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  1. CiviCRM
  2. CRM-1077

Add print to default profile .tpl


    • Type: New Feature
    • Status: Done/Fixed
    • Priority: Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed/Completed
    • Affects Version/s: 1.3
    • Fix Version/s: Unscheduled
    • Component/s: None
    • Labels:


      Add functionality to the default .tpl files for "print" and "email" for displaying profiles (i.e. detail pages). Should only print/email CiviCRM content, not the surrounding User Framework content.

      From the list:
      Elin Waring wrote:
      > Thanks--that worked. I inserted:
      > <a href="javascript:void(0)" title="Print" onclick="window.open(window.location.href+'&pop=1&page=0','win2','status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,titlebar=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,width=640,height=480,directories=no,location=no');">
      > <img src="https://manhattancountryschool.org/development/images/M_images/printButton.png" border="0" alt="Print" align="middle" /> </a>
      > Into the file. It's not totally right yet because it is still including the template elements, but it does work, which makes those views a simple way to get a printed report using a profile.
      > Elin
      > On 6/25/06, Dave Greenberg <dggreenberg@gmail.com> wrote:
      > Hi Elin,
      > I think you can add the button to
      > civicrm/templates/CRM/Profile/Page/View.tpl - depending on where on
      > the page you want it placed.
      > Let us know if you need more help on this...
      > ...dave
      > On 6/25/06, Elin Waring < elin.waring@gmail.com> wrote:
      > > I would like to add a print button to the page you get when you click
      > > "details." I think it shouldn't be a big deal--but I'm not sure what file I
      > > should edit.
      > >
      > > Thanks,
      > >
      > > Elin
      > >
      > > –
      > > Elin Waring
      > > elin.waring@gmail.com
      > > _______________________________________________
      > > Crm-dev mailing list
      > > Crm-dev@lists.objectledge.net
      > > http://lists.objectledge.net/mailman/listinfo/crm-dev
      > >
      > >
      > >
      > –
      > Best regards,
      > Dave Greenberg
      > CiviCRM Team
      > ---------------------
      > Try CiviCRM - http://www.openngo.org
      > _______________________________________________
      > Crm-dev mailing list
      > Crm-dev@lists.objectledge.net
      > http://lists.objectledge.net/mailman/listinfo/crm-dev
      > –
      > Elin Waring
      > elin.waring@gmail.com
      > _______________________________________________
      > Crm-dev mailing list
      > Crm-dev@lists.objectledge.net
      > http://lists.objectledge.net/mailman/listinfo/crm-dev




            • Assignee:
              lobo Donald A. Lobo
              geilhufe David Geilhufe
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