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  1. CiviCRM
  2. CRM-11320

API 4.3 changes (CiviAccounts)



      Hi Joe, Just following up on this - can we get a list of all the changes where the test was fixed to match the schema - ie. where api users will be impacted & we had already committed (via the tests) to respect their code?

      The only specific one I am aware of is the renaming of contribution_type_id to financial_type_id & if this is the only change we can easily handle this in the API layer without breaking everyone's custom code.

      NB - I'm not sure who other than the Accounts team has made changes & changed the tests to reflect the changes - if you are aware of any other instances you might mention them.


      (email below)

      Hi all,

      I just noticed that someone has fixed the tests to reflect schema changes in 4.3 – an obvious one is changing contribution type id to financial type it.

      For API users we need to make the impact on them as small as possible & to let them know of what impact there will be.

      But, in general where tests are changed to match schema changes we need to be
      1) Checking if we can avoid changing api behaviour – e.g. in the case of the contribution_type_id / financial_type_id I think we should use the api aliasing mechanism so people don’t have to change their code
      2) If we can’t do #1 then figuring out how to help api users deal with the changes.

      I’m not sure if there are any changes that have been made to the tests to change the tested behaviour rather than to fix / improve the tests - I’m not quite sure how we find out – apart from asking those people who worked on test fixes for CiviAccounts & possibly ? other recent projects?





            • Assignee:
              eileen Eileen McNaughton
              eileen Eileen McNaughton
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