

      (Note: not sure if some of the issues below are intended to be covered in CRM-11007 ??)
      The following issues need to be addressed in the 'Transactions' page (civicrm/batchtransaction):

      1. Search form for filtering on the transactions available to include in the batch is not working at all (all transactions are displayed after entering a filter like Amount between 1 and 50 and clicking search)

      2. Also Edit Search Criteria pane is currently not collapsible - and should be collapsed by default when page loads.

      3. Add Payment Method column to both selectors.

      4. If civicrm_batch.payment_instrument is set, then only transactions with that payment instrument s/b included in the 'available transactions' (lower selector) by default (one way to do this is to set payment_instrument search criteria to that value in setDefaults). If user changes search criteria to include transactions which have a different payment_instrument AND attempt to assign them to the batch, put up error message: "This batch is configured to include only transactions using $paymentInstrument payment method. If you want to include other transactions, please edit the batch first and modify the Payment Method."

      5. Add Batch summary info on top of page as described here on the wiki:

      5.1 Include "Close Batch" button just below the batch summary so user can close the batch.
      5.2 Include "Accounting Batches" link in cookie crumb when on this page so user can navigate back to where they came from. Set batchStatus query string param = to status of batch being worked on.

      6. If batch status is Closed or Exported, this page should be read-only. Assign and Remove actions are not allowed (bulk or row level) and should not be displayed.




            • Assignee:
              kurund Kurund Jalmi
              dgg David Greenberg
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