I'm getting the following error at the top of the event registration confirmation page:
Notice: Undefined index: 21 in CRM_Event_Form_Registration::validatePriceSet() (line 1304 of civicrm/CRM/Event/Form/Registration.php).
My event is a workshop which is configured to use a price set. The price set just contains one required checkbox field (fid=21) which has 3 different options.
The error only appears on the confirmation the first time the page is entered. If I reload the page, then the error doesn't appear, though if I hit the back button and then 'continue' again, it appears.
It looks like $optionMaxValues array is empty the first time line 1304 is reached, but on subsequent iterations it's been updated which is why the error only appears once.
I've attached a patch which fixes the error, but I've no idea if this is the correct solution or if I've broken something else by doing this.
I'm running php 5.3.3-7 by the way.