Implement the mockup shown here:
... with the following changes / additions:
1. "New Activity" field is a dojo or jquery comboBox with auto-complete. Only activity types which are valid for the current Case Type are available (this "filter" is specified in the Case Configuration XML file).
2. "Report" field is a standard <select> drop-down. The select options are retrieved from the Case Configuration file - use <label> for option display and <keyname> for option value.
<keyname>15 Day Review</keyname>
<label>15 Day Review</label>
3. Links to modify Case Type, Case Subject and Case Status will go to activity types which handle these actions. (further spec TBD)
4. The "Case Roles" and "Case Activities" section should be implemented as dynamic panes (dojo or jquery) rather than the simple show/hide fieldsets in the mockup.
5. Case Roles table is a list of all relationships where case_id = this case. Contact_A in case relationships is always the client, so we don't display that. Contact B may be null (disply is "not assigned"). Edit case role icon will ilnk to a jquery or dojo driven mini-form which allows user to select a (different) contact to for the case role (i.e. for Contact B in that relationship).
6. Case Activities search / selector should allow search and paging through results in the pane (i.e without reloading the enclosing page). We'll probably need to experiment with the default search criteria for when the pane first loads - but let's start with Activities Completed From = ( now() - 14 day ) - i.e. activities completed in the last 2 weeks.