Status: Done/Fixed
Resolution: Fixed/Completed
Affects Version/s: 4.4.9
Component/s: CiviContribute
Documentation Required?:None
User renews their membership via online membership signup and renewal - and chooses to "Pay Later". The admin (staff person) records that the payment has been received using 'Edit Membership' form and checking 'Update Payment Status'.
Admin may choose to modify the default Received (receive_date) value to a date earlier than today if the payment was actually received at the bank or by the organization on a prior date. In this case, the membership renewal should use that as the 'renewal entered date'. Currently, that date is ignored and 'today' is always used as the date the renewal is triggered. If the membership status has changed to 'Expired' by this time - the membership Start Date will be changed to 'today'. This is a bug. Since the payment was actually 'received' prior to Expire date, the Start Date should NOT be updated (i.e. this is NOT an 'expired renewal' case).
To recreate:
- create a membership for your user's contact with expired status (you can set start date for Student membership to 11/1/2013 for example)
- enable pay later for online contribution page id=2 (Membership Signup)
- renew the student membership for your user's contact - choosing to Pay Later
- go to your contact summary, select Membership tab => Edit membership
- check 'Update payment status' checkbox
- override Received date - set it to 11/15/2014 (which is within the Grace period for this membership) and change status to Completed.
Review the updated membership start date - it will be 'today', but it should be 11/1/2014.
See screenshots, and see below for another set of example dates.
==== Original Post ===========
If payment is RECEIVED in the bank during grace - but civi reconciliation to set 'payment completed' is entered in to civi after the Expired Date has passed - then membership starts new cycle even though I enter the 'date received' as having been during Grace
Example dates
End Date = March 31
End of Grace = April 30
Payment Received = April 25
Civi reconciliation done = May 5
outcome. new membership cycle with new end date of May 4th rather than March 31