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  1. CiviCRM
  2. CRM-782

Add Links to Navigate between CMS User and CiviCRM Contact Screens


    • Type: New Feature
    • Status: Done/Fixed
    • Priority: Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed/Completed
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: 1.4
    • Component/s: None
    • Labels:


      CiviCRM users would like an easy way to jump between a CMS User screen (e.g. "my account" in Drupal and the Edit User screen in Joomla) and the corresponding CiviCRM contact summary screen (civicrm/contact/view). For this revision, the links will be "2-way" for Drupal only (since we don't have hooks to modify the Edit User screen in Joomla currently). The code needs to be user_framework "aware" since the logic and links are different.

      1. Conditionally include a "Go to User Screen" link on our Contact Summary template (Basic.tpl) to the right of the Edit, Delete, Vcard buttons.
      1.1 This link is displayed IF the contact has a matching user record (e.g. a uf_match record pointing to a uid).
      1.2 The link URL is $config->ufBaseUrl . 'user/' . $uid for Drupal sites
      1.3 The link URL is $config->ufBaseUrl . 'option=com_users&task=editA&hidemainmenu=1&id=' . $uid for Mambo/Joomla

      2. Conditionally include a "View Contact Record" link for Drupal my account (view mode) pages IF:
      2.1 One or more profiles is included for User Account
      2.2 There is a matching CiviCRM contact id in uf_match table for this user
      2.3 The logged in user has "access CiviCRM" permission




            • Assignee:
              kurund Kurund Jalmi
              dgg David Greenberg
            • Votes:
              0 Vote for this issue
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