Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s: 4.6.9
Fix Version/s: Unscheduled
Component/s: CiviReport
Versioning Impact:Patch (backwards-compatible bug fixes)
Documentation Required?:None
Funding Source:Needs Funding
Per Kurund Jalmi's suggestion, creating a separate ticket for this issue (originally reported in
Regarding the Contribution Details report, the issue is if you do NOT include the "Contribution or soft credit?" column, the soft credit lines appear to be additional contributions (which they are not), and the contact name and soft credit amount do NOT appear in the "Soft Credits" column, which is inconsistent, so, upon further consideration, maybe the following would be preferable:
1. Do not include soft credits as separate lines in the contribution report (after all, they are not contributions)
2. So long as the soft credit column is toggled for display, it should list the soft credit information related to the contribution without regards to other columns
If the above is implemented, the following changes to the current columns available for soft credits in the contribution detail report may also be useful for clarification purposes:
1. Contribution OR Soft Credit? - no longer needed if only contributions will be listed
2. Soft Credits - I would still prefer this column to contain only amounts, and have another column (see #3 below) containing names, so maybe instead of concatenation (which upon further thought I agree will make it difficult to follow), then perhaps a grouping might be preferable such that each soft credit of a given contribution will have a separate line grouped by the contribution?
3. Soft Credit For - not sure what this column is supposed to display? Perhaps it could be re-purposed as "Soft Credit to" and list the names of the soft credit contacts
4. Soft Credit Type - remains unchanged
These changes, should they be made, may also need to be considered for other contribution reports as time/priority allows.