New Feature
Status: Done/Fixed
Resolution: Fixed/Completed
Affects Version/s: 1.5
Fix Version/s: 1.6
Component/s: None
Implement "Batch Update via Profile" as a CiviContribute >> Find Contributions task.
- The selected profile must contain only fields belonging to the Contribution object (core and custom fields) - filter the "Select Profile" drop-down to only show uf_group's which meet this critieria.
- As with the Find Contacts version of this feature, the first column of the Batch Update grid is read-only display of contacts' sort_name.
- Rows represent an individual contribution (as selected in Find Contributions search results).
- Otherwise - functionality should be the same as the "Contacts" version of this task.
— Original post from D Geilhufe ----
Currently CiviContribute provides no simple interface for entering the following batch actions:
Reciept sent date
Thank you sent date
These tend to be batch actions and should be present in the drop down task list on the search return view with export and delete contributions.