Status: Done/Fixed
Resolution: Fixed/Completed
Affects Version/s: 4.4.3
Fix Version/s: 5.8
Component/s: None
Versioning Impact:Patch (backwards-compatible bug fixes)
Documentation Required?:None
Funding Source:Needs Funding
This bug affects a specific edge case where contact A has:
- 2 inherited memberships with different 'owner' contacts (B and C)
- Contact A has permissioned relationship with B but NOT with C
- Both memberships have properties such that a reminder is triggered for both in the same execution of Send Scheduled Reminders job
The current code structure uses a global {$notInClause} for the job which excludes non-permissioned inherited membership contacts from getting a reminder. This would need to be changed so that we have separate excluded 'slave contact' lists for each owner_membership instance.
— Original description —
I'm not sure if this is my blocker so will hold this & flesh it out as I figure it out but it seems the code for adding a permissionedRelationships where clause removes contacts from the scheduled reminder based on them having a non-permissioned relationship for ANY inherited membership - which means they can't get a reminder for a different (unrelated) relationship either.
static function permissionedRelationships($field) {
$query = '
SELECT AS owner_id, cm.contact_id AS owner_contact, AS slave_id, m.contact_id AS slave_contact, cmt.relationship_type_id AS relation_type, rel.contact_id_a, rel.contact_id_b, rel.is_permission_a_b, rel.is_permission_b_a
FROM civicrm_membership m
LEFT JOIN civicrm_membership cm ON = m.owner_membership_id
LEFT JOIN civicrm_membership_type cmt ON = m.membership_type_id
LEFT JOIN civicrm_relationship rel ON ( ( rel.contact_id_a = m.contact_id AND rel.contact_id_b = cm.contact_id AND rel.relationship_type_id = cmt.relationship_type_id )
OR ( rel.contact_id_a = cm.contact_id AND rel.contact_id_b = m.contact_id AND rel.relationship_type_id = cmt.relationship_type_id ) )
WHERE m.owner_membership_id IS NOT NULL AND
( rel.is_permission_a_b = 0 OR rel.is_permission_b_a = 0)
Issue Links
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CRM-11342 Membership reminder emails should not be sent to non-permissioned employees
- Done/Fixed
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