  • CRM-19285 Find Activities returns more then the expected results for custom fields of type 'checkbox' and 'multiselect'
  • CRM-19286 UFJoin entity table white list excludes civicrm_survey
  • CRM-19287 MultiRecord Contact Reference Fields Do Not Update On Merge Duplicate
  • CRM-19288 VAT not included for additional participant fee when registering for events
  • CRM-19289 English language/grammar edit
  • CRM-19290 Fix Date creation in Karma test
  • CRM-19291 js error on dashlets where name is empty
  • CRM-19292 Add Employer to Member Contribution Detail Report
  • CRM-19293 Dashboard options disappear after CiviContribute Component Settings save
  • CRM-19294 Unable to upload files via a contribution page
  • CRM-19295 Import wizard doesn't validate data lengths: data too long for column
  • CRM-19296 Reminder Sent acitivity and postEmailSend hook in mailing improvement
  • CRM-19297 API Contact > GetValue Javascript Incorrect for Custom Value
  • CRM-19298 Membership fee amount doubled in receipt when 'separate membership payment' is configured
  • CRM-19299 Job role Start Date changes by itself to previous in case changing start date + 1 day
  • CRM-19300 Allow external id to be used for custom multi-valued fields import
  • CRM-19301 4.7.11 upgrade fails for installs with multiple languages enabled
  • CRM-19302 Event copy - file type custom data not being copied properly
  • CRM-19303 CKEditor configuration can't be edited on a Drupal multisite installation
  • CRM-19304 Current date appeared in Job Role End Date in case of changing Start date in case of a Contract without End Date
  • CRM-19305 Warning messages on basic details page in case of starting adding job role after cancel previous addings
  • CRM-19306 Incorrect documentation for some settings in civicrm.settings.php
  • CRM-19307 Allow setting upload paths in civicrm.settings.php.template
  • CRM-19308 Disallow false-y values for paths purged during cache clears
  • CRM-19309 RepeatTransaction API currently only handles one Contribution LineItem not LineItems
  • CRM-19310 Upgrade to 4.7.9 fails if no "Member Dues" or "Event Fee" financial type
  • CRM-19311 Mailings from search results as ACL user without unsubscribe group
  • CRM-19312 Wrong display of Upcoming and Recent CiviCase activities
  • CRM-19313 Can't assign custom group to relationships with two contact subtypes involved
  • CRM-19314 Advanced Permissions
  • CRM-19315 Block ID and PCP ID are bugging result on getPcpDashboardInfo function(SOLVED)
  • CRM-19316 Payment Processor error
  • CRM-19317 Notify when profile form is submitted? not receiving email if contact is matched/updated
  • CRM-19318 Support financial batches in hook_civicrm_searchTasks
  • CRM-19319 Support financial batches in hook_civicrm_searchTasks
  • CRM-19320 Financial Transactions not complete for cancelled IPN Payments
  • CRM-19321 Profile with only participant field non-editable
  • CRM-19322 Use of unitialized var in Mailing.php
  • CRM-19323 Advanced search relationship date clause descriptions are inaccurate
  • CRM-19324 Missing required param: number
  • CRM-19325 Search contributions that are not in any batch
  • CRM-19326 provide user option to submit via javascript or php
  • CRM-19327 DB error for SMS mailing job
  • CRM-19328 Scheduled Reminder fails on event participant status criteria
  • CRM-19329 Long text pushes results tables out, does not wrap to width of page
  • CRM-19330 Add Contacts to Group appears and Action do nothing for non-privileged users under Joomla
  • CRM-19331 Ajax error when trying to view relationships
  • CRM-19332 Advanced Search issue when searching using Group Type(s)
  • CRM-19333 Advanced Search issue when searching using Group Type(s)
  • CRM-19334 Advanced Search issue when display results as Mailings
  • CRM-19335 CiviMail bounce processing: substring for bounce reason is not multibyte aware
  • CRM-19336 Incorrect use of function getContactRelationshipType
  • CRM-19337 Contact reports display Contact Sub Types by name rather than label
  • CRM-19338 Broken Doc link in "Configuration Checklist"
  • CRM-19339 Can't create invoice PDF in Chrome and Firefox, This site can't be reached, ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE, File not Found
  • CRM-19340 When activated, civicrm plugin disable the wordpress visual editor
  • CRM-19341 after upgrade to 4.7.11 joomla - error DB Constraint Violation - possibly dashboard_id should possibly be marked as mandatory for this API. If so, please raise a bug report.
  • CRM-19342 Membership Application and Renewal page not proceeding to Contribution Webform
  • CRM-19343 Packages HTML Quickform and HTML-Common are totally out of date
  • CRM-19344 event custom data file field not copied
  • CRM-19345 {event.description} token santizes HTML when it shouldn't
  • CRM-19346 gender_id uniqueness not enforced on option groups edit form
  • CRM-19347 Grammar Mistake in DB Upgrade confirmation screen
  • CRM-19348 membership api/bao: max_related is ignored if owner_membership_id isset
  • CRM-19349 CiviCRM System Status page incorrectly states extensions are up to date
  • CRM-19350 Add index to civicrm_contact.preferred_language field
  • CRM-19351 Standardise calls to assign billing details to the template
  • CRM-19352 custom multi performance very slow
  • CRM-19353 'Dedupe by email' not working
  • CRM-19354 receipt PDF generation error
  • CRM-19355 Able select a hidden smart group as unsubscribe group for mailing from search results
  • CRM-19356 Smart groups empty following upgrade to 4.6.20 or 4.6.21
  • CRM-19357 Add unique constraint on civicrm_entity_financial_account
  • CRM-19358 Support Accounts Payable for Refunds via Extension
  • CRM-19359 Fatal error when setting locale programmatically
  • CRM-19360 Exported CSV does not import back in without adjusting import columns
  • CRM-19361 Scheduled Reminders Unknown DB Error
  • CRM-19362 Custom Summary tab template creates second tab for contacts
  • CRM-19363 Inconsistency in permissions to edit price sets
  • CRM-19364 Inconsistent CSS font family on CKeditor
  • CRM-19365 API support for flexible ActivityContact deletes
  • CRM-19366 Change civicrm_entity_financial_trxn fk to itself to CASCADE
  • CRM-19367 Typo fix to schema comment
  • CRM-19368 Invalid argument for foreach in /administrator/components/com_civicrm/civicrm/CRM/Report/Form/Contact/Relationship.php
  • CRM-19369 Update search results action widget for batches to current UX pattern
  • CRM-19370 Typo fix in upgrade message
  • CRM-19371 cannot use [cms.root] in admin/setting/path
  • CRM-19372 Add in field to store available credit card types for payment processor
  • CRM-19373 Contribution Recepits printing as PDF or emailing broken in 4.6
  • CRM-19374 Advanced Search fails on Contribution Receive date filter
  • CRM-19375 ACL for smart groups doesn't show contacts within
  • CRM-19376 is_for_organization field not being properly migrated from 4.6 to 4.7
  • CRM-19377 Remove static function warning from 4.6 -> 4.7 upgrade
  • CRM-19378 Activity details now appear twice when html contains <div> tags
  • CRM-19379 ACLs restricted users should have access to their own groups
  • CRM-19380 Allow for multiple from email address labels but only one per domain
  • CRM-19381 phpword 0.12.1 incompatible with PHP7
  • CRM-19382 Allow for possibility of images in invoice template
  • CRM-19383 Slow query due to missing index on event queue table
  • CRM-19384 Forum signup disabled, but page 'encourages' to join!
  • CRM-19385 Look at REMOVING id column from cache tables
  • CRM-19386 Date format is not taken into account for custom field on activity import
  • CRM-19387 Civi should expose relationship types's labels instead of names to Drupal views
  • CRM-19388 Existing Contact on Webform not showing related contacts
  • CRM-19389 Fatal Error in Forms (4.7.12 Regression)
  • CRM-19390 Date range event searches include all events before start date without end date (including disabled events)
  • CRM-19391 Editing recurring activities (incorrectly) requires access CiviEvent permission
  • CRM-19392 Could not find valid value for id on event page
  • CRM-19393 Unable to enable logging after upgrade
  • CRM-19394 REGRESSION: Relative date ranges no longer working in Smart Group criteria
  • CRM-19395 Default participant status doesn't recognize 'order' value of status
  • CRM-19396 Contribution search adds join to campaign table even if CiviCampaign is not enabled
  • CRM-19397 Notice error: unserialize(): Error at offset when searching on contacts
  • CRM-19398 unable to set specific email location types in profile on contrib forms
  • CRM-19399 CKEditor inserts foreign characters in Event pages created using it
  • CRM-19400 open street map no longer works
  • CRM-19401 Integer list option custom fields do not render properly in reports
  • CRM-19402 Include On Hold date for OptOuts in Contact Summary for muliple bulk email adresses option
  • CRM-19403 Can't send receipt on back-end contribution or event with new contact
  • CRM-19404 Recommend PHP 5.3.23
  • CRM-19405 Custom date fields for contribution do not work in update contribution via profile
  • CRM-19406 Unable to delete import/export mapping
  • CRM-19407 drush: cannot install with mysqli if using default port
  • CRM-19408 Create extension.getremote API
  • CRM-19409 Streamline in-app extension screens
  • CRM-19410 Custom Data not saved on Shared Addresses
  • CRM-19411 CRM_Dedupe_merger::testGetCidRefs fails in php7
  • CRM-19412 Add event ID class to additional participant form
  • CRM-19413 CiviMail: Test mail notice errors: undefined index
  • CRM-19414 Extension.get API: add details to values
  • CRM-19415 Scheduled reminders: "Add Receipient" and "Limit To" tests don't pass
  • CRM-19416 Implement Full-text search for Activities in Advanced Search form
  • CRM-19417 Improve automation of RC testing on real world databases
  • CRM-19418 Cancelled Contribution Info Box not shown in non-english CiviCRM
  • CRM-19419 API test for option.language
  • CRM-19420 Bad {ts} usage in Contribute.tpl
  • CRM-19421 Performance on search builder with several smart group
  • CRM-19422 Correct copypasta in GroupRebuild exception
  • CRM-19423 Creating contact from New Individual block throws a validation error.
  • CRM-19424 Weekday names if week does not start on Sunday
  • CRM-19425 Errors in case role assignment are silent
  • CRM-19426 Add test for new Contact,get group result format
  • CRM-19427 set deductible amount at the price field option level
  • CRM-19428 Add API to get session messages
  • CRM-19429 Users too scared to change participant status in bulk
  • CRM-19430 Relationship type field in view doesn't update on label change
  • CRM-19431 The empty array that it's not really empty
  • CRM-19432 Enhancements to crmUiWizard
  • CRM-19433 Edit smart group criteria resets Group(s) to Administrators
  • CRM-19434 Manage Group page notice errors for child groups
  • CRM-19435 Static assignments to smart groups not shown in group tab
  • CRM-19436 Some of the strings in en_US and en_GB are capitalized incorrectly
  • CRM-19437 Navigation API won't allow filter on parent_id
  • CRM-19438 Entries in financial item not recorded properly when created via offline Membership form
  • CRM-19439 PHP Fatal Error: Call to undefined method CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::sendMail() when trying to PDF receipts
  • CRM-19440 Add Regions to ContributionPage administration forms
  • CRM-19441 Unable to delete last tag on Case
  • CRM-19442 preferred_mail_format should never be NULL or handled properly
  • CRM-19443 date tokens not using format settings when doing print/merge
  • CRM-19444 Remove debug in Queue/Queue/SQL
  • CRM-19445 Allow to search on membership id
  • CRM-19446 Checksums not working with /profile/edit/
  • CRM-19447 Improve Activity Subject/Details text search to be similiar to Notes Subject/Body
  • CRM-19448 Api joins & permissions to cover entity_table/entity_id
  • CRM-19449 Correct typo in "CIVICRM_MAIL_LOG_AND SEND" define
  • CRM-19450 GetValues of CRM Price Field does not work when $set is not set
  • CRM-19451 Cannot cancel event registration without an active Price Set
  • CRM-19452 Custom field not shown if included in two profiles
  • CRM-19453 In Windows System->Directories fails to display under Joomla
  • CRM-19454 Unset of localised columns fails in some custom searches
  • CRM-19455 List of Custom Searches not translated.
  • CRM-19456 allow white space to wrap to avoid horizontal scroll for group listing and activities
  • CRM-19457 Fields related to target contact are empty in Activity export
  • CRM-19458 layout on c.o registration form
  • CRM-19459 Git issue for civicrm-drupal repo
  • CRM-19460 Custom field(file type) included in onbehalf profile is not saved
  • CRM-19461 Translation "ts" fixes for 4.7.12
  • CRM-19462 membership autorenew error when included via price set
  • CRM-19463 Get E2E_AllTests working on php7
  • CRM-19464 supplemental_address_3 only exists in API
  • CRM-19465 'BELGIë' on our address labels
  • CRM-19466 Kcfinder not load drupal user, missing permissions to load
  • CRM-19468 Allow for Emojis in CiviMail
  • CRM-19469 EWay transaction receipt not sent when member signs up using front-end form but works in the CiviCRM back-end
  • CRM-19470 Error upon event registration
  • CRM-19471 Custom relationships for custom contact types not available during export
  • CRM-19472 Export headers for relationships are in "machine name" format
  • CRM-19473 Create a test to ensure that users with 'do not mail' or 'no bulk emails' are not emailed
  • CRM-19474 API queries filtering on multiple contact_sub_type don't work
  • CRM-19476 Add 'details' to IDS exclusion
  • CRM-19477 Batch Data Entry is Broken (large batches)
  • CRM-19478 API not handling Paypal recurring IPN where p=null for Contribution Page
  • CRM-19479 php notices in Security.php
  • CRM-19480 Changing membership type deletes previous contribution line-items
  • CRM-19481 Filtering transactions according to search criteria for batches don't work when bottom search button is clicked
  • CRM-19482 Localization for participant status counted and no counted links
  • CRM-19483 Trackable URLs: remove destination URL size
  • CRM-19484 Contribution amount when set to £0 hides payment block
  • CRM-19485 Selector issue on Batch trxn assignment page
  • CRM-19486 CRM-19250 breaks saved search
  • CRM-19487 Contact subtype not displaying correctly in Contact reports
  • CRM-19488 Style tags being stripped from email templates
  • CRM-19489 PHP errors on Constituency Detail report
  • CRM-19490 Profile date fields don't respect localisation on the Contribution Page confirmation screen
  • CRM-19491 Set up email preview
  • CRM-19492 When merging: require row to be taken across before changing row settings
  • CRM-19493 When generating PDF letter, PDF template data doesn't populate
  • CRM-19494 Refactoring of permission code
  • CRM-19495 D8 Ensure that menu links do not have dots underneath them
  • CRM-19496 Unable to remove contacts from group
  • CRM-19497 PHP notice on Activity Summary Report
  • CRM-19499 Text / Numeric Quantity field strips brackets from 'field label' when editing
  • CRM-19500 API regression - joins no longer work in api explorer - pretty sure it's from the api v4 patch merged yesterday
  • CRM-19501 Improve Contact's Image Url handling
  • CRM-19502 Export of contacts generating asort/foreach warnings
  • CRM-19503 MySQL error on Activity Summary Report if you sort or group by contact
  • CRM-19504 PHP Fatal error: Class 'Dompdf\Options' not found in /var/www/civicrm/4.6/CRM/Utils/PDF/Utils.php on line 202
  • CRM-19505 CRM_Core_Error checks incorrect mysql_error
  • CRM-19506 API Regression - conflicting uniquename in CaseContact DAO
  • CRM-19507 Data repair for CRM-19149
  • CRM-19508 Default Payment Processor Should be Selected when payment_options-group is loaded
  • CRM-19509 Add character set and collation to create table statements in reports
  • CRM-19510 Error message on Civi home page caused by CiviNews dashlet
  • CRM-19511 Disabled fields still visible in "Import Multi-value Custom Data"
  • CRM-19512 Ensure that language param is always passed in for navigation script url
  • CRM-19513 Saved search is incorrectly using IN rather than BETWEEN for custom fields for civicrm group cache
  • CRM-19514 In Activity Summary report, if you select to group by contact you get a traceback
  • CRM-19515 Blog dashlet should not use substr() to generate the preview
  • CRM-19516 Membership auto-renew option not properly reflected with shortcodes
  • CRM-19517 Show price field Options that use disabled Financial Types so they can be edited.
  • CRM-19520 Financial Type access control breaks some reports
  • CRM-19521 "Cancel" button should not be displayed on the first page of wizard
  • CRM-19522 HTML injection is not handled during the multi value import
  • CRM-19523 It is possible simultaneously check "Create New" and "Update existent" check boxes during multi value import
  • CRM-19524 (Duplicate need to be closed)Import multi value data with multiple "Contact ID"
  • CRM-19525 Import multi value data with multiple "Contact ID"
  • CRM-19526 Error occurs in case of uploading file for multi value import in invalid format
  • CRM-19527 Web server exception occurs due to exceeding upload limit in case of uploading big files
  • CRM-19528 Internationalise "Select Code" on contributions page widget tab
  • CRM-19529 PHP 7 - Upcoming/Recent Case Activities results into "Network Error"
  • CRM-19530 Multi-Select search issue similar values(if one value auto-contain another value)
  • CRM-19531 individual_prefix option value can only be integer
  • CRM-19532 Mailing deduping not working
  • CRM-19533 System check to see if important folders are writable
  • CRM-19534 Saving report with dashlet enabled for non admin users can cause a backtrace
  • CRM-19535 Workflow that inadvertently cancels all registrants all enabled events
  • CRM-19536 Type is not defined for field campaign_id in CRM_Report_Form->whereClause()
  • CRM-19537 Smart Groups with 0 min cache timeouts taking more than 0 minutes to timeout
  • CRM-19538 Tax on Memberships is extremely wrong
  • CRM-19539 Bug prevents error message to be shown on pledge contribution import
  • CRM-19540 UFGroup API does not respect name parameter
  • CRM-19541 Custom Date Range saved search doesn't sets default values to the input
  • CRM-19542 Unable to theme language switcher block
  • CRM-19543 api fields set to '0' are not passed to _civicrm_api3_api_match_pseudoconstant for validation
  • CRM-19544 Mailing Label Merge by Household loses Custom Search ORDER BY
  • CRM-19545 Custom field groups which do not directly extend the base 'Contact' disappear from Drupal view after applying patch CRM-18776
  • CRM-19546 CRM_Utils_Migrate_* handles created_date badly
  • CRM-19547 Quickform search speed issue when few characters
  • CRM-19548 DB logging is not optimal with fix for CRM-12337
  • CRM-19549 New pledge data entry page shows hard coded $ for installments
  • CRM-19550 Standalone participant/add form does not properly check for duplicates
  • CRM-19551 Case Activity attachments sometimes do not display the paperclip icon
  • CRM-19552 Case API may throw SQL errors when case_id not provided
  • CRM-19553 Dual Recording Problem
  • CRM-19554 Contribution form with more than 2 profiles
  • CRM-19555 Ability to remove a contact form a smart group from within the contact record.
  • CRM-19556 Allow to search on active membership
  • CRM-19557 Fix ACL caching function to not use inefficient query for contacts with 'view my contact' permission in cache context
  • CRM-19558 $renewal_mode is set in membership online receipt template only when no price set is used
  • CRM-19559 Handling for postal_code missing in CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Utils::contactDetails()
  • CRM-19560 When Exporting Participant fields, the list is not specific
  • CRM-19561 When using Pay Later with a Price Set, Contribution Details in Email Receipt are Blank
  • CRM-19562 Contact "send mail" : potential SQLi due to lack of input validation
  • CRM-19563 Mappings from search builder saved with mapping_type_id = NULL
  • CRM-19564 Custom field "Options per line" breaks the "Clear" button
  • CRM-19565 Automatic CiviDiscount fails on Event wait list confirmation
  • CRM-19566 All membership list not showing in civicrm 4.7.12
  • CRM-19567 FALSE "Payment amount is less than the amount owed" warning
  • CRM-19568 Expose recurring contribution processor ID to views
  • CRM-19569 Event Info page should provide relative link to event registration page
  • CRM-19570 WordPress PayPal Standard Transaction Pending (Incomplete Transaction)
  • CRM-19571 Smart Groups don't save Relation Contact settings
  • CRM-19572 Do not use MyISAM for temp tables for dupe elim
  • CRM-19573 Batch data entry screen gives no feedback on success
  • CRM-19574 Batch contribution entry may drop contributions without indication to user
  • CRM-19575 Cron jobs on Joomla triggers "Use of undefined constant JDEBUG"
  • CRM-19576 Cron jobs on Joomla triggers "Use of undefined constant JDEBUG"
  • CRM-19577 User info overwritten by new member
  • CRM-19578 While opening a case, there is a spelling mistake in the text "Open"
  • CRM-19579 Spelling mistake in the payment method option
  • CRM-19580 LIne items are missing from manual receipts when using a price set with multiple membership organization price fields
  • CRM-19581 Default third gender should not be 'Transgender'
  • CRM-19582 Can't save a new event on 'Online registration'
  • CRM-19583 Show financial type for line items when viewing them back-office
  • CRM-19584 Typo in CRM_Pledge_BAO_PledgePayment::updatePledgePaymentStatus()?
  • CRM-19585 Sales tax issues
  • CRM-19586 Membership add form gives network error when switching between states
  • CRM-19587 DB Error when trying to delete FInancial Account
  • CRM-19588 Event Participant's Status not populated when using action to Export Participants
  • CRM-19589 Search for contacts in Smart Groups based on group status shows incorrect results
  • CRM-19590 Failed CC Contributions Listed with Status of Pending (Incomplete Transaction) Instead of Failed
  • CRM-19591 Creating a pledge with only one instalment will cause pledge payment to have a null status (and cannot record a payment)
  • CRM-19592 Error when rejoining or removing from group from contact page (contribution_recur_id)
  • CRM-19593 Non-editable custom fields show edit button
  • CRM-19594 Wrong Membership Updated
  • CRM-19595 Adding street address to the survey details report
  • CRM-19596 Remove civicrm_setting.component_id
  • CRM-19597 Allow the receive_date to be passed in when replaying transactions
  • CRM-19598 Multiple entity tag creation Api fails
  • CRM-19599 Demo master fatal error when selecting Search > Find Activities
  • CRM-19600 Membership Renewal activity not created through online contribution page
  • CRM-19601 Add support for is_email_receipt to api calls to completetransaction and repeattransaction
  • CRM-19602 Paypal Standard pay as Guest triggers Session Expired message instead of Thank You
  • CRM-19603 Same fixing overflow tables too wide needed on other pages
  • CRM-19604 Drush: civicrm-ext-list only shows up to 25 extensions
  • CRM-19605 The Event Personal Campaign Page settings box is blank.
