Status: Done/Fixed
Resolution: Fixed/Completed
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: 1.0
Component/s: None
- Browse custom data groups:
- actions s/b: List/Edit Fields | Preview | Edit Group | Disable Group
NOTE: Preview is intended to show the group form as would be displayed in contact/view/cd?action=update. If this is a pain, forget it for now. I'm afraid the'View' action would be confusing so let's eliminate that for now. - sort groups by Weight
- Add/Update custom data group:
- "Used for" (extends) must be frozen on Edit
- Eliminate 'Display Style', 'Help Post' fields - not supported for now
- Relabel 'Help Pre' - 'Form Help' and implement in contact/view/cd. Text s/b included in <div class="message help"> just after <fieldset>
- Browse custom fields :
- set title to "$customGroupName Fields" using CRM_Utils_System::setTitle as in Contact/Page/View.php
- sort the fields in table by Weight
- add "Field Type" column to browse table
NOTE: field "Name" is system generated and s/b hidden on both browse and edit - Disable action is missing
- Add/Update/View custom field:
- 'Array' is displayed just below title - cant' see in tpl's where this is coming from ??
- Save() is broken. Data type is not saved and form field doesn't "work" in contact/view/cd edit after you Edit/save an existing field
- After add/edit field save or cancel, should return to browse list of fields for that group (currently goes back to browse data groups level).
- Eliminate set, enum, and array data types for now (not supported)
- Change data type option ='Text' to 'Memo'
- Put label on 'Field Type' and if possible make this a frozen field
(ideally, the Javascript onChange still works and updates the displayed value) - Data type AND field type are FROZEN on edit (unless you have a way to allow this ONLY if no data values exist yet for this field ??)
- Eliminate the foll fields (not supported for now):
Javascript, Attributes, Help Pre - Make sure "Default Value" works (i.e. if you set a value, it shows up on contact/view/cd). If this is a hassle, eliminate this for now - not critical functionality.
- Relabel "Help Post" to 'Field Help' and implement this on the contact/view/cd side. If populated, the text should be output in <div class="description"> that is placed between form field and </dd>.
- Doesn't seem like 'textarea' field type works when 'using' the form, please put one in group and try it out.