I have already reproduced this in the sandbox at:
When creating a mass mail with "Track Click-throughs?" checked as yes, if the user puts a very long URL (ie longer than 255 characters) then the following SQL error occurs:
INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_trackable_url (url , mailing_id ) VALUES ('' , 4 ) [nativecode=1406 ** Data too long for column 'url' at row 1]
to reproduce:
1) Click "Mailings ... Create New Mailing"
2) Choose any group and click "Next"
3) Check the box to enable "Track Click-throughs" and click "Next"
4) In the body of the email message, create a hyperlink to a very long URL that has more than 255 characters. (such as the one in the error above)
5) Click "Next". You will now see the SQL error message
FYI: As a work-around, I increased the database field "civicrm_mailing_trackable_url.url" size to 500