  • CRM-19606 Provide help text in installer to provide mysql port, if mysql is running on different port
  • CRM-19607 Usability issue - mapping vs mapping
  • CRM-19608 "Auto Renew Required" is not enforced during membership registration using priceset.
  • CRM-19609 API HTTPS Bypass
  • CRM-19610 Fatal when creating InnoDB fts indexes
  • CRM-19611 Remove Event Details custom group
  • CRM-19612 DB error deduping a group when rule has more than one field
  • CRM-19613 Dedupe cache not clearing
  • CRM-19614 Chaning relationship direction says saved, but it did not
  • CRM-19615 Pledge payment is not available when pledge has only one installment
  • CRM-19616 Incorrect URL for manage tags
  • CRM-19617 Undefined index notice in CRM_Contact_Form_Contact::checkDuplicateContacts()
  • CRM-19618 DAOs created on 4.7.11 (and up) cannot be used on previous versions
  • CRM-19619 Viewing log actions DB error with custom groups and multi-lingual
  • CRM-19620 importing record with external_identifier that matches with a deleted contact results in traceback
  • CRM-19621 Contribution "confirm" page does not display state/country
  • CRM-19622 Search Builder includes deleted cases
  • CRM-19623 is not of the type Int when report is filtered with postal code
  • CRM-19624 Exclude / Include by privacy radio buttons gets reset on Smartgroup re-editing
  • CRM-19625 Relative dates in “smart groups” are not working as expected
  • CRM-19626 Event Registration page allows registration even if no number (or the number 0) has been entered in any ticket quantity boxes
  • CRM-19627 Various errors in Contribution Aggregate by Relationship report
  • CRM-19628 Custom country multi-select field does not work as a filter in Drupal Views
  • CRM-19629 Labels display as pills on joomla backend civicrm pages
  • CRM-19630 Optionally allow bi-directional relationships
  • CRM-19631 Smart group returns more contacts than match criteria
  • CRM-19632 Pledge Start Date Incorrect When Creating Pledges from Contribution Pages
  • CRM-19633 Contribution page shows error on multisite when viewed from a domain that the payment processor isn't linked to
  • CRM-19634 When using a price set with contribution amounts, Selecting a radio / checkbox option does not clear text fields
  • CRM-19635 Notice errors on Contribution Aggregate by Relationship report
  • CRM-19636 DB error on Top Donor Report
  • CRM-19637 Showing Custom data options in report criteria problem - Part #2
  • CRM-19638 Contribution amount not recorded when renewing memberships via UI.
  • CRM-19639 I got this an error after updating to 4.7.13 on WordPress
  • CRM-19640 Dynamic custom fieldsets for Webform Integration
  • CRM-19641 French custom_group title can cause SQL error in CiviCase
  • CRM-19642 Pagination missing on Unique Click Through
  • CRM-19643 Remove unused ref to
  • CRM-19644 Set a value for iDisplayLength in jsortable.tpl
  • CRM-19645 Missing translation of label on Opt Out button
  • CRM-19646 fatal error on generating acls from refactoring
  • CRM-19647 Users can edit case activities, but not manage cases
  • CRM-19648 User without "edit message templates" permission can edit templates when sending
  • CRM-19649 ckeditor includes html/head/body tags
  • CRM-19650 API functions no longer used
  • CRM-19651 Event location tab reports that other events use a unique address
  • CRM-19652 after upgrade to 4.7.13 joomla - italian and spanish languages disappeared - impossible to reinstall them
  • CRM-19653 Custom field checkboxes migrated incorrectly on merge (part deux)
  • CRM-19654 Missing cancel date and row style for canceled contributions
  • CRM-19655 CLONE - Forward to a Friend
  • CRM-19656 link for users to update their subscription billing info generates error
  • CRM-19657 recurring contribution receipt comes from logged in user
  • CRM-19658 TEST for CRM-19601 / PR 9353
  • CRM-19659 Undefined index notice for NULL language index when browsing mailings
  • CRM-19660 Financial Transaction stores wrong transaction date if the contribution is cancelled
  • CRM-19661 Notice error on Event Income Report (Detail)
  • CRM-19662 Send test mailing failing because of "only_full_group_by" setting
  • CRM-19663 A scheduled reminder set to use an absolute date does not allow repeats
  • CRM-19664 Skip row and keep importing if matching this contact based on the de-dupe rule would cause an external ID conflict
  • CRM-19665 Canonical URL for WP basepage pages is the basepage itself
  • CRM-19666 Mailing starts, ... but never ends
  • CRM-19667 Add support for recurring contributions to Webform CiviCRM Integration
  • CRM-19668 contact relationship list doesn't display correct icon for subtypes
  • CRM-19669 Prevent adding to administratror group when Drupal author is anonymous
  • CRM-19670 Occasional loop in code when Debug logging is turned on
  • CRM-19671 Settings code loop in some circumstances
  • CRM-19672 Settings code wierdness in some circumstances
  • CRM-19673 Update recurring contribution screen fixes
  • CRM-19674 Add ability to see at a glance if a contribution is part of a recurring series
  • CRM-19675 Add relative date range option
  • CRM-19676 PayPal Standard IPN fails with "Invalid input parameters"
  • CRM-19677 Mailings fail in Multilingual post 4.7.13
  • CRM-19678 No Membership Renewal Activity is created when a Pay Later is set to Completed
  • CRM-19679 multi custom data: file field errors on new record save
  • CRM-19680 Participant.get API generates invalid query when searching for role_id IS NULL.
  • CRM-19681 date fields not respected when passed through url for report
  • CRM-19682 Edit activities permission is unclear, needs improvement
  • CRM-19683 Changing word replacement strings does not work if you have more than one set in civicrm_domain
  • CRM-19684 Activities section wrongly sets Activity Status to Scheduled and Completed upon expanding.
  • CRM-19685 Contacts preferred_mail_format can't be NULL
  • CRM-19686 Dedupe Exceptions Should Link to Contacts
  • CRM-19687 searches do not delimit custom field id properly - leading to incorrect results
  • CRM-19688 State/province API
  • CRM-19689 Transaction ID not showing on Thank You page - when purchasing Membership online
  • CRM-19690 Allow alternative email templating systems
  • CRM-19691 Email Receipt - Public (FrontEd) Event Registration - Participant Total shows extraneous tax and total when taxes not used
  • CRM-19692 Cannot select Priceset in Backend: Contributions: Submit Credit Card Contribution
  • CRM-19693 Don't show options for disabled components
  • CRM-19694 Membership receipt shows data from wrong membership record
  • CRM-19695 Import of individual does not import Individual Prefix
  • CRM-19696 Printing Invoice not respecting PDF page format margins
  • CRM-19697 Incorrect update billing details link
  • CRM-19698 Wrong search results when combining smart and non-smart groups in a single search
  • CRM-19699 PHP7: cannot install using Drush
  • CRM-19700 Network error black popup with red X appears when there is no error
  • CRM-19701 Amount not formatted for currencies without symbols
  • CRM-19702 Fatal error when merging contact records with custom file fields
  • CRM-19703 Addressee is not being returned through REST, works through drush
  • CRM-19704 Image-only emails fail to send
  • CRM-19705 Smart Group criteria (Tags) are not being retained when using 'Edit Smart Group criteria'
  • CRM-19706 Smart Group criteria (Activity Status) are not being retained when using 'Edit Smart Group criteria'
  • CRM-19707 Function handlePaymentExpress in PayPalProIPN.php returns wrong PaymentProcessorID
  • CRM-19708 accessing draft mailing leads to 500 error - localization?
  • CRM-19709 Unescaped html in entityRef fields
  • CRM-19710 Preserve is_email_receipt parameter through to email sent
  • CRM-19711 Bookkeeping report displays pay later items twice
  • CRM-19713 New Mailing Stuck Initializing
  • CRM-19714 Adding Grant Application pages causes error 500 on multiple actions
  • CRM-19715 Remove Close Accounting Period code
  • CRM-19716 Impossible to import date fields to a multi record custom field set
  • CRM-19717 Event registration impossible with "Pending from pay later" status being "positive"
  • CRM-19718 Allow activity Priority field to be included in profiles
  • CRM-19719 Multiple API's do not allow the text containing the word "select"
  • CRM-19720 Typographic fixes
  • CRM-19721 CiviCRM-cxn-rpc needs to be updated to work with PHP 7
  • CRM-19722 Fatal Error: Unknown column 'contribution_source' in 'order clause'
  • CRM-19723 Icons for activity types
  • CRM-19724 Contact Create API Check Permissions Parameter Not Passed?
  • CRM-19725 Honoree should never be same as donor
  • CRM-19726 CiviMailUtils::clearMessages() should clear all messages by default
  • CRM-19727 Remove relationships of contact from recent items list on permanent delete
  • CRM-19728 "Edit All Contacts" required to remove contact from group from within contact record
  • CRM-19729 token {contribution.financial_type} works but is not listed as available
  • CRM-19730 Fonts and images for PDF letters not printing correctly
  • CRM-19731 Profile - USE links give 404 on WordPress
  • CRM-19732 Process non-bulk emails through the Mailing system
  • CRM-19733 Currency symbol missing for some countries.
  • CRM-19734 Custom fields display wrongly on Case View page
  • CRM-19735 Contact's second membership fails to inherit
  • CRM-19736 Error thrown when printing labels for members
  • CRM-19737 advanced searching for non-current members is not working
  • CRM-19738 Allow a custom check to determine the validity of a wizard step in Angular.
  • CRM-19739 "New Account Relationship Option Screen" does not show exception
  • CRM-19740 Regression in phone number Drupal views integration
  • CRM-19741 Price set and price set value "label" fields are inconsistant to users
  • CRM-19742 Unable to view or edit recurring contributions
  • CRM-19743 API Utils _civicrm_api3_get_options_from_params doesn't handle sort as an array properly
  • CRM-19744 Bad handling of array arguments to sort in api
  • CRM-19745 Image URL field doesn't show up on CiviEvent Additional Participants Profile
  • CRM-19746 Manage Google API error codes
  • CRM-19747 Google API key management
  • CRM-19748 Error message when event location not geo-referenced
  • CRM-19749 Don't delete previous geocoding for address
  • CRM-19750 Civicontribute PayPal
  • CRM-19751 Once "multiple bulk" setting, cannot search for opt out or on hold contacts
  • CRM-19752 Slow query created by financial type acls
  • CRM-19753 Tables in Case Dashboard broken
  • CRM-19754 CiviCase role relationships reversed
  • CRM-19755 reverse order of html and text on CRM/Mailing/Page/Component.php
  • CRM-19756 REST API cannot handle {} values (empty associative arrays)
  • CRM-19757 Some tokens stopped working in scheduled reminders
  • CRM-19758 $messageTokens has two formats in use
  • CRM-19759 Drupal views integration : handles 'require this relationship' for location-related element relationships
  • CRM-19760 Drupal views integration : add several relationships of the same location-related element
  • CRM-19761 contribution thank you letter generator: unable to export to docx
  • CRM-19762 Exporting Spanish special character ñ comes out as ñ
  • CRM-19763 Case activity view and edit links concatonated no way to use use hook_civicrm_links to edit them
  • CRM-19764 Context ignored when fetching custom field options
  • CRM-19765 IPN could fail if multiple payment processors
  • CRM-19766 Case QuickSearch Bar
  • CRM-19767 Add Case Tokens to Case Activities
  • CRM-19768 CRM_Utils_Token::replace*Tokens() usage is inconsistent
  • CRM-19769 Colors for tags
  • CRM-19770 Highlighted activities
  • CRM-19771 (Stage 2) Case "alert" activities
  • CRM-19772 Add $entity,$action to "possibly mandatory" exception message
  • CRM-19773 Call hook_civicrm_selectWhereClause from the BAOs
  • CRM-19774 Event CC email confirmation not sent when paying with PayPal
  • CRM-19775 misspelling in docs
  • CRM-19776 CaseTypes hook doesn't allow you to specify the component for child activity types
  • CRM-19777 Edit contribution : wrong decimal separator on total_amount
  • CRM-19778 Allowed statuses per case-type
  • CRM-19779 Colors for activity statuses
  • CRM-19780 Zero Value Contributions shouldn't generate a transaction to batch
  • CRM-19781 Fatal error on clear cache with PHP 7.0
  • CRM-19782 "View" link on printed Participant Listing Report renders display name unreadable
  • CRM-19783 Accessibility Error - CiviCRM Subscription Page
  • CRM-19784 Yahoo Placefinder service appears to have EOL'ed
  • CRM-19785 custom select field not searchable when accessed by keyboard
  • CRM-19786 ActionSchedule assumes presence of tokens which are not registered
  • CRM-19787 Filter available contacts by sub-type when assigning roles
  • CRM-19788 Add in Pre and Post contribution hooks to recurring contribution create
  • CRM-19789 Cannot create smart group from 'Find participants'
  • CRM-19790 Problem with file loading in a multi-domain configuration (Drupal)
  • CRM-19791 Unable to select search result across alphabetical pager
  • CRM-19792 membership renewals with credit card not processed though event regs are
  • CRM-19793 Redirect payment processors that fail result in ugly fatal - be prettier
  • CRM-19794 Wrong fields displayed when setting a price set for a contribution page
  • CRM-19795 Contribution page confirmation screen undefined index pay_later_receipt
  • CRM-19796 Regression in contribution receipt email 'items'
  • CRM-19797 CiviCRM_API3_Exception: "DB Error: unknown error"
  • CRM-19798 Memory leak in API3 EntityTag get operations
  • CRM-19799 LineItems incorrect at both Contribution Level and Financial Accounts Level
  • CRM-19800 Incorrect Amount recorded in civicrm_financial_trxn table
  • CRM-19801 changing the same relationship type of a relationship from A to B or vice versa does not work
  • CRM-19802 Contribution page : missing translation
  • CRM-19803 View Payment popup of a participant does not show refunds
  • CRM-19804 Pre() and Post() hook for Financial Account
  • CRM-19805 Comparing instead of Assigning
  • CRM-19806 CiviCase using two formlinks when it only needs one
  • CRM-19807 MySQL error when adding contacts on a report to a group
  • CRM-19808 Field Not returned when requested in the API
  • CRM-19809 Duplicate delivery to CiviMail recipients when cron runs overlap
  • CRM-19810 Api3 - Add joins on optionValue table
  • CRM-19811 Slow queries due to use of LOWER() in mysql searches, fix contribution search, current employer. Comment elsewhere
  • CRM-19812 Display related contact names in activity.get api
  • CRM-19813 Hook priorities and core hooks to support LExIM
  • CRM-19814 Code cleanup - Remove support for CIVICRM_GroupTree
  • CRM-19815 Make pseudoconstant code generic in advanced search
  • CRM-19816 Improve activity search filters
  • CRM-19817 Notice error fails membership export
  • CRM-19818 Joomla i18n issue creating users on contrib pages
  • CRM-19819 Incorporate iATS tests into core tests as much as possible
  • CRM-19820 performance impact from ft-ACLs
  • CRM-19821 Remove performance degrading joins from activity search (& api calls)
  • CRM-19822 Improve query debugging in CiviCRM.log file?
  • CRM-19823 Paypal Recurring Payments Pro IPN generating incorect membership_id for civicrm_membership_payment query
  • CRM-19824 Event listeners are missing if container cache is disabled
  • CRM-19825 Group search submit button missing
  • CRM-19826 Extensions in "vendor" folder have errant slash
  • CRM-19827 Avoid unnecessary core_resources processing during ajax calls
  • CRM-19828 incompleteDateTime validator for crmUiDatepicker directive is broken
  • CRM-19829 Activity feed
  • CRM-19830 Cleanup contribution search by making non-exportable fields exportable
  • CRM-19831 Function CRM_Contact_BAO_Group::getGroupsHierarchy performes bad with 3000 groups
  • CRM-19832 hook_civicrm_searchTasks get invoked twice for some entities
  • CRM-19833 Tracked URLs considered spam by SpamAssassin
  • CRM-19834 Translation "ts" fixes for 4.7.15
  • CRM-19835 Installing into D8, DB requirements fail using non-standard port for MySQL
  • CRM-19836 Allow mail bounce processing to create activities for inbound email
  • CRM-19837 Invoice runs off the page due to missing <td> element
  • CRM-19838 D8 - CiviCRM Pages won't load, CiviCRM Menu MIA
  • CRM-19839 Declare class used on developer tab of CiviCRM reports
  • CRM-19840 Don't check custom fields when avoiding duplicsate relationships
  • CRM-19841 attempting to sort a multi-table query by ambiguous 'id' column name
  • CRM-19842 Can't delete a dedupe rule
  • CRM-19843 Handling for routes with parameters in the url with slashes
  • CRM-19844 Inbound activity emails - don't fire hook if activity processing failed
  • CRM-19845 CiviCase Dashboard displays the wrong activity in "Next Scheduled Activity" column (Wordpress)
  • CRM-19846 Webform CiviCRM Integration Module does not present an added Organization Contact Type on The CIVICRM Case Tab
  • CRM-19847 batch merge redirects users to snippet URL
  • CRM-19848 Membership Since and Start dates not being set when created from an Online Contribution page
  • CRM-19849 Rewrite description for process_membership scheduled job
  • CRM-19850 Add a offline membership without 'record payment' option, later edit the membership and saving with 'record payment' option
  • CRM-19851 Saving Price Field Option hangs
  • CRM-19852 Status is not set to failed for failed transaction
  • CRM-19853 Change interval select controls in Scheduled Reminders with number controls
  • CRM-19855 CiviMember reports display name, not label for Membership Status
  • CRM-19856 Get User record url fails in Drupal 8
  • CRM-19857 (Import Multi-value Custom Data page) It is able to upload All type of files
  • CRM-19858 It tried to upload a file when I have just clicked on "Import Data File *" test
  • CRM-19859 Multi-value Custom Data field does not have help message next to it
  • CRM-19860 Event participant batch update: respect "options per line" setting for radio buttons
  • CRM-19861 SQL to retrieve group members does not scale
  • CRM-19862 Repeating / Recurring Events do not propagate new location details
  • CRM-19863 'item_name' unnecessarily truncated when passed to PayPal
  • CRM-19864 Incorrect URL in CiviCRM Resources dashlet on Joomla
  • CRM-19865 "Import Data (row 2) " is always empty
  • CRM-19866 Duplicate buttons in the all sub-pages of "Import Multi-value Custom Data" page
  • CRM-19867 "Back" or "Cancel" button is needed
  • CRM-19868 <Import Multi-value Custom Data> There is no error detection in the "Preview" step (3 of 4)
  • CRM-19869 CiviReport: Layout problem multiple-page PDF
  • CRM-19870 Problems when viewing an activity containing custom file fields.
  • CRM-19871 Default Membership Type not selected - Contribution Form
  • CRM-19872 View event payments does not show initial payment.
  • CRM-19873 contribute.repeattransaction fails when contribution_recur_id is a test recurring contribtuion
  • CRM-19874 Allow overriding sort in the getlist API without clobbering pager
  • CRM-19875 Search builder: Fatal error when searching custom field of type "country"
  • CRM-19876 Civi won't send simple mails to all email recpients if some hold multiple addresses
  • CRM-19877 on Joomla api.Setting.create fails with "option,task not valid settings"
  • CRM-19878 Post D8 Installation, Contact 1 not setup properly, error at /civicrm
  • CRM-19879 drush cvup dumps the Drupal db, not the CiviCRM db
  • CRM-19880 drush cvup wrongly says the system is already upgraded
  • CRM-19881 Time clobbered in receive_date and trxn_date for api contribution repeattransaction and completetransaction
  • CRM-19882 CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::validateSettingsInput() should not throw an exception
  • CRM-19883 Activity Priority Field is Not Included in Advanced Search or Activity Reports
  • CRM-19884 DB Error on Activity Details Report
  • CRM-19885 Scheduled Reminders: lack of default form values leads to SQL syntax error
  • CRM-19886 DB Error on exporting advanced search with "employer of" fields
  • CRM-19887 Activity Summary report gives DB error on sort by email
  • CRM-19888 On contact import, State field does not respect default country
  • CRM-19889 Provide entity id to custom tokens for non-contact entities
  • CRM-19890 Case Manager listed in cases tab is not up to date
  • CRM-19891 Installment text often looks different then contribution text due to inconsistent use of label tag
  • CRM-19892 Improve financial transaction pager for batch assignment
  • CRM-19893 Activity Categories
  • CRM-19894 API: Chaining EntityTag.delete does not work
  • CRM-19895 membership renewal page style collapsed if email disabled
  • CRM-19896 customTranslateFunction not mapped in MagicMerge
  • CRM-19897 Cannot edit multiple case activities via profile, because deprecated "access CiviCase" permission is referenced
  • CRM-19898 Changing membership type weight breaks set default opiotn in online contribution page
  • CRM-19899 Unsupervised duplication rule for organisations not merging organisations during event registration
  • CRM-19900 Enable/Disable payment processor from summary page only disables live
  • CRM-19901 Contact export: cannot export addresses with location types with non-US-ascii names
  • CRM-19902 Add option to install Civi in a separate DB than the Drupal DB
  • CRM-19903 Backbone noConflict behavior to ensure no conflicts with Drupal 8
  • CRM-19904 Various JavaScript errors, ensure CivICRM's jQuery libraries are loaded properly
  • CRM-19905 Drupal 8 User View and Edit pages broken when CiviCRM profiles set for User Registration
  • CRM-19906 Allow Drupal user names with "@"
  • CRM-19907 Syntax error generated on CiviEvent Dashboard when show_events is null
  • CRM-19908 Fundamental Fixes for Tax Math Calculations.
  • CRM-19909 Taiwan must not be a province of China.
  • CRM-19910 Drupal view contact sub type IN query
  • CRM-19911 Date problem in profile edit Custom date field
  • CRM-19912 Creating new smart group from search will add all contacts from search
  • CRM-19913 Hook to amend Pre Renew Membership params during Online Join
  • CRM-19914 civicrmHooks.php issues on windows
  • CRM-19915 Multi-lingual Upgrade from 4.6 fails on missing DB table or field
  • CRM-19916 Improve DB integrity on financial_account.parent_id
  • CRM-19917 ACLs for Financial Types for Pledges
  • CRM-19918 Price field "Active on" date ignored in Edit Event Registration > "Change Selections"
  • CRM-19919 Users can edit contact even if the necessary CMS permission isn't granted
  • CRM-19920 Job.process_membership uses too much memory
  • CRM-19921 CustomGroup $params['extends'] should only be required on create, not on update
  • CRM-19922 CRM_Utils_File::findFiles should sort files alphabetically
  • CRM-19923 Scheduled reminders for activities based on "created date"
  • CRM-19924 Unsubscribe from a mailing sent to a parent group silently fails
  • CRM-19925 Add metadata to fields array with entity info & date format info
  • CRM-19926 Constituent Summary Report Filtered by Groups ignores children groups
  • CRM-19927 Error message when "Add to Group" is pressed with no group selected
  • CRM-19928 Batch Update via Profile sets an arbitrary limit of 100 contacts to update at a time. This limit should be available as a configurable setting.
