The Case ID not submitted correctly to the Ajax call when using inline update of activity status on manage case screen. The case ID has an extra quotation mark in it. For example case id #22 is sent as 22".
To reproduce create a module and in Civicrm hook_pre (for example) use dpm($params);
Create a case of type housing support and go to the manage case screen. Update one of the activities using inline update. The case id is incorrectly formatted.
The problem seems to be on line 1327 of CRM_Case_BAO_Case.php where the link is built. In that line replacing
case_id=' . $caseID . '" href="#" title=\'' .
case_id=' . $caseID . ' href="#" title=\'' .
seems to fix the issue.
The full line:
$values[$dao->id]['status'] = '<a class="crm-activity-status crm-activity-status-' . $dao->id . ' ' . $values[$dao->id]['class'] . ' crm-activity-change-status crm-editable-enabled" activity_id=' . $dao->id . ' current_status=' . $dao->status . ' case_id=' . $caseID . '" href="#" title=\'' . $statusTitle . '\'>' . $values[$dao->id]['status'] . '</a>';