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  1. CiviCRM
  2. CRM-3511 Implement Personal Campaign Pages
  3. CRM-3996

PCP : Send notfication email to supporter when they initially create a Personal Campaign Page


    • Type: Sub-task
    • Status: Done/Fixed
    • Priority: Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed/Completed
    • Affects Version/s: 2.2.0
    • Fix Version/s: 2.2.0
    • Component/s: CiviContribute
    • Labels:


      Sending an email to supporters after they create their PCP provides an opportunity to inform them about the status of their page, give them the link and instructions on how to visit and update their page, and encourage them to promote it.

      1. When Campaign form is saved in "create" mode, format and send an email to the supporter's primary email (pcp.contact_id) using a new template (see below).

      2. The existing (composed) status message for "requires approval" case is:
      "Your Personal Contribution Page has been created but requires administrator review before you can begin your fundraising efforts. You will receive an email as soon as the review process is complete. A notification email has been sent to the site administrator."

      Modify this by adding a sentence about the confirmation email - so for the approve case it will be:
      "Your Personal Campaign Page has been created but requires administrator review before you can begin your fundraising efforts. You will receive an email confirmation shortly which includes a link to return to this page. A notification email has been sent to the site administrator. You will receive a second email as soon as the review process is complete."

      ... for the "no approval required case, the complete status (on create) is:
      "Your Personal Campaign Page has been created and is ready to use. Click the Tell Friends link below to being promoting your fundraising campaign. You will receive an email confirmation shortly which includes a link to return to this page. A notification email has been sent to the site administrator."

      3. Create a new email template - PCPSupporterNotify.tpl - which is sent on create. Content of the email is:

      Subject: Your Personal Campaign Page for $contribPageTitle

      Body (note: some of below is pseudocode - not necessarily exact implementation):

      Dear supporter,
      Thanks for creating a personal campaign page in support of $contribPageTitle

      {if $createStatus EQ 'Approved'}

      Promoting Your Page
      You can begin your fundraising efforts using our "Tell a Friend" form:

      1. Login to your account at:
      >> $ufFrameworkURL

      2. Click or paste this link into your browser and follow the prompts:
      >> $pcpTellFriendURL

      OR you can just copy this link to your page and email it to folks:
      >> $pcpInfoURL

      Managing Your Page
      When you view your campaign page WHILE LOGGED IN, the page includes all the links
      you need to edit your page, tell friends, and update your contact info.

      {elseif $createStatus EQ 'Waiting Review'}

      Your page requires administrator review before you can begin your fundraising efforts.

      A notification email has been sent to the site administrator, and you will receive an from
      them as soon as the review process is complete.

      You can still preview your page prior to approval:
      1. Login to your account at:
      >> $ufFrameworkURL

      2. Click or paste this link into your browser:
      >> $pcpInfoURL


      Questions? Send email to:
      >> $pcpNotifyEmailAddress




            • Assignee:
              amit Amiteshwar Prasad
              dgg David Greenberg
            • Votes:
              0 Vote for this issue
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