CRM-15051 Total Amount not shown as required for Import Contributions - update existing contributions


    • Type: Bug
    • Status: Done/Fixed
    • Priority: Trivial
    • Resolution: Fixed/Completed
    • Affects Version/s: 4.5
    • Fix Version/s: None
    • Component/s: CiviContribute
    • Labels:
    • Documentation Required?:


      "Total Amount" is a required field for Import Contributions - update existing contributions but it is not asterisked and shown in red as "Financial Type" and other required fields are.

      This is rather frustrating if you are using 'update existing contributions' to import new or change existing data in core or custom contribution fields other than total amount. It can mean you have to do a second contributions export and a second data matching step to get a CSV file you can actually import into civicrm.



          [CRM-15051] Total Amount not shown as required for Import Contributions - update existing contributions
          David Greenberg added a comment -

          The referenced PR does change display of Total Amount in Update MODE (DUPLICATE_UPDATE) to show as required.

          HOWEVER, I think Joanne's point is actually a bit different. We should only required one of the 'match to contribution' columns for Update MODE (e.g. contribution_id, invoice_id, transaction_id). I don't see a need to require Total Amount OR Financial Type in Update mode - since we can leave those values unchanged if not sent in.

          Joanne Chester added a comment -

          I created this issue with the idea of getting the display to match the existing requirements as I thought that was probably the quickest thing to do at this stage. I have just added information on required fields for import contributions, import memberships and import participants to the user and admin book and picked up this anomaly then. So Kurund's PR is what I had in mind.

          However, I agree with Dave that Total amount shouldn't be required for an update. I would go even further and argue that financial type should not be required either. Payment id, transaction id and invoice id are all unique identifiers and one of those is all that should be compulsory on an update.

          Same sort of thing applies to updating participants ( where participant ID is the unique identifier but event id or event title and participant status or participant status id are also required).
          And for updating memberships ( where membership Id is the unique identifier but Membership Type and Membership Start Date are also required.)

          David Greenberg added a comment -

          Given Joanne's last comment, merging the PR and closing.

          Joanne - would be great if you can file a new issue for 4.6 regarding changes to requirements for Update Imports of the 3 types of transactions (i.e. just requiring a 'match to transaction' element).


            • Assignee:
              Kurund Jalmi
              Joanne Chester


              • Created: