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  1. CiviCRM
  2. CRM-12469

Add Option to forward bounce emails which are not successfully parsed


    • Type: Bug
    • Status: Open
    • Priority: Minor
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Affects Version/s: 4.2.9
    • Fix Version/s: Unscheduled
    • Component/s: CiviMail
    • Labels:
    • Versioning Impact:
      Patch (backwards-compatible bug fixes)


      I'm seeing quite a lot of failures to parse bounce emails. This includes some major email providers in my region (Australia), and recently I submitted a set of bounce patterns which are needed to parse bounces generated by postfix, which makes me think that it's likely that there are similar shortcomings for other common MTA software.

      So, I want to be able to take a look at emails which are not being successfully parsed, in order to identify new bounce patterns which should be added. Making this capacity generally available is likely to lead to other people being more able to identify and therefore contribute useful bounce type recognition patterns also.

      I've poked around in the code. It looks like this the handling of these happens at civicrm/CRM/Mailing/Event/BAO/Bounce.php.

      In version 4.2 source, it's lines 75-78.
      if ( empty( $params['bounce_type_id'] ) )

      { $params['bounce_type_id'] = 11; $params['bounce_reason'] = ts( 'Unknown bounce type: Could not parse bounce email' ); }


      I'd like to see an option added to civi for forwarding such emails to a configured email address.

      It'd be nice to submit an actual patch here, but I'm new to civi coding, so if I get to that it'll probably take a while. At this stage It'd be much easier for me to do something hackish.




            • Assignee:
              mc0e Andrew McNaughton
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