New Feature
Status: Done/Fixed
Resolution: Fixed/Completed
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: 1.2
Component/s: None
CiviCRM administrators need the ability to create and retrieve a domain dump from the CiviCRM admin (web) interface.
1. Create a new admin menu item: "Backup Your Data"
NOTE: This will be one of the items (icons) in the new Admin Control Panel.
2. Present Jscript confirm (if Jscript enabled) or html confirm page:
"Backup Your Data: CiviCRM will create an SQL 'dump' file with all of your existing data, and allow you to download it to your local computer. This process may take a long time and generate a very large file if you have a large number of records.
Do you want to continue?"
[ OK ] [ Cancel ]
3. Run the domainDump functionality if OK (modified as needed to run from web interface) - and return dump file to requesting browser.
NOTE: If we have an easy way to .tar or .zip the dump before download - that would be very desirable. Make sure to set the appropriate mime type for the file depending on whether it's sql or tar or ...
4. Return to admin control panel with a status message on success: "Database Backup: You should now have downloaded an SQL 'dump' of your current data. This dump can be used to repopulate your database if needed. We recommend creating frequent backups and retaining them in a secure place."