New Feature
Status: Done/Fixed
Resolution: Fixed/Completed
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: 1.4
Component/s: None
Implement a new path to invoke profile forms - which will support both CREATE and UPDATE contact actions.
- New path to invoke profile forms is "civicrm/profile/edit". This replaces the current 'civicrm/profile/create'.
1. When this path is invoked...
- If there is no logged in user session - fields are left blank other than specified defaults (same as current behavior for profile/create)
- If there is a logged in user session, populate the profile form fields with values from the user's contact data (using uf_join to grab the contact_id). This behavior is the same as currently done w/ Profiles included in Contribute/Main (start page for online contributions).
2. When the form is submitted
2.1 If there is no logged in user session, behavior is same as currently for create (check for dupe match, and insert or return dupe msg)
2.2 If there IS a logged in user session:
- do dupe match check IF any dupe match fields are part of the form
- if we detect a duplicate - give "account with this information already exists" error (don't do update, don't include link/info about matching record - this should be the same as what we do in create mode currently).
- if no duplicates error, update the corresponding contact data for the contact linked to that user (via uf_match)
NOTE: Links to profile/form paths are created in the site navigation and content by site administrators. They are not automatically generated in CiviCRM menus or blocks.