Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s: 4.6.26, 4.7.23
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: Core CiviCRM, Import
Versioning Impact:Patch (backwards-compatible bug fixes)
Documentation Required?:User and Admin Doc
Funding Source:Paid Issue Queue
The field civicrm_contact.communication_style_id was introduced already some time ago, and is very important for languages that differentiate between formal and familiar speech and greetings (e.g. in German: "Du" and "Sie", or in French "Tu" and "Vous").
Unfortunately, support for this field is not completed: We can enter it, export it and search after it using the search builder, and use it within profiles.
However, it also should be implemented for:
- Importing of contacts
- Advanced Search
"Import" is the more "tricky" one: Support of different greetings based on the communication style is done by some smarty logic within the default postal and email greetings, such as e.g.:
{capture assign=c}{contact.communication_style}{/capture}{capture assign=p}{contact.individual_prefix}{/capture}{if $p=="Frau"}Liebe{else}Lieber{/if} {if $c=="Du"}{ }{contact.first_name}{else}{$p} {contact.formal_title} {contact.last_name}{/if}
This smarty code has to be executed during importing contacts, in order to give the imported contacts the correct greetings.
We would be willing to fund this via Software für Engagierte e.V.