Status: Done/Fixed
Resolution: Fixed/Completed
Affects Version/s: 3.0
Fix Version/s: 3.1
Component/s: Core CiviCRM
1. Replace all rendering of contact type icons with css classes assigned to an "icon" div.
1.1 For base (parent) types:
<div class="icon {$}-icon"></div>
Example - replace this:
<img alt="Individual" src="/dgg/drupal6/sites/all/modules/civicrm/i/contact_ind.gif"/>
... with this:
<div class="icon Individual-icon"></div>
NOTE: Use NOT contact_type.label for the contact type class so translations don't affect the css classes.
1.2 For subtypes where contact_type.image_URL is null (no custom icon has been defined) we use a generic subtype class so that the default subtype icon for that subtype is used:
<div class="icon {$}-subtype-icon"></div>
Example for a subtype of Organization:
<div class="icon .Organization-subtype-icon"></div>
2. Expose the image_URL field in the contact_type table in CRM_Admin_Form_ContactType - to allow admins to optionally provide an alternate URL to for that type's "icon". Field label in the form s/b "Contact Type Icon URL". (I think we can allow them to do this for any "parent/basic" type - i.e. Organization" - as well as for subtypes they create.)
WHEN a specific image_URL is defined for a contact_type, the actual contact_type name is used as the class AND a style attribute is added to the markup for the div icon as follows:
<div class="icon {$}-icon" style="background:url({$contact_type.image_URL})"></div>
EXAMPLE - IF contact_type.label = Student and image_URL = /mysite/sites/all/modules/civicrm/i/student_icon.png:
<div class="icon Student-icon" style="background:url('/mysite/sites/all/modules/civicrm/i/student_icon.png')"></div>
NOTE: The civicrm.css modifications and associated css "sprite" file to support the default classes for basic types and generic subtypes have already been committed by Kyle J.
This change needs to be implemented for the following pages:
A. All selectors which have contact type icon (Find Contacts, Find Contributions, etc.)
- I think these instances all use CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Utils::getImage(), which invokes CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Utils::getImage to get the HTML markup. We should be able to modify that function to return the <div> with it's appropriate class and optional style attribute instead of the <img /> tag.
B. Contact view and contact edit - replace <img> in setTitle with the div markup described above.
C. Recent Items - this is partially implemented, but subtype and subtype override support needs to be added here.