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  1. CiviCRM
  2. CRM-1236

Civicontribute contribution_type error


    • Type: Bug
    • Status: Done/Fixed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Fixed/Completed
    • Affects Version/s: 1.4
    • Fix Version/s: 1.5
    • Labels:


      release 1.4 rev 6462m

      When importing contributions I have the following import

      First Name,Last Name,total amount,source,receive date,contribution type
      Debra,Scott,145.81,sustainer,01-01-2005,donation !! note the lower case d in donation

      This record will import without error.

      But the amount of 145.81 does not show up as a contribution for Debra Scott.
      It shows up under the activity tab->history as "Array" not "Donation".
      I do not know what array means.

      The civicrm_contribution table shows a value of NULL in the contribution_type column.
      Other rows have a Value of 1 in this column. These rows were generated with an import
      containing a contribution type of "Donation" upper case D.

      The civicrm_activity_history table shows the following
      activity_type "Array"
      activity_summary "$ 145.81 - Array (updated on August 16th, 2006 9:15 PM)"

      when the import file contains "Donation", upper case D the following is created
      activity_type "Donation"
      activity_summary "$ 145.81 - Donation (updated on August 16th, 2006 9:15 PM)"

      I have to manualy use a MYSQL tool to fix all the rows which were imported in error.
      These are the only tables which I can see that needed to be corrected.
      Are there others?

      Could someone please check the code to see what could have happened on this case mismatch?
      This is a small user error which seems to be messing up a lot of stuff.
      If the import value for contribution type is case dependant then it would be
      good to generate and error when the case is not correct and not continue with the import.

      civicrm_contribution table
      contribution_type is NULL for "donation"
      contribution_type is 1 for "Donation"

      civicrm_activity_history table
      For a contribution type "donation" import
      activity_type Array "$25.00 - Array (updated on September 12th, 2006 11:15 AM)"
      For a contribution type "Donation" import
      activity_summary Donation "$ 10.00 - Donation (updated on August 16th, 2006 9:15 PM)"




            • Assignee:
              lobo Donald A. Lobo
              lhedrick Larry Hedrick
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