Status: Done/Fixed
Resolution: Won't Fix
Affects Version/s: 3.4.8, 4.0.8, 4.1.0, 4.1.1, 4.1.2
Fix Version/s: Unscheduled
Component/s: CiviCampaign
Versioning Impact:Patch (backwards-compatible bug fixes)
Documentation Required?:None
Funding Source:Needs Funding
The GOTV workflow sequence of steps is out of order. In a nutshell, you can only use the GOTV feature if you've created your target group, created your survey, and reserved respondents. If you then want to record who voted, you can use GOTV to do that BUT you don't get to see the Survey questions. If you decide to record responses to the survey for some contacts, they then won't show up when you want to use GOTV to record if they voted (because those folks are already makred as being interviewed).
Here's current workflow as works now:
- create your group to survey/GOTV
- create your survey with questions (required to create a survey to use GOTV feature)
- reserve respondents from the group
- you can then choose to:
- click on GOTV to record who voted - but then you don't see the survey questions to do anything with them; if you then later want to record survey responses, the people you checked who voted earlier, won't appear on the 'Interview respondents' list since they're already marked as interviewed.
- interview respondents to record their responses to the survey, but you don't get to check if they Voted. If you then later want to record who voted using GOTV, those contacts you interviewed earlier won't show up in the list of contacts for GOTV (because they're already marked as interviewed)
To correct the workflow, we may want to do any of the following:
- allow to record responses to survey as is done now, and marking them interviewed - no matter when in the process of the workflow
- if want to use GOTV - they should just be able to - mark they voted (regardless if they've responded to survey before) - or have option to show survey questions on the GOTV screen (maybe at the poll you want to ask folks a question - although I think legally, you can't be near anyone at the polls to ask them anything - but you can see who voted)
- or just allow to do GOTV - but don't have to create a survey at all, but you still need to create your group, and reserve respondents... then once you check they voted using GOTV, they're marked as interviews (as i think it's done now?)
I think the latter is the simplest way to handle this right now...
The documentation - is slightly off - but irregardless, the workflow makes no sense as it works now...
Let me know what you think