When creating an event, on the first tab you can select to display a map on the event information page, and on the second tab you indicate the event location.
Sometime the event location cannot be geocoded (the latitude/longitude fields are blank).
When this happens, there are no feedback to the user, the event information page display a blank space where the map should be, and the console show a JS error. All this leaves the user wondering why the map is not working for this event (and cursing the hell out of these s***y CRM).
- when the event is saved, if it the location cannot be geocoded and the map is enabled on event info page, display a popup error message (The map cannot be created for this event since the event location cannot be geocoded. Please correct the event location address).
- on the event information page, display a text warning instead of the Google map: Map cannot be loaded as event location is ambiguous.
To replicate: create a new event, indicate a location that cannot be geocoded (ie. Hotel Nikko, Paris) and save. Then go on the public event information page.