Regular expressions used in CiviMailProcessor script had hard-coded VERP separator character. This has now been fixed to use the site-configured VERP separator (defined at CiviMail -> MailerSettings -> VERP_Separator).
NOTE: The original poster also noted a problem with using -f parameter for sendmail. However our team is not experienced enough with sendmail to change the underlying package code. If you use sendmail and are having problems with bounce processing - check his comment below (item 1).
— Original Post ----
While trying to get bounce processing to work I stumbled to 2 bugs.
I was surprised not to find any reports or doc,
although they might be there.
1) I never found a documentation that states that by using sendmail you cannot do bounce processing.
Because code calls sendmail with -f argument which destroys return-path.
$mail = @popen($this->sendmail_path . (!empty($this->sendmail_args) ? ' ' . $this->sendmail_args : '') . " -f$from – $recipients", 'w');
2) I never found a documentation, that states that it doesn't matter how you configure VERP separator (at CiviMail -> MailerSettings -> VERP_Separator),
because its hardcoded and you anyway have to use dot for separator or otherwise it simply doesn't work.
bin/CiviMailProcessor.php: 52,53,56
$commonRegex = '/^' . preg_quote($dao->localpart) . '(b|bounce|c|confirm|o|optOut|r|reply|re|e|resubscribe|u|unsubscribe)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.([0-9a-f]
$subscrRegex = '/^' . preg_quote($dao->localpart) . '(s|subscribe)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)@' . preg_quote($dao->domain) . '$/';
$regex = '/^' . preg_quote($dao->localpart) . '(b|c|e|o|r|u)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.([0-9a-f]{16}
)@' . preg_quote($dao->domain) . '$/';
Maybe this bug-report has value for someone who attempts to set up CiviMail Bounce Processing.