  • CRM-19929 Implement pre hook for entityTag
  • CRM-19930 Patch DB_DataObject::toArray() to sprintf only as needed
  • CRM-19931 Payment block is not hidden if fee level with amount zero is chosen
  • CRM-19932 Geo_code address conflicts break dedupe
  • CRM-19933 Importing contacts clears out preferred communication method
  • CRM-19934 Performance improvement on civicrm_acl_contact_cache
  • CRM-19935 Search Builder search on longitude fails with DB error
  • CRM-19936 Membership line items are duplicated when a membership is created or renewed with priceset containing multiple memberships
  • CRM-19937 entering $ (dollar sign) in other amount contribution box makes credit card forms go away
  • CRM-19938 Make Civi to CMS email sync optional
  • CRM-19939 [Patch] Don't say receipt was sent when receipt was not asked to be sent
  • CRM-19940 Extraneous check transactions created upon recurrng Paypal contributions
  • CRM-19941 PHP 7.1 Compatability
  • CRM-19942 Make CRM_Core_Error::handle throw exceptions instead of abend
  • CRM-19943 Improve tag management UI
  • CRM-19944 Event additional payment by card
  • CRM-19945 api.contribute.repeattransaction fails to renew membership under certain conditions
  • CRM-19946 Update Subscription URL not included in online receipt for
  • CRM-19947 custom multi profile: file upload display issue
  • CRM-19948 Store the Attachment uploader information
  • CRM-19949 Notice appear when setup profiles contain common field with contribution page
  • CRM-19950 Wrong param passed to checkPermission function
  • CRM-19951 Email validation allows local domains/no FQDN after @
  • CRM-19952 specifying mailing list for group when importing creates access group instead
  • CRM-19953 Performance issues on price set retrieval
  • CRM-19954 Search result column headers missing after click "cancel" on action
  • CRM-19955 custom field image display in contact record retrieve incorrectly
  • CRM-19956 Moving/Copying activities between Cases
  • CRM-19957 DB Syntax Error on all Search Form submission
  • CRM-19958 Problems with contact types (subtypes) which beginning with numbers
  • CRM-19959 Profile with Phone+Extension field and no Address fields overwrites existing Addresses of same Location Type
  • CRM-19960 Drupal 8 Standard Page title does not immediately disappear on contact record screen
  • CRM-19961 Make CiviCRM SMS Providers multisite aware
  • CRM-19962 Name field of AB mailing too short
  • CRM-19963 Paypal Express not working in German
  • CRM-19964 Event registration creates contribution without line item
  • CRM-19965 Payment validation errors when billing fields are customized
  • CRM-19966 Tax applied repeatedly when 'empty editing' contribution
  • CRM-19967 Contact query inline docs improvements from CRM-4287
  • CRM-19968 Disable multiple languages fixes
  • CRM-19969 Drupal Views Integration
  • CRM-19970 - too big amount saved successfully despite error
  • CRM-19971 Activity File On Job - Can't select alternate job
  • CRM-19972 Add in Post upgrade message for addition of manage tags permission
  • CRM-19973 Settings defaults not loaded when testing via extension tests
  • CRM-19974 Unable to access contribution page if the view financial permission is not granted to the role
  • CRM-19975 Unable to access contribution page if the view financial permission is not granted to the role
  • CRM-19976 Drush: cannot disable civicrm debug
  • CRM-19977 Update all fields manipulated by hook_civicrm_geocoderFormat when geocoding
  • CRM-19978 Custom Fields: Contact Reference Fields do not update on Contact merge
  • CRM-19979 GroupContact.delete does not work for contacts with status of Pending
  • CRM-19980 FIx slow queries due to LOWER on contact name fields
  • CRM-19981 Bad View my contact query
  • CRM-19982 Can't enter dates in 4.7.16. Can only enter characters in word "birth"
  • CRM-19983 imageURL is not correctly displayed on ThankYou or Confirm pages when included in profile of CiviContribution page
  • CRM-19984 repeattransaction renews memebrship when contribution_status_id => Failed
  • CRM-19985 Add "Ticked by default" option for recurring contributions
  • CRM-19986 Schema has differences when upgraded to when install in civicrm_action_schedule
  • CRM-19987 Disabled activities are shown in search results
  • CRM-19988 Civicrm Dashboard taking 5 minutes to load first time on every new window with version 4.7.16
  • CRM-19989 Constituent Detail Report gives only one result for multi-value custom data
  • CRM-19990 Kenyan state province list is out of date
  • CRM-19991 KCFinder You must be logged in with proper permissions to edit, add, or delete uploaded images
  • CRM-19992 Mis-spelling in Taiwan Yunlin Conuty
  • CRM-19993 Fixes for ISO compliance with countries and counties
  • CRM-19994 Missing counties in Ghana
  • CRM-19995 Notice : Undefined offset: 5 dans _civicrm_member_roles_sync()
  • CRM-19996 Change country, state, currency lists to CLDR
  • CRM-19997 Add Credit card type fields in contribution related reports
  • CRM-19998 Membership start / end date have no effect in Search Builder
  • CRM-19999 Soften error message when registration is closed for an event
  • CRM-20000 notice errors displaying payment activities
  • CRM-20001 Tokens in Subject not working
  • CRM-20002 Tokens in Subject not working
  • CRM-20003 Display accurate financial accounts rather than inaccurate financial type when viewing contributions
  • CRM-20004 Event payment receipt sent twice
  • CRM-20005 Import options date doesn't include format or even after define it in General Settings
  • CRM-20006 Drupal Views : relationships for standard groups
  • CRM-20007 RepeatTransaction API does not use the Payment Processor's payment Instrument to determine Payment Instrument
  • CRM-20008 repeattrasaction should create pending membership when contribtuion_status_id is pending
  • CRM-20009 repeattransaction using contribtuion_status_id => "In Progress" should throw exception
  • CRM-20010 Membership period_type is required in frontend but not in API.
  • CRM-20011 Profile date fields using YYYY-MM or MM YY don't work
  • CRM-20012 contribution batch update: can't unset thank you date value
  • CRM-20013 Localization for participant status on Event Income Report (Summary)
  • CRM-20014 Birthday field broken
  • CRM-20015 token values with ampersand cause error when generating docx letter
  • CRM-20016 Fatal error processing bounces when email_id IS NULL
  • CRM-20017 Civimail
  • CRM-20018 Not showing Contributions popup on big DB. Allowed memory size exhausted
  • CRM-20019 Wordpress user creation fails with on behalf membership
  • CRM-20020 Advanced search for parent group + another criteria ignores other criteria - shows all group members always
  • CRM-20021 Bounces assigned to incorrect email
  • CRM-20022 Add Batch Title to Columns, Grouping tabs on Contribution Summary report
  • CRM-20023 Accept state_province_id without state_province in CRM_Utils_Geocode_*
  • CRM-20024 Change Prior Financial Period to a contact setting
  • CRM-20025 DB Error on email task for advanced search for contributions
  • CRM-20026 reports: date filters may not return full results
  • CRM-20027 Need 'access deleted contacts' permission to retrieve loc block addresses using API
  • CRM-20028 Add --extra option to drush civicrm-sql-dump
  • CRM-20029 Events with file custom fields don't copy the files
  • CRM-20030 civicrm_api3 does not surface errors in chained API requests
  • CRM-20031 Approaches to making DB alteration statements less fragile
  • CRM-20032 event config: payment processor selection requires administer CiviCRM permission
  • CRM-20033 Smarty API insists I use a field that doesn't exist
  • CRM-20034 Support "OR" params in api get
  • CRM-20035 credit card backend contribution alters communication preferences
  • CRM-20036 Memory problem when updating a contribution without soft contributions
  • CRM-20037 Change Contribution tab to show balance due
  • CRM-20038 Memberships - Receipt (on-line) Message Template no longer displays line items
  • CRM-20039 Add supplemental address lines as criteria in Advanced Search
  • CRM-20040 On behalf of breaks with apostrophe in organization name.
  • CRM-20041 Activity categories and icons
  • CRM-20045 Drupal Views: Custom Data set for Financial Type not available
  • CRM-20046 XSS in "Recently viewed" list
  • CRM-20047 [CiviVolunteer]: Allow requiring account login or creation for when volunteers sign up to hep at an event
  • CRM-20048 PayPal IPNs not processed if "receiver_email" != "business"
  • CRM-20049 Combining Smart Group, Regular Group and other returns inaccurate result
  • CRM-20050 Editing profiles from Drupal 8 user page, WSOD
  • CRM-20051 Drupal 8 user view page, Profile information not displaying
  • CRM-20052 BillingBlock js not loading as expected in Drupal 8
  • CRM-20053 Wordpress MailingEventSubscribe URL uses wp-admin/admin.php
  • CRM-20054 Drupal 8 API Explorer Broken
  • CRM-20055 Drupal 8 -- CiviCRM Entity in Core (only for D8)-- Call for Feedback
  • CRM-20056 Drupal 8 -- Javascript error on User create page with Profiles
  • CRM-20057 Joomla resource URL issue -(symptom: Pay later not appearing as payment option.)
  • CRM-20058 Add Credit Card Payment link for partially paid contribution
  • CRM-20059 running managed entites handler , clear cache and rebuild menus when running extension upgraders from UI
  • CRM-20060 Custom fields not editable in ACL
  • CRM-20061 All 'tables' as a parameter on the revert api
  • CRM-20062 New counties of Kenya
  • CRM-20063 (ON HOLD) Activity pane
  • CRM-20064 Details page
  • CRM-20065 Front page custom fields
  • CRM-20066 Front page fixed phrases
  • CRM-20067 Attachments (drag and drop)
  • CRM-20068 Custom Fields Tabs
  • CRM-20069 "Angular" Custom Fields
  • CRM-20070 Follow up
  • CRM-20071 Repeat
  • CRM-20072 Move activity
  • CRM-20073 Favourite activity
  • CRM-20075 Delete activity
  • CRM-20076 Activity feed
  • CRM-20078 Activity card - General
  • CRM-20079 Activity card - Tasks
  • CRM-20080 PDF docs and emails
  • CRM-20082 Activity card - Milestones
  • CRM-20083 Other Filters (my/delegated, categories, attachment and highlighted)
  • CRM-20084 Complex filters
  • CRM-20085 Case detail view
  • CRM-20086 case subtype and case tags
  • CRM-20087 (Stage 2) Ability to put a field from an activity on case homescreen (outcome field)
  • CRM-20089 Header bar
  • CRM-20090 Tasks and recent communication
  • CRM-20091 Case custom fields blocks
  • CRM-20092 Up Next
  • CRM-20093 Other cases block
  • CRM-20094 Update case status
  • CRM-20095 Edit in Place Case subject inline editing
  • CRM-20096 Files tab
  • CRM-20097 Case action menu
  • CRM-20098 (Stage 2) Case action - Tags
  • CRM-20099 (Stage 2) Case action - Lock case to users
  • CRM-20100 Print case summary - all activities and highlighted activities
  • CRM-20101 Hook for modifying /adding actions
  • CRM-20102 Case table view
  • CRM-20103 Table view
  • CRM-20104 (Stage 2)Ability to manipulate the list view to change fields
  • CRM-20105 Search actions
  • CRM-20106 Search filters
  • CRM-20107 (Stage 2) Locked cases - how these should be displayed
  • CRM-20108 Alerts notification
  • CRM-20109 Transitions
  • CRM-20110 Case dashboard
  • CRM-20112 Contact tabs
  • CRM-20113 Contact Page - Activities Tab
  • CRM-20114 Contact Page - Cases Tab
  • CRM-20115 Add new case
  • CRM-20116 Search single case
  • CRM-20117 Case search
  • CRM-20118 PDF document / Email creation
  • CRM-20119 Save draft feature
  • CRM-20120 Make HTML of emails / documents show token replacement
  • CRM-20122 Bulk mailing to multiple contacts
  • CRM-20123 (Stage 2) Case alert
  • CRM-20124 Entity (reserved activity type?)
  • CRM-20125 Add case alert UI
  • CRM-20126 Open case popup alert
  • CRM-20127 Open contact popup alert
  • CRM-20128 Webform modifications
  • CRM-20129 Ability to pass a case ID to the webform
  • CRM-20130 Link at end of webform to link to case ID of new case created (token?)
  • CRM-20131 (Stage 2) ATL customisations
  • CRM-20132 Nested/Tree structure custom field
  • CRM-20133 Standard Phrases on activity create
  • CRM-20134 Better defined permissions for mailing templates. i.e. person who can edit mailing templates should not be able to edit system templates also
  • CRM-20135 "Outcome activity" - Conditional custom fields on activity - outcomes fields
  • CRM-20136 Search action to create new case with contacts with certain role and to add contacts to case with role
  • CRM-20137 Update case status after certain period inactive
  • CRM-20138 (ON HOLD) Adaptations for CiviHR Recruitment
  • CRM-20139 (ON HOLD) Adaptations for Prospecting
  • CRM-20140 CiviCRM alterMailParams hook does not work on subject
  • CRM-20141 Sending to test email creates new contacts and creates dupes
  • CRM-20142 Unable to make contribution if 'View contributions of type XXX' is not granted
  • CRM-20143 Advise admins about invalid "action.*" tokens
  • CRM-20144 API contact.get group='x' yields ""DB Error: no such field""
  • CRM-20145 line_item with $0 amount may error when creating civicrm_entity_financial_trxn
  • CRM-20146 check_number toggle: don't hardcode value
  • CRM-20147 Drupal8 All menus under 'Reports' gives php warning stating Warning: Illegal offset type in CRM_Report_Form_Instance::buildForm() (line 138 of /Users/vasanthakaje/Sites/devdesktop/drupal819/libraries/civicrm/CRM/Report/Form/Instance.php). => Array
  • CRM-20148 WP-CLI installer won't run if it can be run
  • CRM-20149 Multiple memberships renewal ignore specified financial type on contribution page
  • CRM-20150 Group Search Displays Contacts in Disabled Child Group(s)
  • CRM-20151 Duplicate participant registrations not allowed by GUI, but allowed by Participant.create API
  • CRM-20152 PayPal IPN: Do not return HTTP 200 if IPN processing failed
  • CRM-20153 Drupal Views: PCP Pages for Events not showing up in list of pages
  • CRM-20154 dedupe code improvement, remove unused autoflip parameter
  • CRM-20155 The dedupe code passes has serious maintainability issues, locked in by hooks
  • CRM-20156 Code cleanup - Do not pass $names as ref for OptionGroup::lookupValues
  • CRM-20157 Code cleanup - remove unused & unuseful variables in dedupe classes
  • CRM-20158 Store card type and last 4 digits of credit card
  • CRM-20159 Privilege escalation - API key access via API
  • CRM-20160 Attachment api does not work with all entities
  • CRM-20161 Add a remove relationship action
  • CRM-20162 Import with just 'match to email' results in Integrity constraint violation if Contact has same email more than once
  • CRM-20163 Custom fields don't appear on Drupal User Registration Profile
  • CRM-20164 PayPal Standard notify_url breaks with Joomla when derived from menu item
  • CRM-20165 The date is no longer kept in the scheduled job logs
  • CRM-20166 Setting CVV is 'not required for backend' affects all front facing forms
  • CRM-20167 Payments are left incomplete if the user doesn't have a view permission for the contribution type
  • CRM-20168 Payments are left incomplete if the user doesn't have a view permission for the contribution type
  • CRM-20169 Add support for alterReportVar hook in Activity Report
  • CRM-20170 Fix attendee count on event summary report for free events
  • CRM-20171 Problem with xml file not loaded
  • CRM-20172 "Separate Membership Payment" with Memberships enabled and additional contribution causes incorrect transactions
  • CRM-20173 "Scheduled Run Date" can't be set when creating new scheduled job
  • CRM-20174 Smart group rebuild doesn't run if limit parameter not set or =0
  • CRM-20175 Increase pager support to 9999 pages
  • CRM-20176 Smart group rebuild does not work for parent groups
  • CRM-20177 Too many results from civicrm_api3_contact_get()
  • CRM-20178 Writes to timestamp fields are silently ignored by $dao->save()
  • CRM-20179 Upgrade jstree and other clientside performance fixes
  • CRM-20180 Several documentation links are malformed
  • CRM-20181 Deprecate CRM_Core_Error::fatal()
  • CRM-20182 Selecting to show map in CiviEvent causes fatal error if no address is set
  • CRM-20183 Multiselect for Event Type in Advanced Search
  • CRM-20184 Some System Workflow templates still miss {contact.email_greeting}
  • CRM-20185 Eliminate calls to CRM_Core_Error::fatal()
  • CRM-20186 Expose legal name in views
  • CRM-20187 allow class parameter for hook_civicrm_links()
  • CRM-20188 Advanced search on "phone" automatically defaults to "is_primary"
  • CRM-20189 Select "Enable multiple bulk email address for a contact", "hold_date" can not be updated
  • CRM-20190 Multiple custom data for Membership (Membership Type)
  • CRM-20191 civicrm.root variable does not support /sites/x/modules/contrib/civicrm format
  • CRM-20192 CiviDiscount: Upgrader fails if columns already exist
  • CRM-20193 Draw currency from better table on Batch Transaction form
  • CRM-20194 Custom groups for participants not visible in Drupal Views
  • CRM-20195 Remove calls to deprecated CRM_Core_Error::fatal from dedupe form
  • CRM-20196 Add a useful message when the user didn't setup bounce processing properly
  • CRM-20197 Formatting (Free HTML) profile fields should be excluded from email receipts
  • CRM-20198 include contribution_id with contribution token return properties so it can be used in hooks
  • CRM-20199 Contribution searches all include an unindexed join
  • CRM-20200 Add .editorconfig for easier editor config / coding standards
  • CRM-20201 Manage Tags page does not work if a tag set does not have created by set
  • CRM-20202 In smart groups, for CiviCase fields, relative date ranges are saved as fixed ranges
  • CRM-20203 Gmap Views broken (don't find geo_code)
  • CRM-20204 Add index onto the civicrm_activity table for the activity_date_time
  • CRM-20205 Expose current employer id to views
  • CRM-20206 & encoded to &amp; in plain text email checksum links
  • CRM-20207 Introduce selectWhereClause hook for activity results on activity tab contact summary page
  • CRM-20208 Multiple names for Results Column in profiles
  • CRM-20209 Entering a date in a past year has been crippled in 4.7.16
  • CRM-20210 Improve permission check when adding attachments
  • CRM-20211 Price/Fee Levels Commingled
  • CRM-20213 Switch participant_register_date to use datepicker in profiles
  • CRM-20214 communication_style_id not fully supported
  • CRM-20215 SQL injection with custom field option values in Drupal Views
  • CRM-20216 Dedupe rules should be prevented from being saved if Weight Threshold is null or zero
  • CRM-20217 phone based dedupe rule fails to match when importing
  • CRM-20218 Disable payment extension causes fatal error if payment processor exists (even if disabled)
  • CRM-20219 Switch activity date time to use datepicker in profiles
  • CRM-20220 Use text box for signature field on payment processor page
  • CRM-20221 bad formatting for error message on send test email
  • CRM-20222 savedSearch create API and BAO ignore custom search ID field
  • CRM-20223 Activity based Views that use Groups as Filters results in double joins
  • CRM-20224 Cleanup internal event names
  • CRM-20225 Add classes to WordPress basepage
  • CRM-20226 Parent Group do not inherit child group contacts
  • CRM-20227 Regression - Membership status override gets 'stuck'
  • CRM-20228 Use CRLF instead of LF as EOL for long message headers
  • CRM-20229 Provide wysiwyg for mailing header and footer
  • CRM-20230 Merging on multisite setup only displays user for current domain (UFMatch)
  • CRM-20231 Disabling CiviContribute Component Setting: Tax and Invoicing doesn't fully work
  • CRM-20232 Not all relationship types available in relationship report filter.
  • CRM-20233 IPN fails sometimes due to cache table duplicate key
  • CRM-20234 Paypal transaction details truncated and not showing full event title
  • CRM-20235 Suppress annoying extension download error messages
  • CRM-20236 Include "Note" field of Registration record in event participant reports
  • CRM-20237 Event pricesets copied with long suffix cause DB error
  • CRM-20238 Hook for inbound SMS messages
  • CRM-20239 Extra tests for the CRM_Contact_BAO_Individual::format function
  • CRM-20240 Fatal error on all Angular pages if an extension is missing
  • CRM-20241 Double sales tax amount when completing contribution (with priceset) from pending
  • CRM-20242 Add developer Tab to Activity Detail report
  • CRM-20244 CiviMail click through tracking breaks links used for open tracking and static links
  • CRM-20245 CiviMail click through tracking breaks links used for open tracking and static links
  • CRM-20246 maxfilesize on import should respect 0 as meaning "no limit"
  • CRM-20247 $is_recur not always assigned to the template for recurring contributions
  • CRM-20248 Dummy payment processor on dev sites uses Elavon, not dummy class
  • CRM-20249 Remove CRM_Core_Form::generateID()
  • CRM-20250 Inaccurate text when submitting recurring credit card payment
  • CRM-20251 Make it easier to overwrite front end form help text regarding recurring
  • CRM-20252 Improve text when processing possibly-delayed-payments
  • CRM-20253 backend contribution receipt sent when option not selected
  • CRM-20254 Custom CSS files do not include cache buster
  • CRM-20255 Add developer tabs to more reports
  • CRM-20256 Contribution Offline form throws validation error for net amount
  • CRM-20257 Contribution Receipts doesn't include tax details
  • CRM-20258 Update to Contribution with multiple priceset via Contribution form updates the line total
  • CRM-20259 Update to Contribution with multiple priceset via api updates the total amount and tax amount
  • CRM-20260 Incorrect information is stored in civicrm_financial_item table
  • CRM-20261 Incorrect Amount recorded in civicrm_contribution table
  • CRM-20262 Financial records are incorrectly recorded when there is change in contribution
  • CRM-20263 Accrual accounting entries are not created correctly for fixed membership
  • CRM-20264 Store CC type and last 4 digits from Contribution form
  • CRM-20265 Store CC type and last 4 digits from Membership form
  • CRM-20266 Store CC type and last 4 digits from Event Registration form
  • CRM-20267 Store CC type and last 4 digits from Record Payment form
  • CRM-20268 Support deferred revenue accounting, etc.
  • CRM-20269 Change documentation for CiviAccounts data flow to as built
  • CRM-20270 Test suite displays "PHP Warning: declare(encoding=...) ignored because Zend multibyte feature is turned off by settings in"
  • CRM-20271 CiviCRM Mail 'Send Immediately' doesn't actually send immediately
  • CRM-20272 Add credit card type field for Contribution Summary Report
  • CRM-20273 Add credit card type field for Contribution Details Report
  • CRM-20274 Add credit card type field for Contribution Repeat Report
  • CRM-20275 Add credit card type field for Contributions by Organization Report
  • CRM-20276 When editing a contribution the value in civicrm_financial_item_amount is not updated
  • CRM-20277 Add credit card type field for Contributions by Household Report
  • CRM-20278 Add credit card type field for Top Donor Report
  • CRM-20279 Add credit card type field for SYBUNT report
  • CRM-20280 Add credit card type field for LYBUNT report
  • CRM-20281 Add credit card type field for Soft Credit Report
  • CRM-20282 Add credit card type field for Bookkeeping report
  • CRM-20283 Add credit card type field for PCP report
  • CRM-20284 Add credit card type field for Contribution Aggregate by Relationship report
  • CRM-20285 Add credit card type field for Recurring Contributions report
  • CRM-20286 Add card type field on search form
  • CRM-20287 Contributions On-Behalf-Of Assoc to Deleted Contacts
  • CRM-20288 Contact reference field on membership renewal form missing default
  • CRM-20289 Contribution receipt has incorrect total amount, no sales tax section or amount just prior to it
  • CRM-20290 api contribution update with total_amount causes various db errors
  • CRM-20292 Drush cc all clears custom fields from Drupal Views
  • CRM-20293 Error on profile listing search on communication method
  • CRM-20294 Update membership dates in profiles to use datepicker
  • CRM-20295 Error displayed creating new activity (although activity is correctly saved)
  • CRM-20296 Order by street number (odd/even) does not order by odd/even street numbers
  • CRM-20297 Fatal error viewing a contribution having a line item with no price field
  • CRM-20298 Drupal Views: Custom fields of type Money should use the same filter operators as Integer fields
  • CRM-20299 CiviMail UI: Recipient list does not update for advanced options
  • CRM-20300 Fix in-app links which point users to the User Guide
  • CRM-20301 XSS in search results address and email fields
  • CRM-20302 Case api improvements
  • CRM-20303 Add option to alphabetize option values
  • CRM-20304 Add option to alphabetize option values
  • CRM-20305 Various issues regarding (custom) tokens
  • CRM-20306 Recent Reports
  • CRM-20307 Recent reports
  • CRM-20308 Activity copy is always sent FROM logged in user's email ID
  • CRM-20309 Ensure A/B tests can be sent in parallel
  • CRM-20310 Demographic dates cannot be keyed in
  • CRM-20311 Membership cancelation via contribution doesn't create membership status change activity
  • CRM-20312 Identify and fix missing indexes
  • CRM-20313 Add index to civicrm_activity.status_id
  • CRM-20314 Fix menu item "Developer Docs"
  • CRM-20315 modified_date not update on delete or restore contact
  • CRM-20316 Api mailing create should work without logged in user (eg. drush)
  • CRM-20317 Custom fields on Membership Type sub entities are not available in Views
  • CRM-20318 Add is_public setting on Custom Groups.
  • CRM-20319 Expose relationship permission to views
  • CRM-20320 Error in PEAR SMTP causes mailing job to fail when an error occurs during one connection
  • CRM-20321 Changing membership type should change related contribution
  • CRM-20322 Case Summary displays duplicate entries for some activity records
  • CRM-20323 Wanted: extension integrating virus scanning for uploaded files
  • CRM-20324 Scheduled reminders fail to run
  • CRM-20325 Separate membership payment with bills wrong amounts
  • CRM-20326 Contact images url storage in the database
  • CRM-20327 API chaining - replace $value when using operators.
  • CRM-20328 Remove code duplication when calling Dedupe functions
  • CRM-20329 Backend Membership with Payment set to Failed results in Membership being set to New
  • CRM-20330 Generate a table with composite primary key
  • CRM-20331 Add card type and pan truncation besides payment method
  • CRM-20332 Refactor summaryActions hook to allow user-defined actions in third column
  • CRM-20333 Search menu visible even when a user has not access to any contacts.
  • CRM-20334 Regression within release cycle - Fatal Error on Submit Credit Card Form
  • CRM-20335 Refactor of buildACLClauses in custom searches
  • CRM-20336 Failed iATS contribution should be set to failed, not pending
  • CRM-20337 Same Email Address Setting and Email Deduplication Rule shouldn't be allowed to be used together
  • CRM-20338 DOMPDF times out when trying to generate PDF receipts for contributions
  • CRM-20339 Custom field data on relationships only saved when creating a new relationship, not on edit
  • CRM-20340 Translate unsubscribe string
  • CRM-20341 Average Soft Credit doesn't take into account partial amounts
  • CRM-20342 Fatal Error on View Membership
  • CRM-20343 Wrong Activity creation when Membership status is changed from membership form.
  • CRM-20344 Make 'Member Since' displayed on membership tabs for Inactive Memberships.
  • CRM-20345 Sortable columns
  • CRM-20346 Remove encryptDB.php from codebase
  • CRM-20347 Fatal error on delete participant record with related contribution
  • CRM-20348 Refactor SQL based functions to retrieve activities
  • CRM-20349 Paypal standard DB Constraint Violation
  • CRM-20350 Incorrect escaping of double-quotes in iCalendar text values
  • CRM-20351 hook_civicrm_buildForm invoked twice on a bunch of forms
  • CRM-20352 Scheduled mailing doesn't update recipients before sending.
  • CRM-20353 Move functions that belong to dedupe finding to Dedupe_Finder class
  • CRM-20354 Use api to get details about rule_groups
  • CRM-20355 Add timeline
  • CRM-20356 Decommission dupesInGroup function in favour of api call
  • CRM-20357 Remove CRM_Dedupe_Finder::dupesOfContact function
  • CRM-20358 WordPress access control table is basically unusable
  • CRM-20359 Support contribution.custom_nn tokens for Thank You letters - print or email
  • CRM-20360 DCA-64 Payment Options heading is incorrectly shown when default amount is 0
  • CRM-20361 Populate tokens when Scheduled Reminders are set to Record Activity for Automated Email
  • CRM-20362 CIVICRM-105 For a new Contribution with option "Record Payment from a Different Contact?" selected the Contribution Receipt is sent to the Primary Email and not the Billing Email of the selected Contact
  • CRM-20363 Invoice Id generation needs an extension mechanism
  • CRM-20364 Improvements to extension info.xml format
  • CRM-20365 MySQL 5.7.x compatibility: Limit lock names to 64 characters
  • CRM-20366 PALESTINE in all caps in civicrm_country
  • CRM-20367 Add wrapper function for adding and dropping Index in Upgrader
  • CRM-20368 report templates: don't hard-code order bys
  • CRM-20369 include subject field in mailing reports
  • CRM-20370 include additional stats in mailing opened/click reports
  • CRM-20371 Set is_transactional when trying to create membership_payments in recur transaciton
  • CRM-20372 Drop Activity BAO function getActvitiesCount and getActivitySQLClause as part of refactoring
  • CRM-20373 Support sort by activity_type in Activity.get API
  • CRM-20374 Don't crash when we can't UpdateSubscription for recurring contributions
  • CRM-20375 Respect membership auto-renew status for contribution pages
  • CRM-20376 SurveyDetails Report should not repeat field names when printing
  • CRM-20377 reuse mailing does not retain attachments
  • CRM-20378 SurveyDetails report should use abstracted code to page breaks
  • CRM-20379 Move payment details above less important sections on backoffice form
  • CRM-20380 crm.ckeditor.js is not being called correctly
  • CRM-20381 Can't stop geocoding on import
  • CRM-20382 Edits not being saved for custom fields on relationships
  • CRM-20383 View Contribution throws Exception when payed via webform
  • CRM-20384 Bookkeeping report add contrib ID, filter by financial account owner (IIDA-85)
  • CRM-20385 oversensitive deferred revenue account validation
  • CRM-20386 Drupal Views and Case custom fields issue
  • CRM-20387 Sales Tax and Invoicing code overwrites existing CiviCRM invoice ID
  • CRM-20388 payflo pro payment processor codes rejected payments as completed
  • CRM-20389 Cloned experiment or winner mailing should have type standalone
  • CRM-20390 Data type mismatch in angular select2 bindings
  • CRM-20391 Add pan_truncation to search form
  • CRM-20392 Credit card payment not recorded when contribution is partially paid
  • CRM-20393 fix for the "check if the user already submitted this transaction"
  • CRM-20394 Case Search Page
  • CRM-20395 Contact 'World Region' Field not functioning properly in Search Builder
  • CRM-20396 Event participation payments not correctly recorded in financial_trxn table (frontend)
  • CRM-20397 CiviMail send immediately date/time check too sensitive
  • CRM-20398 A reminder email with {action.*} tokens blocks delivery for itself as well as subsequently processed reminders
  • CRM-20399 Ambiguous error if saving mailing without required field
  • CRM-20400 Update the Payment Receipt to use for Contribution pyament
  • CRM-20401 Cancel/modify URL receipt links not correct for Paypal Website Payments Pro
  • CRM-20402 improve "spam" pattern match for bounces
  • CRM-20403 View only receive date for contribution profile prevents copy to all use
  • CRM-20404 Add YAML support
  • CRM-20405 People involved tab
  • CRM-20406 Refactor Bookkeeping report to make report more standard in implementation
  • CRM-20407 Test performance and likely refactor the SQL for Activity Report
  • CRM-20408 Better activity logging of public invoice printing and mailing
  • CRM-20409 Refactor Contribution tab columns for flexibility
  • CRM-20410 Refactor SMS provider BAO to have proper create function
  • CRM-20411 mailing tab listing: MySQL 5.7 group by error
  • CRM-20412 mailing report: unique opens detail view inaccurate
  • CRM-20413 Wrong payment_instrument used for civicrm_contribution for membership office contributions
  • CRM-20414 Writes to date & timestamp fail on insert but not update - this is a follow on from CRM-14986
  • CRM-20415 Issue with mailing labels with default contact search profile
  • CRM-20416 Admin visibility field from price set shows on non-admin (anonymous) access
  • CRM-20417 Translate strings
  • CRM-20418 Not able to select Tokens from dropdown on Message Template
  • CRM-20419 Profile selector broken on event registration (some version/CMS/browser combos)
  • CRM-20420 Allow retention of generated PDFs/Docs
  • CRM-20421 CIVICRM-552 Inherited memberships are converted to individual memberships when the "parent" for the membership is merged with another contact
  • CRM-20422 CiviCRM Profile parameters are unset if CiviCRM Profile is updated via API
  • CRM-20423 Tax applied repeatedly when editing contribution for a Membership which does not use a Priceset
  • CRM-20424 Set up method for marking code as deprecated
  • CRM-20425 Activity status per mail account
  • CRM-20426 URL Routing
  • CRM-20427 Many pages break on multilingual on 4.7.18
  • CRM-20428 Refactor CRM_Utils_File sourceSQLFile
  • CRM-20429 Deleting an activity with target contacts > 50 results in error
  • CRM-20430 A permission 'save Report Criteria'
  • CRM-20431 Unsubscribe Page shows wrong group names
  • CRM-20432 CIVICRM-221 Pending Contributions which have a Payment recorded and are Completed do not trigger the related Membership to become current, status remains pending
  • CRM-20433 Batch Update of Activities: Allow Details field to be batch updated
  • CRM-20434 Invalid Price Fields report on System status page includes disabled items.
  • CRM-20435 Don't use SQL in CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::create() where DAO will suffice
  • CRM-20436 Non Static method CRM_Upgrade_Incremental_php_FourSeven::updateKenyanProvinces should be static
  • CRM-20437 Rejig QuickSearch so for Internal and External ID it returns 'possible' matches, not just 'exact' matches, or allows WildCard
  • CRM-20438 CSS Rule for Event Panels too broad
  • CRM-20439 Rename card_type to card_type_id of civicrm_financial_trxn table (IIDA-126)
  • CRM-20440 Find event participants crashes after 4.7.18 upgrade
  • CRM-20441 Fatal error on contact summary for ACL'd user (from activity tab count)
  • CRM-20442 Make access control consistent for mailing reports
  • CRM-20443 SQL syntax error creating logging triggers if column name is reserved word
  • CRM-20444 Record Payment missing CC Type and CC number fields
  • CRM-20445 Add query dispatcher to allow query modification
  • CRM-20446 Invoice PDF generation with php7
  • CRM-20447 "Force Secure URLs" setting may duplicate requests on redirect
  • CRM-20448 "Force Secure URLs" setting may duplicate requests on redirect
  • CRM-20449 Possible regression - enotices from 'send thankyou letter' on contribution search actions
  • CRM-20450 Fix invoice math for partial payments
  • CRM-20451 Do no assume all BAOs have exportableFields method in Core_report
  • CRM-20452 Fatal Error on saving Organisation Info when geocoding is enabled
  • CRM-20453 Fix inconsistencies in XML schema definitions
  • CRM-20454 Saving a contact with a null County/StateProvince with Google geocoding gives an error.
  • CRM-20455 Search Builder fails in an internationalised environment
  • CRM-20456 Scheduled membership reminders sends multiple times
  • CRM-20457 Dedupe rules incorrectly adds multiple times if contact has eg several same emails
  • CRM-20458 Add civi.dao.preDelete event
  • CRM-20459 Actively deprecate CRM_Core_OptionGroup::getValue
  • CRM-20460 Grant Report incorrect where clause
  • CRM-20461 post hook not invoked after updating status for additional participants
  • CRM-20462 Add filter for current employer in views
  • CRM-20463 Documentation links with "current" in them are broken
  • CRM-20464 Smarty error when receipt is send for recording payment
  • CRM-20465 pan truncation doesn't respect values preceding with 0
  • CRM-20466 Fatal errors on PHP 7.1 in api/v3/*.php (breaks API explorer)
  • CRM-20467 PHP notices on contact search for ACL'd user
  • CRM-20468 Attachment.create API HTML escapes the uploaded content
  • CRM-20469 Currency not set correctly in ajax call from event form
  • CRM-20470 Remove help icon which advertises keyboard shortcuts
  • CRM-20471 Financial Type missing from Backoffice Membership Recurring Submit Credit Card
  • CRM-20472 Soft credit "contact" field validation errors do not display
  • CRM-20473 Determine correct permissions requirements for Activities
  • CRM-20474 Refactor UFField api to follow standard api / BAO format
  • CRM-20475 People involved tab
  • CRM-20476 Bulk mailing from case
  • CRM-20477 acl_role_id field is improperly aliased to id field in the aclRole API
  • CRM-20478 Case Type "Reference" Field Not Working
  • CRM-20479 Add Date Token to Print/Merge Document
  • CRM-20480 Schedule reminder created for 'x' hours after event end date fetches all past event participants.
  • CRM-20481 Refactor Activity api to more efficient query
  • CRM-20482 export of advanced search for recipients of a bulk mail dumps huge part of the database
  • CRM-20483 (Stage 2) Case action - Add alert
  • CRM-20484 Transfer Case
  • CRM-20485 Delete Case
  • CRM-20486 Link Case
  • CRM-20487 is defined over http rather than https
  • CRM-20488 Lift restrictions for contact type soft credit
  • CRM-20489 CLONE - Participant Role on Event's Schedule Reminder form does not populate
  • CRM-20490 Allow extension developers to easily add nav menu items
  • CRM-20491 POrT₯ ₠ :::(I8Oo8233634)*Quickbooks pro support phone number*
  • CRM-20492 Unwanted Billing email address is created with Online Pay Now payment
  • CRM-20493 Payment instrument id is incorrectly a required field for offline additional payments
  • CRM-20494 Import contact with two similar external ids results into fatal error, should be skipped.
  • CRM-20495 "Contribution amounts section" checkbox setting on contribution pages always shows as checked.
  • CRM-20496 Non deductible amount always frozen if contribution payment is made online.
  • CRM-20497 Unable to add a date widget setting on the CiviContribute settings page.
  • CRM-20498 buildform hook invoked twice
  • CRM-20499 When using custom fields for smart group criteria, relative dates create static dates instead
  • CRM-20500 Contribution Page Test Drive switches to live mode when clicking "Not X ..." link
  • CRM-20501 MySQL crash on Additional Payment form
  • CRM-20502 Drush upgrade crashes on loading "is_public" field
  • CRM-20503 Add method to retrieve price fields via ContributionPage.get API
  • CRM-20504 PayPal Express Crash on Save
  • CRM-20505 Sale tax issue on test environment
  • CRM-20506 Contact name in email subject
  • CRM-20507 Prevent disclosure of is_public=0 Custom Groups in email templates
  • CRM-20508 Unable to use non-roman characters in Custom fields
  • CRM-20509 Checking Contribution Note field in reports results in no rows
  • CRM-20510 Petition signature doesn't show as an activity type for scheduled reminder
  • CRM-20511 Order of case activities are not ordered on case summary dropdown
  • CRM-20512 Activity type smart groups created with the "old-style" store are breaking on upgrade to 4.7.17
  • CRM-20513 Fix bugs on updating recurring contribution from CRM-17655
  • CRM-20514 Issue with the Find Contacts (and Adv Search) 'name or Email' filter option
  • CRM-20515 notice errors on dmaster for add petition
  • CRM-20516 Card type widget appears on front end when a different processor selected
  • CRM-20517 Submitting a Profile results in a "Contact Sub Type does not match" error when the contact subtype of an existing contact does not match the Profile subtype
  • CRM-20518 Default participant status not set when status name not matches localized string 'Registered'
  • CRM-20519 Price set option order not being respected
  • CRM-20520 Sql query spit out when report result are emailed
  • CRM-20521 Convert list of groups and mailings in CiviMail to be loaded dynamically
  • CRM-20522 activity_type_id missing in ObjectRef for post hook on batch update
  • CRM-20523 Error When Registering for Events "Expected one Contribution but found 25"
  • CRM-20524 Programmatically create help icons
  • CRM-20525 Webform Pay later sends Receipt email rather than Invoice email
  • CRM-20526 recent item generated from contribution view doesn't include currency
  • CRM-20527 batch data entry does not retain currency
  • CRM-20528 Images Not Printed When Using ODT File As Template for Thank-you Letter for Contributions
  • CRM-20529 File custom field in multi-record field set displays first record's file for all records
  • CRM-20530 Bookkeeping transaction report fails at acct credit filter
  • CRM-20531 Message template variables: improve consistency of variables & testing and add financialTypes
  • CRM-20532 Extension.Get API action filtering is broken
  • CRM-20533 'Update Indices' System Status action can get tied up (index name already exists, localised dbs?)
  • CRM-20534 DB query syntax error while accessing event's Fee tab
  • CRM-20535 DB Error: already exists when trying to update Indices
  • CRM-20536 Group filter in the views module is incorrect and has usability issues
  • CRM-20537 Case Contact Index should be unique
  • CRM-20538 Last "From Mail Address" breaks CiviMail
  • CRM-20539 Do not heed dao default for field when setting defaults on reports
  • CRM-20540 entityRef field: create option to set wildcard preference
  • CRM-20541 Edge case where DB connection is not available
  • CRM-20542 Error on importing related contact
  • CRM-20543 RelationType in CiviCase XML file matches to label rather than name
  • CRM-20544 Add price information to ContributionPage.Get API
  • CRM-20545 contact report lists contacts that have been 'soft' deleted (placed in Trash)
  • CRM-20546 Purchasing a Membership online results in 5 Activities, 2 x Contribution ones, plus Renewal and Signup and Status change
  • CRM-20547 Tax is not re-calculated when Membership added and the Amount is changed from the default. Not using a Priceset
  • CRM-20548 Edit contact crashes with 'no such field' when language not en-US
  • CRM-20549 manage events does not list all events
  • CRM-20550 navigation menu added by extension never appears
  • CRM-20551 Payment method (payment_instrument_id) not set with backend recurring contribution
  • CRM-20552 Task for "Add Relationship - to individual" is missing
  • CRM-20553 PayPal Express checkout changing contact name
  • CRM-20554 Error when running activity report
  • CRM-20555 Incorrect balance amount is shown on participant view page if 'Deferred Revenue' is enabled
  • CRM-20556 DataTables warning on merge screen
  • CRM-20557 Price Set Non-deductible Amount Not Shown On Contribution
  • CRM-20558 CiviReport: Contribution Summary - groupBy split personality issue
  • CRM-20559 Revenue account is Deferred revenue rather than Revenue.
  • CRM-20560 Deferred Revenue report bug
  • CRM-20561 Load Net_SMTP, Auth_SASL, Net_Socket via Composer
  • CRM-20562 Wrong Activities created during participant registration via completetransaction.
  • CRM-20563 Improve 'unable to provide this...' error message
  • CRM-20564 custom date fields in on-behalf-of forms broken
  • CRM-20565 Better & more configurable dedupe lookups when adding a contact
  • CRM-20566 Fatal error on submit of 'Edit Contribution'
  • CRM-20567 backoffice membership via price set errors with non-aggregated column
  • CRM-20568 Find and fix broken docs links to User Guide
  • CRM-20569 Record Payment for partially paid membership: update amt, fix deferred
  • CRM-20570 Add unit test for disabling of PCP
  • CRM-20571 Offline / Back Office Renewal fatal error when "renewal_date" set to far back.
  • CRM-20572 Remove jcalendar from Contrib Sybunt custom Search
  • CRM-20573 User deprecated function: Deprecated function on View Participant form
  • CRM-20574 Deprecated: Group=''. Name='cvv_backoffice_required'.
  • CRM-20575 Allow user to set created_id field for batch
  • CRM-20576 Increase length of civicrm_batch.title
  • CRM-20577 When creating an activity per-contact when sending letters, store the version with rendered tokens
  • CRM-20578 Empty update of Activity assignee/target results into DB error
  • CRM-20579 Empty update of Activity assignee/target results into DB error
  • CRM-20580 Cannot Change Date In Custom Fields
  • CRM-20581 Civi event users do not have access to StateProvince entity via the API
  • CRM-20582 ACL not working as expected. `access CiviCRM` now required when using api to register for an event.
