1. Allow view of case activities w/o subject for activity "selectors" - drill down in case dashboard and Case Activities grid in Manage Case - but inserting '(no subject)' for these activity rows.
2. IF no subject is entered by the user for "Change Case Status" or "Change Case Type" - automatically insert a status describing what was done.
— Original post ----
The combination of CRM-4515 and the recent CRM-5871 leaves open the possibility that the subject doesn't get filled in, meaning that since there is also no edit link when you go back to manage case, you can't view the activity at all.
Not sure what the best fix is. I think at one time we discussed having the activity list display "(no subject)", which is probably easier to do, but I don't remember whether it was rejected or not and why or why not.
Or maybe have subject be mandatory if the activity type has editable = 0 in Settings.xml ?
Or even better might be a combination of two things: The change case start date currently puts in its own subject for you. Change case status and change case type are similar and should probably behave the same way, e.g. they should autoset the subject to "Changed case status from Open to Closed". Then combine that with a blank subject being displayed as "(no subject)", since you can set editable=0 for any activity type.
Issue Links
- is supplemented by
CRM-6624 Include prior value in Subject for non-editable case activities
- Done/Fixed