Status: Done/Fixed
Resolution: Fixed/Completed
Affects Version/s: 4.3.5
Fix Version/s: 4.3.6
Component/s: None
Been banging my head on a tricky one: I'm using the rest interface with the api_key of user 1, so I'm sure he has all the permissions needed.
I'm creating a contact with related entities (phone+addresses). The contact is properly created, but the related address isn't and I get a:
"Error in call to address_create : API permission check failed for address/create call; missing permission: access CiviCRM."
So it seems that the the current user is lost somewhere. When looking at the account->uid in user_access, it indeed seems to revert to user 0 somewhere between the contact creation and the related entity creation.
I tried to chain other apis and start with a different one that contact.create, when I chain phone.create as the main call and api.address.create it works! (I know it doens't make sense to chain these, but wanted to try)
I'm running low on ideas, someone got a suggestion?
P.S It's a regression from "not too long ago" (I'm sure it worked on 4.2), probably when we introduced better bootstrapping and acl in the api.