CRM-18118 Pay later instructions for membership payments do not display and emails are not sent


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      Core Team Funds


      This used to work in version 4.6.10 but is now broken. To replicate this:

      1. Create a contribution for membership.
      2. Use a confirmation page.
      3. Enable both a payment processor and pay later option.
      4. Enter some pay later instructions

      At this point, the contribution page will work fine with the payment processor. However, pay later instructions are not shown on the confirmation screen. Also, emails are not sent for pay later payments.
      in version 4.6.10 pay later instructions are shown on the confirmation page and emails are sent for pay later options. They are not not in version 4.7.1 and 4.7.2
      Other people agree this is a problem see

      I've only tried this on drupal7. apologies if I have missed anything here or got it wrong, it's my first time here...



          [CRM-18118] Pay later instructions for membership payments do not display and emails are not sent
          Monish Deb added a comment -

          Submitted the PR I won't call it a regression but a side effect due to changes.

          Joshua Petherbridge can you please verify my fix if it works for ya ?


          Joshua Petherbridge added a comment - - edited

          I can't get it to work, but it is probably because I'm doing something silly. I feel like I should RTFM but I don't know what to read. What I can download from github for this fix looks a lot like what I get for an upgrade, but not quite, things are missing. nothing I've tried yet works as such.[edit] oh never mind, manuals are overrated. Yes, it seems to work.

          Rohan Ramesh Katkar added a comment -

          During QA of previous PR : ( following issues was encountered:
          1) On pay later receipt was not getting sent in email.
          2) In email receipt `membership type`, `amount` section was missing from receipt.

          Latest submitted PR covered above two the issues.


          Neil Zampella added a comment -

          While I was on 4.7.3, I installed the patch in the CRM/Contribute/Form/Contribution/Main.php file as shown, and the Pay Later block was then displayed. Upgraded to 4.7.4 today, and the block disappeared from the LIVE PAGES. It still shows up fine on the 'test drive', but not on the actual page as shown to the public.

          Not sure if other changes performed in another file caused this to occur, but this is a major issue.

          Joshua Petherbridge added a comment -

          I'm not having the problems Neil seems to be having. From other comments Neil has posted I think he may be using Joomla! where as I am using Drupal. Possibly there is an issue confined to Joomla! but there is certainly no issue with 4.7.4 on Drupal.

          Neil Zampella added a comment -

          Yes, that site is running on Joomla 3.4.8. It seems rather unusual to test fixes on one platform, and not test on others.

          Sanjay Jain added a comment - - edited

          Someone just reported the issue is still not fixed in 4.7.8

          Update: I tried replicating on demo and the pay later instructions show. The user also commented that pay later show, but the email is not going out. I'm not able to test the email on demo

          Karen-Ann Xavier added a comment - - edited

          This issue is still outstanding in civicrm 4.7.8 joomla version, is there a patch or fix for it?
          Can't test in joomla demo site as demo site is on 4.6.
          I have production sites on 4.6 not having this problem, cropped up as of 4.7.3 for me.

          Neil Zampella added a comment -

          I'm not seeing this issue as I've been testing it on the updates since I installed the patch on 4.7.3. I just got a BCC on a pay later membership invoice going out the other day to a renewing member. Running v4.7.8 on J! 3.5.1, with PHP 5.5.35, and MySql 5.5.45.

          Karen-Ann Xavier added a comment - - edited

          I am on 4.7.8, do i need to install the patch? If so, where/how do i install it.
          I see this as the modified file:
          I copied, installed on 4.7.8 and did not see the Pay Later show up, no success.

          Neil Zampella added a comment -

          The patch was incorporated in the 4.7.4 build I believe.

          Karen-Ann Xavier added a comment - - edited

          The patch is not included in 4.7.8, that is the version i am on.

          I copied the contents of Main.php to file
          Tried it on 4.7.3, tried it on 4.7.8 and no joy. Am I missing something?

          Neil Zampella added a comment -

          Again, I'm seeing a different outcome here. The fixes are in 4.7.8 as I'm getting the "pay later" option along with PayPal, and the emails are going out on Membership and Events.

          If I remember right, there were a few places where the code was changed. You may want to make sure that all your files are being updated during upgrades. I've had to use the alternate Joomla installation package due to time out issues on my hosting, and I manually move the updated directories from the TMP directory to the Admin & Component directories as directed in the XML file. I then modify the upgrade XML file to remove those file/directory changes.

          The system then does the upgrade on the languages, then runs the database update script.

          Andrew Goodall added a comment -

          I seem to have a related problem

          Joomla 3.5.1 - Civicrm 4.7.8

          I have created a Contribution page (plus a profile with some custom data in it) and wanted to give option to pay later. However, the Pay Later option is not showing on front end whilst the Paypal option is displayed. However, if I remove the option to use Paypal, then the pay later option appears (though with a permanent x in box which cannot be unselected).

          I have attempted to replicate on demo site (which is older version - 4.6) and when I choose pay later option it does not display on front end either. However, I cannot remove option to pay by paypal (sandbox) as that breaks the page. So cannot see if pay later would show without paypal.

          So, 2 problems 1) pay later not showing with paypal option available -

          2) Permanent x in box of pay later when it can be seen on the front end after removing paypal option

          I originally posted this on stack exchgange but was directed here.

          Peter Davis added a comment -

          Andrew - you may get more action on a new ticket - can you link to your demo site Contribution page assuming it is still there so i can take a look

          Peter Davis added a comment - - edited

          The permanent [x] is how it has always how been afaik when you only offer Pay Later.

          Peter Davis added a comment -

          what sort of paypal payment processor account is yours

          Andrew Goodall added a comment -


          Peter Davis added a comment -

          which option under are you setting this up with?
          PayPal Express
          PayPal - Website Payments Pro
          PayPal - Website Payments Standard

          Asking because it is a long time since i saw a paypal button style option on a contrib. page and have forgotten how they get there

          Andrew Goodall added a comment -

          PayPal - Website Payments Pro

          Neil Zampella added a comment - - edited

          IT'S BAAACK ......

          I'm not seeing any option for PAY LATER on my membership contribution pages. I'm also assuming that this is also true for event contribution pages since I found this over on the stackexchange site:

          I'm on:
          Joomla 3.6.5
          CiviCRM: 4.7.16


            • Assignee:
              Rohan Ramesh Katkar
              Joshua Petherbridge


              • Created: