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Keeping the scope limited for now, here is the spec as follows:
From "Find and Merge Duplicate Contacts" page (list of dupes), provide a link to a pop-up form for Batch Merge of all results with following options:
- 'Safe Mode'
OR'Aggressive Mode'
- If Aggressive - option to select (bias to) Older Data / Newer Data when conflict is detected. Plus a hook to implement other algorithms for choosing which contact to bias to when there's a conflict (to handle "gotchas").
- If Safe - merges with no chances of conflicts are performed. Preference is to add the records (no overwrites). Merges with conflicts are skipped.
A bin script to merge all or group N, safe vs aggressive mode, which works like UI batch merge above.
Issue Links
- is supplemented by
CRM-9440 batch merge API errors with UFMatch class not found
- Done/Fixed