CRM-19940 Extraneous check transactions created upon recurrng Paypal contributions


    • Type: Bug
    • Status: Done/Fixed
    • Priority: Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed/Completed
    • Affects Version/s: 4.7.14, 4.7.15
    • Fix Version/s: None
    • Component/s: CiviContribute
    • Versioning Impact:
      Patch (backwards-compatible bug fixes)
    • Documentation Required?:
    • Funding Source:
      Needs Funding
    • Verified?:



      • Each recurring PayPal payment creates two extraneous check transactions, visible in the contribution details, as shown in attachment contrib_detail.png.
      • When exported, some/all of the affected contributions appear as check rather than credit card contributions.

      The two extraneous check transactions can be seen in civicrm_financial_trxn. Following are examples of this for two different contributions. It appears there is some inconsistency in the details of the problem, with the extraneous transactions appearing in the table either before or after the genuine transactions. Note also that the parameters of the extraneous contributions are not consistent between the two examples, particularly in the to/from financial accounts and in the payment_instrument_id parameters.

      Contribution #1

      Extraneous id from_financial_account_id to_financial_account_id trxn_date total_amount fee_amount net_amount currency trxn_id trxn_result_code status_id payment_instrument_id check_number payment_processor_id is_payment
        2426 NULL 12 10/20/2016 11:15:43 AM 10 0.52 9.48 USD ...151N NULL 1 1 NULL 1 1
        2427 12 5 10/20/2016 11:15:43 AM 0.52 0 0 USD ...151N NULL 1 1 NULL 1 1
      Y 2428 NULL 12 10/20/2016 11:15:43 AM -10 0.52 9.48 USD ...151N NULL 1 4 NULL 1 1
      Y 2429 NULL 12 10/20/2016 11:15:43 AM 10 0.52 9.48 USD ...151N NULL 1 NULL NULL 1 1

      Contribution #2

      Extraneous id from_financial_account_id to_financial_account_id trxn_date total_amount fee_amount net_amount currency trxn_id trxn_result_code status_id payment_instrument_id check_number payment_processor_id is_payment
      Y 2006 NULL 6 7/20/2016 1:52:11 PM 25 0.85 24.15 USD ...572E NULL 1 4 NULL NULL 1
      Y 2007 6 5 7/20/2016 1:52:11 PM 0.85 0 0 USD ...572E NULL 1 4 NULL NULL 1
        2008 NULL 12 7/20/2016 1:52:11 PM 25 0.85 NULL USD ...572E NULL NULL 1 NULL 1 1
        2009 12 5 7/20/2016 1:52:11 PM 0.85 0 0 USD ...572E NULL 1 1 NULL 1 1

      Financial accounts above are:

      • 5: Banking fees
      • 6: Deposit Bank Account
      • 12: Payment Proccessor Account

      The extraneous transactions have corresponding entries in civicrm_entity_financial_trxn.

      Problem observed in 4.7.14. Upgraded to 4.7.15 with problem continuing. Created new Contribution page in 4.7.15, problem continues to happen.





            • Assignee:
              bobs0 Bob Silvern
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