Replace the existing CiviCRM Admin tab-based navigation with a graphical Control Panel and a vertical listing of sub-menu items. This will improve usability and allow us to support the addition of future admin tasks which will be needed for CiviMail and CiviDonate.
1. The control panel will consist of multiple rows of linked icons. Each icon should have the menu title below it (both icon and title are linked). Icons are organized into 'groups'. There will be 3 groups initially (see below). Each 'group' is contained in a fieldset with legend. The layout should be similar to the proposed Drupal control panel mockup here:
- Access Control
- Backup Your Data
- Synchronize Users to Contacts
- Activity Types
- CiviCRM Profile
- Custom Data
- Location Types (Home, Work...)
- Relationship Types
- Tags
- Gender Options (Male, Female...)
- Instant Message Services
- Mobile Phone Providers
- Prefixes and Titles (Ms., Mr....)
- Suffixes (Jr., Sr....)
2. Enhance Menu.php and Block/Menu.tpl to support nesting of menu items so we can also present Admin tasks as leaf items in a nested <ul> list below Administer CiviCRM. We would also set the <li> class for the parent menu item (in this case 'Administer CiviCRM') to 'expanded' or 'collapsed' based on whether the current task is a child or admin path or not.