If you create a LINK in the HTML message body which includes more than one element in the query string, the editor correctly converts the ampersands into the corresonding character entity ("&"). HOWEVER, this causes the function which identifies Trackable URLs to ignore the link. Given that links to CiviCRM pages for contributions and events will fall into this bug - we should fix this.
To recreate:
- Create a Mailing using the Compose method and create a link using the Editor "Link" tool.
- Link URL:
- If you view the HTML source in the editor, you'll see that the above is converted to:
When you do a test (or live) mailing with Click-thru enabled, you'll see that this Link is NOT tracked.
I "think" this is a problem with the regex in CRM/Mailing/BAO/TrackableURL.php - but not sure.