Status: Done/Fixed
Resolution: Fixed/Completed
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: 1.4
Component/s: None
1. If CiviContribute component is enabled, and current user session has access CiviContribute permissions, then include all the search fields from Find Contributions search form (EXCUDING the 'Contributor' field) as a collapsible fieldset in the Advanced Search Screen (below the Locations fieldset). If contribution critieria are entered - append them to search select criteria (combine w/ any other criteria).
Fieldset legend = Contributions. Default state = collapsed.
Example: I should be able to search for contacts w/ primary address in California who've donated more than $200 since Jan 1 2006.
2. If one or more Contributions search critieria is used for the search - the search query should return the following two calculated columns and they should be automatically included in the Primary Export csv output:
Total Contribution Amount (sum of contribs which match contrib critieria for the contact)
- Contributions (count of contribs which match contribution critieria for the contact)
3. Custom fields which extend 'Contributions' and are marked "Searchable" should be included in the Contributions search form and the Contribs section of advanced search form.