Streamline the workflow for users working with events by giving them 1-click access to any event configuration tab directly from the Manage Events event listing page.
Also provide quick access to frequently accessed event links from both the event listing page and the configure event tab interface (for a given event).
1. Manage Events - event listing (selector)
Replace the 'action links' provided for each event (row). Current links are: Configure, Test-drive, more > (Live Page, Disable, Delete, Copy).
New UI will have 3 links which trigger dropdown options. Disabled option text will use 'disabled' class for text color (e.g. if Online Registration is not enabled, that item uses disabled class).
Configure ->
Info and Settings
Online Registration
Tell a Friend
Event Links ->
Event Info
Registration (Test-drive)
Registration (Live)
Participants ->
Registered, Attended ...
Cancelled, No-show ...
Public Participant Listing
more ->
2. Configure Event changes:
- Eliminate the current 'Configure Event' page (which has list of configuration links and help text) - and incorporate that help in a pop-up help screen available from the Configure Event tab interface. (Users can now go directly to any configuration tab from the manage events listing.)
- Add an 'action ribbon' above the 'configure event' tabs with 2 action (dropdown) buttons (see attached screenshot)
Event Links ->
Event Info
Registration (Test-drive)
Registration (Live)
Participants ->
Registered, Attended...
Cancelled, No-show ...
Public Participant Listing