New Feature
Status: Done/Fixed
Resolution: Fixed/Completed
Affects Version/s: 2.1
Fix Version/s: 2.1
Component/s: CiviPledge
Add 'Export' action to Find Pledges.
Pledge data should be exported as a JOIN of Pledge and Pledge Payment records - with 1 row for each pledge payment and pledge level data repeated for each payment row which belongs to that pledge. Export columns are the same as the Pledge + Pledge Payment selectors.
Contact data and Contribution data columns should be included in "Export PRIMARY" - using the same model as we have for Find Participants exports. "Select Fields for Export" should offer Individual, Household, Organization, and Pledge fields - same as other component exports.
Export PRIMARY - columns
(Contact fields... ), Pledge ID, Total Pledged, Total Paid, Balance Due, Pledge Made, Next Payment Due, Next Payment Amount, Pledge Status, Payment ID, Scheduled Amount, Scheduled Date, Paid Amount, Paid Date, Last Reminder, Reminders Sent, Payment Status, (followed by Contribution fields...)