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  1. CiviCRM
  2. CRM-7344 CiviCampaign improvements: integration with other components and with CiviEngage module
  3. CRM-7362

Link Campaigns to other component transactions - contributions, pledges, events and participants, memberships, activities and mailings



      1. Schema
      Add "campaign_id foreign key column to the following tables:

      • civicrm_contribution_page
      • civicrm_contribution
      • civicrm_membership
      • civicrm_pledge
      • civicrm_event
      • civicrm_participant
      • civicrm_mailing
      • civicrm_activity


      • do we need campaign_id in civicrm_pcp? Seems like the linked contribution page will carry the campaign, but ??

      2. Forms and View Pages
      When CiviCampaign is enabled, add "Campaign" drop-down field to the following forms. Also add "Campaign" display field to the following pages IF campaign_id is NOT NULL for the record. I think we need

      NOTE: If there are no Campaigns created, for the Create / Edit forms ... show the field label and then the following message status div instead of the dropdown form field:

      "There are currently no Campaigns.

      {if user has permission to add campaign}

      If you want to associate this record with a campaign, you can <a href="$addCampaignUrl">create a campaign here</a>.



      • Add / Edit Activity (below "Subject") and View Activity
      • Add / Edit Contribution (below "Source") and View Contribution
      • Configure Contribution Page - Title and Settings (below "Contribution Type")
      • Configure Event - Info and Settings (below "Event Type"), include in event template form as well.
      • Add / Edit Participant (below "Event") and View Participant
      • Mailing - Step 1 (select recipients) (below "Name Your Mailing")
      • Add / Edit Membership (below "Source") and View Membership
      • Add / Edit Pledge (below "Contribution Type") and View Pledge


      • I think folks will be creating time-delimited campaigns (with End Dates), and possibly using the "is_active" flag more with Campaigns then with some of our other objects. AND, they will want to search/report on past (and possibly inactive) campaigns, see linkages in contributions etc. We need to accommodate this w/o cluttering the default select lists. Suggest showing only active and current (end date >= now) campaigns by default for ADD mode on forms with a link to "show past campaigns". However in EDIT and VIEW modes, we need to be able to select / display the linked campaign regardless of whether it is current / active or not.

      3. Selectors (Listings)
      If CiviCampaign is enabled, add Campaign column to the following selectors:

      • Manage Online Contribution Pages
      • Manage Events
      • Mailings (mailing/browse) - all modes

      NOTE: For space reasons Activity, Contribution, Membership, Participant and Pledge selectors will not have the campaign column. However the selectors should return campaign id and campaign title for these SO a user can customize the template if needed

      4. Processing
      4.1 Campaign inherited from contribution page campaign property
      If an online contribution page has a campaign_id, all contributions, pledges and memberships made via that page should inherit that campaign_id.

      4.2 Campaign inherited from event campaign property
      4.2.1 Online registrations: If an event has a campaign_id, all online registrations via this event registration form inherit the campaign_id.
      4.2.2 Back-office registration (Participant form): when user selects Event, if the event has a configure campaign_id, then that becomes the default form value for the Campaign field. However, user can over-ride and select a different campaign if desired.

      4.3 Campaign via GET parameter
      Campaign ID can be passed in to event registration or online contribution pages via GET parameter. (&campID=N).

      If campID is passed to an event or contribution page that already has a configured campaign, the GET parameter should override the default IF the campID is a valid campaign

      5. Profiles
      Campaign should be exposed for use in Batch Update via Profile for the following objects (so users can batch update set or modify associated campaign):

      • activity
      • contribution
      • membership
      • participant
      • Campaign fields in Profile Used for = Event Registration or Contribution Page.

      Campaign fields are exposed as a SELECT element. The filter is only active campaigns which are currently valid (i.e. not over)




            • Assignee:
              dgg David Greenberg
              dgg David Greenberg
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