CRM-3229 PledgeBank: Implement New Pledge wizard for adding pledges


    • Type: New Feature
    • Status: Done/Fixed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Fixed/Completed
    • Affects Version/s: 2.2.0
    • Fix Version/s: Unscheduled
    • Component/s: None
    • Labels:


      Wizard is made of three steps:

      • "Pledge Settings" screen
      • "Pledge location" screen
      • "Tell a Friend" screen

      === "Pledge Settings" screen

      First five fields will define pledge text itself.
      (creator_name) will (creator_pledge_desc), but only if (signers_limit) (signer_description_text) will (signer_pledge_desc).

      • Group: "Pledge text"
        o creator_name - input text, defaulted to: "I", validated on max length (64 characters), required
        o creator_pledge_desc - input text, validated on max length (256 characters), required
        o signers_limit - input text, validated on integer value, required
        o signer_description_text - input text, validated on max length (128 characters), required
        o signer_pledge_desc - input text, validated on max length (256 characters), required
      • deadline: Pledge deadline: date selector, required
      • description: Pledge detailed information: rich text field, no validation
      • creator_description: Pledge owner's description: input text, validated on max length (256 characters)
      • is_active: Is this Pledge active?: checkbox

      === "Pledge location" screen

      This screens allows to define optional geographical location of the pledge:

      • Does this pledge have location?: checkbox, if set to true, reveals a location form containing fields:
        o City
        o Zip / Postal Code -
        o Enter optional 'add-on' code after the dash ('plus 4' code for U.S. addresses).
        o Country
        o State / Province
        o Latitude, Longitude

      === "Tell a Friend" screen

      Exactly as in CiviEvent wizard.


          Issue Links


            [CRM-3229] PledgeBank: Implement New Pledge wizard for adding pledges
            There are no comments yet on this issue.


              • Assignee:
                Yashodha Chaku
                Michał Mach


                • Created: