New Feature
Status: Done/Fixed
Resolution: Fixed/Completed
Affects Version/s: 3.2
Fix Version/s: 3.3.alpha
Component/s: CiviCampaign
- This is used on voting day to record who has cast a ballot and who should be reminded to go out and vote.
- An attendance screen on a "voting place" basis, so a volunteer can mark all the constituents who have voted. This is the set of all constituents who are registered to vote at this voting place AND have not yet voted
o This needs to be sorted by: Street Name, Street Number and Street Unit in that order
o Search boxes for Street name and within that street unit and name would be great
o Cross off constituents who have voted
o This screen is a customized version of the input table grid - A custom search to give us all the people who are "for" the campaign but have not yet voted. This should be done via a GOTV constituent campaign using a smart group. So we can follow the same process as above.