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  1. CiviCRM
  2. CRM-18535

Access deleted contact permission is needed to get adresses without contact_id via HTTP-API


    • Versioning Impact:
      Patch (backwards-compatible bug fixes)
    • Documentation Required?:
    • Funding Source:
      Core Team Funds


      If you want to retrieve an address that does not have a contact ID (e.g. an address that is used for an event), and you want to use the HTTP-API for retrieving it, like e.g.

      curl 'http://localhost/~johanv/chirocivi-dev1/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/rest.php/?api_key=MYAPIKEY&key=MYSITEKEY&debug=0&version=3&entity=Address&action=get&json=%7b"id":"408083"%7d&sequential=1'

      you need to have the 'Access deleted contacts' permission. If you don't have this permission, the query that is issued, is this one: (just ignore the part about our custom fields)

      SELECT a.id as `id`, a.contact_id as `contact_id`, a.location_type_id as `location_type_id`, a.is_primary as `is_primary`, a.is_billing as `is_billing`, a.street_address as `street_address`, a.street_number as `street_number`, a.street_number_suffix as `street_number_suffix`, a.street_number_predirectional as `street_number_predirectional`, a.street_name as `street_name`, a.street_type as `street_type`, a.street_number_postdirectional as `street_number_postdirectional`, a.street_unit as `street_unit`, a.supplemental_address_1 as `supplemental_address_1`, a.supplemental_address_2 as `supplemental_address_2`, a.supplemental_address_3 as `supplemental_address_3`, a.city as `city`, a.county_id as `county_id`, a.state_province_id as `state_province_id`, a.postal_code_suffix as `postal_code_suffix`, a.postal_code as `postal_code`, a.usps_adc as `usps_adc`, a.country_id as `country_id`, a.geo_code_1 as `geo_code_1`, a.geo_code_2 as `geo_code_2`, a.manual_geo_code as `manual_geo_code`, a.timezone as `timezone`, a.name as `name`, a.master_id as `master_id`, a_to_civicrm_value_extra_informatie_3.geldig_adres_12 as `custom_12` 
      FROM civicrm_address a 
      LEFT JOIN `civicrm_value_extra_informatie_3` `a_to_civicrm_value_extra_informatie_3` ON `a_to_civicrm_value_extra_informatie_3`.entity_id = `a`.id 
      WHERE (
        `a`.`contact_id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `civicrm_contact` WHERE is_deleted != 1)) 
        AND (`a`.`id` = "408083") 
      LIMIT 25 OFFSET 0 ;

      The part

      `a`.`contact_id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `civicrm_contact` WHERE is_deleted != 1))

      will cause the result to be empty, because a.contact_id is NULL.




            • Assignee:
              johanv Johan Vervloet
            • Votes:
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue


              • Created: