This "improvement" has 3 aspects related to improving how we handle the contribution amount options for a Contribution Page.
1. Default Amount for Contribution Pages:
Currently this value is stored in civicrm_contribution_page.default_amount. However, this model breaks when a page includes multiple contribution amount options with the same amount value. Modify the schema, replacing default_amount with default_amount_id - which is an implicit FK to of the default amount option record. This will ensure that we default the correct radio button when the Contribution Page is rendered even if there are two options w/ the same dollar amount.
2. Include Selected Amount Option LABEL in Confirmation, Thank-you page and Receipt and Store/Display Label in Contribution Record
Add selected amount Label to display on confirm, thankyou and receipt. One way to do this is to use each amount's custom_option_id as the VALUE in the contribution page amount radio buttons-instead of $amount. Then we can "resolve" the label and the amount on subsequent pages and receipt. When the contribution record is created, store the actual Option Label string (e.g. "Gold Supporter") in a new field in the contribution record (civicrm_contribution.amount_level). NOTE: We don't want to use/persist the in the contribution record as these option values will likely change over time. When a contribution record is viewed, render the amount_level (saved label) next to the amount.
Total Amount: $50.00 - Friend of the Forest
3. If there are no preset contribution amount options (i.e. only amount_other is used on a page) - then we should suppress the the radio button for "Other Amount" and dynamically change the field label on the text field from "Other Amount" to "Contribution Amount".