  • CRM-20583 Manage Events page and Edit Event produce inaccurate permissions error
  • CRM-20584 PayPal IPN amount_fee fatal error when decimal separator is not "."
  • CRM-20585 Correct the from and to accounts for deferred revenue transactions
  • CRM-20586 Disabling Postal Code in Autocomplete Search Preferences doesn't work
  • CRM-20587 Several CiviContribute fields cause an error in Search Builder
  • CRM-20588 Pre and Post hook for Batch
  • CRM-20589 Warning on Batch listing page
  • CRM-20590 Add pre and post hook for EntityBatch
  • CRM-20591 Disabling a payment processor via UI (other than Payment_PayPalImpl) will break live mode
  • CRM-20592 Drupal Views integration : bug when selecting website
  • CRM-20593 is_public field is not localised
  • CRM-20594 Optimze Relationship Count on Contact Summary View
  • CRM-20595 Edits not being saved for custom fields on relationships (duplicate of CRM-20382)
  • CRM-20596 smart group with event relative dates do not populate correctly in form view
  • CRM-20597 Deferred Revenue Terminology showing in Financial Accounts - even when Deferred Revenue is not Enabled
  • CRM-20598 Phone ext in profile edit messing with address
  • CRM-20599 Need to be able to identify public/private files directories if Apache isn't being used
  • CRM-20600 Expose AngularJS screens to hooks
  • CRM-20601 Return HTTP error codes if we hit a serious error
  • CRM-20602 Status page should surface errors when making API calls (eg system.updateindexes)
  • CRM-20603 Allowing payment details to edit via contribution backoffice form
  • CRM-20604 Registering additional event participants causes fatal error
  • CRM-20605 Redis class doesn't have getResultMessage() method
  • CRM-20606 Incorrect state/province names for Austria
  • CRM-20607 Can't save a reserved dedupe rule
  • CRM-20608 IPN thinks Paypal Pro is Standard
  • CRM-20609 File URL when CiviCRM detects Drupal doesn't match the path as set by [civicrm.files]
  • CRM-20610 Replace payment details block with editable payment list on 'Edit Contribution' form
  • CRM-20611 Cancelling a line-item by changing fee selection of event, leads to incorrect financial records
  • CRM-20612 Error: undefined function config() when installing on Backdrop
  • CRM-20613 User deprecated function: Deprecated function for New Participant
  • CRM-20614 Do not Download Export file for Financial Batch
  • CRM-20615 Export only those batches having status Exported
  • CRM-20616 Amount not saved when creating contribution
  • CRM-20617 Use API for Batch transaction Listing instead of query
  • CRM-20618 Generate contact image if contact id is present
  • CRM-20619 .doc attachments mangled
  • CRM-20620 Use batch api to retrieve all the batches
  • CRM-20621 manage tags: the tag usage count is not accurate
  • CRM-20622 contact edit: tags and groups panel layout/styling
  • CRM-20623 Add Column function in Upgrade Base does not properly rebuild multilingual views
  • CRM-20624 Expose description field for option values in UI
  • CRM-20625 Better Payment Processor extension error handling
  • CRM-20626 Incorrect financial records are created for partially paid multiple memberships via Membership backofice form
  • CRM-20627 Cannot "Edit Price Options" with multilingual enabled
  • CRM-20628 Prevent Chrome autofilling phone numbers into 'Other amount' fields
  • CRM-20629 Main Contact Edit
  • CRM-20630 Find Activities: search criteria passing with URL parameters
  • CRM-20631 Edit CiviEvent access denied
  • CRM-20632 Exporting Contacts using "Export PRIMARY fields" and "Merge Household Members into their Households" produces db error
  • CRM-20633 custom field set displayed twice on register event Participant
  • CRM-20634 Wordpress Media Library not refreshing with new upload
  • CRM-20635 Allow "Search by membership organisation".
  • CRM-20636 Notice fix while updating membership without payment
  • CRM-20637 display expired price set fields for backend regstration
  • CRM-20638 Add a hook to modify activity assignee email recipients
  • CRM-20639 Make the order in which hooks fire deterministic
  • CRM-20640 contribution summary report: duplicates values with group filter
  • CRM-20641 API Extension.get cannot be filtered by status anymore
  • CRM-20642 Show/Hide Case activity toggle
  • CRM-20643 Fix invalid bounce type filter for bounce report
  • CRM-20644 Column names on Advanced search results displayed on contacts are out of order.
  • CRM-20645 "Soft credits with related Hard credit" and "Both" searches don't work properly when soft credit type is specified.
  • CRM-20646 Soft credits deatils on contribution results are sometimes misplaced by one.
  • CRM-20647 Report generates incorrect SQL however under "Super User" is correct
  • CRM-20648 Allow registration in event with cancelled registration
  • CRM-20649 Notice error when creating Price set
  • CRM-20650 Translate strings (ts) in CiviMember dashboard and Contribute manage
  • CRM-20651 Change partial_amount_pay to partial_amount_to_pay for Partial Payment workflow
  • CRM-20652 Generalise changeFeeSelection function to be used for any entity other
  • CRM-20653 CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve() does not support non-truthy defaults
  • CRM-20654 False errors on boot caused by missing indexes on multi language sites
  • CRM-20655 Notice error on batch listing
  • CRM-20656 Inherited membership status is retained after the membership type is changed for the Primary member from a membership type with inherit by Relationship Type enabled to a membership type with no inherit by Relationship Type enabled
  • CRM-20657 Multiple events purchased from webform lists only single participant details in mail received
  • CRM-20658 Fatal error on Dedupe rule for > 1 match
  • CRM-20660 Mail Summary Report showing same number for Total Opens and Unique Opens
  • CRM-20661 Cleanup order of PCP Edit for fields
  • CRM-20662 SMS Domain ID upgrade step breaks on multisite
  • CRM-20663 Support recording of payment against fully paid contribution
  • CRM-20664 Support recording of payment against fully paid contribution
  • CRM-20665 Memory error when trying to edit an existing event
  • CRM-20666 enable uploading of files to activities that are up to 255 characters in length
  • CRM-20667 Additonal Line item created from Membership backoffice form
  • CRM-20668 Notice error
  • CRM-20669 Cannot set location of event if lots of events already exist
  • CRM-20670 Cannot edit membership type if lots of members already exist
  • CRM-20671 Images not showing in Document downloaded from civi using Document Type "MS Word .(docx)"
  • CRM-20672 Related Fields don't populate for relationships with contact type "All Contacts" when mapping an export
  • CRM-20673 Tag and group edit form: implement Select2 for tags
  • CRM-20674 Field names not sorted by field name in selector
  • CRM-20675 Membership status update creates renewal activity
  • CRM-20676 Tax applied repeatedly on edits of price set events
  • CRM-20677 Use generalised function to retrieve financial account
  • CRM-20678 Repeattransaction produces contribution in default currency - instead of the series' currency
  • CRM-20679 Make the CiviCRM logo spin while quicksearch is running
  • CRM-20680 Make the CiviCRM logo spin while waiting for next page to load
  • CRM-20681 Automatically search when switching options in Quicksearch
  • CRM-20682 Include human readable contribution's custom field label in token widget for Thankyou letter
  • CRM-20683 CiviEngage Drupal module breaks certain date fields
  • CRM-20684 Standalone form for contact bulk actions
  • CRM-20685 Repeattransaction produces incorrect Financial Type ID (in specific circumstance) - if number of lineItems = 1
  • CRM-20686 Repeattransaction produces incorrect Financial Type ID - if number of lineItems = 1
  • CRM-20687 Issue numbers used as variables
  • CRM-20688 Prevent extensions from passing invalid MySQL dates on install
  • CRM-20689 Fix missing handling in upgrade for is_public in multi-lingual installs
  • CRM-20690 No more than 25 Price Options listed
  • CRM-20691 Implement 'Find Payment' Search Form
  • CRM-20692 Support jQuery options in AngularJS crm-ui-tab-set
  • CRM-20693 Report permissions/ACL not shown in Access tab- Joomla and Wordpress
  • CRM-20694 CiviMail Report is missing Resubscribe Message
  • CRM-20695 show processed Greeting in drop down list
  • CRM-20696 Custom image handler missing reset parameter
  • CRM-20697 Online pay now anomalies (contribution transfer to new contact)
  • CRM-20698 Make "disabled" table rows appear greyed-out
  • CRM-20700 Client contact info block
  • CRM-20702 Send Receipt checkbox is ignored on Contribution - Backend - Submit Credit Card transaction
  • CRM-20703 Event Contribution Created When No Payment Option Provided
  • CRM-20704 Inactive Campaigns showing on search pages under "Current Campaigns"
  • CRM-20705 Activity civicrm_pre and civicrm_post edit hooks do not receive all activity data
  • CRM-20706 Notice error on using Contribution.getfield API
  • CRM-20707 membership inheritance does not update start/end dates
  • CRM-20708 Move get BAO and DAO functions out of API3 directory
  • CRM-20709 Show civicrm select optgroups in webforms
  • CRM-20710 Add function to return all valid types
  • CRM-20711 Error - DB Constraint Violation - GroupContact, get API
  • CRM-20713 db error when populating mailing recipients because sms_provider_id is 'null'
  • CRM-20714 notice error
  • CRM-20715 Add index on is_deceased column in civicrm_contact
  • CRM-20716 Array to string issue on php7 when creating membership activity
  • CRM-20717 Expose Invoice and Credit Note templates via browser
  • CRM-20718 CiviCRM, Contribution page, when using the "On behalf of" Organisation Profile, fieldset title uses hardcoded "Organization Details"
  • CRM-20719 Show warning on system status page if reply_id for mailing is not set to any default.
  • CRM-20720 CIVICRM-128 Unable to sort Price Options for Price Fieldset. Weight values are not being set at all in database.
  • CRM-20721 Add parameter to dateQueryBuilder fn to change date value to desired format
  • CRM-20722 'Lock wait timeout exceeded' error triggered on smart group cache rebuild
  • CRM-20723 If bounce address is not working, no emails are sent and no warning or error is generated.
  • CRM-20724 Misleading error message
  • CRM-20725 CiviMail: Could not identify any recipients. Message Confusing. VERP Setting
  • CRM-20726 CKEditor freezes when using Mail Template Safari on OSX 10.12.5
  • CRM-20727 Blank Page when Calling Draft and Scheduled Mailings Menu,
  • CRM-20728 Store session in drupal session table before exiting
  • CRM-20729 Fatal error When attempting to add a fee to an existing event.
  • CRM-20730 PHP Notice: Undefined variable: value in bin/cli.class.php on line 172
  • CRM-20731 If both country and state province have defaults set, profiles with address fields left blank will overwrite existing address info with blanks. New contacts created without address info will get an address record with just country and state
  • CRM-20732 Tags (Categories) completely broken in 4.7.20 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  • CRM-20733 Relationship report improvements
  • CRM-20734 State doesn't populate on first load of view even if country is selected.
  • CRM-20735 Update to Contribution with complex priceset are not assigned properly to trxns
  • CRM-20736 incorporate credit card fields into backoffice contribution Payment Details section
  • CRM-20737 Add localization feature to support variable number of decimals on all money amounts depending on currency
  • CRM-20738 Pending contributions don't get their transaction id saved
  • CRM-20739 contact import doesn't add to group on fill if matching without ID
  • CRM-20740 Api fails to check on custom field is null in some cases
  • CRM-20741 Cancellation message shown as error
  • CRM-20742 Contact import update warnings/error on matching contact - not added to group
  • CRM-20743 users without reserved tag permission may still modify the tag
  • CRM-20744 Use bower_compoents images for datatable rather than packages
  • CRM-20745 Post date of recur not respected in credit card pledge payment
  • CRM-20746 CiviMail - text part of resubscribe confirmation mail contains html
  • CRM-20747 {contribution.campaign} token not working on Contribution ThankYou letter
  • CRM-20748 Joomla upgrade leaves old/conflicted files removed in latest version
  • CRM-20749 Undefined index in Core/BAO/SchemaHandler.php
  • CRM-20750 Incorrect financial trxn entries when payment instrument is changed on backoffice Contribution edit form
  • CRM-20751 Support Drupal aliases for event links in Views
  • CRM-20752 Editing a Cancelled Pledge updates the status of it to Pending/Inprogress
  • CRM-20753 Net amount doesn't respect localization
  • CRM-20754 memory leak in CLI CSV import
  • CRM-20755 Cannot display draft nor scheduled mailings under Joomla- error "Using $this when not in object context"
  • CRM-20756 Multi tab structure
  • CRM-20757 Price Field Options do not update order on change on weight in browse page
  • CRM-20758 Fix deprecated fn call on import screen
  • CRM-20759 Import, add 'Primary' as an address location
  • CRM-20760 Can't add fee to an event or contribution page in update mode.
  • CRM-20761 Formrule error when priceset is selected on contribution page
  • CRM-20762 Notifications
  • CRM-20763 custom fields for a specific activity type hold values when doing back to back using the add activity function on a search
  • CRM-20764 Need to update civicrm.settings.php to account for clean urls in Backdrop
  • CRM-20765 Missing id for 'onBehalfOfOrg' section
  • CRM-20766 Civicrm Menu Error Wordpress: ...BAO/SchemaHandler.php on line 730
  • CRM-20767 Unsubscribe action does not trigger hook_post
  • CRM-20768 Web-based installation should accept non-standard MySQL port
  • CRM-20769 Allow for Button Text on profiles to be overriden in settings
  • CRM-20770 Pay later option incorrectly shows as completed when combining membership and donation
  • CRM-20771 Ensure that AddColumn in CRM_Upgrade_Incremental_Base can support translatable columns
  • CRM-20772 Price set calculation precision when sales tax enabled
  • CRM-20773 Contribution tab shows Receive Date twice instead of Thank You date
  • CRM-20774 Add check for existing index keys(different values) while creating missing indices.
  • CRM-20775 Wrong is full results for API event get
  • CRM-20776 Menu structure
  • CRM-20777 Access CiviEvent no longer allows "create event"
  • CRM-20778 Use civicontribute permission for contribution recur.cancel
  • CRM-20779 Incorrect files showing in Tab for custom field
  • CRM-20780 Add settings file option to define CMS_ROOT
  • CRM-20781 Truncate long text in mail listing
  • CRM-20782 Can't Enable CiviCase
  • CRM-20783 undefined currency error when pricefield value is included in view
  • CRM-20784 Participants counted even when marked as "0" on price set line item
  • CRM-20785 Confirm Contribution Button Disabled (Stripe) - FIXED
  • CRM-20786 Move deprecated utils functions to the import classes
  • CRM-20787 CIVICRM-152 For a repeating Event series. If change the Price Set for a paid Event then this Price Set selection is not applied to all Events in the series even when apply to Every Event is selected
  • CRM-20788 CiviCRM does not provide an API to update the Priceset for an Event or a Contribution page
  • CRM-20789 Unsubscribing from an AB test does not work in 4.7.21
  • CRM-20790 CIVICRM-159 - Import Contacts, Current Employer (Employee of field) is not being imported at all
  • CRM-20791 SUP-1709 Cannot use CiviCRM Import to remove data from a Contact field.
  • CRM-20792 SUP-1709 Cannot use CiviCRM Import to remove data from a Contact field.
  • CRM-20793 Add filter - activity date and status on search criteria of activity listing
  • CRM-20794 Colors for case status
  • CRM-20795 CiviEvent registration does not clear additional participants if later removed
  • CRM-20796 Secondary email search
  • CRM-20797 Use is_payment to retrieve payments
  • CRM-20798 Meet WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility standard
  • CRM-20799 make activity filter user preference an optional setting
  • CRM-20800 User Cannot Cancel Recurring Payment With Paypal
  • CRM-20801 Wrong case statuses displayed on new case
  • CRM-20802 CaseType.create - Stale definition retained in memory
  • CRM-20803 Enable Farsi (fa_IR), Serbian (sr_RS), Ukrainian (uk_UA) in the languages option group so that we can install in those languages
  • CRM-20804 Financial items are not assigned proportionally for partially paid contribution
  • CRM-20805 Fatal Error when adding new membership type on a contribution page.
  • CRM-20806 addCoreResources() does not load resources on non-Civi pages in WordPress
  • CRM-20807 Issues when profiles are as used as a Search View
  • CRM-20808 Editing 2 contributions in 2 different tabs overwrites one with the other
  • CRM-20809 Move extensions cache from $extensionsDir to $uploadDir
  • CRM-20810 Reference to wrong receipt template on contribution receipt help
  • CRM-20811 CIVICRM-167 Schedule Reminders uses mixed terminology for Active state: Active? versus Send Email
  • CRM-20812 Notice on live contribution when only pay later is selected
  • CRM-20813 Activity card - Communications
  • CRM-20814 Activity card - Documents
  • CRM-20815 Allowed activity status per category
  • CRM-20816 Case multi/single client settings
  • CRM-20817 Fix missing indexes fails on UI_case_contact_id
  • CRM-20818 Call to protected method error from CRM_Event_Form_Registration_AdditionalParticipant
  • CRM-20819 [Duplicate of CRM-20818--issue with JIRA] Call to protected method error from CRM_Event_Form_Registration_AdditionalParticipant
  • CRM-20820 drush/wp-cli/cv - make behaviour more UNIX-y
  • CRM-20821 Saving an existing premium product breaks the image URLs
  • CRM-20822 Expose tag parent id in views
  • CRM-20823 Price Set field with an Expiry Date still being 'required' after being expired.
  • CRM-20824 Make menu more accessible
  • CRM-20825 Make accordion panels accessible
  • CRM-20826 Make select2 widgets accessible
  • CRM-20827 Add labels for accessibility
  • CRM-20828 Saved field mappings drop down is limited to 1
  • CRM-20829 Install requirements fail because of port string
  • CRM-20830 Improve handling of overdue activities
  • CRM-20831 Wrong datePicker value when edit some date custom fields
  • CRM-20832 Field is_for_organisation in module_data set as 0 should be inactive in uf_join table
  • CRM-20833 Change namespace for APIv4 entities
  • CRM-20834 Drupal user not created via Profile due to missing email field
  • CRM-20835 Missing indices warning
  • CRM-20836 REGRESSION caused by CRM-15067 . Eway payments not processed under certain conditions
  • CRM-20837 Make setting bug more explicit
  • CRM-20838 Provide alert & fix method for tables in the CiviCRM Db with no log table
  • CRM-20839 SUP-1813 Attempting to update relationship to invalid type freezes dialog.
  • CRM-20840 CIVICRM-194 Recurring contributions are not inheriting is_email_receipt from their contribution pages.
  • CRM-20841 Manual Merge - on_hold, is_bulkmail or signature information lost
  • CRM-20842 Change api explorer page title
  • CRM-20843 civicrm.root pulls incorrect URL (Joomla)
  • CRM-20844 Can't Enable State/Address Field for en-GB Installations.
  • CRM-20845 create alterMailingRecipients hook
  • CRM-20846 Must add default MySQL Port to Install
  • CRM-20847 Support custom api with composite primary keys
  • CRM-20848 Upgrade to 4.7.19 sets price_field to inactive if default Financial Types are disabled
  • CRM-20849 Multiple extensions using the same autoloader prefix will overwrite previous
  • CRM-20850 Replace fatal with statusBounce in membership form
  • CRM-20851 Fix php notice when is_primary is not set for printpdf invoice
  • CRM-20852 Show tax term in UI (eg. VAT)
  • CRM-20853 Reassign Case Role
  • CRM-20854 CiviMail Track Opens breaks the mailing HTML
  • CRM-20855 Disabling "Search Primary Details Only" causes partial CiviMail delivery failure
  • CRM-20856 CiviMember: Fixed Period (month) Calculated Duration is Incorrect
  • CRM-20857 Deferred Revenue report - DB Error: unknown error
  • CRM-20858 Custom fields migrated even when not asked during merge
  • CRM-20859 Not all potential groups found when generating unsubscribe list
  • CRM-20860 Add in password type field availability and apply to payment processor fields
  • CRM-20861 Location type does not show for custom address fields
  • CRM-20862 Mailing detail report; filter by status only applies if status is displayed
  • CRM-20863 Improve ordering of report lists
  • CRM-20864 Add database value for connect function in install\index.php
  • CRM-20865 Credit Card Icons don't show up when switching back from another payment method
  • CRM-20866 Soft credit appearance inconsistent in contribution search
  • CRM-20867 Class not found
  • CRM-20868 set invoice_number at contribution->create, not invoice creation
  • CRM-20869 Remove cruft code for check number
  • CRM-20870 CIVICRM-209 CiviCRM API - Membership get with join on Contact with Group parameter returns incorrect results. Group parameter is ignored
  • CRM-20871 crmUiSelect fails to update when model changes
  • CRM-20872 Drupal Views of CiviCRM contacts including address fields show significant duplicate results
  • CRM-20873 CIVICRM-118 DB Error: no such field / Unknown column 'civicrm_custom_group.is_public' breaks CiviCRM database update process
  • CRM-20874 Membership Smart groups created in older version breaks Manage Groups Page
  • CRM-20875 Import of membership custom data throws notice errors.
  • CRM-20876 in honor of does not show up on contribution receipt
  • CRM-20879 Extend self-service event registration transfer to backend
  • CRM-20880 Submit Credit Card Does Not Process Card
  • CRM-20881 Backend Membership status set to pending if contribution status label 'Completed' is renamed
  • CRM-20882 Unnecessary extra parameters lead to wrong re-direction
  • CRM-20883 If field (column) "Contribution Note" is included in a "Contribution Detail" report, it acts as a filter and only contributions WITH notes are returmed.
  • CRM-20884 broken symlink in net_smtp packages
  • CRM-20885 Suppress error when attempting to create fake file
  • CRM-20886 event dashboard breaks on lots of events
  • CRM-20887 Edit contribution : wrong decimal separator on net_amount
  • CRM-20888 Contribution & comma separator : unable to change payment instrument
  • CRM-20889 Toggle check_number field on backoffice form as payment form fields
  • CRM-20890 Move recieve_date between Contribution status and Revenue Recognition date in Contribution backoffice form
  • CRM-20891 Pay later option incorrectly shows as completed when combining membership and donation
  • CRM-20892 Same mailing open in two windows can overwrite data on scheduled mailings
  • CRM-20893 Port the 'civicrmtheme' module to Drupal 8
  • CRM-20894 "Thank you sent" column incorrect - showing Date Received?
  • CRM-20896 Using 'update' setting on Contact Import should place all contacts in group
  • CRM-20897 Update Hard Coded paths for including scripts and files in vendor, bower, packages directories
  • CRM-20898 New refund form: Format refund amount
  • CRM-20899 Format refund amount
  • CRM-20900 Contribution not set to completed when payment is recorded
  • CRM-20901 Add submit credit card membership link on membership form
  • CRM-20902 DB Syntax error on Mailing Opened Report
  • CRM-20903 Improve ordering of dedupe rules
  • CRM-20904 Joomla - Fatal Error when schedule job is executed from cron.php
  • CRM-20905 Simple mail : Make max emails a hidden config instead of hardcoded value set to 50Si
  • CRM-20910 API call to Participant.get ignores check_permissons
  • CRM-20912 Print/Merge Document Does Not Work in Safari
  • CRM-20913 Separate pledge statuses from contribution statuses
  • CRM-20914 pariticipant note field breaking export when populated with data over 32 characters
  • CRM-20915 Creating credit card registration for event stores payment method as check
  • CRM-20916 Dashlet - Next Milestones and Recent Communications
  • CRM-20917 Dashlet - Recent Cases
  • CRM-20918 Membership update from new to current generates Membership Renewal activity, skewing dashboard
  • CRM-20919 Adjust Mailing.create api for creating Completed mailings
  • CRM-20920 Change from setting to permission for overriding Can/Spam needs
  • CRM-20921 Move hard-coded CONST limits to settings
  • CRM-20922 Can't set default value via URL query string, for custom date fields
  • CRM-20923 Refactor tpl for admin mail so it respects metadata
  • CRM-20924 Creating a new activity fails for demo user
  • CRM-20926 Allow extensions to flag PHPIDS html/json fields
  • CRM-20927 Allow `civicrm_menu` to store new data in generic column
  • CRM-20928 Use cUrl not file_get_contents for update check
  • CRM-20929 Allow styling of page title in Angular
  • CRM-20930 Case Detail Report cannot filter by "Last Action Date"
  • CRM-20931 Allow contact custom fields to be added to Contribution Detail report
  • CRM-20932 Joomla CLI and extern display warning about JDEBUG
  • CRM-20933 Updating Pay later event registration from backend produces formRule error
  • CRM-20934 Child groups not present in group list selector
  • CRM-20935 Deleting an event does not delete links to profiles it used
  • CRM-20936 Hide statuses on backoffice contribution form
  • CRM-20937 civicrm engage breaks birth date field
  • CRM-20938 The auto-resizing of uploaded premium products images does not preserve aspect ratio
  • CRM-20939 $_recent variable initialised as a string in CRM_Utils_Recent when should be an array
  • CRM-20940 CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey Array
  • CRM-20941 Determine & notify date to end support for PHP5.3 and PHP5.4
  • CRM-20942 Email location type must be 'primary' in profile or user creation won't work for event
  • CRM-20943 PHP 7.1 Compatability issue with Manage Events
  • CRM-20944 Remove Deprecation Notice caused by ActivityLinks
  • CRM-20945 Differentiate using CSS active selected page in AtoZ Pager
  • CRM-20946 Wrong entries in financial table when contribution is cancelled
  • CRM-20947 Remove Deprecation Notice for Option group
  • CRM-20948 CiviCRM_API3_Exception: "Expected one MembershipType but found 4"
  • CRM-20949 BillingBlock.tpl contains wrong paymentProcessor object on initial load of backend Contribution page.
  • CRM-20950 Contact import mapping to wrong location type (unreleased regression)
  • CRM-20951 throws error while adding financial items
  • CRM-20952 Refresh membership tab on edits to membership payments
  • CRM-20953 Importing contacts with deceased_date not setting is_deceased
  • CRM-20954 Fatal SQL error when completing a partially paid contribution in localized installation
  • CRM-20955 Contact's second membership fails to inherit when created in back end using price set
  • CRM-20956 Modifying thank-you for contribution changes contribution source, logged-in user activity record
  • CRM-20957 CiviCase UI: Created Date and modified date for activities and cases
  • CRM-20958 Data model: Track creation+modification times for activities+cases
  • CRM-20959 IPN recording incorrect contribution data
  • CRM-20960 Upgrade Dompdf to 0.8
  • CRM-20961 Non numeric php 7.1 error when running api_v3_MembershipTest
  • CRM-20962 Issue in api_v3_SettingTest where string being used but needs to be array for php7.1
  • CRM-20963 Separate "container" and "compiler pass" hooks
  • CRM-20964 Include queue id while retrieving rows from Event Queue.
  • CRM-20965 Add Pull Request Template
  • CRM-20966 Contribution deleted when relationship deleted, incorrect line items & membership_payments for second inherited membership created in back end via price set
  • CRM-20967 Event Participants List shows Total paid and balance incorrect
  • CRM-20968 "View in your browser" link for mosaico template gives a non initialized title "TITLE"
  • CRM-20969 Fix issue in reports where we try and append a new array key to string
  • CRM-20970 long postal code in db prevents searching by zipcode range
  • CRM-20971 Custom field with data type money does not get saved
  • CRM-20972 PHP7.1 New Exception generated causing failures in API_v3_SyntaxConformanceTests
  • CRM-20973 Call to undefined function Civi\API\civicrm_api3_create_error() in Civi/API/Kernel.php on line 413
  • CRM-20974 Unable to install civicrm_views
  • CRM-20975 Sort order of search not preserved in Export
  • CRM-20976 Improve error handling when someone tries to make a credit card contribution and no processor is configured
  • CRM-20977 CIVICRM-233 CiviCRM API - Membership get with join on Contact, filtering on Primary Address returns incorrect results. Primary Address filter is ignored
  • CRM-20978 Deleting activities not logged
  • CRM-20979 pre help for price fields not exposed to UI.
  • CRM-20980 Latest update breaks Thank-you Sent times displayed in Contributions dashboard
  • CRM-20981 Allow custom base-pages with less `crmApp` boilerplate
  • CRM-20982 Fix: Mails sent via command line fail due to EHLO/HELO being "localhost"
  • CRM-20983 'Cannot resolve path using "cms.root.path"
  • CRM-20984 Move placement of payment processor field on live mode
  • CRM-20985 Upgrade to Civi 4.7.22 breaks CKeditor toolbars
  • CRM-20986 Delineate between email and SMS templates on Message Templates page
  • CRM-20987 Add transaction date field to listings of transactions
  • CRM-20988 Don't display option of Export, Delete etc to users who lack that permission
  • CRM-20989 SMS Provider check in Scheduled Reminders, breaks for multisite
  • CRM-20990 Assign $contributionStatus to the Contribution Online message template
  • CRM-20991 Assign $contributionStatus to the Contribution Online message template
  • CRM-20992 Assign $contributionStatus to the Contribution Online message template
  • CRM-20993 API - Extension get - Cannot filter by ID anymore
  • CRM-20994 CurrentEmployer Report contains a hardcoded value for RelationshipType
  • CRM-20995 API - Extension get - Ignores parameter full_name as created by API explorer
  • CRM-20996 Copy profile from wizard duplicates 'name' in database
  • CRM-20997 Don't send approve mail to user with admin role
  • CRM-20998 payment edit: support cancelling and deleting
  • CRM-20999 Multiple elements share same id `auto_renew` value on live contribution page.
  • CRM-21000 Display result as Mailing on Advance Search produces DB Error
  • CRM-21001 E-notice in com_civicrm/civicrm/CRM/Core/BAO/SchemaHandler.php on line 730
  • CRM-21002 Credit card type icons are incorrectly populated on backoffice live mode
  • CRM-21003 Support multiple payments on contribution.payment_instrument_id and contribution.financial_type_id
  • CRM-21004 profile: unable to copy profiles used for events/contribs/etc.
  • CRM-21005 "Record Payment" dialogue lacks required field and is clunky
  • CRM-21008 "Use another contact's address" creates duplicate relationships
  • CRM-21009 Removing event selection from participant does not free up capacity
  • CRM-21012 Add link to release notes in CiviCRM footer
  • CRM-21015 Contribution page creates recurring contribution even though recurring is not selected
  • CRM-21016 Allow Drupal views to be used for Notes related to contributions
  • CRM-21017 Contact Summary configuration problem after upgrade to 4.7
  • CRM-21018 CIVICRM-261 "Sorry an Error Occured" incorrect spelling "Occured" should be "Occurred"
  • CRM-21019 Change column labels
  • CRM-21020 alterMailContent hook: pass additional contextual details
  • CRM-21021 Review io.3sd.dummysms
  • CRM-21023 Replace deprecated code and hardcoded IDs with pseudoconstants in Activity BAO
  • CRM-21024 Contribution Custom Fields disappear on validation fail
  • CRM-21025 Regression: 'Contact Merged' is not a valid option for field activity_type_id
  • CRM-21026 Contribution count on contact tabs excludes contributions with disabled financial types
  • CRM-21027 Next recurring payment not accurately calculated when effective date passed in
  • CRM-21028 Exporting contributions from a disabled contribution page exports ALL contributions
  • CRM-21029 Activity report SQL syntax error
  • CRM-21030 Activity report SQL syntax error
  • CRM-21031 Financial type ID display instead of label in "View Price Options"
  • CRM-21032 Price set field Radio not setting default on create
  • CRM-21033 Search Builder broken filter for Source Contact ID
  • CRM-21034 Clicking "View" on a custom file field with multiple values brings up first value
  • CRM-21035 REGRESSION: From address incorrect when sending email from Actions dropdown
  • CRM-21036 Change deprecated comments to tags so phpstorm marks functions as deprecated
  • CRM-21037 Add unit tests for Activity sendSMS functions
  • CRM-21038 Billing and CC fields shown when payment processor not selected.
  • CRM-21039 Trying to add Asset account relationship throws validation error
  • CRM-21040 Cannot access many CiviCRM menu items - Solved
  • CRM-21041 API Bug when Creating Contact with Webform-Civicrm
  • CRM-21042 Contact Parser Error appears during import.
  • CRM-21043 Fix Dupe check of on behalf organisation
  • CRM-21044 Custom search issue after 4.7.22 upgrade - Civi looks for wrong file name
  • CRM-21045 Multiple email field shown on Contribution Page.
  • CRM-21046 Hyphens display as ? in export to PDF
  • CRM-21047 TypeError: financialtypeIds is undefined, on contribution form
  • CRM-21048 Names equal to '0' are erased during a Contact update
  • CRM-21049 Can't create a RelationshipType record via API with "All Contacts" as a value
  • CRM-21050 Use datepicker for all date fields used in contribution backoffice form
  • CRM-21051 Case-activity history is incomplete
  • CRM-21052 Allow opt-out of embedded case-activity tracking
  • CRM-21053 Twilio SMS provider does not allow multi-segment (>160 char) messages
  • CRM-21054 `is_create_activities` param not defined for fetch_activities job
  • CRM-21055 Change label of cancel button
  • CRM-21056 Drupal Views Integration - missing Participant Payment relationship from Participant
  • CRM-21057 export field mapping limited to 25 records
  • CRM-21058 Add Event filter to PCP contribution report
  • CRM-21060 php 7.1 errors
  • CRM-21061 Fix rare CiviReport error relating to long report names
  • CRM-21062 Remove Tax Rate trailing zeros for display in Confirm / Thankyou forms
  • CRM-21063 Survey detail report lacks date options
  • CRM-21064 Expose all major CiviCRM repos as Composer packages
  • CRM-21065 Replace some deprecated slow function calls: some CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values with CRM_Activity_BAO_ActivityContact::buildOptions
  • CRM-21066 Contibution thank you letters do not produce vertical tables correclty
  • CRM-21067 Case token improvement
  • CRM-21068 &lastModified() fails more gracefully.
  • CRM-21069 Fail more gracefully on event display with invalid data in the DB
  • CRM-21070 Intra-rc regression:Unable to set Recipients in CiviMail in 4.7.24-rc
  • CRM-21071 Event Location Tab: Second Email and Phone fields broken
  • CRM-21072 Twilio extension doesn't work with PHP7.0
  • CRM-21073 Add full group by for contact logging reports
  • CRM-21074 Contribution Net Amount does not fill in automatically when Additional Details section is expanded
  • CRM-21075 Notice errors on contact edit
  • CRM-21076 Fix: Can't view/edit ACL Role Assignments
  • CRM-21077 Warn the user when testing outbound mail configuration if CIVICRM_MAIL_LOG is set
  • CRM-21078 Allow user to save and continue editing message template
  • CRM-21079 Datetime logs don't supports timezones
  • CRM-21080 Pay later information displayed before registration finished
  • CRM-21081 No phone/e-mail set to Primary upon contact update
  • CRM-21082 CRM_Core_Resources::singleton()->getUrl sends Drupal paths to Backdrop install
  • CRM-21083 Add financial_type.label
  • CRM-21084 Give themers and plugin devs ability to test if CiviCRM is currently being displayed in a WordPress shortcode
  • CRM-21086 Allow Inline View of Files Instead of Download
  • CRM-21087 Payment popup goes weird if you click 'adjust payment amount'.
  • CRM-21088 Backdrop class contains `drupal_` calls that should be changed
  • CRM-21089 Fatal error on "Interview Respondents"
  • CRM-21090 CiviCRM uses mixed terminology "Constituent" versus "Contact" lets just use "Contact"
  • CRM-21091 Drush cc all throw exception on using 'check_permissions' param
  • CRM-21092 Minor fixes to financial batch forms
  • CRM-21093 Move CiviCRM initialization out of service constructor (in Drupal 8) and into method
  • CRM-21094 Minor improvement to display of columns in Survey Details report
  • CRM-21095 CSS conflicts between CiviCRM and Backdrop
  • CRM-21096 Very extensive permissions needed for getting participant via API
  • CRM-21097 CMS database integration needs update for Backdrop
  • CRM-21098 Prevent Backdrop admin drop-down menus from appearing beneath CiviCRM admin menu
  • CRM-21099 Contribution search: "Total Cancelled Amount" surprisingly includes "refunded" status
  • CRM-21100 Empty list shown in "Send test email to group" dropdown
  • CRM-21101 Undefined index in CRM_Core_BAO_SchemaHandler::getMissingIndices()
  • CRM-21102 test issue
  • CRM-21103 Make CiviCRM menu respond to Drupal Environment Indicator module if present
  • CRM-21104 CIVICRM-410 CiviCRM Contribution pages which have no Profile associated with them do not include a ReCaptcha and as a result are prime targets for credit card fraud.
  • CRM-21105 Undefined index for check_permission when dupe_check is enabled
  • CRM-21106 Move financial type ACL clause for reports into extension
  • CRM-21107 This is a test of "Markdown here"
  • CRM-21108 Creating contacts is slow, part 1 of 2: Calculating Greetings
  • CRM-21109 Creating contacts is slow, part 2 of 2: Smart group caching
  • CRM-21110 Relationships tab on contact summary runs query twice
  • CRM-21111 getActivities cleanup
  • CRM-21112 Optimize Relationship Count on Contact's Relationship Tab
  • CRM-21113 find cases: search by case ID and subject
  • CRM-21114 file to case doesn't transfer activity assignees
  • CRM-21115 Improve MessageTemplate.Get API to support groupName/valueName params
  • CRM-21116 Refactor event notification code (Messagetemplates and activities)
  • CRM-21117 Line item not shown in mails when paying later for membership priceset
  • CRM-21118 Add action links for message templates overview at top of page
  • CRM-21119 Dashlet - Case summary pipeline
  • CRM-21120 Warn if no crypt functions available
  • CRM-21121 Event Income (Summary) report backtrace with 'only_full_group_by'
  • CRM-21122 Support selection of smart groups on Contact Dashboard
  • CRM-21124 Fix DB error on deduping by criteria when criteria string is too long
  • CRM-21125 permit class assignment on links in reports
  • CRM-21126 member_is_primary not set by default on passing owner in the url
  • CRM-21127 Event API return request params format is partially outdated
  • CRM-21128 Personal Campaign Page selection with force=1 in Find Contributions
  • CRM-21129 CLI import doesn't allow single-column CSVs
  • CRM-21130 Search builder throws error if location type has space
  • CRM-21131 Civi.tag - deprecated
  • CRM-21132 Member Role Sync:
  • CRM-21133 Price set error with NULL financial types
  • CRM-21134 e-notice errors when using a processor extension
  • CRM-21135 Activity filter preference are not remembered when enabled in display preference
  • CRM-21136 Use getcount api to return activity count in getActivities() function
  • CRM-21137 Followup activities
  • CRM-21138 Enable use of multiple twilio from numbers
  • CRM-21139 Font-Awesome icons not showing on fatal error screen
  • CRM-21140 Agree & (if applicable) implement approach to storing extension data for entities / tables
  • CRM-21141 CIVICRM-429 Billing block fields are not used for duplicate contact checks on Contribution pages
  • CRM-21142 Installation fails if PHP XML module isn't installed
  • CRM-21143 Mass Dedupe Flip Selected Duplicates does nothing
  • CRM-21144 CRM-20007 brakes potential changes done in "pre" hook
  • CRM-21145 Add credit card type field in batches transaction details view.
  • CRM-21146 Add credit card type field in contribution details view.
  • CRM-21147 Add credit card type and payment instrument fields in template assignable values for receipt generation
  • CRM-21148 Refactor "getFromTo()" functions
  • CRM-21149 On Event Registration Form, cannot target the text "(including yourself)" using word replacement because the parenthesis is outside the ts markers
  • CRM-21150 Suggested improvement to contact import mechanism
  • CRM-21151 Membership sharing doesn't work after merge (regression)
  • CRM-21152 Add spec for MembershipStatus.calc API function
  • CRM-21153 Fix mispelled variable
  • CRM-21154 Joomla administrator can't download custom files
  • CRM-21155 Hook batchItems does not change the csv export
  • CRM-21156 CiviCRM Rules does not show all available Groups
  • CRM-21157 Convert to timestamp from datetime for new installs
  • CRM-21158 Expose contributionID regardless of Confirmation page
  • CRM-21159 Address fields cause DB errors when adding contacts to group from Search Builder
  • CRM-21160 Make event_type_id available in event message templates.
  • CRM-21161 Allow to change name of sent mailing
  • CRM-21162 Case.create API truncates the start_date time
  • CRM-21163 No option to assign Component when creating/editing Activities
  • CRM-21164 inherited membership co-opted by new signup
  • CRM-21165 Installing CiviCRM incorrectly defines CIVICRM_UF_BASEURL on Pantheon
  • CRM-21166 WP-CLI commands fail due to whitespace in regex
  • CRM-21167 CiviCRM views all empty after update
  • CRM-21168 WordPress plugin wiki/support links are incorrect
  • CRM-21169 Fix broken inline edit for profiles
  • CRM-21170 Provide option to filter by contact id & external id
  • CRM-21171 Cron failing on Update Membership Statuses and Send Renewal Reminders
  • CRM-21172 Fix 'Edit Contact Information' link on contact dashboard
  • CRM-21173 Event >Tell a Friend> Info Page Link does not get added to the Share section of the confirmation
  • CRM-21174 Circular dependency during upgrade: civicrm_menu.module_data
  • CRM-21175 Fatal error on multiple custom field import
  • CRM-21176 profile displaying groups does not display membership/allow unsubscribe from smart groups
  • CRM-21177 Wrong interval of recurring payment for auto-renewing membership
  • CRM-21178 Custom fields of type "Link" are no longer clickable
  • CRM-21179 Dashlet - Charts
  • CRM-21180 Inline changes to custom fields aren't reflected in custom greetings
  • CRM-21181 Still getting "Invalid Entity Filter" and "Invalid Filter"
  • CRM-21182 Activity API - fetch case details
  • CRM-21183 Updating Partially paid contribution to Completed doesn't update membership
  • CRM-21184 Case Duration Calculation
  • CRM-21185 Shouldn't participant 'create registration' check for allow duplicate contact?
  • CRM-21186 PDF membership creation wrong page ending
  • CRM-21187 Fix: Completing an existing contribution using completetransaction does not respect currency on financial_trxn record
  • CRM-21188 Batch change participant status page yells "ufGroupId is missing"
  • CRM-21189 Add permission for Close and reopen Batch
  • CRM-21190 Warning error on Thankyou page on pay later membership priceset.
  • CRM-21191 drush cvup does not untar file
  • CRM-21192 Additional Participant with same name
  • CRM-21193 Case table view - styling issues
  • CRM-21194 Unique clicks in mailing report shows duplicates
  • CRM-21195 Adding the ability to add icons to menu items
  • CRM-21196 Event reports localization
  • CRM-21197 Convert from html to plain text AFTER token substitution has happened
  • CRM-21198 Completing payment for partially paid membership doesn't change membership status
  • CRM-21199 Remove dependancy for 'Default invoice payment page'
  • CRM-21200 Pay Now payment overwrites the contribution
  • CRM-21201 Tax recalculated when pay later contribution is completed using Pay Now
  • CRM-21202 DataTables warning: table id=dupePairs
  • CRM-21203 cli.php PHP error prevents cron jobs from running
  • CRM-21204 Show Import Progress Bar for Activity, Contribution and Membership imports
  • CRM-21205 batch list does not display accurate currency
  • CRM-21206 Recipients missing from AB Test Report
  • CRM-21207 JS error on payment processor fields in Wordpress
  • CRM-21208 Directories configuration page broken on Joomla 3.8
  • CRM-21209 Directories page error - cmsRootPath() check incompatible with Joomla 3.8
  • CRM-21210 Extension settings go missing after extension upgrades
  • CRM-21211 "bidirectional" relationships and memberships
  • CRM-21212 Get E2E Tests working on wordpress
  • CRM-21213 Allow users to specificy from name and email address when sending Thank You letters
  • CRM-21214 Chaining shared addresses doesn't work correctly
  • CRM-21215 When using an event's multiple participant registration form, attackers can see others' registration status based on email address
  • CRM-21216 Replace member_BAO_membershiptype_getMembershipTypesByOrg with API equivalent
  • CRM-21217 Enable E2E tests for Backdrop CMS
  • CRM-21218 Improve component statics flushing
  • CRM-21219 CLI import doesn't allow external identifier to be used to specify a contact
  • CRM-21220 Invoice due date format spacing correction
  • CRM-21221 Precedence order logic bug in Contribution.completetransaction
  • CRM-21222 Invalid Emails
  • CRM-21223 Number and Money fields are not set to NULL in the database
  • CRM-21224 Dedupe searches dropping limit
  • CRM-21225 CIVICRM-506 Add a new field, Profile Title so that the Profile Name does not serve a dual purpose of labelling the Profile and displaying the Title for the Profile fields publicly
  • CRM-21226 Add view filter handler for contact reference custom field
  • CRM-21227 Fix issues in CRM_Core_Page_run test suite following merge of PR #10435
  • CRM-21228 "Scheduled Jobs" page accidentally re-runs jobs
  • CRM-21229 Manage Group page is slow if you have smart groups
  • CRM-21230 Multi-value custom field import fail with error message: Call to undefined method CRM_Custom_Import_Parser_Api::formatContactParameters
  • CRM-21231 On CiviMail screen make 'Review and Schedule' tab active if required fields are filled
  • CRM-21232 contribution.get returns CiviCRM is not of the type Int
  • CRM-21233 Cannot print groups
  • CRM-21234 Missing subdivisions of Tajikistan
  • CRM-21235 DataTables warning: table id=DataTables_Table_1 - Cannot reinitialise DataTable
  • CRM-21236 Make contact custom fields available in Membership Detail report
  • CRM-21237 Activity Search: reset default values when using force=1
  • CRM-21238 Fatal error on Drupal /user and /user/%
  • CRM-21239 Multiple issues after PR 10435 (Fatal on Drupal /user; fatal on profile view, etc.)
  • CRM-21240 Allow translation of menu items declared in extensions
  • CRM-21241 Spinning logo is too jumpy
  • CRM-21242 Config.IDS.ini is broken on Pantheon and doesn't even need to be a file
  • CRM-21243 Logo in WP menu doesn't follow standard
  • CRM-21244 Enhancements to "FROM email addresses"
  • CRM-21245 Incorrect Contribution status "Pending Refund"
  • CRM-21246 Problem 'double chaining', e.g. Contact.get - Relationship.get - Contact.get
  • CRM-21247 User Record link (in the Actions section of a contact record summary) is broken
  • CRM-21248 Conflict screen not displaying properly after a batch merge
  • CRM-21249 Google Geocode limit breaks Jenkins test
  • CRM-21250 Error when previewing document
  • CRM-21251 Tagsets hide the tags they contain from the user
  • CRM-21252 Allow overwrite when saving field matching
  • CRM-21253 After clearing filters for a specific contact all contacts' cases are displayed
  • CRM-21254 Can't uncheck group type when editing a group from Manage Group Page
  • CRM-21255 Error when downloading document from case activity
  • CRM-21256 Payment processor contribution page performance improvement
  • CRM-21257 Allow an additional email address to be CC'd or BCC'd during back office membership renewal
  • CRM-21258 Display name fatal error if names are too long
  • CRM-21259 Deleting membership types do not remove price field values from online membership forms
  • CRM-21260 CiviMail compose UI very slow to initialize when many mailing groups, past mailings and templates
  • CRM-21261 Address Get API fails on ACL function for Anon Users
  • CRM-21262 Add a check for incorrect Resource URL
  • CRM-21263 Upgrade select2 to stable version 4.0.4 and fix compatibility issues in Civi
  • CRM-21264 print contribution in tabular format with group by contact not working
  • CRM-21265 For failed membership transaction, update payment status to failed
  • CRM-21266 Recurring contributions from Authorize.NET marked as "Check" instrument instead of "Credit Card"
  • CRM-21267 Error 500 - Call to undefined method CRM_Contact_Import_Parser::formatCustomDate
  • CRM-21268 Missing French overseas departments.
  • CRM-21269 "Not Counted Due To Role" in Events Dashboard incorrect
  • CRM-21270 Show contribution status on receipt
  • CRM-21271 Receipt should not show Credit Card section for ACH/EFT contributions
  • CRM-21272 CMSUser has Drupal 6/7 code that breaks when using with Drupal 8
  • CRM-21273 CiviReport ignoring soft credit contributions
  • CRM-21274 Unknown installation_canary error after 'successful installation'
  • CRM-21275 Fatal error without message should recommend bug-reporting page, instead of deprecated forum
  • CRM-21276 Incorrect financial transactions when overriding taxes a backend membership form with buildAmount
  • CRM-21277 CRM_Utils_System_WordPress::validInstallDir spams log with warnings when open_basedir restriction is in effect
  • CRM-21278 Enable Logging leads to error on non-archive server.
  • CRM-21279 Rebuild recipient list and calculate count on demand, store result in $cacheFactory
  • CRM-21280 Do not add calculate/add financial transactions when you send someone a Receipt by Email;
  • CRM-21281 Post Hook for LineItem does not receive entity_id and entity_table
  • CRM-21282 Improve ordering of CiviMail click reporting
  • CRM-21283 Incorporate Barbados and Antigua and Barbuda Parishes into States list
  • CRM-21284 Outdated link to mail setup documentation
  • CRM-21285 Buildkit Installs failing for WordPress
  • CRM-21286 expose active flag in UI for group
  • CRM-21287 Add Financial Type to "Contributions by Household" report
  • CRM-21288 Make CiviCRM Support Replication with MySQL 5.7 Clusters
  • CRM-21289 Hook for generating custom external identifiers
  • CRM-21290 Group.getcount is applying a limit
  • CRM-21291 Confirm this code is not used & remove
  • CRM-21292 Don't use deprecated or removed SafeMarkup methods in D8 module
  • CRM-21293 Adding/removing "access CiviCRM" permission doesn't hide/show CiviCRM toolbar tab in D8
  • CRM-21294 js error when selecting & unselecting merge contacts
  • CRM-21295 Port top-level admin menu link for CiviCRM integration to Drupal 8 module
  • CRM-21296 Port civicrm_member_roles module to Drupal 8
  • CRM-21297 Automatically fill database details in installer for Drupal
  • CRM-21298 Don't offer to fix indices until we can do it right
  • CRM-21299 Automatically fill database details in installer for Backdrop
  • CRM-21300 Joomla: Trying to get property of non-object in CRM/Core/Permission/Joomla.php
  • CRM-21301 When doing a batch merge from find contacts the batch merge screen implements 'is_selected' erroneously
  • CRM-21302 Confirm this code only exist to hurt performance & remove
  • CRM-21303 Dedupe datatable incorrectly calculates rows
  • CRM-21304 Dedupe usablity, quash refresh message in more cases
  • CRM-21305 Sorting not working on Batch listing page
  • CRM-21306 DoctorWhen extension looses the comments from columns when converting
  • CRM-21307 add filters to contact's relationship tab
  • CRM-21308 Custom field date with range
  • CRM-21310 Civicrm user profile route should be an admin route in Drupal 8
  • CRM-21311 CIVICRM-668 Credit card type is unset on submission causing credit card payment to fail with CVV validation error message
  • CRM-21312 Fix display of Recent Items when using a bootstrap theme
  • CRM-21313 No Payments found for: Membership - Recurring - Backoffice - Credit Card payment
  • CRM-21314 Credit card block missing from membership payment form
  • CRM-21315 (intra-rc regression) pay_later processor showing up in list of available processors
  • CRM-21316 Refactor getRecipients fn by creating a new fn getMailRecipients, that will be used ONLY to fetch and store mail recipients
  • CRM-21317 Checksum expiring too quickly
  • CRM-21318 Export Contacts from Search Builder w/ Field Mapping, mapped field columns not exported
  • CRM-21319 Total Amount not translated on Contribution Page
  • CRM-21320 Mass SMS can select non-preferred mobile number
  • CRM-21321 Membership fields not loading in 'On behalf of' profile
  • CRM-21322 create hook to modify entityRef fields
  • CRM-21323 Fix backend credit card payment processor selection
  • CRM-21324 Support 'null' on date fields in the api
  • CRM-21325 Cannot add membership fields to on behalf profile
  • CRM-21326 Not able to change Payment Processor in event fees
  • CRM-21327 Not able to change Payment Processor in event fees
  • CRM-21328 Remove 'Select' option from price option visibility drop-down (undefined index visibility_id error)
  • CRM-21329 Source should be respected over system generated description sent to payment processor
  • CRM-21330 Create Activity gives fatal error on dmaster
  • CRM-21331 Set warnings disabled in settings file is not effective
  • CRM-21332 Enhance api retrieval of db duplicates
  • CRM-21333 Custom fields of type select not displaying in Activity Report
  • CRM-21334 Fire hooks on contact image deletion
  • CRM-21335 CiviMail recipient field isn't marked as required
  • CRM-21336 Custom file fields should display file name without hash
  • CRM-21337 ISO compliance for Romanian and Bulgarian counties
  • CRM-21338 Pass through membership ID from search results so it can be used for custom membership tokens
  • CRM-21339 Fix fatal js error on cart checkout when pay later not enabled
  • CRM-21340 make "view my invoices" permission cms agnostic
  • CRM-21341 Drupal 8 Hook Support
  • CRM-21342 Contribution note is not wiped if the value is removed
  • CRM-21343 Search Contributions by Cancel Date and Cancel Reason
  • CRM-21344 Links to documentation from installer error messages are broken
  • CRM-21345 Event Cart translateable strings
  • CRM-21346 Make pledge installment count & amount exportable
  • CRM-21347 Joomla auto-save of features fails due to missing JavaScript file
  • CRM-21348 Don't hide the "edit" link from logged-in users in profile listings in joomla front-end.
  • CRM-21349 Increase timeout of status message after batch merge.
  • CRM-21350 Dummy payment processor throws error with different decimal delimitor than .
  • CRM-21351 Contact deceased date does not respect the localisation date format
  • CRM-21352 Unsubscribe from a group mailing list unsubscribes also from all child groups
  • CRM-21353 View links for activities with disabled types are missing in selector
  • CRM-21354 Allow "Advanced Search" to search for recurring contribution status
  • CRM-21355 Particular blog post on causes blog dashlet to display error message
  • CRM-21356 Membership status is not updated after disabling a membership type
  • CRM-21357 Batch Data Entry: Start date is NULL when membership batch entry is processed
  • CRM-21358 Documentation URLs should not include CiviCRM version info
  • CRM-21359 Report Contact links don't work as expected if report instance #2 is edited
  • CRM-21360 Make 'Open Case' Activity Optional When Defining Case Types
  • CRM-21361 Scheduled Email Sending Using a Different Time Zone
  • CRM-21362 Mailing summary report group by MySQL 5.7 error
  • CRM-21363 Ensure that tests run using ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY sql_mode for mysql 5.7
  • CRM-21364 Fix Tests which fail on ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY
  • CRM-21365 Currency code not passed to processor (PayPal - Website Payments Pro)
  • CRM-21366 Export activity target and assignee contacts
  • CRM-21367 Get help section out of container
  • CRM-21368 Investigate ways to calculate estimated recipients more efficiently
  • CRM-21369 PHP error when using: Import Multi-value Custom Data
  • CRM-21370 Constant CIVICRM_MYSQL_STRICT and associated logic obfuscate debugging
  • CRM-21371 An api error when calling drush cvapi should be treated as a drush error
  • CRM-21372 Fatal error adding profile on Drupal 8
  • CRM-21373 Notice error on creating cases
  • CRM-21374 D8 footer resources get added to the header
  • CRM-21375 Campaign not populated upon Event Links -> Register Participant
  • CRM-21376 Make profiles on user page in Drupal 8 closer to how they looked in Drupal 7
  • CRM-21377 advanced search by relationship and "target group" returns both contacts for reciprocal relationships (e.g., "spouse of")
  • CRM-21378 Incorporate email abuse report as a spam type of bounce
  • CRM-21379 Fix Activity dashlet issues
  • CRM-21380 Add setting to block activity type from sending assignee notification
  • CRM-21381 Creating a user in D8 produces two Contact records per user
  • CRM-21382 Print/Merge document not filed on cases
  • CRM-21383 Load message templates on demand in CiviMail compose UI
  • CRM-21384 Ensure deleted contacts are filtered out of CiviCase
  • CRM-21385 WordPress top nav bar blocks top row of WYSIWYG editor when maximized
  • CRM-21386 Permission to send SMSs (Twilio Extension : org.civicrm.sms.twilio)
  • CRM-21387 Can't send test email: Sorry an error occurred and your information was not saved
  • CRM-21388 Extension Page should only throw exception if key is set
  • CRM-21389 Add Regions to Contact UserDashBoard
  • CRM-21390 Fatal error when changing selections on event registrations or memberships more than once
  • CRM-21391 Refactor tasks to use a base class
  • CRM-21392 Allow viewing groups/smartgroups as as other entities (eg. memberships, events)
  • CRM-21393 Event Location page is slow (because of checkPermission)
  • CRM-21394 IF contact has existing Membership status = expired, API Create Membership does no longer adjust Start/End dates
  • CRM-21395 DOMPDF produces either white screen or No-Block-Level parent found error in some circumstances blocking invoice production
  • CRM-21396 Fix breadcrumb in Civi Discount module
  • CRM-21397 Link to documantation points to old Wiki docs
  • CRM-21398 Error when exporting cases
  • CRM-21399 Identify the report template when viewing a report instance
  • CRM-21400 Add in static var on contribution thank you page to hold trxn id
  • CRM-21401 Fix issues running CiviCRM on Maria 10.2
  • CRM-21402 Custom data fails to pull through to reports
  • CRM-21403 'Current Member' field in searches does not perform as expected
  • CRM-21404 Use preferred language for Display Name, Email/Postal greeting and Addressee
  • CRM-21405 Allow "Outbound SMS" when Mobile is not primary phone number
  • CRM-21406 Create Standalone Export Form
  • CRM-21407 ISO compliance for German counties
  • CRM-21408 Api explorer - better defaults for sequential checkbox
  • CRM-21409 Don't bypass hooks when updating thankyou_sent/receipt_sent fields via PDF letter action
  • CRM-21410 CiviCRM ..png files break WordPress's Plugin upload unpacker
  • CRM-21411 When Sending a CiviMail from an advanced search no unsubscribe group field shows
  • CRM-21412 Do not give fatal error on report when no fields selected
  • CRM-21413 CiviReport Dev simplification: Carry 'no_display' from field definition to column definition
  • CRM-21414 Event Balance is $0 but Contribution side thinks a Refund is owed
  • CRM-21415 Assign 'Contact Deleted by Merge' activity to the contact being merged to.
  • CRM-21416 Add reset link beside 'Search' button below Advance Search form
  • CRM-21417 Regression in participant count in summary report
  • CRM-21418 Contribution View page needs link to contact page
  • CRM-21419 Prevent users from accidentally creating a single activity when they want multiple activities
  • CRM-21420 Improve display of included/excluded recipients in CiviMail creation
  • CRM-21421 Cannot update existing CaseContact
  • CRM-21422 TimeZone handling for Europe/London fails
  • CRM-21423 Disabling"Search Primary Details Only" breaks export of primary address
  • CRM-21424 Print Contribution Receipt does not set receipt_date when downloading pdf receipts
  • CRM-21425 Make 'Inbound E-mail' Activities Editable
  • CRM-21426 Cancel/Delete Event Participants - Duplicate Submit Buttons
  • CRM-21427 Websites are removed from the contact if their type is empty
  • CRM-21428 Removing multiple tags within a tag set from contacts at the same time does not work correctly.
  • CRM-21429 Wordpress problem
  • CRM-21430 Check # not concatenated with payment method in transaction details of contribution
  • CRM-21431 Can't remove group type form Group once a Group type has been selected
  • CRM-21432 Fix display of end date for recurring contributions
  • CRM-21433 Optimize dupe checking in Recent Items stack
  • CRM-21434 Add activities to recent items on view and edit
  • CRM-21435 Some Reports are calling both buildACLClause and buildPermissionClause, creating artefacts in the results
  • CRM-21436 Fatal error on contribution page with only pay later enabled.
  • CRM-21437 Additional participant not shown in ParticipantListing report
  • CRM-21438 Mailing Recipients field only displays 10
  • CRM-21439 Need a link between deleted contact and merged contact
  • CRM-21440 CMS-specific path variables
  • CRM-21441 From Contact Tabs, Second-order dialogs display BEHIND pop-up forms
  • CRM-21442 Possible (but unlikely) SQL injection in activity processing
  • CRM-21443 Add support for auto-complete fields in the batch update forms
  • CRM-21444 Empty field at form "Add rule for..." merge duplicate contacts
  • CRM-21445 Fix divide by zero with contribution page discount
  • CRM-21446 Allow case id as well as hash in inbound email processing to autofile emails on cases
  • CRM-21447 Contact Relationship Report fatal error if used from the API with a relationship_type_id filter (also affects excel export)
  • CRM-21448 Need a link from contribution record when there is no cid in the url
  • CRM-21449 Add location field to Activity Report
  • CRM-21450 When importing a contact record containing a multiple choice checkbox field, the number of ‘Options Per Line’ in the custom field definition also limits the number of options that can be imported for that field.
  • CRM-21451 Advanced Search name field also matches email fragments
  • CRM-21452 Contact import ‘fill’ mode does not seem to fill empty fields correctly.
  • CRM-21453 Search builder fails if the ‘State’ field is included in the query.
  • CRM-21454 Add money raised on page contribution widget ajax response
  • CRM-21455 Intra-rc regression supportsFullGroupBy: MariaDB 10.2 does not support ANY_VALUE
  • CRM-21456 Relationship end date not set when creating resolved cases.
  • CRM-21457 CIVICRM-741 Receipt date not updated when submitting a credit card payment from the back-end (Contribution)
  • CRM-21458 (CIVICRM-742) HTML_QuickForm_hierselect doesn't handle JS escaping properly
  • CRM-21459 Disabling/deleting a custom field silently affects smart groups that use it
  • CRM-21460 Programmatic access to job execution status
  • CRM-21461 Case Dashlet enhancement
  • CRM-21462 VAT is not displayed when Separate Membership Payment is enabled
  • CRM-21463 Inherited memberships not created correctly when contact count changes.
  • CRM-21464 scheduled reminders: date field confusing UI
  • CRM-21465 clicking on pledge link in email returns fatal error
  • CRM-21466 Fix (obscure) enotice when updating greeting for contact, add test
  • CRM-21467 Mailing Opens report displaying contact once only
  • CRM-21468 mailing recipients field limits how many groups can be selected
  • CRM-21469 Cannot remove all groups when editing a contact
  • CRM-21470 Add support for WordPress Polylang plugin
  • CRM-21471 Remove unused function CRM_Core_Pseudoconstant::greetingDefaults
  • CRM-21472 Make CiviMail token validation extensible
  • CRM-21473 Adding new permission for adding notes and fixing existing issues with notes permissions
  • CRM-21474 Support null of non-required api pseudoconstant fields
  • CRM-21475 Values of Muliti-Select-Fields not shown in report
  • CRM-21476 Rename 'Clicks' to 'Unique Clicks' in mailing summary report
  • CRM-21477 Buttons missing on Delete Premium product form
  • CRM-21478 Pay Now on user dashboard only works in english
  • CRM-21479 4.7.28-rc: updateContributionInvoiceNumber() syntax error
  • CRM-21480 INTRA-rc regression 4.7.28-rc: updateContributionInvoiceNumber: fails on MariaDB 10.2 strict (default) mode: 'Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value'
  • CRM-21481 4.7.28-rc: needs to call rebuildMultilingualSchema()
  • CRM-21482 Allow retrieval of currency from $_REQUEST (as supplied by webform_civicrm)
  • CRM-21483 Move anguar module crmRouteBinder to core
  • CRM-21484 templates/CRM/Case/Audit/Audit.tpl mentions js/Audit/audit.js but that file does not exist
  • CRM-21485 Tax not added when renewing membership in backend
  • CRM-21486 Support multiple test mail
  • CRM-21487 4.7.28-rc: fatal error on contribution form with only "pay later" enabled
  • CRM-21488 value for custom field allow multiple-style tab with table doesn't show up
  • CRM-21489 Deadlock retries have been accidentally blocked
  • CRM-21490 New dedupe rule: field-list empty
  • CRM-21491 CiviCRM Error Log: Too Many Tables MySQL 1116
  • CRM-21492 Authorize.Net fails on updated recurring contributions
  • CRM-21493 When using a profile with an email on a contribution page email is not included in green box on thank you page
  • CRM-21494 trigger pre hook on mailing bounce
  • CRM-21495 Respect settings over-ridden in civicrm.setting.php
  • CRM-21496 Use of label/id instead of name for contribution status
  • CRM-21497 crmRouteBinder: add deep comparison option
  • CRM-21498 Option to Change Status of Linked Cases
  • CRM-21499 Add filter to manage tags page
  • CRM-21500 Import Contributions - Update Existing without required fields
  • CRM-21501 bounce report: bounce date filter doesn't include timestamp
  • CRM-21502 When adding a new address to a contact, and switching location types at the same time, only one address is kept
  • CRM-21503 Refactor kcfinder so that it uses CMS classes
  • CRM-21504 Add membership to recurring contribution detail
  • CRM-21505 Strange behaviour when recording payment
  • CRM-21506 Some tokens no longer work in invoice printing (PDF) after upgrade (System Workflow Templates)
  • CRM-21507 Unable to add multiple target contacts to a new case activity
  • CRM-21508 civicrm_mailing.created_date information passed to Doctor When is incorrect
  • CRM-21509 Add to Group in Top Donors report fails with DB error
  • CRM-21510 URL's ending in a dash are not parsed correctly
  • CRM-21511 Add recurring contribution to membership detail and contribution
  • CRM-21512 Remove restriction on "update subscription" when linked to membership
  • CRM-21513 Change fee selection for text price field on backoffice Event registration Not Creating Correct Financial Items
  • CRM-21514 Search builder Not Equal or Not In are not excluding contacts from results
  • CRM-21515 Polish for the Environment setting
  • CRM-21516 Refund (should) report line-item fin types and values (w/sign reversed)
  • CRM-21517 UpdateSubscription OptionGroup->PseudoConstant
  • CRM-21518 Add missing structure divs in templates
  • CRM-21519 Publish civicrm-wordpress to WordPress plugin registry
  • CRM-21520 Add Action on Contact Search to Add Contacts to a Case
  • CRM-21521 Bounce processing exception: no such property 'text'
  • CRM-21522 Sales tax removed when editing Contribution record
  • CRM-21523 scheduled reminders: when using repetition, require frequency intervals
  • CRM-21524 CiviCRM exports (postal) mailing lists including Contacts clearly marked is_deceased in the database
  • CRM-21525 Case clients can't be of different contact type
  • CRM-21526 CRM_Utils_System_Drupal8::authenticate() is incomplete
  • CRM-21527 Add default to extra address::create param
  • CRM-21528 top donor report: add2group error
  • CRM-21529 Translations for date messed up for French
  • CRM-21530 Call post hook after activity is filed on case
  • CRM-21531 Multi-select custom field searches can crash on MariaDB
  • CRM-21532 Add state for France
  • CRM-21533 Outbound setting reverts in non-production sites on executing sched job
  • CRM-21534 Key UI elements fail when fetching activity records from MariaDB
  • CRM-21535 CIVICRM-754: Custom file upload field not showing up when Viewing Activity from Case Report
  • CRM-21536 If you try to assign a Case Role for a Relationship Type which does not match the Contact Types, it fails siilently
  • CRM-21537 CLONE - Add 'standard' contact report fields to contribution detail report
  • CRM-21538 CiviReport: Field not found when sorting by Case Type as a section header
  • CRM-21539 Add missing structure divs in templates
  • CRM-21540 Add support for auto-complete fields in the batch entry forms
  • CRM-21541 Can't create membership with custom monetary value display
  • CRM-21542 "Add Case Role" allows to add another case manager even if there is a existing case manager
  • CRM-21543 Search for Roles in People section only shows results for Client roles
  • CRM-21544 Remove unused CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Optimizer class
  • CRM-21545 When visiting drupal user profile ('/user') get fatal error if sql_mode=only_full_group_by
  • CRM-21546 Implement unique opens filter for mailing opened report
  • CRM-21547 Add UI order by options to Contact logging summary report
  • CRM-21548 Remove unused variables from \CRM_Utils_Address::format
  • CRM-21549 Standardise the contact name used in 'To: ' header of emails
  • CRM-21550 Show report template name and file in Developer tab of Report
  • CRM-21551 Add parameter to support skipping processing greetings when calling api contact.create
  • CRM-21552 Dedupe Rule : get contact type name instead of label
  • CRM-21553 can not update primary location type field details if same field available for other location types
  • CRM-21554 Offline Credit Card Membership Renewal not showing any error message on failure
  • CRM-21555 Replace CRM_Core_OptionGroup::getValue with CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey for Case
  • CRM-21556 Saving Draft in Print/Merge action is broken
  • CRM-21557 Case Manager name is not clickable
  • CRM-21558 Add batch update via profile to cases
  • CRM-21559 Save button in Case Type not clickable
  • CRM-21560 CRM_Event_Form_Task fatal error
  • CRM-21561 Consistent format for Extension API compatible versions
  • CRM-21562 Currencies (like Euro) with a comma for thousand separator are being seriously mishandled
  • CRM-21563 Cannot search child tags on 'Manage Tag' page
  • CRM-21564 Changing from using exec to WP_CLI::Launch
  • CRM-21565 Change mkdir to use correct and more secure mode numbers
  • CRM-21566 Better documentation of Contributions
  • CRM-21567 Add email filter for Mail Bounce Report
  • CRM-21568 Change to Settings code results in regression of CRM-19610
  • CRM-21569 Civi event users do not have access to StateProvince entity via the API (Redux)
  • CRM-21570 Fatal error on contribution page with pay later enabled and membership section enabled
  • CRM-21571 Create .htaccess supporting both Apache 2.4 and 2.0-2.2 versions
  • CRM-21573 Allow to disable sending of email from activity source contact email for receipt
  • CRM-21574 Allow to disable sending of email from source contact for tell a friend on pcp
  • CRM-21575 Websites of same type are over-written
  • CRM-21576 Implement Send SMS permission
  • CRM-21577 Add links to payment blocks to allow payments
  • CRM-21578 CiviCRM should define a user agent when making HTTP requests to localhost
  • CRM-21579 Inline edit for contact type does NOT reflect in navigation
  • CRM-21580 exporting financial batch fails when label of batch statuses changed
  • CRM-21581 Using '$this' in static context
  • CRM-21582 Contribution Detail Report fails with FULL_GROUP_BY on Mysql 5.7
  • CRM-21583 Groups and smart groups are not calculating their contact membership list and contact counts correctly
  • CRM-21584 Add CrmRegion Tag to Contact Actions menu template
  • CRM-21585 Batch Date Entry Membership Renewal erases start date
  • CRM-21586 CiviCRM_API3_Exception: "DB Error: no such field"
  • CRM-21587 Notice error for grant date fields
  • CRM-21588 When updating contribution with tax having multiple price item, each item get the total tax amount
  • CRM-21589 "Repeat Contributions" report ignores sort
  • CRM-21590 clearing civi caches doesn't remove compiled javascript files
  • CRM-21591 PHP 7.1 issue Non well form numeric value encountered when viewing the misc settings screen
  • CRM-21592 "Learn More" link when editing a case type points to 404 in docs
  • CRM-21593 New order by options for WalkList Report
  • CRM-21594 Add option to use traditional CiviMail in action list
  • CRM-21595 Regression: Contribution page no longer works when configured with PayPal Pro and pay later
  • CRM-21596 Advanced Search on relationship to group members runs very long
  • CRM-21597 Cannot create or edit case type on dmaster.
  • CRM-21598 Case Activity issues with custom Completed Status Type.
  • CRM-21599 Add missing structure in templates
  • CRM-21600 Add media support to CKEditor
  • CRM-21601 Support non deductible token in contribution and event receipt
  • CRM-21602 Disable/Enable Campaign not working
  • CRM-21603 Custom field ACL's edit or view access permission
  • CRM-21604 Is CiviCRM a separate non-WP app or a plugin?
  • CRM-21605 Installer Text
  • CRM-21606 System Status Screen UX issues
  • CRM-21607 Opt-In for statistics collection
  • CRM-21608 Use WP included Libraries and Load assets via WP Functions
  • CRM-21609 PayPal Pro IPN code no longer respects changed recurring amount
  • CRM-21610 Contribution ID is not assigned to the &$form object in postProcess hook for extensions
  • CRM-21611 Logging summary report with FULL_GROUP_BY on Mysql 5.7
  • CRM-21612 Membership Payment not recorded for recurring contribution when status label is changed.
  • CRM-21613 Search issues on 'Manage Tag' page
  • CRM-21614 Tag UI doesn't appear to respect reserved tags permission
  • CRM-21615 {domain…} tokens not parsed in regular mail?
  • CRM-21616 sql metadata is being lost when calling the report from the api
  • CRM-21617 Regex filter broken in Search Builder
  • CRM-21618 Add missing structure in templates
  • CRM-21619 Can't install CiviCRM on Backdrop using the Module Installer
  • CRM-21620 confusing interface for staff registering contacts for events
  • CRM-21621 Provide ability to delete first website field
  • CRM-21622 Make the Add Parent Groups on Group Settings be a multiselect
  • CRM-21623 Smart Group Relative Date not saving for some fields in Advance Search.
  • CRM-21624 Not able to save contribution if amount in decimal
  • CRM-21625 Allow defaults per profile
  • CRM-21626 use right mailing object based on template type
  • CRM-21627 Can't enable multilanguage support in Drupal
  • CRM-21628 Can't select country state from the registration form in Drupal 8
  • CRM-21629 Resource URL status check gets false positive when blank user agents are blocked
  • CRM-21630 Florida, and Florida, Puerto Rico both display as "Florida" under state / region slector
  • CRM-21631 Some international regions under state / region selector don't properly display.
  • CRM-21632 {membership.fee} prints out in documents with 9 decimal places
  • CRM-21633 installing Civi
  • CRM-21634 Standardise component search options for contact fields, add contact type
  • CRM-21635 Expose contact custom data on contribution summary report
  • CRM-21636 Incorrect price amount when discount is applied (4.7.29 regression)
  • CRM-21637 Search Criteria for Card Type ID and Card Number not respected in Batch
  • CRM-21638 Preventing cross-editing of mailings not working
  • CRM-21639 Event pages should be set to NoIndex when event is not public or in the past
  • CRM-21640 Print Previews should not be indexed by search engines
  • CRM-21641 DataTables warning on contact screen
  • CRM-21642 Operation failed: Update Indices
  • CRM-21643 Profile confirmation page shows the wrong values for multi-value custom data
  • CRM-21644 Preferred Communication Method is not set to default for contact
  • CRM-21645 Wrong line item updated when editing a contribution - database corruption
  • CRM-21646 Import Contacts / Activities Turkish Character Problem
  • CRM-21647 Fatal error on deleting any contribution record
  • CRM-21648 Only Allow Batch Add Contacts in Case's Configured Roles
  • CRM-21649 Missing states for South Sudan
  • CRM-21650 CiviCRM in Backdrop always generates non-clean URLs
  • CRM-21651 Contact :: New Email/SMS : loading failed when no contact is found
  • CRM-21652 Numerous issues with anonymous users registering accounts on Drupal 8 (especially from contribution pages)
  • CRM-21653 Production contribution page doesn't load with payment methods
  • CRM-21654 Support custom file field on Batch Entry Profile
  • CRM-21655 Why can't subtype profile be used as default contact search ?
  • CRM-21656 Backend Membership with Priceset applies taxes twice to line_item
  • CRM-21657 hook_civicrm_export is not called when exporting a custom search
  • CRM-21658 Non numeric value encountered running api_v3_TaxContributionPageTest on php7.1
  • CRM-21659 Add hook to CRM_Utils_System::redirect
  • CRM-21660 Remove use of deprecated function on mapping_type
  • CRM-21661 Custom number field defaults to 0 for particpant, when none set
  • CRM-21662 Missing fields in non-en_US views
  • CRM-21663 Fix Campaign Search and result structure
  • CRM-21664 Contributions creation result in error for certain currencies
  • CRM-21665 Check Number show hide not working
  • CRM-21666 Undefined property in CiviMail Report
  • CRM-21667 Bad timezone hand-off from CMS to CRM
  • CRM-21668 Refactor KCFinder for better performance when browsing files so that image thumbnails are not re-generated each time any CiviCRM user options the file browser
  • CRM-21669 Consistent wording for "Email - Send now" task
  • CRM-21670 Search of active relationships does not appear on Relationship Report
  • CRM-21671 Add core tasks class
  • CRM-21672 Intra-rc regression - fatal error on deleting participant
  • CRM-21673 Geocoding improvements
  • CRM-21674 Allow proximity search to accept lat & long at the BAO/api level & custom search form
  • CRM-21675 scheduled reminders: limit to group doesn't support smart groups
  • CRM-21676 Contribution custom tokens that need look up are not evaluated properly
  • CRM-21677 Report improvements
  • CRM-21678 Provide token for contribution note
  • CRM-21679 Outgoing Mail Improvements
  • CRM-21680 DB Error when enabling logging
  • CRM-21681 Add an admin-facing label for contribution pages
  • CRM-21682 Automatic membership renewal fixes
  • CRM-21683 Mailing summary breaks on mailing names with apostrophes
  • CRM-21684 contact subtype fields prevent inclusion in profile/receipt email
  • CRM-21685 Disable relationships on contact soft-delete
  • CRM-21686 social media icons not showing on c.o
  • CRM-21687 MariaDB 10.2 and logging: log_civicrm_activity schema syntax error
  • CRM-21688 Use fontawesome to show membership auto-renew status and and error indicator
  • CRM-21689 civicrm rules - cannot select contact from data selector
  • CRM-21690 Displaying Transaction Id in Thank you letter
  • CRM-21691 Manually 'Grant' last event places by 'Pending from waitlist' and override 'max participants'
  • CRM-21692 Contact image in a webform cannot be set readonly
  • CRM-21693 Show Display Name in the Online Pay Now UI
  • CRM-21694 Cannot change contribution from 'Completed' to 'Pending'
  • CRM-21695 Order API creates 1 wrongly line_item when taxes are enabled
  • CRM-21696 Clicking a price option causes the payment method to change
  • CRM-21697 Remove "project" attribute from drupal *.info files
  • CRM-21698 On some systems recording a negative contribution results in a $0 contribution
  • CRM-21699 Fix attendee count on event income summary report again
  • CRM-21700 Online PayNow 'overcharges' partially paid contributions
  • CRM-21701 street addresses are not reliably parsed
  • CRM-21702 Add a link to edit priceset from event or contribution pages
  • CRM-21703 Contribution Page payment not processed if no membership selected in price set
  • CRM-21704 Do Not allow a case type that is reserved to be deleted or disabled.
  • CRM-21705 When making a credit card payment, the billing address is created twice
  • CRM-21706 Greater than, less than operators missing for Postal Code in Search Builder
  • CRM-21707 Handle metadata based serialisation in apiv3 basic_create_fallover
  • CRM-21708 Make structure proper by adding/removing appropriate classes
  • CRM-21709 merge fails active relationships when inactive relationships are present
  • CRM-21710 Localized contact types breaks the dedupe rule edition
  • CRM-21711 When updating multiple memberships thru a contribution page custom fields are only updated on one
  • CRM-21712 Improve Fiscal Year filter for reports
  • CRM-21713 New [mass] SMS is broken - error in CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing::getRecipients query
  • CRM-21714 Also remove stored files when a custom field file is removed
  • CRM-21715 Activity Report: move the SQL creation to a buildQuery function
  • CRM-21716 Links in Drupal Views are improperly URL-encoded
  • CRM-21717 Allow for selecting multiple relationship types in advanced search
  • CRM-21718 If you remove 'Print selected rows' using hook_civicrm_searchTasks, search forms stop working
  • CRM-21719 Require Multibyte PHP Extension
  • CRM-21720 Cleanup search classes to use enumerators instead of hardcoded values
  • CRM-21721 Notice : Division by zero
  • CRM-21722 Payment processor check configuration - improved message in UI
  • CRM-21723 Recurring Contributions criteria is NOT respected in batch contribution search
  • CRM-21724 Receipt for membership contribution sending custom fields for wrong membership type
  • CRM-21725 From Address default should be respected
  • CRM-21726 Deprecated function: CRM_Core_BAO_UFGroup::checkFieldsEmptyValues()
  • CRM-21727 Multirecord custom fields don't merge
  • CRM-21728 Intermittant fatal on pcp.create api
  • CRM-21729 Exclude (non-lintable) vendor test cases from deply
  • CRM-21730 postProcess() hook don't receive case id after submitting "New Case" form
  • CRM-21731 Merging repeating custom fields incorrect
  • CRM-21732 Make drop down menus accessible, so they work with screen readers
  • CRM-21733 Allow overriding membership status temporarily until specific date
  • CRM-21734 Donation merges contacts when not logged in
  • CRM-21735 Editing website adds new one instead
  • CRM-21736 Regression. Cannot remove last recipient group from a mailing
  • CRM-21737 New option value validation is too tight for languages
  • CRM-21738 Merges not copying viewOnly data (regression but not recent)
  • CRM-21739 Create unit test for getRecipients include/exclude recipient groups
  • CRM-21740 Relationships are sorted based on relationship type id, sort name
  • CRM-21741 For in-place editing, allow data-params to be passed to CRM.api3
  • CRM-21742 Use form validation rather than Exception handling for proximity seach
  • CRM-21743 Creating an event template from existing one does not work
  • CRM-21744 Fix proximity custom search to work with smart groups
  • CRM-21745 Customised Addressee field issue in Communication Preferences
  • CRM-21746 Upgrade Fails at ALTER TABLE `civicrm_price_field_value` when Amount is empty
  • CRM-21748 Mailing labels PDF blank or messed up if label format unit of measurement is not inches
  • CRM-21749 [obscure intra-rc regression] Mailing api no longer respecting '_skip_evil_bao_auto_schedule_'
  • CRM-21750 Add support for address_id, email_greeting_id, postal_greeting_id to api Contact.get
  • CRM-21751 Move SMS provider ID to 'Select Recipients' page from 'SMS content'
  • CRM-21752 User can have permission to create an event but not assign a payment processor?
  • CRM-21753 Support 'criteria' in url on batch merge form
  • CRM-21754 Duplicate rows in Activity Details report when address fields are displayed
  • CRM-21755 Search Using URL Parameters?
  • CRM-21756 Editing Contribution (total_amount) does -not- update LineItem (line_total)
  • CRM-21757 Access Control issue in CiviCRM with Groups and Anonymous users
  • CRM-21758 Add event "created_id" to Drupal Views
  • CRM-21759 mailing template selector missing
  • CRM-21760 Manager Name is missing in 'Find Cases' search list
  • CRM-21761 Incorrect, duplicate state/province abbreviations in database
  • CRM-21762 hook_civircm_alterMailParams parameter inconsistency
  • CRM-21763 Cannot record payment for only cents owed
  • CRM-21764 Recurring Events without Price Set fail to save
  • CRM-21765 Commit files to git which are static but are generated from CodeGen like DAO files
  • CRM-21766 Dedupe screen gives inappropriate confirm message when clicking on batch dedupe
  • CRM-21767 Error on action "Email - schedule/send via CiviMail" with multiple event names filter
  • CRM-21768 NOFOLLOW Trackable links in public online view of mailings
  • CRM-21769 Show unsupported locale for parsing warning only when when enabling address parsing
  • CRM-21770 Change position of help div in export participants
  • CRM-21771 error when viewing event registration with linked contribution
  • CRM-21772 Online Event registration 'include profile' don't support contribution profiles
  • CRM-21773 CRM-20858 breaks merging multi-value custom groups
  • CRM-21774 Contribution Count filter total in Contribution Summary Report is incorrect
  • CRM-21775 standalone profiles don't pre-fill user info; error in "edit" mode
  • CRM-21776 DB Error when printing advanced search results sorted by custom field.
  • CRM-21777 Improve the messaging related to Directories and Resources
  • CRM-21778 Contact image uploaded from drupal webform don't render on summary page
  • CRM-21779 Civimail allows adding current draft mailing recipients to recipients field
  • CRM-21780 Recipients are not shown when creating / editing mailings
  • CRM-21781 Don't crash if contact ID not found when viewing contact
  • CRM-21782 Contribution fee does not load when viewing an Event Registration
  • CRM-21783 contribution detail report breaks when soft credit column exposed
  • CRM-21784 View custom data for recurring contributions
  • CRM-21785 WordPress multisite with symlink: Incorrect Resource URL
  • CRM-21786 Do not geocode while merging
  • CRM-21787 Simplify CRM_Utils_System::version() to fetch version directly from xml/version.xml
  • CRM-21788 Clean URLs in WordPress
  • CRM-21789 'Find Case' group by issue
  • CRM-21790 completeTransaction not updating right membership status
  • CRM-21791 Accounting batch closed by default when created in localized civicrm
  • CRM-21792 Regression: Extension API cannot filter on status in get request
  • CRM-21793 Linked address not updated when address is modified via profile
  • CRM-21794 Replace ANY_VALUE with GROUP_CONCAT and avoid using disableFullGroupByMode
  • CRM-21795 Fatal error: civicrm/CRM/Utils/System/Drupal.php on line 857
  • CRM-21796 Make Relationship Description searchable
  • CRM-21797 Change Structure for Campaign search forms
  • CRM-21798 CRM_Event_BAO_Event::checkPermission($dao->id) only works with the first ID when called repeatedly.
  • CRM-21799 Change Log crash - table entity_log_civireport does not exist
  • CRM-21800 Problem in Javascript loading for 4.7.26 onwards wordpress
  • CRM-21801 Event Registraint Mailing Error
  • CRM-21803 Standardise ParticipantPayment api to support custom data
  • CRM-21804 Throw exception when duplicate invoice ids are found rather than return error
  • CRM-21805 Fix structure for search pages in find participant
  • CRM-21806 Search builder returns no results
  • CRM-21807 Deleted contacts included by default in Membership and contribution detail report.
  • CRM-21808 Install custom group for Contribution or ContributioRecur subtypes based on XML file
  • CRM-21809 'Advance search' group by issue
  • CRM-21810 improve changelog search panel UI
  • CRM-21811 Optimize advanced search by relationship with target group for reciprocal relationship types
  • CRM-21812 WordPress install variable causes conflict with some WP plugins
  • CRM-21813 Function parameter list mismatch doesn't allow save
  • CRM-21814 Add proper container to text
  • CRM-21815 On re-opening a civicase - Case Coordinator (and other roles) are not reinstated
  • CRM-21816 Relative dates in searches cause some other conditions to be ignored
  • CRM-21817 Move help section outside crm block as per other pages
  • CRM-21818 Drupal 8 Timezone Handling
  • CRM-21819 Do not load "Submit Credit Card Contribution" button for invalid processors.
  • CRM-21820 scheduled reminders for membership restricts to current member statuses
  • CRM-21821 navigationMenu hook should take account of weight attributes
  • CRM-21822 Batch participant status updates still sending unexpected emails
  • CRM-21823 Change position of help div and fix structure glitches
  • CRM-21824 Captcha not working when registering multiple particpants online from same profile
  • CRM-21825 Mail Accounts subtle break
  • CRM-21826 Default FROM Email Address (for system-generated emails) link incorrect in System Status Screen
  • CRM-21827 Add Membership External ID as a new field to core
  • CRM-21828 Modify Civi Contribution Imports
  • CRM-21829 Show related cases for Organisations
  • CRM-21830 State/Province tokens are not working as expected in address settings for billing address
  • CRM-21831 When grouping contribution details report by payment method, the group heading is no longer showing the contribution total, only row count
  • CRM-21832 Recurring activities don't carry over custom data and tags
  • CRM-21833 Civi emails can be sent from addresses that are On Hold
  • CRM-21834 Add "Submit Credit Card Registration" link to Register Event Participant screen
  • CRM-21835 Detailed Logging - Use INNODB if Archive is not available
  • CRM-21836 Word replacement not working for Civicase page title
  • CRM-21837 Missing states for Gabon
  • CRM-21838 When CRM.alert falls back to standard JS alert it should strip html
  • CRM-21839 Insert into civicrm_prevnext_cache during searching contacts doesn't work
  • CRM-21840 Show Tool Icon For Radio Button Groups
  • CRM-21841 objectType empty in hook_civicrm_searchTasks
  • CRM-21842 broken link
  • CRM-21843 Case activities delimiter not working
  • CRM-21844 Headers missing in search results using Search Views profile (under specific circumstances)
  • CRM-21845 Deactivating CiviContribute causes SQL error
  • CRM-21846 Upgrade to version 4.7.31 seems to have broken DAO.PHP
  • CRM-21847 Existing Organization getting updated instead creating a new organization - Contribution pages ( On behalf of )
  • CRM-21848 Mailing no longer filters out email addresses on hold from recipient group
  • CRM-21849 Add Link To Edit Relationship Types
  • CRM-21850 Urls with parameter in an email don't work
  • CRM-21851 Current employer dissapears when disabling expired relationships
  • CRM-21852 Membership detail report error when ACL used
  • CRM-21853 Edting CustomGroup always sets is_multiple to false by default
  • CRM-21854 Contribution start date and end dates are not respected
  • CRM-21855 Editing "A" side of relationship copies values to "B" side
  • CRM-21856 Can't select contacts when creating new mailing (No recipients with multilingual installations)
  • CRM-21857 Fix CRM-16789 causes free (no fee) events a DB Error on Confirmation/Thank You
  • CRM-21858 'Merge All Contacts with the Same Address' doesn't consider Household replace individuals that share same address.
  • CRM-21859 Form for adding activities doesn't validate field Activity Separation when is called from list of contacts
  • CRM-21860 Price set expire on/active on dates relative to event