Status: Done/Fixed
Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Affects Version/s: 1.9
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: None
I am still just evaluating CiviCRM for a potential customer. I was giving a demo wich failed in laughters.
Good thing: Import works fine now in release 1.9.12432 and i imported a few hundred people. Hands from the customer!
Added an event into ViviEvent. Hands for the nice way to publish an event and get people signed up! (Joomla 1.5!)
Now came the thumbs down!
Added a "fake" participant through the web.
Unfortunately the name Jan Karlsson is a common one in Sweden, and since this name is allready in the database, the first occurence was just updated. This may not be the correct action.
In the form for the event I had put e-mail, first name, last name and company.
What happened was that this chap Jan Karlsson ended up with a new e-mail adress and two employers since I wrote a new e-mail adress and a new company name.
From the back end it's no problems to add several people with the same name, but when someone signs up for an event CiviCRM tries to update a record if the person is in the data base. This is of course a good thought, but it looks to me as if it can't handle multiple people with the same name.
Tried the following with an empty database:
Added Jan Karlsson,
Added Jan Karlsson,
Added Company one
Added Company two
Created relationship between Jan Karlsson, and Company one
Created relationship between Jan Karlsson, and Company two
Created event where one has to write first name, last name, e-mail and company
Registered Jan Karlsson,, Organisation
Jan Karlsson,, Company one AND Organisation
Jan Karlsson,, Company two
No good...
I had to walk away for now.