New Feature
Status: Done/Fixed
Resolution: Fixed/Completed
Affects Version/s: 2.1
Fix Version/s: 2.1
Component/s: CiviPledge
Pledge Summary should give users the ability to easily see totals for commonly requested periods.
Summary table layout
NOTE: I've sketched in the HTML for this layout in Dashboard.tpl. Explanation of how values are derived are below. I had a problem getting the border-right double lines which separate the count/amount pairs to work as a class defined in civicrm.css - so for now they're an inline style. Would be better to figure out why this css class declaration isn't working
// double line right border for last cell in a horizontal grouping
#crm-container .report td.splitter {
border-right: 3px double #92B6EC;
Column headers
"(empty column header - total type below)", $priorMonthName, $currentMonthName . '-to-Date', $currentYear . '-to-Date', Cumulative (since inception)
Rows [select query explanation in brackets]
All rows contain count and sum(amount) for each period. Therefore, each column header above has colspan=2 so that we can put 2 cells per "period" in the rows: <td>$count</td><td>$totalAmount</td>
Rather than a separate cell for "view details..." links, make each cell value a link to the search form with the corresponding period and status(es) passed.
- Total Pledges [pledge records with create_date in period and status != Cancelled]
- Payments Received [pledge payment records with status = Completed and linked contribution.receive_date in period]
- Balance Due [pledge payment records with scheduled_date in period and status = Pending]
- Past Due [pledge payment records with scheduled_date in period and status = Overdue]
Recent Pledges
Displays the Pledge Selector as specified in CRM-3244 with the 10 most recent Pledges by create_date (sort descending).