When creating mailing labels, users can restrict to a chosen location type. However, when sending bulk email via CiviMail, you can only send to the primary address.
It would be useful if users could indicate which location type they want to send the bulk email.
We are working with a union that has to restrict email messages based on the location. They often send email that would be inappropriate to send to the designed work address.
They have requested the ability to select a location type and specify one of the following options:
- Only send to the given location type (contacts without an email address of the designated type will not receive the email). Contacts with multiple email addresses of the given location type will have the email address marked bulk, followed by primary as the preferred email.
- Do not send to the given location type (if a contact only has an email address of the given location type, they will not receive the email). Otherwise, the email address marked bulk, followed by primary will be preferred.
- Prefer the given location type, but a contact does not have the given type, prefer bulk, followed by primary.
I would envision two new fields in the database plus two new fields on the first page of the mailing page (when you choose the groups to include). The would be:
- Location type. Defaults to automatic, which means using the current method for choosing the email address to use. Or, you can choose from any of the entered location types
- Email Selection Method: provides the options listed above (with a new option that is the default called "automatic" which means to preserve the current method.
Issue Links
- is supplemented by
CRM-15857 Recipient addressing options for CiviMail
- To Backport