Status: Done/Fixed
Resolution: Fixed/Completed
Affects Version/s: 3.2
Fix Version/s: 3.2.3
Component/s: CiviEvent, CiviReport
Version 3.2 added the ability to set a participant count for individual price set fields (e.g. table of 8). See CRM-5724.
However, none of the core reports expose this data to the user.
Attached are 2 custom reports for consideration and possible future inclusion.
IncomeCountSummary provides this data at the event level and is modeled after the contribution summary report. Data can be filtered on event, event type, start date, end date, status, role, and registration date. Event names link to the ParticipantListCount report.
ParticipantListCount provides data on individual participants and is based on the core ParticipantListing report. Participants can be filtered on name, email, event, event type, start date, end date, status, role, and registration date. Contact names link to contact summary pages, participant ID links to the participant record, and events link to the core event income report.
I adapted these reports from reports created by webaccess as part of the project that resulted in the code for CRM-5724, which in turn were adapted from core reports. They likely require some cleanup to adhere to coding standards.
(This also addresses CRM-6279, which is still listed as open despite the fact that it should never have been filed.)