CRM-4705 Multiple contacts sharing an email address


    • Type: Bug
    • Status: Done/Fixed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • Affects Version/s: 2.2.3
    • Fix Version/s: 3.1
    • Component/s: Core CiviCRM
    • Labels:


      I tried editing a contact when I tried to assign an email address that was already used by another contact. When trying the save the contact, I got the following:

      Sorry. A non-recoverable error has occurred.

      DB Error: already exists

      Database Error Code: Duplicate entry '' for key 2, 1062

      BTW: When people use the CiviEvent sign up page, they CAN register multiple people with the same email address. ( as described in )



          [CRM-4705] Multiple contacts sharing an email address
          Donald A. Lobo added a comment -

          multiple contacts can have the same email address, but multiple users cannot have the same email address. i suspect you are getting the above when you are updating a contact who is also a user

          if important, please consider contributing a patch to address the issue

          Sarah Gladstone added a comment -

          You are right - I can enter the same email address for multiple contacts, as long as they are not Joomla users. It is not important that multipe Joomla users/contacts be able to share an email address.

          Could the error page be made more user-friendly? ie the typical yellow box with a simple message about what caused the problem?


          Robert added a comment -

          In our system, we do not have "users" but we do have "members". The restriction is the same; they may not share an email address. This has caused us problems where both spouses, sharing the same email address, are members. The only way to record their membership, is to leave the email address blank on one of them, but this then generates surface mail outs to the one "without email", where email communications would otherwise be possible.

          There needs to be some sort of override to correct this.



            • Assignee:
              Donald A. Lobo
              Sarah Gladstone


              • Created: