Eliminate the Activity Due Date field and just have one field for case activities (as we do for regular activities).
Major changes include :
- remove Due Date from forms, selectors, report output and queries
- need to rework the selector "select" query for case activities (in dashboard and jquery grid in manage case).
- the case level selector has Next Scheduled activity in it - and that will need to be based on next "activity_date_time" where status = Scheduled
rather than next "due_date_time" where status = Scheduled.
- change xmlProcessor to populate activity_date_time rather than due_date_time when auto-populating activities from a timeline (and to use
activity_date_time for offset calculations)
- if activity_date_time IS NULL and due_date_time IS NOT NULL, then set activity_date_time = due_date_time
(before we drop the column)