New Feature
Status: Done/Fixed
Resolution: Fixed/Completed
Affects Version/s: 1.1
Fix Version/s: 1.1
Component/s: None
- Alphabet navigation widget is added to both Basic and Advanced search pages.
- Array of letters (links) is dynamically built from the distinct sort_name first letters currently in the DB. This insures that users don't navigate to empty filtered sets and provides the easiest way for the widget to reflect alphabet of the locale of the site. [Lobo has provided a sample of the SQL for building this array. Piotr's theory is that MySQL's universal unicode sorting will automatically sort these letters properly regardless of language - we'll need to verify that.]
- Clicking on a letter has the effect of submitting the search form w/ the current form values AND adding a filter of 'first letter = $clickedLetter'. We also add "Name begins with '$clickedLetter'" to the qill array so it displays to the user.
1. Search form values are all empty and user clicks 'C'
- all contacts w/ sort_name like 'C%' are returned
2. Search form values are Name="Pat" and Group="Newsletter", and user clicks 'A' - all contacts with sort_name like '%Pat%', Group="Newsletter" AND sort_name like 'A%' are returned
- A link titled 'All' is appended to the end of the alphabet link list. Clicking this link redisplays the result-set without the 'first character' filter.
- When an A-Z nav letter is the 'active filter' - the href tag for that letter should be assigned class="active"
- We may want to add some separator characters between letters or create a block as in vTiger - but this should be able to be added in the template as needed. [login and go to main Contacts tab to see vTiger's layout - ] (They don't have the 'All' link, but Salesforce does and I think it's needed to give users a way to remove the filter.)