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  1. CiviCRM
  2. CRM-11725

Initialization of rich Javascript widgets


    • Type: Improvement
    • Status: Done/Fixed
    • Priority: Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed/Completed
    • Affects Version/s: 4.2.7
    • Fix Version/s: 4.5
    • Component/s: Core CiviCRM
    • Labels:
    • Documentation Required?:
      Developer Doc


      == Problem Statement ==

      When using sophisticated widgets (like rich-text editors, calendar popups, the new profile-selector, etc), one must initialize each widget by executing Javascript code. I'm not sure what our coding-convention is for initializing sophisticated widgets – if we don't have one, then we should. It should address issues like:

      1. Working on all pages
      2. Rendering widgets in the initial page-view
      3. Rendering widgets after loading HTML snippets via AJAX/AHAH
      4. Rendering a given widget once
      5. Minimizing duplicate code transfer
      6. Minimizing #codes required to use a widget

      == Comments ==

      • For the calendar widget, we use a technique that satisfies #1-4 – everytime we output markup for a widget, we also output a bunch of Javascript to initialize it. This basically works everywhere. However, it's a bit inefficient/complex. The consumer needs to provide three declarations. From the "Demographics" block:

      PHP: $form->addDate('birth_date', ts('Date of birth'), FALSE, array('formatType' => 'birth'));
      TPL: <div class="crm-label">{$form.birth_date.label}</div>

      {include file="CRM/common/jcalendar.tpl" elementName=birth_date}

      (Aside: Given that we now have CRM_Core_Resources, I think we could make the third one unnecessary.)

      • For the "View Contact - Inplace Editing", the lock UI needs to generate "Ignore/Restart" widgets. These are initialized by subscribing to a custom jQuery event, "crmFormError." The approach presents a trade-off which is basically the opposite of the calendar widget – the custom jQuery events are only supported on one page ("View Contact"), but most of the code is transferred in a .js file – one time.
      • At one point, Coleman brought up the issue of replicating Drupal's "attachBehaviors". I wasn't familiar with the term and didn't understand at the time. I've read about it now. I get it now. Drupal solves the problem with a "Pub/Sub" model – every page-load (or AHAH load) triggers an "attachBehavior" event. To define Javascript logic for a new widget, one creates a .js file which binds a listener to the "attachBehavior" event.


      • For the "Edit Survey" UI, the "Contact Info and Questions" tab is rendered via AHAH. The tab container directly calls a helper function to handle setup. This is a hack.


      • The tabs in the "Edit Survey" UI are interesting for another reason – they trigger Drupal's attachBehavior event. (There's also a similar bit of code used on the "Edit Contact" page provided by way of additionalBlocks.tpl.) This presents an interesting point – when integrating with CMS's and supporting customized .tpl's, downstream developers probably expect that they can define widgets with the CMS's native convention – and those widgets should work everywhere. I'm not saying that we should proactively do much about this. However, I think we should daisy-chain – internally, we would support an 'attachBehavior' event on all our pages/forms/AHAH blocks; on Drupal, our 'attachBehavior' should also trigger Drupal's 'attachBehavior' event.

      == Proposals ==

      1. For 4.3, add a basic pub/sub mechanism like Drupal's attachBehavior. This is "the standard" for initializing rich widgets. Document and announce it. (Also: Document some cases that don't follow the standard and emphasize that they are not examples to emulate. Document that the implementation is incomplete in 4.3 – and that patches are welcome.)
      2. For 4.3, support the pub/sub in a few key AHAH screens (the dashboard, "View Contact," "Edit Contact", and "Edit Survey"). But do*not rewrite everything to use it.
      3. For all new features (enhancing widgets or adding widgets) after Jan 2013, require following the standard.
      4. For 4.4, identify a few specific widgets (like the calendar) and open issues to refactor them.




            • Assignee:
              timotten Tim Otten
              timotten Tim Otten
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