Status: To Backport
Resolution: Fixed/Completed
Affects Version/s: 4.2.0, 4.2.1
Fix Version/s: 4.3.0
Component/s: CiviContribute
I'm doing this at the Butcombe Code Sprint. We discussed how the default contribution pages could be improved, and here's what we came up with:
Public page CSS
- Add a public page class at the form level, so we can have different css for public pages than private
- templates/CRM/common/drupal.tpl, drupal6.tpl, joomla.tpl, wordpress.tpl
- $urlIsPublic
- Should have client-side validation with jQuery validate
- (talk to coleman and kurund about this)
Membership levels, contribution options
- Put amount first then label
- Make amount bold
- Make currently selected level have a "selected" class
- Highlight currently selected level in some way,
- If you have autorenew memberships, if you switch to one that supports it then switch to No Thank You, it doesn't remove autorenew fields
- Try to make recurring option, as well as membership autorenew option stack horizontally if we have space
- If you have an autorenew membership, remove "(Your initial membership fee will be processed once you complete the confirmation step. You will be able to cancel automatic renewals at any time by logging in to your account or contacting us.)"
- Add option to Amounts tab for recurring contributions for "I want to let users choose installments", schema change, if unchecked it doesn't display installments stuff
- Remove recurring text about cancellation policy
- If only 1 recurring unit is selected, it shouldn't be a dropdown, but just a word: e.g. if you only select months, it should say "I want to contribute this amount every month"
- Make recurring option a checkbox instead of radio button, remove "I want to make a one-time contribution" altogether
- In the backend, make defaults for recurring have only month checks, not recurring intervals
- Make markup better so it's easier to work with with jquery, specifically add attributes as well as put it in divs
- Make premiums act like EFF's
Billing Address
- "Billing Address is same as above" should default to checked
- If "Billing Address is same as above" is checked, billing fields should be hidden
Profiles / Fields
- Text boxes should have bigger text, more padding, rounded edges
- Text boxes and dropdowns should be the same width, with few exceptions (postal code, security code)
Credit Card Information
- Credit card number field, remove "Enter numbers only, no spaces or dashes". onChange, strip spaces and dashes
- Security code field, remove "Usually the last 3-4 digits in the signature area on the back of the card" but keep image. Make sure it's aligned correctly.
Contributing on behalf of an organization
- When you check "I am contributing on behalf of an organization", should display an ajax loader image and remove it once ajax request finishes